You guys do realize you can field multiple raid teams right?
This is an even more hillarious and therefore even better idea!
" Yeah uhm, let´s make two raid teams because we have so many people!
Carl, Linda, Frank, Steve, Cathrin, Mark, Anthony, Bill, Marcus and Fiona are team 1.
Francine, Colin, Matthias, Greg, Sam, Ben, Darla, Darcy, Chris and Ricky are team 2.
Francine: Wait, I am team 2? But why? I was really good at the last attempt!
Guild Leader: It doesn´t matter, Francine. Team 2 is not a badder team, I just called it this to separate it from team 1.
Bill(whispers to the leader): Why do we have to bring Steve along? He´s bad and slow! Move me to team 2 please!
Sam(whispers to the leader): Hey, can you please move Darla out of my group? You know I don´t like her…
Carl: Yeah, thanks a lot guys, what do I have to do here? You know, my grandson is coming to visit us today, and I want to show him what we do here!
Mark: I can´t stand this anymore! I want my legendary armor! Get yourself together folks, or I´ll leave right now!
I really just want to be able to run things with friends and guildmates without ever needing to exclude people.
It is the very nature of a raid to exclude people, Dreggon. I don´t even mean this a a counterargument to it, that damage is already done.
But with a hard raid you take these people out by default:
-The severely handicaped
-The old
-The very young
-The slow, both in mind and handYou make it hard for:
-The casual that plays half an hour a day
-The special class lovers
-The non meta users whose class is sonsidered good, but his equipment not
-The non-conformists
-The people that don´t want to raid but still want the legendary armorI heard, both by foreign word and with my own ears, how raid leaders have said to people:
“Look, Steve, you´re a nice guy and we all like you. But sadly, you simply don´t cut it and we already filled the backseat that could go to you tonight. Maybe better luck next time, dude? Ok? We´re really sorry. "
Usually, several people will opt to give their place to Steve, but you can´t afford to have too many Steves in this kind of operation, not to speak of how poor Steve must have felt.Raid means exklusion. Hardcore raiders who lobbied for it knew that frrom the start, but then you hear the htfu speeches, or my personal favorite,the “mind your own business as we do mind ours” response, basically confirming with it that exklusion is not only unavoidable, but also wanted.
This is true while also being avoidable by making the raid sizes flexible :^)
Then it is that was Raid lovers despise most, a kind of open world event. You can already do for example Tequatl today in a guild only manner, do it in an inhospitable time and the chance of randoms will be very, very slim.
Sure it is still not really open world but stays within a guild, but within a 500 people guild, chances are high that there will be people on board that they:
a) don´t know and therefore don´t like in the raid
b) know and therefore don´t like in the raid
c) the people that are deemed acceptable or at least not a liability
d) the really wanted, selected few
A responsible guild leader will attempt to make your raid as appealing to as much as possible people in the guild for it to stay relevant, resulting in the fact that people like the 66year old, retired Carl who can´t really bend his fingers on one hand anymore, will be part of your raid too.
Having typed all of that, I would indeed support your idea. Sounds hillarious, all that rage would be glorious^^
wait…where was it said we won’t fight Mordremoth at release? I don’t remember that being confirmed
Lol, suddenly your place on the hype train does not look so comfy anymore?^^
Even the stuff yesterday has not brought me away from the idea that Anet had basically nothing beside maybe the first episodes of ls3 when they started with HoT and were doggy paddling mid air for all the time with being forced to sit everyone and his dog on HoT instead of giving smaller content like they planned to do with ls3.
- special triggers from some bosses if they got too much damage in a too short of a time, causing a wipe
-perma retaliation on some bosses (go kill youserlf zerks!)
Wat??? I don’t even?
What´s so funny about this? Granted, I am not that versed in combat mechanic, but retaliation that is not capped is the way to go for a boss mob to kill a zerker attacker, or not? There are no healing batteries in GW2, you needed a dedicated healer to heal a zerker type of guy in the MMOs of old…^^
And speaking of devs, a certain dev already confirmed that there are no WvW players, only PvE players that happen to play WvW sometimes^^
best move anet made for quite some time. pvp should have been f2p from the beginning. get real guys.
your salt is my sugar.Why should PvP be free to play? I’m curious as to why you think this?
Because Eports is somehow best sports, PvE is not worth a dime to the PvP gamer(they of course never play it…), so it should be free. I guess. Or maybe becauee LoL is free, and what is good for LoL, MUST be good for any other game, or any other endeavor in general.^^
I really just want to be able to run things with friends and guildmates without ever needing to exclude people.
It is the very nature of a raid to exclude people, Dreggon. I don´t even mean this a a counterargument to it, that damage is already done.
But with a hard raid you take these people out by default:
-The severely handicaped
-The old
-The very young
-The slow, both in mind and hand
You make it hard for:
-The casual that plays half an hour a day
-The special class lovers
-The non meta users whose class is sonsidered good, but his equipment not
-The non-conformists
-The people that don´t want to raid but still want the legendary armor
I heard, both by foreign word and with my own ears, how raid leaders have said to people:
“Look, Steve, you´re a nice guy and we all like you. But sadly, you simply don´t cut it and we already filled the backseat that could go to you tonight. Maybe better luck next time, dude? Ok? We´re really sorry. "
Usually, several people will opt to give their place to Steve, but you can´t afford to have too many Steves in this kind of operation, not to speak of how poor Steve must have felt.
Raid means exklusion. Hardcore raiders who lobbied for it knew that frrom the start, but then you hear the htfu speeches, or my personal favorite,the “mind your own business as we do mind ours” response, basically confirming with it that exklusion is not only unavoidable, but also wanted.
Hm, was also thinking about the vadility of ascended armor now that it is clearly becoming a second rate armor. It´s a time gated mess to build one, why aim for a secondary rate of armor when you can have legendary armor through your raid and raidgrinding efforts?
And for the people that want to debatte it going second rate, I have the obligatory RL comparison for you too:
IN WWII, the tiger tank was uncontested on the battlefield for some times. What let it ultimately fall behind was its armor(the 88 was still a top notch high damage high fire rate gun) standing in an inflexible angle that did not allow an incoming missile to be deflected instead of just taking the brunt of it´s damage, allowing the later models of the T34 to cancel out it´s comparative individual inferiority and battle them on an even field. On a little side note, the Sherman was always a cheap, mass produced car that somehow became a tank and could be considered exotic armor here^^.
It´s basically the same with ascended armor. Its output is still top notch, but it´s tactical versatility is not..
My guild(s) contain hundreds of people and one is bursting at the seams with a waiting list. We frequently have many more than 10 people online, and there are probably going to be more than 10 wanting to raid. If I have any number not divisible by 10, we won’t be able to play together.
Instead I’d request raid sizes of a minimum maximum (i.e. the smallest amount that the maximum raid size should be) be 20 players and preferably more, so if I have 21 we can form groups of 10 and 11, or larger groups if I have more than 21. This game is supposed to be about everybody playing together, not being excluded because “we have enough people”.
Don´t get me wrong here, but isn´t the point of raids to have in this case 10 top notch people than are adaptable and highly stress resistant, instead of hundreds of people that are not for whatever reason?
Contradicting statement is contradicting maybe?
How to get Legendary armor outside of raids?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Torolan.5816
There won’t be another way and thats how it should be.
What you want is an easier way to get the armor, its not happening.
I was waiting for ohoni to pop up and finally make a thread complaining about exclusive rewards
Just like there’s no way for you to get the legendary back from PvP leagues in other ways.
Just deal with it ok. If you don’t like it, BYE. Anet made it 100% accessible to everyone playing the game. Just get a 10 man team, and go try it out.
“I don’t want to do it but I want the best stuff” is not a valid excuse.
Colin said live at PAX that raids will have masteries and that is the only way to get the precursor required for Legendary armor. Those precursors are account bound btw, so no, they will not be on TP for you to just simple buy after you spammed auto attack in silverwastes for a week.
So with reading this, you are basically confirming what the anti raid people feared all the time of the ride, no mercy for the raid unwilling or unfit people, bend over if you want the exclusive raid items?
Wow, it´s really like playing DAOC open raids all again nowwith the same kind of htfu speeches. Wow, just wow
we already know from datamining they aren’t even close to the size of some of the old maps, don’t know why they think they can say that.
You are aware that Datamining only finds stuff that is currently in the client, right? That means that unless every single part of the expansion is already in the client, your statement is rather premature.
Heck, as far as I am aware we still don’t even have the full Verdant Brink map datamined.
How many years are people going to say this & be proved wrong? It’s happened over & over & over.. The people that have said: “no, no, just wait. You’ll see.” have been wrong every time. People have been right about datamining & stuff since beta. The only thinks they’ve been way off on are meaningless things like Marjory’s possible death.
They are wrong every time with the wait and see they take a classical company bait. Not only here, but in life in general. For another example, in wrestling, there is one top guy since about 10! years. The guy is so so with a highlight then and when. Still, when some fans vote with their voices, sadly not their wallets for a new, much more exciting guy, the league gives them some lukewarm chances until they either manage to cool people´s interest in them or are forced to bend over and take it. Still, at the first slip of the new guy, management panics and sends in their old hero because he sells merchandise. And even there, with a blatantly obvious shtick, fans hold on to the idea that things will turn out better this time.
Interesting thought.
The number of X Sephirot X will probably skyrocket, as will the Y Cloudstrife Y, maybe up to a point when there are more cloudstrifes than actuall clouds…^^
I always wondered why the elite guards of emperors, kings and nmobles in general do such a bad job in GW when protecting their guy or girl. But with a basically heavy obscuring helmet, things have gotten clearer for me. How to protect your guy or girl when you have to fear tripping over something when you do battle?^^
So as a loyal player I get to pay twice, so what happens when the next xpac comes when ever that is, will HoT then switch to f2p? If I where to not buy HoT what would happen? I know these are not questions that need to happen, but if we follow the logic, then to lowers the barrier of entry HoT has to go f2p. So if you are a loyal player you will always pay more. Take that for what you will.
I don´t even want to argue against the logic of your argument as it is simply true. But as I see it, we are paying for early access here, not the product itself. If you get the next expansion, then you will pay there for early access too.
Not to say that this is fair or something, but your choice is basically to either play for example 2 years with brakes on for this special type of content, or not.
In my opinion, the concern about WvW is legit. Granted, it is asked quite a lot to become lvl 60 just to troll a server if you can believe people here moaning all their way to lvl 80 for the last 3 years, despite Anet doing virtually everything except to give them maximum level from the start.
But for someone who has the time and criminal energy to want to do something, it is not such a big hurdle after all, it just wheats out the stupid and short fused trolls. Luckily, most people who are even unwilling to spend leveling the week in a world full of megaservers with XP basically haunting you where ever you go, will fall into that category.
Making the core game F2P gives me some concern too, but not for market reasons as that is not my problem if stuff gets cheaper up to the point of being wortless, but Anet´s. My concern is the wave of Yolospamtrolluncouthfarmbuyrallybotsbeggars running wild in lions arch. Not too cocerned about regions despite cities and starting points on the other hand. Journeying takes effort, and why invest effort if you have all the people standing in lions arch, trying to mind their own business? I will also miss the little chats about this and that, won´t be much left of that with information polution everywhere like :
“YoloGW2, me am 9 and have found GW2 fee to play. Gunna leieve now, swag!!11^^”
Maybe there will be new nodes of people that want to escape that kind of madness, but that remains to be seen.
it´s a remain of the merged thred, Knighthonor, Someone there brought furth the suggestion that raids would go over the whole of a week maybe, wth timers and stuff.
So we would be really back at square one:
-You´re not there at kill day, you get diddly squat.
-You´re not state of the art equipped, you need a mercy seat or get didly squat too.
I really fear that the kittenstorm her will be gigantic if this is indeed the saturday message, alrthough it won´t be much friendlier if it is not as hard as some ernthusiast hope.
Raids likely have longe reset period for the group to be able to run it for a week long rathet than all 5 hours in a single sitting.
Huh? Like say I am with you at monday, tuesday, wednesday and saturday in the course of a week, but can´t show up on sunday, so I get nothing?
Oh yeah, that would be the icing on the cake, a bunch of pre-assembled guys that can spare the two hours it takes to make a 5 times highpowered marionette.
Throw in the one reward only rule(only 1 player gets the big prize, a chosen frew a better consolidation prize and the rest a spoon), and we´re straight back in 2005 again, right at square 1.
But tell me, what are you gonna do when the first raid favors for example foul and the second knight gear? Be a good grinding squire and make an armor for each?^^
Raids are expected to be much more difficult instanced content than dungeons, but without pushing gear treadmill. It’s a matter of playing the game to its maximum, and making use of every tool you have at your disposal. If it doesn’t touch gear treadmill, I am all for it.
Expecting something 5x harder than a Season 1 Marionette.
Lol, you know how often Marionette bombed, sometimes hard, sometimes closely? 5 times harder would maybe enable 5% of all people to do it^^
Not to burst your bubble, but if in this evening some marketing guy working at Anet can show a convincing chart that people love grinding levels and would pay for it, you can bet your lucky dollar or euro that it will be implemented tomorrow.^^
Hee guys!
What are your opinions abount the Quaggan hat (with bow), Backpack cover and finisher?
Do you want it, do have it already, do you hate it or is it just strange that you wear it?
Quaggan hat:
Quaggan backpack:
Quaggan finisher:
Do you have any good memory, story or joke about a quaggan or quaggan item?
1 Hate it. If you want to look really stupid instead of just stupid, be an asura while wearing it.
2. Hate it even more. See 1 for details.
3. That one is actually cute, and I hate myself for it for liking it.
I was once talked into being part of a guild screeshot were we were all Quaggans. See 1 and 2 for details…^^
After giving a little bit of an additional thought, I am honestly a little worried for some of my fellow guild members if too hard raids are implemented. Some are over 50 or even pushing 60, no way they can survive in the high octain environment of a brutal raid. And I surely won´t leave them behind, with many younger but probably like minded gamers would follow suit. Indeed a hard nut to crack for Anet, would not want to be them right now.
That quote from LotRo is very interesting. If it is representative, no good will come from implementing raids in general. If you can´t lure people to do a raid that could potentially revolve around the Necromancer or a Balrog, how do you lure in people with a potential snooze like a mad asura scientist?
So far, by speculating I think the free core game is a nice move.
First, I’m not sure you can bind different account to the same Phone number, so the risk of people holding tons of accounts is limited. On top of that there may be some people having tens of account for the login reward, but they will be a minority.
The bot risk is higher since they can affect the supply of mats. That said, the valuable things will be in HOT, there will be new mats, new crafts and this will not be touched by free core game.
You would be surprised, and not in a good way, what people are willing to put themselves through to have their way in general and in games.
Speaking from the prespective of a former eve online veteran player, I can confirm you that there are people virtually(pun intended^^) living in the game on multiple accounts, despite the work this makes with all kinds of scamming, missioning, multiboxing, SoV milking and market manipulation. Some people even never leave station and could buy a middle sized corporation, sell them for a dollar and buy them back without breaking a sweat.
It was common knowledge that only 2% of the population did raids in WoW before WotLK. Then it all changed, there was about ~70% (if I recall the number, certainly above 50%) of the WoW population with MoP that had at least achievements from the first couple of raids and the number is just going up with every release. Do those people raid all the time? Can’t tell from the data. Do they love raiding? Maybe not, can’t tell from the data. But fact is, a large percentage of the population actually does/did some raiding, so there is at least some potential there.
That´s a start at least.
So there are no numbers on how many people actually “raid” compared to other people that go into raids once in a blue moon to farm the more easy achievments before going on their merry way. Especially factoring in that in Wow, as far as I am informed, doing a raid content once you have passed the level is just for fun and giggles, people could just waltz into lower level raid areas for the achievements to sit on their desk at home? Like me when I made some Aetherpath achievements early, finally made it through after getting invited late in a party to never go into that path again. Would people like me be a pro or con argument for raids?
We could probably look at around 20% then, depending how people are counted for the pro or con side?
So what is it now, are the raiders an overwhelming majority or a tiny minority? Are there any reliable numbers given out by respectable sources?
I am not talking about untapped potential, mind you. There are probably many people that raid in wow because they like the social experience, not the raid itself, and even there, many people play because they like the game and the grind, not raids.
And for GW2, there are probably enough people that would buy a game if they had raids, and there are undoubtfully enough players waiting for raids.
I would greatly appreciate it when Anet would be able to build a dungeon environment that would include rotating types of opponents, rotating dungeon types(no dungeon is the same) , rotating types of middle level boss opponents(no more: oh, it´s Kholer. He can do this and that. But a : “Oh, there is the mid dungeon boss. Last time he blew us away with fiery whirlwinds? No problem, now we got to…Huh? Why is he doing lightning Earhquakes now?” ) and of course a highly resistant regeneration, high damage, time clocked and always with unremovable retaliation armed boss that can react to to any speed runner shield rotating skill tactics by for example using unblockable and disrupting traps in the virtually last moment to heighten the challenge for a glorious, sparking skin or something like that.
Add in a video of some of the actual pros manage the dungeon after a drawn out, hours long battle with an anet dev shrugging his shoulders at the end and saying:
“There you got it, it is possible to beat it! Best of luck to you other players!”
Would be glorious to see how 90% of the hardcore type people would ask for mercy after a week and have to admit that they are only hardcore look-a-likes swimming in the safety of the swarm of hardcore fishes.^^
It would be a logical step to raise the lvl cap one day. I am personally indifferent to it, surely would not maon if it happened, but also not run out in the street to dance.
PvP: Absolutely of no consequence to PvPers. As it is obviously Anets favored son, this would be no hindrance.
PvE: Although it is often moaned in the forum about lvl 80 already too much, I am pretty sure many people want this cap raised for more PvE experience. If this makes sense is for everyone to decide, but I am sure a PvE enthusiast does not mind to level longer if the maps are well desgned that accompany such an step. And how many altoholics with 45 characters are out there? Although some (winks^^) not that many I guess.
WvW: Nobody in Anet gives a rat´s rektum about WvW most of the time, why start with it now? Besiedes, upscaled until you reach new level cap, a little rallybot rally in general for the first weeks.^^
The fact that EVERYTHING is on the gold standard is where the problem is. I’ve seen maybe 6 exotics as drops over 3 years of playing. I used to have Magic Find gear, and these days I don’t leave Lion’s Arch unless I’m rocking 200+ MF. It’s a sea of blues and greens for me. I’ve done dungeon grinds, silverwaste grinds, Queensdale trains, etc. You name it, I farmed it. And you know how I finally got my T6 Mats? I converted 4,400 gems into gold so I could buy them because THREE YEARS of gameplay was not enough to farm them.
Three years of gameplay<$55
I hope you´ve not really just dropped meager 6 exo drops in 3 years, most people I know drop 6 exos in a slow month.
If so, /hug ^^
If I’m personal reward level 11, and I pay 20g for that
Not only am I getting massively ripped off, but I am only rewarded at the level of 11, and my personal reward level only goes to 12, is that correct?I guess if you were level 49ish or 50 and just needed a quickrun for daily or something, otherwise I don’t even see the point. >.<
Yes, it is correct. Only a complete moron or totally new player would pay 20 gold for a rise from lvl 11 to 12.
And no, it is also not suitable for a daily. A single fractal daily can be of any level, and to buy a complete run of lvl 41-50 for a daily is such a waste of money that I would be lost for words if someone had actually done this. Well, maybe if you are really rich and really bored…
Delay release of HoT in favor of a new spec
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Torolan.5816
So much truth in just one post. I salute you, good sir.
But to be honest, i see my guardian as more of a dog guy instead of a bear. But how do you harass a dragon with a bear or a dog? They can´t fly, so would be pretty useless against a dragon. I´d suggest some flying beast instead of a bear.
Maybe an owl? It can, uhm, warn you at night if a dragon approaches.
Or an eagle? It can circle high over the dragon in case you have missed it´s giant footprint where it landed.
Or a raven? I heard nothing scares a 10 ton dragon more than a 10 pound raven.Given the current state and apparent design of the Dragonhunter, I think a bear would be a perfect fit. You raise excellent points about a bear being completely useless in a ranged combat role, but rather than this precluding the bear as an addition, I think that’s what makes it the perfect choice. We just have to frame the presentation to the player the right way.
So, without further ado, I am pleased to present this new suggestion for the Dragonhunter specialisation: The Bear Trap.
I think, ideally, this would be a trap that the Dragonhunter lays and then when the stars align and something eventually wanders over it, a bear will launch itself out of the ground, run straight towards the toughest enemy it can find, aggro it and train it right back onto you.
Which would actually be really useful given the Dragonhunter’s trap utilities now that I think about it. We may have accidentally found the key to fixing the Dragonhunter here. It doesn’t need a knockback, it needs a strong taunt.
Hm, how about a norn changed into a bear instead of a common bear, with a mexican wrestler mask inclusive? Could take the opponent in a submission hold and drag him over to the Dragonhunter…^^
I sold the Ghastly Grinning Shield skin right after Halloween 2012 for 60g and I thought it was a good deal…
Ouch, I know your pain, dude. I sold Scarlet´s rainbow for around the same amount of gold, and look at it now.
But don´t take it too hard, for all we know, it could have simply dropped in value because drop rate could have changed or whatever. I hope. ^^
Delay release of HoT in favor of a new spec
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Torolan.5816
I don’t even main Guardian and I would prefer this over Dragonhunter. Then again, I would also prefer a nice tall glass of milk over Dragonhunter and I’m lactose intolerant. It’s just so bad. I don’t think the individual aspects of the specialisation work together at all in any meaningful or effective way which makes the spec fundamentally broken from my point of view. I also worry that Anet is going to dive headfirst into the sunken cost fallacy by trying to tweak concepts that aren’t working with the very limited time they have left in their intended 2015 release window.
I’ll play the upcoming BWE and test it, but considering the released change notes I don’t think any of the underlying problems with the spec have been fixed. I also don’t think they will because the scale of the required changes would be too large. If Dragonhunter isn’t shoved out the door a hot, broken mess when HoT launches, I’ll be pleasantly surprised, but I doubt it.
Although, on a lighter note, the trait that makes the basic longbow attack periodically perform knockbacks is going to cause no end of hilarity when players start using that outside the beta. Speaking as someone who mains Ranger, I can reliably inform you that community just loves players with longbows who throw out knockbacks on enemies multiple times a minute. Maybe that’s what the Dragonhunter is so desperately missing: Bears.
So much truth in just one post. I salute you, good sir.
But to be honest, i see my guardian as more of a dog guy instead of a bear. But how do you harass a dragon with a bear or a dog? They can´t fly, so would be pretty useless against a dragon. I´d suggest some flying beast instead of a bear.
Maybe an owl? It can, uhm, warn you at night if a dragon approaches.
Or an eagle? It can circle high over the dragon in case you have missed it´s giant footprint where it landed.
Or a raven? I heard nothing scares a 10 ton dragon more than a 10 pound raven.
I wish I could just send you 500 of them, winterlove. If you do Silver Waste for some time, you won´t be too happy if they drop…
There are many of these offers, sadly.
I would never pay 20 Gold for a lvl 50 fractal, that´s for one way overpriced, look at Arah prices in comparison. On the other hand, Fractals are much more easy to learn than Arah, so it´s a waste of money. And it indeed does make the community of Fractal Runners look bad in general.
I would think about the ls2 season successes also offered there if I didn´t have friends who can run this garbage with me, without me wanting to gouge my own eyes out to be honest.
Btw Bomber, outdated argument is outdated. fractal weapons will be much easiser to come by with HoT as far as i know.
(edited by Torolan.5816)
Delay release of HoT in favor of a new spec
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Torolan.5816
Would also give room to exciting new Missions, voiceovers, traits and JP:
*The dirty hole: *
A new jumping puzzle where the legs of your character are broken, and you have, in real time of course, watch how his wounds heal before you can attempt to climb the JP. No chest reward at the end at all of course, only a rope that someone could have thrown in to rescue a relative all the time, but did not do…
New Voice overs:
repeated over and over while you glide.
New Missions:
Go and stop Batman!
Wherever you are on the map, a band of joker look alike Asura jumps you and beats the garbage out of you if you can´t fend them off. Of course they don´t kill you but put you in a mission you could not escape from by all means human, but you still can. Because you are Batman!
New trait:
Catwoman loves me!
Every female charr NPC and PC turns head as soon as you appear on a given map. PCs can actively attempt to resist by running in the opposite direction, but NPC charr will flock around you.
And don´t forget the other type of specialization possible, the Judge Dread voice over:
With Sylvester Stallone voice over of course, no Carl Urban at all. You can have a pistol there…
Why do I have the urge to hum “Somewhere over the rainbow” after watching your charr, OP?
Well played, good sir. 10/10, would watch and be astounded again^^
What would be far more interesting to me if ppls who create those partys want advise – knowing that giving it unwanted can make you seem like a real kitten, even though you had the best intentions.
I guess it´s a matter of approach.
*If you come in all guns blazing with your info and make people feel like you are the only guy in the group that knows anything about GW2, you´re as popular as rectal bleeding in that run, that is something I can guarantee you.
*If you politely ask if you can give a friendly advise to someone who clearly failed in the run multiple time, preferably per PM, most people will listen to you. Some people are really thankful and even invite you on the friends list.
Or make an offer/consideration or a baffled question out of it(here again, smarty pants are not well received) instead of a full blown speech how inefficient this and that is.
*"I have 22K AP, surely they will see that I am superior to them in how I play because I had success in the past."
No. Just no. Nobody that has, lets say, more than 3k AP gives a rat´s bottom about your AP. All have probably run that dungeon at that point, know that there are speedrunners out there and don´t care if they spare 5 minutes on their own group.
I find all these zerkers only/meta only/guardians only kind of ads really annoying.
People should let other people play however they want, and the class they want. I can do lvl 50 fracs with all rangers. It’s not that hard. I don’t get why some people would go the extra mile to find a guardian only to realise the guardian doesn’t know how to trait his class or use walls. :/
I’d rather have people who like and know their classes, than force people to play a class they don’t like just because that’s what the “meta” says. -_-
So players who want to do the dungeon in the quickest and most efficient manner for PUGs to have to go slower because you don’t like that play style?
“So players who want to do the dungeon in a relaxed and most effort to ratio manner for PUGs to have to go faster because you don´t like that play style?”
Not that I necessarily think that way, but do you see how easily that swings backward, making it a really awkward and weak argument for both sides?
its not a question of can they dodge everyone can do it as i said but new players don’t know the content , they don’t know " When to dodge" so them using Zerker or glass gear from the get go , is like giving a Child a Knife and Expecting them to be Smart with its use or safe.
The analogy is so bad it hurts.
You don’t teach kids to play chess on a monopoly board do you ?
So why would you teach them to play the game in a manner that gimps their ability.
The best way to learn is to be given all the tools needed to achieve success. In this case that includes the proper gear, and teaching from players who know what to do.
I don´t know about you, I did not learn chess by going to a chess club and play with people that already were regional competetive good chess players. I learned chess from my relatives who explained to me how a given piece could move. I had to play on my own, but I knew what could do which trick in the game. And not even that to 100%, it´s kind of hard to grasp a rochade at first or how to not move to get into checkmate in 4 rounds when you are new to chess^^.
its not for new players so don’t Suggest to them zerker if they ask , make sure they know its a hard style to master and still comes with its risk regardless of how much you dodge.
That’s not sound logic. It’s just as ‘hard’ to dodge with zerker gear as anything else, it’s just you have to do it less with zerkers gear. That’s an argument FOR encouraging new players to use zerkers that aren’t used to dodging or don’t like it or whatever excuse.
Of course it is as easy to dodge with Zerker as with Soldier, button pressing wise.
But how many times do you wipe with a group of incompetent berserkers in an by all means easy dungeon like SE1 because people are bent of stacking in that stupid corner with 3 high damage golems pounding them after WoR and Shields are off or done for? I saw zerker thiefs die, not just go down, with one boss hit in a high level fractal. It´s clearly a l2p issue, and with zerk, a very unforgiving one for people that are new, slow or new and slow.People incompetent in zerkers are ALSO incompetent in any other gear you want to give them. Same argument. Skill != gear.
Yes, you might live an extra hit or two in not zerkers gear and that might keep you from eating the dirt less but you HAVE to learn to dodge stuff and once you learn that, you will quickly realize you can evolve from not zerkers gear to zerkers gear.
Doing dungeons is about knowledge and skills. Gear doesn’t give that to you. Gear doesn’t allow you to ignore either of those. It lessens the burden only enough to give you breathing room to get the skills and experience you need to progress.
I play dungeons from release on and high level fractals soon after they came into being and I deem myself to be fairly competent in them. But I still prefer my soldier guard above every other class. Why? Because it is forgiving and I feel confident in them to not be a liability in a group. Anyone that can feel confident in Berserk, more power to you.
But please, don´t just jump into stuff with Berserk, evolve as you put it. That´s only a disaster waiing to happen if you don´t, I never bought into trial by fire attempts suggested by some Berserker players.
(edited by Torolan.5816)
Before ascended weapons were released legendaries had the same stats as exotic weapons. When that update hit all legendaries were automatically upgraded to ascended and Anet said legendaries would always be kept equal to the top-tier equipment.
However they’ve also confirmed that there will be no increase in level cap and no new tiers with Heart of Thorns, so that announcement isn’t relevant in this case.
But they also said that ls would be the way to go, and now it´s expansion time. So I would not put my hand in the fire for ascended items, but it would extraordinarily stupid to make it worthless again for the masses of rage quits. But in any way for legendaries, they will probably always stay top gear.
Wow, I can´t even…
You people are really great! You always unearth problems I would have never imagined.^^
Pretty sure that now as the WvW Server bandwagoning will slow because of servers being simply full and unreachable, the numbers of people that really receive thir birtday presents will skyrocket…^^
Um, huh?
Why should anyone that has an account since 2012 have deleted(not just not played, but deleted) all the characters he or she had if not for the reason to change a server for free? And as all was about stacking on the higher servers until Anet threw a brake on the practice, the incentive to delete your chars over and over again has diminished greatly.
Wow, I can´t even…
You people are really great! You always unearth problems I would have never imagined.^^
Pretty sure that now as the WvW Server bandwagoning will slow because of servers being simply full and unreachable, the numbers of people that really receive thir birtday presents will skyrocket…^^
Judge: “Defendant, did you do anything that was forbidden by the law?”
Defendant: “No.”
Judge: “Defendant, did you do anything that was not covered by the law, but could very well have not been allowed if someone would have thought about it when the code of laws was implemented?”
Defendant: “Uhm…Yes.”
Judge: “Defendant, did you do anything that was not forbidden by the law at the time you did it, but now, after reenachting the given law in terms of wording and not only spirit, would be illegal?”
Defendant: “Yes. But wasn´t then, so I go away home free now.”
Undermining an idea whose implementation is clear, but the wording is not, is common business practice for large companies. If big guilds somehow could socialize their investments in consumables while keeping their gains all for themselves, you can bet your bottom that they would do it. Just open any financial, or just any serious newspaper to see proof of this.
its not for new players so don’t Suggest to them zerker if they ask , make sure they know its a hard style to master and still comes with its risk regardless of how much you dodge.
That’s not sound logic. It’s just as ‘hard’ to dodge with zerker gear as anything else, it’s just you have to do it less with zerkers gear. That’s an argument FOR encouraging new players to use zerkers that aren’t used to dodging or don’t like it or whatever excuse.
Of course it is as easy to dodge with Zerker as with Soldier, button pressing wise.
But how many times do you wipe with a group of incompetent berserkers in an by all means easy dungeon like SE1 because people are bent of stacking in that stupid corner with 3 high damage golems pounding them after WoR and Shields are off or done for? I saw zerker thiefs die, not just go down, with one boss hit in a high level fractal. It´s clearly a l2p issue, and with zerk, a very unforgiving one for people that are new, slow or new and slow.
Yes! Finally i can bring back some memories of the time when I was in the army, with a heavy backpack on my back!
I guess? Or not?
Lets say your at an amusement park and there is a basketball 3 pt challenge mini game where if you hit 5 three pointers in a row, you get a special ball as a reward only available at this mini game.
He wants that special ball to be accessible as a reward by the other mini game where you have 3 chances to throw a dart at a balloon at point blank range and make it pop. “because its more fun to him”
Again, you present a difficult challenge, and a very simple challenge, and say that I want them to reward equally. That has very clearly not been my position at any point. My position is that the same rewards should be available through equal effort. So if you had a difficult challenge and an easy one, as you describe, you would at the very least have to perform the easier challenge longer, until the effort involved balances out. But then, yes, there’s no reason the person winning the dart game could not receive the basketball reward instead of the dart game’s reward, if the former is the one that most appeals to him.
As a child, I loved to play at the horse race stand at the local fair that came to town once per year. You had to pay a small fee to participate, then you could roll balls into holes that were green, red, blue and the central one was golden. Each color gave you a different amount of points that moved your chosen horse, and if your horse came in first, you got a big teddy bear. I blew nearly all my fair money on this particular activity, despite relatively bad odds with up to 6 other contestants playing against me because the people at the stand were nice and the activity really appealed to me. I showed the classical signs of an addict then (^^) trying all horse colours and even came to think of “green horse is best horse” because I thought that I won more often there. Sure, I also won some teddy bears over time, but after I had won the first bear, they were not as important as the game itself. And the pressure to win a teddy bear was completely gone, which I found a freeing experience then. I even gave one away that I just won after a while to a girl smaller than me that was crying because she could not win one after several attempts and desperately wanted it, despite being selfish like children usually are at this age. Her father also gave me the equivalent of 2 dollars as unasked reward, so what goes around does really come around I guess. This surely did not make me a special snowflake then, but still kind of had an impact on me as child.
So what kept me playing? The kind of content and the people, not the reward or the activity. In GW2 terms, my ideal content would be funny, rewarding and replayable because of its overall greatness, not because of the hardcore element or to show my teddybear to the loser that never won one (not suggesting that this is the reason most people want content to be harder) .
But I also have some questions for the rest of us as well. Does the rest of the community see this as an issue? I know parts of all of us are quick to want every bit of information revealed to us, hence why we do things like data mine in the first place. Is there value in having Anet properly reveal their information the way they want to or do we deserve to know every bit of it as it is ready?
To be honest, that does not flinch me in the slightest. I am completely indifferent to anything revolving around the effects of elite specializations, I just look at a RP stupid idea like a thief with a staff (So what is it now? A monk like Quai Chang Kane? A wizard? Or a tramp with a walking stick?) or a close combat wizard class and laugh a little bit about it.
And btw, it is the communities own fault to datamine it. For the Average Joe, that information is probably as hidden away as the gold reserves of a given country. For example, I have the most fun with Wrestlemania if I don´t go to spoiling forums ome months before and don´t have to deal with supposed backstage drama.