oh I mean I saw some of the matchs , but wasn’t home for the losers bracket.
Are they available anywhere to watch?
I was unable to see the ‘loser bracket’ I’m really sad ostrich wont be going as I know how much it meant to him, however congrats to the dankening.
Who are the players on the dankening. And what ever happened to the absurd, they looked the one team that could take on the abjured.
Cant seem to find a stream of these games, is it on youtube yet?
(edited by daydream.2938)
When quing with 5, and someone doesn’t hit the accept button we can’t tell who it is we need to tell to accept, or kick for being afk. Plz allow us to pull up a menu like we used to be able to do .
Also, forcing us to stay in hotm is a pain in the kitten , im more likely to afk waiting there than I am in wvw or town.
I hope it wasn’t a bad experience for the Chinese, after all they seem to be fairly disconnected from the Meta in GW2.
HOw badly did they lose to Na/eu in the match ups?
I cant seem to watch that stream on twitch, it uploads so slow.
(edited by daydream.2938)
I am curious if someon can link to the videos, they are not up on the community world series section of the guild wars 2 website.
The ladder wasn’t really the purpose of solo q, it was for people without a guild to be able to find ranked games without facing premades.
Overall solo q was important, and exists in all competitive e sports games. Basically ranked games are now bring a team or get stomped experience.
many teams run double ele, and some run double engy.
Double is common, triple is rare
Guys, its not working now, this isn’t a permanent change, its a calibration. IF this change results in new problems, hopefully we can start thinking of solutions to them.
The only thing I can think is if u drop for less than 1 min and come back, and it happens only once, and the match is a win, maybe no dishonor.
maybe he was 0 and 48, and went on 23 wins in a row ?
Rank 58 engy/ranger here.
I used to play a lot of SPVP, I previously played on redemption with luman (Quija the engy) , white ninja(duck dynasty) SO i have some experience with being on an organized roster.
I play Several weekday evenings, and a lot on Friday/sunday.
I am looking for a group that wants to run consistently, discuss comps, and try to get good. I don’t care about being super hardcore, I would like to be but don’t have the time to commit. But , I want to be as competitive as I can be in a reasonably chill environment. If any groups out there looking for another member to accomplish this, send me a tell.
(edited by daydream.2938)
From a overall perspective of archetype. You need a roamer, and a good source of support for teamfights. Bunkers no longer seem mandatory. The closest thing to mandatory I see is D/D ELE.
A lot of top teams seem not to run Mesmer/ranger at all, some do though so they are viable, but not necessary.
Welcome to every pvp game ever, you hear this in dota, in league of legends, in wow.
If you want an engy/ranger, ill join you guys for some games.
Should be something to prevent early fast rank gains, even if its an artificial cap of some sort. Because people who win a few in a row get thrown way over there head.
has this happened already?
noon? bah ill be at work
REmember paid tournies Anet? Good rule of thumb/heuristic, whatever you want players to be doing, don’t make a barrier of entry to do.
Ie , high cost.
Leaderboards are a rough approximation, they are not highly accurate. But they are not ‘meaningless’. Find someone who is ranked high on the leaderboards, especially extremely high (top 25) and odds are they are a good player.
Remember the leaderboard rankings are based on MMR. Or elo, or glicko, or whichever way you want to call it.
Well if they have played a couple hundred of games and hold/float around the top yes they probably are good player. That is why to an extent the leader is a reflection of skill.
Right, its too an extent, taking leaderboards with a grain of salt, they are a rough appromixation of skill.
some good players, who play solo a lot and q for team matchs might be a bit under represented.
Still not sure what time of day this is?!
YOur picking a good time to go active in wvwvw, looks like ehmry bay is doing a bit better as of late.
what time is this event?
I don’t know if this is still a thing. My biggest issue is limited time but,
1. engineer. But honestly want to learn ranger.
2. Want to find a consistant team that tries to get better.
3. CCC and I believe it was redemption with Quija.
4. I have played a few matchs with you in the past.
5. I can play most evenings, but not every evening. So if you make a schedule im down to go. I can play fri nights, and sunday nights, and sat during day.
yes I agree the leaderboards could use some work on this front.
Actually for quite some time the person who was at the very top of the leaderboards had played I think 15 games? Needless to say I don’t believe that this player was the best player in Guild Wars 2, because there’s no way 15 games could gauge that. That’ s my problem with the leaderboards.
There is now decay. 2ndly to get that high that fast he probably Qued with other high MMR people to start with , so he was facing top teams, overwhelming odds it was someone known with a new account.
But because of decay u cant just afk off an account and sit on a high rank.
How do you tell if the persons build you are look at it is a good build? they seem to link to nearly everything there.
I probably give ranger a look, see if they can be picked up quickly.
Ya but I am kind of stubborn, plus if what you say is true, they will be due for a buff. to bad all I remember how to play is engy
Holy cow! guard was like one of the most played class’s in competitive play when I left, what a huge change.
Right but I am in Na, whats not common there.
What site or place can I go to find out about what is the current meta of tournies, I noticed my engy spec is way out of place in the current environment.
For engies in particular, but all classes more generally.
Leaderboards are a rough approximation, they are not highly accurate. But they are not ‘meaningless’. Find someone who is ranked high on the leaderboards, especially extremely high (top 25) and odds are they are a good player.
Remember the leaderboard rankings are based on MMR. Or elo, or glicko, or whichever way you want to call it.
Sounds like hes trying to pick up on single people!!!
lol jk.
But seriously I wish there was a place where those of us who work 50+hours a week and have other responsibilities could find a team that is actually dedicated to getting better. Very hard unless one seems to be a young college student who can play 40 hours a week .
Playing solo Q unfortunately doesn’t give you a very good proxy of how good you are because so many other variables come into play. Best way to see how your doing is to join a competitive team and play team ranked matchs.
And I think players DO have an elo rating, its just not displayed. Since the leaderboards basically rank people based on an elo.
What is the least played class in team tournies?
Especially the more high end competitive scene.
I managed to catch a shout cast tourney last weekend for the finals, and I noticed No mesmers. I have not played the game for over 8 months, so when I left mesmers where extremely common. But based on what little I’ve seen I am guessing mesmers are low pop in team compositions?
Anyways if people wouldn’t mind letting me know, I tend to enjoy playing something that is demographically underrepresented. Its why I started playing engy in first place.
ironically Skyhammer would probably make a better teamQ map than SoloQ map.
However I feel this map is exploitable to its own meta in a way that’s just not true of any other map. so I could be completely off base about that.
Overall taking it out of rotation is not a bad idea. One bad thing about skyhammer is it gives certain specs, ie crowd control bunker types, or knockback types a huge boost in power. If a map basically has a meta all to its own, that tells you its a problem.
If WvW is dead, the community killed it, not anet.
How can there be different outcomes and new fights each week when every server is tier locked because we, as a community, have stacked servers so much.Anet charging $35+ per transfer is what causes stacking. If they didn’t charge for transfers or were much more reasonable about the cost of it, then you’d see guilds and people moving around a lot more.
Interesting comment. Do you think that free transfers would reduce stacking? That things would just naturally even out over time?
I’m genuinely interested in this topic and would like to get some insight into it from our players’ perspective. (For clarity, I’m not on the WvW Team; y;’all know that. I just found the theory interesting.)
Free transfers overall? Probably not. A massive scaling difference in cost xfers? Possibly. For example, bronze tier being free or incredibly cheap ( or even 1 time free then incredibly cheap thereafter). silver being kinda cheap and t1/t2 being relatively expensive. And if you xfer down a tier, maybe getting a discount.
What you would have is two competing interests. many ppl don’t like being on lower tier because they find it demoralizing, or has less action and is quite. But if you make going down free, ppl looking to move will give lower tier servers extra weight.
The thing is the cost has to be really cheap to move down to bronze, or people just wont do it. But making all servers free would cause wild swings not leveling out.
But , all views need empirical testing, but my guess is a massive scaling cost across the tiers would result in more balance. Matching peoples desires to be on higher tier servers vs the differential of the cost of doing so.
I’d be tempted to go Kaineng / ET because Xfer would be cheaper and im poor as kitten lately
but if its dead and no actibe community aint fun either.
is DR / DH / Fergs zerg fests ?
On dh now, its definitely not a zerg fest as I solo roam quiet a bit, long as your smart u can easily find soloers to kill.
Dr is pushing up in tiers, and likely to end up, not zergy, but tougher for soloers.
t5/t6 is the right compromise between lots of soloers, and never dead.
Is core a zergy guild?
How is the gvg scene in this tier anyway?
I find it nearly an auto win to 1on1 on my Mesmer when im condi speced in PU.
that said, its not very useful for like 15+ man groups running in wvwvw.
What im saying is that mesmers are HARD to balance, more so than most classes (except maybe thief).
They are real standouts in small groups/solo, and fade into background in big groups.
In fact, you could read what im saying as they need a buff to there ability to be relevant in big fights.
the problem is mesmers are over powered in small scale stuff ( maybe a lil bit, like perplexity mesmers with perplex runes) and yet , not very good at large scale stuff.
And PU condi/power played right is probably the best 1on1 spec in the game.
IN fact, confusion is a little overpowered, nerf confusion, and that fixes most of the ‘Mesmer is op’ . Its not so much mesmers as condition damage from confusion.
Yes , tons of karma, and tons of laurels and a lot of wvwvw tokens. Just gold that I am limited on.
So good small group condi build for roaming.
and good large group build for zerg busting organized guild runs.
Hello for a budget of about 25 to 30 gold (ie no perplexity runes). I need to build a Mesmer for small group roaming condi spec, and also for large groups (15+) zerg busting.
So far im debating between pu shatter and regular shatter, 4,4,0,06 or 4, 4, 0,2,4
or 4,4,6
What way do you guys recommend?
And what skills/elite, and gear way of stating out.
So, looking for two entirely separate builds with different abilities and gear.
How is darkhaven in the off hours? I always assumed t6 was completely dead except for primetime.
Sounds interesting. How is the action on Darkhaven? Seems like you guys are kinda pushing upwards now that devonas rest has gotten into t5.
didn’t wet xfer to yaks bend?
Hello me and my friends are fairly hardcore players . WE usually solo roam or run small groups (3 to 5 players)- And are good for double our numbers in a fight, or more.
Mostly we play guardian/Mesmer/thief. And sometimes engy (though I know ENGY has problems with zerg busting).
Recently we are looking to get into zerg busting guilds that run consistently 10-20 people.
Here are some of the guild features we are looking for .
-A NOT open recruitment guild. That does some filtering for player quality and skill.
-Mandatory teamspeak or voip use for runs/raids.
-Runs During Na primetime in the evenings since we are na players. So NA servers also.
-Requires (good) set builds or at least player can justify what they are doing.
-Friendly to run with
-Looks for fights over PPT, and possibly interested in getting into Guild vs Guild.
We don’t mind moving server if we find a good place to go. So please post what your guild is about or send a message. Also please mention what server you are on so we can see if that servers decent for roaming , as would still like to do that.
(edited by daydream.2938)
Honestly grats, your one of only three servers I know of to come from tier 8 and make it back into silver.
Lol silver league is the worst, in bronze, and gold the matchs are competitive, Only the matchup involving sos is a big lead, and that’s not a slaughter.
All 3 mathcups in silver are a slaughter atm with yaks, hod and FA just dominating there respective opponents, not even close.