Canach is the one shining light in the otherwise terrible NPC lot the Living story has introduced. He’s not goody-good, one-dimensional or baddy-bad. I’d team up with him anyday rather than the ones I’m forced to team with.
And yes Anise is another good character, so pairing him with her is a good move. She is definitely mysterious.
If I would not be participating when something like this happens, I would map if I was asked politely. I would not stay just to spite others.
Tips for mesmer:
- Menders go down fast with GS. Cripple them with berserker, mirror blade and a shatter should take them pretty low on health.
- Sword-pistol is a good combo for the statue itself. It goes down pretty fast when you can damage it freely.
- Don’t rush. Focus on controlling the situation. GS is also good for ranging fear wards.
Yeah, he was a pain before, now usually I see him just being skipped. Needs to be adjusted if ANet wants him to be killed.
If you behave exactly like a bot (which based on my observation from farming trees) which about 99% of the farmers do, is it really that weird that you get handled like a bot?
Otherwise maybe, but after ANet created a resource that basically had to be farmed in this fashion, shouldn’t they expect people would? Instead of going “oh look something is going on, suddenly there’s so many bots farming trees, I sure wonder why this is happening!”
Having now leveling a first character after the update, I feel like the new system is just kitten compared to old one. What was wrong with it? You get traits earlier and can experiment without having to go out of your way to do something horrid like a zone clear you wouldn’t normally do.
Now, I feel like the trait system could work for grandmaster traits only. Those are special, it’s alright that you need to do some big deed to get them. But simply for tier 1 traits? No way.
Don’t worry about it, the way I see it, it’s permanent free stuff.
They’ve chosen their own business model, so I’d say it’s fair to expect a working product. You cannot always hide behind the fact that it’s free so it’s alright for the quality to be lower.
But yes otherwise I’m willing to wait until I can do one event, story progress blocking bugs would be my nr 1 priority to fix right now.
Still bugged Frostgorge for me. Fenris is just saying go check out the totem remains, but even clicking those does nothing.
edit: Okay, after guesting to another server I had the event run successfully.
(edited by Traveller.7496)
How about fixing those Frostgorge events next?
Signed: “Still waiting for those dolyaks”
Not like it’s blocking my story progress or anything.
The whole thing is documented crazy badly. You have no idea what to do when you get there, that Charr doesn’t give you any new information and you have to ask others what to do. I’ve gathered so far I have to kill some wolf somewhere and I’ve killed one other champion. Can’t this information be delivered to you by the game itself?
I truly cannot imagine a world where awful characters like the biconics get to be in every major release and then a hero like Trahearne gets offed.
I think they will be tradeable somewhere along the way. The devs probably realize that when new areas are introduced, there won’t be event or T4 farming in Dry Top anymore and no chance of getting the fossils. So even if you don’t want yours, save it.
Personally I’ve opened maybe about ~30-40 chests with no fossils during the second Dry Top release.
They should never make these skins available in any other way than GW1 and Hall of Monuments.
And there’s nothing keeping anyone from buying GW1 (probably for a lot cheaper than these skins would be at a gemstore) and getting those points.
Same progress for everyone, it’s fair.
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Hope so, I’m hating the silent hero a lot.
Questions, questions….. .
Are Dragons needed for “Balance” to be preserved?
This is more or less that Pale Tree already tells you if you talk to her now. There’s no new dialogue since this new patch, but I’d guess there will be talks with her in the next story part.
I had the same thing, you should be able to quit the first part in the story journal and start 2nd right away.
Entanglement spoiler:
Instead there’s a plot twist surprising exactly no-one, redshirt sister croaks. I’d be more surprised if she lived.
I’ve been waiting for them to bring in Lazarus, but it seems unlikely seeing how much they are building completely new lore and ignoring the old.
Doing the living story with the bi-conics is like being in a PUG you can’t get out of and have to stop your run to listen them talk how their day was. And then you find out two of your party members are dating and they constantly use pet names over Ventrilo, causing awkwardness for everyone else. Not to mention one underage player who is constantly shrieking how awesome everything is.
Point is, can we get zombie Tybalt and Canach to our party already instead of these guys? Or our guildmates? Or better yet, the characters I’ve created? I’d love if all my 5 characters would form a party to take on the bads. (that’s actually how I’ve pictured it on a RP standpoint.)
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I think my opposition towards the Steam creature origin has a lot to do with the reasons that I hate how Scarlet is portrayed as a super genius mastermind behind everything and even managing to retcon Asura personal story. Sure, the explanation about possible futures leads to an endless debate, but was it really necessary to rewrite an established part of GW2 lore to add a minor detail like this?
I don’t mind the fact that NPC’s don’t acknowledge my past deeds, not everyone knows everything. But when my character gets to choose from three stupid dialogue options which I – or the character – would never say in the situation I don’t like it at all.
Yes I’m talking about Marjory’s stupid inappropriate “afterparty” jokes scene. At least one “go on.” option is needed in case all other dialogue is suited just for the type of PC ANet have imagined in their heads, not what we’re playing.
edit: Found the quote
Angel McCoybut we’re now more comfortable with having your PC say things that commit to an idea or a knowledge or a thought that you the player might not have had.
This is wrong. It’s kind of puzzling how you guys can say this will deepen the immersion of a personal story. Doesn’t it rather take it away if your character does and says things that are completely out of your control and not what you’d want to do?
(edited by Traveller.7496)
Retconning lore as you see fit does not really speak of a successful long-term planning.
It seems to happen regularly when I try to play with sandstorm going on. This time I was able to log out, but it still messed up my screen and I had to reboot.
I recently had my graphics card freeze and computer bluescreen afterwards (when GPU couldn’t recover) during Dry Top sandstorm effect. First game got laggy, then screen froze as sand-colored garbled mess.
My PC can handle GW2 max level graphics pretty well and I’ve never had a similar problem before with any game, in fact I think it was the first bluescreen I ever had on this PC (about 3 years old). Has anyone else experienced it, or is it a known problem for developers?
Open/use all is definately needed already. I also like the idea of having ctrl or alt “on” permanently. Would make searching a lot of things easier.
Wizard did it, no wait, it was Kasmeer.
Just give the player mesmers the ability to blink over a gap and I’ll be happy!
It’s not relevant what GW1 did and you’re also getting GW2 releases for FREE.
Keeping the TV theme up (which the devs have chosen), it’s like expecting Game of Thrones on HBO but getting The Erotic Adventures of Hercules on Showtime. But it’s ok since what we get is FREE.
All right, barring all technical limitations:
I just wish us the players were in the spotlight instead of (unbearable) NPC’s. If you need a group to take a baddie down, have us group up as player characters. If not, have us solo our way. Let us be the hero that calls the shots, not a silent bystander. Let us feel heroic, be it solo or group.
I never had a problem with Dragonite, I guess it’s the same with everyone who did world boss events regularly. I’m really hurting for empyreal fragments, though, had to do JP’s for those, so it’s good those drop sometimes too.
Someone theorized it could represent the six dragons and Pale Tree in the middle as well. Take your pick.
I actually would have preferred them to open the whole map at once. It would’ve been a grand opening to a new season. There’s nothing stopping them updating the area later on as the story progresses.
i have played around and didn’t even unlock any of the achievement, you’re clearly rushing to get AP’s.
You complete the story to unlock the achievements for the story. I think the zone achievements were open since the beginning?
Obviously, everyones’ mileage about “casual play” may vary but honestly, I didn’t really need to go out of my way to get them. At least if we compare to previous LW releases.
Sometimes I don’t understand people. Many of them just rushed through whole story, did everything else following guides, farmed a little bit of materials and say they’re done.
I mean, why not ignore all guides and figure out things by yourselves? Why not talk to NPCs, enjoy the view?
This content, unlike previous, won’t go away. Sit down, take your time, don’t rush and have a good time. We’ll have more in 2 weeks.
The thing is, you don’t even need to be a super grinder to play through the content fast. After the storyline, there’s not much to do if you don’t prefer achievement hunting, and even those are relatively easy to get. I’ve already done most just by casual playing and the update was released yesterday.
If you purposedly have to to slow yourself down to artificially lengthen your experience, isn’t that a sign that there’s just not enough of content?
It looks like a cheap knockoff of Kotaki style art, only more abstract. I don’t like it.
I finished up the story, then started it again because I wanted to try for the achievements. After this, can I remove it from my screen? The personal story tells me I’m still doing Fallen hopes, am I stuck with it until the release of next chapter or can I somehow “turn off” the repeating story?
Yeah some voidjumping and ended there.
And no the other corners aren´t assumptions I went to all corners.
I’m unsure because that would make the smallest zone in GW1 one of the biggest of GW2 – not to mention the actual Dry Top is still outside the zone!
My guess right now is that they’re gonna add the NW corner at least, but after that, I’m not entirely sure. Of course I hope it’ll be big, but I’ve learned not to expect the best and I won’t be disappointed.
(edited by Traveller.7496)
I spent the most time last night getting up there between dives. Once I hit the branches near the water and died on those. The worst part is making your way up there, but you definitely don’t need any swiftness. Little running start past the cliff and start steering forward and left.
How have you come up with those borders?
There just isn’t that much to do in Dry Top as for now.
Even if ANet is planning to expand Dry Top (someone already found more hidden content ready) it’s still too small. I’d rather not have this as a standard from now on – you know, instead of releasing the full map they will release bits from it with the LW schedule. Let us explore the world and then add different events later. Dry Top just feels too small and condensed especially with travelling vertically rather than horizontally. Well, for us explorers, there’s not much anything to explore.
Some people are theorizing that they will add new areas to Dry Top later and expand the zone. It would seem likely because otherwise the zone is shaped funny and really small, but I’d still rather they released the whole zone at once and gate us from other areas of it by other means.
I don’t really like the timed aspect of the jumping by using the aspects. Nor the fact that it’s tied to exploring the zone.
Disappointingly small zone, even if the GW1 equivalent was small too. Probably the reason they made the zone so hard to navigate is to create an illusion of space by travelling upwards, since you can run from end to end in a few moments.
And looks like the NW corner is off limits (for now?) but even with it, the zone isn’t much bigger.
One good thing though: finally getting some recognition for killing Zhaitan.
Well, it’s just not Kasmeer and Marjory for me, honestly. The whole level of writing and NPC dialogue is just cringe-worthy again. (having finished the story content for now) it doesn’t feel like it has the necessary gravitas or humour. You should try to make me care for these characters, but it’s not happening.
Or maybe I’m just indeed expecting too much from an MMO storyline like jokke said. But GW1 NPC’s were interesting and storylines good, dang it! Why can’t we have the same level of writing here?
I don’t like the fact that you need to use the aspects just to explore the zone.
Seriously, do I really need to listen to Marjory and Kasmeer bang on and on about their relationship while doing my supposedly epic quest? I thought you guys said you learned from Season 1, but the level of uninteresting NPC dialogue is just through the roof and I haven’t even played 20 minutes.
Do I really have to spend every story quest with these people from now on?
There definitely needs to be more armor styles available for free. So many different armors are available during the core game via drops or karma and afterwards, only in gemstore.
Depends. GW2 doesn’t have the same kind of endgame content as GW1 had for both PvE and PvP players. (god realms, AB, GvG)
But if you like fractals or WvW, I guess you’ll last longer. Good PvE (permanent) endgame content is lacking and could use a boost, nowadays it seems to be just living world updates which have been temporary.
Here’s a tip if you’re a GW1 player: don’t compare the games, since their approach is different. (and GW1 is still better.) Try to enjoy GW2 for what it is but don’t consider it as a direct continuation to GW1, but rather a game which does things differently and doesn’t directly build on GW1’s legacy.
I’d still recommend getting GW2, but just keep your expectations realistic.
(edited by Traveller.7496)