Showing Posts For SkiTz.4590:

What other viable option besides D/D?

in Elementalist

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


So we don’t have much other options besides cele D/D dowe? So people are complaining that we are OP in PvP, when we don’t really have any other options to play at this class and not suck?

We have options. Just nothing remotely viable as dd cele ele

S/D Elementalist Roam. Kite game on point.

in Elementalist

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


nice vid.

Build/armory link?

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


There’s no point in arguing with someone like ohoni. He 100% believes he is right even thou anet has proven he is wrong.

It doesn’t even matter if the game director himself comes in here and says “We are making just a couple exclusive rewards and this is going to be our philosophy going forward in regards to endgame progression”.

Ohoni would still respond by saying “colin is wrong and the game will die now since 90-95% of the population will quit according to my make believe statistics . They will quit because a couple new rewards became exclusives and since they couldn’t achieve those rewards, theres absolutely no point in playing such a vast MMORPG anymore since we couldn’t recieve a couple skins”

Flawless logic.

Okay arena net, i'll re-roll a warrior.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


Good for you, i’ll sit there while you’re not doing damage getting heals from my signet and capping the point. Also cleansing ire is great for getting those pesky blinds off seeing as how it cleanses before your f1 lands. Also you seem not to understand that i could be in berserk stance every 12 seconds with a full bar of adrenaline and the GM trait that taunts and bleeds will hit you even if you’re in stealth as long as you’re in range.

I love that you think a one second cast time in any way easy to evade. Even aside from that, you use the staggering blow first, then the f1, and then the hammer 5 and because of berserker spec they’ve got a leap that gives them adrenaline, another knockback, another stun, and a cc break on a 10 second CD.

easier said on paper than actually done…
The way you describe it, its not possible for anyone to beat warrior than..

Okay arena net, i'll re-roll a warrior.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


I’ve yet to see a warrior solo anything better than a guardian or ranger. And a good necromancer can decimate any warrior in PvP. But your call. Hope you find warrior to your liking.

Are you kidding me? Any good warrior kills me in PvP. They just CC me to death with their god kitten hammer. This will only be worse with this new specialization.


those hammer CC’s have very EASY tells (their animations are obvious)

Save your dodges. for when they start their CC rotation. Apply pressure to force them into popping their stances. Auto attack / kite away (don’t blow your burst / condi bomb rotation) while they are in their stances. Once stances are down. Continue your pressure rotation. Win.

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


Who the hell wants to “rub it in”?? is that your excuse? really?
There might be some idiotic 12 year olds running their mouth in LA. how they beat everything so easily and everyone else sucks. but newsflash, there are ppl that act like annoying kids in every game.

You think the majority of the “capable” ppl are doing it so they can finally stand on top of you or something??? Really?

Judging from your behaviour in here, and the comments about the salty tears, you, my friend, would be one of them. You sound exactly like the person who would rub in it.

If I thought I was talking to a person who likes to self reflect, i’d urge you to consider what i’ve said, but I don’t think you are. So, instead, i’ll just tease you with your inability
to comprehend why the average on a normal distribution sits roughly in the middle. :P

If you look back, I’ve already stated about your terrible logic with normal distribution and how irrelevant it is to this topic… So continue teasing me like the child you are anyways. (btw, your sample size is made up/too small. your standard deviation is skewed/too high, thus your conclusion, is in fact, an opinion. But you wouldn’t know that since you are ignorant. Go back and learn about statistics before you spew random stuff to make your opinion look better).

It’s going to be great when you finally quit the game because you can’t get a couple rewards, because that, in essence is what you and a few ppl having been whining and moaning about. Since anet CLEARLY is continuing to add exclusive rewards, your arguments have fallen on deaf ears to anet. So instead, i’ll just tease you on your inability to understand anet is not following your logic =)

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


Hm…without hitting people with a wall of text, it could be easily translated that way imho:

“I want everything that is our there without being as capable as others and without investing the same amount of time”

That’s the problem in nowadays games, everyone wants everything he sees, without investing too much work.

That is indeed what’s being said. They want everything that is out there without being as capable as others and without investing the same amount of time. They want to use time, to cover up the gap in their capability. Because capability might be a currency they don’t have, but time, everyone has. So, the “capable” get their rewards first, the less capable, get their rewards later, after applying the time necessary. So what’s the problem exactly?

Oh yes, let me say it one more time, the problem is, that the “capable” want everyone else to know how “capable” they are, especially the “non capable” guys. They just want to rub it in. They just want to be a visual representation of how much “better” they are than the rest of the plebs.

Who the hell wants to “rub it in”?? is that your excuse? really?
There might be some idiotic 12 year olds running their mouth in LA. how they beat everything so easily and everyone else sucks. but newsflash, there are ppl that act like annoying kids in every game.

You think the majority of the “capable” ppl are doing it so they can finally stand on top of you or something??? Really?

GS auto hits like a wet fish

in Ranger

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


Who cares, most auto attacks in this game in general hit like a wet noodle….

If you are camping in GS spamming auto attack, you are doing something wrong.
It’s not a sustain dps weapon…. it has 1 hard to land burst skill and rest of its skill is pure utility (swoop out of danger or into it, interrupt/daze, and a block to get away).

What other viable option besides D/D?

in Elementalist

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


No other option comes close to DD ele (which is why there are going to be nerfs to it sooner or later.)

I wish they would buff other specs to be on par or at least remotely close to what DD ele is capable of doing in PvP but I don’t see it… Anet will take the easy way out by nerfing it.

Okay arena net, i'll re-roll a warrior.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


I’ve yet to see a warrior solo anything better than a guardian or ranger. And a good necromancer can decimate any warrior in PvP. But your call. Hope you find warrior to your liking.

I didnt know rangers could solo arah or high lvl fractals as well as warrriors.
I wonder why there are more solo warriors advertising arah runs for sale…

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


The idea of everything being available through all content is the same as having gold as the currency. What’s the point in creating all these new reward tracks for all types of content if you can just use gold (or karma).

The point would be to use those reward tracks if that’s the method you want to use to obtain things?

I don’t get what’s so hard to understand about that.

There is a reason they are trying to go away of gold as the currency, they aren’t doing it because they don’t like gold, but because they don’t want every reward being available through all kinds of content. Can’t change that.

And you’re so certain that can’t be changed because…why exactly? Do you have a crystal ball? Mind PMing me the next winning lotto numbers?

Idk why you keep arguing

Because I own the game and as such have access to these forums.

If it bothers you so much, stop replying to me and ignore my posts from here on out.

By all means keep posting. I find it comical how badly your arguments are going. You realize anet has not followed your logic one bit and yet you continue to believe you are 100 % correct and anets doing it wrong by adding exclusive content..

(edited by SkiTz.4590)

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


Should AC armor be available by grinding SW?

Sure, absolutely.

I know you typed out a lot more, and I did snip it, because this one question sums up that we aren’t going to see eye to eye on this, so I don’t see as much point responding to the rest. I did read it, though, so I do see where you’re coming from.

I simply disagree.

Its marvelous you dont get to make development decisions.
You know who else you wont see eye to eye on? Anet. With your statement, you might as well stop making posts for anet since they clearly arent following your logic.

Exactly what kind of logic do you have where you believe you should be able to get a fractal skin drop from a wurm in queensdale or a teq hoard drop from a centaur in Harathi hinterlands?

Idk why you keep arguing when anet has continued to give out exclusive rewards and has stated they are going to still be giving them out with HoT…

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


You are correct, I am assuming and guessing at things along with everyone else here. If it has a cumulative effect like hearthstone, then there is nothing wrong with it going that way imo. my only concern was locking the end reward down to the top players of pvp… which makes it exclusive and controllable by the elite players. which imo is a bad idea.

since you brought up hearthstone and now whining about legendary backpeice locked into legendary tier…. its the same as the legendary card back tied into legendary ranks in hearthstone dude

EVERYONE can achieve legendary.

You all you need to do is pilot a deck with a minimum 51% win rate.
There’s a lot of decks out there that can do that

The thing is, it takes a LOT of games to hit legend(unless you have a high win rate)
I’ve hit legend 3 times out of the god knows how many seasons there have been in hearthstone and I never dropped a cent on that card packs.

Its a matter of dedication.

If you are dedicated and hold a minimum of 51% win rate, you can get the PvP backpeice…

I guarantee you more than 10-100 ppl will have the backpiece…. this isn’t some kind of you have to be ranked top 10 in the Legend league to achieve the reward.
Its just achieve legend rank. thats it. Just like hearthstone. You don’t need a top legend rank for the card back. Just need to hit the legend ranks. Which thousands and thousands of players do…

Flames of War >> Fire Overload

in Elementalist

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


Agreed… I’m jealous of what they gave warrior =(

Might have to make one now lol

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


Only posting and reply to you gene cause you are doing the same and I’m bored at work lol.

But yea, no point arguing anymore.

Just wait till next saturday when everyone will find out if its fact or fiction regarding exclusive rewards behind challenging content

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


Yeah, MMO communities are not as unique as you think they are. There is quite a bit of overlap. And quite a few of ANets changes over the past years have definitely brought the game more in line with the standard WoW-esque style.

3 years since launch and you told me 3 examples , fractals(including ascended gear) , teq revamp and TT
so quite a few changes = 3 and that means anet’s going in the direction Gene Archer doesn’t want..

Yup, we are turning into WoW. Good one… 3 is soooo many examples of “hardcore” content huh… Theres only ONE example of locked out content (high lvl frac requiring ascended gear for Agony resist)… but this one example is somehow enough evidence that in the past 3 years, we are now becoming WoW….

Tell me, how much content has been “non hardcore” than in the past 3 years?? That wasn’t enough to satisfy you huh?

(edited by SkiTz.4590)

Anet pours salt on the wound

in Elementalist

Posted by: SkiTz.4590



Even d/d ele will spend some time 111-ing (in air usually) as part of its rotation.

Only after you’ve built up might stacks to make that air auto attack sting a bit.
But once fire comes off cooldown, you are probably going to switch right out of air
You may 111 in air for a few secs at most during a fight. In overload, your stuck for longer than that

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


for the thousandth time, there’s already easy content thats stupidly well rewarded , now they are adding hard content to be well rewarded. They are adding diversity to the game. Whats your problem with that?

My problem with it is that I’ve seen this song and dance already in games like WoW. It is never enough for the “hardcore” crowd. They won’t be satisfied until they are the only ones with all the shinies and rewards. They won’t be satisfied until they are the only ones making progress. They don’t want anyone else to make progress, they ACTIVELY don’t want anyone ever getting near their progress.

I don’t want this game to turn into WoW. I don’t want ANet to even come close to feeding that elitist raid or die mentality. There is no going back from it once you start.

Yes, I’m the selfish one for daring to want everyone to be able to obtain everything in the game in the fashion they please. How dare I. There’s nothing selfish at all about wanting rewards to be exclusive to the few. Nothing selfish about that at all, nope. Clearly you are the selfless one. The unwashed masses should wish they were as dong endowed as you!

I don’t see the types of players here with your description of “they don’t want others to succeed, they want plebs to bow down to their awesomeness, they want to be alone at top of the mountain”….this is NOT WoW, and it WONT turn into WoW because they added unique progression/reward to challenging content… everyone is going to have access to the new content, so your assumptions on this turning into WoW is ridiculous.

unless i misunderstand your post here, did you not do this exact thing in the first post of page 13? or was somehow not being able to wait for the tears and saltiness elude you only when its convenient for your arguement?isnt this below…
“I can already taste the frustration from some of the ppl here that already assume they won’t be able get the unique rewards from the new challenging content. It’s delicious.
Some of you people are just going to be extremely salty when it gets revealed next saturday that unique rewards/progression will be tied into the challenging content.”

just exeactly that?

How does that mean I don’t want others to do the content and I don’t want others to get rewards and beat me???

I’m just saying some ppl are going to be salty if anet reveals exclusive rewards.

That in no way means I want ppl to bow down to me, or I want to be at the top of mountain and laugh at everyone below me…. I’m honestly not even going to be do new content except to try it out once since it will be something new but I would assume the rewards take a while to get so I’m not going for some “world first completion, fastest, yada yada”…… I mostly play PvP or WvW roam with guildies…doubt I’m going to focus towards progressing in the new challenging stuff for pve..

(edited by SkiTz.4590)

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


See there’s the selfish problem I’ve been talking about
You only want people like yourself in the game, Out here doing casual things. You automatically cast stones on people who want something unique or different and label them as filth that needs to be rid of

I personally don’t mind ANY type of players, its an MMORPG. MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE. You don’t decide what type of players are allowed in.

Everyone is welcome to play how they want. Someone wants to be casual, cool. Someone wants to be hardcore, fine. Everyones welcome in my eyes.

But you.. oh no… “GET OUT OF THIS COMMUNITY IF YOU ARENT LIKE ME!!,WE HATE YOUR KIND”.. thats brilliant haha.

No no you missunderstood. It’s not like i want only people like me in the game. Nopes. I just want zero people like you. That’s the thing.

Yeah of course everyone is welcome to play as they want. Nobody says there’s shouldn’t be hard content for you guys to play with if that’s what you like. We’re arguing about the rewards and the need you have for them to be exclusive.

And no, not everyone is welcome in your eyes. Not with the comments you made in this thread. You most certainly made it clear that not everyone is welcome. This is lip service.

I know i’m brilliant. thanks. You didn’t tell me though, did you figure out that bit about the average? I’m very curious about that.

I don’t have a need for all of them to be exclusive… just the ones that are unique and challenging…And see, Anet’s already made exclusive rewards for the unique and challenging parts of the game (PvP legend skins , fractals as well)
Unique titles that are exclusive to their respective game modes, etc etc.
So what are you arguing about? anet’s already made exclusive rewards, and I don’t exactly see them stopping just because you state more than 50% of the population has below avg skills, thus making you believe somehow only 5% of the population will get it lol. Why don’t you say 95% of the population doesn’t have enough skills to get it than?? Why bother using normal distrubution curve if your going to randomly skew the bell curve and say 5% of the ppl can only have the above average skills needed to get the reward?

(edited by SkiTz.4590)

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


Gene, all your posts are invalidated if you believe teq revamp turned him hardcore and only 5% of the population can do it now… and fractals are too hard?? really? my goodness.

They added ascended gear. Woah, one slight (~5% stat) upgrade, and completely unnecessary (Only reason you even need ascended is for minmax WvW/fractals), tier upgrade in 3 years. Ya that’s a good example of showing me how this is going to turn in WoW….. good one…

All of this is meaningless. You KNOW FOR A FACT challenging content is coming, whether you like it or not.

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


for the thousandth time, there’s already easy content thats stupidly well rewarded , now they are adding hard content to be well rewarded. They are adding diversity to the game. Whats your problem with that? You mad because you can’t spam auto attack and acquire the unique loot anymore? You actually have to use the dodge button and that’s too hard for you now?

The only ppl that see anet wasted their time are ppl like you who are too casual to see beyond your own selfish views. You want everything to be obtained from just running circles in silverwastes because its super easy and relaxing right? You really wish you could obtain the PvP legendary backpeice by farming some nodes and opening 500 chests in a PvE map dont you? the heck with unique progression, who needs it right, thats not what MMORPGs are about right!?

Actually you’re the reason he’s mad about. He wants less people like you in the game. I do too. You’re everything that’s wrong with the community you represent.

Mmorpgs aren’t about progression. At least not when they first showed up. They were about virtual worlds we get to inhabit. They were about stories and lore. Exploration and adventure. The loot, the progression and everything else were just the secondary methods that were used to enhance the experience. That’s why we used to have weird stuff like weight allowances and different kinds of coins that didn’t automatically went up a tier. We had big races that sometimes couldn’t fit through certain doors, small races that couldn’t wield big 2handed weapons twice their size. We had worlds with souls. And then you came. Tell me, did you finally figured out why the average on a normal distribution is in the middle (and thus 50% of the population will always be below average) or are you still struggling with it?

So you want to play skyrim with friends? story lore exploration adventure… are all done better in single player RPGs…but anyways,

See there’s the selfish problem I’ve been talking about
You only want people like yourself in the game, Out here doing casual things. You automatically cast stones on people who want something unique or different and label them as filth that needs to be rid of

I personally don’t mind ANY type of players, its an MMORPG. MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE. You don’t decide what type of players are allowed in.

Everyone is welcome to play how they want. Someone wants to be casual, cool. Someone wants to be hardcore, fine. Everyones welcome in my eyes.

But you.. oh no… “GET OUT OF THIS COMMUNITY IF YOU ARENT LIKE ME!!,WE HATE YOUR KIND”.. thats brilliant haha.

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


for the thousandth time, there’s already easy content thats stupidly well rewarded , now they are adding hard content to be well rewarded. They are adding diversity to the game. Whats your problem with that?

My problem with it is that I’ve seen this song and dance already in games like WoW. It is never enough for the “hardcore” crowd. They won’t be satisfied until they are the only ones with all the shinies and rewards. They won’t be satisfied until they are the only ones making progress. They don’t want anyone else to make progress, they ACTIVELY don’t want anyone ever getting near their progress.

I don’t want this game to turn into WoW. I don’t want ANet to even come close to feeding that elitist raid or die mentality. There is no going back from it once you start.

Yes, I’m the selfish one for daring to want everyone to be able to obtain everything in the game in the fashion they please. How dare I. There’s nothing selfish at all about wanting rewards to be exclusive to the few. Nothing selfish about that at all, nope. Clearly you are the selfless one. The unwashed masses should wish they were as dong endowed as you!

First off, there is not even a hardcore crowd in this game because there is nothing hardcore in this game to begin with, so your basis is completely off. You have to have hardcore content in order to have hardcore players.

2nd, This won’t be another WoW so long as they don’t add power creep via more powerful weapons/armor tiers. GW2 will remain just fine as long as they are not adding ridiculous power creep like WoW did where you absolutely HAVE TO GET X RAID GEAR to do the best content.

I don’t see the types of players here with your description of “they don’t want others to succeed, they want plebs to bow down to their awesomeness, they want to be alone at top of the mountain”….this is NOT WoW, and it WONT turn into WoW because they added unique progression/reward to challenging content… everyone is going to have access to the new content, so your assumptions on this turning into WoW is ridiculous.

Who ever said the challenging content will be exclusive to a few???
Just because you failed once and gave up and now say “welp, only 5% of the players will ever beat it, there’s no way I could get better and accomplish it!”, doesn’t mean its exclusive.

If you can buy HoT and jump right into the new content without any pre reqs (like ton of AR for high lvl fracs), than its 100% accessible to EVERYONE. Not a select few….

(edited by SkiTz.4590)

ArenaNet-Try Harder(to get me to)Pre-Order

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


Guild Wars Factions

Hundreds of new creatures, guild halls, skills and more
Two new professions: the deadly Assassin and the necromantic Ritualist
A whole new continent, Cantha, either connects to the lands of Tyria or stands on its own
Guilds band together into alliances to gain control of towns and access exclusive Alliance Missions
New game types include missions with ranked scoring and large-scale Alliance vs. Alliance battles

What do we get

8? new zones
1 new pvp mode
1 new class
elite specialization with weapons nobody want to use


Guild Wars Factions was a standalone game, not an expansion. Eye of the North would have been a better comparison.


Tons of new content designed exclusively for your existing Guild Wars characters.
18 huge, multi-level dungeons to explore. Monuments of your Guild Wars achievements that give access to special items and titles in Guild Wars 2.
150 new skills (50 of which are special, roleplaying-only skills) to use against your foes. 10 new Heroes to help you in your adventures.
40 new armor sets suitable for the great heroes of the land. A first look at three of the exciting new playable races in Guild Wars 2.
Numerous new items, weapons, and titles to attain.


If EotN had 18 dungeons then GW2 has 33 dungeons with possibly another 11. Also ignoring that they’re two entirely different games. It seems people are more concerned about quantity than quality.

GW2, a full game for twice the price. Of course it should have more ~~

Nope. You’re making the mistake of trying to compare the price of one thing in relation to its content to another. I bought Fallout 3 and GW2 both for $60. GW2 obviously had much more content. By your rationale I was ripped off when I bought Fallout 3 since GW2 is the measure of what an acceptable amount of content is worth at $60. You decide a content’s worth based in the value you get from it and whether said value is worth the cost to you.

Fallout 3 is not an MMORPG now is it?
COMPLETELY different games, not a good example at all.

Does it matter? You’re comparing content, not game types.

It clearly kittening matters, games are developed and content created on what type of genre they are aiming for

Fallout 3 is more a kin to Skyrim. It’s a singleplayer RPG.
You are not interacting with online players, you have no need as a game dev to create a world to hold xxx,xxx amount of players, you only need to create content for 1 player.
Can you understand that? lots of online players in an online revolving, changing world means you need to create a lot of content….compared to a single player RPG in one world, static world … gee I wonder which one will have more content?

Anet pours salt on the wound

in Elementalist

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


a troll is someone who makes ridiculous bait posts such as “warrior is one of the stronger condi classes in the game”

Again, seriously guys, the joke has run its course, I’m getting pretty tired of you guys calling me a troll just because I don’t agree with you. That’s not what a troll is.

And no, using an overload KILLS your rotation. Literally, there is no rotation if you overload.


Did you even play in the beta? Start in Air, 42315-Overload-2111, Fire, 43521-Overload-5111, back to Air, repeat. You can also rotate in Earth 2411-Overload-2-switch if you like. Drop to water if you need to heal, but water Overload isn’t useful unless you need to heal a lot of others. Now some have said that the Overloads don’t have enough impact to be worth using, and maybe that’s true, but that’s just a numbers issue.

First off you have to be in the attunement you want for 5 secs,
Than you have to channel it for x more seconds, than once you overloaded that attunement, you now have longer recharge since Overloading increases the recharge of the attunement when swapping to a different attunement…. GG , thats not a freaking rotation when you are STUCK in an attunement.


ArenaNet-Try Harder(to get me to)Pre-Order

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


Guild Wars Factions

Hundreds of new creatures, guild halls, skills and more
Two new professions: the deadly Assassin and the necromantic Ritualist
A whole new continent, Cantha, either connects to the lands of Tyria or stands on its own
Guilds band together into alliances to gain control of towns and access exclusive Alliance Missions
New game types include missions with ranked scoring and large-scale Alliance vs. Alliance battles

What do we get

8? new zones
1 new pvp mode
1 new class
elite specialization with weapons nobody want to use


Guild Wars Factions was a standalone game, not an expansion. Eye of the North would have been a better comparison.


Tons of new content designed exclusively for your existing Guild Wars characters.
18 huge, multi-level dungeons to explore. Monuments of your Guild Wars achievements that give access to special items and titles in Guild Wars 2.
150 new skills (50 of which are special, roleplaying-only skills) to use against your foes. 10 new Heroes to help you in your adventures.
40 new armor sets suitable for the great heroes of the land. A first look at three of the exciting new playable races in Guild Wars 2.
Numerous new items, weapons, and titles to attain.


If EotN had 18 dungeons then GW2 has 33 dungeons with possibly another 11. Also ignoring that they’re two entirely different games. It seems people are more concerned about quantity than quality.

GW2, a full game for twice the price. Of course it should have more ~~

Nope. You’re making the mistake of trying to compare the price of one thing in relation to its content to another. I bought Fallout 3 and GW2 both for $60. GW2 obviously had much more content. By your rationale I was ripped off when I bought Fallout 3 since GW2 is the measure of what an acceptable amount of content is worth at $60. You decide a content’s worth based in the value you get from it and whether said value is worth the cost to you.

Fallout 3 is not an MMORPG now is it?
COMPLETELY different games, not a good example at all.

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


Than nobody is going to play the new challenging content if it doesn’t have “unique progression/reward system”.

Then those people shouldn’t have wasted ANet’s time asking for challenging content since they clearly don’t actually care about challenging content.

They should have just been honest and said “I want to be a special snowflake, give me exclusive rewards. Stroke my ego.”

for the thousandth time, there’s already easy content thats stupidly well rewarded , now they are adding hard content to be well rewarded. They are adding diversity to the game. Whats your problem with that? You mad because you can’t spam auto attack and acquire the unique loot anymore? You actually have to use the dodge button and that’s too hard for you now?

The only ppl that see anet wasted their time are ppl like you who are too casual to see beyond your own selfish views. You want everything to be obtained from just running circles in silverwastes because its super easy and relaxing right? You really wish you could obtain the PvP legendary backpeice by farming some nodes and opening 500 chests in a PvE map dont you? the heck with unique progression, who needs it right, thats not what MMORPGs are about right!?

(edited by SkiTz.4590)

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


Than nobody is going to play the new challenging content if it doesn’t have “unique progression/reward system”.
Ppl won’t quit the game, but at the same time,
I highly doubt anet wants to see their new challenging content that they worked kitten as dead content…

I can already taste the frustration from some of the ppl here that already assume they won’t be able get the unique rewards from the new challenging content. It’s delicious.
Some of you people are just going to be extremely salty when it gets revealed next saturday that unique rewards/progression will be tied into the challenging content.

It’s not about the loot, but the joy of the challenge, unless it’s got no loot, in which case challenge means nothing. But it definitely isn’t about the loot, no sir. Only about the challenge, as long as the loot is there of course.

You realize this is an MMORPG right? not dark souls.
Its about progression. Who the hell picks up MMORPGs and says “i’m just playing for challenges”

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


you really dont understand people who want challenge, i think you are confusing it with people who want fame/respect.

If the people who want challenge want it to go along with unique and exclusive rewards, he’s not confusing anything, it’s the same group.

The rest is just convenient rationalizations used to wrap up the need for fame under a more “noble” cause, that of challenge.

Right, so lets ask anet to make the new challenging content completely dead content because whats the point of even doing it if the unique progression/reward can be completed through a path with less resistance (say, spamming auto attack in an open world zerg train).

People will do the new challenging content ONCE (or until they simply beat it), and than leave it permanently with your suggestion of no unique reward/progression. Why? because there’s another path for getting the reward, and that path is A LOT EASIER… I don’t think anet wants to create more dead content….

There’s going to be some kind of unique reward/progression tied into this new content. We’ll know soon enough for sure thou.

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


No player quits a great game simple because they couldn’t achieve an award…

Good. Then we can safely skip giving any unique rewards for challenging content. After all, nobody’s gonna quit because of that.

Than nobody is going to play the new challenging content if it doesn’t have “unique progression/reward system”.
Ppl won’t quit the game, but at the same time,
I highly doubt anet wants to see their new challenging content that they worked kitten as dead content…

I can already taste the frustration from some of the ppl here that already assume they won’t be able get the unique rewards from the new challenging content. It’s delicious.
Some of you people are just going to be extremely salty when it gets revealed next saturday that unique rewards/progression will be tied into the challenging content.

Elementalist and Burning

in Elementalist

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


The hell are you talking about OP?

Ele’s have ridiculous amount of applications for burning.
Guardian might have slightly more but thats kitten near there only condi lol.

What I “the hell” am talking about is exactly what I said. Here, let me repost it so you can read it again …

After reading Warrior’s berserker elite reveal I was struck by how now the Warrior and the Guardian have not only better condition build compatibility(1) … but have superior burning abilities(2) than a class that has actual control over fire itself. How does that happen?

Point 1: Elementalists do not have a viable condition spec for anything outside of zerg/guild WvW. Even those that have posted builds in this thread admit upfront that you are a Glass Cannon that melts to Condition Specs and have no mobility by trying it. That is NOT viability. Nor is your statement about guardians only having burning … WTF do elementalist have other than burning? Bleeds? Please don’t tell me you honestly think we have viable bleed access. Poison? Nope. Torment? Nope. So, seriously … WTH are you talking about?

Point 2: We have 2 abilities on dagger that produce burning. Elementalist are not viable attempting to stick to a single attunement. We have no other burns in our rotation. Add the two together kitten .

the kitten?
I’m talking specifically about burning, no other condis.
I know ele’s dont have any good condi spec, thats not what this is about
Its about how much access ele has to burning

Um, I made the thread, Yes … that is what it is about. Having access but no viability means exactly what? The same as the highest number you can imagine times 0.

Ok, ele doesnt have a viable condi based spec. Blame anet for making tempest useless for condi builds…

Ill give u point 1. I wish ele had viable condi specs..
Still doesnt change that fact ur point 2 was wrong as kitten.
Ele is strong in pvp cause of their fire line and burn synergy

Ele is strong in pvp because of their fire line? That doesn’t line up at all with empirical evidence that suggests that Ele is strong in PvP because of Air-Water-Arcane D/D, Staff, D/F, and sometimes S/F. I mean, I know that Fire-Water-Arcane is viable with D/F, but its hardly the go-to setup for ele … certainly not popular enough to consider what makes Ele strong in pvp.

Scepter and Staff don’t make for decent burning weapons, while dagger locks us into short range combat only which is very problematic given the lack of condi synergy trait choices and gear selection in PvP that forces us into glass cannons.

I especially dislike the entire “30% chance of burn on a crit” trait considering that results in a 15 to 18% chance of a burn at best in sPvP outside of the fire line which we often find ourselves as Ele isn’t viable sitting in any one spec line. Compare that to guardians that get it in an AE every 3rd swing with their trait lines or Warriors that get 3 burns and 1 bleed on long bow at 2 to 3 times the range (and god knows what Beserker is about to give them in addition).

You serious? empirical evidence? Have you seen meta builds or even watched the recent sPvP tournaments? every single Ele was D/D cele with fire.
idk what ranks your playing sPvP in , but every ele i’ve seen has been this meta DD with fire…(ocassionally someone with staff but thats rare)

Go look at the pvp forums on here and see how much crying there is about how broken cele ele DD is right now.

Water and arcane are required. That’s the only lines ele can get enough sustain and tankiness to survive. those 2 have always been required. the last line is up to their personal preference. Fire is the one that’s been meta since the condi changes. Burning is currently very strong.

Idk what empirical evidence your looking at… but cele ele DD with fire IS META and currently one of the most strongest, if not strongest build in PvP.

Anet pours salt on the wound

in Elementalist

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


Warrior has never had a meta condi build in pvp. Try harder next time.

Nobody’s talking about PvP.

You dont have to take my word… Go look at all the meta / viablebuilds warrior has had over the years in each game mode… None are condi….

There have been plenty of Warrior builds based around bleed and fire in the past. They are actually one of the stronger condi classes in the game. How were you guys unaware of this?

Alternate way to play dagger? No its not. Have you even kittening played tempest!!. Its based around boonshare and crap like that… Thats not an alternate dude…. Its the same kittening thing except its less optimal… No one is going to play a less optimal dagger ele unless they like losing.

You work the Overloads into your rotation. In BWE1 they were a bit underpowered, but with BWE2 they’re making some upgrades that might help with that, and they’ll likely continue to improve on it.

And seriously guys, the joke has run its course, I’m getting pretty tired of you guys calling me a troll just because I don’t agree with you. That’s not what a troll is.

a troll is someone who makes ridiculous bait posts such as “warrior is one of the stronger condi classes in the game”

And no, using an overload KILLS your rotation. Literally, there is no rotation if you overload. That also has absolutely nothing to do with the weapon synergy we were talking about, but since you have no idea what to talk about, you just bring up something totally random and unrelated… good job, you just proved you have no clue about this class or game in general.

(edited by SkiTz.4590)

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


Where do you get your assumptions from?
harder means less ppl doing it? what The ppl wanting hardcore pve content either quit the game LONG time ago OR moved into spvp/wvw where its usually not a braindead auto attack spam game like you have now…
less ppl do it because they FIND IT BORING.. thats why anet is bringing in endgame progression/content…. because of evident it was that this game was lacking it…

I don´t really understand how this can be even in question? Even if that probably baffles you, most people don´t want to spend their game time in the same dungeon, the adrenaline rush gets very quickly replaced by the feeling of being tired of failing at the same spot, or a variety of different spots.
I am a fairly stubborn player, but simply gave up at some point to obtain Lumi Armor because of the grindy and unforgiven nature of LS2 .Yes, stuff can both be grindy and unforgiven at once. If I did not luckily have a “pro player” in my guild, I would probably only have a few of them instead of at least a majority of them because I could not be kitten d to enter them again.

Sounds like a personal problem… Its not anets problem or anyone else that you are too stubborn and give up easily and rely on others to carry you… You give up but you still want the reward….sounds reasonable…

That’s where you’re wrong. If there are enough people like Torolan than it is absolutely Anet’s problem because enough people being frustrated isn’t good for the game either.

Let’s say there are 15% of the people who absolutely love hard content and want something really hard t sink their teeth into. If there are 25% of the playerbase frustrated by the content, then there are more people unhappy than happy at the changes.

Well wait, I hear you say. They don’t have to play my content and I don’t have to play their content. That’s true. But if those same people who are already frustrated see rewards that they either can’t have, or rewards that the game is telling them they’re not entitled to because they’re not good enough or not willing to work harder at playing, those people will leave.

In my opinion, it is absolutely Anet’s problem which group is bigger and how changes made to the game will affect the populous and by extension it becomes all our problems.

So you’re essentially saying there will be a mass exodus of players since the majority aren’t “good” enough to complete the unknown challenging content…. right…..
No player quits a great game simple because they couldn’t achieve an award…I haven’t gotten any closer to a precursor or frac wep skin since the day I started over 2 years ago. That frustrated me. Did I quit? NO. Because this is a MMORPG. Theres more to it than getting a couple freaking rewards…

Big deal if you can’t beat the new challenging content and get the rewards.
You realize there is a plethora of other things to do as well right? You seriously going to say a big population of ppl will be quitting since they couldn’t get a certain unique reward lol??? Will there be frustrated ppl? yea, what MMORPG doesn’t have frustrated ppl that can’t achieve a certain reward? thats common. But to assume they will be quitting is delusional.
You going to be unhappy about 1 part of the expansion but rest of it is great, yet you think ppl will quit because of that 1 part? really? Ok, we’ll have to wait and see lol.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


This is a classic example of players evolving and thinking outside the box, min maxing the most effective way to obtain high quantities of rewards.

It was never the intentional design of the Developers who created those events to have level 80’s ritualistically rotate through each event, while leaving most other level 80 content abandoned.

On top of the toxicity it created by our own community it got escalated to a level where Devs had to step in and nerf it.

Basically the devs did not intend us to play Queens dale in this manner and squashed it.

The toxicity was overblown, it’s like any train even in SW. The reason it was nerf because a few whiny posters thinks they know whats best for every new players. I ran across the rain when I first bought this game and I thought it was awesome. It didn’t changed how I played the game.

It wasn’t overblown. I was in that zone doing the train some time and there was plenty of it. It gave a bad impression of the game to new people, when only a few people by percentage were being nasty. But it was enough of a problem to move it, that much I’m sure of.

This is an MMO, I’ve have seen people get nasty with each in Lion’s Arch…should we shut it down too?

First impressions are the strongest and Lion’s Arch isn’t the first zone you go into. First impressions are for a reason.

Even the dailies in low level zones are bad for new players as far as I’m concerned, because it’s hard for them to get stuff done when other people are calling out events and porting all over the place. The number of 80s in the zone killing stuff before new players is just bad.

Also, Lion’s Arch has no mobs or events, it’s just people in map chat talking. There’s not much you can do wrong in LA to get yourself yelled at, even if people yell at each other in map chat. But a new person killing something out of order and getting yelled at? lol

No comparison. This is why I said no champ trains in LOW LEVEL ZONES.

Honestly, what low level had ANY clue about how to beat a champ???
You just said a new person would kill a champ and get yelled at… umm unless its a big group of new ppl, they aren’t going to solo a freaking champ when they are new to the game and have majority of their weapons/skills/traits missing…

The ppl that were doing it were more often than not, trolls. Not newbies…

And how long is a new player even going to stay in queensdale? its not like you are spending a week there to see that much toxicity… couple hours at most and than onto the next map to continue leveling up…

Anet pours salt on the wound

in Elementalist

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


Why would you double down? Its already opitmal dude. Why would you bother giving something that is already optimal , a completely unnesseary revamp?..

If the existing class specs are not optimal, they should not be balanced out by making an event better Elite spec, that’s just lazy power creep. If the existing class specs are not good enough, then they should be improved on their own merits. The Elite spec should just be a new option to play with, balanced against the existing ones.

In that way, the Tempest is an alternate way for dagger players to play, to provide a different experience, since while D/D is fun, they might have gotten a bit bored with it over the years.

You are completely clueless and just trolling at this point, dagger is already fun and in a great state, then why not make scepter or focus more fun and viable!??

They could do that, but there’s no reaosn they had to. You could say the same about any class, why isn’t Chronomancer all about the staff? Why isn’t Dragon Hunter all about the Hammer? They picked a direction and went that way, and it doesn’t have to be the direction you would have chosen, but it’s not a bad direction either.

They gave warriors a new role with berseker and torch by giving them potentially a viable condi build….they never did condi well! So your logic made no sense in that example….

. . .

The Warrior never did Condi well. . .

And I’m supposed to take your word as to how this game works over my own. . .

You dont have to take my word… Go look at all the meta / viablebuilds warrior has had over the years in each game mode… None are condi….

Alternate way to play dagger? No its not. Have you even kittening played tempest!!. Its based around boonshare and crap like that… Thats not an alternate dude…. Its the same kittening thing except its less optimal… No one is going to play a less optimal dagger ele unless they like losing.

(edited by SkiTz.4590)

Anet pours salt on the wound

in Elementalist

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


Hes trolling at this point. No point in arguing with a guy that believes warrior had legit meta condi builds lol

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


Where do you get your assumptions from?
harder means less ppl doing it? what The ppl wanting hardcore pve content either quit the game LONG time ago OR moved into spvp/wvw where its usually not a braindead auto attack spam game like you have now…
less ppl do it because they FIND IT BORING.. thats why anet is bringing in endgame progression/content…. because of evident it was that this game was lacking it…

I don´t really understand how this can be even in question? Even if that probably baffles you, most people don´t want to spend their game time in the same dungeon, the adrenaline rush gets very quickly replaced by the feeling of being tired of failing at the same spot, or a variety of different spots.
I am a fairly stubborn player, but simply gave up at some point to obtain Lumi Armor because of the grindy and unforgiven nature of LS2 .Yes, stuff can both be grindy and unforgiven at once. If I did not luckily have a “pro player” in my guild, I would probably only have a few of them instead of at least a majority of them because I could not be kitten d to enter them again.

Sounds like a personal problem… Its not anets problem or anyone else that you are too stubborn and give up easily and rely on others to carry you… You give up but you still want the reward….sounds reasonable…

Elementalist and Burning

in Elementalist

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


The hell are you talking about OP?

Ele’s have ridiculous amount of applications for burning.
Guardian might have slightly more but thats kitten near there only condi lol.

What I “the hell” am talking about is exactly what I said. Here, let me repost it so you can read it again …

After reading Warrior’s berserker elite reveal I was struck by how now the Warrior and the Guardian have not only better condition build compatibility(1) … but have superior burning abilities(2) than a class that has actual control over fire itself. How does that happen?

Point 1: Elementalists do not have a viable condition spec for anything outside of zerg/guild WvW. Even those that have posted builds in this thread admit upfront that you are a Glass Cannon that melts to Condition Specs and have no mobility by trying it. That is NOT viability. Nor is your statement about guardians only having burning … WTF do elementalist have other than burning? Bleeds? Please don’t tell me you honestly think we have viable bleed access. Poison? Nope. Torment? Nope. So, seriously … WTH are you talking about?

Point 2: We have 2 abilities on dagger that produce burning. Elementalist are not viable attempting to stick to a single attunement. We have no other burns in our rotation. Add the two together kitten .

the kitten?
I’m talking specifically about burning, no other condis.
I know ele’s dont have any good condi spec, thats not what this is about
Its about how much access ele has to burning

Um, I made the thread, Yes … that is what it is about. Having access but no viability means exactly what? The same as the highest number you can imagine times 0.

Ok, ele doesnt have a viable condi based spec. Blame anet for making tempest useless for condi builds…

Ill give u point 1. I wish ele had viable condi specs..
Still doesnt change that fact ur point 2 was wrong as kitten.
Ele is strong in pvp cause of their fire line and burn synergy

(edited by SkiTz.4590)

Elementalist and Burning

in Elementalist

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


The hell are you talking about OP?

Ele’s have ridiculous amount of applications for burning.
Guardian might have slightly more but thats kitten near there only condi lol.

Burning is pretty much ele’s only condition as well.

Only useful one yea. They got bleeds but not as reliable. They have traits and skills like glyphs and arcane precision, etc. more so than guardians at least but still in the same boat as burning is their only dangerous one.

Anet pours salt on the wound

in Elementalist

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


dagger combination DOES NOT NEED SYNERGY!. It should have been lower priority but the fact anet completely blew it is what a lot of ppl are complaining about.

dagger is already the most verstatile weapon ele has… what is so hard to understand about that??? There is NO reason to make it synergize BEST with dagger..

You seem to be talking in circles. Dagger is already the most fun build, why shouldn’t ANet double-down on the build players seem to like? I mean, if you don’t like it, then you don’t have to play it, but you not liking it doesn’t mean that ANet made the wrong move.

There are basically two ways to make an extension set, to either fill a role that the class currently does not have, like maybe the Reaper, or to enhance the thing that the class already does well, like the Berserker. They went the latter route with the Tempest, and that’s fine.

Why would you double down? Its already opitmal dude. Why would you bother giving something that is already optimal , a completely unnesseary revamp?.. When there are literallly no other fun or viable build…. They added no diversity what so ever. You are completely clueless and just trolling at this point, dagger is already fun and in a great state, then why not make scepter or focus more fun and viable!??
They gave warriors a new role with berseker and torch by giving them potentially a viable condi build….they never did condi well! So your logic made no sense in that example….
Every class so far as added versatility with their elite spec except tempest… They did nothing to make other weapons more fun or more viable for ele, period…its just a worse d/d ele
There is no point in enhancing something that a class already does well…you give them other possible roles that they dont do well, a chance. Give synergy to weapons and skills that arent doing well…not synergy to something thats already awesome

(edited by SkiTz.4590)

"big announcements"

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


When I see the word announcement, I think of things that we don’t already know about (another words, not specializations).

I’m curious what everyone thinks these announcements will be?

GW2 will now become Pay to Play! Prepare to wonder and marvel at the infinite possibilities that a monthly fee will add to the world of Tyria!

Honestly, though, are you really going to get hyped? Even if ArenaNet weren’t famous for overpromising and underdelivering, that’s obviously marketing speech. Whatever those “big announcements” are, if you really expect anything good at all you will be massively disappointed.

very well said and not only that but i think GW2 will now become Pay to Play! just look how the gem store is . if that ant pay to play i will buy a Daniel Webster cigar and give ever one a free good cigar

The gem store has nothing pay to play about it. Pay for convenience most definitely. The game will never go pay to play. Its a selling point of the game to be free to play. If that changes, then everyone who’s bough the game before that change should never have to pay to play. But as I said it would never happen, false advertising is a big deal. They would lose millions as players take them to cort demanding a refund of every penny they ever spent on the game. It would kill the a heartbeat.

true on them point,s but yet if you want to get the bl salvage kit and the mystic stones to make the 250 salvage kit,s . that costs gold and gems, both . needless to say if you got to farm that stuff instead of using real world money . to make thing,s work it takes time then . now if they was to change it and just come out with 250 salvage kit,s and say charge 15silver for them . they would be loosing out on the buying of gems, and gold and so forth and so on .

You don’t necessarily have to buy them, they can come from your Log-in reward, though it’s rare, it is possible on the day you get the Black Lion drop, at least for the BL Salvage kits, the Mystic Stones, well, I’ll let you think about that for a minute…

gem store is also a straight up “buy gold with your real money” as well with the gem conversion..

the gemstore itself doesn’t have anything pay2win… but it does have the ability for you to simple buy gold which means you can buy whatever you want from TP…even legendaries..

Waht's up with match making

in PvP

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


This is what happens when Ele DD is so strong. It even burns match matching

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


anet has already shown they will make unique skins/mini’s or whatever you hold so close to your heart.

it’s not up to you to decide what should be the correct reward thankfully.

Just know that aesthetics ARE the endgame rewards (PvP – legend backpeice , fractals – skins as we’ll). I have every reason to believe this challenging content will also have some sort of unique skin/mini since that is what anet has been doing – skins, collection, etc is the endgame progression for PvE since new tiers of armor/weapon is not the type of progression gw2 is about. It’s not about getting better armor/weapons statistically, its about getting cooler and rare skins. I don’t see that changing in the new content release.

All of this will be answered next saturday when anet finally reveals the new challenging content/reward. No matter what, you will most likely be disappointed if you think rewards from that new content will be availble by zerging and auto attacking in open world maps (unless the rewards can be bought..)

(edited by SkiTz.4590)

Anet pours salt on the wound

in Elementalist

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


dagger combination DOES NOT NEED SYNERGY!. It should have been lower priority but the fact anet completely blew it is what a lot of ppl are complaining about.

dagger is already the most verstatile weapon ele has… what is so hard to understand about that??? There is NO reason to make it synergize BEST with dagger..

Elementalist and Burning

in Elementalist

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


The hell are you talking about OP?

Ele’s have ridiculous amount of applications for burning.
Guardian might have slightly more but thats kitten near there only condi lol.

What I “the hell” am talking about is exactly what I said. Here, let me repost it so you can read it again …

After reading Warrior’s berserker elite reveal I was struck by how now the Warrior and the Guardian have not only better condition build compatibility(1) … but have superior burning abilities(2) than a class that has actual control over fire itself. How does that happen?

Point 1: Elementalists do not have a viable condition spec for anything outside of zerg/guild WvW. Even those that have posted builds in this thread admit upfront that you are a Glass Cannon that melts to Condition Specs and have no mobility by trying it. That is NOT viability. Nor is your statement about guardians only having burning … WTF do elementalist have other than burning? Bleeds? Please don’t tell me you honestly think we have viable bleed access. Poison? Nope. Torment? Nope. So, seriously … WTH are you talking about?

Point 2: We have 2 abilities on dagger that produce burning. Elementalist are not viable attempting to stick to a single attunement. We have no other burns in our rotation. Add the two together kitten .

the kitten?
I’m talking specifically about burning, no other condis.
I know ele’s dont have any good condi spec, thats not what this is about
Its about how much access ele has to burning

dude, D/D ele has plenty

3 from the weapons (drakes , burning speed and rof)
2 if you take cleansing fire + the trait OR burning precision (either one constantly burns)
another from attuning to fire to get fire shield which also applies burning

so idk wtf you are talking about

Ele in fact has a good selection of constant burn application, better than most.

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


But you are essentially saying this. By saying that you should be able to achieve the same exact rewards that a legendary pvper or a hard mode content player gets by facerolling sw, that is basically what you are saying. Facerolling sw should never give you the same rewards as that. Period. That is not a proportional reward for effort.

I’m not saying that at all. I’m not saying that “facerolling” content should ever be supported, but there is a gulf between facerolling content and, say, Liadri, and I think good gameplay for the average player is somewhere in between. ANet are the ones that currently support the SW chest trains, and if they support it for some things then they should support it for all things, but ideally they would tighten that one up a bit, make the chests less of the value and actual event participation more of one, for example.

Each game mode gets their own set of unique rewards. PvP will get their end game progression, WvW will as well, and the new challenging content as well.
There is NO LOGICAL REASON to EVER split up the rewards and just make them all interchangeable through different game modes as OP wants…

Have you seen the PvP reward tracks?

I PvP quite a bit, yes I have.
No one is pvping because anet added dung armor as a reward (a really slow way to even get dung armor anyways)
I would still be PvPing with or without dung reward tracks…that is not a UNIQUE reward for PvPing.. its just a bit of an extra
All they added were more scraps (minus niche things like tomes of knowledge)

The real progression is in going for champion x profession titles, ranking up for new finishers, etc, and just your personal skill cap in general…
Thankfully leagues are coming into play for progressing towards something actually worthwhile (legendary backpeice)

let me clarify by saying each game mode has their unique progression and this new challenging content will be no different… Dung reward tracks are NOT unique progression to PvP. It’s just something extra anet decided to give since.

(edited by SkiTz.4590)

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


You can believe it’s right way to think all you want to Ohoni, at least anet thinks you are completely wrong, and in the end, thats all that matters…

It’s so refreshing to have mind reader in here … you now know what they think … your powers sir, are amazing

Thank you, but you don’t need to be a mind reader to figure it out.
Anet doesn’t need to specifically say “OP is wrong”
Their actions alone speak for themselves.

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


I told myself I wouldn’t bother posting here as the arguments are just going in circles at this point, but…

I’m not saying that we ever will agree, but it might help if you actually read the words that I typed. At no point did I say anything even approaching : “you should be able to get everything you want with your eyes closed.”

But you are essentially saying this. By saying that you should be able to achieve the same exact rewards that a legendary pvper or a hard mode content player gets by facerolling sw, that is basically what you are saying. Facerolling sw should never give you the same rewards as that. Period. That is not a proportional reward for effort.

I’m glad there has been a lot of positive feedback for VB and I hope they stick to their guns and do not nerf it. It’s great the way it is (well, minus the bugs of course). And I am glad that Anet has chosen to reward PvPers and fractal runners and will hopefully reward challenging group content appropriately as well. More casual folks will still have lots of things to work towards.

He doesn’t want to admit it but its true.
He KNOWS he won’t do the new challenging content and wants to convince anet to make easier paths to the reward…. thats exactly what OP wants.

Each game mode gets their own set of unique rewards. PvP will get their end game progression, WvW will as well, and the new challenging content as well.
There is NO LOGICAL REASON to EVER split up the rewards and just make them all interchangeable through different game modes as OP wants…

This BS “everyone should get a trophy, even thou we chose the path with least resistance” has to go.

You can believe it’s right way to think all you want to Ohoni, at least anet thinks you are completely wrong, and in the end, thats all that matters…

(edited by SkiTz.4590)

Elementalist and Burning

in Elementalist

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


The hell are you talking about OP?

Ele’s have ridiculous amount of applications for burning.
Guardian might have slightly more but thats kitten near there only condi lol.

Anet pours salt on the wound

in Elementalist

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


Once d/d is nerfed similar to how it was nerfed in June 2013 I wonder which excuse tempest knights would use.

When circumstances change, responses need to adapt. I don’t see why you should imply this is a negative. If the Tempest concept actually sucked, I don’t think anyone would be in favor of it.

We can be kitten sure there won’t be any tempests in the current form.

And that’s fine. Tempests don’t have to be a PvP spec. That is not a negative against the spec. But would you argue that there won’t be any Elementalists at all? Not even the current meta builds?

I don’t even think Dragon Hunter is a bad name.

It’s passionately dumb for the Guardians, worst Elite spec so far. They should have gone with “Avenger.”

Yes it is. Thats the bloody definition of a negative.

it is totally and completely USELESS in an ENTIRE GAME MODE.
How is that positive in ANY shape or form?

And yes i would HAPPILY argue that there won’t be any tempest eles even in PvE.
Ele’s are ALREADY TOP NOTCH IN PVE. Useful in every encounter, dungs/fracs, etc etc. What exactly will tempest do when eles are already great?? There no different role tempest plays in PvE than current meta ele builds…

You and like maybe 3 other ppl are the only ones who see tempest in its current state as a positive.

"big announcements"

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


big announcement could be release date… /wishful thinking