Showing Posts For Waraxx.4286:

Infusions added stats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


There simply are a lot of people who take pride in collecting top gear together. Anet basically gave them a carrot that costs a ridiculous amount…to keep them busy.

If you collected football cards and you got 99 of 100. How much is it worth to you to complete the set? Are you going to be happy with 99 or would you like to have all 100 to be able to say you have the whole set? Even if the last one costs a ridiculous amount?

It’s all about human nature and how people work. Not everybody is the same, but the fact that you don’t get it, basically means you are different and have a hard time understanding others are different. Or in other words: Just cause you don’t see the point, doesn’t mean there isn’t one. There just is no point for you. And you are not the template for mankind.

….if I may be so blunt…

i am in fact aware of this and that’s why i included specific terms like “you” and “me”. i never said in my post that everyone was considering the stats useless and that no one should ever get them. i was merely saying that if you don’t want it you should not get it.

and if you are a collector or a “i want everything in max stat” type of person and you are prepared to do anything that is needed to get it. then obviously you think the extra 5 stat is worth it, thus you should get it and work for it.

Infusions added stats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


that’s what i’ve been saying… its laughable and at first they even charged you 50 skill points. Whoever made them as useless should rethink the whole thing or make these infusions cost 5g and under.

why bother with getting the 5 extra stat if you don’t think it’s worth it? your logic is just counter logical . that’s the point of this system. you get it if you want to. if you don’t think it’s worth the time then don’t do it .easy as that. it’s not like you won’t be able to play some of the content just because you dont have 5 stat points ( or 10 if you add them together).

if you think it’s worth the stat. then do it. otherwise, why bother? i haven’t bothered. because 5 or 10 stat points for me makes basically 0 difference.

Regarding the dungeon/fractal tokens.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


there is weapons in the mystic forge requiring 50 sp ( its called scroll or something) these weapons is not acc bond or soulbond. there is even one requirering 250 (the anomaly) and these costs gold + sp to craft and you can sell them for around the same gold you crafted them for and with around 15s extra per sp. you just need the gold to craft the item in order to convert sp → gold.

Ascended Items Prefix, Suffix

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


the amultets will have the same stat combinations as the rings. the only diffrence is that there are an additional 10 amulets with the same stat combos as the rings but that will have the infusion utility slot. to siplify:

10 diffrent stat combos and 2 diffrent infusion slots ( offensive , defensive). 2 * 10 = 20 gives us 20 rings.

10 diffrent stat combos and 3 diffrent infusion slots ( offensive , defensive,utility). 3*10=30 gives us 30 amulets.

Retreat should be changed to "Incoming"

in Guardian

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


How ’bout calling it Charge?


my thought exactly. if’s pretty fitting. but “watch out” is also really good.

What do you guys think Ele will be like?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


Do you really complain about too much combo fields in PVE? You should be happy about each combo field set by a party member and just use your finishers.

who said there was to many fields in pve from a ele?

[Guide] Mastering the Staff Ele 1/18/13

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286



Why do you use knights + clerics? Because of the benefits for water attunment?

What kind of Staff do you use and what Sigill?
What kind of Rune do you use?
And why do you use them?

Iam kinda new to elementalist and at first i thought it is kinda boring. But than I found this thread and it looks amazing. So much depth.

i have 400+ h logged on my ele so think i can help you with those questions

What kind of Staff do you use and what Sigill?
well depending on what stat you want you pick the staff, if you are unsure just pick the same stats as your gear. for the sigil, going with sigil of accuracy is good (if you are on a crit build) otherwise i’d say go with sigil of battle as it’s a pretty solid choice and the most used i think. i use the battle because with my boon duration ( 30 in arcana) i get 3 stacks of might every 9-11seconds for 26 seconds. meaning i will almost at all of the time have 6+ stacks of might on me.

What kind of Rune do you use?
i use divinity because as a ele you gain from every stat. and you lose almost no dmg compared with if you’d go with any other more dps-oriented rune. it’s very expensive but it is the best rune for a elementalists. if you can’t afford it, going with a cheaper rune is absolutely viable but this is the rune you should aim for. boonduration runes is the second best of a choice because you have a lot of boons that you grant both to yourself and to your allies. this is for more support elementalists. or you can go with a mix of them both.

and i think i covered why i choose the different runes/sigils.

and even though i have 400h+ logged in my elementalist i still learn about more combos/ viable builds and other things.

Regarding the dungeon/fractal tokens.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


unload them on a mule for now until they come with a fix. or buy ascended gifts as they will most likely be used in the future for infused gear. or just buy sp/stones for you tokens as it can be converted to gold. usually each sp is worth 15-30 silver so those relics are worth around 20g i’d say. and the other can also be converted to gold.

the only fix that i can see to this is that they introduce a second tier of tokens.i.e you can buy " clear ascalonain tear" for 100 “ascalonian tears.” that would reduce the storage space by a factor of 100 and would remove the problem for most of the people. and of course we should be able to be converted them back for 0c and 0karma and 0 sp.

(edited by Waraxx.4286)

What do you guys think Ele will be like?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


My DD ele has 2 combo fields whereas my warrior got 1. Not that big of a difference.

as a staff you get 6. (2 fire , 2 water , 1 frost , 1 lightning) and staff is the most commonly used in dungeons. then dd then sd and focus is for special encounters like herpies. i don’t think i’ve seen a d/f build ever.

What do you guys think Ele will be like?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


Also, with the staff, a staic field around mobs is a combo field that will proc vulnerbility with projectile and whirl finishers. The fire fields you mention will stack burning with projectile finishers and whirl finishers also. The list goes on……If the fields are well placed, the party doesn’t have to do anything special to use them, just attack as normal.

The thing is, a player has to be willing to play unselfishly to enhance the overall strength of the group, something very hard to see, and can’t be looking at how big his dps is, which he can easily see.

But, the answer to your question is, many players do not know the effect a well played ele can have in a party.

ah yes i forgot that. fields are very underestimated in the community as a whole, thus eles get the short stick.

also i’d like to answer the OP, i think i forgot to do that.

they might change on minor things like cd or or how long some of the field last. but one thing is for sure, as mention in another topic here, elites will be changed / rebalanced. they are rather weak when comparing them to what other elites does. not to mention that the most useful of them ( the elemental imo) is only a bigger version of the utility version. another feeling alot of people get is that they would rather have another utility skill than a elite.

What do you guys think Ele will be like?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


Have you actually ever played a non bunker ele? Aka have you ever played a profession that must specc in a certain way to be playable?

i might have understood this wrong but are you implying that eles have choices in order to be playable? because last time i checked all bunker eles in pvp/wvw is running a 0/X/X/30/30 build. meaning basically no alternative ways of building a d/d bunker.

structured build posting thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


HI! and yes, i know there already is a “post your build” thread on the forum. but i think it’s to messy and i have a hard time finding a build that seems promising without having to read every post and some of the builds don’t even say where they are used and/or if they are serious. some are comments and they take up alot of space. so i wanted to create this topic to make it easier to skim through builds and make a quick decisions if you want to have a closer look at the build. so to keep it structured i want all build posts to look like this:

[DUNGEONS,speed/DUNGEONS,hard/PVP/WVW/FUN] (enchanter/dps/support/healer/tank/utility/CC) STAFF,D/D,S/D,S/F,D/F (XX/XX/XX/XX/XX)

  • [arm/wep] list attributes that Armour and weapon give to you in the order from the most to the least.
  • [runes] name of the rune and a quick explanation of what it does.
  • [sigil] name of the sigil and a quick explanation of what it does.
  • [trinkets] list attributes that trinkets give to you in the order from the most to the least.
  • [jewels] list attributes that jewels give to you in the order from the most to the least.
    post a build here with the name “build” [url =link here(without spaces)]build[/url]
    2-5 quick notes of what things you bring to a party, and please don’t state obvious things like “great aoe utility/dps” if you have a staff in your build.

note: the differences between DUNGEONS,speed and DUNGEONS,hard is that ,speed is for speed runs. like cof or AC. ,hard in dungeons when u need to make it through the content and it don’t have to be at max speed as long as you get there ( i.e fotm). you get the point. yes i know you can speed run fotm so you don’t have to point that out for me.

linking to sites like is a great thing because then you can comment on the build there. you can also include text there for further information about your build. however some of the traits can be wrong on different build generators.

an example of how i want it to look like:

[DUNGEON] (enchanter/dps) STAFF (0/10/0/30/30)

  • [arm/wep] power / precision / critdmg
  • [runes] divinity (60 allstat + 12%critdmg)
  • [sigil] battle ( 3might for 20sec on attribute switch)
  • [trinkets] toughness / power / precision / critdmg / allstat
  • [jewels] power / precision / critdmg
    granting party 80-100% uptime of fury, and having descent heals.
    picking allstat where i can to increase overall usefulness.
    rather high dps due to gear. and if you need more pick greatsword elite.

comment on builds
of course i want people to comment on each others builds and ask them how it is played and how much they’ve been playing it and where. if it doesn’t explain in the link you posted just ask or give general input on the build. but to keep the thread structured and so people can skim through the builds with ease i’d like all comments to be in spoilers.

comment on builds like this

[DUNGEON] (enchanter/dps) STAFF (0/10/0/30/30)

awsome build

feel free to post your build, you don’t have to make a very in depth guide or anything. just copy paste the structure and fill in your gear/setup and a few major comments on how it works. or comment on a build you like / look promising. of if you want to help someone improve his build leave a comment for him/her.

[Guide] Mastering the Staff Ele 1/18/13

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286



I had a hard time reading that comment :S. Not sure what you meant by

“in my opinion the water 20% cd reduction is better than most water traits because it lets me use my combo ( as i described before) 20% more often, meaning my group have 20% more fury uptime. "

There’s no water skill that grants fury, unless you consider earth2+water4+air I trait

no there isn’t a water spell that give direct fury. the thing I meant was like you said the blast finish from the frost field in combination with air1 trait.

and why would lowering the cd in water give me 20% more fury uptime? well to be fair it isn’t 20 its more like 15%.
why? because if i use erupt + earth dodge + arcane wave in the frost field i get 3 frost auras. ( in the combo i previously mention and that you so kindly included in your guide) but this combo can only be done once the water4 spell is off of cool down (40sec). and then i usually try and do the combo asap.I tend to prepare for the combo 5-7 seconds before the water spell come off cd by making sure earth is available to me once i use the frost field and i save arcane wave specifically for this combo. andby reducing the cd by 20% on this ability i get to use the combo 20% more, meaning that i get 3 out of my 4 auras 20% more often. thus giving me and my party 15% more overall fury.

hope it clarified.

Preview Items on the Trading Post

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


Not only would I like to see this, but I would like to see a preview of dungeon armor, where I could cross the armor from one dungeon and see how it looks together.

have you even tried ? because you can… just go there with the one you want to have the Armour and keep the preview window open and you can mitch and match as much as you please. even add different types of weapons or dyes.

ascended utility slots on rings?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


simple question actually.

will there be 10 added ascended rings in order to get a ascended utility slot on the rings or do we have to go with omni infusions if we want to have a utility-stat infusion on our rings?

and as a side question, what will the utility stats provide? a few theories ;

  • 1-3% magic find
  • 1-3%boon duration
  • 1-3% condition duration?
  • 1-3% movement speed ?
  • 1-5% increased endurance regeneration

What do you guys think Ele will be like?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


Highest dps increase? you mean might stackin s/d? Maybe, but s/d has no tons of combo fields (only fire fields in fact) or utility (vs staff or d/d) at all. And we CANT swap weapons in combat, so we haven’t both things at the same time. Do you play ele at all?

you don’t have a clue, do you?

we bring a 80% uptime of fury to all party members ( in a organized party that is)
lets say the average party member have 25% increased crit dmg. by this fury we increase the party’s overall dmg with 0,2*0,8*0,75= 12%. and, yes, that is with a staff build. combining that with 2 firefield witch other proffessions can combo inside and you bring even more dmg with might, but others have fire fields aswell but they don’t have the same amount of fury that eles have.

but imo dmg isn’t that essential and is not all that important in comparison with crowd control skills like mass chill or immobilizes and cripples… witch we have. fancy that.

so the real question is, do you even have a clue of what a ele is supposed to do in a dungeon?"

(edited by Waraxx.4286)

Rate the Humans name above you

in Human

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


7- Lady Celeste
nice name, but i’ve never like titels in names. (except for in puns like Sir Killalot) but it’s a classy name
9,5 -Alexia May. very pretty. i’ve always been week to A-names and short names,

my ele is Clair Dount. i’m planning on changing the name as i grew tired of female armors. but haven’t come up with a new one.
i have a guardian named David Ahred.

Whirlpool Graphics

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


same with me. i don’t see anything, all i see is the dmg numbers every second or so.

Pristine Relic Fragments question...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


sorry, always though it was account. fixing my post.

MF dyes - Do dye colors matter?

in Crafting

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


the only thing the mf takes in regard is

  • item type (weapon , Armour , dye , food … etc) all 4 must be the same type ( 1 stone is accepted sometimes)
  • item rarity tier ( mastercrafted , rare , exotic … etc) all 4 must be of the same tier ( 1 stone is accepted sometimes)
  • item level tier (66-70 , 71-75 , 76-80 … etc) all levels are accepted and ( i think ) the MF regard all the items as the same level tier as the lowest level tier you use.

so in short, no the forge does not take into account what hue the color is in.

Pristine Relic Fragments question...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


let me try to simplify

  • lvl 2-8 = 1 chest/day/character (only fractal relics)
  • lvl 10-18 = 1 chest/day/character(fractal relics + pristine relic + non infused ring chance)
  • lvl 20-24 = 1 chest/day/character (fractal relics + pristine relic + non infused/infused ring/weapon skin chance)
  • lvl 26-28 = 1 chest/day/character (fractal relics + pristine relic +infused ring/weapon skin chance) (note that this chest is linked with the 20 – 24 chest but the diffrent levels have different loot tables)
  • lvl #0-#8 = 1 chest/day/character (fractal relics + pristine relic +infused ring/weapon skin chance)

fixed it for you. just a few errors, also i added a few things.

(edited by Waraxx.4286)

What do you guys think Ele will be like?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286



Ele is far from strong.

… right.
fyi,adding a ele in a dungeon group (only one) is one of the highest dps-increases a group can have not to say that we have combo fields and tons of utility.

infused legendary weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


Speaking of infusing ascended items I have another question.

Let’s say I craft an ascended backpack(Koss on Koss for example). If I transmute a different backpack skin(mad king book, guild backpack or wintersday sack) on the ascended backpack, the item will still be ascended, but can I use it in the mystic forge after transmutation to infuse it for more agony resistance?

i transmutated my mad king book with my ascended back and if i put in 1 ecto , 1 ascended gift then then the ascended back remain “lit” meaning i that the back in combination of the two materials is a valid recipe. so i’d say that yes, you can infuse it.

however i don’t know if the ascended back remain in its transmutated form or if i get the previous skin. but idc really 25 -> 30 AR doesn’t matter for me as i’m only farming lvl 28 and only doing 30+ with friends.

Im I the only one who hates Fractals?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


No, I really enjoyed them for the first few run-throughs because they don’t have waypoint zerging and compared to the original dungeon set they have fairly good gameplay mechanics and settings (Cliffside fractal is amazing) but after doing multiple runs of level 10 and getting to 19 I just can’t be bothered doing it anymore. They’re such a chore, and pugging through them is so robotic – it’s the same way, same exploit for each boss every time. Not only this but they also suffer from the damage sponge problem – Jade Maw is incredibly boring, Lornarr is just a damage sponge. There are some really fun fights like the evolved shaman but it doesn’t make up for having to grind through all the other glitchy kitten… 10 times… just to get some little stats.

hate the ascended gear, not the dungeon.
the dungeon and the ascended gear should be considered 2 entirely different tings.

the dungeon is great, like you say. and you say that the only down side is the “grind” but similar things can be said about every other dungeon. to get a full set of gear from a dungeon you need to get 1350 tokens. 1350/66 (you get some mysterious bags as well every run) that’s around 20 runs. sure, you could argue that they don’t have any superior stat. but, if you don’t think the stat is worth it. don’t do it. you don’t need the stat. the only way you’ll ever need those rings is if you plan on going over fotm lvl 20. and well, if you are going over 20 then you obviously think the dungeon is fun.

jade maw is one of the best bosses in the game to this date because of his mechanics. sure he is very easy once you learned how to beat him. but he is still fun. (part from the undodgable agony, that’s just poor design)

Dear Elementalists, fractal problem? Tune in!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


i did understand it was a livestream but i hope u save the video ? or i’m kinda new to that so idk.

The "Weapon Switch" build for Elems

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


i’m usually against to call a build “bad” or “inefficent” before i’ve tested it. but…

  • you go 30 in fire without the might on fire ability. (that is the only reason you go 30 in fire)
  • you go a “crit build” with 0 fury? i mean srsly my balanced build have probably as much crit chance as you have. and i’m only 10 in air. get fury! especially in a critbuild.
  • you don’t pick storm ( i’m sorry but it’s simply to good. use it in earth and u have alot of blind and u almost get invull if there is less than 5 foes around you)

those are the major flaws. and i’m sorry but i cant see this build more as a having a fun hammer-time

and sure it might be fun. but efficent? no

Dear Elementalists, fractal problem? Tune in!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


it’s a good initiative. and i strongly support it.

however. i have to partly agree with Arcthefallen, that a written explenation is probably the best to start with and then complement with visuals. the written don’t have to be so thorough because if they don’t understand they just watch the vid, just a brief explanation in text would do nice.

Ele's unwanted in high level fractals

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


the wiki isn’t a good source, there is alot regarding fractals that are inaccurate i.e the formula how agony is calculated. so the wiki isn’t ready yet to be called the all knowing thing about mechanics and statistics. however it is a great tool for finding different kinds of materials / common knowledge.

i would’t belive in the wiki unless i knew it was sure from my own experience. and from my own experience it dosent matter if you have him bleeding/burned/posioned.

if you still think gw2 wiki is correct about this matter then you are foolish as the person that wrote what you quoted from the wiki thought that bleed/burn/poison tics can be blocked in some form.

Can't Decide, Asura or Human!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


dude, here, have a tip for life.

flip a coin, hide the result by your hand or drop it on the floor and don’t look at it. wait for 5 seconds. then you will start to feel what you truly hope for. if you don’t, then look at the coin, if you feel sad, pick the other side of the coin. if you still feel sad. then go with the original result or with both until you can make up your mind.

this is my method if i can’t decide and have solved basically every choice i’ve been indecisive in. and my hart/gut sometime speak a little bit stronger when rng decide the outcome.

I can’t tell what you want but i picked human because my main char in gw1 was my human ele ( all were human back then but i wanted at least my main as the same charachter) also humen is abit more about magic/faith than asuras they are more about tech ( some tech is around magic, sure, but you get my point)

but i must say techno babble is one of the most hilarious skills in the game.

(edited by Waraxx.4286)

Mounts? (what is classified as a mount)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


irl a mount is a thing you use to take advantage of the mounts speed , mass and/or defensive nature.

in a game however it’s just something you sit on/in. now if it gives any benefits to you is entirely up to the devs.

I’d love to have mounts purely for cosmetics. make them like the town outfit, if you get hurt you dismount. and you lose all skills and you gain nothing except for a awesomeness of dooom appearance. the charrcycle… amazing.

Incoming Mounts??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


The problem would be to design the mounts for each race.

Well, not really.

Golems for Asura.
Plant horses for Sylvari.
Battle bears for Norn (cause we’re so awesome and just be glad I’m not suggesting battle bears with lasers attached to their heads)
Charrcycles for Charr.

Humans can walk.

imagine a battle bear with 3 mesmer greatsword attached to each side of the body ‘drowl’
charrcycles for charr would make me make a charr enigi… and i don’t like char nor the playstile of a engi. charrcyles would be epic ( can i haz cannons too please)

Guards get all the credit

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


A well played Guardian is a huge asset – a well played Ele is also a huge asset. However, a decently played Ele is bad whereas a decently played Guardian is still very helpful and still a large asset even if they don’t play anywhere close to “optimal”.


A further factor is also, that a well played Ele isn’t any stronger or more helpful then a well played Guardian. If it were the case that a well played Ele is significantly more helpful to a group then an equally skilled Guardian then people may be willing to risk bringing the Ele along more often. However, even if you do get lucky and get a well played random Ele – he still won’t be much better for the group then a Guardian would be.

So basically bringing an Ele instead of a Guardian is a really high-risk trade-off with virtually no reward for the higher risk of bringing the Ele. Or at least that’s how I see it.

…and this. i think you pretty much nailed it. however i’d much rather take an skilled ele then another equally skilled warrior/guardian if we already have 3 heavy classes in our group. so assuming it’s a experienced ele, I think they contribute more than having a multitude of the same class. however having 2 or 3 eles gives a much higher diminishing return than having 2 or 3 warriors/guardians. so the ultimate group for me will always consist of a ele. my current dream comp is atm.

  • 1 ele,
  • 1-2 warriors
  • 1-2 guardians
  • 1 memser

thieves are also really awesome because they bring more stealth. i haven’t had enough of experiencewith ranger,engi and necros in order to know what they bring to the table that’s unique to them.(apart from the most obvious things)
note, this is for dungeon clears not speed clears. if the dungeon isn’t hard enough then i’d much rather take a speed clearer party like, 5war or 4war ,1 mesmer or 3war , 1 mes ,1 ele. but imo if the dungeon isn’t hard enough then i’d much rather play a harder dungeon. because a dungeon is supposed to be challenging and not to be cleared in the fewest amount of minutes ( sometimes it can be nice to speed clear for some nice gold/xp) i’ve tried to solo a few dungeons, but i haven’t reached that skill level quite yet.

The high TP fee may reduce market speculation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


I think this is abit to hardcore for most people but nice reading. I’m no economist nor do i plan of ever become one but i think i understand … xD. and i hardly think a programmer/dev put a random number there, “15% sounds reasonable hurr durr.” i think it was a very informed decision and a _very_intentional one as well. i wonder if they achieved what they aimed for. but that’s another question never to be answered here on the forum ( not complaining).

nice read though

[GW2 In-Depth Guide]The Elementalist Mindset

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


great guide. to bad you are only talking about pvp and d/d. yeas in pvp d/d is probably the best choice for alot of people and is the main thing atm, because nither staff or sceper can offer the same amounts of “safe” burst/dmg (you can dodge ranged quite easy) and having a lot of mobility, cc and as you said weird range.

however in pve it’s somewhat diffrent, u don’t always want to change attunements because of the importance of having the attunements ready when the event/skill you are looking for are happening. the last boss in the grawl fractal is a great example of this, usually eles just AA / lavafront throughout his hp untill he shields , then we start attunement swaping like crazy.also it’s easier to pay attention to his animation if you only AA.

show some love for pve/staffs aswell ( as staff is by far the best pve weapon imo anyway)

Incoming Mounts??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


i’m against mounts as in the use of traveling faster ( my reason follow everybody else that’s against mounts that decreases travelling time). however having cosmetic mounts i’m totally for ( and almost need/beg for tbh)

mounts in GW2 should do the folowing:

  • give haste to you during the time you are on the mount (not needed)
  • have a casting time to get up on the mount , say 3 seconds in order to remove any wvw abuse or even ban mounts from wvw if needed (i don’t need the mount for usefulness just for awesomeness of doom)
  • remove all endurance and all forms of endurance gain. while being on the mount.
  • disable all skills and profession skills.
  • if you get damaged in any form you dismount and get knocked down for 1sec.

and in my opinion there already is a mount in the game, however this is a skill and doesn’t last forever. ( Halloween costume skill 3), it’s a flying broom that make you smile like a kitten

Guards get all the credit

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


Preaching to the choir, mate.

The combat’s design makes it hard to see who’s contributing what. Instead of having one class shift the momentum of one aspect of the fight (healing, DPS, defense, etc), everyone contributes to the momentum so individual contributions get drowned out. This the natural result of giving every profession access to everything without clear specialization paths. I’m personally beginning to miss specialized roles. But not the trinity though. That system can go die in a fire.

nice statement, i agree. and yes having classes specialize in certain areas would be nice. like the guardian reflection/shield. that’s very easy to note because it’s very class specific. as a ele we have a few unique things we bring to the table;

  • almost constant fury for the entire party ( yes, even staff builds support this. however scepter don’t and not all builds support it, but it’s the most common build)
  • if you run a staff you have the most combo fields in the game. not to mention they are very useful and , unfortunate, also very unappreciated and underestimated.
  • conjure spells, but pretty much everyone agrees they are pretty useless and/or underpowerd outside of AC P1/3.
  • we can provide some pretty nice healing even if we don’t gear/spec for it but it’s the combo fields that’s the important part tbh.

we have a few other cool stuff about us but that basically the major thing we bring outside of the obvious ( AOE dmg and AOE CC)

but nothing that is easy to spot thus people get the feeling we are useless. other professions is suffering from the same problem. atm there is very little content where a warrior/ guardian is not the most efficient way at tackling the problem. and this i think should be changed.

you don’t know how much a profession bring to the table unless you have played it and learned the profession. personally i will always want to have a ele in my group. because the amount of fury and combo fields they bring is just insane. not to mention the aoe dmg and utility.

(edited by Waraxx.4286)

Fractals of The Mists Upcoming Segregation

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


no offence, but there are some “commonly known requirements” but they aren’t very high. depending on what dungeon you are running the more/less the requirement is. i.e playing AC. i’ve never been asked what gear I’m on except for the time i was running it on my lvl 40 guardian. and i’m ok with that. you need to have lvl35 gear to enter AC, now if it’s green or rare docent really matter.

however a dungeon like fractal i would’t want to play with players that had much less than 50% exotic and have the right runes. unless i know the player and i know he is good.

but overall, the game is skill >> gear. a player in full rare could easily do as well as a player in full exotic. me and my group for example is running fractal 30 in 50/50 rare/exotic mf gear. sure its abit harder ( not very much) but the extra %mf is totally worth it.

Preview Items on the Trading Post

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


this feature is not only needed or wanted, it is a fundamental part of the game.

the games “end game” is considered to be to get nice looking gear for yourself (cosmetic stuff). and we can’t even see how the stuff looks like at the tp where we buy 99% of our gear? it’s like removing the stat information from the WoW auction house. we couldn’t care less about the stats as long as it’s the right type of stats and the right lvl/quality on the item. and odds is we’ll just transmute them anyway.

this is a future that should have been at the release day, or within the month of release. the fact that this isn’t in the game is why ppl are complaining that there is no “end game” because they don’t know what to aim for. if you give ppl the ability to look at stuff on the tp all players would be able to set up goals for themself like “WHOW, that staff looks sick, i want that.” atm ppl just think there is a few types of skins out there atm because there is only a few types of icons. there is ALOT of skins out there. sure, they are expensive, but they exist. atm you have to go to gw2 db to get to preview items and that is nothing the regular gamer does.

this feature is as essential to the game as adding a zone to the game is!

GW2 have probably losts 10000s of players because of the lack of this feature.

elemental elite skills...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


for people who think the fiery greatsword gives less mobility than rtl:
add me in-game, we’ll have a race xD

fiery greatsword can’t be cast on the move…. that’s reason enough

Okay lets race then xD

the question isn’t “how far can i get over the course of 30 seconds”? the question is “how far can i get from that thief NOW” if you are in alot of kitten you want to get out of their range asap. so if u already have it up , sure, you might have a advantage. nomatter what, it’s still a sucky elite.

Guards get all the credit

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


because there are no meters.
you never know who are the real cornerstone contributors that make the party great.

most of the time , players are just judged by how many times they die , not how much they contribute.

the game don’t need meters. the game need sources i.e telling you who gave you that 20sec fury boon.

meters would make a huge amount of protests. much like the ascended stats.

elemental elite skills...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


Just wanted to give this thread the Skrittsburgh Critters seal of approval.

However, I think eles would be op (the good ones anyway) if we were given a legitimate ultimate skill.

So I was thinking the same as the rest of you that they should just give us the option to use one of our regular skills?? And give that option to ALL professions.

could fix the problem for now. but we still need a elite in the end. atm we dont have those moments where you feel super awesome and mega powerful ( or at least more awesome and powerful then usual) most classes have this, i.e mesmers can double the dps dealt from one area. thieves can go and do some dps while being hard to hit ( IIRC) guardian have tomes ( witch replaces the skills but you only have 5 anyway). I’m sure warrior have 1. + they are usefull

Crafted 77 Mystic Clover

in Crafting

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


1-piece recipe is for us who don’t want to gamble. it is very unlikely to get far from the statistics. 300 is really unlucky if you only used the 1-piece recipe

10-piece recipe is for those that want to have a chance of getting something cheaper than it should be and if it doesn’t work they come on to the forum and yell “rng is ruining the game, 350 globs and only 70cloves?”well ok, not all, bt there is some and it’s kinda making me mad. they had the choice to make it more safer but yet they didn’t -.- imo only of u used the 1-piece recipe you are aloud to QQ for a bit on the forum. both me and the OP were within reasonable range from the average ( although on different sides of it) if you had to try more than 300 times with the 1-piece to get to 77 then you are truly a victim to the rng-gods.

@ravix: i just want to inform you that you had the same chance to make it on 179 tries and 244 tries. you were lucky, the average is 213.

elemental elite skills...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


ok, so basically we need something to increase our utility, dmg and/or our defence. instead of limiting speed and spells. i mean lets face it. the only reason whirlwind and greatsword are bad is because we are a profession that rely on 20 spells, and we need them all. our health,dps,toughness was balanced around that a elementalists utilized his skills to maximum effect. then why the hell does 2/3 of our elites limit our movement and/or our skills to 5 / 0 !? it’s like adding a elite that made all your initiative go poof as a thief or make all your virtues go on cd without any affect as a guradian. they are there to be used.

What do you think about Guardians?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


what i want a guardian to do:

form a front line together with a warrior so they take the main aggro.

not moving to much if possible so i can lay down heals, and other means of helping the guardian more accurate.

in boss fights providing us with projectile reflections ( having the wall of reflection on the dredge fractal make it go so much more quickly. )

that is the ultimate guardian for me. the best gear for this is probably pvt gear, but having some knights thrown in there will just help the AH so i don’t know.
i’m usually against healing power because everybody have there own heals. and the most efficient heals is combos in water fields.

Fractals, Guardians, and Anti-Projectiles

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


it’s all about how the design the encounters. i.e
the ascalon boss fight. it could potentially have been very efficient fight to have a ranger on because of pets resses. but the npc dosen’t last for 1 second after the first phase. if the npc would have mattered more then yeah rangers would be awsome in this fight.

Fractal weapon Question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


You should totally transmute these, we will not change them into ascended items.

You should totally give them actual stat bonuses so that we are not forced to transmute them to enjoy the skin with maximum exotic item stats.

i like it the way it is. because if they were to add stats they’d have to make them soul-bound on equip. having no stat on them make us able to “preview” the weapons in our hands instead of only in a window when we have it on our back/side.

great idea. and decpite. if they had stats there is only a 1/8 chance you get the correct stats .

Agony scaling (somewhat geeky)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


how many ticks does the jade maws agony do?
At level 20/22 the jade maw leaves me with 200 hp if I burn 2 heals on my ele, despite me having 15AR.

From your formula I should have only been taking 3,125% per tick, which would be 30+ ticks to kill me, clearly this isnt true. o.o

ty, for your input. i never though of that >.<
apparently the numbers from the wiki is made out from the formula they use instead of from what people have counted.
this leaves me with 0 data to work with… i realy need to get out there and start taking some numbers. ill prob do it on cliff side.

Fractal weapon Question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


in the future, might you add a way that we can swap our fractal weapon or do we have to grind the fractals and bet 2 rng’s to get what we want?

Item Nomenclature

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


Combo auras don´t proc powerful auras.
They do however gain the boons from the other aura traits, it´s the blast that applies those auras and boons.
Therefore powerful auras really isnt worth the investment for staff, cleansing water is imho superior.

hmm. didn’t know that was how it worked. well magnitic aura is a strong aura nevertheless. and a few extra seconds of fury cant hurt. i wont swap it out for cleansing water however. i’d rather take quick glyphs from air. but then i lose the water 25 minor trait. witch gives me a quite nice boost.

ill probably run a 0/10/0/30/30 build anyway. but you can do what ever you want with those points. go with quick glyphs and zeph boon in air maybe? that was my last build and was pretty descent. but cleansing water in pve is quite week for the moment because most dungeons don’t have any significant condition dmg. the other party members should be able to hold themselves clean anyway. i’d rather have the magnietic aura party wide for 5sec…

elemental elite skills...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


rtl gives better mobility in wvw. so just go d/d if that’s what you want. the greatsword have a casting time (where you cant move) so u cant use it for escapes unless you all ready have it.

and i must say the earth elemental is really good in dungeons. he loses in fractal due to %dmg from max hp. witch makes him useless and all other elements get one shotted anyway. it was a long time ago when i had a elemental out for more than 10 seconds <.<