The guild Legends Never [DIE] started a thread about the current matchup (that appears to have been removed) titled:
SoR Legends Never [DIE] Vs ALL OF BG
In it – claimed to be the first post of any of their members – they said that:
1. They’d embarrass BG’s “lacklustre” WvW guilds.
2. They could spawn camp BG every night if they wanted to – but didn’t because that would be “childish”, and
3. That BG could not defeat them – or any server – in open field fights.The Youtube video here shows what happened when [DIE] met the BG militia I was commanding last night in EB.
This guild, lol. In the related videos side bar they have a video calling themselves “#1 Sanctum of Rall Guild”
In secret it picks the people who’ve paid more cash for gems first.
Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuunnn
Use Low on Character Quality and Lowest on Character Limit. It’s the best you can get while still being able to see animations.
I’m in the same boat. I still don’t know why the game renders all the back items and weapons the way it does.
Champion of Khorne
Such a same our new team mates are such heretics.
Despite ANet’s poor S1 design, the burn out issue for SoR./BG in relation to JQ has turned out to be a non-issue.
I personally think it’ll come down to W7, as the last time JQ faced BG it was a blowout. The affect of JQ buying MERC from BG was clearly evident in the PPT. While I don’t know if the influx of PvEers, ZDs, or what has gone on in Leagues so far will change the outcome, I do know that BG couldn’t compete.
That’s the most recent data point we have, and it points to JQ winning W5 and setting up a fascinating W7.
At the moment BG is fully queued on all four maps almost all the time, 24 hours. With such a population BG cannot lose by a wide margin, unless double-teamed.
I’ll grant that in the first week of the league SoR and JQ both fielded zergs on all four maps as well, so they’re capable of competing, but considering BG still squeezed out a win – and BG have only gotten stronger after that first week – I don’t see any reason it won’t happen again. The only way BG don’t win is if it gets 2v1’ed.
BG isn’t queue’d 24/7, by any means. Heck, BGBL queued way too late despite the fact that SoR was already fielding a map blob. (Impressively just 3 massive guilds).
The fact that SoR can match us during OCX/SEA means that JQ will absolutely dominate us in that time zone.
For my money, the only way BG will win is if they can hold onto the lead from ZD’s time zone all the way to NA PST. Last PST / “Hawaiian time”, as SoR/JQ liked to call it before, all the way to SEA, will be JQ’s playground.
Should be said now, though. Both servers have the manpower to queue at least 3 maps 24/7. (Organized guilds and commanders is another thing).
You start with “Where do Necro’s stand in dungeon effectiveness” and end with “is there a place for a well played Necro in WvWvW”.
The latter is obviously yes. The only dungeon I play regularly is CoE, and Necro’s are about as annoying as Rangers in that.
SMC defense the other night. We failed at the end. Here is the video:
You’re welcome BG!!!
I expect nothing less from ex-TC guilds.
You can’t transfer to a server ranked higher than yours.
Look… Locking transfers anywhere is not the solution. This wasn’t even a problem until ANet made it one by introducing Leagues. 90% of you wouldn’t care if it was JQvSoRvBG for 7 weeks.
Locking transfers is essentially saying, “Other people want to play there, but I don’t want to play here by myself so I’m going to break their legs so they can’t leave.”
You’re reminding me of:
Dat Ether Feast at 12k health.
Every time someone makes fun of SOR I just think of the guy the server was named after and shake my head them.
Shake your head at the people populating the server, you mean?
I’m still impressed that JQQ has persisted since HoD-days.
It’s not even elitism…
It’s a option for any “fair fight”.WvW is a competitive battle ground, so ques should allow competitive players (lv80 at least) to come in FOR THE SERVER, not selfish level grinder who only care about leveling THEMSELVES. Sure they can come in, but should be in a much lower priority since they clearly do not come in for the server. (If they believe they do contribute alot , that’s even worse because they’re completely newbie and clueless.)
If Anet really want all level of players to join WvW, they have to seperate map into tiers, like WvW map for 1~20, 21~40, 41~60, 61~79, and 80s.
This type of system is in most of the Online games, but not in GW2…
Just sad.
Your assumption is fundamentally wrong. WvW is not a competitive battle ground. Up levels, PvE content, and coverage wars is indicative of that. The focus of the game has always been numbers and the spread of those numbers. It has never been about fair fights. Ever. And when people try to make it about that, like GvG, ANet gets their panties in a bunch and accuses players of violating the game mode.
WvW is as casual as the rest of the game.
Nope, no information yet.
And calling it a grind is quite silly, since you would quite easily finish the meta by just playing WvW as usual for those 7 weeks. But I suppose playing the game is grind for some.
No, I wouldn’t. The only reason I’m less than halfway done my Season 1 achievements was because SoR gave up for a long while and I was able to get some decent BL karma training going.
For a casual player, like myself, these achievements are a grind. And especially since I’m more of a solo roamer, I’m not getting any of these major objective caps. Even things I should be doing like killing yaks and taking ruins are grindy by virtue of how many I need. They discourage organic play and promote camping out an objective to complete.
With any luck, I can karma train some more each weekend. I’m sure that’s what ANet intended.
Even were we to pay 100% of their transfer costs, they’ve gained nothing, because that money went to paying for their transfers.
This is something people on SoR can’t seem to grasp. A guy a few pages back was having trouble with it too.
Also, was totally expecting this thread to get 2000 posts, seems like it’s dying down though.
The Mesmer is far from the most “useless” class. Least DPS in a zerg? Perhaps. But they’re hands-down the best utility profession in the game.
so u think playing veilbot and portal service is fun?no its not its absolutely boring. so yeah a mesmer can hide and portal in. big deal, but the fun is actually in zerg fights and defending and siegeing and there we lack a lot. i wanna fight too, not just veil the warriors so they can go to get their lootbags.
we are stuck with our stupid clones and phantasms/ai
ai is useless in wvw thats why rangers and mesmers suffer from it.Mesmers can roam. One of the most efficient outnumbered roaming classes there are.
Rangers can’t. Even the most try-hard sword/dagger Ranger is inferior to just about any other roaming build out there. And Longbow and Shortbow are not even options in roaming. The Longbow is for tagging very few enemies during a ZvZ.
Ranger hands down the most useless class for anything from large scale to roaming.
strange, i havent lost a single duell for a few weeks yet, i am not joining up with zergs, but the last 2 times i did my support was superb, i was at every wipe one of the last man standing.
small scale is where the ranger outshines every other class with its versatility. when i ask my guild mates what char i have to log in, ranger, warrior or guard they always want my ranger.
I haven’t lost a single duel for a while with my Longbow ranger, either. That doesn’t mean it’s a good class. It just means everyone I’ve fought has sucked.
You are correct.
Oh wait, I forgot it could also mean when the 15 minute timer ends and the potential points are added to the cumulative score. If someone says something like “cap the camp before the tick,” they mean before the timer reaches zero.
(edited by UnrepentantProcrastinator.7420)
The Mesmer is far from the most “useless” class. Least DPS in a zerg? Perhaps. But they’re hands-down the best utility profession in the game.
so u think playing veilbot and portal service is fun?no its not its absolutely boring. so yeah a mesmer can hide and portal in. big deal, but the fun is actually in zerg fights and defending and siegeing and there we lack a lot. i wanna fight too, not just veil the warriors so they can go to get their lootbags.
we are stuck with our stupid clones and phantasms/ai
ai is useless in wvw thats why rangers and mesmers suffer from it.
Mesmers can roam. One of the most efficient outnumbered roaming classes there are.
Rangers can’t. Even the most try-hard sword/dagger Ranger is inferior to just about any other roaming build out there. And Longbow and Shortbow are not even options in roaming. The Longbow is for tagging very few enemies during a ZvZ.
Ranger hands down the most useless class for anything from large scale to roaming.
“Why can’t I pick something up when I’m dead?” – you realise how silly that sounds, right?
“You have to manually pick up your loot in a game mode about killing other players” sounds sillier.
It’s like hitting a node with a pick axe and having to pick up the ore afterwards.
I know that lately, forums have been all about Blackgate accusing Iron running away from fights but what about…
Blackgate groups (40+) running away or porting out during NA prime.
Whenever we’d encounter a BG group between objectives, they’d either rush back into their tower or port out. Even when we didn’t have a fatty zerg.
The only times they’d engage us is whenever we’re making a push for an objective or when their entire map zone is present.
I understand that it’s a “tactical retreat” and that we may have a fatty zerg at times(usually 35 people), but why keep the pressure on one guild?
What I’m trying to say is, everyone’s guilty of running away or avoiding fights at some point in time. Don’t grind on one guild.
(Notice how I haven’t mentioned a BG guild? Blackgate Borderlands. NA prime. You know who you are.)
When you run two groups, there are two objectives on the map we have to respond to, sometimes you’re not the most important one. Shocker.
Wow, rude. Don’t worry, you’re always the most important to me, kanderous.
Also, I wonder what kind of server maintaining they’re doing. They always seem as kittenty after as they were before.
It is this exact elitist attitude that proves my point.
Today, two more myths were busted
That SOR murders BG in open field fights.That BG blobs more than SOR.
We don’t suck in open field, we take the lead with it.
You created this monster. Deal with the consequences.
Keep sending us the bags in BGBL. We ate your entire map zergs over and over and over and over and you never took it.
Blackgate takes it as a compliment you guys have to do things like this to beat us.
I’m sorry were we talking about elitist attitudes jared?
I almost can’t believe you said what you said, and then posted ^that^ to counter the argument that you’re elitist. But alas, this is the comedy gold these threads are littered with.
Read the first page. One of your guys got mad that someone thought SoR still had a shot at winning.
Can’t tell you the multitudes of times I’ve been in meetings telling guilds we have some gold but nowhere near enough to help you get across, we can’t all be Jade Quarry and suddenly have someone splurge 40k gold from ebay to pay for transfers.
If you want to see a warchest try finding that JQ dude.
Well, RISE did just tell us that BG tried to buy back RISE at ~90G per member. Seems like you guys have the money.
Yeah cuz RiSE aren’t trolls at all.
I notice you don’t actually deny it
You understand that your farce doesn’t even make sense. 90g to transfer isn’t a profit.
So what you are saying is that someone on blackgate is committing a criminal act (ddos is illegal fyi) and spending money ( a successful ddos on a network like team speak isn’t cheap ) so they can TAKE HILLS ? Give me a break. The excuses are endless
Transfer to SoR and receive their Tier 1 bestseller book to cry on forum 24/7:
But whose signature does it come with?
To all the BG who get arrogant and chest thumping, how do you see SOR giving up?
I saw it when SoS at any point ticked higher than SoR. Today is different, and hopefully the rest of the week is the same.
I was online at that time and that was OCX timezone. We had better morale and ppt and it means the friggin pvers will pop in whenever there is a slot. Of course I don’t understand why HIRE did not come to rescue but only showed up during SEA timezone but nevermind, they did show up in the end. Did they give up? No. They had full map zerg being wiped numerous time up to a point that we could only walk our way to their spawn point and wait for them. When someone still goes in wvw, it doesn’t mean giving up.
Actually SoR has ticked lower than SoS at certain points of NA prime, OCX and SEA this match up. That’s why everyone has been wondering if they gave up.
To all the BG who get arrogant and chest thumping, how do you see SOR giving up?
I saw it when SoS at any point ticked higher than SoR. Today is different, and hopefully the rest of the week is the same.
I don’t see a problem with it.
It’s the result of ANet’s design philosophy, completely.
ANet demanded we have 24/7 coverage, something maybe 2 servers had at the launch of the game. They allowed free transfers far too long which did nothing towards engendering server pride. And then, the ultimate business move, implement paid transfers and watch the money flow right into their pockets.
People who are being assisted in their transfers are playing the game exactly as it was played during the free transfer era, except without the free transfers. The mindset is the exact same, except it’s a lot more collaborative on the side of the receiving server, now that most guilds require funds to facilitate these moves.
Which precursors? If they were Venom, I’m not impressed.
Actually, DKNS is wrong, we gave them each an Eternity.
The turtle came first. Those were good times.
Sounds like an average warrior to me.
Yeah, pretty much.
But even if he was hacking, ANet doesn’t do anything about it for like… 3 weeks minimum. If they do anything at all.
We didn’t know SoR would only queue forum borderlands.
Come on SoR, pick up your game!
Keep at it, SoS.
There should be cooldowns. If you are feared, immobilized, stunned, knock backed, float etc.. You should have some kind of immunity from it again for at least 5 seconds to prevent this.
I wouldn’t say immunity, but most MMO’s have diminishing returns on CC. Not this one.
This thread is out of Control.
All T1 servers have upgraded personnel, whether actively or passively through the past year.
What is BG without JQ and SOR? And vice versa.
The top 3 need each other, embrace the challenge. Otherwise there would be no competition.
Powers will shift again, others will QQ. Put your big boy pants on.
Ceg – BG
If only ANet didn’t kitten everyone over by putting T2 servers in our match ups.
There’s been 3 long kitten posts from disgruntled SoR players so far. Good luck, really.
Not overstacked? It would be interesting to see how JQ faces you. We have been all out fighting this week after a pretty demoralizing week before. Oceanic time was pretty stupid tonight. 1 float team map hopping with 3 huge groups of BG wrecking havoc on all sides.
Your OC/SEA split the map nearly 50/50 this morning by 7 AM (nice of them to actually play). And both of ours are shadows of what JQ is. And apparently you’re still awaiting for TYSM to return this December?
BG v. JQ will be mostly ZD’s trying to recovering from JQ late PST/OCX/SEA, and the potential for BG lead in late EU/NA.
SoS you’re second to TC in the number of pacifist roamers, definitely.
More often than not when I encounter one of you instead of a 1v1 it somehow becomes a dance party.
Out of curiosity, what is SoR’s official stance on their uncharacteristically low PPT during NA and OCX/SEA. (Your OCX/SEA, btw, was sharing almost half the pie chart with BG last week by 7 AM PST, or thereabouts.)
You want my official stance?
I don’t give a kitten whether you beat us by 200k or 2k.
I was looking for your reasoning, not your opinion on the results.
Late EU, NA and SEA (to some extend) SoR does well in. The rest of the time zones SoR just does not have the players to complete. BG can chest thump all they want and wonder where SoR is, well they have RL lives and are not going to put ridiculous overtime in for a game. They fight when they can and have fun.
It’s only been late EU, NA and SEA for this match up. That’s what has people wondering what’s going on with SoR. ZD hasn’t even started.
BG picked up more than just ZD. This has helped them in these other time zones as well. Plus JQ as able to off set those number some having more coverage as well to attack BG more. These other guilds have tipped the balance of power greatly to BG.
BG just really over stacked for blow out wins. Just that simple. SoR will fight in the time slots that they have proper coverage. You will get the fights than. But in the other time slots that you over compensated for, you will have little fight. Cannot fight people that are not there to fight. Plain and simple.
Who came over besides ZD since last Monday?
And, again, SoR is not fighting in the time slots that they have proper coverage. That’s what people are saying.
You ticked lower than SoS, a T5 or something server, during NA and now OC/SEA.
Late EU, NA and SEA (to some extend) SoR does well in. The rest of the time zones SoR just does not have the players to complete. BG can chest thump all they want and wonder where SoR is, well they have RL lives and are not going to put ridiculous overtime in for a game. They fight when they can and have fun.
It’s only been late EU, NA and SEA for this match up. That’s what has people wondering what’s going on with SoR. ZD hasn’t even started.
Short answer: it doesn’t
Out of curiosity, what is SoR’s official stance on their uncharacteristically low PPT during NA and OCX/SEA. (Your OCX/SEA, btw, was sharing almost half the pie chart with BG last week by 7 AM PST, or thereabouts.)
I’m sorry, but how can you expect people not to call you quitters or accuse you of tanking your score to lure transfers when you tick lower than SoS at certain points during NA prime? Coupled with the obviously neglected SoR mantra of, “we play for fights”.
I assume you are talking about JQ getting 3 weeks of t2 match ups?
If so, would you shut up about the unfair schedule already?
Even with the easy match ups there is a good chance JQ will not get gold, depending on what happens in BG’s and SoR’s match ups.Besides hardly anyone in JQ is happy about the t2 match ups either. Many of us are afraid what will happen when we have to face a t1 server gain. Will we be too rusty? Will too many AC hunters still be clogging up the queue’s not realizing that this isnt another easy match up?
Tells people to stop crying about schedule because JQ has easy matches.
Cries because JQ has easy matches.
Definitely illegal. That’s like 25 to life in most states.
He was the hero we needed but not the one we deserved.
Talking about pot? We should’ve had a vigil.
Did BG recently get some Forum Transfers from Mag? 0_o
BG winning PvF Gold League.
Also how about adding downed state to NPC in WvW as well to make it feel even more like PvPvE.
Thats a huge upgrade to the fun factor.
I think I just puked in my mouth a little. No wait, a lot.
Didn’t know BG held its forum warriors in such high esteem. Getting some lovely hate mail
The best server has to be winning in every aspects, be it WVW, PVE or PVF
Forum warriors are as important as Olympic athletes.Special Olympic athletes right?
Sniff.. ooops I sense discrimination. Is that really appropriate to say that?
I’m pretty certain that Eclipse is eluding to the fact that WvW and PvF are 2 seperate mediums for competition much like the Olympics and the Special Olympics, Kiff if you are trying to say that forum warriors have some mental or physical disability then you need to have a good long hard look at yourself before making such outrageous claims, only a warped mind would make such a leap to conclude that
I can’t tell if this post is serious or if he just out-trolled everyone posting above him.
Which is a problem!
T1 is competitive among the 3 but leave the at least 3 other servers out to dry and the argument coming from them is stack up or go home. T1 has no real interest in competition; their only focus is on this absurd arms race where one of them tries to recruit enough people that they can just sit back and face-roll. The way t1 conducts itself is bad for the game and bad for the community long-term.
It was not a problem during ladder though. TC was actually more problematic than T1 during that time, when it was infamously in between T1 and T2, pop. wise.
The reason is that WvW, since launch up until the announcement of Leagues, was sold as a “stack up or go home” game. ANet repeatedly said coverage wars was legit. They defended HoD right off the bat when people were crying bloody tears over their superior 24/7 pop.
It has only been recently where the state of T1 has affect other servers because ANet decided to match us with you guys. Only recently have they tried to balance the server populations.
It’s no one in T1’s fault they formed the servers the way they did. That was ANet’s intent. And it’s ANet’s fault that they suddenly turned 180 on their design philosophy.
It’ll take an unrealistic amount of transfers to get Gold balanced. ANet will figure it out way too late like they always do and implement some sort of BG/JQ/SoR league… or just let it continue as is. That wouldn’t surprise me either.
(edited by UnrepentantProcrastinator.7420)
Disagree completely. I think what leagues has done is make assured match ups. If an EU guild was to go to SoS, they will inherently have more competition to face compared to say SoR or BG. On top of this it revitalizes gold all together as we don’t have dead weeks like JQ is having. Then again they have crazy stacked their SEA so I mean they’re asking for it really, but that’s the meta we’ve all put ourselves in.
It doesn’t have to be completely balanced, that is kind of hard, but hey, that doesn’t mean that people should be avoiding these other servers.
SoS, TC, Mag. These are servers that non-NAs should seriously be considering. I think for gold league NA is sorted (maybe not SoS). But if guilds want to move to these other servers in gold there can be some great competition for every week and for every guild.
It was mentioned that Smokee and Indo have had these talks on promoting EU guilds to move to JQ. Maybe we should open it up to the other three servers as well. EU prime has 2 hour queues, so before this edge of the mists stuff there will be guilds over there seriously considering coming over to NA. The problem we are facing with it now is that there are dead weeks. Imagine if we could cut those dead weeks altogether.
To accomplish that we have to get over the STACK TO WIN mentality which JQ, SOR and BG are all equally guilty of. And it’s not so much in the hands of the server leaders but the guilds who come to gold league.
It’s something to think about.
(Isn’t weird when a troll makes the most sense :O)
The problem is that the result you’re expecting won’t happen. Excluding maybe TC, transfers… realistic transfers to any of these servers will not yield any greater competition. That’s how great the difference is between T1 and T2.
You’re working on the assumption that " hey several reasonably sized guilds are moving to NA servers, so hey, lets balance Gold"
The guilds, however, are thinking. “I am transferring to Gold, where should we go?” And the factors dictating that decision all favour T1. More so during Ladders, but still the case in Leagues.
Unless your guild is huge as kitten, no one is thinking that their transfer will make a difference vs. the top 3. The best they can hope for is to pull a Kainein and PvD T2 servers, and people have repeatedly indicated that those are the bad kind of transfers.
(edited by UnrepentantProcrastinator.7420)
Try giving a decent answer and people will be less snarky to you.
You should take your own advice.