Showing Posts For daydream.2938:

Deathmatch mode - how many players?

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


3on3 and 5on5. 8vs 8 is already getting zergy.

If you have a huge match like 15 vs 15 ( way too much imo ) then your best bet is something like capture the flag. honestly frustrating though as you could never put together a consistant team for a game that size.

Standard meta thief paid tourny builds?

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Hey. Since im trying to crack into the paid scene i would like, if possible to be practing the thief specs that are considered standard on the paid tourney scene meta.

If anyone could share such a spec, or even better link to a twitch tv or youtube video of such a spec that would be fantastic. Along with any general advice.

and happy new years!

would you play paids more if. (please reply)

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Right, exactly. Its such an uphill battle. And im very interested in getting into paid tournies. but putting a team together and praticing , etc etc, is so hard. The barriers to entry are frankly very frustrating.

Please don't pop up Score at end of match

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


alternatively, have the scoreboard ‘freeze’ the match, no more character actions and damage taken.
but the scoreboard pop up is annoying.

Enforcing team of 5 - very casual-averse

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


1. You can play however you want. Let me play however I want. I do not tell you ‘do not play 5v5’ if you find that fun. I do not tell people ‘do not play all weekend night/day’ either, play as much as you want, it is your life. But, you do not tell me what to do either. I want solo (1v1) ranked que to be matched with people of similar skill level whenever I feel like jumping into game. I have a right to an infrastructure that matches me with players of similar skill level, the same as you. And I want to be able to jump out of the game whenever I feel like without affecting enjoyment of the game of anyone else. So I will join 5 player team when I have few hours to dedicate, and when I have few minutes, I will do just solo que and jump out whenever I feel like. Fair enough?
2. I do not want to waste 10 minutes forming a group, I have other things to do in life.
3. Tournaments also need to be changed into single match ranked games (random maps). Tourney system is not appropriate for every-day que.
4. No, once ranking system is out I want to be ranked too (and I do not really want to play 5v5). I bought the game, I deserve infrastructure support. Just because I am casual and do not want to waste time on making team of 5 or organize my life around game-schedule, it does not mean I should be forced to play in nonsensical and boring hotjoins. I should be able to join solo que and play people of similar skill level as myself in the game mode I find fun (thus one of the points mandating the need for 1v1 solo que).

Please, get real you do not have a right to the company doing things for you. They might want to , or you might choose to leave if they dont. But its not a right.
Now, 1on1 ladder imo would be silly, its almost certaily to be dominated by a handful of classes in specific specs, like d/d elementalist.

HOWEVER. i do think a 3on3 ladder would be a great idea.

would you play paids more if. (please reply)

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Right now the system protects the guilds at the top as it makes it difficult for new teams to pratice vs those already existing top teams.

Honestly if the barrier to entry came down (either more games per tourny) OR lessen the cost of tournies significantly would this change as things stand.

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Unless you have good reason to suspect someone of cheating, or they are being a kitten to you. Then insulting them just makes you look like the fool.

1v1,2v2,3v3 and 5v5

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


The reason no 4on4 is that its getting to be a bit much. theres not enoough population to support that many seperate distinct ladders and game types.

I wouldnt mind seeing dueling servers implimented for 1on1 pratice like old quake rocket arenas but as far as formal ladders or tournies are concerned

3on3 and 5on5 are probably your best bet formats for geniune variety and for not drowing in too much for too little.

Happy new year everyone

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


happy new years

1v1,2v2,3v3 and 5v5

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


to be honest 1 on1 would be too much rock papper scissors.

Sometimes the way you spec to beat one class , will lose to another. Some classes in general have an advantage against other classes in general in a 1on1.

so. id say 3on3 , and 5on5 would be fine.

Elementalist down state rez

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


I doubt it, it was a 1v2 at quarry. There’s currently a glitch where if you go down while under the effects of svanir (from condition damage) and you use mist form you instantly rez. Java from PZ was exploiting this and it can be seen on my channel where my team beat PZ with triple ele, warrior and thief :P Also, I guess I found a new method today which is killing summons/spirits/pets/minions while in mist form.

Exploit Wars 2

wait, if you kill a mesmer summon while in mist form that res’s you?
not sure i understand what your saying. but if so thats a bad exploit.

(AIM) team 5 being made tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Well. if you need a person who can listen for team games, let me know.
play a thief/engy.

Thief Invisible+Condition Damage is OP

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Some class match ups, and in particular spec match ups are nearly impossible to win.

I find beating a d/d aura elementalist in 1on1 with a thief just shy of impossible if the player piloting the elementalist is equally skilled.

would you play paids more if. (please reply)

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


I dont need to know i can win first. I figure i have to pratice enough to get good enough to win. And this isnt rock papper scissors excatly. some teams will lsoe to nearly everybody others beat nearly everybody.
Skill isnt entirely relative. Its like sports. the best (highest rated) team is better than nearly all other teams. But might lose to a specific other good team consitantly cause of match up issues.

@sataarcoeny, YES this exactly.

but overall, its still the best team.

would you play paids more if. (please reply)

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Pvp doesnt work like that isreal. its based of skill. Only 1 team in 8 gets to be the winner. though placing 2nd or 3rd in paids is placing well.

would you play paids more if. (please reply)

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


The barrier to entry for new teams is awful, it takes alot of pratice to get good, and getting farmed its hard enough to get ppl to join, especially when they have to pay to get in.
So you have low success combined with high cost. Regretfully you wont have many new ppl joining till the barrier to entry is reduced. Make the ticket cost alot lower for paids.

would you play paids more if. (please reply)

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Id play paids more if i could get a consistant team. Also. the cost to enter is high, especially given the learing curve.
ppl moving from free to paid are , from what i hear, likely to be farmed for quite a while.

What are some ways P/P can be made favorable?

in Thief

Posted by: daydream.2938


Well. p/p is good for 1on1 with d/d elementalists.
So, if you know for sure your going to be facing such an ele in a match, and maybe in there backlines, perhapst hen pistols would be viable.

Vs bunker elementalist/guardian in tpvp

in Thief

Posted by: daydream.2938


Have a very good ele in my guild. When he double down bunkers its nearly impossible to beat him 1on1.

he can heal more than me so he outlasts. And has a shield effect that absords 3 attacks, and a mist form, to drag out the fight. Only if i land fortunate burst or manage to phsyce him into burning cds do i win.

So, anyone got some tips for how to build a thief for 1on1 vs ele bunkers.

5+ years/5 maps vs 4months-3holiday Games

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


I dont care if every class cant do every roll.
I care a class cant do a roll its supposed to be good at nearly as well as others.

I understand why a thief bunker isnt as good as guardain bunker.
Still certain classes seem a bit lack luster, engy comes to mind.

The sPvP server.

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Where did you hear this about anvil rock? is it just what people are saying , or is there a site to check that sort of data out?

Which should I use for bunker engineer?

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


For node control, bomb kit and flame thrower kit should both be used imo. Elixir gun is pretty worthless imo.

But Engi bunkers are pretty lacking compared to other bunkers. Against a team that is smart they will just leave you sitting at your side point and out number you at the other points.

That…. sounds like how to counter any bunker?

except mesmer ….portal.

Which should I use for bunker engineer?

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


bomb kit for sure.
not only because of big ol bomb but because you can make bombs heal you with a trait up ivnetions that allow bombs to heal.

[NA] Skilled Player Looking for Team

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Well im hoping to put together a team, new to guild wars 2 but not new to pvp. Message me in game if youd like to join us we doing free tournies right now.

Who knows about long run, but at least u can stop pugging right now if you want.

(edited by daydream.2938)

good teams and guilds?

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


thanks alot for replies!

good teams and guilds?

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


:(. Is it that nobody knows who some of the top teams are?

Spvp/heart of the mists locker.

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


The reason it makes more sense to ask for it in spvp is that in spvp respecing etc is free. So its a pure time sink. Might as well try to mitigate that.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: daydream.2938


Is there a way to move where conditions are located on your Ui?

Id much rather have them just under my character in the middle of my screen.

Theoryfight: 8v8 tPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


as it stands in the current 8vs8 aoe can be very useful in a way its just not in tpvp .

Spvp/heart of the mists locker.

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Theres really no downside, since respecing and gearing is free.
Its simply a time saver and i dont think anybody in the player base would find this a bad addition.

Heck it even gives them something to sell at the cash store if they wanted to add more than the standard ‘2’ builds.

The Real problem with Thief Class

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


All things being equal a guardian should win a 1on1 vs a thief.

Having said that.
Where are all the complaint threads about guardians, engys etc.

its clear the thief/mesmer need small adjustement. EVEN IF all they are doing is making ‘noobs’ rage, if they are really bothering that many ppl myb a small tiny adjustment is in order.
For example on theif a tiny nerf to heartseeker range.
( i play a thief as a main).

Lick Wounds underwater

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


The underwater ranger turret is really annoying.

Spvp/heart of the mists locker.

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Hey guys. Was just thinking. Since in heart of the mists all gear/specs are available for free, it makes no sense to waste peoples time respecing all the time.
What im recommending is that the pvp locker have a seperate tab, for lack of a better name for now the ‘batman suit’ tab. That saves 2 or 3 specs (gear included).

That way. Instead of having to go to the merchants and buy everything new in terms of sigils/weapons. And open up traits and uitlities to replace em.

I can have 2 specs (besides the one im speced into already) available at the click of a button. Changing everything from gear to utilities to traits.
The spec im currently in , gets exchanged to the ‘locker slot’ that i just replaced the current spec with.

Saves time respecing between games. And can only be accessed in the heart of the mists.
If you want to control respecing between tourny rounds, should be as easy to do that as it is to control respecing between tourny rounds normally.

Heck they could even sell 3rd and 4th locker tabs from thes black lion trading store.


(edited by daydream.2938)

Engi spvp build?

in Engineer

Posted by: daydream.2938


Im in particular interested in what specs are run in paid tournies to good effect.

I think i found a bunker spec (the one i listed) that will work.
But a damage and a support build would be nice to know also.

Engi spvp build?

in Engineer

Posted by: daydream.2938


If you want a bunker build i can recommend one.
10, 0, 30 , 30.
you want to grab the ability that at 25% life your immune to condition dmage and the ability to regen on using bombs.

For utility , bomb kit, elixir c and exilir s.

its a tricky spec to play but use the rifle knockback and the snare to knock ppl off points, bomb kit f3 also has a kd, and when you use bombs you heal.
For your heal run the heal kit and you can rotate between f1 heal, bomb heal, and health pack heals.

stack toughness.
its not a great spec for kiling , but its a great bunker spec.

Id like to know a good offensive build.

(edited by daydream.2938)

Some boons need more obvious visual effects

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Stability i agree.

myb retalation, but rest are fine imo.

Asura - unfair pvp advantage

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


The difficulty isnt in seeing them, its in seeing there animations for using abilities so you can time interupts.

Let's share: strats, tips, and helpful hints.

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


If your pugging your rolling the dice. Sometimes you get great pugs, othertimes people who can barely move.
So first tip, dont pug if you dont have too.

I wish i had a consistant team. I pug most of the time

good teams and guilds?

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


What are the top teams/guilds that play structured pvp atm , in particular for paid tournies.

Do you see these teams frequently in free tournies?

New condition overwrite exisiting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: daydream.2938


I find it odd that bleeds have a stack limit but not burns or poisons.


New condition overwrite exisiting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: daydream.2938


So. with bleeds. As long as we are ‘at’ or under the 25 stack limit, neither player effects the other as they are independently measured. HOWEVER. AT the limit, a player whos applying weaker bleeds might be occupying slots that the other player could use with his more intense bleeds. hence the drop in dps?

Yet , the other dot effects of burning and poison arent subject to any penalty from different targets?

Question about the math.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: daydream.2938


So , what its doing is taking the original swiftness buff and stacking. Rather than adding the duration of the new buff to the old.

Honestly they should have seriously considered just standarizing all effects of the same type.

Question about the math.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: daydream.2938


Couple of questions about the math.

1. Sometimes a condition will say stacks duration. If its a poison for example, which damage number gets stacked. The first one? cause not all poisons of course are equal.

2. If i have an effect thats +15% damage, and a +5% damage in my dagger, how do they stack.
a). I do 100 damage unbuffed, now do i do 120.
b) I do 100 damage unbuffed, +15% =115. And then 5% on top of the 115.

Im presuming A).
just would like to know to work out my specs a lil bit thanks.

Every1's Opinion about balancing

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Mr big interesting thougths. HOWEVER.

Class variety of playstyles is a slightly different matter than class balance. I think some classes could use more variety, and playing a thief i agree a small adjustment would be reasonble.
But, most adjustments would need to be small. sometimes in an mmo nerfing a skill by a ‘mesly’ 10% makes that skill go from ‘best in the game, idiot if you dont use it’ to ‘worst in the game, your an idiot if you use it’.

I find people almost always underestimate how much a buff or nerf will impact the game, which is why its better to start small, and if still needs nerfiing/buffing adjust it again.

anyone got a d/d power necro build?

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


One bit of advice. When trying a new build , especially if you have evidence from watching other players do it successfully, is give it more than 5 minutues. Sometimes it can take an hour or even more to familarize yourself with a new build and the muscle memory, especially if the escape keys your used to are gone.
If you only take 5 mins to play it, you might be selling yourself short.

"We balance the game for 5v5"

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


this is possibly the only mmo that would have a shot at supporting 1on1 deathmatch. I feel however it would come to be dominated by mesmers.
Maybe im wrong though, be interesting to get data from ladder representation.

My opinions on pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Guild ladder is a semi interesting idea. I think however Best to have team ladders. And focus on guilds for tournaments ( bulk of players in X guild who won, because it may not always be 5 players from same guild).

SPVP Suggestions.

in Suggestions

Posted by: daydream.2938


Its glad to see people posting agreement. i would have liked to get the spvp community feedback but they moved the thread here, sigh.
Still at least im on track that these suggestions are resonating.

Also @ End. Im on board with macro banning i have to say. That doesn’t concern me. BUT, tournaments would mean more if the spvp scene was vibrant. And maybe some of what i’m saying here would help that.

Tried Some sPvP Again...

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


HALF of what people post here are suggestions. I made the mistake of putting suggestion in the title of my post. So ‘duh belongs in suggestion forum’. MOst of the threads here are along the suggestion line, i just used the wrong word and now im paying for it.
The suggestion forum is too general to get relevant feedback on a highly specific issue typically. This is where spvp people play, they know whats up. And people here were responding, so far nobody in suggestion forum.

(edited by daydream.2938)

no downstate gametype for Spvp

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Nobodys propsing removing downed state in wvw or pve. Just spvp.