Showing Posts For Vissarion.6509:

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


You didn’t missed anything dont worry, and also it will be available via gem store soon.

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


Ok so lets say HoT will come arround summer, not good time for SAB before or after expansion’s launch cause people will want to focus on other things, after summer, halloween is close so we will have halloween, right after halloween we have wintersday and after that Lunar’s new year (chinese new year), so we look at 1 year (or more) from now to see SAB back.

PS: We may see it back at september (back to school) but i doubt it.

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


Seriously, how many more years do we have to wait until the old content of SAB is released?

What are we supposed to tell new players that ask us what it is? “Oh it was this amazing thing but Anet removed it because…”

Removing old content is beyond ridiculous when the game suffers from a lack of new content. Just bring it back.

oh i have so many new friends that bought the game last year, and i keep telling them about SAB and how that got me so into the game and stuff but i think maybe they wont play it ever cause arenanet will not releaseit.

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vissarion.6509




They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


Something that they could sell us back after 1st of april at the gemstore (like bobblehead table).

Or if they really want to please their customers/players #BringBackSAB

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

silverwastes is an absolute joke

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


Doing events is also very rewarding, and you can open chests at the same time while attacking/defending fortresses.
Then you fight 5 different bosses for a big reward, and then you can fight THE MEGA BOSS of the map (Vinewrath), thats still 3 more boss fights, for huge reward chests at the end.

And by then you can hunt some champions or go to the labyrinth a play some real pacman that i find enjoying after 30minute endless slaughtering, that will give you even more rewards (but thats a bonus).

Doing the chest farm is up to you, if you feel like it, it is rewarding but dead boring to do (I myself do it every now and then, but for few minutes, then back to real action).

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


We all wish son we all wish

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

HoT - Expansion - And New Achievements?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


So new expansion, new content is about to hit, but i have a question, will we have new achievements to look forward too?
And by new i mean more than just a few easy collect some coins hidden on the map or do a bossfight and BAM done in a few days (like we had with LS).

When the game launched we had tons of achievements to look forward too, but since the game is out for more than 2 and half years, most veterans have already done 90% of them, and whats left are some impossibles (gkoux gkoux WvW gkoux gkoux).

Now I can guess that we will have but noone mentions anything about it :P

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


This Tuesday (31 March)


They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

(edited by Vissarion.6509)

NEW! SW/VW Farm Guild [InSW]Join

in Looking for...

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


You forgot to mention if its NA or EU?

Also good idea, even though i am currently on cap for guilds joined i really liked the idea.

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


Hold hands for the 31!!!!


They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Lions Arch

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


It has been answered before and the answer is yes we will see changes to LA , probably with expansion.

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Am I In The Stress Test?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


Am i into the beta ?


They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Ready Up next Friday: Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


Are there going to be Jumping Puzzles in the new map?

(And if yes please show us anything about it :p)

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

The Reality of New Leaderboard Algorithm

in PvP

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


EU is even worse:

1st: wins:68 looses:46 win%:59.65%
2nd: wins:63 looses:16 win%:79.75%

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


I am not in

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


There’s no new information on SAB at this time as far as a return date. You know it will come back at some point in the future, but there is no date to announce right now.

The thing is, why dont you just enable W1 and W2 for the meantime, until a huge patch comes(or expansion) because we wont see any living world update until then.

We all would be very satisfied with playing SAB

Edit: By the way, its the 3rd SAB anniversary date this year in 20days, and still we wont be seeing it? That will dissapoint all SABlovers ;(

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

(edited by Vissarion.6509)

Changes HoT will bring to WvW?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


I hope that they change WvW to something like other games with siege mechanics have:

For example, taking a castle/keep makes it immune to capping for 12 hours (+- according) and unlocking you with lots of benefits, like mini dungeons or some specials.
That way people will want to hold them and make defence actually something important, we will see more organization through the maps that way, instead of blobs everywhere.
While you are at it, u can ofcourse make it like players will want to do some things to reduce the enemy defence before the immunity comes down.

etc. etc.

Just look at Lineage2 even though sieges are every 2 weeks, the system is so awesome, cause loosing a castle will make u unable to take it for the duration and u loose on many things like gold (from taxes).

Aion is another example of good sieges with defencing needed, u actually want to hold the fortresses for the dungeons they unlock.

etc. etc.

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Character Slot for Heart of Thorns? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


It has been asked million times already, but no answer was given, we can only speculate till they say/announce something official.

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Body Blocking as well in HoT?!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


The game is focused on stacking and blasting, how is this gonna work then??

As i would love collision to be ingame, i dont think its something that will be added to this game, cause of his mechanics.

But they would add collision to enemies so you dont just runpass through them, and u actually have to push them from your way xD

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Does revealing the release date kill hype?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


No .

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

AngryJoe Interview - HoT Questions for Devs?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


Hello angryjoe, your show rocks!! (ANGRY RANTS XD)

Anyway, one question i have is: How long away are from the expansion release?? (not actual release date, maybe Q2? Q3? Q4? 2016?? thats all.

PS: AND ask if they can tease us about anything from SUPER ADVENTURE BOX!!

Thank you!

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Blasting Staff&co

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


I was playing Pve staff ele a lot, some day i decided to go staff into PvP, the indicators are a lot larger (not the actual fields).

So i think this bug exists only into our pve/wvw world, and pvp is fixed, but if some dev could look into it, i think its a small fix, but nice to have it, since makes it a little easier to see where we placing fields.

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Odd "toy golems" sighted in three cities.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


I THINK i know, MAYBE they are teasing us for new enemies in SAB!!!!!!!!!!!! SUPER ADVENTURE BOX CONFIRMED this tuesday!!!!!

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

how does taunt work in open world groups?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


Now imagine with foodbuffs and staff (Runes/Sigils/foods/etc.) to get it even more, we may have 9-10seconds of taunt, and that may be the start of tanking ;P

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Taunt is bad

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Enchanted map scraps

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


check if you are on the wrong puzzles/maps

part4 drops of shiverpeaks area.

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Character Slot for Heart of Thorns? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


I hope they do, since we will pay for the expansion they can throw a free char slot as a gift

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

New dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


As long as i would love to play new dungeons, i think challenging group content means new open world bosses, maybe there are dungeons but as we have them in living story not like the old ones.

Plus i think they mentioned fractals for some new additions, again i doubt they will add new maps and stuff.

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Should we expect a new blogpost this week??

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


Until now we had first week: PvE , Second week: PvP, i guess this week: WvW? or more pve since theres nothing else to cover for pvp anyway.

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Should we expect a new blogpost this week??

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


sipmle and clean… shall we??

I want to learn more about specializations and new skills/weapons for each class :P

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

the dumbest thing you've ever done in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


Opening the final karka chest on a character that isn’t level 80. Everyone else got precursors, I got low level rares and exotics.

Many people didn’t get precursor. (including me)

Dumbest thing, lets see, i bought 25 keys from the gem store when they were on sale, i thought i could get something worth, guess what only worthless stuff, only 7-8 ticket scraps out of them.

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Heart of Thorns Pricing and marketing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


If they overprice the expansion many people will not come back and thats the point of the expansion, for current and old players to get back into the game with new stuff added to the game. If its overpriced people will expect huge and if they see lack of content they will be all over the forums and sites about it, not good for the marketing of the game.

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


The only thing we surely know is that GW2 is not closing any time soon.
Maybe a big announcement soon for the first expansion of the game.

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Getting KICKED 1:30 hours in FRACTAL 49

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


What class were you? 90 minute run and you were still in the third frac? That’s pretty shocking. Are you sure you weren’t a big factor in this?

Ele, and it took that much cause i am sure i was the only one with some zerker stats in my build, pretty long burn phases inbetween mobs and stuff, plus a few wipes can make the run long.

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

[TP] What's causing the surge in Ecto supply?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


SW chest farm.

WAIT FOR IT, nerf is coming at next patch, if something its too good to farm its nerfable.

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Getting KICKED 1:30 hours in FRACTAL 49

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


So since your post on reddit was buried you post here? You were probably the weakest link in an already dreadful fractal run. Sorry you got burned but it seems like you drew the short straw, or what is more likely, is you aren’t telling the full story and playing the victim card.

Listen man i know when i am wrong and when i feel wronged or like a “victim” call it how u like.

Those people were talking in another language and since the start of the run they were “rude” but since i started with them i decided to keep it as is (my fault there).

Then at the end of cliffside fractal 10% boss hp, allwere full and alive i saw a loading screen to La without a notice or something, and when i pmed every one of them only one answered and said i dont know why they kicked you.

Then tried to join back but i found a message “party is full”.

We wiped a few times but i dont think thats the reason they kicked me since everyone was dying on his own.

Then there is no chat log so i can give you maybe somenoe could translate what they said back there.

Anyway lesson learned, dont pug with people who dont speak english. and mostly dont pug.
Then you may wait a few hours to find a prty for a high lvl fractal from guildies so you may end up not doing it entirely since you may get caught on these situations.

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Getting KICKED 1:30 hours in FRACTAL 49

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


nothing they just kicked me and i tried to communicate with them back and they didn’t answer or something, then they replaced me immediatly.

How can those guys dont get punished some way or another?? omg so much griefing..

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Getting KICKED 1:30 hours in FRACTAL 49

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


I am so kittened right now, some ultra kitten guys have kicked me after 1:30 hours in fractals without a freaking reason

I don’t know what can i do to get them punished!

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

(edited by Vissarion.6509)

It's Time for Real Update at WvW!

in WvW

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


Since WvW has lost a lot of players since release and its mostly a karma/exp train farm now, it’s time for ARENANET to add more things into it, for old/hardcore pvpers/wvw players to come back.

We need new things to do/ new maps maybe, new siege mechanics, and new siege objections/add more ideas at the comments.

I loved sieging at every past mmo i played, like Lineage2, Aion, Darkfall, and more.
Siege there was more strategical and defending a castle was actually a thing.

WvW is the least updated part of the game and since its the more interesting for lots of people in the mmo market, it’s time for some NEW THINGS to be added.

PS: We can always dream and hope


They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

(edited by Vissarion.6509)

Best Jumping Puzzle EVER

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


Me2 i finished it after 2 hours, the final part with the skrit holes though was the most annoying thing ever made….

I wish there would have been some skills included too..

BTW guess the reward:!

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Where did the term 'toon' come from?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead


in Living World

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


The hard part is after 25% when he goes all in mode and throws continuesly grenades at you. This part may get you down or even dead but keep going he is not reseting.

I had a hard time the first time due to not knowing the mechanics, second time was easy mode.

PS: i killed him both with d/d and staff ele., staff was much easier.

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Thanks for the awesome new "map"

in Living World

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


its 1/10 of the whole map, i guess if season 2 has 10 patches, we open one part of the map each time (or i can dream of)

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


What i noticed in this update is SAB out of the box :P

Well i love SAB but better keep jumping and stuff more in there and not in the open

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Why oh Why?

in Living World

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


Let’s just wait for tuesday before saying anything else, maybe many surprises awaiting us ahead (i doubt it but still..)

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Sigils unfair to ele/engi

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


Just give us OUT OF COMBAT weapon swap and problem solved.

People that claim eles got 20 skills instead of 10 they are living on their world, most skills are not even worth it, if u play staff ele u just camp fire for DPS cause every other attunement doesn’t provide any, so thats 5 skills. The only weapons that can use more than 2 attunements effectivily are D/D and thats about it.

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Buying monocle unlocks all armour weights?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


It doesn’t even though its the same skin. I guess arenanet missed this one.

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

Mounts- Why or why not should they be added?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vissarion.6509




They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead

You-You-You heard- You heard- You heard Grast

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


I think we have a SPY!

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead