Showing Posts For alchemyst.2165:

Nerf Wish list

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


What: Weapon Skills
Why: Thieves should not allowed to have weapon skills theyre too op and need to go

Dagger or Sword for 1v1?

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Thread named “Dagger or sword for 1v1”

How did it turn into kiting? O.o

[Thief]Defense system

in Profession Balance

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


What if we changed up pistol 5? Maybe make it so that the combo field starts at the target instead of at the player’s feet. I don’t know maybe that could help it be more of a tactical plan rather than an easy means of escape.

Dagger or Sword for 1v1?

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


I main D/D, it’s much harder than D/p but more rewarding imo. Sword dagger is better for 1v1 which is kind of depressing for us d/d users

But D/D users have great 1vX capability.

But just play what you want.

Responding to most Warrior Posts in 1 Thread

in Profession Balance

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


You seem to missunderstand having a weakness with being able to do things. Yes warrior cant burst out heavy single target long range damage like mesmer and engineer, yes they dont have a crapton of combo field like eles, yes they cant spam blindness and evade like a thief, but that arent weaknesses. They cant be used or exploitet against the warrior in any fighting situation at all. You can call them drawbacks but not weaknesses.
If i ask for a weakness i want to hear the weakness and not be basically told “hey look, they could be even more op”

If a Warrior is running:

Hambow: Be ready to blind/aegis/dodge several times in a row. If you see a Hammer, you know what’s coming. When the bow is out the only skill you have to worry about is Pin Down, which is easy to see now.

Skullcracker: When the mace is out they’ll probably reflect projectiles whenever they can and will try to use a set-up like Shield Bash or Bull’s Charge to land SC for the long stun. Don’t blow your Stun Break or w/e you have on the setup, wait until the SC has been used. If you have stability then feel free to break the setup however.

Celestial Axebow: Pretty much carried by how good Celestial is atm. It’s strength is a wide variety of attack methods. Where it sucks is in the mobility and it lacks any way to deny a stomp. Hard to beat 1v1 but like most Warrior builds if you time your conditions correctly you can overload them just like any other Warrior build. Bait out Berserker Stance, play defensive for the duration, then unload. If you have Fear or any other interrupt then save a quick one for when they try to burst with LB. It’s another easy-to-see burst considering they aim basically straight up. I think most people’s complaints with Warrior also stem from Asura, but they’re broken on any class and something does need to be done about it.

But all of these things give you no real advantage over the warrior. If you dodge a mace stun on a warrior they can just do it again in 8 seconds. If you blind a shield bash they still have a butt load of stuns to hit you with. Warrior is much too forgiving. Warriors aren’t punished for missing an attack unlike most other classes.

Missing a burst can indeed be VERY punishing, especially vs condition builds. Unlike other classes that remove/transfer condis every x number of seconds passively (interesting thing to note, Warriors are accused of being passive while they have some of the most active condi removal in the game) the Warrior is reliant on hitting that burst. When it comes to risk/reward Skullcracker is pretty high up there. If you miss SC that means you still have those condis on you. If it’s poison that means your healing is being reduced dramatically. Missing SC means that you got to go for the GS burst which is pretty much useless. This means you got to gain that adrenaline again and the build is dependent on landing that stun to deal damage.

Even with LB you can play around them having higher condi removal. A well played Corruptomancer just has to lay on the condis right after a burst and then laugh as the chilled and crippled warrior either tries to catch up or fires puny bow attacks. Warriors ARE weak to conditions, it’s just that you rarely find someone playing a condition build well enough to realize it. After Berserker Stance is gone you just gotta apply just enough conditions to keep up the pressure then nail them once they burst.

So you’re basically saying that if the 1 in a thousand chance occurs that someone lays enough condis on you in an 8 second span if the warrior doesn’t avoid them and/or if the person misses them, or if you have berserker stance, or if you have -40% condition duration food (which TONS of warriors run) then they MIGHT get your health down low.

But then 8 seconds later (sooner if you weapon swap) you just use your burst again so its fine for the warrior

As I’ve said, warrior’s forgiveness is much too high. I think warrior’s should be very tactical on the field rather than faceroling and literally winning from that. A warrior should tactical thoughts, not button mashing.

I play a warrior a good amount in spvp. I rarely have more than a few conditions on me. I outrun thieves constantly. (I main a thief, I’ve tried catching up to them, you can’t.) I can escape from any situation. I can deal insane damage. I can support my allies. I can make myself immune to conditions. I have insane survivability.

I literally can’t think of any weaknesses for warrior other than their predictability with their attacks, but just because they are telegraphed doesn’t mean you can keep up with their attacks.

Sorry for my rant X_X

Responding to most Warrior Posts in 1 Thread

in Profession Balance

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


You seem to missunderstand having a weakness with being able to do things. Yes warrior cant burst out heavy single target long range damage like mesmer and engineer, yes they dont have a crapton of combo field like eles, yes they cant spam blindness and evade like a thief, but that arent weaknesses. They cant be used or exploitet against the warrior in any fighting situation at all. You can call them drawbacks but not weaknesses.
If i ask for a weakness i want to hear the weakness and not be basically told “hey look, they could be even more op”

If a Warrior is running:

Hambow: Be ready to blind/aegis/dodge several times in a row. If you see a Hammer, you know what’s coming. When the bow is out the only skill you have to worry about is Pin Down, which is easy to see now.

Skullcracker: When the mace is out they’ll probably reflect projectiles whenever they can and will try to use a set-up like Shield Bash or Bull’s Charge to land SC for the long stun. Don’t blow your Stun Break or w/e you have on the setup, wait until the SC has been used. If you have stability then feel free to break the setup however.

Celestial Axebow: Pretty much carried by how good Celestial is atm. It’s strength is a wide variety of attack methods. Where it sucks is in the mobility and it lacks any way to deny a stomp. Hard to beat 1v1 but like most Warrior builds if you time your conditions correctly you can overload them just like any other Warrior build. Bait out Berserker Stance, play defensive for the duration, then unload. If you have Fear or any other interrupt then save a quick one for when they try to burst with LB. It’s another easy-to-see burst considering they aim basically straight up. I think most people’s complaints with Warrior also stem from Asura, but they’re broken on any class and something does need to be done about it.

But all of these things give you no real advantage over the warrior. If you dodge a mace stun on a warrior they can just do it again in 8 seconds. If you blind a shield bash they still have a butt load of stuns to hit you with. Warrior is much too forgiving. Warriors aren’t punished for missing an attack unlike most other classes.

Remove Shadow Arts: Last Refuge

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Maybe they should rework all of the “at X health” traits. For example maybe they could add a little icon that is the skill that is used at that health. So like, maybe they could have an icon of blinding powder appear on the screen and when you use that icon it uses the skill. But it’s only there for a little while.

[Video]D/D WvW Roaming Outnumbered 1

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Yeah I remember fighting with you! And thanks

[Video]D/D WvW Roaming Outnumbered 1

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Thanks for the feedback

[Video]D/D WvW Roaming Outnumbered 1

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Thank you! Haha Nightblade is very good.

[Video]D/D WvW Roaming Outnumbered 1

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Dawn! <3


Why are mesmers designed to be "thief food?"

in Profession Balance

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


That’s just the way it is…Honestly if I find something I don’t like about a class I just deal with it and learn to counter it. Either keep playing Mesmer or reroll.

Honestly mesmers are very glassy usually. Which is why thieves can kill them with ease usually.

What's Life Like For a Thief Main?

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Mained thief since beta, and it’s the class I can’t live without. The fact that you can be so smart and so creative with thief…There’s just limitless possibilities with what you are able to do and contribute to your teammates.

A master thief is able to 1v5 and walk away like it was nothing. Two good thieves together and cooperating is unstoppable.

Good thieves stand out very well. If you’re a good thief solo roaming will be very fun for you. Thief has a high skill cap and I feel like a lot of great players are thieves. Imo it attracts smart and tactical players because that’s exactly what thief is: Smart, calculating, and tactical. And the class definitely rewards those attributes.

Life as a thief main is great. Don’t listen to the thief haters.

[Video]D/D WvW Roaming Outnumbered 1

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


The first video in my new outnumbered series. I kind of felt the urge to name each outnumbered video, so this one is called Black Widow. (The song) I hope you guys enjoy this one. I had fun making it.

New (slightly) updated build:

1. Iggy Azalea – Black Widow (Delay remix)
2. OneRepublic – Love Runs Out (Dack Remix)
3: Eminem ft. Rihanna – The Monster (Tyler Clark and Bassel Trap Remix)

This is my first outnumbered video and I hope you guys like it. If you liked it, like the video and subscribe for more

Please leave feedback here on this post. I would really appreciate it

(edited by alchemyst.2165)

Some Thoughts By Your Local D/D Thief

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


I’m only rank 40 in SPvP so I suppose I can say too much, but in my experience the hardest opponents I’ve ever fought were WvW roamers. I can remember once getting by butt handed to me by a warrior who was brand new to SPvP but had been roaming since launch. Sure, he was a warrior, but the point is he was good and he hadn’t stepped foot in SPvP.

The simple truth is that no matter how cheap you might consider WvW, outnumbered fights train you to be a better pvper in general. It teaches you awareness, proper targeting, good usage of evades/defensive tactics, what various opponents are capable of, etc.


Honestly, I came from an all-pvp background and I had a slight advantage when I started WvW because of that. But there are LOTS of great players in WvW, so don’t always assume they are inferior.

And WvW can train you to be a better pvper, like Micah said. WvW is technically PvP. It’s not all zergs. A lot of roamers are very good players.

Great Offhand Option for D/D

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Yeah, again this is just preference, but just trying to share my experiences with p/d. So far the results have been great.

Great Offhand Option for D/D

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


I’ve been experimenting with offhands for D/D weaponset, standard 2/6/6. I’ve found that my favorite is P/D offhand.

I know what you’re thinking. P/D in a D/D build? Well I forgot to switch weapons after I switched my build, and it worked WONDERS. I use it for a safe ranged option and the condition ticking actually isn’t that bad. It’s also got great direct damage.

But the thing that makes P/D offhand shine…Is this:

When your opponent is low on hp, use shadow refuge and use sneak attack inside shadow refuge. This steals life from the enemy and usually finishes them.

I also use this if I don’t desperately need to escape and need some extra life.

Tell me what you guys think about it. Try it out!

Steal Keybidding

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


I just use F1.


Best DP/DD + SB Build for WvW roaming

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


I use scholar because:

1: Power+ Ferocity stats
2: Good for quick ganks (The 10% bonus while health above 90%)
3: Cheaper than strength runes.

Basically they have very good burst damage I love the power + Ferocity stats. Sure ogre has power + ferocity but you miss out on some stats and the rock dog can give your position away.
(I used to use ogre)

It’s nice for the opening strike and getting a good HP lead on the opponent especially if they’re squishy.

But honestly just use what you want to.

(edited by alchemyst.2165)

Best DP/DD + SB Build for WvW roaming

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Mix zerker, cav, and valk. The general build is 2/6/6. I use scholar runes.

This is my build:

You don’t want to go full zerk or full valk. You want to have some armor there, at around or above 2.5k. Health to me doesn’t matter AS much, because I have guard stacks in WvW.

Maximizing damage

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


For a nice damage thief build with some survivability you’ll want to use something like this:

You don’t have to follow it exactly, but those are basically the stats to shoot for. Or if you want slightly different stats that’s fine. Just make sure your power is around 2.2k, and your critical damage is above 215%.

Maximizing damage

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Post your engi’s build, and then your thief’s build. That way I can better get a perspective on what your damage output is.

(edited by alchemyst.2165)

No Foods In WvW

in Profession Balance

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


To be honest I don’t really see a gamebreaking advantage with a person with food vs a person without food. However foods like -40% condi duration should be balanced.

On the other hand though, why complain about food so much? It’s not essential, sure it’s nice to have, but it really isn’t gamebreaking. Why don’t you just buy some food yourself? It’s not that hard… If you really want to be “equal” with other players.

No Foods In WvW

in Profession Balance

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


All they need to do is balance the foods… -40% or +40% condition duration is way too much, what were you thinking Arenanet O_o

No Foods In WvW

in Profession Balance

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Honestly I don’t really care, but what other purpose would food be used for? I don’t think I even use food outside WvW.

Unbiased Thoughts Please

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Honestly, a lot of heavy condition builds are considered cheese. But don’t take crap from other players, play what YOU want. Play what YOU think is fun, no matter what.


in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


You guys should definitely do more. With dual perspective it opens up lots of neat effect ideas. I really enjoyed watching it

The list is getting bigger...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Again, stop trying to get them to balance the game on 1v1 situations.

And…honestly I don’t play bunker but isn’t a good bunker SUPPOSED to not die?

Basically all of the builds you listed have counters, the reason people are…“with” you on your opinion is because theyre like you and decide to cry to anet so that they can win more. Maybe if you used your brains and stopped looking for hard counters you would win more duels against these builds. Hate to break it to you but Facerolling as a warrior doesn’t always work.

Again, not all of the builds you listed have HARD counters, you have to use SOFT counters to beat them. They’re in the way you play against them, not in the skills you use.

Stop using my thief best decision

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Why does this guy still post X_X Please stop with the troll posts.

The list is getting bigger...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


So you basically just listed the whole game

First of all, stop thinking the game should be balanced around 1v1 duels, cus it’s not going to be and it shouldn’t be.

Next, just because you have a problem with all of this doesn’t mean everyone does. There’s not a lot on this list I can’t handle. If I can’t I just deal with it. If it’s unbearable, I give a suggestion. But mostly I just deal with it. I suggest others do the same. Just an FYI you can counter most if not all of the builds listed. Take time to practice instead of getting killed a few times doing the same tactics and asking for nerfs.

Warrior's Mobility as heavy armor class....

in Profession Balance

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


The thing is, Warrior’s have high survivability, high hp, high damage, high passive regeneration (This is huge because other classes have to attack and STILL get much less healing than this) high mobility, high support (If they choose). Something has to go. Warrior is way too forgiving. I’ve played warrior in pvp. I main a thief and at times I can’t even catch up to warrior if I use all my teleports.

Warriors are already much too forgiving. My suggestion is to bring rush’s range down to 900 and maybe increase its damage, maybe make it like RTL.

S/D combos - For Damage

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


These are some of my favorite combos for S/D.

Flanking strike to load larcenous strike, autoattack once, autoattack twice, then larcenous strike. It makes it look like larcenous strike is part of the autoattack chain so they usually don’t dodge it.

Flanking strike to load larcenous strike, infiltrator’s strike, larcenous strike. Easy way to get boons and damage off.

Infiltrator’s strike, CnD, Stealth Attack, Autoattack chain.

WvW Build?

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


[Video] Nightblade D/D- Solo/Duo Outnumbered

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Very nice gameplay. I also noticed this video was uploaded on my birthday

I really enjoyed watching, you have a very nice playstyle.

I'm terrible at thief

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


You just have to have a lot of practice and learn the little tips and tricks for thief. And don’t be afraid to use stealth, use it when you need to.

This is my build, standard 2/6/6 D/D.

D/D is arguably the hardest thief weaponset, but it’s very rewarding.

But most of all just play what you want, this is just my build recommendation.

Thief D/D WvW Roaming 3

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Thanks for the comments

Thief D/D WvW Roaming 3

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Not trying to bump, but if you’re wondering why there are so many dislikes on my videos it’s because this guy decided to make me look bad and apparently he got lots of people to dislike/he disliked them himself. Apparently he thinks thieves are cancer. But oh well, carry on

Thief D/D WvW Roaming 3

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Thanks for all the comments everyone

And to messiah, I now use scholar runes which you will see in my next video.

Also the reason I was stepping on all those traps was because I was being dumb and overconfident xD

Thief D/D WvW Roaming 3

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Thanks a ton, I enjoy reading constructive comments like this.

Thief D/D WvW Roaming 3

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


xD okay I will take that into consideration, thanks for commenting

Thief D/D WvW Roaming 3

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Here’s my latest WvW montage of thief.

I’m hoping people will learn from it and I will learn from others’ comments. So please, any and all constructive criticism is accepted

[Thief] initiative needs a rework.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


It looks like the OP doesn’t know much about the thief class. You say you have a thief, either you’re lying or it’s a lvl 2 thief with 3 hours spent on it.

Honestly I’ve heard the “I play a thief so it needs fix” argument too many times, people need some more originality coming up with arguments for thief nerfs.

Seems to me People who hate the truth only hear hate when the truth is spoken. I have played my thief for over 200 hours i will even provide a screenshot of my character for the non believers. I am pointing our fundamental flaws in this class and i am tired of all those cheese thieves with no skill abusing their spammable skills. Here is proof that I thief.

Tbh 283 hours isn’t that much time spent on a class to have that much experience on it. To fully understand a class I believe you need much more.

Even if you do thief in pvp, you have to understand that with thief there’s a wall of bricks, thief is outstanding against newer/noob/unskilled players, but not so much on experienced players. If you’re heartseeker spamming, or GETTING heartseeker spammed and dying then obviously theres something wrong skill wise.

I’m not saying what I want to hear, this is simply the truth.

[Thief] initiative needs a rework.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


It looks like the OP doesn’t know much about the thief class. You say you have a thief, either you’re lying or it’s a lvl 2 thief with 3 hours spent on it.

Honestly I’ve heard the “I play a thief so it needs fix” argument too many times, people need some more originality coming up with arguments for thief nerfs.

There is no counter to stealth

in Profession Balance

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


You lost target when the thief goes into stealth and does not retarget it when thief reveal, by the time you click back on the thief you dead or almost dead by backstab and heartseeker.

All range weapon is useless against thief. If you fire a range weapon with out a target your projectile just hitting the ground and your feet. There for a full glass range build is not an option for WvW roaming as you always has to carry a melee weapon.

My suggestions:
Why not adept Wildstar’s telegraph system, the aoe is already telegraphed if you see a red circle you know is enemy aoe and dodge away. Make all projectile fire forward if you don’t have a target and show us damage we deal.

That way thief can still stealth all they want, and all weapon are useful even with out a target

You do realize you can aim ranged weapons without a target? Hold down right mouse button and press the skill.

And guys, just because there aren’t many HARD counters to stealth doesn’t mean there aren’t ANY counters to it. Don’t come crying to the forums because you died to a thief. Maybe you should learn the soft counters to thief instead of looking for a solid answer. It’s not about what skills to use its about how you PLAY against a thief. You guys are all looking for the wrong thing when it really comes down to simple gameplay mechanics. (AKA turning your body so that you reduce their damage by half)

Besides, I bet most of the people that cry about getting “Omg insta 1 shotted by thief pls nurf” are glass. That’s what thieves are meant to kill.

Turning body is not a soft counter it does not let me auto retarget the thief when unstealth. We need to see the damage done to a stealth target, a better UI.

‘Omg insta 1 shotted by thief pls nurf" are glass. That’s what thieves are meant to kill.’ So much for build diversity, only thief glass is viable option what a great idea.

What are you even saying? “Only thief glass is viable option what a great idea” And build diversity for what? WvW? Theres plenty of build diversity in WvW. PvP? Lots there too. If you’re saying you can’t play glass because you’re afraid a thief will kill you, learn to not let a thief get the jump on you. With glass cannons, it’s basically whoever bursts first wins. The reason thieves kill glassies easier than others is because they can get the jump on them. Learn to either get the jump first, or defend against the jump, or play a semi-glass build. Did you know you can become much tankier just by swapping out some precision for another stat like vitality or toughness?

Auto-retargeting isn’t a big deal, if you can’t simply press tab or click again there’s something wrong.

And yes, turning your body is a counter to thief. Constantly turn your body, it makes it harder for a thief to hit your back, and some might not even try to and just wait out the stealth.

There is no counter to stealth

in Profession Balance

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


You lost target when the thief goes into stealth and does not retarget it when thief reveal, by the time you click back on the thief you dead or almost dead by backstab and heartseeker.

All range weapon is useless against thief. If you fire a range weapon with out a target your projectile just hitting the ground and your feet. There for a full glass range build is not an option for WvW roaming as you always has to carry a melee weapon.

My suggestions:
Why not adept Wildstar’s telegraph system, the aoe is already telegraphed if you see a red circle you know is enemy aoe and dodge away. Make all projectile fire forward if you don’t have a target and show us damage we deal.

That way thief can still stealth all they want, and all weapon are useful even with out a target

You do realize you can aim ranged weapons without a target? Hold down right mouse button and press the skill.

And guys, just because there aren’t many HARD counters to stealth doesn’t mean there aren’t ANY counters to it. Don’t come crying to the forums because you died to a thief. Maybe you should learn the soft counters to thief instead of looking for a solid answer. It’s not about what skills to use its about how you PLAY against a thief. You guys are all looking for the wrong thing when it really comes down to simple gameplay mechanics. (AKA turning your body so that you reduce their damage by half)

Besides, I bet most of the people that cry about getting “Omg insta 1 shotted by thief pls nurf” are glass. That’s what thieves are meant to kill.

[Video] Thief D/D WvW Roaming (Solo/Duo)

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


I have three thieves at 80 now as I like the array of builds and how they play so different.

I have a question on your rune choice. I had speculated on using “Rune of The Golemancer” as a power thief using s/d and perhaps a p/p set. I notice you have Ogre and thus that rock dog.

Do you find the rock dog is a “tell” as to your location when you stalk and try to remove yourself from battle. How effective is that dawg in battle?

I expect in battle it not that big a deal.

I had envisioned just for a lark getting out thieves guild, the thief from ambush, a Rock dog or A Golem and then get one of those sigils of demon summoning for the fleshweaver. An army!

Well, basically I went for ogre because it was similar to Scholar in stats and it was cheaper. The 4% damage at all times helps a bit, too. The rock dog does give away my location sometimes, but it’s nice to have around at times.

I like the idea of having an army xD But yeah if I had the gold I would buy scholar.

[Video] Thief D/D WvW Roaming (Solo/Duo)

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Yeah I’m working on my next one currently, it focuses much more on the fights instead of too many crazy effects during the fight.

[Video] Thief D/D WvW Roaming (Solo/Duo)

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Yeah I do have some editing that breaks the action a lot. I got pretty carried away X_X I did use the griffon to cheat since she was so good at dodging CnD xD

But thanks both of you for the comments, I appreciate it.

I had trouble once with the low movement speed, but I basically just try to be more careful and take my time when playing D/D without Signet of Shadows or Traveler runes. It really just takes some getting used to.

(edited by alchemyst.2165)

[Video] Thief D/D WvW Roaming (Solo/Duo)

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Hey everyone,

So I’ve decided to post my Thief roaming video here in hopes that more people will see it and maybe give me editing/roaming tips. Or if you want to learn from the video yourself then that’s great too.
I’m a new editor, so I think I kind of get carried away with the effects xD

But anyways, hope you guys enjoy

(edited by alchemyst.2165)

Identical thieves outnumbered fighting

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


I faced you guys in spvp today :P

Edit: I love seeing thief teamwork…And the fact that you guys are identical.

(edited by alchemyst.2165)