Showing Posts For SnowCow.5914:

Ele downstate mistform with vamp runes bug

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


I must be blind cause I’ve never notice this bug that has been around for a month apparently or even longer.

I’ve tested this using different rune sets and apparently vamp runes is the culprit cause you can now RESET YOUR DOWN STATE HP TO 80% WITH MISTFORM…

If you didn’t know, have fun! kappa*

Big thanks to Mila Storm for capturing this.

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Sword evade

in Revenant

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


GW2 turns into DBZ!

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Describe the Dragonhunter in 3 Words

in Guardian

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Meh, ugh, pass…

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

What is this?

in Guardian

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


They’ve fixed it now for next BWE so shhhhhhh….

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Should the celestial amulet just be removed?

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


I just think they should just give classes that run it nerfs towards the use of the amulet IE eles and necros. Like they did for engis, they didn’t cause the cele amulet to be useless for engi, it just became “balanced.” I like where cele engi is now, I still see good use in it, and no one really complains about it anymore. Now that’s “balanced!”

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Dear devs please

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Answer to vamp runes is condi!

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Roy, dodge fluff maybe?

in Revenant

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


You’re my hero ROY! Oh and thank you Loneworf Kai!

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

(edited by SnowCow.5914)

Dragonhunter Changes for Next BWE!

in Guardian

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


I’m very much for the idea for more Utility for Deflecting shot instead of just more damage!

Some suggestions, due do it being a skill shot, there can be many ways it can be rewarding to land this move either at the enemy or at allies.

- Make it heal allies it passes through?

- CC multi enemies so you can land skillfull interrupts or peel for allies? Like ranger 4 but less of a knock back and can hit multiple targets it passes through.

- Add soft cc condis like, blind, chill, cripple (would work awesome with the cripple trait!), or immobilize?

-Give a boon or boons to allies it passes through?

-Make it reflect instead of destroy projectiles?

-Make it a much slower projectile, enough so you can run along it, with some of the added benefits mentioned above, or make it a ground target aoe that creates a dome with the same affects?

- Reveal… Kappa*

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Add Race/Class Finishers!

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


I’ll like an extension for the champ titles for people with over 1000 or more ranked wins for that profession like “Legendary Paragon” or “Legendary (insert class)” that comes with a nice shiny finisher based on the profession.

But other personalized finishers would be nice too.

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Better Ways to make money doing PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


You have fun pvping aside from mindlessly farming SW, that’s the trade off. But… another thing to note is you’d actually make quite and bit if you were quite good in pvp. I’m won quite a bit of gems and cash from the ESL’s and mistpedias. Lots of tournaments weekly to participate in.

Then again, a lot of pvp player don’t even care about the mats we get…

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

(edited by SnowCow.5914)

Free to play PvP

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


I strongly agree with this!

Pvp needs a lot more players and this will generate it.

-More people equals more support for the pvp scene, more teams, more revenue (I’m pretty sure people will buy the game once they are invested), and overall more support due to a larger player-base which equals moar ESPORTS!

Isn’t more ESPORTS anets goal?

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

EU-[Orr]PvP Guild/Teams Looking for players.

in Looking for...

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Old wts champ… Oeggs?

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Hotjoin Remove Rewards - Yes or No?

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Not remove but limit rewards for hotjoins more.

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Few Suggestions for Shiro and Sword (pvp)

in Revenant

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


-Make “Phase Traversal” (Shiro skill 9) be able to interrupt.

Interrupting is not easy and every move on rev has extremely easy tells and sword 5 is slow and easy to dodge like Cnd for thieves.

-Either make sword 3 either cancel-able or evade and channel stealth players

Smart players can make great use when that are getting “Unrelented Assaulted” and can trade damage much in there favor when using this skill. I’d like to have a option to prevent that instead of being forced to take free damage when stuck in the channel.

-Sword 2 is just ugh

Needs more chill or redesign?

-Shiro’s Heal

It’s alright, but still feels a bit underwhelming. Could use a bit of a heal boost or have the shards proc/hit more effectively.


Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Impressions of Beta

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Dragonhunter- eww

Revenant- meh

Reaper- hmm.. it’s ight

Tempest- Feels just like d/d

Chronomancer- Faceroll goodness, I bad at mesmer and now I’m Espurts!

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Will mesmer be nerfed before WTS?

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


I sure hope so, this patch is disgusting.

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Please Nerf Smiter's Boon

in Guardian

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Your an ele, just use lighting aura to counter it and interrupt the heal…

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

mesmer is so well balanced right now

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Yeah, those classes take lots of skill so they have a higher chance of outplaying other classes and should be reward accordingly. Those ranger just press 2 all day, and Engineers (lol more like Spamgineers huehuehue) take no skill at all and deserve to be bottom feeders. After playing mes for the first time, I’ve found my true calling and can finally show off my true skill that I thought I never had to begin with. All you haters just reroll and you’ll see just how much potential you had deep deep inside!

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

LOL guardian bunker is meta? (pvp)

in Guardian

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Whoa, I didn’t know it was meta?! :o

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Strength of the Fallen for competitive spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


You guys find “Strength of the Fallen” way too risky for competitive play. I mean the degeneration decrease makes it no go as letting your enemy bleed off point is a very common tactic teams utilize to stagger respawns. Just saying this cause I’m a fan of shield but when not using focus mastery, I find “Strength of the Fallen” way too risky and “Smiter’s boon” underwhelming (plus it can be interrupted by smart eles). I’d much rather have degeneration decrease taken off or changed it with something else.

I understand “Smiter’s boon” is kreygasm for medi guards for this concern is mainly for non medi bunker guards.

Short answer: I miss Purity…

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Pvp que times. Share your stories.

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Pics or video or it didn’t happen…

Getting an instant que pop is more rarer than a precursor.

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Make Tomes of Knowledge vendorable

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


do some quick & easy key farming?

That’s a great idea, thanks!

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Remove Stability Buff

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


I like having stab being easily removed or corrupted, it provides “counter play” and that’s what makes guard balanced, now if only other classes get the same treatment…

  • cough cough cough…
Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Revert Queue Changes

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914



Been said time and time again. Let us be able to hotjoin, or pve/wvw while wait for que pop; revert it back! I get on average of 5 -11 mins que times and it’s just boring having to just sit around Hotm.

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Why Stronghold is so bad?

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


I’m new to pvp (mostly do map exploration), and I gotta say, I love stronghold. Best part is I hardly need to fight anyone so I won’t be feeding the enemy team when I play a tanky class. I just run supply all game and still be a big help to my team. Best “pvp” game mode ever! They are doing a good job of introducing new players into pve-
I mean pvp side of this game. ^^

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

What's wrong with celestial

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Cele amulet is fine, eles are not; simple.

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Why ranked is no fun at all

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Played against radioactive 7 times in a row today. Am I espurts yet?

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Feel My Wrath a little too much

in Guardian

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


If they wanna change this, they should only increase the CD in pve land, like how they separated “Save Yourself”.

It’s perfect in spvp right now!

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

who been using shield after updates?

in Guardian

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


I love the shield now! Cause knocking thieves out of SR is Kreygasm. Also more interrupts and decaps in spvp nice too.

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Guardian Impressions

in Guardian

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Dps guards, have some nice new tools like Smiters Boon on heal and immob on justice activation in the radiance line, but our 300+ armor pre-patch is surely missed, but that can be some what made up with Strength in Numbers . That if you play GS, I’m sorry for the hammer dps users tho, with having Glacial Heart in the same line as Absolute Resolution. I believe they should’ve just put it back in valor where it actually be used and not compete with Absolute Resolution.

Condi guard on the other hand is more fun than ever, but it’s a janky build and shouldn’t be used a actual serious play.

As for Bunker guards, to me, it’s still in question if it’s actually viable in high level play. I mean we did get some nice tools and trait spreads, but the question I always keep telling myself “Why play support guard when you can just ele and do EVERYTHING AND MORE!” Kitten, they even can 1vX far better due to stone heart being a thing. Simple answer “Feel my Wraith,” This single skill alone is only thing that’s holding bunker guard in. Cause no other other class can supply group quickness so often at key moments to make big plays. One could argue about the rezzing too but with mesmer, thiefs, and necros hovering over that nearly dead teammate you got there is gonna give you a bad time… Considering those classes, bunking is much more harder/active abet funner now. 13k hp clerics but with lots of healing, oh boy better learn to dodge and have the reflexes to stun break/block cause you’re now borderline 1 shot material.

As for condi management, it’s takes a different approach. With the way condi stacks up, you have too not cleanse so aggressively. Wait for condi to stack up a bit then cleanse when they reach that threatening threshold. That’s just for the ones that do damage, I’ll remove immob right away is I see it on my teammates if I can sense a burst incoming like a mesmer’s immob.

It being much harder to 1vX now, it’s wise to always be around allies to take advantage of AH. Teammates gotta also let you rotate to team as usual how bunker guard rotations work. Almost 90% of my play time is on guard after patch, I’ve played and place in top 3 in many ESLs and mistpedias on my guard when bunker guards were still a thing before cele meta. It’s a class/role I grow to find very engaging to play in-spite of many naysayers. I feel you brother about being outshine by other professions. There’s still those occasional bugs that needs to be fix like every other class, but I’m pretty sure those will be weaved out soon enough.


TL:DR “Why guard when you can just ele and do EVERYTHING AND MOAR!”
ANSWER: “FEEL MY WRAITH” nerf this, bye bye guards… burn guards lulz

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

This balance...

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Hmmm, please iterate on why you think guard is shafted? I don’t disagree, but I’m curious if it’s a general assumption.

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement

in Engineer

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


I’ve always wanted to have black angel wings like everyone else but… but… QQ

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

The most lethal thief I've encountered.

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Only few have ever survived the legend at is LX. He is a omen, if you see this thief just know that all hope is lost…

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

How Mesmers Feel About Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


For mesmers, reflect on distort is your friend. ^^

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

How to fight celestial engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Burst them first then spam head shot and auto hoping that you interrupted their heal . Also it’s good to shadow shot when they go rifle you suspect a overcharge shot. Plus watch for slick shoes by keeping max melee distance. Reset if your in trouble and repeat first process. You can retaliate faster than a engi can cause you run off of inti.

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

I need to be level 22?

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Hello, you can skip all that by going into the Heart of the Mist through a portal in Lion’s Arch.

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Who will win the WTS? (Poll)

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Go Go Team China!
“Heaven and Earth” gotz dis

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Lightning Whip & Stow Weapon

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


They’ve fixed necro axe auto cancels so they should do the same here.

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

what is your OP list of classes?

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


No it’s not, I’m just stating that’s what I mainly play so people can see it through that prospective. my bad><

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

what is your OP list of classes?

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Bunker Guard/Engi

I would say terror necro, but hard counters to my classes is fine now that think about it. The only one I think that needs slight adjustments is d/d cele eles. I don’t have much problems against the cele engis tho.

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Farewell from Ender

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Cheers to one of the best mesmers in the NA scene. It was fun facing against you in teams ques as well as that one time we competed together as a last min pug in a Mistpedia. lol

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

The Last Pride [EviL] - Reborn

in Looking for...

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Can you state more clearly if this is for NA or EU plz? Oh and if you are NA feel free to ask if you need any help or a sub. I main engi/guardian respectively and been around the competitive scene for quite a while; so I’m fairly experianced. Plus I enjoy helping those who have the “spark” to become the best in the world. Good luck with the guild/team and hope to meet you in the competitive scene. Cheers ^^


Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

[NA] hatuey(necro) looking for a team.

in Looking for...

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Oh so, CD isn’t together anymore?

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Hypnotic Gaming (TLF) Update

in Looking for...

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Good luck with your future team, and hope to see you in the competitive scene again. ^^

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Please let everyone spectate top team queue

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


They should have a special NPC in the mist that collects 10 silver to enter the spectate room for rated team arena matches =]

This game needs more gold sinks anyways, but make sure to add a delay of the match so there would be no cheating. And not just high rated games, but all ranked games imo would be great; so friends can help coach each other and such.

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Guardians Fading Away... (Competitive Tpvp)

in Guardian

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Another culprit would be the cele amulet, as more teams are stacking cele classes and becoming more self reliant. If you wanna reroll, a safe bet would be cele engi or ele.

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Celestial shouldn't exist

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


I can agree with this issue, there’s 3-4 people on my team that run cele…

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Guardians Fading Away... (Competitive Tpvp)

in Guardian

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


I can notice a slow decline of guardians in the in the competitive Tpvp scene. Some already have even went on to say that we’ve already have been kicked out of the meta. With more teams stacking self-reliant skirmishing classes (necros, engis, eles), the need for the traditional bunker guardian has no need in this comp nor have a good chance when faced against it when forced to split in any match-up; 2v2s and 1v1s particularly. Yes you can go dps guard but honesty it laughable at high level play when you could just get kitted till you lose all your cds, and with the enemy team being able to peel for who ever you decide to train your 10 secs of aggression on you’ll have a bit more trouble escaping the counter cleave due to the lack if disengage.

Not to mention rezing is near suicide with the amount of cleave now from these classes, and not to mention knock back (down bodies don’t have stab) of cele engis during it. I fear that the nerf to warriors has revived and even worse condi meta than before. Killed the spiders, now the flys infest the world. A meta were guards are have a iffy place in, with teams much rather bring in a warrior that can be more useful…

I’m currently trying to figure a comp, build, strat around this problem cause max condi cleanse is never enough. I even have created some wonky cele hammer guardian that’s only been doing a bit better than my normal traditional bunker build but it’s still not quit there yet and have also tried forcing 2 3v2s. Even my teammates can agree and want me to re-roll engi. Not that I’m bothered, I do enjoy my engi but I just don’t want guardians in such a bad position. I’ve actually heard of some success from a mesmer buddy of mine using his weird bunker build lol.

So I am calling out to my fellow brothers of virtue! Cause I have nothing but respect to anyone who mains this noble and unappreciated profession. Tipically the necro plays fearmancer, engi is cele rifle 1 or 2 are used the other maybe p/p rabid, and eles are d/d with doom also 1 or 2 are used. If a warr is used it’s probably hambow with that stupid doom sigil XD.

So what build/strat/comp, would you guys use or try to combat this (necro, engi, ele, and maybe warr) comp that tipically like to play 3 points 2:1:2, 2:2:1, or 1:2:2 skirmishes. I’ll like some incite from those who experienced playing in high in tpvp and having to face this comp. But if you know a lot about guardians in general and have a solid understanding of the mechanics of conquest, or have played these classes I’ve mention before then I’d like your input. Note, this is against competent team que players, not hotjoin heros or solo que masochists.

tl;dr how do I stand a chance against team Abjured (they have a thief now I believe), Cognitive Gaming, or super pug team with similar comp as a guardian

Sincerely, a concerned brother Tesla ^^

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

(edited by SnowCow.5914)

[NA] DRPT lf Guard+Thief/Warrior

in Looking for...

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


I wish more guards used hammer more, it’s it’s way more fun than boring staff. With that said, I recommend these guys to anyone who’s interested into getting into the competitive scene.

Tesla approves

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife