Some likely think it’s fun – but my guess is they’re on the green server in that example or the similar ones elsewhere.
The key issue will be what happens when the rankings finally settle down and whether WvW is alive at all at that time on more than a few servers.
Mesmer sucks in PvE. COMPARATIVELY SPEAKING! I cannot stress this point enough.
This is my experience as well.
While the mesmer can perform; it’s still outperformed in PvE by the other classes that I’ve witnessed/tried.
It is wonderful in PvP in my opinion; but it lacks in PvE.
The number of factions is irrelevant.
It’s the game’s mechanics in total which makes or break it.
DAoC wasn’t good because of 3 factions. It was good because of the overall concept of RvR. Siege, keeps, relics, room for solo, group and zergs.
Could have been 2 factions (in effect it often was; because like here you fought both other factions so they might as well have been one), could have been 4 or 5.
RvR worked in DAoC, the number of factions are irrelevant.
Being spawncamped in GW2 it does not matter whether there’s two, three or four factions. Seeing many jump servers, then it does not matter. Repair cost without being able to gain any rewards, factions does not matter.
Servers wouldn’t be balanced without transfers, no – but servers will never be balanced with transfers open either.
Another route entirely needs to be taken if you want to have people spread out like it seems ANet would like with WvW given their answers.
So free transfers might not be the issue; but they helped create the issue IMO.
For me it’s still like it was after the patch that broke it, meaning way worse than prior to it. Rarely had issues before that patch, have nothing but issues after it.
Actions speak louder than words.
Words from devs speak louder than random people on the forum.
Sure they’re working on it, but it’s an issue that’s practically killed the game for me, and I suspect others as well.
No way I can participate in WvW when not seeing the enemies. sPvP is not for me and sure – I could grind/farm in PvE – but well …… can do that in any game if I wanted to do that.
A statement about where they are in the process would be wonderful; so we know something about when we might be able to play it again.
That patch broke something; it’s not silly to expect it to be fixed in a timely manner when a customer. But of course -they got the box sales so …..
Well it’s better than before, I would say it’s somewhere along the lines of same as when game started in terms of players not rendering properly.
Patch that released a week ago was basically friendlies not rendering at 100 range away in town, now it’s somewhat (?) playable for me
Not for me. Much much worse than at launch.
Still a problem for me. Patch today seems to do very little, if anything, to make it better.
It is NOT fixed for me.
It might be a slight bit better than earlier this week – but still significantly worse than it was prior to the patch that broke it entirely.
It’s a mess.
No the issue can’t be “dye” or “data” related, since u have a max. of 65,507 bytes per UDP packet. <snip>
And when they only show custom colors on friends, and not enemies – you don’t even need to send the entire color code for enemies. Just whether they’re the green, blue or red armor.
Well, there’s always PvP in PlanetSide 2
fun fact: PS2 has load in issues just like GW2, today i saw it the worst in 3 way fight on lytheia (close but no tomato). had tanks and enemies popping in and out not 5 feet infront of me. while this was an extreme case, it was maybe a 40-50/40/40 which is far lower the issues in GW2. the worst part was the invisible airplanes flying above as they were nuking us, and we had no way of countering them.
Well, we can hope SOE fixes it in beta, so it doesn’t happen 2 months into live.
Well – it’s not like sending the few bytes which tells the client to render things green, red or blue take up much more space then telling it to render things gray.
But according to latest notes, they’ve fixed something – guess I’ll see tonight if it is true.
I did not have much lag prior to last patch; except in large lord room fights where I occasionally ended up with 2-3 sec ability lag. For example SM fights.
I did have very little ‘culling’ issues again -except above.
Something last patch – possible to ‘fix’ lage – made everything much much worse for me, essentially making the game unplayable in WvW.
Also, as mentioned above – enemy dyes don’t show – they’re either red, green or blue. Not pink, purple, yellow etc. You see your sides colors, not the enemies.
The issue seems to be much more about the number of effects they want to show on the screen which takes too much, leaving less for the player/NPC models.
But I’ve tried numerous graphics settings after last patch -and none of it made any difference.
Well, there’s always PvP in PlanetSide 2
Talked to a Dev in game the last couple of nights, they’ve been working on a hotfix. They’re testing it internally, trying to make 100% sure it’s going to make things better before they implement it. It’s their top priority, so try and be patient…believe me, they hate the ghost wars as well (because most of them play).
If true….. then that’s the sort of information people would like on the forum from a dev/CM and why people are complaining about lack of information about this issue.
If true, of course.
Well, it seemingly worked a lot more for many before last patch.
Yeah – that’s pretty much how it is for me and why I can’t bother with WvW and basically the game; whereas before this patch I had very few problems.
It should be possible to look through the change log and source control to see what was changed in this patch and whether it could cause this issue. Because something was changed in the game, and that’s what source control is for.
Chill people. You make it seems like invisible enemies issue is the end of the world and the end of this game. You guys have probably been too pampered. I have been playing with a 2 second lag behind all of you since day 1 of my MMO experience 8 years ago. And all these while, all of you are INVISIBLE to me for a full 2 seconds before I see you.
You have a headstart on me for a full 2 seconds and if you don’t kill me in that 2 seconds, I will start my retailiation. Unfair advantage on me. Sure. But hell, learn to deal with it. You may not be good to kill 1000 enemies, but with some experience and practise of predicting your enemies moves 2 seconds ahead of time, you probably can still kill 500 of them.
Unknown perhaps to you, many players are playing with the handicap of lag and ‘invisible’ enemies all these while.
When you reach that level of zen in MMO pvp after years of unfair advantage, you don’t need to see. You SENSE ahead. ‘Invisible’ enemies is least of the problem. The ‘Invisible’ enemies that can dealt huge damage within first 2 second is THE problem because you don’t have the chance to response effectively when you actually sense their presence. It like starting a fight with a 100% hp enemy against your already depleted 40% hp. But we deal with it.
Comparing oranges to kittens.
A product is broken; it does not matter you have awful lag.
lets be very clear. Black tide are not off peak cappers.
They just have a player base in timezones that are 3 hours ahead of time zone that most of Gunnars hold play in.
I doubt their primetime is still early morning even with +3 hours
To those saying that they aren’t communicating, what do you expect the PR people to say? They’ve said they are working on it and all they can say past that is the same thing. If you’re curious, though, the WvW developers were in-game all of Monday and Tuesday, shouting to the whole map in WvW for people to explain their status. The people who need to be doing something are doing it. I can only hope they give us something tonight.
Well; Whether they’re working to identify the bug – whether they’ve identified it and working on a fix – whether they think they’ve fixed it and are in test phase.
Information that would indicate how long time we have to not play this game would be information many people would appreciate.
Silence does not instil neither patience nor confidence.
I play this game solely for the WvW. Without it; the game is loosing out to other things and if something else grabs me; it loose out entirely. And I know I’m not alone in that line of thinking, and it’s the same line of thinking that hurts previous MMOs.
It’s not a matter of wanting everything now; it’s a matter of being treated as actual customers.
(edited by Xandax.1753)
LOL for starters, I’m richer then you, better geared and I’m very sure I have more WvW accomplishments right now so moving on from that, It was an example of how game breaking this is, you’re probably one of the players who actually benefit from this, let me guess, a thief? But no really, please don’t even respond to forum posts till you understand the issues at hand.
You can be better geared only if you have legendary weapons
And no, I’m not Thief. I understand the issue with invisible players, i had bad experience with that yesturday, but its not a reason to come here and bash the game. Noone force you to join WWW while it has this game braking problem. Just w8 till problem solved. Its not like you losing time you paid for in p2p games.
While nobody ‘forced’ people to join WvW it is the main reason some of us play this game because this game promised WvW.
And if the game suddenly can’t support what it was supposed to – people will bash it. Even if it is ‘free to play’.
So while it’s good to have patience, the game is still now broken for many people and exactly because it’s ‘free to play’ there’s not the same attachment to the game as if you were stuck on a 6 month sub plan; and so if something else pulls you away – chances are many will then stay away, like in all the other MMOs before it.
The fix can only come too late and I must admit that I was looking for a bit more feedback/communication from ANet regarding this.
As long as AOE goes through doors from either side; it’s a valid tactic. Bit cheesy, but valid.
Few of the organized guilds/people on G.H seem to care about nightcapping/morning capping ‘cause we fight when we can be online (and well, currently when we can see the enemies :o) and when we can’t play, that’s that.
We loose due to this consistently and not because we’re outplayed, so I think most accept it as part of the game. (from what I’ve seen)
Just think it’s fun to claim it to be superior strategy – but then again – strategy of playing when nobody is around is, I supposed, essentially a strategy.
Those pesky doors are a tough opponent for some, so it takes some strategy
I tried every graphics setting I could last night; from basically nothing to everything and it persisted consistently.
I’m very much convinced it is an engine issue. However because it is also an issue that got blown completely off the scale with the last patch; it should ammendable to at least the situation prior to the patch.
But I would also seriously like an update; I like this game, I like WvW – but I’ll not stay in this game just for the PvE ‘cause I don’t want to grind mobs. And getting some update about how far they are in the troubleshooting would be nice, so I know when I should expect to play the game again.
Luckily PlanetSide 2 beta is running.
Completely unplayable for me tonight. Can’t see enemies, can’t see most friendlies, can see few guards……
I’ll be back in the game when this is fixed. Until then – time better spend elsewhere.
(edited by Xandax.1753)
While I think some classes do need ‘balancing’ – true balance is unobtainable without making everybody into a single class, with the same stick for a weapon and abilities to use.
Would be a pretty dull fight in my book.
@ Xandax
Arenanet already made it into sPvP by adding a score. Let’s not split hairs. As long as the scoring system exists, sides must be even and I believe that Kefka’s proposition would work to balance server populations as all the bandwagoners flee for less queue times.
It would balance the servers by making people not play. That’s not really a useful suggestion for a MMO. “To play this game, you cannot play”.
And the ‘score’ for WvW does not make it into sPvP. Adding enforced structure and balancing would. Keeping a score for ranking does not make it structured, it just makes it having a score.
As for attack being stronger than defence. I hate the points where you can safely put down a treb and pewpew at stuff while opposition can’t do anything about it (except repair or take out the whole kittening garrison/SM). That is pretty kitten imo. It’s pretty much, oh, they have that keep/fort/whatever, it’s only matter of time before they get this and that, unless we put LARGELY dissproportionate effort to keeping that tower/keep than is required to attack it.
You can hold a tower even though a treb has taken down the outer wall, for quite some time, even with less than the amount of attackers. And it can be kitten fun to boot.
You can even hold the lord room in a keep only.
And then it is where 3-way fights comes into play where the smarter enemy waits for the right opportunity to rush into the hole the other enemy made for you in the third enemies walls.
Siege works. Nightcapping is a part of the game, but might be an ‘issue’ for some.
nice, the ones that see no issue with current state are from same server. maybe u have alot of night guys?
Edit : I can’t spell
We have next to no “night guys” currently.
We just like to siege and fight and defend when online; instead of complaining about how it’s unfair others can play while we sleep and how they can hit NPCs when at work. Sure it sucks when we log in after work to see a score of 15 and enemy ticking off at 500, but hey – that’s the nature of WvW.
An empty building should be no defence against players.
The upgrade cost might be borked (again, I think it should cost influence), but siege in itself is not.
We’ve defended loads of towers and keeps – even unupgraded – and similarly we’ve been pushed off defended towers and keeps.
You can defend in this game; with and against siege. But if nobody is there to defend – any strongpoint should rightfully fall.
If you want to remove nightcapping; make a thread about that instead of trying to ruin one aspect which actually works.
Just because a keep is upgraded it shouldn’t be difficult to take.
An empty building poses basically no threat.
When players are inside it, it automatically becomes much more difficult as is, depending on the level of organization and determination on both sides.
Even un-upgraded towers/keeps can be defended for a prolonged period of time – if actually defended by players.
If wanting to complain about nightcapping or impose nightcapping restrictions – it shouldn’t happen by altering siege.
The portal is only “overpowered” due to rendering issues with the game.
If people weren’t invisible due to the game, it would be fine.
The portal is a great tactical tool for offense and defense and removing it or ‘nerfing’ it seems rather silly and would just dumb down the game.
Remember to cry nerf for any skill you use to kill others with because that’s OP as well.
(edited by Xandax.1753)
We are already seeing very strange stuff under the current siege system, nearly for a month and half. And you are still talking about no change is needed. No, it’s time to change something and observe its outcome.
The only change I feel is needed for siege is that AOE shouldn’t go through the doors.
The main change I feel is needed for ‘upgrading’ towers/keeps are that it should/could use guild influence as a currency.
Outside that – a defended, upgraded, keep/tower can be sieged down, but usually requires coordination and siege on the other side.
It can be held by coordinated and siege wielding defenders.
I find the balance quite good, and I would not like to see undefended strong points being able to fend off an attack.
This smells much more like another ‘nightcapping’ thread than actual siege issue.
The moment they make WvW into sPvP by trying to enforce even teams outside the population cap in effect, is the day WvW dies and sPvP battleground wins.
Sure it can suck when you’re out numbered, but it is however how such PvP works. If you want even teams; sPvP is there for you.
A fully upgraded tower/keep with defenders can cost as much to take down as it does to upgrade. But when people aren’t there, walls aren’t a stable barrier as it should be.
The issue here is simply that undefended keeps, no matter how upgraded, will fall.
I see no issue in this; it would be very strange if otherwise.
It seems almost like a “memory leak”. The longer you play the more people who disappear. I’m down to not seeing ANYONE, except a pet here and there. Does relogging fix it? I’d rather not sit in a queue.
It’s not memory related, nor does it seem playing time is related from what I experienced last night.
And relogging – I doubt it’ll help other than placing you back in the queue when you get in, so you can’t play WvW which … well might be a ‘fix’
I too have noticed a much worse rendering after the patch.
Much of the time, I see very few (if any) enemies for quite some time, eventhough I target enemies or can see nametags.
Something is definitely made worse.
U shoud come in Gunar’s Hold server, in one map 3 ppl (including me) and in rest of the maps no one. You can scream and insult there all you like, is no one to hear. I understant all europe is sleeping but its weekend. I’m surprised this crap server is still in the middle of server ranks
Please don’t come to G.H. with that attitude.
The MMO market has changed drastically over the last decade or more. It has grown immensly, but also in the context made people more fickle. Just like any other game genre.
Just seems people who paint doom n’ gloom haven’t changed along side it.
I did not hope for ‘success’ for GW2, didn’t even decide to play relative late in the processes, but don’t regret it one bit.
This game is already F2P (or B2P) – so …. well, got no more money invested in it, so frankly – as long as they can field 3 servers – there’s WvW for me.
The reason people ‘go back to WoW’ (for those that do) is quite obvious and very logical – it’s because they have history there, they have attachment.
The reason many people ‘go back to WoW’, is because there were so very many people that could do that to begin with. Most anybody that has played MMOs have played WoW. Many that play MMOs now started with WoW because MMO became mainstream around that time. Before WoW it was nerds and geeks. Blame or praise Blizzard for making the genre mainstream, but that’s really the only key issue.
This genre is mainstream now, with mainstream ‘problems’ and people need to just accept that most likely no other MMO will field WoW’s numbers and that it does not mean anything regarding the quality of the other games.
Stealth classes are almost always OP in MMOs at start. Can only hope it gets balanced out more.
Other classes have to scarify damage potential for survival – but stealth classes usually expect both as a class mechanic.
Vigil, cause defending the weak is what Rangers do
I still like dropping a warden into a zerg standing on the bridge’s in Borderlands
Oh, and couldn’t live without the focus 4 skill either, so well ….
Just make it a queue that would be a good start, you remind …… the queue is BUGGED !!!!!!!!!
As much as I hate to say it, but….
I think the problem here is that the thief’s downed is so overpowered compared to pretty much anybody elses.
Memsers are much more fun in PvP than PvE. They do feel awful weak in PvE; however that’s offset by the PvP abilities.
My Ranger cut through anything in PvE whereas my Mesmer struggles with most and often pulls much more than desired (illusions etc).
Yes we would like that indeed.
As long as I have fun in fight – I don’t care about the score or the ‘competition’.
If I wanted that, I’d be in sPvP – but I’m not – I’m in WvW.
Might be nice to face opponents who appear to need sleep. <snip>
Yeah – that could be a fun experience for us G.H’ians
Although it has its charms taking down fully upgraded and heavily siege defended towers n’ keeps – I think our people could use some quick morale boosts of logging in after work in the evening/afternoon and not see a 400 point deficit
When I heard a guildy being hit for 15K by kill shot as well, I got very sad for the state of my Ranger.
Even with my L26 I don’t do much damage in WvW, but I certainly do not get steamrolled unless I end up against a thief and my energy is down for dodge.
I’m usually having a blast in WvW even with a L26 character.