Showing Posts For Sitael.4680:

Is this really what you want for us?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sitael.4680


Ascended stats are 6.02%-10% (depends on stat scaling) better than exotics. This difference is too small to care with skill having a much higher influence. And no content requires ascended gear, except maybe some of the world bosses, to make up for the damage contribution for those with less than whatever gear Anet balanced them here.

And besides, ascended equipment is not really dungeon loot…unless fractals has some.

Fractals has some. Even on Guild-Missions can drop an ascended-box.
But it is not about the percent. Even if it were only 2%, better is still better. And skills have a minor influence on your stats. The max what you can get for a stat is 300. Far more is what you can get through equipment..

Soon we will get the ascended armour and with that we will have the new level of equiptment complete. Regardless if you need it or not for the content, the best equiptment in the game is from that moment on: ascended.

I can understand why there are so many complains about the grind for ascended gear.
For exotics you had a lots of choices: dungeons, karma, WvW, crafting, world drop.
For ascended you have only one: grinding.
- Grinding for the mats, because the difference between the amount of mats you need for ascended in comparsion to the mats for exotic is extreme. If i wouldn’t know anything about the game and i would only see this difference, i would think ascended is at least 20% better than exotics. (still many people think, that legendary is better than everything else in the game, just because of the grind you need for one.)
- Grinding the fractales (hoping that the ring you would like drops) or running again and again until you have enough marks to buy it. The effort you need to have more than one set of ascended jewelry is not comparable to the effort you need for more than one exotic set.
- Grinding you daylies or your guild missions.

The chances that you get your ascended gear as drop, is like the chance for a prcursor. And even if you got an ascended-box, it is still lottery which stats you got. (the boxes has the samen names as the inscription for crafting, and it is random what typ of box drops)

(edited by Sitael.4680)

A case for the Holy Trinity.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sitael.4680


I am that kind of player – i DO NOT WANT my success to be reliant on other people. That’s why i like this game – at a final boss the other 4 guys can wipe but as long as I’m staying alive I’ve got all i need to still win it.

May i ask you, why do you play an MMO? Do you know what “MMO” stays for?
If you do not need anybody else than yourself to play, you could play any single offline game, like skyrim.

Because of the atmosphere – it’s cool to see people running around doing stuff – they can even do stuff around me as long as my loot/ success isn’t affected by them.
Also market, also friends, also because I loved GW1 and went go GW2 because of GW1 ( which was a CO-RPG).

Maybe it is cool to see people running around and doing stuff but one can have the same thing by watching the TV.
I’m really sorry, that i do not understand why people playing an MMO, but do not want cooperate with the other players. But i understand why it is so in GW2, where this is a very common behavior.
GW2 has – except dungeons and some group evets – no content for group play. There is absolutely no need to play in a group in the whole game. And then many players are surprised when they join a group and realize, that they need to learn how to play.
What do you think why so many are asking in the “collaborativ development” thread for hardmode instances? Maybe because all the instances can be done with 96% dps and 4 % other things and that is humdrum after a while? Maybe because may players are missing some kind of class-roles? Not necessarily a strict trinity, but more diversity against the current dps-dps-dps role allocation.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Sitael.4680


The first part of the plan is for you all to list the top three sections of this area of the game that you would like to discuss:

1. Class Balance
See the discussion on “soft-trinity” resp. class roles.

2. RNG and Loot
For example: if there any difference between the loot of fractale level 10 and level 40 exists, no one seen it yet. Or just take a look on the “Bonus Chest” section of that revard system is utterly bad.

3. Gear and Grind
Ascended Gear-Grinde particularly with regard to the coming ascended armour and legendary jewelry.

4. (i know you say tree) Revamped content and Living Story.
If you desing content that your infrasturctur can not handle, then do not bring it online. See Tequatl 2.0.
The two weeks circle is to fast.

A case for the Holy Trinity.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sitael.4680


To add last thing, I’m all for increasing CC and support in pve but it should be done through traiting not gear. We have enough of it already.

I agree with that.
But we would to have to clarify first what CC is.
In a short term, crowd control is the ability to limit the number of mobs actively fighting during an encounter. Fear, daze, root, stun, mesmerize in any form.
Now look at all class cc skills and their duration and radius and range.
What we have at level 80 in this game as cc would be in other games skills for a beginner.
Most of the times you can CC one mob in this game, because the AI of the mobs is outstanding good, they are running away from you – out of range or radius – etc.
you have no chance for real CC becaus of or that and because of our pathetic skills on CC.

And now look at the dark side, look at the mobs. Knock down a player for 30 sec. isn’t very seldom. Tequatl is a good example if you defending the turrets. The kraits can chain pull you with not a whiff of chance to break it. Or now the labyrinth of the mad king: skeletons push you, mumies pull you and all what you can do is, looking at you life-bar going down. That IS cc!
Regardless how good your group is, you will be never able to do this kind of cc. Sometims i have the impression, this game was made for the mobs and not for us.

No, CC as it should be is not implemented in this game and 99% of the time you just need to do dps because the lack of real CC.

A case for the Holy Trinity.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sitael.4680


That’s not hard content at all.

Then give an example pls, what is a hard conent in your opinion.
I dont like if people just say “that’s not hard content at all”. It has been said in this thread, that “pro gamer” are not the majority in the game. We running all paths in all instances and for us they are not so hard content anymore, but if we are only 4 in our group we like to take a newbie as the 5th one, because they make much less mistakes as most of the self-proclaimed pros.

Why would anyone would do high level fractals that do not reward you with anything if not for challenging himself. And if you do something for challenge and reroll because certain fractal is too hard or you glitch bosses (mossman for instance) it puzzles me to great extent. Especially when volconic fractal end fight is one of the best designed boss encounter.

Good question, but i’m the wrong addressee. I said how it is in most of the cases if you join a high lvl fractale group. How ever, in my opinion all of the higer level fractals are extremly poor designed, without exception.
Putting tons of mobs that do more damage and have a bigger life-pool is not a good desing. it is not even a design. The only real difference between lower and higher level fractals can be expressed with the number of mobs you have to kill. No really new game mechnics, no new strategies. just more mobs.

A case for the Holy Trinity.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sitael.4680


What we do is the Mesmer ….

Do it without a mesmer and without a guardian.
If there is no need for roles, then there is no need for a specific class. One would assum that. But that just don’t work. There are instances and paths you can do with same skilled/armoured 5 full zerk warriors and they are instances/paths you just can’t.
The content in this game is not designed for the approach that says “every combination of classes can do every content”. The content is designed for class-roles, but the classes aren’t designed that way. That’s the real problem with the question about the trinity.

A case for the Holy Trinity.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sitael.4680


Ever tried Infused Grawl Shaman on a high-level of FotM with no CC at all so all his lava eles are scattered everywhere rooting everyone in the party?

I’v done FotM at lvl 67 allready, but you know well if you do high lvl fotm, that most of the times, groups avoid the Grawl fract at that high level)
What kind of CC you really need there?
You can use fear (necro and who else for mass fear ???) and you can use … what?
Stomp, Bolas, Line of Warding, Net Turrent, Slick Shoes, Point Blank Shot, Barrage, Muddy Terrain and and and … of course they are many many skills which do CC, but how many of them you can really yuse in a usefull manner on that place, when you need to break the Shaman’ss bubble and avoid him to reach one of the NPCs? All of the chill/immobi/slow effets are more or less useless at that point, beacuse the lava elmentals use for the root a range skill.

You need two things: first of all: condition removal and maybe the blinding blades from guardian to pull some of them to you to dps them down. but condition removal is rarely CC.

A case for the Holy Trinity.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sitael.4680


Do some harder content than world bosses or cof1 and say again that cc and support don’t matter at all.

What kind of CC you need for Subject Alpha?
Path 1: stay close and do dps
The other paths: stay close and do dps → aoe flield → forth, dodge back → repeat the circle. (or for creativity: back, dodge forth)

What kind of CC you need for Giganticus Lupicus?
chill/fear/knock back the adds in the 1st phase? bad idea.

What kind of CC you need for “Dwayna” in Path 4 in Arha?
For the sparkles? The only CC you need is a body touch.

and and and.

Most of the bosses are immune agains cc (defiant) and the mechanic of defiant is as broken as it could be.

A case for the Holy Trinity.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sitael.4680


I am that kind of player – i DO NOT WANT my success to be reliant on other people. That’s why i like this game – at a final boss the other 4 guys can wipe but as long as I’m staying alive I’ve got all i need to still win it.

May i ask you, why do you play an MMO? Do you know what “MMO” stays for?
If you do not need anybody else than yourself to play, you could play any single offline game, like skyrim.

A case for the Holy Trinity.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sitael.4680


But gear doesn’t support your role other than boost your dps. Being support in dps gear while other support stats are there crying in the corner with the lights off… design working as intended!

You right. unfortunately.
for example: i could boost the healing power of my guad close to or over 2K and only 300 comes from threats/skills the rest from the gear. but i never could play out this healing power really well. even if it is possible to skill for HP over 2K the mechanics of the game do not support it in a way, that it would be worth.
That’s wrong with this game: yes, there would be roles in this game, but the mechanics do not support any roles except dps in a reasonable way.

A case for the Holy Trinity.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sitael.4680


Stop asking something that will never happen. Read again, never happen.
No need for it, no desire for it beyond a 0.1% of the community, 0% desire of it from Anet.
It will not, ever, happen.

Could you give us please a source for your averment?

A case for the Holy Trinity.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sitael.4680


But it there where I finally figured out what missing in GW2 that prevented me from enjoying GW2 endgame all this time: Roles.
There are no roles in this game, you never have to work together in anything but the loosest of senses, and you never rely on anybody for anything.

Which leads to a incredibly dull multiplayer experience, and for a massively “multiplayer” online game, that is a colossal problem.

Great posts! A big +
Well written with deep understundig the problem(s) of this game.
I like very much the idea of your soft-trinity.
You are absolutely right with the criticims, that there is no real group play in this game. Someone posted an example of a group play here, but i have to ask “how should that work, if players do not communicate with each other?”.
Because there is no need to communicate in this game. Everybody doing dps, selfheal and sometimes a lill’ bit something for the group. Tequatl 2.0 is the very first event which need communication in this game. TA -Etherblade path is not, because in one or two month it will be the same as any other path in any other inctances.

Many times we offer for the radom(s) in our group to join us in the TS but around 80% refuse it with the argument “why? no need for it, i know the instance”.
And that is all, what you have to know in this game: knowing the inctance is more than enough to play it. there is no need for group play.

Me and most of my friends in GW2 are coming from other MMOs and/or played various MMOs before GW2. All that games had either a more or less distinct trinity or the game was a flop.
Doing everything a little bit, but nothing right is not the path that lead to win (in a sense of player experience and financial success of the game).

I can agree with the players, who say: “there is no need for an explicit trinity”. But a soft-trinity would be great.
Let me give an example why: in lotro there was a trinity yet with the possibility to change your role in your group: a guard could skill red (the dps line) and do dps and champions (warriors) could skill for tanking and so on. there was a clear trinity but in a very flexible way. You even could make very uncomon mixed skill-styles for your class.
Now with the nex update the game will change dramatically and the new system coming with a skilltree and an incredible strange separation between the roles: if you are a healer, then you can heal but absoltely nothing else. all the flexibility is gone.
And many players said allready the will quit (and it is not the usual “oh …bad change, i quit” whining).

What i want to say with that: radical changes in a system are not the best way. so it would be not a good idea to bring a clear and expicit trinity into GW2. but small changes like the idea of a soft-trinity would enrich this game and the player experience.
ANet said (here) that they are planing more/new skills for the level 80 characters (i assume they was talking about “what can i do, if i’m level 80”).
This planned changes would be the best way to add a soft-trinity into this game.

LFG tool

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sitael.4680



What i would like to see in the LFG-Tool is an optional language(s) select.
It is very hard to communicate with someone through the chat, if the partymembers do not share at least one common language.

Please stop neglecting conditions in PvE

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Sitael.4680


You don’t need to make it all ascended. Just use exotic. Better than being useless.

May we quote you in Januray next year, when Ascended armour and weapons are comon in the game?

I have had enough from Overflow!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Sitael.4680


Have you ever participated in WvW map blob with 3 servers fighting each other all at once? Imagine that then apply it to Teq…

I do not care about WvW.

I have had enough from Overflow!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Sitael.4680


So, what’s your sugestion?

What ANet have done before on several occasions. Reducing all graphic effect in the area and increase the amount of players who can join that area.
And ask yourself, why did the developer said, Tequatl scales up to hunderds of players, if it is not possible because of the limitation of the map?

(edited by Sitael.4680)

I have had enough from Overflow!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Sitael.4680


It has been said by ANet that Tequatl need 80+ people and scale up to many hunders. (see down the quote)
But that is not true!
The limitation of the Map is FAR below of “the hundreds”! The highest amount of player who try Tequatl on my server was approx 120-130. More players COULD NOT join the server.

I’m unable to join my home server in the Sparkly Fen since 4 (four) days!

And Sparkly Fen is not only the one place! One need a lot of luck to not to land in an owerflow on Cursed Shore and Malchor’s Leap to!

Question at Anet: what the hell did you done?

I’m willing to bet someday when people get really good at him, less than 80 people will be able to pull it off, that tends to be how anything works in an MMO. It’s balanced for 80 average players though though and scales up into the hundreds ….

Charged Core Promotion recipe change?

in Crafting

Posted by: Sitael.4680


Is it over anyway since Elonian Wine now costs 51 silver 20 copper?

Wut? They doubled the price of the wine? Well there goes all the money I thought I’d be saving by buying 200 cores for Arachnophobia instead of lodestones. Or there goes a crapton of laurels. Yay.

The price is a confirmed bug! Don’t buy untill fix.
Arachnophobia, The crossing end some more recipes are disabled! Read the Patchnotes!

So what is your excuse this time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sitael.4680


Legendaries aren’t visible in kits.
No glow, no footfalls, no effects except grenade barrage if you’re specced 30 points in power with appropriate grenade trait.

You right, with a very very tiny exception. If you have The Predator your standard grenades (F1) are now little spakling fireballs if you throw them.

Holy Grind Wars 2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sitael.4680


What in the world are people complaining about?

There is literally only like 20g worth of mats there… I could go out and collect all that stuff in a single day.

Am I looking at a different page then people here?

Oh you could do that? Pleas do it and show your inventory befor and after that day. BUT don’t forget to go to work we don’t want you loose your job. Do you have one, haven’t you?

No Grind -- The Quote

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sitael.4680


So with all the complaining about how ascended gear is time consuming to get for the upcomming weapons crafting of it, I take it people think they should just get the new stuff off the bat?

Plus whakittens gonna take like 2 weeks or so to get it made with having daily crafting components and such, personaly I do not feel this is done to ruin the game I feel its done to make getting it a little more involved and doing it in a way that noone can just 24/7 rush the game and lets even people who play little like 2 or 4 hours a day personaly I see nothing wrong with this.

It is not so easy as you described. Sure the 2 weeks remain, but look at the things you have todo in this weeks.
What you need for ascended weapons (sorry, the link is in german, there is no such english list yet, go to “Hierarchische Auflistung” and click on the the “[Ausklappen]”):

Look at the needed components:
Dragonit Ore: only from Temples in Orr, Word-Bosses, or Fortress in WvW)
Bloodstone Dust: only from Champions Loot Bag
Empyreal Fragment: Dungeon, Fractale, Jumping Puzzle, Towers and Camp in WvW

Not everybody like all this content. But now you have to do ALL of this, to get your mats (or you buy some of the components from TP) AND you have to do your dailies everytime you are online to have some recipes you would like to craft.

This all clear says for everybody: “you have to play this game as we want, that you play this game!”

Sure, we still can see this relaxed and say: “don’t care so much, with time i will get my ascended weapon”. Yes … but, before of the end of the year we will get ascended armour too. And from that point on, you are gated. You will have the feeling your equip isn’t the best anymore and that will be true. One weapont do not make much difference but a whole armour and weapon(s) and jewells do.

Take a monent time and look at what you need to equip just one of your Chars with the equivalent ascended weapons as you now use as exotic. (for example all of my 80-es have more than one weapon and weapons-sets).

There are 17 ascended Inscriptions and there are 17 ascended weapon typ recipes for each wepon you can craft. No need to know all of the recipes, sure. But if you just use 3 diffent weapons and all of them two times (with diffrent starts) you will need 30 Laures. So you will have to do your dailies at least for 20 days and your monthly. And that just for one Character with a very limited number of weapons.

What if you have 3 or 4 or more Level 80 Character?
What will be the time you will need to eqip them like they are edquipped now with full exotic and with two or more different sets (armour, weapons and jewells)?

This game was a bit grindy yet, but now, this game is all about grinding, regadless if you like to hear it or not.
I’m not angry or otherwise frustrated about the changes, i just see and say clear what this game become. Everething else would be self-deception.

Stop complaining about dungeon rewards

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sitael.4680


And Arah P1 is stupidly easy, stop being bad.

And what is then COF P1?

Please nerf Twilight Arbor p3 Tree

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sitael.4680


I realize not everyone has access to the optimal team setup though….

This is the point. ANet made dungeons and paths, which are not or only hardly doable with a random group. BUT Anet said many times: we designed the classes and dungeons in a way, that every combination of classes can do them. That is simple not true. And form that point on, everything we may say about this and that path is not relevant due of bad desing.
And i don’t want talk about the holy trinity, or change skills/armour/weapon etc. for a specific dungeon/path because it is meaningless in the above context.

Stop complaining about dungeon rewards

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sitael.4680



1g for a dungeon run is WAY too much for ANY of the dungeons given their level of difficulty. The rewards you get from them currently are vastly out of proportion with the time and effort you put into them. 3g from Arah P1, which is literally the easiest dungeon in the game? Really?

Stop whining about not being able to farm COF and actually get good at the game. I’m making way more dosh since the last patch and all I’ve been doing is akitteng in various instances. And I was already making enough before to fund multiple legendaries.

There are may things wrong with the new loot (money) from the dungeons.
First: it is not comprehensible why COF path1 has the same 1G as for example any path in CoE.
The list in the wiki: show one thing very clear: whoever is decided which dungeon/path got how many gold, has absolutely no idea about the dungeons. Was never there and never played any of them.

And if you didn’t meant ironical: Arach P1 is definitely not the easiest path in the game.

Fortune Scrap Vendor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sitael.4680


The Wiki is missing the Zephyrite Weapon-Skins AND they cost now 5 Black Lion-Ticket instad of 1 as during the Event! (may be a bug)

Thanks to fellow Sprinters!

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Sitael.4680


Hate to be -that guy- and break the chain but I feel that it’s stupid to let someone just have something given to them, maybe I’m old fashioned b

May be you are the one i have seen yesterday?
He was very good and he apparently enjoyed to place fals-items on strategic points, where you have to go through so people was kicked down, ported back an so on. He won 5 races in line, after that i leaved the group. I had my achivement allready, so i just done the race for fun but it wasn’t fun anymore. guy like he are the most disgusting typ of players.

Fireworks Thread - Overflow and Achievement issues

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Sitael.4680


Let me explain how this works.

The firework event cycle (them happening every two hours) was started at 9:00 AM PDT. The event itself is tied to the ingame time and will happen at dawn (ingame). So your fireworks might not have happened yet, as it is not dawn ingame.

Apologies for us not communicating this more clearly. But the fireworks will happen every two hours over the course of the weekend, so plenty of time to marvel at them and get the achievement.

It means: the event is starting every 2 hours IF it is dawn on the current (overflow) server?!?!?
If above is correct, it will minimalise the possibilities to got the achivement as there is always an owerflow in LA and it will be a lottery if it is dawn on the current server.

Southsun update May 14th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sitael.4680


Get More Out of WvW
The End of Culling

Quick follow up note, sorry about this one folks. Both of the release notes above are still in testing and are NOT including in the May 14th release. Consider this a spoiler for things that are coming soon as they are ready and signed off on.

You have to cut out this two also from the german release notes!

Issues with the Guild System? Post here!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sitael.4680


There ist another Bug there: i spend a lots of influence i got from Black-Lion chests, but there is after two days noting to see in the history and we did not get the poits too! It is about a couple of tousands of poits, we did not recived!

EDIT: i opened a support ticket to this issue (#130330-000899) as we still do not have the influence points!

(edited by Sitael.4680)

Issues with the Guild System? Post here!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sitael.4680


I’m not sure if this is a bug, but it is really disappointing.. Bf and I made a guild for the guild bank but then switched servers recently.. now all the points we’ve earned over time is gone and the guild bank is no more.. all the guild influence and upgrades history is gone too,

That is not a bug.

Influence is accrued and spent separately by the guild members on each world. For example, a guild with players in Maguuma, Blacktide, and Riverside will have three different pools of Influence and three different build queues, one for each world.


Issues with the Guild System? Post here!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sitael.4680


It ist not only the Guid Bank, which may be a connectivity problem (see:

I’m the leader of our Guild with all Rights, but i can’t change the message of the day and can’t activate guild bounty.

Post 3/26 Patch Guild Issues [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sitael.4680


It looks like some of our game servers are having connectivity problems but your guild data is still intact. We’re continuing to investigate the problem.

Same issu at Elona Reach. Changig Map didn’t helped. Changing from Overflow to the “normal” LA also didn’t helped.

Want to buy: Witch doctor (Clover Woes)

in Crafting

Posted by: Sitael.4680


Since Fire & Frost I’m 100% (5/5) on clovers and looking at a 60% yield on rares from tossing 4 greens into the forge. I also broke my no-ecto streak (just prior to F&F I was 0/12) with an average of > 1 ecto / rare salvaged (somewhere around 20 salvages—I lost count).

It is for me now more than a vague suspicion that the droprate of rares from the forge are someway nerved. Yesterday we do a lot of group-content changing members of the group with guild and friends. I din’t talk about the forge but 4 people said after a while “hm …the forge don’t like me any more. no rares after so and so many attempt” or asking im TS “somethin’ is wrong, i didn’t got any rares for a while from the forge!”

I hate silent nervs.

(edited by Sitael.4680)

Fort Trinity Portals one way only

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sitael.4680


Your pardon sir, but I am not Vigil commander I am PACT commander. Have you confused the two? Do you mean to suggest that any one of these orders does not fall under my chain of command?

Good answere! You made my day! ;-)

New Krait Damoss "Explode" very overpowered

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sitael.4680


learn to dodge

its what the combat is about; mobility and dodging. avoiding attacks, interrupting them, aegis them.

thats how you play the game.
its not final fantasy.

but a lot of people play it this way..
anyway, i remember i was a “not so good player” but after 400h i can say i quite rock with my guardian!

Sorry, but guarian is not the only class in the game and not every class has Aegis or “Hallowend Ground” or “Hold you Ground”.

While i find the Krait event more challenging ( i like how the event scale if more people doing it) there are some other places where the changes are quite exaggerated.

Like the one of the pre events of Dwyna, where you will be ported! into a red circle and instantly knock down. You have no chance to dodge you can do excalty nothing except examining the ground and get the damage if you do not have stability running at that moment.
Same with the Acolytes, three of them and you will stay “as the pillar of strength” and die because there is no such amount of skills in the game as you would need to get out of all those immobility buffs you got.
It is the same old problem we had since a long time: many of the same typ of mobs doing the same skills at the same time and you have no chance to get out of that.

Want to buy: Witch doctor (Clover Woes)

in Crafting

Posted by: Sitael.4680


(Of course this just means more work for me to get him his silly legendary staff behind his back… at least it will be romantic right?)

lol How sweet is that! :-)

Back to “business”: I used the 10 clover recipe untill 70 clover and then the 1 recipe for the rest.
I did not make more than 3 attempts on a play day or if i got 10 clovers at the first or at the second try, i did not try it again. I don’t remember exactly but i’m rather sure i did not need more than 12 attempts to get 70 clovers. My kinmate had 8 or more attempts with the 10 recipe without any clovers at the end. All this was before Fire & Frost.

Since the last patch i have that suspicion too – as someone mentioned earlier – that some kind of “nerf” had taken place on the forge. Before the patch i got usually at least1 rare item from 5 attempts by forging level 80 green stuff. But since the patch i can do 8 or 10 tries without any rares at the end.

Guesting and Overflow [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sitael.4680


The problem is large numbers of people at events causing lag. That’s the problem that needs to be addressed. It doesn’t matter if they are from your own server or guesting, the lag will occur.

Not only.
Is is somehow “remakable” it you see french or spanish guild-names on a german server at world-boss events but nowhere else. english names are more difficult to say, but even so, i know from some guilds that they are not domiciled on my server.
It is a problem if you have 100 players from your own server at an event, but it is a bigger problem if you have 50 more players from other servers too.

One possible solution: you can loot world-boss chest only on your own server. this would not prevent you from guesting and playing with firends (where i think, if you play with friends on other server, you do not do this only for a chest). but it would prevent the current kind of event-tourism.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sitael.4680


Why do we need small guilds again?
If you want to band together with your friends you are still allowed to do so by representing two guilds and making sure the bigger one understands your stand..

You can represent one (1) guild.

Yeah I meant be part of 2 or more at any given time, bad choice of words.

Thats right, but you still can only represent one and if you are going to earn rep. through guild missions for yourself, you will have to represent the guild which offer the mission. And that is very counterproductive for your own small(er) guild.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sitael.4680


Why do we need small guilds again?
If you want to band together with your friends you are still allowed to do so by representing two guilds and making sure the bigger one understands your stand..

You can represent one (1) guild.

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sitael.4680


This amount of needed influence is killing many many smaller guilds but do not bother big guilds in any way. An extremly bad choice of design just make more player frustrated, as they have not a whiff of a chance in a smaller guild.
A full new meaning of “Guild Wars”!

Guild Missions are for 15 players+. I think that 15 players are able to acquire this amount of influence pretty easily in a week.

That don’t change anything.
All other guilds i know have less than 15 members. I will wait for the patch to see, what is really going on, but as far as i can see, we well be overflooded next in the LA map chat with “glfm” and that will mean: guild looking for members.

To the argument “you can buy influence with gold”. Sure, and you are willing to give me 30 Gold? Good to know ;-)

(edited by Sitael.4680)

Guild Missions sneak peek

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sitael.4680


Hmm, according to a preview article on the initial influence cost has been reduced to 30,000

Quote from the link above:

In addition to five types of guild missions each one also has three tiers that increase the level of the mission difficulty. The first type of guild mission your guild will be able to unlock are guild bounties. It will cost your guild 30,000 influence to unlock this mission. Once you unlock this mission it will cost you another 100, 300, or 500 influence to start the mission based on what tier you choose to attempt. The other 4 guild mission types cost 50,000 influence each to unlock.

This amount of needed influence is killing many many smaller guilds but do not bother big guilds in any way. An extremly bad choice of design just make more player frustrated, as they have not a whiff of a chance in a smaller guild.
A full new meaning of “Guild Wars”!

How do I get to the Nightmare Court?

in Sylvari

Posted by: Sitael.4680


This is for the quest Deeply Tangled Roots. I’m trying to meet Renvari at the Nightmare Court gathering but I don’t know where it is!

Where is the Nightmare Court gathering?

lead you to:

look for the green star on your map!

Hyperlinks not working correctly

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Sitael.4680


Are the links from the address bar or from the hyperlink given in the bottom right of the post?

Same here.
It is the “Thread Titel”. Just test it within this forum:
The first thread is “Forum Update Notes – February 7, 2013” links to

but (as i visited the thread already) it brings me to:

and what is really annoying, it brings one to the end of the page (not really to the beginning of the post), so one have to scoll up.

One more example
Necromancer forum: " Juggermancer[Final][Blog Link]"
it brings me to
that means, it brings me to the very bottom of the last posting with no reason for me.

I never read any threads in the Elementalist forum.
Try now " Devs: Ele’s too good, nerfs incoming"
Links to:
and bring me to the top of the first page, as expected.
So i’m now visited that thread. Going back to the elementalis forum main page.
The Thread still links to:
Links to:
but now the link brings me to: again to the very bottom of the last posting even in the case that i didn’t read more than the fist page.

How many levels can I go up crafting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sitael.4680


Well I got a lot of gold so gold a problem. Are you able to provide a link to a site which has crafting guide from 1-80?

So I follow the crafting guides on there and they should get me to level 80. I heard it’s around 50g to fet to level 80 just by crafting

What i can confirm is, that the guide is correct. You can use it to level up to 0-400 in each discipline. What i also can confirm is, that you make 10 level with each carftig discipline. So you can level from 0 – 80 only by leveling your crafting.
If you do not have any crafting material, yes it will cost maybe 50 or more gold to buy all the stuff you will need for crafting.

How many levels can I go up crafting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sitael.4680


Well I got a lot of gold so gold a problem. Are you able to provide a link to a site which has crafting guide from 1-80?

Poor dungeon design is hurting GW2 in my view

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sitael.4680


That’s almost exactly how Anet planed it : each dungeon can be considered end game. They didn’t want the playerbase to only be into a single dungeon but they wanted to spread players around. And so far, it’s going well : if you want a group for nearly any dungeon, you won’t have too much difficulty finding one (the capability of the group is another story).

Maybe, but you will find much easier a group for Ascalon or CoF or HotW (usually Path 1) as for Arah. You can not compare Kohler with Lupicus, and at the end you can even skip Kohler if you don’t want do him, but you can not skip Lupicus.
I’m not against different difficulty level for different dungeons, but as someone suggested, a more difficult dungeon should be also more revarded.

There are only two LWs which ones need Arah: Bifrost and Kamohoali’i Kotaki (and the second is not really on the top 10 of the Legendary-Chart) while there are 11 other LWs which need Ascalon. So running only a single dungeon is – seemingly – wanted by ANet.
In the same time you farm Arah for the 500 Tokens, you can farm Ascalon twice. And that is IMHO poor design.

Poor dungeon design is hurting GW2 in my view

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sitael.4680


okay Arah can be seen as one of the few ‘end game’ dungeons here,

Arah is may be the “last” dungeon, but it is only for a few players the “end game” dungeon. Only a few players are forced to go to Arah for their legendary. The others can do Ascalon or Honor of the Waves etc. etc. It is incomparable easier to do that dungeons than Arah.
That is poor desing.

(edited by Sitael.4680)

Little annoyanceby changing the language

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Sitael.4680


I use to read and post in the english and in the german forum. so i often change the language.
But there is a little annoyance with that:
Usualy my mouse is somwhere “over” the page so i go up with it if i will change the language, but if i hit the link “Services” or “Shop” with the mouse the overlay of that navigation hide the language links. one really have to take care to go with the mouse directly from the side of the page to the language links.

Just put one additional line of code in your CSS.

body #header .wrapper .langselect {
color: #777777;
font-family: “EasonPro”,“Courier New”,“Georgia”,serif;
font-size: 12px;
position: absolute;
right: 63px;
top: 9px;

(edited by Sitael.4680)

Forum Update Notes - February 7, 2013

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Sitael.4680



  • Changes to the +1 Button
    • The size has been increased
    • Grayed out state more visible and prevalent after a reload

It is a bit misleading. Even in the grey button, it is still “+1”, if someone click on it again, it actualy “down vote” the post,. It shuld be changed to “-1” to make it clear, that clicking on the grey botton remove the “+1” Vote from that post.

It is a 404 error in the member page.[Member]/show_votes
In the Breadcrumb the last link (Posts Upvoted) is going to:[Memeber]/posts
but this page is a 404

Jumping Puzzles as Norn and Charr

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sitael.4680


Here’s how it worked.
… [cut long text ]…
I’m currently in a conversation with the latest ‘owner’ of the camera system and we’ll see what comes of that.

I’m very impressed by your answer! It is for me a masterpiece how communication have to be between developers and the community!
It is not a blah blah with no content, you give us a short but nice and good view, how things have been developed. You don’t tell us just “it’s not the way how it works” but tell enough for everybody to understand the main issues and have an idea about the challenges.

Again, i’m very impressed! A very good answer and it is highly appreciated!