(edited by TPMN.1483)
I believe for the casual player this will make content more accessible – there are plenty of times that you may want to swap from a highly dmg orientated rune set (eg scholar) to something more defensive (mercy runes or runes with toughness).
This helps numerous players by encouraging them to have at least one set of armor allowing runes to provide a big flexibility to there build/content at a much lower cost than we have right now.
If you look at the high end players right now – your costs for meta is wrong …it’s a lot higher. Many meta players at the extreme end will have all professions geared / weapons and your costs need to be x9.
The prices of items such as ‘sigil of force’ will always be whatever people will pay. If content requires this before people will allow entry (eg Raids)- this is a cost people are forced to absorb regardless of the price.
The mithril price has many other factors why it is still rising – and I could go on about this with 2000 words to explain why the price has risen.
We are not talking about once per toon – we are talking once per equipment piece.l and it’s bound to that equipment.
If you have the following for example:
Zerker Armor Headpiece (a)- Light class
PVT Armor Headpiece (b)- Light class
If you wanted strength and holbrek runes as swappable:
To have both available on each armor you would need 2 runes of strength, 2 runes of holebrek. You would unlock each rune on each armor piece.
What this means is your zerker armor you can now swap between one light class with allowing different runes.
If you don’t want to spend all your time swapping armor between toons- you make multiple sets of zerker armor.
The same applies to weapons- it unlocks to that weapon itself.
Looking at the rune sets which you can purchase:
Right now the high price for Strength runes it is 6 Gold a piece: 6×6G=36 Gold for one armour set.
If you need a scholar set of runes for a piece of content: 6×3G=18 Gold
If you need a holbrek set for WvW (or pact runes): 6×2G=12 Gold
What if I want a HoT exclusive map currency rune? 600+ of that map currency and 2Gold=12 Gold and map currency grinding (several hours at least).
If you want to swap between WvW to PVE you have two choices:
1) Make another ascended armor set – approx 500-600Gold / set. Even if it was lower at 50-100Gold/set : you would have to then store multiple armours for that rune choice.
2) Replace your runes on your armor (daily ??)-incurring high costs before you can fully enjoy your content.
Neither of the above is that helpful for players who want to swap between content.
I don’t know of many players that are rolling in gold that can easily swap runes on armour and will often stick with 2nd best.
Even if your chosen runes were 50 silver/pop – Its still 3 Gold.
Most players are averaging 3-10G/Hour.
The question is how much gold do you want to be spending each time just to swap some runes about and how low is the right price?
I have no problem keeping the unlocks on armour even if you stat swap (or not). There is still a cost involved in stat swapping ascended armour and this is fine. Either option works as most people will stat swap the armour before equipping it to PVT, Cele or Zerk as needed first. Many people will still get multiple sets for multiple toons.
Even if you look then at weapons and sigils:
There are 10 sigils > 5 Gold a piece.
The same argument applies for WvW, PVE:
I may want water sigils for WvW, Force sigil for PVE…
Right now I have to craft two ascended weapons, store them, remember to equip the right one (even though they are the same base stat).
So there goes 40-80Gold/weapon just to enjoy content ?
I have no problem with many crappy sigils/runes going up from vendor price of 4silver. We can always forge more from the minor/rare variety show that drop like water right now.
The costs of the expensive sigils/runes are unlikely to drop by much at all under this system as proposed.
The cost of gearing and re-gearing a toon (and alts) drops under the system that is being proposed.
Right now – the cost of sigils/runes changes dramatically if they shift the meta.
This is likely to occur every 3 months under ANETs new system – this would help offset costs of re-gearing to new runes/sigils every 3 months as you have already absorbed the cost as a one-off on a particular weapon or armor piece.
I think the discussion about ‘mithril’ prices is off-topic and is not relevant to this discussion.
That’s why ANet has extractors in the gem store. What you are asking for will spike prices for a short amount of time, be fore everything will become worthless dew to demand drying up. This suggestion has been put out there for about a year now, with the sane arguments for, and against. Not to mention the work ANet will have to do. When it comes to code, nothing is simple.
The extractors are 250G/Use – there are very few runes that are worth that.
Right now the extractors may as well not exist – I’m sure the sales of extractors are very low – removing them from the gem-store would not be the end of the world.
How to make the game ‘more’ fun and less grindy..
Currently it is extremely expensive to test new builds in WvW/PVE content due to high costs of runes/sigils.
This is a major barrier to having ‘fun’ and testing stuff until you get things that would work for you in a PVE/WvW.
Some runes are very expensive to get (Strength/Scholar/Leadership/Thorn) resulting in players being reluctant to replace runes as it destroys the current set or requiring another ascended armor set for a character.
I suggest the following to help fix this:
Ascended Armor:
Add an ability to ‘save’ which rune you have unlocked per piece of ascended armor.
Currently it is expensive to swap a rune set on ascended armor for specific purposes – e.g. Raiding/Dungeons/WvW/Open World
This would also make groups able to change rune sets for content more easily and optimise a group as needed for the activity being played.
What would the effect be on the economy?
Short-Term: Increase in niche/standard runes so they are unlocked on ascended armor.
Long-Term: Stability in the market across more runes as players unlock niche runes on armor. This would also encourage players to get some of the HoT Runes for unlocking on an ascended armor set (Leadership/Thorn etc).
This would ensure that individuals who want multiple armor sets/toons would be unlocking runes on each character. By requiring a rune unlock on each armor set this does not have the effect of destroying the current economy and still allow people to swap armor between characters.
Reduces the need for multiple ascended armor sets with Scholar, Strength, Chrono with the same armor stats.
Ascended Weapons:
Add an ability to ‘save’ which sigil you have unlocked per weapon.
The same logic applies for the ascended armor.
This has the added effect of players requiring less ascended weapons for content and makes the game more accessible for content.
We would require a ‘select sigil/rune’ and would open a window showing what runes/sigils you have available for that weapon/armor.
This would have added benefits of encouraging people to gear towards ascended armor/weapons as a long term goal with unlocked runes/sigils knowing they can swap these at any time for the set they have unlocked on that piece.
The changes above would also be applied to legendary weapons/armor (when released).
HoT is not hard.
Anything new is hard.
Play HoT for 2 months – then come back and let me know if you are still finding HoT Hard.
Players found Silverwaste too hard when it was released – now no-one is struggling in Silverwastes.
Players found Upgraded TEQ too hard when it was released – now its faceroll.
It just takes you a while to adjust to a different type of content – complaints are valid if you are still struggling 3-4 months later whilst playing HoT Exclusivly or have 100 hrs experience in the HoT Maps. Your experience will be very different.
I also find different toons/builds work more effectively than others. My Necro is literally face-rolling all over HoT.
The main problem I suspect is synchronous transactions rather than an asynchronous que which you are suggestion would fix things a lot.
The only transactions which should be sync would be insta sell ones- the rest can be async
If anyone is interested I presume you mean something what this describes
(edited by TPMN.1483)
Making them worse than before – its an art form and takes time.
The first incarnation of fractals was fine – when multiple toons could do each range/day… then it went downhill from there.
Hint:15 K is not a lot – for some markets it’s less than 0.001%
How about buy 1 million of an item at 2c and try resisting it – I wonder how long it would take and how much gold?
We know how much gold Evon makes from the trading post.
My question is how big is the city he has to store all the items he has – I mean:
18 Million candy corn, 10 Million noughts, Thousands of Weapons – does he have an underground network under LA or something ?
Hard to say without knowing the team comp of your team.
You are presenting not enough information to make a conclusion or support your conclusion.
Thread over. GG.
Mine excavation 3 – I think adds a crane or something to the top – it has expanded the size of your mine slightly.
The wildcard imo – will more than likely go to the team which had the ‘DC’ or 2nd place or someone who should have won in the judges eyes.
Wildcard teams for a quick tourney are usually picked by judges (prob ANET) in this case and they then get part of the chance to get into the final rounds.
From your first post:
Editing Order Fee
. Of course an editing fee will be added to cover the missing listing fee but I should not have to pay the whole listing fee again only to lower the price by one copper.
I disagree – you should have to pay the FULL listing fee again.
Your implementation can be exploited by listing an item at a lower price then raising the price you are willing to sell it at for a much higher price as you pay a lower fee for editing.
What you also do is reduce the amount of the gold sink that is in the game for those looking to sell things.
Its simple – if you want to sell stuff fast: ‘INSTA-SELL’
You dont mind waiting: ‘SELL Later at @N Price’
This topic of having lower fees for relisting items has been discussed many times before with the advantages/disadvantages full discussed over a three year period that the game has been out.
You are suggesting ANET dictates Price controls on an open market?
No supply and demand does, as I said. The market still set the price but players don’t trade with each other directly, just like with gems.
Your suggestions create a more simplistic market rather than a complex one.
I have not seen any ‘new’ options you have suggested yet about selling/buying your loot.Please read my posts again, from the beginning, before you answer.
— This still stands IMO ?
Why as new new improvements are here about selling/buying loot at all – the market is currently dictated by buy/sell improvements to a trading post interface do not make a more complex market.
(a) EDIT Existing Orders
I much rather have a more advance TP with the possibility to edit orders. Also some new filters that were mentioned earlier by MithranArkanere is another great idea to improve the TP.
This is an item about ‘editing’ existing orders and not the initial buy/sell of a loot item.
What you really are now asking for is ‘potential improvements’ to the trading post itself.
But here is the rub- you’r suggestions are not improvements – they are negative step backwards.
A NPC TP – that prevents spikes/adjustment curves would be bad or max prices.
This is interferance in the economy and would require ANET to be more active across all markets.
So what price should ANET set for an item such as chak egg / eternity?
Would you be annoyed if ANET moved the price upwards?
How would ANET have a gold sink for listing items?
The GEM→GOLD→GEM is a different market its a ‘closed’ fixed market – where there is a finite supply of GEMS.
In a volitile open market – where goods are actively produced and supply can be changed the idea of a monopolistic communist price fixing economy would not work. You are suggesting ANET dictates Price controls on an open market?
— This would take a whole army of economist clones to get this right requiring close scruntiny compared to the system we currently have.
Your suggestions create a more simplistic market rather than a complex one.
I have not seen any ‘new’ options you have suggested yet about selling/buying your loot.
The current options are:
There is a vendor NPC – to sell at list price
Gamble it on the trading post – sell at a higher price (hope it will sell)
INSTA-SELL to another Player via Trading post (Almost always higher than vendor NPC Price)
The adjustment curve is easier dictated by players given the supply/demand/quantity available. Only items with low quantity are likely to adjust quickly or after major game changes leading to market price changes (look at Orb market for Fulgurite – which is now stable).
I am yet to hear one single argument on ‘how the TP is seriously flawed’
The rewards are rubbish.. and always will be from raids.. from an old post of mine:
So for equivalency :
A set of ascended armour via raids: 1300 shards, 47.5 gold- time sink: 13 weeks (based on 100 shards/week max : excluding minis)
700 gold (get instantly via crafting).
Most groups in my experience will take 3-4 hrs or so and can shard cap (by failing a few times) if they are successful also [most people will do some training runs for others]. Gold generated (Spirit Vale): 4 gold.[For a single clear].
So the direct gold/hr = 1 g/ hr (nice and low right?). This excludes current food costs – which often negates most of the profit as people afk, etc – as organising 10 man content is well a nightmare. Does that mean the 1300 shards is worth: 700-45: 655 gold?
Probably not..
655g/(13 weeks x 4) = 12.5gold/hr if the cost of ascended armour does not move.
The cost of ascended armour will lower over time. If we use the ghostly infusion (~500g/1000 shards): still works out to 12.5g/hr – a mat conversion via the TP.
This price is steadily falling too.
I expect the raid gold/hr to keep falling significantly if the material costs of ascended items falls : we know it will as they don’t like prices this high for the ascended armour.
Doesn’t really seem worth raiding does it now unless you want some of those more exclusive skins – which have to be bought with shards if you get bad RNG.
Silver wastes generates materials / drops – which gives about 10-15g/hr. Especially more if you can bounce breach events in a row or get a good chest farm going.
Remember to open the bags on a lower level alt for maximised profits- it’s still mat conversion to TP to gold. It’s not direct liquid gold.
Material farming/harvesting which is not liquid gold generation can easily net you 15g/hr once you sell the mats back on the trading post. This is really handy for those watch work sprocket mining picks.
Dungeons currently offer about 4-8ghr in liquid gold (less up front costs than raiding) if you can get a good group. This takes some time to organise and requires skill. Most groups are failing badly or not forming as the gold/hr generated (even though it is liquid) requires skill and is one of the lowest gold/hr items in the game.
It’s funny how all things seem to balance the gold/hr generated in PVE mostly – yet material farming right now or SW still generates the most liquid gold for a player (after mat conversion) via the TP.
If they nerfed difficulty.. I would consider uninstalling.
The problem of ‘it insulted’ people from ASIA – I dont get it..
Yes its a mash of cultures to make the art-work, but personally I loved it !
What people have to realise ‘its fantasy’ , ‘a game’ – plenty of games have mashed cultures to make backdrops and people dont rage how the blending of asian cultures to make the artwork is an insult to there culture.
I do want to see cantha back
I have a solution :
Award less shards
On any boss:
Max for Phase 1: 1 shard
Max for phase 2: 2 shards
Max for phase 3: 3 shards…
Boss Kill: 10 shards.
Simple, very easy to understand – cant be too hard to implement either.
I think we get too many shards atm.
Kings – you really need to think through the effect of what you’re suggestions would get as the end net effect.
The trading post system in GW2 is actually the best system in any MMO – I’m sorry if you find it complex.
Many of the things you are saying such as ‘instant buy/sell’ are supported by the current system – and nothing yet you have suggested will solve any problems that you have suggested.
A NPC based system can still be kitten, exploited by RMT Traders… if you understand the complexities of Money Laundering then you might understand how.
So if players had to ‘farm’ the material they needed only this would break the manifesto to the game.
The idea is people can do the content they like … e.g. raids, dungeons, fotm, farming etc and swap via a trading post.
People would still exploit via a NPC based system – they would just hoard the material forcing quicker price spikes up/down and a more volitile market than we have now.
You also remove the concept of the ‘gold sink’ by having the NPC.
If you have 1 item such as a ‘chak egg’ priced at around 10K Gold – it took a significant of gold out of the economy to list that item. IF you sold to a NPC – how would the NPC determine what price players would be prepared to pay for it?
Your system creates more problems for the players as it requires them to be ‘online’ at optimal prices and you cannot create a ‘buy’ order to get something at the price you are willing to pay for it.
It would also mean people are constantly checking a NPC for prices – taking people away from ‘playing’ the game.
Of course there’s the down side of having to relist your old orders, but I’m sure anet can make that very convenient like the rest of the game.
You can only relist 6 items every min or so – John Smith has recently mentioned this is a ‘technical’ limitation – so nope it cannot be made even more convenient. It would also hurt people getting a 5% relisting fee many times over or encourage hording of items even more. This also has the side effect of players more likely needing to be online 24×7 to get the ‘best’ price without the relisting of old orders taking effect.
I do believe the majority of players don’t want to play the Trading Post all day long and want to actually play the game. Your changes would force many more players into watching the TP more closely.
You also have the problem of saying how old is an ‘old’ order?
I have 0 problems if someone wants to list an Eternity for 20K Gold and it stays up there for 3 years and does not sell – it creates a max ceiling price. What is your problem with players who do this?
The massive problem that your suggestion allows is:
more RMT Black market trading – It is well known that RMT Gold sellers use the trading post in ways that I cannot say on this forum (I’m sure John Smith is also aware of what they do). Not having old orders allows these RMT Traders to swap items between accounts incurring less fees (old orders) to get around the gold mailing restrictions.
There are also large advantages:
Old orders on the TP – help John Smith (aka The Matrix Economist) to better gauge volatility, supply, demand – this in turn he can use to make better estimates in how to modify any item to turn it into something useful in the future and the likely impact effects it will have in the game.
Looking at IRL markets and other well made in-game markets (for example Eve Online) they all have a way bigger feature set than the current on in gw2. I have made a list of things I think are needed in the market:
- Order time limit. An order should have a time limit to keep the market up to date and better represent the current state of the in-game market.
– Price history. An in-game graph for price history and moving average can greatly help in determine the real market value for an item.If there is a good reason for why these features aren’t in the game I would be very interested to hear them.
Price History – See any of the following GW2 API Based TP Sites:
— See there is no problem here.
Order time limit – You are still insisting on an order time-limit (even on your latest post).
This would have an effect of players destroying items to merchants for gold rather than putting on the trading post. This in turn reduces the supply of items which in turn will lead to greater volatility.
There is actually no problem in having ‘old sell’ orders or ‘old buy’ orders.
I would rather have for example listed on the TP:
10 Million Candy Corn
18 Million Tiny Snowflakes
15 Million Nougat Center
14 Million Chattering Skulls
14 Million Plastic Fangs
Ready for Halloween / Christmas than 0 supply – as they have been returned to player and they lose 5% trading post listing.
Players would just destroy these materials – which would mean ANET cannot create ‘sinks’ for them like they do in exchange for ‘items’.
I see no advantage of removing ‘old’ sell/buy orders – it just creates a more volatile market.
Hi All,
Just to give you a heads up – Glorious Armour Boxs farmed before seasons started do not contain mist cores which will be required for your legendary backpiece.
Let’s say I just found out the hard way – I need to refarn 2-3 Glorious Armor Boxs for the mist cores.
Oh well should be fun. I did try raising a support ticket to get some mist cores to complete my backpiece looks like I’m back to farming this track again. I have no idea why the old Boxs were not modified to include the mist cores like they would normally do.
Have fun out there and remember the above !
I have personally raged at people who have sworn blind they were still loading into the game for 4 mins + – I believe it can happen.
We need to know the difference of if they have actually properly loaded in or not.
Seems like an edge case but definitely worth further investigation – it might even lower my blood pressure and the chance of my blood boiling out of my body.
It’s bugged – a person can be DC > 3 mins and return to the match.
It will then count as a pip loss.
If that player then disconnects again – you still get a pip loss.
It would help if it counted time “not moving in map” once they have loaded into the map. The reason I say this as some people are registered as loaded in the map but do not appear for 3-5 mins later. They have slow PCs – too slow !
The match is already decided by the time they actually fully load into the map and start doing stuff.
–]Anet-TylerB 10 points an hour ago
If I were you, I’d wait to see what we are doing with the population beta before transferring servers. Feel free to do what’s in your heart though
From that Reddit thread…. Oh well.
Hi All,
It seems Glorious armor only has 12 stats available – missing many of the types that have been introduced with HoT – is this a bug or intended?
Many Thanks
Hi All,
Has ANET given any hints when raid wing 3 is coming out?
I know there is usually a big PR Fest before they release the wing.
With many of the hard core or naturally gifted players clearing wing 1/2 frequently – we are looking for info on wing 3…
Breadcrumbs …
Pigeons …
It still becomes a who can grind the most - so in all it would be meaningless.
A pure who has hugest MMR too 3 may be more meaningful- if it only adjusted quickly.
I have an idea…
How about we lower the amount of magnate shards you get for each phase/completion?
That would mean you would have to complete wing 1, 2, 3 and a rerun of one of the wings before you hit the cap.
Sounds like a win-win to me.
ANET said that they are not releasing any details about population balance until the patch notes.
So let me guess – they mess up what they’ve got even more than before – then promise to fix it when its too late?
I wonder if this will be RED/BLUE/GREEN (bit like EOTM style) and abolish WvW Home Servers – like we have been talking about before in the past and raged against as it destroys the communities already built up over such a long period of time.
Okay – perhaps a graph will better illustrate what is going on?
Costs also decrease over time (once the early adopters) have done there stuff..
Anet is just accelerating the process to enable more people to have this stuff.
You paid the price for adopting early.
Economics 101
My Win/loss goes down when in legendary …
I’m fighting good vs goodly players – guess which team won?
I agree it’s hell with people trying out new classes – but you know what MMR also goes down for next season. Just remind your friends to play there main class – if you are massively in the lead: then swap profession for your profession win.
We had someone who didn’t even know how to play a particular class trying it out for the first time at legendary.
This way it’s a win-win as people get the profession wins and have a good game.
They learnt the hard way -).
There are better ways to get the profession wins than mess a team up for it.
The solution is NOT to move map- taxi people into your map.
I have successfully preventing HOT Maps from closing many times by doing this.Accepting the volunteer bonus usually results in a unstarted map.
The thing with AB is after the Octo meta people flood out so it often incorrectly marks maps for a potential closure.The key for all the HoT Maps is to get those taxis going and ignore the volunteer bonus in many cases.
Ill be concise in answering you. Bullkitten. If you reread the post you will see we ignored the popup the third time and fikled the map completely well before octovine and still got kicked. Ive seen many maps close and in my experience if the popup shows,the map WILL close afterthe hour is up. No matter what.
You moved three times until you got to a third map – and then decided you would stay.
I read it very closely – and the last map was almost full (but was not full). You should have just stayed in the first map and taxi’d people into that one. I did this yesterday and prevented an AB map closing twice – so … We can prevent resorting to the profanitys?
I have many experiences of stopping maps from closing and can give you names of many happy people for you to PM where we have prevented maps from closing if you doubt me.
Look I will be honest I have only once seen a map that said it was going to close actually close when the timer expired.
I have successfully prevented around 40 HoT Maps from closing after the pop up has appeared. This includes keeping maps that said they were going to close going for 6hrs straight – including several popups over that period for closing maps.
They are making back end changes to help fix maps closing when they should not.
With a 5% chance of a map actually closing (than not)- I would rather keep taxiing individuals in and completed T4 metas.
I have done this on VB, AB, TD and DS maps – and prevented map closing shift many times….it is possible.
Like everything in life it is not guaranteed – but there is a pretty good chance that map won’t close on you if you keep taxiing in.
Remember DS has a separate timer – where maps close regardless (fixed timer for a hard reset). This is different to the volunteer map close bonus – this is why people try to get maps filled within 10-15 mins of the new fresh maps starting.
The solution is NOT to move map- taxi people into your map.
I have successfully preventing HOT Maps from closing many times by doing this.
Accepting the volunteer bonus usually results in a unstarted map.
The thing with AB is after the Octo meta people flood out so it often incorrectly marks maps for a potential closure.
The key for all the HoT Maps is to get those taxis going and ignore the volunteer bonus in many cases.
Fun times…
This is what happens when you release SAB and have a PVP Season at the same time?
Not good.
It just goes to show how many people are actually interested in PVP.
50 mins + Still in the Que
I only came on for dailys.
(edited by TPMN.1483)
Hi All,
What changes would you specifically like to happen for season 3?
We know ANET has acknowledged the problems with season 2 and MMR Hell (Season 2- drives your MMR on a downward spiral).
I was hoping for something like:
Match Score / Pip Win Points – Published before the match
Class Locking- So the algorithm can start to use profession MMR more heavily.
This will also create more balanced match ups.
More Balanced Matches – Min/Max deviation of MMR between teams and PiPs:
No more ROFL Stomps escalating higher MMR players together.
Anti-Smurfing – Faster MMR adjustments based on end game score / % win chance (Rather than only win/loss to adjust MMR). A team which scores vastly more than expected should have their MMRs go up a little rather than not at all. Same with massive losses – MMR goes down more.
Known Player MMR- Win ratio for solo Q is unreliable with seasons to show how good a players MMR is. Even if this is ‘low’,‘below average’,‘average’,‘above average’,‘high’. We don’t need to know the exact MMR just our percentile at a broad stroke. This allows us to know if we actually have room for improvement based on the system for those of us who play at ‘off hours’. This does not have to be shown to other players – make these items available via our API Key.
Volatily MMR Index : How stable is our MMR?
- so we have an idea if we play consistently bad, good or erratically.
All the above would be nice good changes to a season I would look forward to.
Right now there is nothing (or very little) we can use to work out if we can improve our game as in-game or external tools without using videos and opinions from other players (which may be subjective).
Please add your own ideas.
P.S. My matches at legendary are awful compared to the fun we had in diamond/Ruby as the current algorithm is screwed and I’m back in MMR hell.
Oh wait – I just noticed.
This was posted on April 1st !
Its all one big joke.
Thank you for the reminder my friends in OZ !
So Basically naff all content then?
As the AMA is delayed (there is no way you can take from the AMA → implement) for April.
I don’t see anything here to bring any players back at all.
The Fractal thing was in development after the release of the failed update to Fractals for the 3rd time. Lets see how much we can mess it up for the fourth time?
When it’s ready™?
Bog Otter – always posts a white knight video for GW2.
He did For HOT – even though others were saying it would not be enough.
Problem is players are telling ANET – your expansion is too small.
ANET doesnt listen.
I can uninstall it any time I like – I can return back to the world any time I like.
26th April – 4 months exactly from the 26th Jan ;-0)
The race is on whats it to be :
Tribal Armor vs Legendarys
It was never really all there together anyways- half-baked , half- an expansion (Sorry MO – it is – in this case the Customer is Always RIGHT even when they are wrong !! Didnt they teach you that one ?
Ah – yeah you dont work in Retail – you work in IT).
Funny thing is CORE Tyria takes me longer to complete than HOT.
So CORE Tyria > HOT IMO – the Hours I spend in CORE > HOT.
The Hours I need to complete CORE > HOT.
The cost of CORE vs HOT = Same on Release.
HoT was a major fail.
Hi All,
I thought it would be a good time to help explore how to quit the game in style..
Step 1: Arrange a party via Reddit/Forum
Step 2: Sell/Give away all your stuff
Step 3: buy random stuff with gold
Step 4; Sell all that stuff
Step 5: Repeat steps 2-5 until broke
Step 6: Arrange a charge back so you get perma banned for life,
Step 7: go travelling in the real world- it’s a true living world out there where the story changes every day.
Have fun!