Showing Posts For Synosius.9876:

sacrificing one's happiness for the

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


when I play chess I like to move the pieces randomly and make poor moves, then when my opponent says… this was a dumb game, I respond with IM JUST PLAYING FOR FUN and then flip the table.

that was actually a sarcastic analogy in case you didnt get it… but its what all those ppl who bring uplvls, dont get on TS and behave in an uncooperative manner sound like to me.

The whole point of the game, playing any game, is try to win by playing your best. its not fun for anyone else participating as foe or ally when one player doesnt even try.

ever play monopoly and after a few hours its clear your not gonna win? you start feeling tired and so you give all your money away and quit. it the same sentiment, thats where they are coming from.

WvW should be more SRG friendly

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


why do you think they wouldnt just zerg from sentry to sentry?

op also sounds like hes not happy on his server.

if you want crazy action, tactics, strategy and having to use all the buttons on your skill bar, try coming down a few tiers.

Eu vs Na vs Ch

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


Hour long wvw in just EBG, Id watch that esport!

White swords can stay gone if and only if..

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


If you cannot stop rams, even on a wooden gate, you did not prepare properly.

Unfair Match ups

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


Transfer to Tarnished Coast. We will accept any and all with open arms, and hearts full of joyous rapture for any person wishing to help us destroy the likes of the evil BG and JQ.

srsly best recruiting tag line ever

(edited by Synosius.9876)

Piken square dead server???

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


get the feeling op joined the map, looked around spawn for a few minutes and made up his mind about the state of the server.

why does reset matter so much?

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


reset night is like a party! the weekend is starting, all my friends are there in TS at once; we’re chatting and joking hours before the maps change over. its only important because we make it out to be something with pomp and ceremony… like church.

All I Want For Xmas

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


Dinobot golems…

To SoR and Kain on this Xmas day from SF

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


little does he know the yaks like it when you touch them there…

Tiered discussion on No White Swords

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


I think it would be helpful to define what your perspectives are as you post like havoc group, commander or just random wvw visitor.

T8 NA pugmander
the strat we’ve adopted isnt ktrain empty towers although it ends up appearing the same. We are trying to be more aggressive than the enemy and keep the fight on the enemy side of the map. Reason being, in lopsided matches defense was always a losing battle and now it just happens a lot faster.

I have a new thought on the situation. Removing white swords has made it easier for me as a commander, to make my intentions clear to the enemy. I can cap umber, cap duri and the sentry leading to brovost and most of the time, theres a pack of opposition waiting for me by the time I get to the doors of brovost.

seems obvious right? consider what my wvw was like before… attack duri, swords pop. some warrior runs through the door with stabo/invuln and throws siege disablers at our ram for like half an hour. what are we doing? standing around doing nothing. sure we popped white swords but theres no msg, we’re not a threat.

If I can get a few objectives not needing to wait out disablers, make multiple supply runs to rebuild siege the map shows what we are doing.

Im in your yard, kicking over your trash cans and throwing rocks at your dog so you better get out here and stop me!

In this sense the test has been fun in how its allowed me to cause more trouble and given me more control of the battle.

edit: we’re against Ka this week and pretty much everything they own is fully upgraded (cept aldons, yw ~_^) even smc fortified a few hours ago and will prolly stay that way for most of the week. the amount of upgrades we see havent changed at all, players are just as willing to spend resources on it as before.

(edited by Synosius.9876)

The Death of Sanctum of Rall

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


you were the toxic community that you rail against, you finally transferred and good riddance.

I knew you from HL, I have experienced your leadership and you were the sole reason I didnt fall in with agny after the split.

Cheating Dev

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


My guess is the gm was investigating who ever was doing the porting. Either he forgot to turn on the invisible powers or something technical went wrong.

The Death of Sanctum of Rall

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


Rev your points are mostly valid. We are working on it but large changes take time.

I wish I could hang a sign on the door… closed for renovations

And maybe later… grand re-opening! Under new management.

The Death of Sanctum of Rall

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


What Im trying to say is… accept the break up. Move on. If you still want to be friends after, focus on you own positve aspects and share them.

The Death of Sanctum of Rall

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


you can stop telling us how bad we are now, kthxbye. youve repeated this post like over a dozen times in various forums.

it takes 2 to argue btw. you left the server months ago and here it is again, sor was a terrible place and we left but we have many friends =middle finger=

I have argued with roughly ZERO ppl on sor since I started commanding and I have a rly abrasive personality and I rly luv to argue. its so rare that anyone even takes my argument bait too (cept for that one guy we both know )

Why should I pay?

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


Heres a radical idea… let us buy transfers with karma!

Not that it rly has to cost any at all and the gem cost is only a small barrier anyway but most likely to cause ill-will towards our lords and masters.

It seems to me transfer costs mainly punish causals who, not playing wvw, is the preferred option when the server is losing. These are the same players we are trying to get backing into the maps.

Why should I pay?

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


Red Bull doesnt give you wings either.

White swords effect on servers

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


The old way of playing wvw is dead. Take those expectations, shred them like photos of your ex- and burn them in a metal bucket.

From my own experience and what i have read from others, it seems thaf if populations are equal the loss of white swords has little effect. If youre that guy fighting as the 1 against 20 you were alrdy ninja capping purposefully avoiding fights and the loss of white swords has little effect.

The greatest diasatisfaction is coming from servers who are trying to compete but not quite there. They needed that little edge and are unable to adapt quick enough. Then some blobbers who cant find any havoc groups to squash and possibly corpse dance.

Tiered discussion on No White Swords

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


T8 na
A few hours ago our small forces reset nearly everything on a maps. It felt taking all those T3 keeps! The best defense is a good offense and its not like we could effectively defend before. Outmanned defense is a losing battle prolly 75% of the time.

The sneak attack pretty much ends all the old expectations but there is opportunity in change.

Revert your changes, Anet

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


just relax and enjoy your ktrains. think of it as a break from tedious defense duties…

Tiered discussion on No White Swords

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


Kaineng NA, not sure what tier we are but we are pretty low. I haven’t played much in this new system (1 hour or so), so I don’t have a proper grasp of it, but i didn’t notice much of a change in solo roaming in enemy BLs. I personally think im there should be no white swords if you are outmanned. Deffinetly would benefit servers who are heavily out matched, and benefit small roaming groups.

Currently Ka is in t8 with an 80k point lead over the 2nd place server.

Tiered discussion on No White Swords

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


Just getting rolled harder than before. Trying to defend while outmanned; impossible. The random pugs have no idea whats going on, before they just run at the white swords, now I feel totally isolated when ever Im trying to do something constructive.

Our small force can ninja cap stuff, hooray… for the 3hrs of peak time. then everything is gone 20m after happy hour is over. We used to attempt heroic last stands trying to slow the zerg but now stuff just flips unexpectedly, thats the point I guess, until we’re boxed into the final keep with no supply.

would it be against the anets rules to

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


If its against the rules I alrdy broke it!

Back before s1 I made a guild so the enemy servers would know who to fight and who to leave alone (maybe)

Puzzle Police [PUZZ]

The gvg arena didnt exist then but there was a lot of action.

Diversify the Borderlands - PLEASE

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


The border lands are too big for lower populations. It feels like wide open fields and we can spend a lot of time looking for the enemy.

Most of the siege placements are straight forward. It gets a little more interesting setting up garri defense but the attackers dont get much.

I had an idea, can the bl maps be tailored to each tier, to fit with the population. This would also give each tier a unique feel (instead of the current… lower is bad).

New dailies: more badges, yay!

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


I need more badges. Some of us arent too lazy to spend them on siege and theres infusions to buy.

Ideas on developing your WvW community.

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


1 person at a time…

Wvw Ranks

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


Quantity of Siege commander spoons is the real measure of rank.

Idea for a new WvW Map

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


As long as the reapawn isnt too far away it sounds like a real meat grinder, the kind of map i like. If you add enough players just about any map becomes fun

The Death of Sanctum of Rall

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


why is this post here instead of our server forums, do you even know the url? I dont rly see the need to air our dirty laundry for the whole game.

I havent seen you in wvw in ages leech. sirbeau I think youve been in TS maybe 3 times ever and I know youre an active wvw’r.

all the old sor ppl knew are gone. infact when the night commander logs out it even ceases to be a community. the community only exists in the minds of the ppl participating.

how do you fix this? by getting involved with us still trying to form a new community. this means getting vocal, getting on ts, getting on our forums and not asking why in public channels. we need to look within, make ourselves strong and be successful, not by the standards of others, but in our own right.

ps Ill look for you in game krustydog, add me as well, maybe we can get something coordinated

Caltrops, Retaliation, CnD off walls

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


And mesmer clones will cause reveal?

The Death of Sanctum of Rall

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


I mean because real life gets in the way. You rly have no idea.

(edited by Synosius.9876)

The Death of Sanctum of Rall

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


SoR wvw actually died mid s1. This is evident when you look back at the mass exodus right before the start of s2. The population of the server is quite large and it takes time for the casuals to realize what has happened and then move out. Some just need time to accept it and others are just very stubborn, fighting on beyond reason.

It has been through the extrodinary efforts of a few individuals that SoR has made it appear there is still a wvw force. That level of effort cannot be sustained indeffinatly. For the past few months its literally been 10 or less players fighting your entire servers (not counting gsch events).

Not considering the problem of merging SoR due to its history, what ever server the population gets pushed to would only get roughly 10 wvw players. It would be highly disruptive to all the servers and the population problems would start over again because 10 players is next to nothing. The other low bronze servers can contribute 40-60 maybe? Merge 2 bronze and get 100 strong but who ever gets SoR is now fielding…50.

Where do they go from here? Like above post said, SoR will get no sympathy. The rep is too bad. What kind of wvw players would would transfer in?

Any reason not to transfer to best server?

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


Personal improvement is over rated.

Take a guess as to which is currently the dominant server.

[Suggestion] Buildables!

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


The previous post mentioned eotm consumables, this lead me to thinking about all the other consumables that were banished from wvw.

What im rly getting at is wvw thrives on variety. Spvp becomes more like a moba where everyone is equiped is a similar way. Many of us here prefer wvw because of the greater quantity of customization options.

If anet were to pursue this concept as a way to set it apart from spvp and eotm I believe it would create lasting interest.

Tumbleweeds in here...

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


I dont know what your all talking about, my wvw is action packed, plenty of objectives to take and i barely have to leave spawn to find a fight.

[Suggestion] Buildables!

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


bring back plank

WvW Suggestion: Make keeps defensible.

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


No defense will hold forever. Undermanned defense that does everything right will last about 20m.

If defense kitten s it will go much quicker.

The Celestial Predator! (Montage)

in Engineer

Posted by: Synosius.9876


Very good vid.

(edited by Synosius.9876)

Since when can Thieves do this?

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


Was it a male human condi build with some kind of wide brim hat, likes to spam death blossom? It would not surprise me at all if he stayed in there for that long.

He was very persistant at coming at our up lvls and 110ap players in the back. He killed a lot of them repeatedly ever kittening time I looked away.

I got tired of feeling like a shepard keeping the wolf away and told everyone to wp with out searching bay after we recapped it.

Time to reduce upgrade costs?

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


Why do upgrades need to cost anything at all?

[Suggestion] More Events in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


The minority of pvp purests will hate this idea.

However the op is right and it would bring more players to wvw as well as strenghten the social aspect.

But it would no long hold my interest.

Trebuchet Needs Number for Supply Drain

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


The depot destroyer is pretty hard to use and doesnt seem to drain consistantly so some kind of indicater would greatly help.

[Suggestion] About the colors in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


I feel green is the stronger color in EBG and should prolly give preference to the lowest ranked server. It actually gives green preference to the highest ranked.

Maybe there are gonna be some fixes!!

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


Oh yes they deffinatly read all the suggestions to remove white swords and finally listened!

PPK wasnt just requested by the dominent guilds or elitist gankers and would nvr cause backlash against new players.

Anet will implement all fixes on a timely schedule.

Everything will be fine.

Deadliest class still needs fixing.

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


Any who played warhammer online are accustomed to deadly terrain.

omg rock
spin direction controls wildly in vain attempt to escape the rock

[Suggestion] Buildables!

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


The commander tag colors were not for wvw. The colors are for the multiple commanders leading champ, karka, sw farming.

Enclose keeps and towers a bit more

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


Remember all the posts asking for the gulley under QL to get closed up?

[Suggestion] Buildables!

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


All of these suggestions sound like a lot of fun!

On the same note I was day dreaming about wvw enhancements like this and I realized just about anything half as creative as this would be awesome. What if we could place our own cannons for example? Its a much simpler concept that siege disablers.

Balance be kittened! Both sides have what ever new gimick anet thinks up over a 3 martini lunch and then next week invent a counter to last weeks fiasco. Sure we would complain hilariously but we’d luv you for it anet.

Real world changes to help you in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876



Remove Lion's Arch from the Megaservers.

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


This is a great idea. I very much doubt it will ever happen.