Legendary armor will be coming out next week, each piece will require 1000 laurels, so you can acquire one piece every few years.
Economy concerns….seriously…
Even the more hardcore farmers can at the very most farm only 100-150~gold if they spent several hours each day for a week or so.
That is not over the top, the same can be done with basic dungeon farms.Now lets take a second and figure out what does a 150 or even 200 g buy me?
It can get me a T3 armor + runes + maybe a few cheap exotics
or you can buy one of the more expensive exotics and get 1 weapon out of it.
Its a celebration, 1 yr into the game here is your chance to finally get 1 wep after you spend countless hour of grinding the same content…is that really breaking the economy? Hell no….
Precursors have been extremely hard to acquire for a casual player since the start and now Anet is giving us a limited time to farm and make decent cash, enjoy it while it lasts and stop crying everytime players find a way to make a little extra gold.There is no need for any nerf, content is temporary and will go away anyways in a few weeks. Think of this as Anet’s 1 yr gift to us, its much better than a mini Queen Jenna that will stay in my collector’s tab once acquired.
If I actually spent several hours each day for a week, I would have (assuming 5 hours of farming the Gauntlet per day) – around 700g.
No duh genius, more hours you spend the more money you make…
Are you saying 700g is a lot of money? You cant even make one of the better legendaries with that, infact that barely gets you half way.
Economy concerns….seriously…
Even the more hardcore farmers can at the very most farm only 100-150~gold if they spent several hours each day for a week or so.
That is not over the top, the same can be done with basic dungeon farms.
Now lets take a second and figure out what does a 150 or even 200 g buy me?
It can get me a T3 armor + runes + maybe a few cheap exotics
or you can buy one of the more expensive exotics and get 1 weapon out of it.
Its a celebration, 1 yr into the game here is your chance to finally get 1 wep after you spend countless hour of grinding the same content…is that really breaking the economy? Hell no….
Precursors have been extremely hard to acquire for a casual player since the start and now Anet is giving us a limited time to farm and make decent cash, enjoy it while it lasts and stop crying everytime players find a way to make a little extra gold.
There is no need for any nerf, content is temporary and will go away anyways in a few weeks. Think of this as Anet’s 1 yr gift to us, its much better than a mini Queen Jenna that will stay in my collector’s tab once acquired.
Same issue here, I think there has been a ninja nerf by adding DR to these champs/legendaries.
Fact of the matter is having a queue is quite annoying.
It doesn’t matter whether we are queue-ing up for farming or actually beating it the first time.
A simple solution to this should have been a Story mode instance (First time players) or Explorable mode (farmers)
Also waiting on the queue is not the only hindrance that is being caused by other players, there is also the issue where a large zerg might run under the arena causing lag during critical moments in a fight.
With so many bosses that have a 1 hit kill mechanic, even the slightest lag or mis-step can result in failure.
Now this would have been all fine and dandy but this further causes the player to die right next to npcs without being auto-ressed. Now way pointing, repairing and running back is simply adding to wasting time as I would have to once again wait in queue once I reach back to a gauntlet arena.
None of the above is what I consider “Smart design”, if the devs wanted the fights to be visible to others, they should instead have had a spectator option when interacting with the ring master so the other players could have an option to watch n learn.
Guild wars 2 has always had the moto that your game play will not be ruined by other players but in this case it certainly does, if you look at gathering nodes, killing monsters, openinig chests – These all generate personal loot for players which is the right direction the game has taken since launch but adding guantlet in same instance as the pavillion was a step in the wrong direction.
Imagine having us to wait for a group to finish a dungeon before you could step inside it….
There you go you said it yourself, “Farming the gauntlet is clearly intended by the developers.”
No nerf is needed here, time to close the thread.While it’s definitely intended, I still have a right to draw their attention to it and voice my opinion. And also continue to farm at the same time so I don’t miss out.
I don’t see what the problem is in all this.
So what you are essentially saying is, “I am going to continue to break the game’s economy by farming this way but please Anet, do not allow me to take advantage of this anymore”
It is threads like this that cause Anet to put in little to 0 rewarding content in the game, then its the same players who come back and cry about why is everything nerfed.
Also gotta love the players who take advantage of a farm and then ask for a nerf…..
There you go you said it yourself, “Farming the gauntlet is clearly intended by the developers.”
No nerf is needed here, time to close the thread.
If you are asking to nerf something that you earned 150g from in matter of days then perhaps you shld delete the gold you got out it, only seems fair since if it really is that “game breaking” you exploitted the game knowning this.
If you do that then sure I will agree with your point.
So why cry about nerfing it now? “I got my money, now nerf it before others make significant profit” ??
I dont see any problem with a limited time event that allows players to make money.
Also making 100g a week is the stretching it very far.
If thats true, thats gonna be a shame.
What was nerfed exactly?
My point exactly….requires me to camp at a balloon for hours to complete this….
To those that have been eagerly waiting, the wait is over =D
I’m sure the fanatics out there are already aware but to the rest, NCSOFT has announced that a GW 2 expansion is underway, source is in the top of my post.
Launch date and details are still unknown but this is good news none-the less. My best guess is 2014 at the earliest.
From my understanding, this achievement requires you to talk to the Balloon NPCs and hope that the event it gives you is the champ fight, while more than 90% of the time its either an escort or kill Aether enemies….
What was acceptable to me was the holograms & Aether enemies having a 50/50 chance and back during that update the chance of getting either was even but in this new Champ achievement it doesn’t seem like the case.
Also why is there a cool down on a limited time content?
How did you guys, the ones who did get this achievement? – Does this require me to camp a Balloon npc and hope within a hour or 2 that I will eventually get to fight the champ?
1 is not an exploit
2 is actually a bug where 2 ppl queued up face 2 different bosses, here both ppl are charged a ticket each, this is actually going to make the fight nearly impossible since now u have to fight 2 bosses. I dont think anet will allow something as silly as portaling ppl inside the dome open to be exploitted.
Thanks for the update, can you also please provide a list of all commands that should be used and ones that should not due to a bug?
Gratz to the dozen players who beat it out of what 3 million?
Nice job none the less….
So i bought a Custom Arena today and after playing for 2 mins on a map, me and guildies wanted to play a different map. So I typed /gameend, the Score screen popped up and now the server is stuck on the same map.
We have been waiting now for over 30 mins, tried also resetting everything to default, removing the current map from the queue but nothing works…
Can a dev please help?
We have already tried:
/mapchange Forest of Niflhel
Nothing works, why did i not receive a list of commands when purchasing a server?
Anyone else having this issue?
If you read my post u will understand that i find beating the boss alone quite easy, what i find ridiculous is the 8 orb achievement, that is the only reason i posted here.
Since it took u 8 hrs and u still dint get that achievement, u shld understand my point of view.
I kept reading about people complaining about Liandri ever since the release.
I tried her for the first time yesterday, but I went straight for the 8 orb achievement. I wasted 8 hours on that, but as soon as I decided to beat her straight forward, I got it in 3 tries.
I don’t know why you guys want to nerf a boss that is pretty straightforward and predictable. I’m thinking you guys either want faceroll content or you don’t know your class.
Took you 8 hours to beat a pretty straight forward fight?
I think point proven. Beating her on your 3rd try after 8 hrs, thats like saying once I learned the fight, studied the pattern after my 50th try, I nailed it on my first….makes no sense.
Ok here is the deal, beating Liadri is not so bad but what is border line ridiculous is getting the 8 orb achievement.
My recommendation is nerf this achievement to requiring 6 orbs, this will still require a player to throw 3 additional orbs before killing her. – Still very challenging.
Now ofc people who have accomplished this achievment will disagree but honestly even if this required 10 orbs, im sure they wud have been people who were still able to do it. Now would you consider 10 orbs a ridiculous idea? If yes why? why not make it 15?
You will always have a few dozen who is will be able to accomplish even that but that doesnt make that acceptable content.
Also what makes this frustrating is failing, breaking armor, using a waypoint, running all the way back, waiting for someone to finish the fight, then using a silly ticket and repeating this over and over.
Now if you run out of tickets, yes i know i can go “farm” it or buy from TP but now i have to travel to go outside the instance to pick up the sprockets….
Now add long loading times to all this and this is where it is no longer fun, it turns into torture.
Bottom line is do not design overly ridiculous content and then say it is acceptable if a dozen players beat it, what about the rest of the player base?
basically you want to start off with chilling and/or crippling Chomper right away as the battle starts. (Keep him under these slow effects for the entire battle)
Save your stun/daze/knockback for when the meat is thrown.
CC chomper with any of the above as soon as he jets to the meat.
Now as long as u CC him in time, this will give u 2-3 secs to run to the first meat, get your 2nd CC rdy as the 2nd meat comes out right away.
Once again CC, pick up meat.
Now dish out as much DPS you can and try to kill him before the next meat is thrown, if you not able to do this you will need a 3rd CC.
This is pretty much it, now finish the other boss and ure on the way.
Note: I have noticed a bug where he did not pickup any meat but he was right on top of one and I pushed him away (he died at the same second) and it dint give me the achievement, I had to repeat the fight and not even let him close to the meat which worked.
Congrats, might be time to pull out my necro.
Was finally able to beat her.
The only thing i will say is fix the bug where the orb is obstructed like 50% of the time….this is extremly annoyning.
Also I think the 8 orb of light is a little too over the top, my guess is only a dozen or so people have been able to accomplish that, while kudos to them, content designed for less than a tenth of a percent is just ridiculous.
With that said, I know i will be able to eventually even acquire this achievement but doing so after 100+ tries isnt exactly my idea of fun.
This is just the bare minimum tho, how the hell are we supposed to do the Light up the darkness one achievement? hitting the boss with 8 light crystals and then still have to kill her?
So I think the main tactic is:
1. Cripple the boss
2. Clump the enemy clones with the boss
3. Use fear me
4. Bull’s charge + frenzy + 100blades + whirling to a safe spot.
this should bring the boss down to 25% hp
Separate the boss from the clones and finish the job.
Sounds about right? – Requires extremely good timing….
What Armor/runes are you running?
What about Wepon stats + sigils?
Also have you tried the 8 light orbs achievement? Considering your dps, that might just be possible.
Pretty much everything is stated here is accurate.
I seriously hope Anet can make the red circles more visible no matter what content they make in future.
The biggest issue for me was the red circles on the wire mesh…+ waitting around wasting time when i have tickets.
Also one last thing, If a dev cant beat it, dont expect your player base to beat it.
I would like to see a Dev beat Liadri after throwing 8 orbs on her, if this is not doable by you, it is not doable by us. While Im all for difficulty, I dont approve impossible content.
(edited by ZilentNight.5089)
I have to agree with the OP on this one.
Waitting around yes makes us(the ones who think this is a bad idea) sound impatient yes but honestly I am not in line for a rollercoaster ride…
I am playing a video game that can easily have an instanced area instead.
The real frustrating part is that knowning you have learned the mechanic and making a mistake due to lag or misclicking, then getting killed and having to wait again even up to 5 mins at a time.
There are 2 main issues here, one is requiring tickets to even try the bosses.
While the ticket idea is “acceptable” the other issue of waitting around is not…
Also there were several people who refused to rez or just ignored other players when they saw them die, perhaps they dint want to wait in queue. -Adding an auto-rez or the NPCs near the platform res would be a nice addition.
Since Waypointing which costs additional 1s + the time to run back makes this extra frustrating.
Now to end this on a positive note, overall a great event and all the fights were very well done. I have yet to beat Liadri, although I havent missed any living story achieves yet and she doesnt have it in her to stop me, unless ofc i have to fight her while doing the Halloween Jumping puzzle. Devs please do not act upon this last sentence =P
(edited by ZilentNight.5089)
Robert is by far the most engaged dev who will also post on forums and acknowledges bugs/player concerns.
I’d give you a promotion if you were working for me!
Evon Gnashblade for a better tommorow!
Try zoning to a new area after switching pets, it should pop up then.
What would be hilarious if Kiel wins and she is assasinated, then Evon takes the seat any how =D
Yay!, today.. more 850 votes for Kiel. Mine ones.
Lol how much gold is a vote? I would like to know how much money did ppl burned when this voting is over. There is no way you accumulated 850 tickets by just playing.
I mainly want the Thaumanova Reactor fractal because it’s a new piece of lore that we know little about. Fall of Abaddon on the other hand would be cool but we had pretty much a whole game dedicated to it and we have a pretty good guess on how the events already went down. To me Fall of Abaddon is just not as interesting because we know a lot already unless they do something with Abaddon’s lore that turns it on its head and makes us rethink what we thought we knew.
The reactor is available in the game, the aftermath is there if u go to Metrica province.
The Fall of Abaddon has nothing to do with the events in GW1, colin already confirmed this in one of his interview. The events are pre-GW1 story.
yup, same with opening supply bags or dragon coffers etc. There shld be an Open option that opens one or an Open all at the very least.
Folly, it is not going to be beneficial to you to do such a high lvl fractal since the rewards are based on your personal reward lvl. You can still however repeat fractal 8 till you lvl up, finding a low level group is easy, try gw2lfg.com.
At lvl 10+ u will get rings as drops, 2 rings = 10AR
You can also pick up an ascended amulet for laurels which will give u +5 AR
Earrings can also be easily acquired by doing full set of guild missions just 2 times.
Getting AR is quite easy currently with so many options available to us.
Once you have 15 AR, you can play up to lvl 28 given you dodge some of the agony attacks during the final boss fights.
Going back to topic, if Evon was Abaddon, then he would have already won
This is a great idea IMO.
They had something similar in GW1 where Zaishen’s would reward you with extra gold for doing specific missions, dungeons. Their quest would change daily and rewarded players who were willing to vary their play style.
I would love to see a Zhaithen style quest, uhmumm"clears throast"…i mean event system implemented.
Also did Nicholas have any kids who wanted to continue his legacy or we are out of luck there? =P
Some of you seem to be under the impression that the amount of content is going to be something between a living-story/monthly release and an expansion, rather than a 10-15 minute fractal which players are going to want to focus on racing through as quickly as possible. Curb those expectations and don’t throw away your votes on a pipe dream.
Some of us here like to play through the entire content and not just race through it. Also you are speculating just like everyone else that the fractal wont be epic and that anet will let us down, that is your opinion.
There is plenty of amazing content that Anet has delivered in small patches, eg Molten Facility end fight alone was pretty epic.
They have amazing designers who are more than capable of given us mind blowing content. I will continue to put my faith in them and hope for the best.
I hope the majority of the players do the same and vote for Evon Gnashblade.
“Rise my brothers! For Gnashblade!”
“Death gooood!” =D
The Thaumanova isnt new lore either, we already know the aftermath as it exists in the game. Go to Metrica provice.
While, we have actually never seen what the 6 gods looked like.
We only saw their avatars or statues created by humans in GW1, the real gods would be new content.
All of the above is still speculation but keep in mind the fractal hasnt even started yet which means we could sway the devs into developing their true forms.
Still no word on the votes count!
(edited by ZilentNight.5089)
With less than a week left till voting closes out on Aug 5th, we would really appreciate if you can add a live vote counter.
If a live vote counter is not possible to be added in-game, Please update this thread with the latest vote count at the very least, once every 24 hrs.
(We) the players would like to know how many more tokens we might have to farm/buy in order to put our candidate in office.
Last Vote Count:
July 26 – Total Votes: 2,402,278, Ellen: 1,249,184 (52%), Evon: 1,115,093 (48%)
Evon is losing by 134,091 votes
Source: facebook/GuildWars2
Current Vote Count: ??
(edited by ZilentNight.5089)
Keep in mind Black lion keys will drops scraps that can be claimed for any future wep skins that get released this way. So that investment will be much more worth the trouble.
Completely agree with Archmortal.
This is exactly the reasoning that Kiel should not win.
Also, there is no guarantee she will not continue to take credit for all our hardwork.
Id rather have a fun story where Evon keeps things interesting rather than a boring story with Kiel /yawn…
Thank you Anet! you rock =D
Agreed that there is very little information but it has been suggested during the interviews by a ton of lore masters that the battle took place in the city of gods, just seeing that alone will be worth it.
On the other hand, seeing a reactor blow up, we have that in Meterica provice, then we have COE.
And assuming the fractal will take place in the “city of gods” is pure speculation. We have no idea what a fractal researching “the fall of Abaddon” will entail.
You’re assuming the best case scenario for one fractal while expecting the worst case scenario for the other.
Like i stated above, yes we have to make some speculation, ofc since the content hasnt even been created yet.
But, What is your logic for picking the reactor over the Abaddon fractal?
My logic is clear, no more redundant content.
There are already huge reactor explosions, bad experiments in the game.
Saying no to redundant content, also its a Fact and not a speculation that there will be yet another reactor explosion in the Kiel fractal.