Showing Posts For alcopaul.2156:

Transferring servers is ridiculous

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


guesting. when its ready.

Why is there a Gift of Ascension

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


The gift of ascension already has a use.

but it could be extended to be used to convert other exotic items.

Why is there a Gift of Ascension

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


do you think the presence of Gift of Ascension is a clue that A.NET is possibly looking at a way of getting our current exotics and converting them to ascended items?

See prototype capacitors is of “Exotic” quality and we ascend them using the Gifts.

If so, i think the process should involve

10,000 Lemons
10,000 Pears
10 Gift of Ascension
Exotic item

Disconnected during LS event update?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


one way to solve this disconnected issue is to give everyone a precursor as a christmas gift.

Yeah and anger everyone who did the event but didn’t get one from the chest. All I see them doing is sending out a mail to those who participated, but didn’t get the chest, the 20 slot bag and possibly the accessory. They will not likely give people a shot at getting a precursor.

i mean everyone. even those who got some crap in the chest.

Forum users ARE NOT the minority

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


2 million + accounts.

Fewer than 1 million forums users

Therefore a minority. Cuz that’s what it means.

Pretty simple really. /thread

do you have to eat all the fishes in the sea to know what fish tastes like?

you just need to eat one to 2 fishes.

Because the taste of a fish equates to the disposition of one’s opinion? I just don’t see your logic there.

the logic is that if all of the population is enjoying and not sharing opinions, then i could just get a tiny sample from them and get the representative opinion. their opinion would be generally the same anyway. they will just say “i enjoy the game”.

to ask a population that 100% voting for obama individually is impractical. just get 1 or 2 since the total population is 100% voting for obama anyway.

Forum users ARE NOT the minority

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


OP is wrong, for one reason. Someone may not play the game anymore, but has lifelong forum access. I’ve noticed that most disgruntled doomyellers do not play the game anymore. On a forum of a sub based game, these players wouldnt have a forum account anymore, and thus unable to reply. Here, quite a few of them keep spamming doom and gloom, even though they’ve stopped playing.

So imo you can’t really count them in the player group.

The one that asked for “vertical progression” were the minority too amirite?

what you should do is to compare the number of those who asked for vertical progression and the one who complained afterwards.

im a frequent forum visitor since the beta and i can tell you that i never seen many threads asking for vertical progression.


Now you will for sure show us a statistical evidence more significant of the situation you are trying to disprove right?

Sure. I’ll show you the same amount of statistical data the rest of the replyers and the OP did in this very constructive discussion.

start with a 10.000 posts thread of complaints with 100.000+ visits…with more pages than whole general section pages.

Just to put some numbers

Add polls on forum

Your move now… me something similar.

Have you corrected for the positive posts in that thread and the number of “give us vertical progression” topics before the LS update? And do you know how many players that originally quit the game, came back after said expansion?

Point is: this thread is only speculation. you cannot know if the forum users are the majority or the minority. My point was not if it’s a majority or minority, but that it is not an accurate (random) population.

The one that asked for “vertical progression” were the minority too amirite?

what you should do is to compare the number of those who asked for vertical progression and the one who complained afterwards.

im a frequent forum visitor since the beta and i can tell you that i never seen many threads asking for vertical progression.

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

Disconnected during LS event update?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


one way to solve this disconnected issue is to give everyone a precursor as a christmas gift.

80-1.30 gold in 30mins? would you be happy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


i would be happy if dailies reward 1 gold.

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

Forum users ARE NOT the minority

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


ever heard of sampling? or electoral college?

(this is in support of the OP)

Scientific samples are chosen randomly to represent the entire test group. Forum posting is not. Forum posters only represent forum posters. Any corelation to the total population is merely coincidental.

forum posters also come from the entire test group aka the player base. lol.

Has this game gone downhill?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


How has the game gone uphill then? There are less people playing and everyone is shuffling themselves to that new dungeon. So much harder to get a group to do any PvE content that is non dungeon.

The OP said that the game is dying because Tombs (the pvp area) is hard.

Class Balancing through Duel.

in PvP

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


it’s always 1vs5 for the Lakers. Kobe doing it all.

Question for those that 'grind' gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


This isnt a thread attacking those that grind. I myself did enjoy a grind in MMOs of the past but I just dont see the reason behind grinding gold in GW2. Please enlighten me. Is it just impatience? Wanting what others have? The whole ‘im better than you because I have a legendary’ thing? Help me understand!

firstly is to get the best stat items. then if done, the optional thing to do is to get the skin that looks cool and i can realistically get.

that’s basically it. because if you think that your at par with the person gearwise, then you won’t have to think that the only reason you lost is that you are wearing a subpar gear.

that’s about 20 gold i think.

the reason to really grind gold at high volumes is to get that “Golden” title.

other than that, idk. maybe greed or the player values that one has.

There is never enought gold :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Yes. I would feel less happy if my neighbour or everone else would have the same car, Bentley for instance. This care is so awesome because only small portion of people have them. I wouldnt care about this care if everyone would have it.

Why you think that rich people are buying expensive cloths, cars, houses, etc? They are doing it because they can and they want to prove everything they have money for it.

how would you feel if you see no homeless people on the street or you see no jobless people or disillusioned people resorting to crime because they cannot earn or keep up with life? i can tell that you’ll feel less happier too.

There is never enought gold :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Legendary weapons are not for those who simply wants to ‘’enjoy the game’’ they are for serious gamers. My girlfriend is one of these enjoying the game, she dont even have full exotic gear and she dont even care about legendary because she know thats for the most dedicated and serious players.

i didn’t care about legendary item because it had the same stat as my pearl exotic gs. but now that legendary will assume the stats of ascended, that means is requiring me to grind an ascended equivalent to keep at par with the legendary. by the looks of now, it needs 250(+) ectos and t6 mats to get a back piece. imagine if it were a weapon. prolly over 9000 ectos and t6 mats right?

if they will make it easier for players to get ascended stuff, then cool. i won’t still care for legendary coz i leave it for the “dedicated” players.

Precursor Events @ Christmas ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


i just want to get the precursor, not legendaries.

Precursor Events @ Christmas ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


an event similar to the karka one, hopefully less boring and doesn’t take 3 hours ~

Any one-time short event would be a waste. If it only happens once then they better make it long and awesome.

I hope they don’t listen to the impatient people and make us really earn whatever reward the event yields.

impatient? when i get a precursor, it will take me 1 year to gather the gifts of whatever. yes, i will still “work” for them, just to please you. so im still patient.

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

There is never enought gold :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


I agree with your point. I’m uncomfortable with the idea of everyone easily being able to get the best thing out there. It defeats the purpose of wanting and working to obtain specific items.

why would i want to work in the game? I just want to play the game and get rewarded while playing the game. meaning and i want to enjoy the game and get happier when i get the reward.

Not working for it coz working gives me a picture of like killing 10000 mobs and getting 2 vials of powerful blood. so i have to like kill 10000 mobs 125 times to get 250 powerful bloods more. next task, killing 20000 mobs to get 5 ectos. etc etc.

Precursor Events @ Christmas ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


give us a Christmas gift item that definitely gives a precursor (without RNG).

Yeah, make a gift really a gift. That is when i open it, what Santa packed is what will I get.

if this will not get implemented, i will just tell A.NET, “Why don’t you want ALL your players to be happy this Christmas, A.NET?”

Farming for Legendary is rediculous.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


yeah, i forgot about that. the skin, not the stats.

Farming for Legendary is rediculous.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


legendary gs tho will carry the best available stats and volcanus and vision of the mist will stay as exotic. i expect volcanus and vision of the mist to cost 10-15g in the future.

Gold Farming needs to be balanced ASAP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156



my relationship with guildwars 2 is like marriage. i bonded with the gw franchise since 2005 and i’ve never played any games but guild wars, played diablo 3 briefly while waiting for gw2 release and gw2 was released. i was happy. i played spvp purely for the first months and decided to level 1 character to 80. then i found the pve great and stopped spvp . i didn’t mind that people were getting legendaries within 1 month, playing at my own pace because i know that i can get maxed within a shorttime and do wvwvw or go back to spvp again. or i could just raise my numbers (gold, mats up) and level alts, or explore tyria. i was not worried about getting outdated.

i was “happily married and secure” till my wife, the game, started to “go to Las Vegas and gamble.” now it’s still ok, i still play it but im projecting that if “she doesn’t stop going to Las Vegas and camping near the slot machine”, i might get bankrupt.

The reason that i’m sticking is that i have no choice but to play the game and to help it stir to what i think is the right direction. it has a sentimental value to me. i know things change but i have to remind the devs why change is not always the solution. do you know why vintage cars cost more than the latest car? do you know why antiques sell more? do you know why we still keep the values like word of honor and integrity highly?

i love the game. i want the game to be good and high quality. that’s why i state my complaints which i can wrap as suggestions. and im glad that im not alone.

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

Gold Farming needs to be balanced ASAP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


i mean you trust one day they said this and the other day they said that. you’re oblivious to this, right?

Gold Farming needs to be balanced ASAP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


you sure about that? because simple prediction methods will lead you to thinking that they will add legendary armors and trinkets to make them compatible with the weapons.

all orange → all pink → all violet?

Gold Farming needs to be balanced ASAP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


there will be the final Legendary tier.

Ascended is supposed “to bridge the gap between Exotics and Legendary”? Remember?

Gold Farming needs to be balanced ASAP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Dogblaster, they will add the rest of ascended gear and to top that, they will add the legendary tier which you say that the casual players don’t deserve.

You know how much crafting a crappy ascended infused back piece? 250+ ectos and t6 mats? if you dont want the mats, do you know how many runs do you have to do to get an infused prototype capacitor? zillion runs and 250 ectos. How about the rings? anecdotal, i’ve run many dailies and i only got 1 ring. and i cannot progress so i am gated at level 20s and i only have +5 resistance overall.

This is just the three items.

Check how much in TP the items.

How about the rest?

And the legendary tier?

i’m not even a casual player. i bought gems in bltc (not a problem).

but i look below me and i imagine how kittened up and frustrating the situation is.

Gold Farming needs to be balanced ASAP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


before november 15, 2012, these “casual” players have a realistic timetable to get the best items in game. Moreover, these “casual” players don’t have to get a legendary because they can just get a power/vitality/toughness pearl weapon and it functions the same as legendary weapon.

A.NET announced vertical progression and this kittens suddenly blowing their horns and feeling superior. Probably WoW or Korean grade MMO players.

See A.NET? This is what you’ve done.

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

Gold Farming needs to be balanced ASAP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


i don’t know the hard core players man. must be a tiny minority. coz even student gamers have to spend time in school, gamers with jobs spend most of their time in their jobs, housewive gamers have to take care of the house the garden and kids, or even jobless gamers have to spend time finding jobs.

i don’t know the hardcore demographics. please kindly tell me, dogblaster.

the only hardcore people players that i know are those botters who have to earn gold 25/8.

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

Gold Farming needs to be balanced ASAP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


PvE Dailies should award 1 gold. So if i’ll play for 1 year, I can have 365 gold. but im not sure if the prices of precursors after 1 year of playing will be the same (prolly it will cost 1500 gold by then)

Forum users ARE NOT the minority

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


do you have to eat all the fishes in the sea to know what fish tastes like?

you just need to eat one to 2 fishes.

I was going to blast this and then I realised you were being sarcastic.
Good show. Well trolled.

The quote implies that i can take 1 player from say 1.6 million players who don’t go to forums and enjoy the game, get his opinion and that one’s players opinion is enough to represent those 1.6 million people’s opinions.

Forum users ARE NOT the minority

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


2 million + accounts.

Fewer than 1 million forums users

Therefore a minority. Cuz that’s what it means.

Pretty simple really. /thread

do you have to eat all the fishes in the sea to know what fish tastes like?

you just need to eat one to 2 fishes.

Forum users ARE NOT the minority

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


I hate it when people say forum users are the minority of the community.

We aren’t. Anyone who knows about maths and sampling knows that forum goers provide a snapshot of the community and what we say reflects generally the feelings of the whole player base.

I know forum users = self selected sample so we arent totally reliable for feedback but that doesnt mean the people here and on other forums culminate to be a minority. It doesnt.

Most of the forum users are ex beta players and GW1 fans from a quick cursory glance over at things, that is not a sampling of the open community at large.

The people who actually come to forum are the people who share their feedbacks about the game positively or negatively. those “who enjoy the game and play it and never bother the forums” are those who either mindlessly play the game or just plainly apathetic.

What's happening to the price of gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


grind more gold or pay cash. that’s the way it is.

Guild Wars 2 Should Go Free2Play

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


yes put the best items in Cash Shop and make the game “more grindier” for those who won’t buy in Cash shop. That will work.

It’s not solely pay to win since we have an option for those who won’t pay to get the items in Cash Shop.

Yes, those who will pay Real Money must get the best stuffs. This is not a far fetched idea and this is what happens in real life.

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

Forum users ARE NOT the minority

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


ever heard of sampling? or electoral college?

(this is in support of the OP)

Lets see your engineers!

in Engineer

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


here’s my engineer


Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


here’s my guardian


GW2 takes everything you love about GW1...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


things that i loved in guild wars 1

1.) IWAY
2.) Item Stat Cap

So not true man.

Tired of stupid RNG fractal rings drop-rate

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


i did dailies zillion times and only got 1 ring. kitten i must be flagged or something.

Gift of Ascension + Exotic Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Hey A.NET, I got an idea!

How about the ability to convert our existing exotic items to ascended items by just putting

5 Gift of Ascension
10 Fractal Relics
2 Lemons
Exotic Piece

To the mystic forge…


Saves you coding time. And from the community rage.

You could also redeem yourselves. By doing this, you stick back to your “We don’t make grindy games.” stance.

Player to Player Trading Window NEEDED

in Suggestions

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


no need for p2p trading. it’s redundunt

Triforge pendant and it's future fate.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Triforge is the original name of Arena.Net

check wiki.

Why Ascended gear should be tradeable

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


ascended items costing 20g+ per item? lol

Virtue of Resolve buggy?

in Guardian

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


I’ve done some testing and these are my results
Guardian5: 1230 healing power
with trait: tooltip says 317, actually heals self for 207 and party members for 166
without trait: tooltip says 158, actually heals self and party members for 166


My healing power is 1417 and my virtue of resolve tooltip healing is only 169.

How do you “trait” virtues?


(edited by alcopaul.2156)

solution for unauthorized RMT

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


the direct beneficiary is anyway and they could implement gold sinks in game to reduce the amount of gold in the economy. or the richest players could close their eyes and spend 200g on 4000 gems if there are cool/rare/novelty items in bltc. this is easy to solve.

This solves nothing. You are basically saying that there should be more gold sinks in the game so that you can get an arbitrary amount of gold for x dollars. So players who don’t buy gold get hit with these gold sinks so that players who do buy gold get to pump money into the economy at will.

it’s worse then nothing, because then the economy woud be structured around buying gold at that level.

would you like to pay 4000 gems worth of money every week just to be able to effectively play the game?

assuming that everybody will be required to buy gold from bltc.

If you structured the sinks around a large influx of gold from the BLTC, then you would effectively force people to continue to buy from the BLTC. So I ask again, do you want to be forced to pay 400 gems a week to effectively play the game?

this is like forcing everyone to get a legendary to effectively play the game.

no one will be putting their money every week in the bltc coz we got stuffs like food, clothes to buy and rent to pay in real life.

tell that to the son of a sultan or multibillionaire that plays gw2. im just a middle class and i got bills to pay.

Who sets Gem prices?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


The currency exchange has a supply of Gems and Gold.

If players are converting Gold to Gems, then the Amount of Gold player will receive for their gems goes up.
If players are converting Gems to Gold, then the amount of Gems players receive for Gold goes up.

thank you John for this.

but does this tell me that buying gold from bltc will actually entice me to buy from gold sellers since the gem->gold rates becomes undesirable when more people buy from the bltc?

and does this tell me to support gold sellers to make it worth to invest to the bltc again?

so it see saws between the gold sellers and the bltc? and to attain the balance, the rate should be a compromise between the gold sellers and the bltc?

so how about competing with the gold sellers rate? is this an option that you’re looking at?


i just realize the implication of the post. this could mean that the rate movements require you to support gold sellers to get the bltc going. conspiracy? lol.

solution for unauthorized RMT

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


the direct beneficiary is anyway and they could implement gold sinks in game to reduce the amount of gold in the economy. or the richest players could close their eyes and spend 200g on 4000 gems if there are cool/rare/novelty items in bltc. this is easy to solve.

This solves nothing. You are basically saying that there should be more gold sinks in the game so that you can get an arbitrary amount of gold for x dollars. So players who don’t buy gold get hit with these gold sinks so that players who do buy gold get to pump money into the economy at will.

of course, the real money investor should get “advantage” over those who just invest their time to get the same stuffs. technically all items can be acquired by anyone. the advantage is that those who invest money gets them faster. and say if guild wars 2 has no real money trading, those who still invest money from gold sellers will get the items faster than normal players anyway. same kitten.

i would rather the situation be giving advantage to my real money patrons than giving advantage to exploiters/illicit gold buyers.

solution for unauthorized RMT

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


the direct beneficiary is anyway and they could implement gold sinks in game to reduce the amount of gold in the economy. or the richest players could close their eyes and spend 200g on 4000 gems if there are cool/rare/novelty items in bltc. this is easy to solve.

This solves nothing. You are basically saying that there should be more gold sinks in the game so that you can get an arbitrary amount of gold for x dollars. So players who don’t buy gold get hit with these gold sinks so that players who do buy gold get to pump money into the economy at will.

it’s worse then nothing, because then the economy woud be structured around buying gold at that level.

would you like to pay 4000 gems worth of money every week just to be able to effectively play the game?

assuming that everybody will be required to buy gold from bltc.

Who sets Gem prices?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


The currency exchange has a supply of Gems and Gold.

If players are converting Gold to Gems, then the Amount of Gold player will receive for their gems goes up.
If players are converting Gems to Gold, then the amount of Gems players receive for Gold goes up.

thank you John for this.

but does this tell me that buying gold from bltc will actually entice me to buy from gold sellers since the gem->gold rates becomes undesirable when more people buy from the bltc?

and does this tell me to support gold sellers to make it worth to invest to the bltc again?

so it see saws between the gold sellers and the bltc? and to attain the balance, the rate should be a compromise between the gold sellers and the bltc?

so how about competing with the gold sellers rate? is this an option that you’re looking at?


solution for unauthorized RMT

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


if i can get 100g+5% extra with 4000 gems, then i will buy gems from and if this is the rate, probably 4000 gems will cost a player 200g. so very less people will buy gems with gold.

in other words, my real money was valued right and gems are now valuable commodities since it will require a player humungous amount of gold to get 4000 gems.

this arrangement took care of inflation and has the correct valuation of gold, gems and my cash.

and then no one would buy gems with gold. and then, to prevent massive amounts of gold being pumped into the economy, the price must fall. think beyond yourself for once?

the direct beneficiary is anyway and they could implement gold sinks in game to reduce the amount of gold in the economy. or the richest players could close their eyes and spend 200g on 4000 gems if there are cool/rare/novelty items in bltc. this is easy to solve.

solution for unauthorized RMT

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


if i can get 100g+5% extra with 4000 gems, then i will buy gems from and if this is the rate, probably 4000 gems will cost a player 200g. so very less people will buy gems with gold.

in other words, my real money was valued right and gems are now valuable commodities since it will require a player humungous amount of gold to get 4000 gems.

this arrangement took care of inflation and has the correct valuation of gold, gems and my cash.