OMG, I seriously hope ArenaNet is listening to these suggestions! WvW should really be about PvP on an epic scale that rewards strategy, coordinated efforts, and PvP skills! Right now, it feels more like zerging around to different PvE castles and avoiding enemy Zergs while killing PvE content.
WvW needs to increase rewards for successful gameplay in WvW, and by that, I mean against actual human players and not NPCs that are unguarded. Great suggestions! I hope the Devs are listening…
WOW! I main a guardian and I’ve never had this happen to me….that is weird!
Disney owns Star Wars now, so I’m hoping for some good things. I don’t think there will be another Star Wars mmo in a long time because that would compete with SWTOR. Battlefront 3 has some promise, but force users take a back seat in that franchise nor is it an mmo. Coincidentally I found this thread by doing a Google search for Star Wars mmo using gw2 engine.
I too, love the gameplay of gw2, and I would really love to see it with a Star Wars skin and story lines. Gameplay is the most important part of gaming, then comes story. This is where SWTOR failed miserably. The gameplay sucks. GW2 is a “one of a kind” game and I love the combat and variety of classes. A necro is nothing like a guardian which is nothing like an elementalist, etc… Versus bounty hunter being the imperial equivalent to the republic smuggler. Boring.
Hahahahaha! Sounds like someone got owned by a necro! LOL
What is SAB?
I see people saying it all the time and I can’t figure it out. Thanks for any help.
Personally, I hope ArenaNet does more of this! The best looking gear and weapons should be HARD to obtain or everyone will look the same. Gear in this game isn’t like other MMOs were it is all about stats, and who has the higher stats does the higher dps. No, this game is more about skill, so gear and weapons should reflect the amount of skill that went into getting it.
Stuff is just more gratifying if you earn it.
When sitting through a loading screen, after going through an Asura Gate, there should be a short movie that lasted as long as the loading screen would. This movie should look like going through a wormhole like in the TV show SG-1.
Even better, make the going through the wormhole a mini game. Dodge and avoid obstacles and earn karma and experience. Not a ton, but a little for fun. Maybe add an achievement. Basically, this system would replace the boring loading screen and add immersion while the game is able to load in the background.
I second the OP’s wish list! I would love to see all of those features add! Definitely would love a major content expansion for both pvp and PvE. Add raids!
Yes, very good idea about the POIs. Please leave vistas alone!
So much hate….seriously, all-in-all if the game was as kittenome posts claim I’m surprised those people take the time to post and not just play another game.
Are there changes I would like to see? Yes! But I have no hate for the devs! Jeeeeeze!
Anet, GW2 is great and there is nothing else like it…please keep up the good work!
This feature pack is appropriately PvP and WvW centered. However, if they do anything with precursor crafting, I seriously hope it is interesting and fun, rather than another annoying grind for mats. I’m all for making the legendaries rare and prestigious because they are HARD to acquire rather than a long time to acquire. Once everybody has them, they will no longer be prestigious.
Tricks and Explosive Finales? This has got my interest. Tricks, something that is going to be devious in nature that hopefully applies to WvW. Destructible terrain for strategic advantages in WvW would be amazing. Explosive Finales? That is plural, so more than one big ending? An ending of what? Will Orr be redesigned finally? Will WvW offer more prestigious rewards that are not strictly RNG, like a precursor?
LOL, zenleto, it is an analogy…a good one too.
OMG, the OP is spot on! The commander tag is extremely useful in both PvE and WvW.
Colored commander tags will absolutely revolutionize the level of strategy and coordination in WvW. Period.
Maybe, instead of a gold sink to obtain the tags, Anet should implement a WvW rank requirement to get one. As of now it is only 100g and 250 tags, easy and proves nothing. Let it be based on actual time in WvW via rank, not gold.
As for PvE, raise it to 200g, add 25,000 karma and for additional colors make them karma based.
With that said, ArenaNet does not screw over players, because players are customers. However, they do need to make money. This is a business, not a charity. Maybe, Anet could offer, in addition to the suggestion above, a Commander Bundle that could be directly bought with gems.
Yes, there should be some sort of automatic resizing of the weapons. Still, at least the weapons aren’t as kittenome other games like Terra. The Asian influence on video games favors excessively large weapons skins.
Actually, it would be a nice feature to be able to adjust the size of your weapons like you can the size of your character.
Dear ArenaNet,
Great game! Thank you! I look forward to Sept. feature pack.
I recently saw a post about using the living story as a means to shut down all the waypoints temporarily and introduce mounts. This idea supports the notion that gw2 is a dynamic world. Dynamic simply means change. So, gw2 is a changing world. I would love to see this change. Let’s admit it, waypoints are simply a convenience and nothing more. Those people who say mounts will cause people to avoid content have no argument, because that is exactly what waypoints do.
Woodenpotatoes posted a couple of videos on YouTube with commentary about not using waypoints. Everyone should watch this. My friend and I have played that way for a while now and the level of immersion is awesome.
So, here is what I would like to add:
*first give us land mounts to earn! make them collectibles, and achievements of prestige for the difficulty of obtaining the faster and coolest looking ones from a combination of quest chains, dungeons, fractals, living story, ect….
*Second, Anet, don’t be afraid to really mix things up…shut down the waypoints!
*Third, turn Tyria into a seemless world so that all sections of the map can be traversed without having to go through a portal and loading screen. I know this would be a huge technical hurdle, but we have the technology!
*After making Tyria a seemless world, introduce flying mounts (dragons) with aerial combat and content in the sky!
Basically, Anet, don’t be afraid to actually make changes. Lion’s Arch was a good start, now kick it up a notch. In another post I suggested a political system that would cause world pvp between the races, again, a forever changing and evolving world! Oh, and please update Orr to reflect the completion of the living story.
Thank you.
Please, please, please give us 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 Deathmatch Arenas! ArenaNet, you even have “arenas” in your name!
Nicely done! Grats!
Guild Wars 2, where all the guilds get along to fight dragons! Why aren’t the Humans and Char fighting each other? Let’s have open world PvP Guild Wars like the name implies.
Use the living story to cause the various factions or guilds of GW2 to fracture and be in conflict; hence, open world PvP other than WvW.
For example, maybe the Humans, and Norns, are fighting against the Sylvari, Asura, and Char. Based on the LS, the alliances can change and be dynamic. Players can vote within their race which guild (faction) they would want to support, so it is player driven like the election we had so long ago. Why not add to this bounty hunters, where players can post bounties on other players…another way to earn gold.
Another possible example: Humans vs. Char, Sylvari vs. Asura, Norn are neutral, then rotate conflicts so the humans are neutral and the Norn are fighting Char, and so on and so on… Add politics to the game, we had an election, and politics always lead to war! Guilds at war!
Simply put, having open world PvP other than WvW would be very interesting. I understand there might be a balancing issue with most players being human and Char almost extinct, so maybe the race (guild, faction) that is smallest in numbers gets a boost like in WvW to even the playing field.
This is a dynamic world and having conflict described above will certainly make GW2 very dynamic and fun!
Thoughts? Comments? Any ideas that could build on this one?
GW2 will not die from WoW’s expansion. Although, I have friends that are frequent fliers to the newer MMOs and I just stay at GW2 knowing they will come back as always. Why is that? Because, GW2 has what all the other MMOs just can’t seem to replicate: amazing combat and build variety, IMHO.
With that said, I do wish for a very large expansion for GW2. I would love to see more content, more dungeons, RAIDS!, sPvP 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 deathmatch Arenas and other PvP game modes (moba?), a huge Quest Chain to earn a precursor, RAIDS! Yes, I said RAIDS twice. Fractals, not so much….give us RAIDS please with a chance at a precursor! Maybe a new tier of gear that is beyond ascended? Anet needs to add REWARDS to keep players coming back and staying.
The Living Story should continue to open up new areas of the map and keep the main storyline arch going every two weeks. Season 2 of LS has been spectacular so far! Good job Anet! Thank you.
hannah mee.7925: Think of it this way, each legendary weapon has a name. There should be a story behind that time. The precursor is RNG based right now, which shows no skill. And as we all know, either you’re lucky or you have a lot of cash to buy gems to gold.
The precursor should be the part of the legendary crafting that takes the most SKILL to get. It should be a legendary quest chain that is supposed to be ridiculously hard. If one wouldn’t do that, then they can still buy it on the TP, or RNG it via the Mystic Forge. I don’t think this would cause the prices of other items to go up, and if it did, who cares? You can farm T6 mats, you don’t have to buy them via TP.
Adding a quest chain that gives an intriguing story and throws difficult content at the player in order to achieve the precursor would give those completionists, like myself, a worthy goal. The sense of gratification for accomplishing such a task would be wonderful compared to just grinding gold or getting lucky with the Mystic Toilet.
Thank you to all who have responded….I hope to see more ideas and I hope the Devs are listening to the community. :-)
The precursor is used for your LEGENDARY weapon. What is so legendary about RNG? Absolutely nothing! Yet, Anet wants the legendary weapons to be rare and difficult to get. So if you have Twilight, then that should mean something! Enough rant, here’s my idea:
To get your precursor one must complete a HUGE quest chain that is full of the toughest aspects of Guild Wars 2. A variety of jumping puzzles as hard as Mad King’s Clock Tower or harder. “X” amount of sPvP and WvW kills. Solo Lupicus Giganticus or a newer boss of the same difficulty (or harder) in a solo instance that is apart of this massive quest chain. And during this quest chain, after you have completed massively difficult content that is a mixture of solo and cooperative play, then you would get a soul-bound item to use to help craft your precursor.
There should be a uniquely awesome storyline to this massive quest chain for each legendary weapon, and those storylines should be unique to each weapon, giving each weapon its own history and depth of character. That would drive people to want to get more than just one legendary just to see the storylines. Maybe the storylines could intersect and only if you complete every single one and get every legendary in game will you know the ultimate ending with a MASSIVE reward: LEGENDARY ARMOR SET or something!
Essentially, Anet needs to fill in the details, but there should be one massive quest chain that throws the best and hardest content GW2 has to offer. In other words, by having a legendary, people will recognize you for actually achieving something very difficult and not just lucky with a lot of time on your hands (or money in your wallet).
Please note, I don’t want legendary weapons to become common or easier to achieve. I only want fair and FUN. RNG is not really fair nor fun, because software can never be truly random. Instead, make it skill based. I really would like to hear from a Dev on this suggestion.
If you agree please speak up! Or if you have other ideas, post them below please.
The precursor is used for your LEGENDARY weapon. What is so legendary about RNG? Absolutely nothing! Yet, Anet wants the legendary weapons to be rare and difficult to get. So if you have Twilight, then that should mean something! Enough rant, here’s my idea:
To get your precursor one must complete a HUGE quest chain that is full of the toughest aspects of Guild Wars 2. A variety of jumping puzzles as hard as Mad King’s Clock Tower or harder. “X” amount of sPvP and WvW kills. Solo Lupicus Giganticus or a newer boss of the same difficulty (or harder) in a solo instance that is apart of this massive quest chain. And during this quest chain, after you have completed massively difficult content that is a mixture of solo and cooperative play, then you would get a soul-bound item to use to help craft your precursor.
There should be a uniquely awesome storyline to this massive quest chain for each legendary weapon, and those storylines should be unique to each weapon, giving each weapon its own history and depth of character. That would drive people to want to get more than just one legendary just to see the storylines. Maybe the storylines could intersect and only if you complete every single one and get every legendary in game will you know the ultimate ending with a massive reward.
Essentially, Anet needs to fill in the details, but there should be one massive quest chain that throws the best and hardest content GW2 has to offer. In other words, by having a legendary, people will recognize you for actually achieving something very difficult and not just lucky with a lot of time on your hands (or money in your wallet).
Please note, I don’t want legendary weapons to become common or easier to achieve. I only want fair and FUN. RNG is not really fair nor fun, because software can never be truly random. Instead, make it skill based. I really would like to hear from a Dev on this suggestion.
If you agree please speak up! Or if you have other ideas, post them below please.
I posted this in crafting and got views but no responses….any thoughts out there about this suggestion?
What happened? Why are necros so undesirable? I main a guardian, but my necro seems to do just as much dps, and in sPvP my necro is amazing. Did the necro dps get nerfed or something? Last I knew, power necro hit like a mack truck.
Sometimes when I cast Spectral Grasp in sPvP I’ve noticed that sometimes it completely misses its mark or it will act as a knockdown instead of a pull. Especially against the Thief NPC in Heart of the Mists. Although, I’m also referring to actual players I’ve fought against in SoloQ. The range is 1200 and I am usually well within range when using it.
Is this a known bug? Thanks for any help. :-)
I want the engineer shield for the guardian!
Basically, the shield is useless, and the focus needs short cool downs….I agree completely. I just thought that if they switched the those skills over, then both weapons would be more useful.
I really would like to see the shield completely redone. There needs to be a stun or bash added to it, and the current block it has is limiting because it roots you in place and you can do nothing during the duration of it. The block from the focus allows you to continually move and fight. Shield #4 is garbage as of now.
Shouldn’t focus #5 (SoW) replace Shield #4 (SoJ)?
Thinking about it logically, the shield should have shields and the focus should be more magic based. SoJ would fit better on the focus, because it is a magical item giving protection to allies and oneself. The shield should be used to block, so let the focus be used to give protection, regeneration, and apply blinding.
The only reason why I think Anet put SoW on the focus is because of balancing issues. Would a shield with two blocks on it be over powered?
If SoJ must be on the shield, then there should be a knock back on it that pushes up to five enemies 1200 range. Personally, if the switch was made I would be using the shield a lot more, but I would also use the focus depending on the situation. As it is now, I rarely, if ever, equip a shield.
Am I way off here? Anybody have any other ideas? Agree or disagree?
Why would it be trivial?
This idea is fantastic! IMHO, Arenanet’s core philosophy is to have players play the game instead of endlessly grinding for tokens to get gear and weapons like other MMOs. This idea would coincide with that development philosophy…reward the players who play the game. I would add certain materials should give higher odds than others. For example, four exotic dungeon great swords should give a higher chance for dusk or dawn than crafted exotics or rares.
I just want the Devs to know that this iteration of the living story is far superior to season 1 so far. The story is very engaging! Great Job! Thank you, Anet, and I look forward to each and every LS update. :-)
This would be fun in dungeons and fractals
“Heck, what if I have not completed the Personal Story? How the heck am I supposed to accept that Orr is a flowery paradise while I’m being told by Saladbolg that I need to defeat Zhaitan? Is my character schizophrenic or something? Is he just dreaming? Is he actually a butterfly?”
RESPONSE: The personal story could be viewed as your character’s history…the back story. The living story has now become the current story and Orr should reflect that. If one wants to know the events leading up to the current living story, then they can live their own personal flashback. A level 20 is bolstered to 80 for living story material, so this would work. I’m just saying it would better create the illusion of a living world. By the way, I like the living story content, but is would like to see more PvP development.
“It should be, “If the game lacks quality, then consumers should encourage quality by NOT paying.” not, “If the game lacks quality, consumers should offer to pay more to induce the developer to provide quality.” The former attitude encourages the developer to provide quality — sink or swim. The latter encourages the developer to provide crap and then charge extra to provide slightly better crap.”
RESPONSE: I gotta say you have a point. My intention is to encourage ideas that would help sustain a healthy population and to keep the quality content flowing. Subscription worked well for WoW and the hybrid model that SWTOR uses seems to be successful. I guess Anet just needs to keep putting out cooler stuff in the gem store. More skins and finishers?
Dear ArenaNet,
I love this game and I want to see it grow! There is a thread about more PvP modes and I’m very excited, so here are some suggestions:
*If people want more from this game at a quicker pace, and I’m one of those people, then we must acknowledge that this is a business. The primary purpose of business is profit. Period. Hence, there should be a subscription payment model similar to SWTOR. If you want quality, then you need to pay for it. Subscription + Gem Store + Expansion Packs = More content with a higher level of quality, which in turn leads to game longevity. Most people will embrace this concept if presented correctly.
*Anet, if you bring in more money, then you can develop more content quicker. It is a cycle. More content means more players and subscribers.
*Subscription should be for the hardcore players, so make it worth their money. B2P with no subscription should be geared for the casual players. Nothing should change in the game as it is for casual players. Instead, the subscription should add aspects to the game not intended for casuals. This would differ greatly and be much more appealing than what SWTOR did.
*If a subscription or paid membership is added, then so should be newer parts of the game. Don’t dissect the game giving what used to be B2P only available with subscription.
*A boxed expansion, or DLC would bring in immediate large sums of cash. Your box sales of GW2 were off the charts, what do you think a boxed expansion would bring? This would also help justify the subscription/membership.
*The living story changes are great and are very similar to a post I made long ago about Orr. The current state of Orr should be instanced and accessible from the living story / personal story menu as a flashback. This would keep the personal story, allow for friends to join and help others leveling and allow for the living world to expand and feel coherent.
*Changing the landscape of Orr to reflect the ending of the personal story, which would provide essentially 3 new zones of content could be either a DLC or boxed expansion. Now, really do something awesome here ….like what blizzard did with Cataclysm or Burning Crusade. Make Orr look very unique with lots of fun mechanics.
*All the vistas, POIs, and hearts should stay where they are, but the heart missions should change to reflect the ongoing dynamics of Orr.
(edited by Zephyron.7081)
Anet started this thread, so change is coming. How long will it take, who knows? Hugh, any input on this? At least tell us what you are thinking, while clearly stating nothing is written in stone. I’m very glad this thread is here and the Devs are listening. Thank you.
With that said, if people want more from this game at a quicker pace, and I’m one of those people, then we must acknowledge that this is a business. The primary purpose of business is profit. Period. Hence, there should be a subscription payment model similar to SWTOR. If you want quality, then you need to pay for it. Subscription + Gem Store + Expansion Packs = More content with a higher level of quality, which in turn leads to game longevity.
Note: expansion pack should not remove living story! Expansion only adds, not detracts!
One of my favorite things in PvP is stabbing my defeated foe through the chest with a variety of finishers! No other game has this and the gratification it gives me keeps me coming back. This is just another aspect of how great the combat is in GW2, and finishers couldn’t happen without a downed state.
I love having that option, and with that said, why not have custom arenas with the option to turn off the downed state? I’m all for giving players options!
As for 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 death match arenas and dueling…YES! I have been asking for this for a long time! I suggest you check this thread out and contribute your ideas,
Huh….I will keep an eye on this. Ty…might be a bug… You should report it with your screenshot.
Rather than normal Moba, I’d like a labyrinth type of map that has a lord each team protects and constantly changing scenarios, a little randomness, like pathways changing or shutting. This would make it so almost everyone on offense, except maybe one to stay behind and defend the lord. Yet, it would prevent zerging because if they did the whole team would be hitting a dead-end due to navigation errors or changing scenarios.
OMG, this idea is awesome! I would like to see this in addition to a moba style game and of course 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 death match arenas. I also think we should be able to only purchase certain types of gear and weapons, mostly ascended and legendary if you have an arena rating high enough.
Can we get a response, Hugh? Please. :-)
Just a response to all that has been said since your last post on this thread. Thank you.
I’m not saying to make getting a Legendary easier. I’m saying it should be more FUN to get a legendary.
When was the last time anyone had 1000 skill points? I hate the idea of “an appropriate amount of grind.” IMO, there is no such thing! It shouldn’t be about grind, although, one could argue that getting skill points would be just another grind, but at least it is NOT a grind that is the laborious task of doing the same thing over and over again.
If you really want to add prestige to earning a Legendary Weapon, then make based on being able to complete a certain series of very difficulty achievements – a combination of every aspect of gameplay: from combat to jumping puzzles.
Having duels will not force people to leave the game. That is total BS.
If you don’t want to duel, then don’t. Why should others not have the option simply because you don’t want to duel? This is ludicrous! It shouldn’t even be an argument.
The best part about this game is the combat. Hands down, I play this game over any other MMO simply because of the combat for both PvE and PvP! Any addition to the game that would allow for more combat is a major bonus to me! ADD DUELING PLEASE!
Okay, here is my understanding to Anet’s attempt to earn a Legendary. They basically want you to just play the game. By playing the game and doing a variety of things you will eventually earn all the mats and precursor and gold and skill points you need to craft your Legendary weapon.
HOWEVER, it is a grind to get your precursor and many other T6 mats. Grind = Suck.
I offer a solution. ArenaNet says we can play the game the way we want to play the game. Allow players the OPTION to purchase a Legendary for 1000 Skill Points (give or take however many skill points to keep it balanced).
Think of it this way, if it takes approximately 45 minutes to an 1 hour to level, which gives you one skill point, then it would be roughly a 1000 hours played to purchase a Legendary Weapon. Maybe a 1000 skill points is not enough or maybe it is too much. That can be discussed and I would like to hear the community’s thoughts on this.
Another way would be to purchase a Legendary Weapon by completing 10,000 or 20,000 Achievement Points. Again, the basic premise is to earn the Legendary by PLAYING the GAME and not grinding. The amount of Achievement Points needed is up for debate.
If the 1000 skill point option is palatable to the devs and community, then should it be a 1000 skill points from a single character or maybe from multiple characters? Maybe skill points should go in the Wallet like Gold and Dungeon Tokens?
Hugh Norfolk.2798:
I am really loving the discussion going on in this thread. This is a testament to how awesome our community is! Alright so now that we have flushed out some ideas let me give you some guide lines and let me know if we can design around it.
1. Must be able to be hot join-able
- Not easily griefed and allow players to be able to jump in and out
2. Must fit the 5 on 5 standard
3. Can fit our standard PvP match time (15 mins)
4. (Would Be Nice) Shout castable
Alright let me know how your ideas fit or change with these standards.
- is upsetting. Let’s break out of the 5v5 mold and bring on the 2v2, 3v3, and 5v5 deathmatch arenas we all know and love from WoW and Wildstar. SWTOR screwed it up with only 5v5 deathmatch arenas. Learn from the successes and mistakes of others! Anet, you have a community that has begged for this for a long time!
1. 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 deathmatch arenas with a variety of maps.
2. Dueling
3. Allow for the acquisition of Legendary Weapons and Ascended gear through ranked rewards earned from Ranked Arenas. Employ the ranking system WoW used to have in order to purchase such weapons and gear. This would seriously create a huge amount of PvP competition and Player desire. Your Tourney of Legends is nice, but unreachable to most players. A 2v2 team that has earned the rank of 2800 (old WoW lingo for example) should have the option to buy a Legendary and ascended gear with either Gold (not thousands of gold, but much cheaper than TP) or PvP currency (I know, Glory is dead).
Strategy based PvP
Of course, team arena PvP is already based on strategy, but I want a game mode that takes this to another level. Moba gameplay does this in a way, by having many more strategic choices available after the game has started.
It has some elements of WvW in it, but doesn’t last a week/allow for obscene stat advantages.
The main problem with Hugh’s 4 guidelines would lie in the 15 minute duration of the match.
The pace of the game could be a bit too high at 15 minutes, to really make use of strategical plans. Since I imagine it would require players to communicate through chat and invest time in building up tactical advantages. I suggest doubling this to 30 minutes.
Players could join late, but teamswapping like in solo-que is a no-go.
Ingredients with bulletpoints
Partially moba, lots of npcs, items and structures, but no leveling/skill development.
Match is won by killing the enemy lord/destroying their castle.
A new currency (platinum?) only to be used within the match. Players can decide to add platinum to the upgrade fund or spend it themself.
Large map.
Pre-fight strategy discussion time. 1 or 2 minutes could be enough.
A slow start, working towards the peak of the action… the endgame.
A large emphasis on secondary objectives.
Tactical dilemmas come up frequently.
Good use of the environment has to be important.
Roles for scouts/skirmishers. Knowing what the enemy is up to is vital.
NPC´s are important in preparing for the endgame.
As we near the end of the match, respawn timers are high. (Perhaps each death increases the timer, perhaps it increases regularly by x seconds per minute)
More bulletpoints.
Monsters can be slain for buffs/environmental weapons/platinum/other goals.
Guards will patrol the area of your keep, much like in WvW.
A force of guards is send out every now and then to attack the enemy castle. (And kill any enemy guards on the way)
Paid for with platinum gained from completing bounties/killing enemies/running errands. These would be the GW2 version of leveling up in a moba style game.
Guard slaying (5 ranks): +10 to +50% damage vs NPC’s/ -10 to -50% damage taken from NPC’s.
Reinforcements: 1 extra NPC with every patrol spawned.
Guard strength: guards are now level 81/82.
Gate upgrades: stronger gates.
These would be the equivalent of items in a moba. They are purchased with platinum from vendors that spawn on the map
Team wide buff ideas:
Essence of celerity: +20% endurance regen + 20% movement speed.
Grail of might: +200 vitality + 1 stack of might (15 seconds) every 5 seconds.
Armor of salvation: +200 toughness + minor health regeneration.
Individual buff ideas:
Vampiric attacks
Speed buff
Instant skill recharge of all your skills at a certain vendor/boss.
Environmental weapons
These can be found in remote areas of the map. Perhaps bought or dropped by a monster. They are one-use items. Typically best saved for end-game clashes.
Bell. 4 second AoE daze.
Spicy kittentail. 10 second AoE burning spot. (Like the WvW mortar fire)
Dust. 10 seconds AoE stealth.
Environmental advantages
A plateau, so high that it kills you when you’re pushed off unless you have a falling trait.
Underground sneak paths with potential cave-ins.
Terrain that can be transformed through upgrades. Say, made into a minefield.
NPC wardens that require a fee for passing through their lair allowing for a shortcut.
Well… I guess you get the idea.
TL/DR version:
Some ingredients from moba style gameplay, but without leveling. And less of a focus on ‘laning’. Some ingredients from WvW.
Most important features: building towards a critical end-game. Lots of tactical decisions are made on the way there. The match changes drastically from start to finish. The impact of strategy makes matches surprising and different from other matches.
Holy Crap! Anet, hire this guy! Yes, this would be awesome. The only thing I could think of adding would be the ability to add traps upon purchasing them. Again, look to what others are doing successfully and improve upon it. Look at Wildstar’s WarPlots.
Anet should use a f2p/b2p subscription model similar to swtor. They can make revenue with gem store items, but they won’t have to rely on strictly the gem store due to a strong dedicated base of players paying $15 a month. Subscribers should get discounts at the gem store and other perks. With Anet securing a consistent flow of income they should be able to afford the additions and modifications to GW2 that we have been asking for.
Anet, you have made a wonderful game and that is why I am posting this.
GW2 must adapt to survive….period. I implore the devs to consider the following:
- Add dueling as an option
- 2v2, 3v3, and 5v5 DEATHMATCH Arenas! Just do it already! There is a reason why WoW still has them, SWTOR kinda added them, and Wildstar launched with them!
- Actual Raids with mind blowing and challenging mechanics
- Some type of gear progression
- Player Housing
- Fix Orr, in other words, Orr shouldn’t still be controlled by undead. I’ve posted on this before in more detail
- Add blood. Make the fantasy world of GW2 as dark as the concept art and not the goody two shoes we currently have. Appeal to adults with money and not 10 year olds!
- Finally, look at Wildstar and see how much they have to offer for Endgame content. Arenas, battlegrounds, warplots, dungeons, huge raids, open world pvp!
As for the last point, no I don’t want to go play a cartoony game like Wildstar. I love the classes, gameplay/combat, innovation, living story, spvp, and art of GW2. The point of this post is to ask Anet to put in the staples of a successful MMO with longevity. GW2 should be competitive with other MMOs as well as newer ones coming out. Wildstar shouldn’t have more to offer than a game that has already been out for 2 years!
Finally, Anet, to make these changes it takes money. You should go to a subscription model similar to SWTOR. $15 a month and customers get special privileges with a subscription and everyone can use the gem store for more revenue.
I know not everyone will agree to this, but if these changes came with a huge downloadable EXPANSION to justify the newer payment model, then you would draw in returning players and newer players. Example: SWTOR: Makeb expansion.
Make these changes and additions the way I suggested, and GW2 will quickly become top dog of MMOs! There is so much potential here! Always ask yourself, as a dev, why would a player want to keep playing your game? So far, the answer is living story, WvW monotony, legendary and ascended grinding….not much. PvP doesn’t make enough gold and there are no arenas. The 4/15 patch was a fantastic step in the right direction for PvP, but not far enough. You must look at your competitors and always be adapting, modifying, and revising.
Ya, game is not a ghost town, and we just had a major release update. GW2 is growing and thriving. And, don’t knock the gem store skins. Anet is first and foremost a business, so they owe you nothing. And if they don’t make money, then we don’t get a game….a great game! With that said, I wish I knew a release date for the next living story update.
The only thing swtor has over gw2 is story. Gw2 should match or exceed bioware in storyline and presentation. Living story is the perfect format for that, because it continually evolves, unlike swtor, which is over at the end of leveling.
So let me get this straight? Arena is punishing all players by limiting ALL players to ONLY TWO tiers a day? Will you do the same for dungeon runs too? If botting is a problem, then deal with those who are using bots. This is BS!
I like the idea of your build, but my only concern would be a lack of condition removal. With such a heavy condition meta, having only one way to eliminate only one condition every 16 seconds makes you pretty vulnerable to condition builds.
With that said, I would replace merciful intervention with SYG, use pure of voice instead, use retributive armor instead of meditation mastery, and superior aria instead of pure of heart, and use potent master maintenance oil and bowl of curry butternut squash. You will have 49% crit chance, 207% crit dmg, and a life pool of 19055. With meditations giving you fury, you will be up to 69% crit chance hitting like a truck! plus your health pool is still high for guardian with meditations healing and SYG will remove a condition while giving you a boon and stability, plus smite is another form of condition removal. The build you posted I see working very well in PvE, but without a stronger condition removal aspect to your build then you are going to melt to a lot of other classes.
Thank you for posting your build! You got me thinking! Tap Dat Mouse on YouTube has some great builds to play around with too.
I am not trolling. Please be kind enough to give useful feedback. I main a guardian. I have a level 62 thief and 80 Mesmer. The Mesmer has lost its appeal and the thief is just too squishy. I love my guardian, but I want variety.
I am interested in ranger, but here are my questions:
1. What role does the ranger fulfill best for tPvP, WvW, fractals?
2. What advantage does the melee ranger have over the thief and Mesmer?
3. Is the ranger less squishy than the thief?
4. Has the community’s perspective of the ranger improved since the feature patch?
5. Has any of the new GM traits allowed for newer effective builds?
To be honest, I am mostly interested in a melee ranger that doesn’t rely on the pet too much that does decent dps and has plenty of condi removals. Any suggestions?
Thank you in advance to all who respond. :-)
My main is a guardian, and I love the play style,
“800 power, 500 precision, 500 healing
800 power, 500 precision, 15%crit dmg, 300 healing(instead of berserker amulet’s vitality)”
I completely agree that Anet should add this ASAP please!