Showing Posts For Sojourner.4621:

Are the new weapon skins seriously 2 tickets?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


I have seen many brand new blk weapon skins start at 2 and 3 tickets. There is no gurantee that the next batch will be only one ticket. Its anets choice on how much they are worth if they feel they are worth two tickets instead of one there is nothing we can really do. The weapons may have taken a lot of effort to design and that may be why the weapons cost 2 instead of one who knows.

You have never seen a brand new weapon skin release at 2 tickets. This has never happened ever. Only re-released skins that had gone away for a while. You are wrong.

New fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


Maybe its just me, but from what i’ve seen this just exposes how bad players actually are.

I don’t find anything in the fractal particularly hard or complex, but i’ve seen countless players down/die even when playing things as safe as trailblazers necros all because they refuse to read/perform mechanics.

Personally i wouldn’t change anything about the fractal, keep it like this and weed out the weak.


But that’s not what will happen. You will still have people trying to get into a group to get carried. The problem I see is that it will take much longer to get through this fractal compared to others. We will see how it goes when we mastered it, but I think the whole setup forces us to take 30 minutes or more for this fractal (at 100) even after a few weeks have passed and we have the experience to do it efficiently. Another problem I see is that it will be more exclusive compared to other fractals. You can do the other fractals with 3 or 4 people. Not sure it’s possible here, just remember that phase where they introduce the ball mechanics and you need poeople on the cliffs and on the platform to cover all spots. This will lead to more kicks from parties. Now, when we get a pug who doesn’t perform as expected, we just keep going. In this fractal, if you cannot proceed because one person sucks, you have to kick.

I don’t have a problem with that. If people cannot/will not learn from failure they should probably go down a tier and learn in a safer spot.

I would argue that the scale of 50/75/100 for this particular fractal is probably fine, but the problem with “going down a teir and learn in a safer spot” is that scale 25, which is supposed to be, essentially, the ultra easy mode of the fractal, is probably tweaked just a little bit too high. The mechanics should remain as is, but boss three in particular and all three in general could use some adjustment to the amount of hitpoints they have on this lowest scale. Do that and fix the stuck orbs all across and I think you’ll have a generally well tweaked fractal experience.

That said the length of time it takes to complete a fractal is ALWAYS a factor, and if speed runs don’t manage to bring this time down to ~20 minutes then it should definitely be reworked beyond that, across all teirs. There is precedence for this… all of the extended length fractals have had tweaks made to reduce the time spent in them because Fractals were designed to be a small chunk of your day, jump in and jump out. This isn’t about difficulty… which is fine. I like difficulty… but time is definitely a factor. You can have harsh penalties for failing to meet mechanics without artificially inflating a fight by adding massive HP bars.

Change weapon while in combat?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


Sorca, something else to keep in mind, I believe it was you who mentioned wanting to swap to banners from solo? Banners should really be a thing you run all the time. Sure the unique buff is powerful to a party or group of allies, but it is also powerful solo. Not only that, you can somewhat negate your warhorn dilemma by picking up your own banner and using it to buff yourself with swiftness. And of course as you have now just recently mentioned, there is of course a trait that allows you a permanent speed boost. There are also Traveler’s Runes at later levels that can offer a permanent boost as well as some boon duration if you decided you wanted to use an alternate trait-line.

Action camera fixes and improvements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


I haven’t heard about any potential changes to how the action camera currently works, but I would be interested in seeing some elaboration on what exactly you mean. What things would you change about the action camera, and how would you make it function differently? In what ways is it causing you difficulties and how would YOU fix it?

Just saying that it doesn’t work well is a bit difficult to do anything with, but perhaps if you add constructive criticism and suggest changes they might get some ideas as to what people would really like to see.

How to Deal With AFK Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


Punish the players breaking the rules, not the ones following them.

For the record, I don’t necessarily condone the idea of punishing everyone, but when there is a consistent problem then it is important to look at the root of the problem rather than the symptoms.

How to Deal With AFK Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


A different option would be to add a minimum lifespan for critters before they give XP or items, and improve drop rates in line with bonus XP. If you’re just melting mobs as soon as they spawn, then you get nothing, or close to it.

Another would be to randomize spawns so that a point that is mostly trash mobs still occasionally spawns an elite instead that requires some attention.

I actually like this idea as well to an extent… a loot table increase based on the amount of time that a creature or set of creatures has been alive. The immediate concern is that it also negates the idea of a heavily re-spawning farm area like this to begin with. It would be difficult to balance.

In a tangential note not directed at those who have posted in this thread so far, for those who seem to have jumped on the “They set up a farm and get upset that people are farming” train, how dense do you have to be to not see that this is not farming but rather it is exploiting game mechanics for unintended consequences? They want you to PLAY the game, not sit in one place and be rewarded. They aren’t objecting to you farming, they are objecting to you blatantly NOT farming yet still gaining a benefit.

How to Deal With AFK Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


Perhaps a middle ground can be found…

The problem is, people would just use a macro, nothing would change and ArenaNet would continue with their whispers. They’d need something you couldn’t bot, like captchas. To counter actual bots for example, they could require a captcha after a certain amount of reports. The problem with Lake Doric however is that the majority was AFKing, so there’s no one to report it. In that case, they’d have to rely on something automated to flag them, like kills without movement.

Yes, some people would start using macros, which are blatantly and flagrantly disregarding the ToS. The problem with handing out bans for semi-afk farming (so that they can reply when ANet messages them) is that it is not a violation of the ToS, and so not a bannable offense. The moment you set up a macro or bot, however, the ban hammer can fall and the behavior will eventually end.

How to Deal With AFK Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion because it of course is a step backwards one Central Tyria Masteries, but the reason that true AFK farming is able to be done is because there is a passive that allows those afkers to loot without being at the computer. If you want to fix it, absolutely and finally and with no way to continue exploiting or new locations to farm, you eliminate the auto-loot passive and you make loot drops disappear from the ground more quickly.

This is of course a nuclear solution that punishes everyone for the actions of a small group. Perhaps a middle ground can be found… something along the lines of if the absolute position of your character doesn’t change by X/Y/Z distance every XX seconds/minutes, the auto-loot function disables, coupled with said loot drop timeout, at least it would force people to be at their computer if they want to continue minimal effort farming an area.

Once you apply one or the other, it makes the only form of true AFK farming in to botting, which is an absolutely and unambiguously bannable offense, at which point you crack down on that. I for one would love to see the return of Dhuum.

Will the next expansion be discounted?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


The largest MMO releases their expansions at a $30 price point, this is true, but they ALSO require you to pay a monthly fee.


World of Warcraft: Legion is at kitten price point, as was Warlords of Draenor before it, and Mists of Pandaria before that, and Cataclysm before that, and Wrath of the Lich King before that, and The Burning Crusade before that.

Holy kitten, legion is $50? I remember BC being lower than that, but then it has been a long time since then, and that was also when I started, and also stopped playing cause I hated WoW but loved GW1.

Edit: But this only makes my point all the more valid… I will not complain if the new xpac is $50, because others expect that plus a sub fee. The amount I have spent on the the base game and then HoT, I feel I have gotten my money from in over 4000 hours of play time.

(edited by Sojourner.4621)

Please remove champions from HP missions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


As above, you don’t need to do a single champ HP to max our your hero points for core + elite.

The champ ones are for those who want that extra challenge in the open world and it is fair for that to exist, whilst not impinging on others who want to be able do things on their own. The number of hero points allows for balance between the two types of players.

If the time ever comes that HoT is abandoned (which isn’t now), then perhaps they could readjust the champ HP’s, but as it stands, I am unconvinced of any need for it.

How many people are regularly doing the HC champs at times when no one is asking for help? There may be some, but I rarely see anyone doing them now that HoT is in the second half of its second year. The rewards for those events are lower than what comes from doing any of the events the zone offers. If GW2 has taught us anything, it should be that rewards drive the vast majority of players, not challenge.

If the “challenge” is the point, then having champ events on the map unconnected to HC’s would serve that purpose. There are champion events not tied to HC’s all over core. How many of those get done regularly if at all? Once, you could find champ trains in zones. Those weren’t being done for challenge, they were done for loot. Now, just doing regular events in HoT or in S3 zones is a lot more rewarding than champ trains used to be. So, champ trains are rarer these days, it they happen much at all.

The fact is that the HC’s are part of map completion. Map completion ought to be solo play for the vast majority of players. Dwayna knows there’s very little that’s rewarding in this game for solo play as it is, and there’s tons of rewarding content for groups.

I have either solo’d or duo’d every HP in HoT for the first two maps (220 points alone, leaving you with only 20 more to get, or 210 if you feel like skipping Batlh which is REALLY the only unreasonable one to solo in most cases and leaving you to find three instead). The three I hit in TD are, go from starting WP to a channel from some updrafts to the enormous tree with all the flax, then leap from the flax through a vinewall to either a second vamp beast or a champ spider that is easy (it varies which spawns, but if you can do one vamp you can do the other), then drop down the very deep hole and fight the varying champ mordrem (Sniper, protector or uh… whatever the thief one is called) near the exit to DS. it takes about an hour each for the first two maps and 20 minutes for the last three points. I have done this 18 times solo, twice for each class except war, and three times for thief, because that is how many characters I have

I am NOT actually that good a player, but if you spend a LITTLE bit of time learning the boss mechanics they are not terribly challenging, and any time someone asks I will help them get these same HPs because of my regularly soloing them.

I run champ trains following a set path doing these weekly because I enjoy them, and helping others is fun for me. I would rather the champs not be removed at all, though minor updates to AI to make the door to balth slightly safer to enter would be appreciated.

Edit: Yes, map completion is gated behind these same HPs, and arguably the most difficult of these champs to solo, and the only one I have never managed to solo, is on TD (Mushroom Queen). That said, there are so many OTHER problems with map completing TD that this one HP seems minor by comparison.

(edited by Sojourner.4621)

Engineeers...what to do with them

in Engineer

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


What I liked about the engi-farm? I had an application for my engineer. Well, in engineer parlance…back to the drawing board.

Engie’s problems aren’t in the design concept – they lie with having a massive amount of skills and traits that have been left behind with respect to the game’s evolution and power creep, or outright nerfed to make HoT choices/options more appealing.

If you are looking to be able to deliver near 30k dps by doing almost entirely auto attacks, engineer isn’t the profession for you. If you were looking for a profession with a very high skill ceiling, offered the highest amount of player flexibility/creativity, and demanded a high amount of player control/input and most importantly HoT (and the design philosophy that it was based on) was never released; then engie was the profession for you.

Except… we actually have a build for deal 30k with aa, power bomb engie, and you kittening know it.

Also, the largest issue with this is the fact that bombs are very stationary to cap out DPS and raid bosses are not necessarily. This can be run on some of them effectively and might even be preferred in a few of those cases where burns get reflected back, but for most is not ideal. You are so on the move in raids that maintaining an effective DPS of 30k is actually much much harder than the previously linked Plebineer.

Engineeers...what to do with them

in Engineer

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


What I liked about the engi-farm? I had an application for my engineer. Well, in engineer parlance…back to the drawing board.

Engie’s problems aren’t in the design concept – they lie with having a massive amount of skills and traits that have been left behind with respect to the game’s evolution and power creep, or outright nerfed to make HoT choices/options more appealing.

If you are looking to be able to deliver near 30k dps by doing almost entirely auto attacks, engineer isn’t the profession for you. If you were looking for a profession with a very high skill ceiling, offered the highest amount of player flexibility/creativity, and demanded a high amount of player control/input and most importantly HoT (and the design philosophy that it was based on) was never released; then engie was the profession for you.

Except… we actually have a build for deal 30k with aa, power bomb engie, and you kittening know it.

The difference between the two builds is really quite staggering.

One’s perhaps the simplest rotation in the world, and the other is so ludicrously complicated, I’ve never seen it performed in real world scenarios.

Gonna keep sharing this until it gets the attention it deserves but, this much much simpler DPS rotation DOES break 30k on condi without the piano keys aspect:

How do I not suck as an Engineer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


Lastly, engineers do not have the strongest bar breaker. Mesmers do, with their Signet of Humility. Even though they kind of do the same thing it’s not as strong as the signet.

I am fairly certain Mesmer SoH does the same amount of breakbar damage (Though almost no one carries this in pve due to the group utility of other elites), though they do still win by virtue of continuum split allowing them to use it twice… but there is still a class that can outperform mesmer in breakbar and that is thief with basi-venom shared to five people. (while each strike may do a little less than a single moa, the potential far outstrips moa by hitting from five people at once)

How do I not suck as an Engineer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


For all of those saying that the engi rotation is too difficult to maintain a consistent DPS, this is true for the three to four kit engi that is recommended by Metabattle, however if you look at the single kit condi engi described here-in:

You will find that the rotation is actually easier to maintain than many other classes and is not even remotely like playing the piano while still breaking the 30k benchmark… and it manages to do over 25k even in raid scenarios where the rotation cannot always be maintained spectacularly, which is really the goal of EVERY DPS build.

Will the next expansion be discounted?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


Some of you need to stop begging for more freebies and discounts on a game that has $0 in monthly access fees.

If some of you want some super deal then wait a year after the next xpac launches.

It’s like nobody buys anything on the gem store to support the game, right?

The expansion should not cost the same for existing players as it does for new players if the new players get everything existing players paid for. There’s not really any ethical way around that. And yes, new customers should get LS unlocked. It’s a big part of the content.

Regardless of how you think the gem store sales work, the quarterly reports tell a different story. Early adopters to the expansion pay more essentially to fund whether or not there will BE a next expansion, just like movie sequels are made based on initial box office rather than what the film makes over its lifetime. Maybe you don’t like the system. Good for you, but that’s still the way the system works.

Will the next expansion be discounted?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


Considering the quagmire that the HoT pricing caused for them, I’m hoping that they learned a lesson about price points.

Current players should be expected to pay no more than $30 for an expansion (ignoring any premium editions, of course). Whether you want to charge more for new players is up to you, but expansions+full game should not cost as much for someone who already has the full game.

The largest MMO releases their expansions at a $30 price point, this is true, but they ALSO require you to pay a monthly fee. A large amount of ANets total income, which means the money they get to continue making new content for this game, comes from initial sales rather than sub fees or EVEN from the gem store. $40 (or even $50 if there is enough content to justify) is not unfair for a game that doesn’t now, nor ever has required a sub for a business designed to make money.

I'm' back! Kits...required?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


Why would you even want to play GW2 using nothing but a single weapon set ever for over 1,000 hours? I’ll never understand players who hate kits.

I want to point out that when the balance “team” feels like doing something, they only seem to balance weapons people can equip. Our kits have been barely touched, despite being our most important source of DPS.

I’d also love to be able to free up some of my utility slots for something else too. I haven’t played with some of the gadgets in years.

Last balance patch they touched flamethrower considerably, and said that they were looking at giving the kits more “purity of purpose” I believe was the phrase, so more changes are likely forthcoming. Which may mean we won’t need all the kits just to do damage, but can focus on the kits that let us do damage inside of whatever build we are doing (power, condi, etc).

The difficulty becomes that if you are boosting the damage of the individual kits to reduce the need to kit swap to remain viable, you are also MASSIVELY boosting the damage of the kit swappers.

To the OP, you can still output a surprising amount of DPS with only a single kit and dual pistol, but as others have posted, to do competitive DPS you do pretty much need at least one. As an example I introduce something that needs more attention, the one kit plebineer:

Flesh Golem, still not available underwater

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


Give the golem floaties. As a side note, is there REALLY any reason to have the UW combat be balanced? And I mean that seriously. Keep underwater out of PvP as they have, and just ramp up the damage of underwater combat until it matches the damage output of on land combat systems so that underwater is quick and fun again instead of a tedious chore. Unbalance heck outta that underwater.

Hey there! At what level can I tame tigers?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


Normaly, 80.

DS’s tigers can only be tamed after winning Meta.

Do the last LS, which you are supposed to have it unlocked, and you should be able to tame one out of the submarine. (Ring of Fire, Draconis Mons, Mariner Landing)

The Tiger and the Wyvern no longer require the meta to be successful to access. In fact most (excluding Tower HPs, long glide HP and vista at the end) of the HPs and such that were previously locked behind meta completion have now been opened.

If you are not inTS you don't matter.

in WvW

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


I do not care if I matter or not. The only meaning of my game is MY fun. It´s a GAME kitten , not a Work.

This post is childish. It really doesn’t matter how you want to command but what I feel does matter is the team work between commanders. I do not join TS with other commanders because I’m sick of hearing the big egos and brown nosers with the brain dead drugged up people that cant say one sentence with out cursing.

If I don’t matter then so be it. I’ll lead the people that you think do not matter. And you can have all those people that think oh so highly of themselves.

You clearly read only the title and not the post that said the OP is AGAINST this type of behavior. I bet you click on all of the click-baity news articles. Did you know you’re the 1000th person to post in GW2 today? Message me in game to receive a prize. I assure you that I am a Nigerian Prince.

Carrion stats and Choking Gas Daze

in Thief

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


With the appropriate traits and proper play, you can drop 20 stacks of poison on a target in an opening burst (Spider, Basi, precast Choking, Impairing daggers, steal initialize while the choking is in flight, lotus dodge away with caltrops on dodge gives another several stacks from projectile combo and the daggers themselves.). It is in fact easier now than it was before thanks to bonus poison stacks.

Pistol/Pistol new meta?

in Thief

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


It certainly doesn’t HURT the condition setups that are already running Dual pistol though, and can make the might stacking slightly more forgiving by refunding two of the initiative spent on the quick stacks of might. It’s a nice QoL change, and mostly effects PvE.

I am just going to put this here...

in Thief

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


Sure it is like any burst build in that if you can avoid or cleanse the initial burst you’re fine (especially with a large telegraph like this), But also like burst builds, until it is widely used and the telegraph for it is easily recognized, it could wreck some things up until it gets wide recognition. Honestly though I am more interested in seeing how this works out in WvW more than sPvP.

I am just going to put this here...

in Thief

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


In light of the recent changes to thief shortbow, and addition of more poison utility…

Problems with logging in?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


Black Desert and Aion are having the same issue, which is why i’m starting to believe it’s an NCsoft issue.


Black Desert is not NCsoft, and neither is Elder Scrolls Online which has also been having issues with connecting to their login servers.

Why Was the Frost Gun Disabled?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


Basically they will probably just find a way to make it so that the chill from frost gun doesn’t interact with the necro traits that make it broken in much the same way that the passive effects of traits are disabled when you do tonic transformations.

The lack of Hype isnt helping GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


I see you want to quibble on the example and not the point. Regardless, a game doesn’t go free-to-play because it’s doing well. But, again, time will tell for Guild Wars 2. Whether those of us who remain will remain to see it is another topic.

When GW2 went free to play it was at release of HoT, after which it had two of its most profitable quarters since launch, and right before it went F2P it was still making twice what it is currently making. It wasn’t a sign of it “not doing well” but rather an incentive for new players to buy the HoT package.

Less Cow Bells (Item Chatter Toggle thx!)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


Does anyone know if this extends to the chat bubbles that pop up?

The lack of Hype isnt helping GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


Except that if they were hyping more we would get the exact opposite complaint. “You Overhyped this and now everyone is disappointed and so people are leaving and not coming back for the next time cause they know that they will be disappointed again.” This is EXACTLY what happened when HoT rolled out, which they had constant hype train for. There is NO way of winning this battle. Half of the community will always complain one way or the other.

The raids need an easy "story mode"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


So i was watching W.P.‘s videos about the lore of the currently released raid wings, particularly the latest one.. And it just makes me feel so sad that as a person who loves stories and lore, i’m completely locked out from the immersion and the tale because i cannot play this 10-man system which focuses on difficult and coordinated combat..

Please explain why you cannot do this? Is there some extraterrestrial force that has control of your mind and body that is preventing you?

You can raid. Everyone can. If you choose not to, it is simply that, an active choice made by the player to not do some part of the content. Saying that you are “locked out and cannot do it” makes it appear like the player has no say in the matter and that by definition and random chance you are locked out of content you want. NO! You have the power to make choices that could lead to seeing the content in the raid, and you chose to not go down that path. It’s 100% on you.

Get a group and play wing 4, it is easy enough for anyone who can do mid to low level fractals. It doesn’t need to be any easier.

There are people who play this game who have actual REAL handicaps that YES might make them actually physically and mentally incapable of reaching the skill level necessary for completing the raids. Get your head out of your own kitten.

Remember how immersive is the Zaithan fight on the story mode? No? So yeah thats how immersive an easy boss is.

Then don’t play the Easy Mode boss, play your normal mode Raid.

Thats the point. An easy mode boss has none of the immersion “story-mode”-advocates ask for, hence it is a waste of time to develop it.

You don’t have to even change the damage numbers, or a single one of the mechanics, to make a story mode. The only numbers you have to change are max HP and maybe toughness. Every enemy and boss can still hit exactly as hard as they do, just make it less of a DPS check to complete so that you don’t have to grind for best gear and practice to optimize DPS to complete the story mode, and it can serve as training for mechanics if people might want to get in to the raids later. No reason to nerf everything, just make the amount of DPS you have to hit as a group more in line with an average five man dungeon group.

Death of Ghost Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


What did you expect? o.O

The Ghost Thief was annoying af, but not because of the traps, because of the perma stealth and what does ANet do? Well, we should have seen that coming.

Every other MMO has LITERAL perma stealth on a toggle, but the forums whine up and down that through comboing skills together and careful tracking of cooldowns players can use the definitely-not-permanent nature of the stealth mechanics in this game to keep a 100% uptime on it.

It is a shame that a whole bunch of classes don’t have some kind of revealing mechanic built in to their class that could counter thief stealth. It’s a shame that thief itself isn’t so dreadfully squishy and lacking in defensive skills, utilities and stability or resistance that it melts like a paper doll in a rainstorm if anything actually manages to hit it out of stealth or evades. Grow up. The problem with ghost thief was, flat out, that they could do consistent and heavy damage while staying stealthed. That no longer exists. Thief as it stands is easy to counter if you spend eight seconds learning their class mechanics, and you don’t even need currency for a reveal trap. Hell, if every Dragonhunter in the wvw went preloaded with the revealing trap BUILT IN TO THEIR CLASS for just a week, there would be no stealth thieves in wvw at all for months.

Needle trap + trip wire

in Thief

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


the activation delay was put in specifically so you cannot combo traps…..

Actually I am pretty sure the activation delay was put there so that a thief STILL could stealth in and lay a trap or two and then GET AWAY before the traps hit YOU and reveal THEM.

wow really? yea, I dont think so bro…. the activation delay was put in so you cannot steal to trap and catch players running away. Something that actually took some skill to do.

I agree. Prior to this change one could preload needle on steal and on steal hit with all of the steal procs PLUS the needle trap with its 3 poison and 3 bleeds and immob. With an arming time this can no longer be done.

I never used tripwire but in theory you could get a knockdown off the steal by preloading that trap.

The arm time will also address people who might have traited MUG with a venom whereby the damage proc from mug and from the added proc on the trap would add two strikes of any loaded venom.

As well as that with a proc of damage coming from the traps, without this arm time a power build with steal could preload needle so that damage proc occurs, add the damage from mug , add the damage from PI and interrupt , add the damage from any sigil of draining, immob the enemy and apply poison and bleed in a single steal if properly timed.

I think it all about ensuring steal did not get yet more dangerous.

No one using ghost thief did what you are describing, and no one not using ghost thief runs traps for…. basically anything at all. You’re describing a purely hypothetical scenario that never actually happens because there are other utilities that are way better on a condi non-ghost thief than any combination of traps. Traps are a wasted slot on non-ghost bars, and what you are describing would un-stealth ghost thieves thieves so it wouldn’t have been used on THAT build either. As I said, it is entirely possible now, with traps in their current state, to quick-lay two traps while still stealthed and then get away from the spot you placed them before they reveal you.

Instead it allows for slight playability with the base stealth mechanics of thief rather than a further nerf to thief stealth mechanics ALONGSIDE a nerf to a broken build. That said, it is still not going to do any good. In reality it is a double nerf to traps when only the strike of damage was necessary to solve the only actual problem with traps in pvp.

About AFK farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


The only way for someone to stay afk and farm is if they have an outside program. Which is where the ban come from.

Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong!!!!!!!!!
Rangers and Necros in game mechanics working as intended allows AFK farming which the devs have spoken out against.

You can’t stay logged in. You have to use a skill or you get kicked out. Your pets and minions do not keep you from being kicked out.

That isn’t true. As stated in THAT VERY POST that he linked, the auto-loot mechanic from getting the pact mentor mastery keeps you from being flagged as afk and kicked to chara select. You NEVER have to use a skill in AFK farming like this to keep from kicks as long as you have passive auto-loot.


in Thief

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


A thief can “spam” at maximum three vaults on staff before they run out of initiative, and that is only if they are running trickery traitline which a lot of them aren’t. Sure they have other dodges but the Vault skill only evades for the first half of the animation, which means you can CC them down with the second half of it and punish them for trying to spam it at you. The “Animation” of vault is smoother now since the last major balance patch which makes it EVEN EASIER to counter due to the fact that especially at close range vault seems to hang in the air for a second before coming down on you. If you are truly unable to counter a vault spamming thief the problem isn’t staff, it is you.

Needle trap + trip wire

in Thief

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


the activation delay was put in specifically so you cannot combo traps…..

Actually I am pretty sure the activation delay was put there so that a thief STILL could stealth in and lay a trap or two and then GET AWAY before the traps hit YOU and reveal THEM.

Spike/Trip deliver "Strikes".

in Thief

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


It is not the death of ghost thief, it is just the death of ghost thief trapper builds.

Well yes and no…most true GT’s rely on at least teh trap on heal trait. You dont NEED the rest as traps but that trap on heal is kind of the bread and butter. That will still reveal you now.

Yes, the traps reveal you now so it kills the idea of staying in stealth after dropping the trap… the 1s is clearly there not so that OTHERS have a chance to get out of the trap (because if you’re stealth ganking they still aren’t going to see said trap), but so that the THIEF has a chance to get away before the trap reveals them

Nobles and Villagers' clothes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


TBH all of this. If Anet insists that they primarily are not making new armor skins but are instead releasing outfits, at least please please convert all town clothing tonics to color changable outfits, then resell them to us, I wouldn’t even care. And for the love of the six, PLEASE give us the ability to disable the visibility of shoulders and gloves on all outfits like we can armor (I would love the bloody prince outfit to death if I could disable the shoulder spikes)

ascended aqua breather

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


Definitely consider this an issue. I made a gossamer for Marauder to match all of my ascended armor/trinkets, rings, weapons, only to find out there is no Marauder Aquabreather……. why is this item still relevant?

You mean aside from this:'s_Cloth_Breather
that you get the recipe to craft from fractal vendors? Or the one you can get in Bitterfrost with any stats?

Jumping Puzzles build.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


Another good reason for choosing engie is those few JP sections that are in darkness. Flamethrower autoatack isn’t exacly a good lintern, but it DOES gives you enough light to explore some of those areas, easy and quick. The Obsidian Sanctum in particular, I did it using this cheat.

Using an AOE target to show the shapes of the terrain in that Pirate JP obscure section is another of my favorite tricks.

It is useful to note that Mesmer and a couple of other classes can equip a torch, and torches do light up the ground in a radius around you. This works in the obscured section of the pirate JP. If you are not on a class that can equip torch, though, some flaming weapons like Honor of Humanity and Cobalt have the same effect.

To the person who mentioned the Experimental Teleportation Rifle, there is a second consumable that allows you to make leaps to TARGETED locations instead. The Experimental Rifle is a purchasable consumable from a vendor that appears after successfully completing a boss event at the Risen Chicken Coops in Cursed Shores (If you see the veteran chickens the event has failed and you will have to wait after defeating them for the real event to appear.) The targeted long-distance leap that this rifle gives can trivialize MOST JPs as long as you cast a stability skill before using it (sometimes it can explode and knock you down instead.) It makes any class viable for JP completion.

Even without this a number of classes have hidden leap skills that can, if used correctly, make some long distance leap/skips possible. Engi Rifle ofc, Ranger longsword (have to animation cancel with weapon swap), Guardian Greatsword, Warrior Sword, Thief Staff. Consider traveler runes to gain an extra utility while still running a speed boost, or ofc snowfall runes if you fall a lot. Chronomancer has move speed baseline, but mesmer itself doesn’t have as reliable a permanent speed boost.

Engineer Rifle is one of the beast targeted leaps in the game as it not only lets you ground target at decent distance, but it also gains elevation, rather than being restricted to a vertical plain like most other classes and their leap skills. Thief staff 5 does exactly the same without a cool-down, plus evades attacks in between. Dragonhunter’s f2 leap also gives targetted vertical leaping, for a much longer distance than thief or engineer, but has a longer cooldown than both. Greatsword can be targetted, though, by having scepter on weapon swap. Ground target scepter two, then swap and use greatsword leap. You will jump to where scepter two targeted.

(edited by Sojourner.4621)

raid answer from dev

in Lore

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


The things you’re talking about can still have the potential to be nasty enough that you will learn how to deal with them in the story mode. Continuing with using VG as an example, the green circles could certainly be left as a strong enough hit that you’re going to notice it. The blue circles would still teleport. However, maybe the damaging areas that appear in phases 3 and 5 are less punishing, so you’re more likely to be able to survive if a blue circle teleports you into the bad or if a green circle appears in the bad. Anybody using it for training would likely know that the bad is a lot nastier in the real thing, so their target in training would be to reach a point where they can reliably ensure that nobody ends up in the bad.

See this is what I’m not getting about other people’s arguments. It’s like we’re assuming that if you’re tweaking numbers it means that you have to make all skills non-impactful. There are still difficult encounters in non-raid scenarios and skills that one shot players in dungeons. The only options are not “extremely hard or extremely easy there can be no other way!!1!” There is middle ground. Green circles would still one shot you, or at least close to it, if you stand in them. Blue teleports would still function exactly the same as they currently do. The biggest number you would have to change is how difficult it is to actually kill the boss (How big a meat shield it is) and in the mean time you would barely have to nerf the amount of damage the boss does at all, or even any of the mechanics. Yes, make it a 10 man dungeon, just make it a puggable experience so that it’s still a skill check but not as much of a DPS check.

"Lazarus" [Spoilers]

in Living World

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


My problem with the Joko theory is that it makes no logical sense. Sure there may be hints at us moving towards the Crystal Desert in the future, but by the same toke, Joko is established to be up and about and pretty much more or less fully dominating Elona. He has an army of former corrupted sunspears at his disposal (a group he has a personal grudge against) and an even larger army of undead that is no longer even being kept in check by Zhaitan’s minions, so what use could he possibly have for an army of white mantle (a group he knows literally nothing about)?

"Lazarus" [Spoilers]

in Living World

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


Possibly Palawa Joko is an option, but there’s someone else connected to the bloodstones and the mursaat that no one seems to be considering. What about Vizier Khilbron the lich?

Official Feedback Thread: Episode 4 -- Head of the Snake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


Constructive Criticism for Caudecus Fight: It took a couple of deaths to figure out that there is in fact a pattern to the spawning of the circles on the floor, and you don’t actually have to “dodge” out of any of them unless you accidentally back yourself in to a corder. Simply walking away from the location they are about to spawn, and in to the one they just were is enough. That said, perhaps make the circles spawn at ever so slightly more of a delay might make this a bit obvious.

The fight itself wouldn’t be so very difficult without a couple of factors:

A) Camera angles SUCK in this fight because of the small space that it takes place in. There is a reason that the pattern took a few deaths to figure out, and most of it was me fighting to see what was going on every time I got near a wall to pick up a bloodstone shard.

B) The Jade Spawns…. This is by far where I died the most. I wouldn’t mind if the armors spawned if perhaps the circles on the floor STOPPED and Caudecus went in to an invincible phase in between. He could even have a separate mechanic during this phase like perhaps a target reticle over your head while he aims to throw something at you. Because of the aforementioned camera angles and my need to focus on the floor spots, I didn’t even realize their WERE any adds in the room until I had downed to them at least twice. And even after that, of course, all of a sudden I had to fight the cheese chain-knockdown armors on a character with effectively zero access to stability (thief) while also dodging the circles and trying not to get perma-CC-chained. (Bandit’s defense was the only thing that saved me in this section)

Other than these couple of complaints on the last boss I loved the new LS zone more than any that have been previously released. The jumping puzzle and the hidden achievementgranted by visiting the tomb of Captain Langmar both remind me of what I always loved most about GW2. The exploration aspects are a class above any other MMO out there. The zone is well laid out, there are hidden nooks and crannies everywhere, and there are lots of little details that are easy to miss but that I seriously appreciate. Also, the sarcasm and humor were top notch in the story.

Why I can't be a mesmer [spoilers]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


That was amazing, though at the same time I also laughed just as hard at the portrait of Logan in caudecus’ room, as well as the room with the faces that has been in the game since launch finally getting some use.

a world with no transmutation charges?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


While I would love to have the ability to transmute all of my equipment without charges, a) they are currently on a three quarter all time record low in profits according to NC-Softs 4Q 2016 report. This makes it unlikely that they are going to eliminate anything that makes them money, even something small like that.
b) It is REALLY not difficult to earn charges. Maybe you don’t like the methods outlined above, but at the same time it takes a few hours to earn dozens. If it’s for “appearance change” purposes on the fly as stated by the OP, as an RPer I keep a number of individual pieces of armor with different appearances already transmuted on to them in my extra invisibags.

A Selfish Request from a Roleplayer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


First of all, to address the folks who are on the “Don’t like it, try a different game” train, how about “Don’t like someone posting suggestions for future features geared towards role-players, read a different forum thread” Roleplayer is IN THE TITLE of the post, so there’s no excuse to be a kitten.

continuing on. I understand that there are a number of technical limitations that put the idea of making current chairs sittable in to a class somewhere between “Pain in the kitten” and “kitten no”. (yeah, I manually typed kitten)

First there is the fact that most of the chairs are not so much solid individual objects as they are art assets that happen to have collision boxes (badly) placed around them. You would first need to convert EVERY chair in Tyria in to a format that would be usable for sitting. Second, lots of asuran chair models, or even human sized ones, would be majorly inappropriate for seating, say, a Norn or Charr. You would have to either have seperate sitting animations per race per chair type, or just not allow those races to sit in said chairs in the first place. Third, the animations themselves. The emotes that were “added” in to the game were existing animations being used already by NPCs, and as such were a simple matter. Fact is animating racially unique seating animations is a bit of an arduous process.

The animation thing can’t really be gotten around if we want sittable chairs, BUT what you can do is eliminate the other technical problems and minimize the animation problem by creating a /chair emote. The emote would then spawn a racially appropriate chair, and animate the character sitting in that chair as a persistent animation. No poses, or seated emotes etc. Most of us would be at least marginally happy with this basic solution and nothing more.

Rumored: Rifle elite spec

in Thief

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


To be honest I really like the idea of thief getting a slower burst rifle, maybe the hits don’t do quite as much damage up front as their melee kit, or have longer channel times, or apply things like vulnerability. To counter this, they get a form of Guardian’s Meditations, which would be more bunkery skills that allow them to have defenses other than just “dodge” or “stealth” Maybe that goes against the “core” gameplay of thief but I really feel like elite specializations not giving new ways of playing an old class really misses out on opportunities. I agree with the sentiment that a new elite spec should give a new role aside from +1 or decap.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


Scrap the gemstore completely, just there to rip us off anyway. Introduce stuff in game as rare drops , quest items like the black moa chick in gw1

Translation: “Understanding that the goal of a business is to make money, regardless of what kind of business that is, please stop doing this so you can no longer provide us with a product, even though everything is strictly cosmetic and doesn’t affect how I play the game in any way.”

By way of a suggestion though, I’d love to see an invisible dagger skin, so it looks more like I am punching things on my thief, or casting without a weapon on ele >.>

Game crashed and now cannot log in

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


You’re not the only one. Seems to be server connection issues.

Gem Store Login?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sojourner.4621


Everyone I have spoken to in DR map is having the same issue.