Well there’s a area in Ebonhawke northeast of The Hawke Heart that looks like it might have been blown up, though it’s unclear whether this was just a random point or if it was Kranxx’s lab.
I’ll take a look at the text and see if I can translate anything in the next few days.
Given the fact that the jotun aren’t found anywhere close to the tower, I’d be more likely to say the current owner might be human. The name doesn’t sound like a jotun to me either. Given the proximity to the Dominion of Winds, there is a small chance that the new owner might be a tengu, though I doubt that as well. The name sounds more like either a human or centaur. A centaur would not be likely to assist the humans in Garrenhoff, but a human might.
ArenaNet apparently have a ‘Guild Wars 2 Bible’ which has everything about the world, the history, all the secrets and plans for the future in it (the novel writers and people like that get to use it as a resource). Since they’re not likely to let us get our hands on that though… I would be keen for a good thick lore volume.
I’ve also been considering an ‘anthropology of Tyria’ blog, after realising how excited I got when discovering a new rank in quaggan social organisation the other day :P
It would be nice to at least see an abridged version of this ‘Guild Wars 2 Bible’ even if most of it is information previously released.
Keep in mind that Magnus is an elected official, so unless there’s some sort of petition signed by a fairly large number of people, it’s unlikely that Magnus will be replaced any time soon. The other issue here is you have to make an ironclad case against him, then provide a potential replacement, likely someone already on the Captain’s Council. Currently, I believe the two strongest members on the Council are Farth Scarclaw and Theo Ashford. And they are still a long way from being the type of people to lead the Lionguard. But with his wealth, Theo Ashford’s influence is spreading rapidly. Farth is more of a fighter so she may also have potential. There’s still the issue of bringing to light more reasons why Magnus is unfit to lead the Lionguard though. I’ll leave that to the real politicians of Lion’s Arch, however.
What do the symbols at the base of the lion fountain in Lion's Arch mean?
in Lore
Posted by: WarriorOfAsgard.3705
Currently we know of 3 languages used in Tyria: New Krytan, Ascalonian, and a currently unnamed asuran script. There may be others yet to be translated as well.
Home World: Multiple Servers (primarily Sanctum of Rall)
Guild Name: The Order Of Truthseekers
Guild Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/TheOrderOfTruthseekers – To join the group, please message me on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/WarriorOfAsgard with your IGN (I will only add people who join the guild).
In-Game Contact: WarriorOfAsgard.3705 – To join/request an invite, please send a mail with “Truthseekers” as the subject line (I run multiple guilds so I need people to specify which one).
Focus: Casual Roleplaying
Language: English
Quick Notes: We are a small guild created for the purpose of roleplaying. The use of Teamspeak is encouraged but not required. The guild is intended for casual roleplayers who are willing to work with small groups to develop stories that will evolve over time and adapt to the current state of life in Tyria. Members should have at least a basic knowledge of lore and roleplaying in guild chat must be Guild Wars related and have an impact on any story arc currently in progress. “( and )” should be used if there is an RP session in progress if it is necessary to talk out of character. Roleplaying outside guild chat does not necessarily need to be game related but RPs will not be considered canon to the OoT story unless documented/summarized in our Facebook group. If you have any questions about the guild that have not been answered here, feel free to message me in game or on Facebook and I will do my best to answer them.
Home World: Multiple Servers (primarily Sanctum of Rall)
Guild Name: The Order Of Truthseekers [OoT]
Guild Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/TheOrderOfTruthseekers – To join the group, please message me on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/WarriorOfAsgard with your IGN (I will only add people who join the guild).
In-Game Contact: WarriorOfAsgard.3705 – To join/request an invite, please send a mail with “Truthseekers” as the subject line (I run multiple guilds so I need people to specify which one).
Focus: Casual Roleplaying
Quick Notes: We are a small guild created for the purpose of roleplaying. The use of Teamspeak is encouraged but not required. The guild is intended for casual roleplayers who are willing to work with small groups to develop stories that will evolve over time and adapt to the current state of life in Tyria. Members should have at least a basic knowledge of lore and roleplaying in guild chat must be Guild Wars related and have an impact on any story arc currently in progress. “( and )” should be used if there is an RP session in progress if it is necessary to talk out of character. Roleplaying outside guild chat does not necessarily need to be game related but RPs will not be considered canon to the OoT story unless documented/summarized in our Facebook group. If you have any questions about the guild that have not been answered here, feel free to message me in game or on Facebook and I will do my best to answer them.
(edited by WarriorOfAsgard.3705)
I’m wondering if we’ll see Freezie and/or Rudi during Wintersday.
Well we know they do celebrate it still, as proven by the polearm behind Rytlock’s desk in Blood Tribune Quarters.
Konig – I haven’t done that event, but I can’t help wondering, the rebel faction could be in favour of Palawa Joko, couldn’t it? A younger, fresher undead lord for a new era of the Lunatic Court? Well, it’s a stretch, but that would make for interesting developments.
The younger “undead lord” is Oswald Thorn. Palawa Joko’s Bone Palace was around a full 68 years before Thorn was killed and was almost certainly undead before the Mad King was even born. One does not simply build a palace in a poisonous landscape while alive.
^ Creative torture method +1
Didn’t the ettins conspire against him at some point and he banished those to the Ring of Fire Islands?
Better question, why do female krait have them? They’re reptiles so they shouldn’t need them…
Magic was created by Abaddon early on, and then the other gods contained that magic into bloodstones, limiting its power. This caused Abaddon to get angry, his gift having been supressed, and eventually he was beaten back into his realm, then the events of NF in gw1 happened much later.
Abaddon didn’t create magic, nor did the gods create the bloodstones (those were created by the seers). The gods simply split the magic within them into the four schools we know today as Preservation, Aggression, Denial, and Destruction.
Magic is basically another aspect of nature which is imbued into all things, and the learning of it happens most in the form of latent ability, apprenticeship style learning, and military training.
You’re somewhat correct. The way I understand magic, some people have an innate ability to use it from an early age with little training. Others require years of practice and study to become good. The more advanced/powerful the spell, the more time is needed to learn to use it properly. Weapons seem to act as a medium for channeling magic into spells but are not necessarily required to use it.
I always thought that the ‘adventurer’ professions – thief, engineer, ranger – were pretty non-magical or at least low-magic. They tend to use technology and technique to achieve their effects – with a few grey areas like ranger spirits. ‘Scholar’ or caster professions are obviously all strongly tied to Bloodstone-type magic. Then among the ‘soldier’ or heavy armour classes, we have one very non-magic (the warrior) and one very magical (the guardian).
The adventurer classes are a mix. Rangers’ spirits are magic. The engineer uses more technology than magic and the thief uses a mix of both. The guardian is a blend of the monk and paragon, so it uses both physical power and magic while the warrior is purely physical. The scholars are closer to the schools because they use magic for almost everything.
There is also the case of Orrians use magic as a tool in their everyday lives. So the ability to use magic definately varies from person to person and tends to be more common among those of higher level education.
The only things I remember killing more than once were the mantids in the Charr Homelands which used False Death. Never had issues with mandragors though.
My charr is an Ash legion centurion. He has to be brutal and sometimes extremely barbaric in his actions to keep the warbands under his command in line. He is also an extremely efficient soldier himself and does whatever is necessary for the success of his missions. If he’s order to butcher a human minister he will do it without hesitation. Even to the point of risking his life. He’s also not above killing someone for looking at him the wrong way. There’s nothing better than gutting an impolite citizen of Lion’s Arch in the sewers or a dark alley in Divinity’s Reach.
Officially she’s simply been driven out. Beyond that, we don’t know her current whereabouts. Her absence has left a definite power vacuum within the Nightmare Court so it can be assumed that, at least for the time being, she is no longer acting as Grand Duchess. I suspect she will return at some point and possibly attempt to reclaim her place as leader of the Nightmare Court.
That someone would be Asgeir Dragonrender, founder of Hoelbrak and grandfather of Knut Whitebear. He cut the tooth from Jormag’s mouth with the help of the Spirits of the Wild. In GW1 there was a dragon statue in Ice Cliff Chasms which closely resembles those seen at many Son of Svanir camps. So that, plus the “Fang of the Serpent” in Hoelbrak, along side the evidence of the Dragon Clan grawl in Frostgorge Sound would give strong credibility to your theory Bruno. Good find.
The Dreamer is definitely sylvari.
In my mind, The Bifrost should be a weapon from norn legends. That’s how I’ve written it into my norn’s quest for greatness.
Anton is somehere in Kessex Hills I think. I would suspect the Elonian heroes to have stayed in/returned to Elona.
This is pure speculation on my part but because Balthazar and Menzies are half brothers and Menzies is not part of the pantheon, he might be a half-god similar to Grenth, possibly born to a mortal mother and divine father, guessing based on the fact that when Balthazar game to Tyria he carried the head of his father, which seems to indicate his father may have been a god as well. This also would explain why Menzies is not part of the main pantheon. He may have been born someehere other than Tyria after the Dwayna and Melandru appeared but before Balthazar himself arrived. This could explain his presence in the Fissure of Woe and Ravenheart Gloom but little, if any, influence on the people of Tyria. Maybe the reason Menzies is at war with Balthazar is that Balthazar killed their father and took up the mantle of godhood (he is the god of murder after all). Menzies could be bitter and declared war on Balthazar and possibly also bitter at being rejected from the pantheon. What better way to take revenge on them than to side with Dhuum and Abbadon? Of course, as I said before this is purely speculation and will most likely later be proven wrong.
Where do you see that they knew of him?
So the Halloween event states on it that King thorn was killed 500 years ago which is the year 825 nothing wrong with that except. In the priory a book said he ruled around the year 300. No mortal human has lived more then around 160 years. The 160 is an estimate not a fact
Actually the book says nothing about Thorn being around in 300 AE. That date refers to the first battles, not King Thorn’s reign.
“The first documented human-centaur battles occurred in 300 A.E. when human settlements began spreading from the fertile Krytan valley into the Shivrpeaks.”
While the book does mention Thorn, it gives no inditcation of when he ruled Kryta.
“Early in his reign, Krytan King Thorn proposed a treaty to the centauran tribes, but the centaurs rejected its terms as unfavorable.”
A few NPCs incorrectly say that she was a Tribune before she established the Vigil, however she was a Legionnaire.
I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Devona or the others have descendants somewhere in the game, however we may never know without knowing their surnames (if they even have one to begin with) or an NPC who outright claims one of them as an ancestor. It would also be interesting to find the graves of Devona, Aidan, Mhenlo, Eve, and Cynn and see if they show accurate birth years. Other things in the game have dates that don’t match the known dates from events established in Prophecies/Eye of the North/War in Kryta but I would hope they get the correct DoBs for the five main henchmen (aka the Heroes of Tyria). I’d also be interested to learn what became of Olias, Livia, and M.O.X., as well as the other Tyrian heroes from Nightfall and Eye of the North.
What professions make sense for sylvari? Can they be necromancers, elementalists, guardians, etc.
in Lore
Posted by: WarriorOfAsgard.3705
From the perspective of lore, Danikat is correct. They do emerge with a basic understanding of who they are. From a gameplay perspective, I would recommend playing whichever profession best suits your play style.
I think too many people are trying to relate too many things to the Elder Dragons – which is actually the opposite of what ArenaNet said they want to do (make their stories “wider” and not “deeper” – that is to say, not connect everything together making a deeper plot) – and in fact, they do what they said they wanted to do (bandits, centaurs, Ascalonian ghosts, ogres, and so forth aren’t tied to Elder Dragons).
Maybe it’s something to do we Mordramoth? We know he uses earth-based magic, and Gargoyle’s are stone?
I have to agree with Konig and Narcemus. Not everything can be directly linked to the EDs. The charr don’t even know what happened to them. For all we know theey could have had a fixed lifespan which simply ran out. I find it unlikely that even if Mordramoth is one of the EDs we haven’t seen that it would have had an effect of the gargoyles of both Kryta AND Ascalon. Considering the Ash legion controls lands east of the Blazeridge Mountains, I would expect them to know if the gargoyles moved in that direction. Only time will tell if we will learn how and why they vanished over night with no trace.
As he said it was bugged. He didn’t get the option to collect it. He simply saw it on the side of the screen and was able to see what is was before it disappeared. I have seen this bug a few times myself, though never something THAT high end, only with the occasional rare.
There is also a third and final book called Sea of Sorrows, which apparently details the Rise of Orr and the rebuilding of Lion’s Arch over 100 years ago. However this book has not yet been released.
Actually those are the descendants of Stefan Baruch, Orion Elek, Alesia Baptiste, and Reyna Sandor. They originally had those surnames prior to the release of Guild Wars Prophecies.
I suspect that due to the Battle Isles being so far from any continent, the flooding might have been more temporary. The lack of a major continental shelf could mean that the sea level may have risen for a short time, long enough to force an evacuation, but short enough that they didn’t stay submerged permanently. Lion’s Arch was part of mainland Tyria. Some of the flood waters did recede, but not entirely.
Try checking local book stores such as Barnes & Noble.
The story behind why Logan and Rytlock don’t get along is told via the book Edge of Destiny. It also tells the story of how Destiny’s Edge formed and why they ultimately went their separate ways. If you wish to know how the ceasefire between the humans and the charr came to be, I would suggest reading Ghosts of Ascalon.
I for one can verify that he saw what he saw. He has no reason to make it up and was in fact very upset when it happened. I’m thinking it’s either exceedingly rare to get them as a drop, thus almost nobody has seen it, or it was something not intended to be in the live game yet and may have mistakenly dropped for him, then was removed shortly afterward. Just because we haven’t heard about legendary armor doesn’t mean they don’t exist. And technically there is legendary Mist armor for PvP, so I would not be at all surprised if there are other PvE versions, or even other skins that we do not yet know about.
Considering it comes when the barriers between worlds are at their weakest….some might embrace it. Others fear it like the Affliction. Then there are those who could care less either way and go about their daily lives as if nothing has changed for them. Rumors of King Thorn’s insanity persist even as he has remained seemingly dormant for 250 years. I suspect it has become a multi-racial holiday in Lion’s Arch. The humans celebrate it almost religiously. The norn might view it as the one day when the walls are weakened enough that Raven allows communication with the dead. The asura might view it as an opportunity to test the dynamic nature of the Eternal Alchemy and the sylvari will embrace it without a full understanding of what the holiday is all about. The charr might even ignore it simply because it’s a celebration for a ghostly human king or be reminded of the Sorcerer-King Adelbern. There’s no telling how people will react. Besides, in his absence, the holiday may have simply become a cultural celebration with no real significance to any one race.
It’s been more than two centuries since he was last seen but I recently did some digging around in the Priory Archives and discovered the following information…whatever you do, don’t mention tengu, harpies, or ettins to Mad King Thorn. And don’t bring up termites either. He won’t like that…
How much influence do players have over the direction that the world/lore takes?
in Lore
Posted by: WarriorOfAsgard.3705
@swarmofseals I’m a DJ for Black Star Radio so I might be able to help promote events from time to time. The best way to reach me is either here via private message OR in game.
Personally I find Wooden Potatoes to have incorrect information in his videos quite often. He does offer some good insight from time to time but overall I wouldn’t give him much credibility.
There’s some back story to Sanctum of Rall as well found here:
In addition to that, I was able to find some potential lore behind the name in-universe as well by talking to Historian Goshkia in the Imperator’s Core in the Black Citadel. It seems they named a legendary tribune after the guy. Due to the fact that he was a charr, I suspect if we ever see “Sanctum of Rall” in game, it will be somewhere in one of the charr territories. Same with Devona’s Rest. That will most likely be where she retired and/or died in combat. Given that she was always out to honor her father’s spirit in battle and making a legend for herself, I’d think that Devona’s Rest will probably refer to the location she was buried. Unlike Rall, her location is likely to be in any of several places, including Kryta, Ascalon, or the Shiverpeaks. There are probably other places but because she was an Ascalonian human I would lean towards either Kryta or Ascalon.
What you encountered was a largos.
Second paragraph under Major Events (Late Pre-Imperial Era) http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/An_Empire_Divided
“Surprisingly, although surviving records and artifacts from this period prove that the serpentine Forgotten dwelt in Cantha as well, they appear not to have come into conflict with humans there. My own interpretation of the data indicates that geographic reasons are most likely: the two races did not compete for food or territory before the Forgotten departed the world en masse.”
I’m sure there are other, less obvious reasons for the change as well. It most certainly did not happen over night. One must consider that the Tyrian economy is more than buying and selling. For some Tyrians, trading is a way of life. As jebidiah pointed out, the materials required to produce the money may have become less easily obtainable with the loss of dwarven mining. They did plenty of trade with the human kingdoms, especially Ascalon. There would also be the need for the races inhabiting Lion’s Arch to have the same form of currency and platinum bars may have fallen out of favor with the average Tyrian due to the fact that platinum bars are quite heavy. One could easily carry coins in a purse or pocket and the value would have grown in favor of gold coins over time. This might have led to lighter, more easily obtainable materials being used for lower monetary values, giving rise to silver and copper coins.
Good find. Considering the loading screen was involved with a Pact quest, I’d be more inclined to associated the concept art with the Risen, though I could be wrong. They do look similar.
I figured that’s what you meant. Seems like a reasonable explanation, though it could also be that it was simply phased out and replaced with a newer, and possibly better alternative monetary system that we see today. I suspect the ex-pirates of Lion’s Arch may have had a major part to play considering the pirates and corsairs on Cantha and Elona each carried gold, silver, and copper coins, as did the Zaishen Order in exchange for the daily quests.
That is an interesting idea, I would most certainly like to see an explanation in lore if possible.
Important Discovery Regarding a possible new race next expansion AND the under water dragon
in Lore
Posted by: WarriorOfAsgard.3705
In the Unending Ocean, the threat seems to point to the DSD (which also drove the quaggans, krait, and hylek north) and in the north they were driven south with the norn, kodan, and quaggans by Jormag.
@Red Actually, 5 vs 6 refers the five races who survived the last dragon cycle and the number of dragons they faced according to jotun stela writings.
The races: dwarves, seers, mursaat, jotun, and forgotten
The EDs (according to what we currently know): Primordus, Zhaitan, Jormag, Kralkatorrik, and 2 currently unnamed dragons (one being the DSD and the other may or may not still exist).
We do not have any information that would indicate any of the Elder Dragons being non-hostile to other life forms.
Important Discovery Regarding a possible new race next expansion AND the under water dragon
in Lore
Posted by: WarriorOfAsgard.3705
This page contains most of what we currently know about the largos: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Largos