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The most absurd PvP games

in PvP

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


In the week I’ve been PvPing this has to be the most absurd game I’ve played.


Are players leeching?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


Honestly the event is just plain dull. There’s no true action, it’s just a bunch of mobs spawning from ri- portals. They have no real impact on the world around them, none of the npcs in the maps seem even the least bit concerned from what I can tell. For a living world it sure seems kind of stale. In any case, I leech and I have no shame about it. The events are boring, the fights are dull, and frankly I can’t be bothered spending 45 minutes of my time on it. If I wanted to play Rift, I’d play Rift. At least their rifts don’t take almost an hour to close.

You don’t have to do them, nothing you get from it is needed to play the game. Neither rewards or achievement points. The only need is in your head.

Oh? Where exactly do you get the impression that I feel I NEED to do the events? I’ve only done maybe five in total in the week the portals have been opening up. I’m well aware that everything past basic exotic (ascended if you run fractals) gear isn’t needed to play, sure it enhances your gameplay experience if you enjoy skins (which let’s face it, I do), but it’s not needed.

That being said, there’s nothing in the game I feel the need to do. I do what I want when I want and how I want, lately I’ve been experimenting with sPvP because that’s what I wanted to do with my time in game. I try to do the occasional portal just to get a little coin flow but after they nerfed deadeye farming I was content with my humble amount of gold. I want Twilight, but I only have 400g available, I’m not halfway there and yet I feel no need to mindlessly farm for hours on end to get close to my goal. Why? Because I don’t really enjoy that.

I would suggest you don’t assume things about people, you know what they say about. Have fun spending an hour doing dull rift events, if that’s what you enjoy, go for it. However I’m going to sit there, get my event tag, and leech because I’d much rather enjoy a show or read than run around with one of the mini zergs for a few more champ boxes when I’m already more than content with the money I have.

And for that exact reason you should get nothing at all. To be honest they should take away stuff from people like you.

See, here’s the thing. By going in and tagging a few events I’m earning credit for the overall event, along with the event I tagged. I’ve done what I needed to earn a portion of the reward, and I accept that it won’t be anywhere near as much as what someone who participates fully will earn. I miss out on experience, champion chests, and random blue/green/possibly yellow drops. I’m okay with this, because while people who do the events are content to sit there and complete mind numbing after mind numbing portal for a bigger reward… I’m not.

Tell me, why should I miss out on my portion when I did go in and complete a few events, hmm? I don’t work as hard sure, but I do enough that I should be rewarded. The fact of the matter is you can choose whether or not to take part and to what degree you would like to take part. You choose to complete the event, and it’s very likely that the reason you and so many others hate leechers is because they’re doing nowhere near as much as you but being rewarded anyway. However, the thing is, while you choose to do the event and get a much larger reward they choose not to and get one that pales in comparison.

What you have to realize is the portal events aren’t dungeons. You aren’t in a small group of people where everyone has to pay attention to succeed. The groups tend to be large enough that even with people leeching you still succeed, because quite honestly you just don’t need them anyway. Sure it would help smooth things up a bit and make for a faster event, but they aren’t needed.


It’s a if you can’t beat ‘em join ’em situation. Neither type of player is forced to do it the way the other wants. If you feel shafted, then leech too. If you don’t want to leech, then keep doing it and stop letting what other people do bother you so much.

Are players leeching?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


Honestly the event is just plain dull. There’s no true action, it’s just a bunch of mobs spawning from ri- portals. They have no real impact on the world around them, none of the npcs in the maps seem even the least bit concerned from what I can tell. For a living world it sure seems kind of stale. In any case, I leech and I have no shame about it. The events are boring, the fights are dull, and frankly I can’t be bothered spending 45 minutes of my time on it. If I wanted to play Rift, I’d play Rift. At least their rifts don’t take almost an hour to close.

You don’t have to do them, nothing you get from it is needed to play the game. Neither rewards or achievement points. The only need is in your head.

Oh? Where exactly do you get the impression that I feel I NEED to do the events? I’ve only done maybe five in total in the week the portals have been opening up. I’m well aware that everything past basic exotic (ascended if you run fractals) gear isn’t needed to play, sure it enhances your gameplay experience if you enjoy skins (which let’s face it, I do), but it’s not needed.

That being said, there’s nothing in the game I feel the need to do. I do what I want when I want and how I want, lately I’ve been experimenting with sPvP because that’s what I wanted to do with my time in game. I try to do the occasional portal just to get a little coin flow but after they nerfed deadeye farming I was content with my humble amount of gold. I want Twilight, but I only have 400g available, I’m not halfway there and yet I feel no need to mindlessly farm for hours on end to get close to my goal. Why? Because I don’t really enjoy that.

I would suggest you don’t assume things about people, you know what they say about. Have fun spending an hour doing dull rift events, if that’s what you enjoy, go for it. However I’m going to sit there, get my event tag, and leech because I’d much rather enjoy a show or read than run around with one of the mini zergs for a few more champ boxes when I’m already more than content with the money I have.

Are players leeching?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


Honestly the event is just plain dull. There’s no true action, it’s just a bunch of mobs spawning from ri- portals. They have no real impact on the world around them, none of the npcs in the maps seem even the least bit concerned from what I can tell. For a living world it sure seems kind of stale. In any case, I leech and I have no shame about it. The events are boring, the fights are dull, and frankly I can’t be bothered spending 45 minutes of my time on it. If I wanted to play Rift, I’d play Rift. At least their rifts don’t take almost an hour to close.

Mace/shield GS build = Overpowered

in Warrior

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


The best part of this thread is that it’s honestly not.. it can be countered by pretty much anything that has access to semi-spammable condition stacks and range. It’s very lacking on ability to close gaps. Oh, and let’s not forget blinds.

Living Disappointment.

in Living World

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


The concept of a living world is great, but in practice it doesn’t feel like the world is truly alive. We have different events at different periods of time but that’s all it really is. Events for achievements and rewards that if you miss out on, well.. you’re pretty much out of luck unless it comes back. It feels more like we’re forced to mindlessly grind these achievements out in order to collect rewards that are only temporarily available.

Perhaps we could get something that would truly make the world feel alive instead of like just another grind?

Ember Farm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


“Super interesting”

…If I wanted to play Rift, I’d play Rift.

When does the Halloween event start?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


I played Guild Wars for several years. Guild Wars 2 should first and foremost be a sequel to its predecessor. In the original Guild Wars when arenanet said an event would start they gave a very specific time. You could have made a countdown timer if you so chose. Guild Wars 2 on the other hand is showing to arenanets paying customers that their same attention to time is more than lacking. For instance, any typical Guild Wars event started at forgive me if I’m wrong but I think 6 a.m. Pacific Time so.. 8 a.m. or so in Texas where I live and I could count on that…EVERY time. I had planned on buying all of the gemstore halloween items, but now I don’t even know how many gems I will need and I wanted to be one of the first to be sporting one of these items. I have no clue when I will get to purchase them at all, unless you count before tomorrow. I believe “before tomorrow” is the most unsatisfactory timeframe I have ever heard of ever at all. Except perhaps “before I die.” So, arenanet I commend you on the quality of your game. I instead express immense displeasure with your communication and dedication to living up to the expectations of your dedicated gamers and we really deserve better than this next time.

You’re the reason developers believe their player bases are full of immature children with entitlement issues.

and you are the reason that I don’t care about other peoples opinions truth is I’m most likely older than you and 100% more mature I paid for something expecting something and I have been let down. Eat a big one if you don’t like that I’m unhappy.

The mere fact that you believe your age is the sole factor dictating your maturity is proof that you’re not as mature as you seem to believe. You paid for Guild Wars 2, and that’s exactly what you got. You got the game you paid for which is getting a FREE Halloween update, one that in all honesty ANet is under no obligation to provide.

In the same way that you don’t care what other people think, given your attitude, I very much doubt the sane people on this forum will take your opinion seriously. Learn to be productive instead of acting superior when you’re really nothing but an immature child.

When does the Halloween event start?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


Oh, cool. More Texans. ANet’s servers aren’t based in our state and I doubt they’re in the same time zone. It could very well be the 22nd for them when it’s the 23rd for us. I assume the event will start after they bring the game down to be patched as they always do on Mondays.

Female Armor Skins

in Asura

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


And here you have it folks, proof that women can never be happy. The complain about armor in games being far too revealing then when presented with armor that is in no way offensive they complain that they do not look as lady-like as they would like to. Ah, women logic.

No but really, all jokes aside, Asura females only having names ending in vowels and Asura males having names ending on consonants was quite interesting. I did not know that, glad my Necro isn’t breaking the rules of his race.

But really I found this thread pretty funny. Teehee.

Player attitudes.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


Yeah hopefully they get bored and quit, it’s a game so I don’t get why people take it so seriously. I’d rather have fun than be angry that someone isn’t ressing me or make fun of someone that’s testing things out. Some people just make me want to facepalm.

How many Skritts does it take to change a lightbulb?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


None, they’re all too busy stealing our shinies.

Why people are not using the brains they have...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


I don’t make use of this fancy Black Lion Trading Post nonsense. I’m a man’s man, I explore the world mining ores, chopping trees, and collecting cooking ingredients. I make my own weapons, craft my own armor, and cook my own food. I’m a survivalist, and while I’m out there day after day learning the tricks of the trade you people are content to sit on your butts and complain about prices. Shame on you, do you want to remain soft and pathetic? Or do you want to be a manly man and grow a glorious mustache and beard? Get out there and be somebody!

Player attitudes.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


Let me start off by saying I absolutely love this game, and at the start I loved the community. People were talkative, polite, and most of all not completely rude. I still love the game, the gameplay is great, however I’ve noticed an increase in people that have bad attitudes.

This happened yesterday, I was doing an event in Malchor’s Leap and some guy went down, I made my way over to him only to be attacked by two or three undead and the guy just sits though shouting “REZ” “REZ MEEE” and the like. He acted offended that instead of reviving him instantly I was fighting off the undead he couldn’t finish off, the undead that would have killed me too.

That’s just one example, I’ve had other instances of poor attitudes in this game, but anyway… I’m all for helping people, whenever I see someone that’s downed I’ll gladly go give them a hand unless they hit the return to waypoint button before I can get there. I just kind of baffles me that we already have people behaving like this, I know it’s the minority but it still rubs me the wrong way.

Just wanted to get that off my chest, if anyone else has stories similar feel free to share.

Hi people, I would like to give away Dawn.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


Well, it’s worth a shot. Here goes nothing =P


Age of GW2 Players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


I’m 19 and loving the game, my only issues with it are my intense lag (a problem on my end) and the lack of an active community in most maps. I love the game play and the professions, but it’d be nice if it were more like the first week or two where people would actually converse. Oh well, still love the game and I don’t see myself quitting anytime soon.

(edited by Zanryu.3417)

Karma vendor for ring and amulet does not exist?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


There’s one in the Heart of the Mists for an amulet, along with various other items (though I don’t remember exactly what). They’re quite costly, but they’re also pretty strong if I remember correctly, so perhaps it would be worth checking out. I definitely remember there being an amulet.

Oct. 1st Elem updates

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


All they did was make it so more of our skills don’t work on targets behind us. sigh Oh well, I still have a blast on me Ele, wouldn’t mind a power boost though.

Source of Orr, the Eye

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


I found a very easy way to defeat the Eye in this quest, I’m not sure if it’s shown in any youtube videos or in a guide somewhere though.

When I fought the Eye I was doing virtually no damage, it took me 10 minutes to bring its HP down by around 20%, however, when it enters its storm phase (I’m not sure what it’s called, but I’m referring to when the Eye teleports to south-western part of the room and launches many small target storm-like AoEs) it sets up a few circles of white mist that keep you from being harmed by his attacks. There is one of those circles very close to the boss when in this phase, you can simply walk into it and launch any long/semi-long range attacks you have, even afk it on a macro and it’ll die since the circle is far enough away for it not to teleport but close enough that most attacks will hit.

I doubt this is intended, as it honestly makes the boss fight extremely easy, which is part of why I’m posting this method of beating him. That way if they don’t already, Anet will know about it, and possibly fix it.

PvE Pro Tips

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


Churning Earth’s full cooldown upon interruption is a bug, which will be fixed later on. (Most likely, from what I can tell.) Aside from that you can still knock your enemies down first if need be, that way you can get Churning Earth off. Of course, if you don’t know they knock down and you get interrupted using Glyph of Storms will serve as a good substitute, that way if your main damage gets interrupted you’re not completely SoL. Relying on one thing is asking for trouble, especially as an Elementalist.

Personally wasting my shields just to get a skill of when there are plenty of quick-cast skills (and yes, Storms may have a channel time but it’s far quicker than Churning Earth) that can be used without them. You use up everything at once to land one or two attacks then you’re left with no defensive options aside from, well.. what I’d be able to do without even having Arcane or Earth Shield on my slot keys. Sure, you’re assured a Churning Earth, but you still lose out on offensive power in most cases for little gain. Yeah, you get CH off on knockdown mobs but not all mobs knock you down, so you’ll be losing out against a wide variety of mobs.

We obviously have very different playstyles and use our skills differently, what suits one won’t suit the other.. but as long as you’re having fun I suppose it doesn’t really matter.

PvE Pro Tips

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


I never said survival isn’t important, I simply said that you can achieve similar results in survivability without sacrificing so much offensive power. 10 Earth is enough for Earth Shield to trigger at 50% HP, which is a cantrip meaning you benefit from the boons of Fire and Water traits (if you’re built that way). This removes the need to have it on your skill slot. If you’re fighting mobs that can knock you down, knock them down first with Dagger 4 then channel Churning Earth. Or if you absolutely can’t get the time you’ll have Glyph of Storms as a source of more damage since it’s a quick cast and you’ll be able to get it off easier than a Churning Earth. The blind is just a bonus.

If you want to sacrifice offensive power needlessly then that’s your deal, but the way I see it you could use the traits I mentioned earlier since most Elementalists will have enough invested in the respective traits to get the Trait Skills required. You’ll have roughly the same defense, only it’ll trigger at certain HP instead of being used up all at the start while giving you a lot more firepower to play with.

PvE Pro Tips

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


What mobs do you fight? It’ll usually take more than just one Churning Earth to kill the stuff in the 70+ areas, even if you’re heavily focused on Condition Damage. Armor of Earth will trigger if you have it in your Earth Traits as well, while you may not get the benefit of it or the boons immediately it’ll still be there for use, and if you really want you can open with Cleansing Fire to trigger the boons then Churning Earth. You maintain a defensive shield for later use while still getting the boon buff you wanted, with little loss since you can burn foes with things other than Cleansing Fire.

I don’t see how more damage while applying debuffs to foes is pointless, but I guess we just think differently.

PvE Pro Tips

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


I have my build set to give me Might, Regeneration, and Vigor when I activate Cantrips. Personally, I believe Arcane shield to be a waste of a skill slot if you’ve got your traits set in Arcana and get Final Shielding, however that’s a different topic for a different time. While we’re on the subject of cantrips though, since you like toughness and condition damage so much I’m assuming you pumped Earth trait points, if you get Earth Shield it’ll pop an earth shield at 50% HP which counts as a cantrip, which will grant you a nice power-up when it triggers due to water/fire traits. (If you have them)

Lightning flash is more of a one-time use thing of anything, and in sacrificing Glyph of Storms you sacrifice a source of solid AoE damage. When used in earth it causes blindness, which means that you’ll take a bit less damage. It’s defensive as well as offensive, and in combination with Churning Earth can cause good damage. This and what’s in my first paragraph appeal to me more because instead of using two of my skill slots on utilities I can instead get things that allow me more damage while still maintaining around the same defensive capabilities with my Earth/Arcane traits. I can also use Cleansing Fire as I switch to fire to cause a burn followed by Fire Grab for nice damage. With a Scepter I could leap back and launch a Pheonix/Dragon Tooth combo or with my Dagger I could use Ring of Fire then Burning Speed away followed by Drake’s Breath then switch back to Earth for another Earth Spike (the Dagger 2 skill’s name escapes me I’m afraid.)

For PvE I’ve been using D/D lately, it’s got great power and allows me to get off a nice amount of AoEs while giving me a lot of stacks of bleed. However S/D is still viable with the way I play, it offers longer range and a bit better support on water, but for PvE D/D seems superior offensively since most mobs will come close anyway. S/D seems more suited to PvP and bosses.

Anyway… point is, as nice as your tactics are it seems as if it isn’t worth sacrificing more damage just to ensure a Churning Earth when in most cases you’ll get it off anyway. With S/D you’ll have to switch out your attunement because once you use 4 and 5 that’s it, you only have single target attacks. However, with Glyph of Storms you get some nice AoE damage output and a nice side effect, which means when you do switch out you’ll get more damage on top of what you’d do otherwise.

End Game gear, your thoughts?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


Like the title says, post your thoughts, such as which rune set you’re considering using and why, along with what you trinkets will focus on.

I’m thinking about using the Superior Rune of Vampyrism for my gear for the power and the pretty okay side bonuses (being able to steal HP after a heal and become mist when HP falls under 20%) (-Also a side note, since Mist Form is a cantrip I wonder if the set’s Mist would trigger my Water Train bonus that grants regeneration and vigor-).

I’m going to try to get trinkets that give condition damage and toughness/vitality + whatever third add it would have. (I can’t remember what trinkets with + Condition come with but I recall a few with toughness as well) so if anyone could shed some light on that or link a gear calculator where I could play with some builds that’d be great.

Anyway, that’s what I’m considering, I couldnt’ really find runes more useful than Vampyrism, unless it was all +Condition, and while Condition is a big part of what I do I depend on the raw damage of my attacks more than just my bleeds and burns.

So… yeah, what are you guys gonna go for?

New players avoid Elementalist.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


The point of this thread, as I understood it, was that new players shouldn’t play the class because it’s difficult to learn and doesn’t offer great results. While the results aren’t the best the class isn’t as hard to learn as some people make it out to be.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


I played Runescape for a long time before moving on to Perfect World International for 4+ years. It got amazingly stale, classes were imbalance, there was virtually no GM support, and it became a pay to win game where everyone had a massive ego. Then a friend of mine brought me here, and I’m having a blast.

Forging the pact,

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


The first time I tried this the researchers wouldn’t follow me, the second time I managed to finish without any issues. Hopefully this gets resolved soon, glad to see Anet actually taking care of their game and looking for answers.

New players avoid Elementalist.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


As I pondered the classes I would like to play before getting the game I had the choices narrowed down to Elementalist, Necromancer, or Warrior. After a very long internal struggle, I chose Elementalist, seeing as I wanted to get back to an arcane class and blast stuff to smithereens.

I hear that we’re weak, and that we’re unwanted, and though sometimes I do become overwhelmed by some of the things I fight, I can usually bring down 3-5 mobs my level if I’m paying attention. I’ve unlocked all the skills for each weapon, and I’m enjoying the scepter dagger combo. It’s got a nice combination of range and damage output. I like tinkering with double daggers, it’s very very nice in terms of damage. I only really use the staff when I’m with a group in an instance, to support them.

This is the very first class I’ve played, and so far it’s the only class I’ve played, and I have to say… in spite of a lot of what’s said, while I can’t compare it to other classes, the Elementalist isn’t too had to learn if you’re mildly decent at gaming and have common sense. Yes, we can get overwhelmed easily, but it’s a very fun class to play with enough damage output that you can get what you want done.

I certainly wouldn’t complain about having more damage output, but as it is.. we’re not insanely underpowered from what I can tell, at least not from the PvE side of things.

I didn't know I was playing Trahearne's story.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


I’ve noticed he does sort of take the spotlight, but at this point our characters are merely cogs in the machine of The Pact. The story has mostly been about how they developed and joined an order, then helped the orders to form the Pact. I’m okay with our characters still being a major part of the questline but taking a bit of a back seat to The Pact instead of having everything be all about me.

The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zanryu.3417


I finished this quest about 10 minutes ago, and while I did have a few moments where I thought the instructions could be a bit clearer, the instructions are enough that if you have an ounce of common sense you’ll be able to complete the quest without difficulty.

If you produce reasonable statements showing what you have issue with this might have more chance of being taken seriously, so I’ll just go ahead and fix this up for you.

1. “Go to Fort Trinity Dock” That’s self-explanatory, I don’t see what your issue is with it. You go to the dock, fight off a few undead, then the quest proceeds.

2. “Everything is yellow or white” The only undead I ran into that were yellow were at the docks, however the quest guide said to fight the undead off at the docks. In the game yellow monsters are the ones that won’t attack you until you attack first, so simply attack them (seeing as you’re told to do so) and kill them.

Making sure all the mobs are red (they’ll attack you if you enter their aggro range, regardless of if you attack or not) and cleaning up the quest text a bit is all I could think of for them do do, but as it is now the quest text and quest itself are perfectly fine.