Last night we tried to float to this bl multiple times, and regardless of local internet speeds most of us DCed on enterring the map. The other half DCed again when we hit our first engagement – the issue is definitely server-side.
You sound upset Tarkus.
You should get some air or some sunshine, maybe both.
MERC probably overplays the most of all the guilds in this tier and it’s affecting you.
Chill out, it’s just a game.
That was kinda the point of the post lol, I’m getting bored at the game as are a lot of players on the server. The lack of new content and the long hours to maintain something that doesn’t actually matter in the long term will mean that I will be tagging up a lot less – and reflects the current SotG. Everyone is feeling the brunt of attrition, and some servers are feeling it worse than others.
I don’t think any of our servers in this tier would be here without a decent and organized community behind them. We are not so different. as it stands the shuffle and weekends are some of the most fun Ive ever had and is reason enough to play this game.
^This, although it is kinda disappointing that only a minority holds this opinion and the majority of the players I’ve talked to in all servers have the opinion that they have the “best community”. How would you know that you have the “best” community unless you’ve actually spent an appreciable time there – and no, quoting a 14 minute rant about how you are the best instead of making a valid point does not improve the view of the community outside the server (Cough Indo’s rant).
I have people I respect in all of the top tier servers, but the guys who post on the forums are a minority of those who (1.) read the forums and (2.) willing to post on them, so a minority of a minority. The views of a few trolls from prominent guilds, be they commanders or militia mean little because its a just a forum for a game where my pixels will hit your pixels in the attempt to get a collection of pixels (i.e. don’t get too invested in a game).
I would say that all servers have their strong base in regards to their community (KnT, SF, GSCH), and are pretty resilient in regards to their populations. SoR’s success comes from having a strong base to work from (the T3 carried from EU), the guilds in NA who have the most numbers on-field and also a Oceanic presence that is equivalent to BG (even at its prime). This came from the night-owl NA staying up, and before it is said that Choo/TW/GSCH does not do that – even 10-15 players from that timezone can balance things in SoR’s favor to the point where we are out-manned (with the buff) in the middle of our prime-time on all maps albeit EB last night when I was commanding (during late NA to late SEA).
Oh and yeah, quit with the “BG paying for guilds hurr hurr” we didn’t chose SoR due to the trolls who create a bad view of the community, and the guys who couldn’t pay for their transfers (~10% of the guys in the guild) had their transfers paid for by the BG community. “Offering gold to pay for transfers” goes only to those who could not afford it themselves, that by definition is not “buying guilds”.
tldr: All three servers belong in T1, have great communities and the constant spamming of “BG buying guilds” is pure and utter crap.
BG cry due to lack EU ? Seriously ? BG is the only T1 server which has dedicated EU WvW guild before IRON come to SOR. This guild tag is HB.
Not sure where you’ve been hiding, but HB haven’t been really around…..
HB are mostly NA now
Keep up the pressure guys, thanks for the fights
edit: kitten it Gismor
Welcome to PvP in an MMO.
Still better than the WoW forums, although its getting there
Seems relatively balanced today, good work guys
Not lookin good. JQ has always had a strong reset night / weekend force and as such if they get buried going into Monday their server will be demoralized and will turn into a 2 horse race early.
Thats not true at all. The leader of the weekend has changed regularly. The problem is, BG is already playing for second.
Not so much playing for second, just playing for points and its easier to go with the tag teaming approach. Everyone gets 2v1’ed at some point – and JQ’s the most attractive target at the moment, nothing personal.
No one in this game has enough control over their “units”, or enough agency over the state of the battlefield and coordination with fellow commanders to enact any deep strategic maneuvers. This is of course assuming they even think about them. If you’re looking for strategy, I’d suggest a different game (maybe Age of Empires II: Forgotten Empires), because you won’t find it here.
There is a degree of strategy, in that you can aim to force a 2v1 on a third faction, stave a map in the aim of eventually taking garrison, force a server to overinvest in one map or to overextend as so you can ninja assets with a smaller guild/force. In the RTS mindset, yeah you don’t have control over “units”, but what you do have is the ability to offer incentives for doing something and therefore manipulate the map to whatever fits the strategy via using tactics.
A good commander has the ability to balance the micro (field tactical play, buffing etc) with the macro (map awareness, ability to form a coherent plan on how to make the map work for you). I’ve probably played too much starcraft lol, but in faction war-type games there is definitely a RTS element to it – whether or not a commander recognizes this is what differentiates one who can hold a map and one that dominates it.
Dragons would be the ultimate counter to the Arrowcart meta, although probably would be considered OP – and cause too many PvE keen players to fill queue times.
Well done SoR, thanks for the fights – and anybody who says anything more about a truce in the jumping puzzle will be shot out of a cannon. No offense to Fannwong and Riven but the /salute is a bit cheesy, I’d rather just say good game as SoR really was hungry for the win this last week.
Look how cool Renny is today!
Renny will never be cool, and karps’ guardian is one ugly SOB
Stuck at work, can I please get a score update?
Figured it was just a guy trying to stir drama, and as a bit of an observation the only people calling JQ/BG dead is SoR. If the servers were dead you wouldve heard from the guilds on those servers, not from trolls be them from DB, BG OR SoR.
Waha said he is moving :( bye JQ
If that were true, that’d be a shame as he’s provided us with the best fights we’ve had as a guild in WvW. Hope that it isn’t or I really worry for the competitiveness of the SEA timeslot.
What kind of support did SOR give you?
The same support that BG did to the guilds that wanted to come over but couldnt withouth our community help.
Is not a big deal, and there’s nothing wrong with donate gold to help new friends.
I still wonder why they keep saying that “BG is buying guilds” and trying to give us a bad reputation for so long and then they go and do the same!
Im surprised no1 is trakittenalking SoR right now and….oh wait!
Call me crazy, but mb when OTHERS do it, is not so bad!!! Lets see..BG donate gold to help ppl get in? How dare you??! Blackhole destroyer of guilds!! Shame on you!! Your reputation is the worst!
SoR donate gold to the same objective? Oh, this is a real community, tight and perfect!! You should all watch and learn!
The same logic applied on the “overtime” nonsense…think about it!
BG won? Overtime lifeless nerds!
SoR winning? Is just bc you’re so good! Again, we should all watch and learn!
I think the main difference is we don’t offer guilds gold to come over. They decide to come over and perhaps if a few of their members couldn’t make it, we help them out. That’s the difference between buying guilds and not.
Thats the same thing BG did. And thats why I am scratching my head after all the criticism that has come from SOR to BG (including youtube video rants about it) and saying how much better their server is for not doing this, when all along SOR does it as well.
Sorry, I’d been not on the forums, but what SoR did and what BG did is different. BG didn’t help out a little after the guild came over and said they couldn’t get everyone. They chose SoR and came over and SoR were like “Oh kitten, we got a good EU guild to join our server” and they were cool people, so yes, anyone would help them finish coming over.
BG: “We offer you 7 guilds 4k gold each to come over to our server… cool?”.
Give some evidence and just not conjecture to prove that – people claimed we got gold for transfering, which we didn’t. You can believe whatever makes you feel happy.
I haven’t admitted neither JQ or BG has EU presence. JQ’s is very weak yes, but BG has managed 500 PPT at EU slot multiple times last week. So we’ll see.
that’s ND and MW, plus some of the MERC (MERC has some international players playing) doing extra hours…i pray to the Spirit of the Wilds for their health everyday.
the new T1 will be like this
NA prime time
SoR: god-tier
BG: good
JQ: decent (good if PvE scrubs show up, and the guilds can stop kittening about each others)EU prime time
SoR: good
BG: decent ( good if BG SEA doing overtime)
JQ: bad (decent if JQ SEA doing overtime)Oceanic prime time
SoR: decent
BG: god-tier
JQ: GoodSEA prime time
JQ: god-tier (sorry fellow BG, i still do think JQ has the best SEA time)
BG: good
SoR: decent ( they are actually doing a solid job holding what they have during that time)I thought SEA and Oceanic count as one region? did you just separate the hawaiians and pacific islanders from the asians?
We call oceanic GMT+10, and SEA GMT 8; East coast Australia is Oceanic, whilst west coast falls under the same timezone as SEA. Whereupon a lot of oceanics will do overtime going from 5pm GMT10 (3pm GMT+8) to 2am GMT+8 (4am GMT+10), so the Oceanic SEA timeslot is around that range
*ignore the random underline, its a dodgy piece of programming
(edited by Tarkus.4109)
BG will always play hard and get hyped. SoR will play the same as if nothing happened. JQ is DEAD.
Not so much dead but declining, there is a solid core that will remain there after the bandwagoners jump ship – as is what happens to most t1 (rank 1) servers, look at what happened to HoD or SoS as an example. I have a lot of respect for the guilds that are sticking by their guns on JQ (SF et al), and wish the best for them in the future.
Pls point me to the so called bandwagoners. You did get one thing correct, that JQ has a core set of players. It is why we have the most medals. It is the work of Champions.
Calm down buddy it wasn’t meant as a knock (no need to be hyper-defensive), I’m talking about the guys who transferred from SoS to JQ when transfers were up – they were mostly the PvE guys who would consitute the militia force. These guys will transfer to the highest ranking server for their PvE Buffs and map control. In terms of naming individual guilds, I’m not into calling specific guilds “bandwagon guilds” (as I was in one that was called one, ala. DiE as an officer), but more to the individuals who are not affiliated to the major ones and will transfer once things get difficult.
(edited by Tarkus.4109)
BG will always play hard and get hyped. SoR will play the same as if nothing happened. JQ is DEAD.
Not so much dead but declining, there is a solid core that will remain there after the bandwagoners jump ship – as is what happens to most t1 (rank 1) servers, look at what happened to HoD or SoS as an example. I have a lot of respect for the guilds that are sticking by their guns on JQ (SF et al), and wish the best for them in the future.
Must not engage agruments on forum…. must not engage….
How scary is Kuro’s backpack!? That thing is kitten creepy to say the least… If I see him in WvW I’ll be running away from him
I saw that when commanding EB in late NA, a few of us screamed “KILL IT WITH FIRE” when it was pointed out and a few references to particular types of anime were made (won’t go into it too much lol). Regardless, those backpacks look kittening weird.
I’m just happy for SOR’s Asian and Oceanic crew, we are finally able to hand over upgraded stuff so they can hold some territory despite being totally outnumbered. I don’t think I would have the fortitude to keep coming back day after day like they do and carry as much weight as they do. Mad props to them!
I guess you don’t play during Oceanic and Asian timezones. SOR have recently quite often had the largest zerg on the map during these timezones.
Tell that to do 450+ BG tick during Oceanic and 300+ during Asian last night.
Last night was not a standard night, as we had to start early and while doing a CTA – generally we have 20-30 MERC floating all maps against a 50 +/- 10 man SoR zerg in oceanic. That SoR number is the Oceanic component, and often as not members from the NA stay up late to sometimes double that number – strangely enough if we combined all forces from all maps we’d probably have equivalent numbers but it is an inefficient tactic for supporting the SEA and EU players that oceanic has to hand off to.
This is the major reason why BG performs relatively badly in oceanic during the weekend, is that the highly populated NA usually stays up, and the SEA logs in early to assist the SoR oceanic – we simply don’t have the NA coverage to pull that off ourselves so often as not we’d be fighting full map zergs with half map forces.
This isn’t QQ, as we often pull ahead of SoR in oceanic regardless of a lower population due to certain commanders not being greedy and securing easy points by drawing the mega zerg to one map and taking out T3 assets on another. I think of it similar to tPvP, if you zerg a point with all your forces its just part of the game to backcap behind a force that doesn’t do things in halves (i.e. we hit 3 points in early oceanic/late NA where SoR lost 2 tier 3 assets from MERC hitting one, KnT hitting another and ICoa hitting another). If you choose to run a mega-zerg this is the only way to combat it, and complaining about a lack of a fight is kinda on you.
Needless to say, the fights have been fun when forces are relatively equal – and its good to see that OCX has been training a lot since we left SoS (good line denial with guardians etc). Also props for the guys from IRON who play in that timeslot, its good to see a guild that has such great discipline and defensive play.
tl;dr: Props to the SoR oceanics that actually have skill, and remember most of what you see on a forum is probably wrong – be skeptical, if not cynical about most of what people say on a public forum.
(edited by Tarkus.4109)
Nah, I wasn’t complaining that they were running a zerg ball it was just that it shows poor initiative as most of the time it leads to the SoR group over extending and losing ground. Its just a poor tactic – and for crying out loud, its WvW; Zergs and Double teaming happens all the time. If people are QQ’ing about it they are just misinformed – but don’t misinterpret it as a complaint if one side happens to have the lowest ppt a lot of the time in Oceanic even if they run map zerg.
Sure you can hold one map pretty well, but that is less than 25% of the potential ppt – this isn’t trolling it is just an indication of poor forethought.
Plus I’m not going to engage in a flame war, you can have fun but I’m not going to encourage it any further.
(edited by Tarkus.4109)
Children! keep it to the pm’s
Agreed, and I also blocked Zorh for this very reason
i miss rolling with DiE <3
Amen to that, but the guild is playing DF2 – personally not a fan of it though its too much of a PvE game tbh.
Children! keep it to the pm’s
Agreed, and I also blocked Zorh for this very reason
Yeah who cares about winning, just have fun.
Plus, he said he will GvG some guilds but not others. It’s obvious he likes GvGing but is making an excuse about certain guilds he won’t GvG.
Not so much an excuse; having someone taking time to GvG is a privilege – you do not gain that through chest-beating, spamming abuse via PM’s in-game and trolling on the forums. Please be respectful at least, and knock off the personal attacks.
(edited by Tarkus.4109)
Thanks for the fights IRON/HIRE/NYS, tbh we kinda did see the IRON tag and follow you around the map because I wanted to push you so you would push back. Nice to see IRON is pretty solid on open field, I just hope that they play more independently as opposed to the current SoR Meta of blobing it up in oceanic (I know it wasn’t your primetime) and disregarding all other maps. Regardless, its good to see a fresh face to the tier, and welcome to tier 1 NA.
Dear Tarkus, please stop making things up about SoR’s oceanic forces. If you wish to keep up this nonsense, let us do a guild verse guild that I have asked for many times.
Yep that full map zerg that you have to bait and switch every night is actually a large group of mesmers right? Nah, and we’ll never GvG HIRE as there generally needs to be a tad of respect there to do so – and we’ve received nothing but trash from your guild and we’d prefer to play WvW.
We’d only GvG if there was an organized and balanced GvG mode in the game, there are a couple of guilds I wouldn’t mind doing it with (IRON, NYS, SF, FOO, ATM etc) but HIRE is not self sufficient as you need another force to do anything (ala. can only fight when outnumbering enemies and running to towers when numbers are equal) so I don’t see why you’re in a situation to try and make demands.
Anyway, I don’t speak for the guild on a large level as I am only one of the few commanders in the guild and only comment upon what I see ingame. You can keep your delusional crap to yourself.
Thanks for the fights IRON/HIRE/NYS, tbh we kinda did see the IRON tag and follow you around the map because I wanted to push you so you would push back. Nice to see IRON is pretty solid on open field, I just hope that they play more independently as opposed to the current SoR Meta of blobing it up in oceanic (I know it wasn’t your primetime) and disregarding all other maps. Regardless, its good to see a fresh face to the tier, and welcome to tier 1 NA.
Cause I said Heeeeeeeeeeeeey yeeeeeeeeah yeah yeah!
ewww pve scrubs
I sir do agree, we do too much PvE – try telling people not to touch the worm in the BL’s, just try it.
But tarkus
Why you no save us?! WhhhhhhhhhhhhHhHHhHHhhhy!
Also, karaoke, I know you feel saddened that we aint spamming map chat with lyrics! Don’t lie to yourself :P
You wanted to be serenaded dangit
Go home cuddles, you’re drunk. Hey hey, I totally would join in, but that whole lack of a router thing kinda screws that up until sunday.
Cause I said Heeeeeeeeeeeeey yeeeeeeeeah yeah yeah!
ewww pve scrubs
I sir do agree, we do too much PvE – try telling people not to touch the worm in the BL’s, just try it.
May I get a score update, landlord stole my router yesterday (not kidding)
Also please list the 10 major guilds who went to BG from SOS
merc, foe, agg, vi, work, atac, the rest of aoi, nd
FoE and Aggression left BG as you’re probably fully aware, I hardly see VI anymore and work/AoI merged into the AoI guild as with all of the guilds that left for BG we lost a lot of members. The core players of MERC and ND transferred over and thats why we are still kicking.
It also should be noted that OCX and SoX (could be confused with SoV again so I apologize in advance) went to SoR and a lot of our militia went to JQ.
It’s Friday, Friday
Gotta get down on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend, weekend
This is why we can’t have nice things
Not going to comment about the blatant server advertising in a completely off topic thread, but regardless – if you haven’t played GW2 thieves are pretty much fit into the rogue archetype of a lot of MMO’s. If you were an nightshade, its pretty much the same kinda stuff – smash clothies with a high burst combo and sneak/evade out of the crap. In WvW they mostly roam, but can be good with small havoc for ganking teams and ninjas of towers/keeps where their DPS is usually needed and an essential part of the team.
(edited by Tarkus.4109)
Only a WvW player would respond to “inc” being called and respond: “Where the kitten is inc!”
Only a WvW player would get recognise one FoO/WM/ND guy in a zerg and does not shout out in map chat OMG FOO/WM/ND zerg
Only a WvW player would see a guy towards a jumping puzzle as a free bag
Man What time zone is before this is it europe? I get off work right now every day and come home and we are ticking at 100 or less on JQ. Then I was online for 3 hours on sor bl and we were outmanned for 2.5 of those hours. where the hell have all the people gone!
Since I haven’t slept for quite some time heres my blury recap. Asian/Sea timezone we had a ppt aroud 360 average (had the lead for all of sea timezone and Oceanic for that matter). One of the sea commanders in the map kept asking for a Euro commander to pin up so they could sleep. Never happened. 5 hours later same commander and alot of the same players are still on and trying to turn around a 20 point tick. Its like Euro didn’t even turn up and BG turned up with extra numbers to cash in on the smaller numbers than usual. Thats about all I can remember but thats coming off some 36 hours without sleep.
Sad to hear man, I think I might have even seen you in one of the Ruins fights (enough trebs?), anyways that issue hits most servers in NA. The thing is that last night was not typical of our normal EU performance as we had NA pushing hard to get us a footholding and from there the oceanic were able to push to keep the ppt high. For a solid few hours I was looking for a replacement until we got one in mid Euro – and he hammered the final nail. Most servers need some Euro coverage, as currently its turned into who has organisation vs who doesn’t – as our SEA commanders often have to cover double shifts to maintain the ppt and foothold for the NA.
We’re still open for Euros to come to BG, and each T1 server because it means that no-one has to bust their kitten as hard as they are now. In before the trolls, the numbers we had fluctuated throughout the evening, but it (seemed to us) that there was a full map queue for JQ on EB and JQ bl most of the evening. The float consisted of ~30 guys, so the comment of 30v60v10 before seemed a little funny tbh. EB militia are easy enough to wipe regardless of server if you don’t have coordination, but before FoO logged into EB we were able to hold into SM with like 10 guys and a billion arrowcarts when we went to JQ bl to hit the thousand treb attempt at ruins (seriously you built like 12 rounds of 5 trebs at ruins to hit the spawn tower and lost NE tower while doing so).
(edited by Tarkus.4109)
Good fights tonight, got 1.5k kills tonight when commanding and two exotics – plus a guy got a precursor off some JQ whelp in EB
::gets popcorn:: This guy amuses me a lot, please add more details, I’m on an afternoon break and could use some more entertainment.
He’s one of the funnier trolls I’ve seen in a while, save some popcorn
Good fights tonight, the fight at lowlands was epic. <3 WM and SF
Actually it was totally stupid and 1-sided
…. Yeah it kinda was. But you have to admire the persistance to get in that circle even after consequtive wipes.
Good fights indeed, the clashes near SE tower and the middle island were fun, SF had about 10-15 and Fire around the same or less. Lowlands encounter was lopsided against you Merc guys + WM but still found the fights enjoyable! Think I remember seeing you a few times myself
Can’t wait until they put some real GvG into this game, as the whole respawn charge issue really got on my nerves last night – as a lot of our fights I would say that we were pretty evenly matched (i.e. our condi-survival march vs the SF condi bomb) however a lot of the fights were decided by the fact that the spawn was right there.
WTB a way to tap border waypoint
condi bomb? we haven’t done that in months, today was just a random few of us who weren’t at work or other random stuff lol
That spawn camp fight was pretty fantastic, one of the better ones we’ve had awhile.
Yeah our guys got hit with like 12 wells and I got 25 stacks of bleed in 3 secs in the start of that fight and I made a presumption lol
Good fights tonight, the fight at lowlands was epic. <3 WM and SF
Actually it was totally stupid and 1-sided
…. Yeah it kinda was. But you have to admire the persistance to get in that circle even after consequtive wipes.
Good fights indeed, the clashes near SE tower and the middle island were fun, SF had about 10-15 and Fire around the same or less. Lowlands encounter was lopsided against you Merc guys + WM but still found the fights enjoyable! Think I remember seeing you a few times myself
Can’t wait until they put some real GvG into this game, as the whole respawn charge issue really got on my nerves last night – as a lot of our fights I would say that we were pretty evenly matched (i.e. our condi-survival march vs the SF condi bomb) however a lot of the fights were decided by the fact that the spawn was right there.
WTB a way to tap border waypoint
This will be an unpopular suggestion, but in their current state Water Fields are overpowered. They are currently the single fastest way to heal a zerg in short order and are way stronger than the other fields by far. They also completely change the face of how WvW combat is done with their presence.
It is common place for an organized group to run into a battle, kill a good amount, retreat, place a water field, and then everyone uses their blast finishers and the entire zerg is healed to full. Then re-engage. Likewise a well placed water field mid battle can completely heal all the melee inside when called out in advance with organization.
I LOVE this on a tactical side, and it does make my staff elementalist feel even more important. But from a balance side of things this is definitely not balanced and does not share the same design philosophy on the power of the rest of the healing in the game.
Suggestion: Cut the direct heal from the water field in half and apply the remainder as regeneration. This will allow it to heal the same amount overall, yet have more counter play and reduce it’s burst healing potential.
Meh, I don’t think its overpowered as there is so much area of denial in this game that will ruin your day if you rely upon water fields a little too much. Although there is a reason why we bring a mostly ele, hammer warrior and hammer guardian force onto the field – the survivability is insane, and the synergies in this game between CC and healing is really understated.
As with enemy AoE’s healing AoE’s have an area of effect by definition – and so if you can force them out of their comfort zone by charging them or necro condi bombing (ala WoC’s) their water fields are effectively negated.
I’d say it was 45 on our side; 20 WM, 15 MERC + 10 Militia vs ~ 35 – was wondering if it was a distraction for a golem rush on garrie but I think it turned into an kitten battle with arrowcarts being spammed and us running with the mostly hammer chain squad. But I’m not going to beat-chest about it like another server… cough (not JQ), but regardless it was a long kitten fight.
(edited by Tarkus.4109)
Good fights tonight, the fight at lowlands was epic. <3 WM and SF
Actually it was totally stupid and 1-sided
…. Yeah it kinda was. But you have to admire the persistance to get in that circle even after consequtive wipes.
Good fights tonight, the fight at lowlands was epic. <3 WM and SF
Can anyone confirm if Pie is working on veteran supervisor now? Seems it isn’t working. Took about 30-40 shots and no life taken with a full zerker ranger.
It doesn’t, as it was corrected in the last patch
BG has been super strong during Euro times lately. Did they get some Euro guilds as well? I am curious.
WM and Merc are pushing later hours leaving them with t3 fortifications into EU prime. Plus organization but it’s tons of fun just wish it wasn’t so lopsided (PvE events hurt ! ) Don’t take this as whining or complaints just an observation of what I’ve seen and why they are ticking so high.
Stei we have Euros in the guild and Ralikh usually covers that shift as a result of his timezone. RUIN, MERC, HB and a few other guilds play during that time and yeah I do agree we generally can muster more guys on the field but what seems to be hurting the JQ Euro seems to be organisation. I stayed up late last night to command during late SEA and early Euro on JQ bl (not a problem due to the fact I night shift), and an observation I made was that the guys that you did have were usually unorganized militia to a large extent. We had roughly equal numbers going to Euro on me at that point (~15) and we were just farming JQ whenever they made a mad dash for cragtop.
Props for WM though who took the T3 hills in BG bl though while JQ overextended when we wanted to clear siege in JQ’s garrison to drain supply. We did pick up a few small guilds, but at that timezone small guilds are so much more important due to their mobility and their ability to hit up targets when one server is blobbing.
(edited by Tarkus.4109)
I put points into Arrow Cart Mastery to test the extended range. In the towers in which I tested this, arrow carts do NOT outrange catapults. This includes arrow carts built at a height advantage relative to the catapult. For example, at Longview / Sunnyhill / Woodhaven tower, an arrow cart built on the roof near the vista is still unable to reach catapults built on the bluff to the north of the tower. Meanwhile, those same catapults can hit the North wall.
The new arrow carts and their associated mastery line are not OP; you just have to be cognizant of your siege ranges and placement is all. Practice, practice, practice.
No 500k dmg/s ain’t op at all. My warrior deals just as much…
Regular arrowcarts now do ~ 700-1000 dps, superior arrowcarts ~2100 as damage has been increased to up to +80% – with the range but they can hit almost as far as catas but not as far.. Put 10 sups in the tower and a 60 man zerg, and good luck trying to take that objective.