Not until they add an elite spec other than druid.
I feel pretty much exactly the same, It’s the same reasons I left the game. I still check the forums every few months to see if there’s any significant updates but seems like anet is sticking to their guns.
I found the game the most fun basically before HoT and I feel that the elite specs killed pvp. The old way they seemed to be balancing the game got thrown out the window and (IMO) the game just became a spam fest full of tanks.
Make lightning reflexes remove conditions instantly instead of at the end of the animation.
Make dogs (other than smokescale) deal more dmg on auto attack, change smokescale’s stats to be the same as dogs’.
Change GS auto to do more base dmg. Just don’t make the 2nd or third deal extra dmg like other autos. The dmg as it is is just too low for the evade to compensate.
Make the new pets easier to tame. They are just really tedious to get to and seem to provide no real improvements to the previous pets. The wyverns have slow autos and low dmg, low utility f2’s (the fire field seems to spawn where the wyvern is instead of where you want it, plus it’s a very slow cast). The smokescale is only good in pvp. The tiger gives fury which is usually perma in parties (the dmg might be worth it however), the other one has good dmg but is ranged so can’t be taken seriously.
Remove the root on GS 4 and sword auto. Experienced players have no problems keeping up with their enemies and the leaps do nothing at all to aid that. They serve no useful purpose. They only aid in accidentally keeping you stuck to take extra dmg that players are perfectly capable of dodging. The GS 4 knockback is single target and in pvp especially can get you stuck taking extra dmg that you could easily walk away from. My suggestion is to change it to either the same as arcing slice (animation and radius only) or just allow the knockback animation to take place whilst moving. We also usually have a lb as our alternate set.
Axe (offhand included) and shortbow need entire overhauls or just to be removed, atm they serve virtually no purpose. I guess some people still like axe in condi builds but the dmg and utility is so terrible I can’t consider them competitive.
I’d prefer if they just removed all the useless pets instead.
Too much text, don’t fight SA thieves 1v1 and you’d probably be better off with 2/1/6/1/4 vs them for the condi removal.
I am best war galaxy wide,
I have beaten vampires, aliens, boos from Mario and even muffins,
You dun wan nun of dis.
For some odd reason after using a skill, simply hitting another skill after will not make it activate unless you move 1st.
This bug came with the September patch and has been here ever since. It is extremely annoying and I hope its not just me getting it.
Dual Pistol/Dagger
Sigil of Force/Accuracy
Rune of the Eagle
Assassin Amulet
Hid in Shadow/Blinding Power/Signet of Agility/Shadow Refuge/Basilisk VenomThis thief build imo can really put up MASSIVE DPS and can really change the flow of a team fight if ran properly just my 2cents.
The reason thieves are in such low regards is usually not because of the build, as virtually useless as shadow arts is in solo queue.
uhh, a good thief can wreck unorganized players. Toker is #1 on soloqueue right now, just sayin.
That’s team queue and I don’t really remember Toker playing on thief in the matches I’ve had with him. I’m pretty sure he usually played Mesmer.
Also don’t go by leaderboard ranks, the guy who’s rank 3 on solo queue played under 20 games.
Lastly wrecking unorganized players isn’t really something any profession can’t do. Thief just does it the worst.
I think all skyhammer really needs is certain of the breakable floors removed. The top and bottom ones on A and C and the 4 at the sky hammer, and I think the map could vastly improved. The stealth pulls feel really cheap since you literally can’t see it coming to dodge it.
From my experience in solo queue, this scale could basically tell which team will win before the game starts.
More than one thief on your team is pretty much gg and more engies than the other usually is a win. Thieves bring virtually nothing and seriously need a buff.
TL;DR Thieves are negative and actually bring you down. So I guess you can say that one thief on your team is the anchor.
Couple more things: feel free to rank the professions yourself, and I play guard so idk if it’d be ranked that high otherwise.
(edited by WonderfulCT.6278)
Don’t really want to create a different topic for each bug so I think its better to just put them all here.
-Guardian Ring of Warding keeps allowing players through for almost no reason. I think if they’re in the air or under the effects of some kind of movement other than running they’re more likely to escape. Ex. using Banish (hammer 4) usually knocks them out.
-Immobolize interrupts Pistol Whip. This applies to a lot of skills that just seem to fail cause you are immobilized. Also being immobilized in the air puts you into a glitchy falling state.
-Using a stun breaker while dazed and dodge rolling does not break the stun.
-You cannot escape from deep freeze regardless if you use stun breakers or break the ice. Idk if this is intended or not. Teleporting does not end it either.
-That bug where people appear to be where they are not and only updates if they move.
-Switching weapons in the air with hydromancy seems to cause the sigil not to activate.
These are just random bugs I run across daily that bother me more or less.
No. They die too easy for how long the CD is.
Also they die over time and still get the same CD. When they are on CD you get anniliated.
You can’t really count 2 for pve dps since the only combo field you want down is fire. So for mace you really only got auto and 3. Otherwise I would use hammer over both.
D/d ele is somewhat like DPS guard. I think its a pretty even matchup
Have you played the game?
Its possible I guess but its definately not an even matchup. Try at your own risk.
Go hammer if you want to be able to spike multiple people at once. It has better sustainable aoe damage (assuming you live long enough) than sword which basically just has auto attack. Just know that you got no way out with hammer, if a fight goes sour just stand there and die, don’t waste time trying to run(walk) away.
I still got my video when I fought you back when I used to thief. It was fun but unfortunately I don’t really play thief anymore.
PvE just might stack with fire fields, empowering might is kinda useless so take all points out of honor. For pvp I still don’t recommend any points in honor but having 5 is alright.
Don’t use a pvp build for pve, it will lack dps. If you’re going meds in pvp go 6 in valor.
(edited by WonderfulCT.6278)
If you play the game you can answer all these questions yourself. No need for outside opinions.
Just use w/e melee weapon you want. I think they finally fixed swords but I’m not going to guarantee that.
They said something along the lines of they no longer want professions to have unlimited vigor so they’ve been toning down a lot of those types of traits.
Pffff, rich people.
Considering Tyria offers welfare to medium tier classes to allow us to get ascended armor cheaper than everyone else to make up for our hardshipz. :o
10g and proud!
Pffff, rich people.
I like 30 in acro for WvW with S/P since most people will focus a thief especially if he seldom if ever stealths, so I just dodge around all day to kitten ’em off.
Also never use assassin’s reward or hard to catch as both are absolute garbage (Especially assassin’s reward).
I had a fairly long write up about condi bunkers but I just can’t explain it through words well and would much rather actually show it. However I don’t want to really show spvp duels since it shows names.
Suffice it to say you just need to do more damage to them while taking less from them.
Also you can drop 30 in acro for 30 in crit depending on just how tanky your opponent is. Don’t think taking down condi tanks is easy, especially with as low condi removal as I have.
In team fights you just need to SB spam while waiting for an opportune moment to PW since you will be incredibly squishy if you run full zerk like me. Alternately just open with PW, and kill someone quick.
I recorded myself doing a commentary over some of my thief gameplay and I’d like some feedback on it. The sound is low so you may need to turn it up quite a bit.
This video has been sitting around for a while and I never really got up to posting it, however I’d just like to know if this is something people enjoy seeing.
Once again feedback appreciated.
P.S. Don’t actually pm him.
I don’t understand why most all Thief weapon sets get QQ’d and raged about. And I said “Most” not all.
Thats what happens when you use PVE builds in WvW. People make threads about how OP your dmg is
This thread isn’t for comments, someone asked me to show it, so I did.
…forums are for making comments…show that one person the screenshot then. You won’t have to deal with stupid kitten heads making comments then
It was easiest to post it here. Learning to check how to post on a different site would take at least a minute, time I just wasn’t willing to put in.
Thats what happens when you use PVE builds in WvW. People make threads about how OP your dmg is
This thread isn’t for comments, someone asked me to show it, so I did.
I love how you blacked out your own level.
It’s 80 and I was using soldiers.
3K evis and 12k Shield, idk if level is what needs to be questioned.
Learn to play zerk and remove 15 points from honor.
Will miss you friend, will also miss this subforum.
Might come back to say hi to purp.
Edit: Trying to be more constructive.
Too much editing: intro is too long and too many movie maker effects.
The gameplay isn’t great: this includes yours and your opponents.
People have been playing med guards for a long time now and this video is honestly sub par, not to say I’m so much better or anything.
Please just simplify your videos a little more and try to become a better player overall.
Edit: Also please don’t post random gameplay videos, have a purpose other than showing off.
Just kill them . . .
I’d settle for a DSR.
Death Shroud needs an increase to dps, when both skill 4 and 5 are used you are pretty much just auto attacking. While it can do a fair bit of damage per hit; untraited it only hits one target and has a slow attack speed. I think it should bounce, have a shortened casting time, have a greater amount of damage or life steal at least (health not added to deathroud, instead to actual life).
Also I think deadly strength should be the adept trait for death magic so that if you are not trying for a minion build you don’t have to get a trait that’s useless to you. Otherwise you are stuck with a minion that spawns and dies needlessly.
Just saw StaR’s superior tactics, 30+ people attacking empty paper towers xD. Caught some trying to get to the zerg, very tanky with a lot of cc, though completely useless in small scale. Stop running to the zerg please :<
LOL noobiest of all.
I’m trying to find pro dueling guardians. I live in Eredon Terrace, the 2 servers i’m going against are SF and Kaining, so if you live in those servers please duel me. i am playing a guardian.
LOL ur a bigger noob than the last guy I called a noob
Don’t worry it’s only good as a gimmick.
LOL noob.
First off it’d be better to have both shield and focus good rather than having to nerf focus just to make shield almost good. Focus 5 should stay where it is.
Guardian’s shield is relatively useless based on the recharge times and effectiveness of the skills. Shield of judgment should be more easily able to provide protection to allies. The damage is neglible (it should be increased by at least 50%) and a further effect should be added. The cone effect is garbage to be honest and should never have been programmed to be a cone.
Shield 5 should have no cast time and no root. However a 1/4-1/2 cast time could still work. Then instead of a second skill just make the skill heal for the same amount over the 4 seconds its active.
I would prefer if the shield was at least able to give aegis as there are too many traits that use it and almost no way to get it.
Otherwise, they would just go into the actual pvp game mode and disregard the capture points there.
Lol lets go to Tpvp and have a 5 minute 500-0 game where we try to chase the other team around the map to get them to fight us, and one of their team caps all 3 points and sits on them. Sounds like some competitive, fun #esports gameplay right there.
You think [BS] are the noob ones, I heard this asuran Ele in some Nicholas cage guild runs lightning hammer when roaming. That’s like, crazy man.
You’ve gone too far.
I will hunt you down every moment of every day until you listen to Ja Rule.
Maybe I could SPvP if I found it fun (for more than the daily). Unfortunately I do not, so someone come fight me.
Spirit weapon guardian is the best build in the game.
The skill does moderate damage whilst giving allies protection but I think for a 30 second recharge the skill is pretty lackluster.
Compared to Ray of Judgement (focus #4) which blinds foes, removes conditions, and provides regen with a 25 second recharge it appears a little imbalanced in my personal oppinion.
If Shield of Judgement could inflict weakness it would be a much more useful skill. Even if it just blinded that would still be nice too. Just give it something to feel more useful.
Are we doing it right?
Why hide the character? Is it THAT ugly?
Good fights with [OHai] at mill.
Apparently at 2 AM you cross over into the twilight zone or something cause this moment caught me off guard.
Who are you and what do you want?
Edit: Capitalization
(edited by WonderfulCT.6278)
Now, fights just come down to build most of the time. If you are running a condi, especially condi bunker, it’s a near guaranteed win vs. anyone who isn’t. If it’s two condi bunkers fighting each other, the winner is determined by rock paper scissors balance.
In addition to just slowing everything down, it has taken so much importance away from dodging and knowing your opponent. Condition builds apply conditions constantly. You can dodge every important ability and still have a full bar of conditions the entire fight. And condi bunkers just have so much healing/mitigation that they don’t bother dodging. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve landed every ability on my bar on a condi bunker just to have them ignore the damage completely and be back to full a few seconds later while putting out consistent damage the entire time.
It’s a sad state of affairs, and I really hope Anet takes steps to correct it.
There is so much sorrow in this post I’m moved to tears. A bunker complaining about other bunkers because he isn’t one of those bunkers and feels he’s “keeping it real”.
What are you asking A-Net to correct? The lack of easily beatable builds, or just to re-shift the game towards power? Are you emplying that bunkers do a lot of damage (they don’t)?
I don’t even lose to condition builds (much) and there are definately still people who run glass cannon builds, power, or at least a hybrid. I rarely even come across full bunkers except that guy in that FC guild I won’t name.
Run with a group of people (probably want at least one guard) and you should be able to take very limited CD.
You have so many choices, stop acting like the game took them all away.
I spent my night looking for any BS members I could find. I tried to 1v2 your asuran engi and human guard in a camp. I failed, but it was fun. Thanks for the salute engi. Then I found that human guard twice more. You ran to a tower/zerg the first time and then in ruins I wanted to fight, but you ported right when you saw me. I was solo roaming.
I have been waiting for this match-up to fight BS. I will fight you on sight. Please fight me instead of running, I’ve had enough of that from BP/Kain.
If you want to 1v1 me I don’t mind but just not with that build, next time just party me. Otherwise I have to leave and come back with a different one.