Showing Posts For alcopaul.2156:

Legendaries for sale?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


next episode: duping legendaries

Legendary twilight on trading post 9500g

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


the seller is obviously trolling.

“Over 9000!!!!!11111!!!”

Skimpy clothing preference

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


i encountered 2 people harassing me because my engi was wearing duelist and vigil leggings combo. referred to them as “westboro inbred prudes” and they lay low.

Choir Bell is not Tuned right

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


and please extend the duration of the choir bells to 5 hours because im trying to learn how to play Canon in D major. Unbreakable Choir Bells are 58g.

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

Choir Bell is not Tuned right

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


that actually makes it kinda funny so i say keep it the way it is

so only people who are not tone deaf can play ’Twinkle twinkle little star" or “Do a deer a female deer” song?

that works too lol.

but it’s obviously a bug, unless A.NET is Christmas Trolling.

Choir Bell is not Tuned right

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


skill 1 is D or Re and skill 7 is C or Do.

skill 8 is obviously D or Re.

it’s a major scale that starts with Re and ends with Re.

But the description says skill 1 is Do and skill 8 is Do.


(edited by alcopaul.2156)

"LFG Level 26 daily"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


So why didn’t they just use the Gift of Ascension, a Vial or Glob and Crystals/Philosopher Stones?

Gift of Ascension is kinda redundant but the rest are ok.

i would substitute like 100 fractal relics for the gift of ascension.

"LFG Level 26 daily"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


I’ve only ever gotten one Vial of Condensed Mists essence and not yet seen a Glob. But I’ve been stuck at level 10 due to the gating.

i empathize with you. i got stuck on a level because of gating too because i lacked the +AR to carry on. but i hope you get a ring drop and get that fractal capacitor because you can get that one vial to upgrade your fractal capacitor to ascended. 2 regular rings plus the ascended capacitor is +15 AR.

ring + 5 of the 1-9 + 3 of the 10-19 + 1 of the 20+
So you need all 3 types.

really? they need to depend on rng drops again? how about making fractal relics as a requirement? like 3 condensed, 2 coagulated and 250 fractal relics? How about 3 condensed, 2 coagulated and 1 crystallized, if still insist on crystallized? or 2 condensed or 1 coagulated or 10 ectos?

or how about lowering the infused drops to level 20 again? what’s the point of raising the bar to level 24? what’s the rationale behind that? is that a magic number why not level 22? coz 4 level ups is better?

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

"LFG Level 26 daily"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


1 ring + 5 of the drops from 1-9, 3 of the drops from 10-19 and 1 of the drops from 20+ (globs of coagulated mist or whatever). Chuck it in the MF and out comes an infused version of the ring.

can you make it more clearer?

you mean the ring and 5 condensed mist or ring + 3 condensed or ring + coagulated will make it infused? no more 250 ectos?

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

"LFG Level 26 daily"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156



can you link me the process of upgrading rings to infused version?

and by this update means that @level 20 and 22, you can get either infused or uninfused rings?

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

"LFG Level 26 daily"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


why is this so? infused rings only drop at 26++? did they made a change? why there is less lfg fotm 20 dailies forming in

Please bring henchmen and heroes back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Devolving GW2 to GW1? No way.

They reduced the party size from 8 to 5. That 3 less kittens, if you insist that the community is all kittens that should be replaced by ai.

Why do you care how other people complete dungeons?

this is an mmo, not a single player game.

Why do you care how other people complete dungeons?

i don’t care. all i care about is the general effect of henches to the game.

because henches are a bad mechanic that would ruin the “mmo” part of the game.

also, i want dungeons to be 5 man. so i care now. i want dungeons to be played by a 5 man team.

Please bring henchmen and heroes back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Devolving GW2 to GW1? No way.

They reduced the party size from 8 to 5. That 3 less kittens, if you insist that the community is all kittens that should be replaced by ai.

Why do you care how other people complete dungeons?

this is an mmo, not a single player game.

Please bring henchmen and heroes back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Devolving GW2 to GW1? No way.

They reduced the party size from 8 to 5. That 3 less kittens, if you insist that the community is all kittens that should be replaced by ai.

Vote for Guild Wars 2 in GotY!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


what’s wrong with people logging in forums and hating GW2?

on topic: “uk” is substituted with “kitten”

Guildwars 2 PVP vs. Guildwars 1 PVP

in PvP

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


if you miss GW1 PvP go log on in Guild Wars 1. Servers are still running. Go play HoH and see your stupid guild name that you think that is witty flash on the general status. Or get the kittening #1 ladder spot from people who quit GW2 because they can’t get at par with top GW2 teams. All are still there. Stop destroying the uniqueness of GW2 PvP by telling the devs to make GW2 PvP GW1 PvP.

Sure, GW1 PvP was fun when it was new. I played it in 2005-2006. And it got old. Try logging on now and play GW1 after playing substantial amount of GW2 and it will fill like driving a kittening tractor truck after you drove a kittening Rolls Royce.

So to those people who say that GW1 is superior and GvG and HoH are better than this, go kittening play Guild Wars 1. Install it again.

The thing you said about variability in gw1 is bs mate. You had a set meta and could just obs any monthly finals and see teams running mirror builds with 2-3 different skills out of the 64 of the team. Anything else was dicking around in ra/ab or whatever

yes, it was mirror matches because variety becomes dead as long as some weird build overpowers the almighty balanced build. nerfed kitten and all you see are this singular meta balanced build.

GW1 never made it to the big leagues of e-sports and making GW2 GW1 will do this kitten again.

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

No more weapon swapping during game?

in PvP

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


I approve of this change. Opening your paperdoll and slotting weapons and jewellery in the middle of a match is clunky and ridiculous. It’s not skillful, its tedious, and was probably not intended. I was surprised you could actually do this. It was bad game design. And now they have fixed it.

Adding these limitations actually promotes skill and diversity. Teams will now need to make strategic decisions. You cannot bring a counter for every possible situation, you will need to make trade-offs.

Good change.

making tradeoffs sound like build wars.

No more weapon swapping during game?

in PvP

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


in gw1 there was the BALANCED build , maybe with this fix , gw2 meta would evolve in that way.

guild wars 1 is deathmatch. this is capping points.

and gw1 meta is static balanced build. no build variety no fun.


every type had more builds in it.
i love how gw1 was so static

pressure, spike, split is what you do in a balanced build. you have a single build that can pressure spike and split. nothing else.

one build that does three. that’s why it is static.

No more weapon swapping during game?

in PvP

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


in gw1 there was the BALANCED build , maybe with this fix , gw2 meta would evolve in that way.

guild wars 1 is deathmatch. this is capping points.

and gw1 meta is static balanced build. no build variety no fun.

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


the plan is be the same old single build balanced Crappy Guild Wars 1 all along.

this is not deathmatch. locked stuffs works well in a deathmatch game but not in this mechanic of capping points.

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

"LF1M FotM, no engies"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Just did fotm 12 with 2 engies. Anyone who says any class is worthless has no idea how to play this game and should go back to WoW and should give up.

should go back to WoW

Opinion invalidated due to tired, canned zealot response.

Really? They should go back to WoW because there are no engis in WoW.

How to Deauthorize IP Addresses

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


the only way so far is the costumer support. ive contacted them and they cleared the authorized networks.

Famous last words.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156



nothing can top that.

Game of the year!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Grats A.NET! hopefully you bag the IGN too.

(edit: any official links from Game Informer?)

only 1 ring since 3 weeks ago (flagged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Edit: Now that I think about it, they could apply to you a permanent DR debuff actually…

yeah. they can apply that to anybody.

that system is perfect to indirectly root out what they view as “undesirables”.

Why would they bother? They seem to prefer to do it wholesale rather than target individuals.
And i bet you are seriously mistaken if you think they care about you at all.

i wasn’t implying that it was only me.

i said “….i was one of the many that were opposed to ascended items and were vocal in the forums…..”

so i implied that the people who were opposed to ascended item might get this crappy luck with rings.

only 1 ring since 3 weeks ago (flagged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


I got a consecutive ring drops after the first client update yesterday. One regular and the other one infused. So i have +20 AR now. Thanks A.NET. I was thinking that this thread influenced it. Or prolly, coincidence. Whichever it is, thanks.

after the latest/second client update, i tried to get a ring again, thinking that prolly A.NET did it, but no rings dropped. I might try it 10 times to know that they just did me a favor and did an update just to get my 2 consecutive rings lol.

(yes, i’m solipsistic.)

Thanks again A.NET. or if it’s not you, thanks to the Ethereal Forces of the Binary World.

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

How to Deauthorize IP Addresses

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


i got the california IP. it belonged to Blackberry, which was my last phone. so i rule out that one. the thing is that the michigan ip and i searched the net that it’s from Sprint Broadband, which is still my carrier. I checked the forums and official site using them and i authorized my device. so the ips must be them. So it’s false alarm.

But the thread still stands. How to deauthorize the IP addresses that i don’t use anymore?

How to Deauthorize IP Addresses

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


EDIT: False Alarm. The Michigan and California IPs were from the device that i previously used.

and hey, how do i deauthorize an ip address? there must be some way to do it


(edited by alcopaul.2156)

Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


T2 Armor and the Assassin mask


Cleansing Water And Runes of Dwayna

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


it should work.

Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Assembly Language
(rurik’s armor all the way)


only 1 ring since 3 weeks ago (flagged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Edit: Now that I think about it, they could apply to you a permanent DR debuff actually…

yeah. they can apply that to anybody.

that system is perfect to indirectly root out what they view as “undesirables”.

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

only 1 ring since 3 weeks ago (flagged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


if that will be so, then ill be vindicated. then this thread is right all along.

I wouldn’t really blame them at this point – it sounds as though you’d rather this be the truth than your own imagination, and it’d be a shame to disappoint you.

at least i don’t have the burden of any guilt.

only 1 ring since 3 weeks ago (flagged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


If they didn’t ‘weigh’ your RNG before this thread, they certainly should now.

Just, wow. Wow.

if that will be so, then ill be vindicated. then this thread is right all along.

only 1 ring since 3 weeks ago (flagged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Is it even possible to screw around with the drop rates of an individual player’s account without forcing him and only him to download a patch of some kind?

you twitch the number on the server.

do you mean i need a new browser everytime a homepage is updated? lol.

only 1 ring since 3 weeks ago (flagged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


i have never won the Lottery in RL, have i been “flagged” for that time in the pub that i mentioned that all lotteries were a con?

i have never won the Lottery in RL, have i been “flagged” for that time in the pub that i mentioned that all lotteries were a con?

Yeah, and the ones that win multiple times are fan-boys.

are you kidding me? can they program the balls that goes through the bin that are tossed by air? lol. are you implying that they can dent the balls or put sand inside it for a certain combination to come out?

in computer rng, they can do that, by that i mean allowing certain numbers to come out. these numbers are not tossed by air anyway.

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

I gave up magic find and love it!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


get yourself useful in a party. this means don’t wear magic find gear. it’s selfish and you’ll just be a baggage. use proper armor and just use magic find consumables, if you still insist.

It’s also selfish to demand other people to play as you play and give up their magic find gear,simply,because you want them too.

its about getting useful in a party. your magic find stat doesn’t help the party.

but if +magic find is party wide and stacks per player, then magic find benefits the party and i have no qualms with it.

People can be usefull even with wearing full mf,if you wear full mf you should know how to play and should know the dungeon your going in.I just think that people trying to Force others to not use Mf is the wrong approach.

but it would help if that magic find is something like could add to the total damage of your team so the team finishes a map fast or something like could add to your defense so your team mates won’t res you many times and would finish the map fast.

magic find won’t help your team to finish a map fast.

only 1 ring since 3 weeks ago (flagged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


yes, they can do that. BUT WHAT IS THE POINT? there is no reason for them to do so.

and this is where the “conspiracy” go.

1.) ascended haters give a bad rep by bad mouthing them in forums, telling that they’re liars because of their betrayal of manifesto.
2.) prospective buyers and prolly investors are monitoring at their cashcow
3.) see negativity on the forums.
4.) (ncsoft stocks drop), negative review in other fansites
5.) these haters still play the game coz its buy to play till whenever
5.a) (so what will they do to them, asks coz they threw tomatoes at us)
6.) punish them and reward the fanboys
7.) manipulate the droprates
8.) haters get crap and low chance till they become frustrated and quit out of frustration
9.) fanboys remain, getting exotics and 8 rings out of 9 tries.
9.a) haters finally leave.
10.) all rainbows and joy in the forums coz the haters who decided to still play the game and got frustrated are out.

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

I gave up magic find and love it!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


get yourself useful in a party. this means don’t wear magic find gear. it’s selfish and you’ll just be a baggage. use proper armor and just use magic find consumables, if you still insist.

It’s also selfish to demand other people to play as you play and give up their magic find gear,simply,because you want them too.

its about getting useful in a party. your magic find stat doesn’t help the party.

but if +magic find is party wide and stacks per player, then magic find benefits the party and i have no qualms with it.

only 1 ring since 3 weeks ago (flagged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


What you’re claiming is that you’re the exception. That the rng assigned to you is weighted in your disfavor. Like for example while using a six sided die, you only win when you roll a 1. While other people win ehen they roll a 1, 2 or 3.

There is no reason for anet to single you out like that. You are overestimating your importance to them. They have way bigger fish to fry than screwing over a guy’s drops because he grumbled on their forums.

That is a ridiculous claim.

Again, you were just unlucky. Take it on the chin and move on. You’re doing the equivalent of a poker player going on tilt because he got bad beat three times in a row.

are you oblivious to the fact that drop rates can be adjusted at will? if they can twitch numbers at will, they can certainly do it to their rng, customizing it for those who thought that was stupid or namecalled for adding ascended gear.

hey, it’s not ridiculous as claiming that players can manipulate the rng from their clients using hacks.

anet doing server side mods is very realistic than players programatically adjusting the server side rng to get lucky.

only 1 ring since 3 weeks ago (flagged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


If i have 90% chance to win, but i only win 50% of time i’m not considered unlucky? If you have 10% chance to win, but you win 50% of the time, you’re not considered lucky?
So because we both win half the time we’re just as lucky or unlucky as each other?


just switch the numbers and that’s what im talking about.

or ill do it for you.

if we both have 50% chance to win and you win 90% of the time and i win 10% of the time, you’re luckier than me. plain and simple.

only 1 ring since 3 weeks ago (flagged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


He is not luckier because he has 50% to get an item, and gets the item 25% of the time compared to you if you have a 5% chance to get an item, and you get it 10% of the time.

You are lucky. He is unlucky. Even though he gets more than twice the drop rate as you.

That’s luck.

no one is lucky and unlucky in a scenario where the other has a higher percentage of getting it. to be lucky and unlucky, both persons should have an equal chance of getting it.

i would say that luck can be ascribed on getting a ring. but i posited that the rng can be tainted and if this is so, luck won’t work anymore. all you have is bias.

do you know why i don’t believe in random number generators as a basis of being lucky and unlucky? because they have a fixed seed.

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

only 1 ring since 3 weeks ago (flagged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


He is not luckier because he has 50% to get an item, and gets the item 25% of the time compared to you if you have a 5% chance to get an item, and you get it 10% of the time.

You are lucky. He is unlucky. Even though he gets more than twice the drop rate as you.

That’s luck.

I empathize with your situation. But lashing out and accusing anet of ludicrous things like that in your OP makes me unable to take you seriously.

Really. You’re not worth their time to screw over like that. They have hundreds of thousands of other players to worry about. Not to mention there’s no benefit to screwing your and only your rng weightage. It’s not going to instigate you to spend money on the gem store, will it?

i don’t say im the only one. prolly there are other people who are too and are just thinking that “hey, my rng was not working for me. prolly it’s just the rng.”

so to you who has no or 1 rings after gazillion of tries and you happen to be vocal on your anti-ascended stance on the forums – bad luck or being screwed? think (of being screwed).

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

only 1 ring since 3 weeks ago (flagged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Id say ive got bad luck at the moment but its not magic and I very much doubt its a conspiracy! The way I see it, if RNG is ‘against me’ at the moment then sooner or later it’ll be ‘for me’. Its just % chance and it’ll even itself out after a while (mathematicians be quiet!)

Then again…in the runs that a friend has got 9 rings compared to my 1 ring, ive got 7 exotics (albeit Account bound) compared to her 1 so its swings and roundabouts.

but your exotic loots are prolly affected by your high magic find and she has prolly 1 to 0 magic find. so you have an uneven chances. you’re INDEED more lucky errr prone to looting exotics because you have HIGHER chance of looting exotics.

the chest pops out of everyones ui and gives a fixed loot – fractal relics and bag of lies, err gold and the ring, which is either a 0 or a 1 (and this rng for sure even fragments the chance of having a 1).but still, no factor that can aggregate your chance. so we assume that no one has higher chance. everybody got base chance. yet thing is people get 7 out of 8 tries and people get 1 out of 14 tries. was that bad luck? even a dog can smell bad luck from this kitten.

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

only 1 ring since 3 weeks ago (flagged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


don’t ascribe “bad luck” in an RNG. it’s either your % chance is small or % chance is high.


you know how luck and chance work, right?

I searched for “random number generator” and it was not there.

Luck has three aspects34 which make it distinct from chance or probability.5

Luck can be good or bad.6
Luck can be accident or chance.7
Luck applies to an entity.

i get what you say. if rng doesn’t work well for you, your luck is bad. otherwise your luck is good. but luck as a concept is not confined to numbers. luck is more broader than that. black cat, bad luck. so where’s rng in that?. so i don’t ascribe luck to a computer generated probability.

but if your rng is tainted, that’s a different story. it’s not luck anymore, it’s called being screwed.

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

Better Group Healer - Guardian Vs Warrior???

in Guardian

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


advice: don’t do 6 identical runes. just do 5 minus the headpiece and a different + healing rune on the headpiece to get the +25 healing power.

i do usually 1 rune of the flock and 5 rune of the grove. and underwater aqua breather has 1 rune of the flock too. so its 25+50+90+25 additional healing power.

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

I gave up magic find and love it!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


get yourself useful in a party. this means don’t wear magic find gear. it’s selfish and you’ll just be a baggage. use proper armor and just use magic find consumables, if you still insist.

only 1 ring since 3 weeks ago (flagged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


don’t ascribe “bad luck” in an RNG. it’s either your % chance is small or % chance is high.

only 1 ring since 3 weeks ago (flagged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


i trust how luck works in real life. but not RNG. if some people are getting 8 rings at 9 tries and us 1 ring out of 15 tries, there’s something fishy going on.

only 1 ring since 3 weeks ago (flagged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Is my account flagged or something? i was the one of the many who are opposed to ascended items and i decided to get ascended rings by grinding the fotm. ive been playing since 3 weeks ago with a lot of replayed dailies and so far i got only 1 ring drop. and i hear people who got 7-8 or more rings already. am i flagged because of my stance? was my rng modified to have the smallest percentage chance? i am gated at level 22 because parties want me to have +15 ar. i have only +10 ar and i can’t mindlessly grind for 250 ectos just to give my prototype capacitor +5 ar.


(edited by alcopaul.2156)