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in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xandax.1753


No, it’s not a completely “free” market in the sense that Anet created this world.

However, in the context of this world, prices are indeed based on supply and demand. Players really like greatswords, daggers, and swords. So the prices of Dusk, Dawn, Zap, and Spark are muuuuuuuuuuuch higher than the price of the Speargun precursor, assuming same drop rates for everything. Heck, I bet more Dusk/Dawn/Zap/Sparks exist simply because who wastes Spearguns in the MF?

To completely dismiss supply and demand from this in-game economy is silly.

Exactly, take off those tinfoil hats and stop assuming anet has COMPLETE control of precursors in the game. The supply price is determined by the demand in which players believe is worth paying.

Ahem – ANet does have complete control over all aspects of it.

Guild wars 2 ruined all other mmo's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


I’m surprised people still boast about questing in GW2. It seems like a clear case of the emperor’s new clothes.

I recently tried to pick up GW2 again and got instantly bored of collecting apples, trapping fish, and killings spiders. Removing a quest giver doesn’t suddenly make boring quests more interesting.

Tera: Horrible quest text, but combat makes the quest activities fun.
WoW: Bad quest text, but quest activities much more varied.
SWTOR: Great story cutscenes, but quest activities boring.
GW2: No quest text/bad story cutscenes, and boring quest activities.

Add in that GW2 has the least amount of leveling progression (very few ability upgrades), I get bored faster than any other MMO I’ve played. I do want to hit max level eventually, and appreciate the lack of sub, but I can’t stand the leveling in this game.

I basically agree.
I think – however – the reason is that because it’s changed in how quests are provided/given to the player make the illusion that the quests are actually “new” as well.
And then naturally a case of ‘defending’ the game when somebody says something negative always kicks in.

Guild wars 2 ruined all other mmo's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753



You’re trying too hard. Slow down and relax. You’ll make less spelling errors that way.

In competitive PvE types of games, everyone races to be the first. If you’re not, you’re s.o.l. and get nothing. With me so far? Good.

In GW2, people race to get in events. The more people that get there, the more mobs show up, the tougher they get, etc. Plus many events have timed scenarios, so this “instagibbed” scenario you present isn’t possible. It’s different completely, because everyone is racing to be a part of something, not the exclusive person to get credit for a single mob.

Actually – outside the ‘boss’ part of events and an occasional veteran or two, people do rush to tag normal swarms of mobs because they die very fast.
And people do this on the off chance of getting loot, and not because they a) want to help others complete the event or b) to get credit for the event.

It’s quite visible in Orr for example. People farm them, and they farm them because the mobs go down easy meaning if you’re not one of the few classes that can do a lot of damage to many mobs at once, you’re at a disadvantage.

So the poster you quoted was quite correct and does not really need to “slow down” or “relax”.

Why does ascended armor need better stats?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


This generation of gamers need incentive to play, instead of simply making their own fun,
Its very sad, the vocal minority convinced the developers to ruin this one unique MMO, making it the same boring stat grind as all the rest,

Why they couldnt just play one of the 10+ MMOs with stat grinds I dont know, they had to ruin this one,

This is why we cant have nice things

They couldn’t play one of the others because just as the swarm consumes new content and gear tiers, the same happens to new games as it’s basically just new content.
And developers and investors fear the cash flow so they bend to it.

Why does ascended armor need better stats?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


I’m convinced all of the people screaming “GRINDFEST” haven’t played an MMO from the last 8 years. If you think this is a treadmill, or a forced gear grind for best stats to be competitive, go play WoW, or Rift, or Swtor, or AoC, or Lotro.

Well – your conviction is way, way, off. I’ve played all of these, and still play at one of them.

The situation is that many of us came over here exactly because this game was promising something different, and based on the experiences with GW1 gear and ANets references to ‘cosmetics’ to be what you hunt for, not stats.
So many did not like them suddenly interjecting another gear tier to bridge a gap which wasn’t there, which could only be gotten by farming a single dungeon (at that time, now you can get them in two ways), yet be useful everywhere – including the WvW and which contradicted their ‘all avenues give access to same rewards’ mantra from before said patch plus with the promise of more levels of infusion (aka tiers of gear).

It’s about context, not about mindlessly defending a game by making blanket statements in an attempt to paint people who have a different opinion.
It’s perfectly fine you love the game so much that you’ll have to defend it at all cost, but frankly – ANet themselves brought this in by actions contradicting words.
They’ve even said it was a mistake to do it that way underlining that they know they did bad.

Drop rate of.. just about everything

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


The drop rates in this game is designed to push people towards the Trading Post and the Gem shop.

Yes, the drop rates are very low, lower than many old-school MMOs – but it is how ANet have designed the game, so basically – we’ll have to deal with it.

This Game Is So Amazing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


I’ve been playing since August 25, 2012, and to this day I am still amazed every time I log in. I’m posting this thread because I’m tired of seeing all the threads complaining about this or that. Sure, the game isn’t perfect, but what game is? <snip>

There doesn’t need to be a perfect game to point out flaws or mistakes in a current one. I don’t know why people think that?

You can’t clean yourself in others filth.

Why does ascended armor need better stats?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


They put in the higher stats to try to appeal to the locusts, who can never be appeased, and threw the loyal GW1 veterans overboard in the process. Simple as that.

And such people will always require another tier of stats once they tire of the current level.

I don’t mind a gear grind game, when it’s developped and announced as such.
When snuck in, in a patch, then it becomes an issue for me – and especially when not introduced along side all the acquisition avenues at once such as via WvW but only FotM (yeah, that acronym is so ironic it can only be intended).

The change to allow all play-styles getting it is still waiting and frankly just proves this was not something thought up at launch, but patched in to fill a need for a specific player segment at the cost of other player segments.

Something I miss from GW1.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


I miss the ability to change ‘skills’ and the lack of need to grind new equipment for stats.

Guild wars 2 ruined all other mmo's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


Only thing GW2 did for me was introduce some ‘quality of life’ features like the inventory-collectible-send to bank system. That is IMO the biggest brilliance from GW2.

But outside that it is not as different from many other MMOs as some would like to believe or proclaim.
Quests are as static and MMO-standard as they are in other MMOs even if using the name dynamic events (besides Warhammer was first with such so hardly an innovation from GW2).
WvW was interesting and the main reason I’m here, but frankly – PlanetSide 2 gives a better experience for me as WvW only reminds me of what could have been and makes me recall DAoC with more fondness. SPvP is not my cup of tea, because I feel scenarios were better done in Warhammer. The esport aspect of them is also not to my liking.

GW2 has not ruined other MMOs for me at all. It’s just indicated some areas where other MMOs could learn from. It’s a solid game and I’ll continue to play some – but not exclusive as I have with other MMOs in the past.
In fact – GW2 is the first MMO I’ve played, where I did not play that exclusively.

(edited by Xandax.1753)

Precursor trend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


Anet is probably aware of the market manipulation and just blatantly ignoring it. Having people defend anets claim that there is no market manipulation is an even bigger slap in the face. Free market isn’t so free?. inb4 people say this is what a free market is, this is a game.

Its never been a free market its manipulated by whatever mechanisms anet use for drop rates DR etc.

Gw2 economist might want a word with you

Doesn’t matter what he says, the inherent mechanics of a computer game like GW2 will always mean the economy is not a free market.
Even EVE Online economy falls in such a comparison.

Economies in MMOs are way too small and way too static to be considered anything like actual economies.
No production or product innovation to mention just two major factors in why price manipulation is very easy in a game, but very difficult in a free market.

It can only try to emulate a few concepts of a free market, it will never be a free market.
And markets in games like GW2 all fall for the same manipulation as it attracts a specific segment of players who mainly care about themselves getting gold at the expense of other players.
Basically playing the economies are the last true form of ‘PvP’ in these types of games.

(edited by Xandax.1753)

Why does ascended armor need better stats?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


There’s something a lot of people don’t realize.

Let’s think about it just a bit. If Anet already had Ascended gear from the opening day, and they had all the ways to get ascended gear already created, would people still screamed gear treadmill? Or would they have seen it differently and saw ascended gear as something a tiny bit above exotics, with stats like legendaries?

One of the big issues with Ascended, and what some conveniently overlook – is that at implementation time only could be gotten by running FotM over and over and over.

Had Ascended been implemented like Exotic (karma, WvW tokens, craftable); throughout the entire game, from the start – people wouldn’t have been similarly upset about it, no.
However it was not.
It was patched rather clumsily in and thereby making it an issue and making it look and feel like a gear-grind.
ANet themselves even claimed it was a mistake to only make it FotM available, so now they try to do laurels to ease the effect, but it is still not like ‘Exotic’ or all the other gear in the game. It still isn’t earnable as exotic is. It is indeed a different tier of gear, both in how to get it and stat wise.

And the ‘tiny’ stat thing does not really fit – as can be seen from several games before this that the hunt for an additional percent or two in regards of stat is important and several percent on a single item for a handful of slots are basically ‘must have’ to be on the top.
Stats matter. That’s why some people crave a vertical gear progression scheme. If it didn’t – people wouldn’t equate gear with progress and cosmetic gear only wouldn’t be so unheard of. Basically, the GW1 method wouldn’t be so strange to so many.

And as for legendaries – those were primarily to be cosmetic. Now they’re more needed than at launch. Hence the price of them.

Why does ascended armor need better stats?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753



Considering my Ele in GW1 is still wearing the set of lvl20 gear I got her, oh I don’t know, seven or eight years ago?

Yes. I was expecting to be able to get a set of max armor and simply enjoy the game.

Not having a gear treadmill isn’t “boring and plain” as some call it, it’s refreshing, it’s freeing. You can actually reach the end of the gear progression, and have the best stuff! And then you’re free to do other things, explore, work towards a really cool skin, the possibilities are amazing if you can pull your head out long enough to see.

I only played GW1 shortly in preparation for GW2 and I must admit that I am sorry I did not get into it earlier.
Much like the quoted statement; I found the approach to gear in GW1 so refreshing compared to the gear-hunt and gear-grind in other games.

And based on pre-release statements from ANet, I fully expected this game to be similar in that approach (the statements about the hunt being for cosmetic gear etc – we all remember them).
It is quite possible to have a game in the manner of how GW1 did it. GW1 is indeed proof of that in itself having a rather strong following for many years. Not a WoW following, but well…. not every game needs that.

ANet however apparently wanted another piece of the pie this time around, and went in a different direction with GW2. Much more grindy and suddenly – an added tier of gear with the promise of several different types of infusion to keep progress existing.

Ascended – for better or worse – have indeed made me play this game much much less and I’ve not used a single dollar in the gem shop since it was patched in.
Perhaps others have, and fine for them. Different people like different things.

Right now I’m just doing dailies occasionally for the laurels waiting for WvW to actually give out equivalent rewards to grinding FotM. Then I might be back ‘for real’ again.

Other than that – I’m killing (pun intended) time and using money in PlanetSide 2 and another MMO waiting for the next MMO to come to town to spend money and time on. Maybe those devs will stick to their statements.

Laurels. Thoughts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


It’s a step away from RNG drop system – a small step, but a step nonetheless.
So from that aspect, I welcome the Laurels.

Now, just implement more ways to do it so I don’t have to spam-grind FotM and can ‘play my way’ in this game.

IMO Anet went against their manifesto (& I'm glad)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


<snip>Thirdly, people on this forum only represents a minority of people who actually plays the game. Let’s be honest here, if people are having fun with the game, they wouldn’t be on the forums in the first place. Some people don’t even know a forum exists. On another note, most “main forums” are full of negativity anyway.<snip>

The amount might be a minority, but you have no idea whether the opinions of said minority is also a minority.

Many people play and leave a game without touching the forum, but that does not mean their opinions are in contrary to the opinions of vocal people.

The only thing you can deduce from it is that they don’t post on forums. You can’t infer they’re ‘happy’ about the state of things and/or they don’t want changes.
They might or might not be more happy and might or might not have more fun if the game was different. But just don’t want to dedicate effort into a forum-warfare.

You can’t use a ‘silent majority’ to back up any argument because you don’t know their position or motivations to play.

And then people can claim it’s normal for any MMO to loose a big bunch of players; however that loss often comes because the games don’t provide what’s promised.
People leave because they’re not willing to pay or use resources for that service. Yet they were interested enough in the product to buy it to begin with.
Bad retention in MMOs are a result of the products and not because ‘that is just how it always is’.

Precursors: Will it ever end?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


^^lot of users have wasted 300-400g+ on mystic forge and got 0 precursor..

OT: Price won’t drop till Anet does something about it.

It’s so bland..some people really hard working towards Legendary and don’t have precursor..and some people just throw few rare/exotic and gets precursor within few tries.

Make it available for everyone..for xxx amounts of mats, gifts, etc..

Yep, after the gift of mastery you could just toss crap into the forge the rest of the way. Get two of any of the great sword, staff, Long Bow precursors and you’re basically done with your legendary. Just a modest amount of gold left to grind.

So epic.

There’s nothing epic about grinding gold for hours on end or being lucky either.

Precursors: Will it ever end?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


The “joy” of RNG loot based systems …..

RNG not that random?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


Basically – impossible to know unless you’re ANet and they’re not telling.

Would You Still Play if There was NO Loot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


I’d properly play more if the loot system was more like GW1.

On the Mandatory Password Change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


Because some people can’t keep their accounts safe – everybody has to suffer. Sucks but it is the way life is.
Has nothing to do with how ‘difficult’ it is to change a password. It has to do with the fact that some random guy over there (point) and his actions cause effect on me.

So glad Neverwinter is coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


Games like neverwinter nights and elder scrools are offline games and they should stay this way.. all this ‘online’ mania is ridiculous and will drag whole franchise down.

Actually – the Neverwinter Nights from Bioware and later Obsidian was very much made with multiplayer purpose.
In fact the original NwN was meant as a method of bringing PnP RP into the computer age – that it didn’t …. well, that was more to do with poor implementation from Bioware.

As for Elder Scrolls games, then the open nature of those games and their quest structure would lend themselves quite well to a multiplayer setting and further into a MMO setting.

(deleted - old post)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


RNG is an awful and archaic reward mechanism for MMOs.

Token based systems are much more rewarding for both hardcore and casuals alike, and in fact also much simpler loot system to implement.

It just removes the ‘addictive’ (for some) gamble factor which is why some developers still not have fully given themselves to it.

So glad Neverwinter is coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


From what I saw of Elder Scrolls online, the skill system is just mimicking what Anet did.
The land of parrot people.

The ESO game has me worried. Bethesda is stepping onto foreign ground when building an MMO and since the game is set in ESOs past there might be alot of contradicting elements.

If you take a look at MMO history it seems companies which are ‘inexperienced’ at making MMOs generally make the better MMOs whereas the experienced ones (those who’ve made at least one) make worse second (or third) games which does not live up to expectations.

Is anyone else sick of.......

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


Yes, I am absolutely sick of people not knowing what ‘random’ means.

They can nerf drops as much as they will without removing “random”

In fact, they can make a fixed drop rate, and you still would not be able to know it wasn’t random.

Random Generator: Nine, Nine, Nine, Nine, Nine, Nine, Nine, Nine, Nine ….

Random is not an excuse.

The Great Compromise

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


I had hoped – based on what ANet promised to begin with (about gear being cosmetic and not power, the old horizontal vs. vertical debate) – that gear in GW2 would be handled similar to GW1.
It was indeed one of the main lures of this game for me on top of the WvW model where I wouldn’t be ‘left behind’ the gear curve if only worrying about that.

Unfortunately – it wasn’t what happened, and I hope ANet now have learned from their ascended debacle and FotM mess.

If I wanted to grind gear, there are already many games on the market where I could have done that and have done that.
GW2 was supposed to be different – so the question is; what direction will ANet take now and through 2013.

What is wrong with this patch :

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


Hopefully ANet have realized enough of their mistake with ascended that they indeed will make Fractals “useless (as the OP seem to think)” and allow equal powerlevel gear to be optained from all avenues as they promised from day one and messed up with FotM.
The laurels system might not be perfect, but it’s an improvement on a messed up idea to begin with and can be build upon without forcing people to farm grind FotM.

Heck – only the acronym of that dungeon was the only positive thing about it in my book.
This patch makes me want to log in again.

Nobody will buy ascended rings with laurels.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


While the prices might need adjusting – then if this is a step for being able to get BiS without having to grind FotM over and over, then I would be able to live with that while price adjustments are being worked on.

However, it requires the gear to be at the very same powerlevel as the ones you get from FotM to be worthwhile.

Looking forward to Ascended gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


I agree.
I don’t want to be forced into Fractal to ‘keep up’ – they’re not that interesting – so I’ve basically not played this game since Fractal came out but been blasting people in PS2 and levelling an alt in SWTOR instead.

Once ANet makes good on their promise that all avenues can provide the same rewards, then I suspect I’ll be back again.

So...I got bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


It’s two rings and a back piece, all of which will be made available outside of FoTM. Why are you forcing Yourself to grind FoTM when you know there is just no need?

I’ve never even been in one and I have 2 80s, still having plenty of fun here.

Will be …… at some unknown point in time in which the state of the game can have changed many times and more stuff for FotM can be put in.

I understand and share the OPs point of view.

Fractal Improvements!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xandax.1753


Still waiting for them to make good on the promise that Ascended gear etc would be available to the other avenues of the game so we can run other things than FotM

Forumers in the Minority?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


Forum goers are a minority.

That however does not mean by any length of reasoning that their expressed opinions are also automatically the opinions of a minority.

Does not require much experience from other MMOs to understand this.

series of one time or once yearly events?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


One time events are okay – One time events which gives off huge in-game rewards are not.

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


20-50% higher stats. Yes, we must get them now or get curb stomped in WvWvW. Secondly they are introducing many more items. This is only the beginning.

And that’s exactly why I quit if I’m forced to run FotM to keep up.
Let me buy them with karma, like I could with other gear, and I have no issue with it.
Let me be able to earn it via WvW, like I could with other gear, and it fits the game.

Forcing me into one dungeon to keep on par was – as ANet admitted – a mistake. So fix it already. It does not take long time to put the gear on a merchant for karma. Heck – an intern could do that within a day.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


You walk into a shop, and buy something, for the purpose of this thread let’s say you buy an Xbox.

The next day, or the next week, whatever, you walk past the same shop and see that they are now doing a 20% off sale, and/or that the Xbox is now being sold with an extra game as part of a special package.

Pray tell, what would happen if you walked into said shop and said something along the lines of

“Ohai, I bought an Xbox here yesterday/last week and I see you are now selling the same Xbox for 20% and with an extra game – any chance you can give me 20% back and give me the game?”

Let me tell you what would happen.

The manager or other member of staff would politely apologise and say that, because you bought the item before the sale, you were not entitled to 20% of your money back and the free game. Then, after you’d left the store, they’d go out back and say to their store colleagues “Guys, you would not believe what this idiot customer just…”.

Then they’d all laugh at you.

When wanting people to use ‘common sense’ …. aka the sense you think is common because it’s your opinion, but not actually common – don’t use an example that’s blatantly wrong.

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


If you’re on the forums right now, you haven’t quit the game over Ascended Gear.

And you’re very likely not going to. You’re either going to:

( a ) quit the game because actually you’ve finished all the content you want to and you’re bored with it;
( b ) quit the game because as a hardcore player you have a high game rotation and honestly you were going to move on to another game soon no matter what GW2 did;
( c ) not quit the game, and keep complaining for another three years; or
( d ) not quit the game, and enjoy it.

I’m on the forum but haven’t logged in since basically a few days after the FotM patch.

I’m waiting for ANet to make good on their promise that Ascended gear would be earnable in all aspects of the game and not just by having to repeat grinding FotM.

When I can get equal powerelevel gear without having to run FotM over and over and over – I’ll get back into this game. (Unless ANet has done something else bad).

People can be active/follow a game on the forum without playing.

Article discusses valid points about guilds

in Community Creations

Posted by: Xandax.1753


dungeon finder wont fix anything. the world is DEAD right now. they need to keep the action in Tyria, not dungeons. if anything, rewards need to be better in the open world. id rather have a mindblowing open world and mediocre dungeons than having all focus shifting to crap like FOTM.

Someone explain to me why did they planned a beatiful dynamic world and then introduced a dungeon that requires spamming Lfg in a single city hub leaving the open world empty?

Easier to gate content.

As for the article – it is quite fitting.
I’m no guild hopper. I’ve been in one guild in GW2 – which I left over drama and dwindling numbers. Didn’t join a second one, but just made one on my own for myself so I had a place to dump influence when playing.
Guilds made up of RL friends or from previous games are nice n’ dandy – if and only if – the activity level consists high.
The issue is that previous games aren’t always a good foundation for a guild – because it often can fall into nostalgia trap (oh, it was so much better back in the days) or because people don’t share the same affinity for the current game, just because they did for the ‘old game’.
Finding new guilds for new games is often much more “healthy”. A lesson I’ve learned myself the hard way by now.
The casual approach to guilds in GW2 is in my book a good one – however why account wide guilds were used seems strange and would be the first thing I’d like to see go from guilds.
Secondly; the lack of actions for a guild – no, not ‘Guild vs. Guild wars’ which would fail in a game like GW2. But for example for WvW – no real benefits from claiming towers and keeps in WvW. No usage of influence as a currency for WvW etc. Something ANet should have learned from DAoC.

Lack of a dungeon finder is also an issue, but not really related to guilds IMO.
Dungeon Finders don’t ruin communities as many people like to claim, dungeons like FotM ruins communities. So a Dungeon Finder on top of FotM would do no more harm than it’s already doing – but it would provide much benefit for the more casual orientated that don’t feel like standing around in L.A. all day to spam or listen to spam.
Spamming LFG is not community despite it seems to be what some prefer.

(edited by Xandax.1753)

"We don't want you to grind" Oh realy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


Anyone ever think Legendaries are meant to be a grind and are implemented for those who enjoy doing so? No? Just me… Okay finds door hits self with door on way out by mistake

Yeah, legendaries were a massive optional grind.

Nobody wants to play a sub-par character. The moment I had to choose between sub-par character or several hundred (thousand?) dungeon runs I decided to drop this game.

Some people enjoy it, some people don’t, not going to knock the people who enjoy it but this game was marketed towards the people who don’t.

Similar for me.
When I was able to buy exotic gear for karma earned in WvW, or WvW badges, I was very fine with the philosophy behind the game.

Then it changed pretty much over night as I downloaded the patch. I have run FotM once – it was enough for me.

"We don't want you to grind" Oh realy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


As of right now legendary weapons are mandatory simply because they will always be best in slot no matter what.

Do you realize that when they’ll raise the level cap (and/or add new legendaries), which they already said they will with an expansion, current legendaries will be totally useless, right?

Already stated that legendaries will remain the best of all so id say pretty mandatory in long term play

Remember, they also stated they didn’t want you to grind

I don't get it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


There’s something that’s been bugging me since the AMA. Chris said that Ascended gear is “designed to fill the ‘Time’ gap in regard to the distance between exotic and Legendary in terms of progression.” If that’s the case, why didn’t they release the Ascended weapons first? Wouldn’t that make more sense since the only Legendary-type equipment that we can get right now are weapons?

Basically it looks like most things went wrong with their Ascended attempt.

Only make it available from FotM dungeon and introducing another gear tier, thus in effect creating the very gap it’s supposed to bridge …… and then now they had to backtrack a lot in the AMA which leaves more questions than actual answers.

Open world PvP server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


but I do not see how it could work in GW2 without changing the fundamentals of game

You know, most people would be content to just be able to fight each other without any overarching rules or goals. The game engine can already support that, as we’ve seen with the brawling tonics. It’s as simple as setting a flag “can be hurt by friendly fire”.

There’s currently no way of effectively settling an argument about religion or politics. How are players supposed to prove they are right without dueling each other?

If you can convince ANet that a majority of players aren’t carebears, there might be a good chance of them enabling world pvp functionality, and start building upon it.

Funny how the chest-beating people always feel the need to insult or be condescending when others point out that this game doesn’t support what you’re after.

If you want open world PvP – there’s games out there for you. Why is it that all these PvP wannabes always comes to game which does not support it, is not build for it, would require drastic changes – and cry when the game isn’t made for them exactly.
I’m playing PlanetSide 2 at the moment. All PvP, nothing else. Other games exists for similar – Darkfall I believe as well, and so on. Those games are built for it, so they support it. GW2 is not, so it won’t.

“it’s just setting a flag, like brawling” … yeah, does not exactly give off an impression of thought behind the ‘request’.

Everything about this game screams PvE separated from PvP and (idealized) cooperation on a server, and always have.
Right down to decisions of making WvW into server vs. server and not faction vs. faction on the same server like other games before it.
That alone should tell you very much something about the philosophy behind GW2 and it’s not Open World PvP Grief n’ Gank edition.

Heh … open world PvP in GW2 . Yeah …. not going to happen. Despite how much some people cry carebear or other similar insults.

A Second Chance?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


Folks there is a reason to give them a second chance, and it is not based in your trust on ANet.

The reason is us, their market.

We are a very specific segment in this market, Anet tried to test the waters to see how much they could cater outside their own segment…. and well, fortunately the answer from the community couldn’t be louder.

They are backpedaling now, acknowledging the error. Ascended gear is going to continue in game, yes, but available for all types of gameplay, and far more accessible. And they know they are under public scrutiny right now, they cannot say everything that was stated in the AMA to get our trust for how…… a few more weeks?

They are talking about ‘backpedaling’ (if one can say that) – they’ve done nothing of substance yet to alleviate the situation.
Especially when considering this ascended gear issue and FotM grind only could have been planned along side them telling us ‘cosmetic gear’ and all that……

So right now – the favour is not in believing what they say, but needing to see what they actually do.

A Second Chance?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753



Are you going to give Anet a second chance?

Once I don’t need to PvE to get equal-powerlevel gear …. I might.

Words are cheap and saying they’ll add (ie. ascended) gear to all avenues and it was a mistake to make it only FoTM does not do much if it still takes months for it to be placed on a vendor for WvW badges and/or karma.

I have no interest in playing the PvE grind in a game I was to play for the WvW, and I have little interest in supporting them until they do what they say they will.

So I’ll hang around the forum, waiting for the ‘good news’ or another game. Thank god for PS2 right now.

Screenshot proof how the game needs to change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


I would counter-argue that it’s not the game’s problem, but yours, the player’s. Why aren’t you running FotM? You can’t force people to do content they don’t want to do.<snip>

Sure you can. Just put in better loot than anywhere else and many people will do content they don’t want to do. Even over and over.

Why not Ascended Gears from classic dungeons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


More interesting – why weren’t the ‘other avenues’ they want to introduce already in the game when they introduced it?
My guess – they want to force people to run FotM so they can go ‘see how many enjoy FotM, here are some more’.

If other avenues existed the WvW’ers would still focus mainly on WvW, those who dislike dungeons would still do what they did, if it were in other dungeons as well as FotM people would run them as well – and so on.
Now they have to run FotM to get the gear or get out of the game. It helps enforcing a pattern with which they can justify continuing said pattern.

Actions speak louder...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


“Adding new dungeons to the Fractal of the Mists.”

“We’re very excited about the new content, and from the reactions we have seen, so are many of you. Players have already spent an incredible amount of time in the new Fractals dungeon, and their reaction to it has been phenomenal. "

Something is driving this viewpoint.

Well – yeah. It’s called PR.
Is this your first dealings with a company?

Keep it classy. Of course there’s PR there, but you think they really would add more of these if all the forum haters were the only data they use?

They have added nothing yet more yet.
Your own thread title; Actions speak louder…..

Hence – it’s merely PR. Much like how they lured many of us in with – amongst others their manifesto and how they wanted to make the grindable gear cosmetic.
However reading your ‘replies’ to other posts in here, I’m sure you already know this.

Preparing for the upcoming AMA on Reddit.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753



Feel free to add your questions here, send me a PM, or just add it directly to the thread on Reddit if you feel like it. Oh, and please reference the thread when submitting questions so you know the kinds of things we don’t want to see!

Why is FotM the only place to gain the new gear if it is the intention that you should be able to obtain it from multiple paths?

Actions speak louder...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


“Adding new dungeons to the Fractal of the Mists.”

“We’re very excited about the new content, and from the reactions we have seen, so are many of you. Players have already spent an incredible amount of time in the new Fractals dungeon, and their reaction to it has been phenomenal. "

Something is driving this viewpoint.

Well – yeah. It’s called PR.
Is this your first dealings with a company?

Returning Player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


I would not call LotRO a struggling MMO, and what happened with TOR was all Biowares fault not really the community. The forums are a vocal minority, but I agree that doesnt mean they should be ignored.

Going in with a large IP, subscription based, then struggling and almost going under turning F2P…. it struggled.

And you don’t know forums are vocal minority. They might be part of the majority as evident by other games, but just vocal.

Returning Player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


In my oppinion, this game is FANTASTIC, it just seems like the people in the game and in the forums are completely different groups of people, in game people are praising it, in the forums alot of people are trashing it, I say, don’t read the forums except for the Announcements and updates, I also hear that most forums for games are extremely negative anyway.

The thing is – people said the same for TOR, Warhammer, Rift, LotR:O or … <insert any struggling MMO here>.
So based on past games, forum “atmosphere” is not something to sit idle by.

Ascended gear is something new to aim for

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandax.1753


I’m playing PS2 instead of GW2 at the moment (well, not right now as I’m typing on a forum)…. hows that for answers to the ‘questions’.