The longer you push yourself to play when you don’t really want to, the longer it will take for you to come back to the game after your break. If you really want to stick to GW2, hell any game/hobby, breaks are important. Take everything in moderation. I’m sure there is other things you could be doing than playing GW2, balancing it out will help promote a healthy lifestyle too.
Makes me nostalgic back when I hadn’t played it so I didn’t know (most) everything.
I think they delivered on their manifesto, and while GW2 has yet to surpass GW1 as my favourite game, it’s done a good job and if they keep working on it (like they have been) it can be even more amazing than it already is. People just like to cling on to bad things (there is gear with +5 more vitality than what they have, everyone get your pitchforks) and fail to enjoy the game as a whole. Honestly it’s good that they complain that there is too much gear in the game than complaining about how they can’t log in because it is broken or something like that, y’know, real problems.
Browsing the Forum and seeing a lot of complaints about how the latest patch is the worst thing to happen to Guild Wars 2, but since logging in I find myself having a lot of fun and being happier with the game over all. Most complaints seem to be aimed at the ruining of peoples farming routines and guild missions not being achievable by their respective guilds. With farming being ‘killed off’ and forcing people to play events and group-ish stuff more, and being able to join multiple guilds, I don’t see these two as very valid complaints, but that’s just me, so what is the really big problem with this patch that’s got everyone so mad?
Wow how is this a problem a small price to pay than actually getting rewarded from in game activities that should be rewarding exactly what they give you now
Items being soul-bound serve one very important purpose, and it has nothing to do with the economy.
It make players feel special:
The appeal of having something that you put time/resources towards is genuinely yours and only yours is too much of a market demand for developers to ignore. :POf course, there are other good reasons.
One small one is the blessed security of knowing that if a hacker got into your account, there would be absolutely no way that —--head could steal those items.
These are small ‘bonuses’ if you will, but the main reasoning behind Soulbound items i definately to take them out of the economy, so players can’t buy the best weapons and just trade them around with no downside to any of this at all.
It really isn’t that over-the-top, if this is an issue then people would be complaining about Sunrise and Twilight, giant, ridiculous-sized swords placing odd ink-like footprints to your character which aren’t exactly small. Not that I’m complaining about those, they look pretty cool, but there are bigger more ‘sillier’ things in the game.
In the collector’s edition book, it was stated Tengu were on the cards as playable, but were taken out so they could focus on the other 5 races instead (?). Plus they have their own city they’ve sealed up, a fair chunk of lore based on them, I reckon it’s safe to say they’re coming it’s just the question is when.
I understand people like to look unique and stand out in a crowd but people here saying they hate CoF gear because ‘everyone’ wears it? Come on now that’s a bit harsh. I wear the full set and some statements here make it seem like I run into 50 people a day wearing the set which is very far from the truth. Just because people like an armour doesn’t mean you have to hate it/them, it’s ok to be mainstream.
Male Charr Necromancer
My Necro name Crash was inspired by the greatest rock band ever made Bon Jovi
Charr T3 weapons (skins) are also available from Karma Vendors in Fields of Ruin, so if you’re just after the skin you can save a fair chuck of Karma that way.
I’m looking at the name of the Twilight rip off and that too is too familiar I think (Orion to Orrian) apparently it is the name of a constellation but still of all the names they could choose
I agree with removing Fractals from the Monthly, as it takes focus off other dungeons and encourages the thought that Fractals introduced a ‘mandatory grind’. It could be a certain amount of Dungeon paths per month (with each fractal counting as a path to get more people in there since thats what they seem to want to do.) I think this is more of a problem than the WvW kills for the monthly since it is easy to get into WvW and contribute. Fractals is a lot harder with needing people for a certain number as well as the whole disconnecting issues with fractals at the moment.
Oh how I agree with the author. I was hoping to be quite active on the Guild Wars 2 Forums when they were announced but getting on here and just seeing so much QQ, i decided to stay away. I come on to check to see if anything worthwhile has been posted but mostly people complaining for the sake of complaining. If this is the best way you can spend your time, posting hyperbole-filled complaints over this game that apparently you despise and never want to play again, you seriously need a hobby.
with the destroyers just wanted to add that in gw1 they were called ‘destroyer of lives’ ‘destroyer of hopes’ and the like, and i reckon over time the populace named each destroyer by what creature/sentient being they looked like
My overflow server was in the middle of the final Lost Shores event when a new build was available. Since it was an overflow server, we wont be able to get back onto it, missing out on the event. Can anything be done about this?
Anet felt this was the proper direction to go…
You act as if chasing after the WoW user base hasn’t killed off many MMO’s in the past. Sure Anet might feel this is best for the game right now, they are probably just as confident all those other failures did when they were chasing after WoW locusts.
I played WoW for 5 years and I can’t see how this is chasing the WoW model. Ascended gear is a new style of gear while in WoW they offer purple gear with extra stats. The same thing but ‘bigger, better.’ This isn’t that
This really isn’t that big a deal, people claim this is the first step down the ‘slippery slope’ but I reckon that’s pretty stupid, like saying in development when they decided they’d have both rare and exotic items that that is what started the ‘fall’
Im thinking with the new upgrade mechanic (name eludes me) they felt that it wasnt appropriate to attatch it to the already existing exotic items so they needed to create a new tier and felt this was the best way to introduce it. Ascendant items are different from exotics because of the upgrade and if you think theyre gonna keep pumping in new ways to upgrade stuff like this (thus creating more tiers) youre crying for the sake of crying
Anet felt this was the proper direction to go in for the kind of items they wanted in the game, it’s not setting off a chain of events leading to tier upon tier, that wont happen, im almost positive. Its hardly even a grind and if you dont like the way this is handled then go find a new game, youre not paying them monthly so they dont have to please you in particular with every update. Go play something else.
I’m just gonna chime in and say I’d love the old login screen back, it was faster to log in and the ‘new’ one isn’t as satisfying as that big ol’ 2 flashing the artwork.
its meant to be difficult..
Charr Necromancer with no speed boost
Played the first game and wanted to see the other side of the fence
There is a book in Divinitys Reach where someone has written that the Canthans did not want to help with the Elder Dragons (maybe not that exactly) and Cantha kept to themselves and the guy wrote “to the mists with them”. Not everyone might want the Canthans to, well, die, but I get the feeling nobody really cares about them and they don’t really care about anyone else (which has been proven), plus with their xenophobic nature I get the feeling if we go there in future content it wont be to make friends.
its not a mesmer mind control thing the question was asked in an interview and jeff grubb said its not
sorry i tried looking for the video but could not find it, it was before the game was released. i guess what i said can be dismissed but im positive im not talking out of mykittenimg src="/include/images/smilies/wink.png" />
its not a mesmer mind control thing the question was asked in an interview and jeff grubb said its not
I think his issue is that he cannot have a horde of minions following him, although tooltips suggest otherwise (I did not read them I’m just taking his word for it). I reckon that would bee upsetting if you are lead to believe otherwise so if the tooltip is misleading I reckon it should be altered.