He cant know that at all. Pure speculation and very narrow minded imo. Anet have tested and have metrics. I trust them
Not sure if serious.
^then wth are you creating a thread for? Are you expecting everyone to simply agree with you? It’s obvious you have no idea how the game works, yet you insist that this is OP.
What I dont understand!? I say that I dont think getting hit by a 19k gunflame is ok, from my perspective!
You can draw any conclusion you want about that, but I still dont think its balanced! If they agree or not, is up to them!
And do I know how the warrior berserker elite work, ehm. NO. because ive never encountered one until today!
But even if I did, I would not consider that 19k gunflame beeing ok anyway!
People can be as kittened as they want for me saying this, but PvP is suppose to be fun, and getting one shotted isnt fun in any way! And in all other games ive PvPed, one shotting specs got nerfed very fast (even if they were squishy), gw2 might be the only game ive been in where people acually think this is ok.
To me it sounds crazy!
But I wont argue with you guys anymore, I told you my point of view on the matter! You can call me whatever you want, but i feel this way about this spec!
See, funny thing is that this has been brought up before and the OP was proven to not understand what he was talking about. Then, some people jumped in game and tried their kitten est to reproduce the 20k (amount OP claimed he was hit for) and only managed 17k? after building for literally 0 sustain. They didn’t manage that mystical 20k hit and what’d they have to show for it? No sustain. Quite literally no sustain and a ridiculous amount of setup required that just screams “I’M PUTTING EVERYTHING INTO THIS ONE SHOT, PLEASE DON’T DODGE”.
Go ahead and search it up. I’m certain you’ll find that exact thread I was talking about.
Well I’ll be kitten ed. Welp, bring on the doomsayers. Guess everyone has to taste the frustration of being underpowered every now and then. Guess its mesmers turn to feel weak again, then it’ll be back to necros and rangers being UP, then warriors and thieves as the cycle simply continues.
They might.
I play mesmer on the very odd occasion, but plenty of thief, so I’m more than sure that basilisk venom will be the very LEAST of mesmer’s issues vs thief.
^then wth are you creating a thread for? Are you expecting everyone to simply agree with you? It’s obvious you have no idea how the game works, yet you insist that this is OP.
Goooooooooooooooooood riddance.
My first main was thief. I continue to play it in dungeon and pve regularly. You fail to note that with the damage increase, a zerk thief can very likely down me in a single shot. This is not a l2p issue.
I play a thief and I know very well that Mesmer is now an easy kill: steal-> black powder -> heartseeker.. dead. and the bassy venom makea ALL OF THOSE ATTACKS UNBLOCKABLE if you listened to what was actually said on the stream.
Assuming you’ve traited mug, steal would burn one basilisk venom proc. Black powder, unless you quickly stow, would burn the second proc of basilisk venom. If you stow, you’ve wasted precious seconds since BV doesn’t last that long to begin with and now the opponent knows to prepare a defense which (surprise surprise) chronocancer still has a lot of. If you haven’t traited deadly arts (no mug or improv), heartseeker procs the second BV. Now you can simply stun break (if you’re that antsy about not dying) AND THEN block and it’ll be (almost) business as usual.
Seriously, it IS a learn to play issue lol. I won’t believe that mesmer is all but dead until I see a good mesmer actually complain the way some top level thieves have literally been moaning for the past few months. Have mesmers had it hard before 6/23? Yea, thief wasn’t a particularly fair matchup for mes, along with the rest of the faceroll cele bunkers, but a lot of that is changing. I honestly doubt that with all of chrono’s tools, you still wouldn’t be able to outmaneuver a majority of the thieves here.
Well, I’m guessing DH will have more impact once the patch drops and many (if not all) current bunker builds die.
I see what you’re trying to do here and it is not amusing. Try harder next time, OP.
Fap. Make a sandwich. Eat the sandwich. Fap. Do some push ups. Fap. As a bonus, play a bunker and perma hold the point while doing all of this. Catch up on a series you’re watching. Start a series if you’re not. Read a book. All sorts of things, man.
50% win rate exists to make sure you’re at your division. The whole point of ranked was to group people up with people of similar skill level so they can enjoy some decent PvP. When you’re at a 50% win rate, that means you’re currently at your skill level. If you think you’re better than the level you’re at but just cannot progress, you’re simply not as good as you think you are. As far as I’m concerned, there are much bigger issues in the game currently than fine tuning the ranked system.
If they add anymore passives to the game then we will have to start reporting eacother for botting.
The more of these threads, the more funny I find it. Every class thinks their class will be the worst. None of you even know the full list of changes. At least know what you are talking about prior to whining.
Happens everytime. Eles were crying that tempest sucked, guardians were crying about DH having bow, etc. Just glaze over them or jump in for some fun.
Conquest is either bunker or roamer. Fortunately, bruisers will be taking a huge hit with celestial (maybe they can properly rework them and they’ll come back?). I still think chronobunk can work, but you’ll no longer be able to face tank the entire team. I feel like all of these bunkers will finally have to…..rotate. OH THE HORROR, THEY’LL NEVER BE ABLE TO JUST SIT THERE AND TANK THE WORLD.
Eternal champ is the only good trait for power in that tier, although you probably wouldn’t go zerker if you were building power. Kek.
Condi bombs from the sky.
warrior never had issues with DPS
You mean 1.5k Eviscerate is fine in this bunker meta ?
And the bunker meta is changing.
Unless they mentioned a backstab buff, having basilisk making the next two attacks unlockable means very little. Doesn’t change the fact that the thief either ends the fight in a second or two or dies/runs. In either case, it’ll be a very short battle. If he holds onto basilisk instead of opening with it, you simply have to hold onto your heal. Personally, I don’t have an issue with this. My real gripe is that if we somehow guess correctly and dodge his backstab, he gets to simply run after us spamming 1 until it lands.
Also, complaining about venomous aura…? Really…?
But, now, warriors can focus on a more aggressive playstyle or, dare I say, fight like a “berserker”. You’ve got the damage, mobility, and sustain to handle fights that you can end in a short enough time. I’m guessing warriors will have a lot of fun 1v1 now, but the issue of conquest fostering annoying bunker builds is still an issue, but at least cele was removed, so that should count for something.
IMO warrior will be alot better since it wont be such a bunker meta you know.
Funny, this is. People forgot that warrior never had issues with DPS in the first place. The bunker nerf and slight sustain boost sounds like it’d be enough to have warriors at least enjoy non-comp play, but they did say there was more to come.
Question for the eles. Sage and menders won’t give you guys most of what you need?
This. This pleases me.
Anyone summarized it? Hate having to watch hour+ streams and wait through their painfully boring banter to get to what I want.
Sorry, I fell asleep.
Best one yet.
It’ll obviously be car crash vs car crash. Car crash will then throw the match so that they can manipulate the system further and let car crash win so they can farm ANet for even more rewards.
This actually sounds like a really good idea, but how would you stop a dueling/domination or inspiration/chaos mesmers from repeatedly cleansing conditions? I suppose something like this would require each line to be expanded on and make it so that you can only take one of 6 lines, creating further depth.
I thought gliders were just coming for the open world. Will they also be available in sPvP and WvWvW?
…….entire squads of stealthed paratroopers. THE HORROR.
A problem is Chrono offers such basic quality of life features that it pretty much “fixes” what is wrong with core Mesmer – for example Chronophantasma, Time Catches Up, Time Marches On, Illusionary Reversion…
I mean, look how tied we were to Duelling for DE before HoT. Now it’s Inspiration because it offers so much in terms of survival and Chrono because DE isn’t mandatory anymore.
What I don’t like is how trait lines are such All or Nothing choices – it forces builds into any given line depending on the state of the game.
Want passable condi cleanse? Must take Inspiration. Want to play conditions? Must take Illusions. What decent clone/phantasm generation? Must take Duelling and/or Chronomancer. Want to play dps? Must take Domination.I just don’t agree with the “high level” theory behind what trait lines should be as it creates forced choices and restrictions, and mesmer is especially subject to this problem.
Just a question. How do you suggest they set up the trait system? Be able to take any trait and any utility and have it work with any weapon on any class with any amulet in any situation? What would be the point of builds? Each trait line, as you’ve stated, serves a purpose. You have options for everything. Take what you want but know that you’ll be lacking in certain areas, unless you want to have everything which would, again, make builds pointless.
Comparing anything to revenant isn’t a fair comparison. While burn related condition builds do deal damage at a rate that is comparable or exceeds direct power burst, condition builds actually suffer from their own issues that make them all but useless in a 1v1 scenario. What you SHOULD be complaining about is access to stupid amounts of sustain with, often, very little downside.
By being close-mid ranged, you utilize agility and elusiveness the most. There are a little reasons to invest into agility and acrobatics while being long ranged.All weapon sets we have already follow this idea (except P/P, which is a mess). Thief is supposed to be high risk/high reward. There is no risk at long range, therefore you can’t have big rewards = not really what a thief would do.
With my proposition, you could stay at long range if you liked, but most rewarding would be jumping into dangerous melee range to finish the business, delivering big burst – or dying.
I’m not sure if youve faced any decent players, but even if pistols were to be given 1200 range, it’d still be very high risk considering the absurd amounts of mobility literally almost every class has. With my build, I’ve only kited necro successfully and they’re capable of just soaking my damage up all day and everyday. Every other class (save for warrior) can simply tank everything and keep teleporting after me. Trying to get into melee to do damage with a ranged weapon set is redundant. You may as well go with a weapon set designed for melee dps.
Also, YOUR definition of the class isn’t what the devs define the class as. High risk doesn’t always have to involve you getting close since range really doesn’t matter since HoT dropped (UA would like to say hi).
The issue is that GW2 has an action combat system and a poor primary PvP game mode. Games like league and dota work with a few skills simply because they involve many more factors that adds layers upon layers of depth.
What does conquest give us? Circles. What else? Maybe lord, since the mini bosses aren’t usually worth the time on nifhel unless you’ve got the DPS to quickly down them and the mobility to get back to a point (rip thief).
There is nothing to do while afking in HoTM -_-
Woah woah, HOTM has some quality map chat comedy.
Soon, mesmers will feel the thief’s pain and thief will overtake mes with our l33tmlgAAs.
… that dreaded word, “Mounts” ? :-)
You’ve got to admit that with gliding, there are some areas in the open world where you can cover substantial ground without setting foot on mother Earth. It does seem (to me) that this may just be ANET “testing the waters” so to speak.
Nope. Not even a little bit.
No matter how many times the mounts crowd bleets out “but I want it” the fact of the matter is speed has value. You can already have speed in this game, if you’re willing to sacrifice for it. Mounts are almost always presented as free speed and that breaks a bunch of balance points for traits, for weapons skill, for utilities, and for runes.
This and the fact that you can easily swap swiftness giving traits/weapons around easily in the open world. Coupled with waypoints, mounts would actually be somewhat redundant unless you’re doing map complete on a completely new toon.
Quite late, friend. Quite late, indeed. Let’s hope they fix the “revered” first before dealing with such small details.
Were you guys complaining about your scepter AA being the equivalent of a potato launcher? Having issues sticking to faster opponents? No problem, have everything you need for 50$.
No, hold on, we made everything a tad bit too powerful in the DPS/CC department and people have been complaining, so we’ll probably just tweak numbers and leave overall functionality alone, ignoring the fact that traps have partially bugged visuals which is basically a deal breaker when you consider the fact that dragons maw is a stability stripper. Also, we won’t be changing the fact that you can instantly crap out traps from 1200 range with JI because its totally fair for you to have people fall into traps that weren’t initially there because who needs traps to actually behave as traps? Nobody had time for that mess.
I think they’re changing skills entirely. The rifle knock was meh at best, leaving you with a DPS cannon and only one lack luster way to defend yourself.
Guard hammer is strong. I’d ask them to fix specific guard weapon skills, though.
Sword auto needs looking at. Hammer 3rd auto and zealots embrace could be made a smidge faster. Scepter auto is a potato launcher, needs faster projectiles.
For thief, pistol auto is fine but we need to choose between extra power damage while removing the bleed or extra bleed damage while cutting the power in half. Then body shot needs to be replaced with some sort of backwards dodge roll of sorts with a small evasion frame. Unload, as it stands, is a better rapid fire with 0CD. Although I’d like for it to be changed into something more reliable vs better players, I can’t think of any suggestions that wouldn’t make it completely broken.
He’s asking what to do in the event that the enemy has two fully capped points and one white point being fought over.
Check the point the enemy has covered with more players and ask your team to help you outnumber a point with less enemies. Tbh, none of this would be happening if these braindead bunkers didn’t exist, but oh well.
Experts at stealth and surprise, thieves can move through the shadows, vanish into thin air, or steal items from their opponents and use them as weapons. Thieves practice an agile, acrobatic fighting style, which can make them very hard to hit.
Says nothing about them being restricted to melee.
You’re playing a ranged setup. Your efforts should be focused on maintaining distance. Of course you’d be punished for going into melee with a ranged set.
SA+daredevil+traited 16s heal+revenant runes+shadowstep+sigil. Burn guard is basically a free kill.
Interesting use of Runes. I was also thinking Runes of leadership coupled with one of our shorter cooldown elties (impact strike) would be nice here.
But the loss in power just makes me cringe, although the increased vigor uptime sounds nice.
The people who AFK out of matches when they see a warrior on their team are justified in their disappointment/anger and I’ll agree that their reaction is exaggerated. That being said, until ANet does something about this dismal balance, warriors should do everyone a favour and either re-roll or play WvWvW/unranked. Ranked, as much of a joke as it actually is currently, is the mode you play when you want to win and warrior simply isn’t that.
I think your suggestion is interesting, Dagins, but you’d basically be turning thief’s only ranged set into a melee set.
So warriors can’t 1v1. They’re subpar at rotating vs mesmers and thieves. They’re about equal with a tempest ele, but tempest ele brings a ton more to the table. As a +1, they have to rely on gunflame, but considering their subpar rotational abilities, they would need something along the lines of clairvoyance in order to +1 at the right place at the right time. Their support is iffy at best. As you can see, there’s literally nothing a warrior can do, aside from damage, adequately, and even that is in contention.
Warrior vs bunker, bunker wins every time. Why? Quite simple. Rifle, outside of zerk, is subpar and killshot is unusable. During zerk mode, a bunker has more than enough defenses to deal with your funny business (tons of reflect, damage mitigation, etc). I’d list them all if you’d like. The only way you’d bust a bunker is if you managed to +1 without them catching wind of you, but even hammer rev would prove more useful (oh look, a non bunker counter as well). All of this is assuming they’re not pressuring you back since you have nearly 0 sustain, thus forcing you to either give up the point or die and feed them more points. After all of the hooplah on the forums, you’d expect there to be no longer any doubt about this.
SA+daredevil+traited 16s heal+revenant runes+shadowstep+sigil. Burn guard is basically a free kill.
God forbid positioning be an aspect of success. Warriors apparently have to stand on points in order to be useful to their team.
In a 1v1 where you’re defending a node…? Yea.
Why are you pigeonholing Warriors into being 1v1 node defense?
There will always be instances where you have to 1v1 an enemy at an objective you can’t exactly kite around. Thief’s saving grace used to be that the enemy had to be spread out more, always leaving a gap for them to quickly rotate into. Thieves CAN still do that, but not so much anymore. Warriors, on the other hand, are useless as soon a bunker or revenant walks up to them. Not really something that needs explaining :/.
Those who want to compete in teams, in season 2, you will be forced all to play at the highest tier, for example, you have a pre-made team like this: amber, sapphire, diamond, ruby, legendary.. you will face legendary opponents… good luck in season 2!
Ye will be fun. ppl who cant dodge or with less than 20 games played facing ESL teams.
Why do people think that most ambers that legendary players take are actual ambers…?
I deserve challenjour but my team keeps feeding and putting me on tilt.