If this isn’t pay to win, I’m not sure what is.
I know.
Here is a talk from a manager of Battlefield Heroes and a fascinating look at them converting to pay2win. Its genuinely interesting and even has real insight on forums users like us and outrage on the issue (I won’t spoil the ending).
Worth a watch even just to learn a bit more about gamers and forums as well as actual pay2win system.
Also if we use your definition of ‘pay2win’ then EVERY game with an expansion pack falls into that category making the term meaningless.
It is what it is. Unless you want to assign a fixed price point that decides when games become P2W, then it’ll essentially make every DLC/xpac that provides noticeable bonuses to the paying user vs a user without that P2W.
Also, please don’t bring up BFH. I played that game for 3 years and it hurt my soul what EA did to such a golden game. Hell, I dreamt that another company took the rights to the game and relaunched it back into its glory days, then I woke up and cried.
HoT isn’t giving you tear dreams though, its just an expansion pack. It doesn’t make you into a monthly subscriber to keep an advantage or let you spend ludicrous amounts of money to generate massive advantages (Diablo 3 money store would be an example of that).
That video was very informative and confirms alot of what I believed. I will favourite it and come back to it a few times.
Let me tell you a little about BFH. BFH didn’t require for you to pay tons of cash to compete. One really special loadout for me was my soldier’s loadout. BFH has three classes. You had the heavy and slow gunner that generally dominated close quarter engagements. There was also the commando, a squishy, stealthy assassin type that either excelled at super long range with rifles or lick-your-back melee range with their knives. Then you had soldiers who basically worked best at mid range and had very little defense against vehicles. With a very specific loadout, soldier could dominate close quarters like a gunner, dominate super long range and super close range like a commando, AND reliably destroy vehicles. All of this coupled with soldier’s base abilities allowed me to simply carry vs almost entire teams of similarly skilled players with relative ease. I also forgot to mention that a weapon from this loadout also allowed me to scale entire buildings in a single blast of its alternate fire. All of this cost less than 20$ and was permanent. This is me paying for a ridiculous advantage for the price of what? 2-3 full meals depending on where you live. It doesn’t matter how much you pay. The fact that you’re paying for advantage is enough. ANet straight up lied when they called the elites side grades and you want to know something? I’m certain everyone knew that and didn’t care. I’m not complaining about why they added what they added. I’m just here to state that this is, indeed, pay to win.