Showing Posts For frans.8092:

New combo field/finisher anti-stealth

in Profession Balance

Posted by: frans.8092


Yes, please nerf SR so that the slot it uses is freed up when I am no longer obliged to take this utility for rezzing you. Thx.

[Thief] initiative needs a rework.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: frans.8092


Spamming pistol whip and blackpowder eh? Both of which cost 6 initiative in spvp. A thiefs standard ini pool is 12. So 2 pistol whips. Dat spam too OP. meanwhile for the next 5 seconds the thief can do absolutely nothing while you wail on him because he has no initiative

Ikr cuz thieves don’t have utilities…

oh wait..

Oh, I am sure they rather blow their Shadowstep or Shadow Refuge then twiddle their thumbs waiting for initiative to regenerate.

There is no counter to stealth

in Profession Balance

Posted by: frans.8092


If all they did was apply Revealed to a class who is in Stealth upon them being downed, even just 1 second of it while they are invulnerable, I would actually feel a lot better about a lot of things re: Stealth. But I would wager that someone is going to say that would break Thieves irreparably, or take a lot of the skill out of the class with regard to using SR when you’re about to go down or something.

Downed state is intended to delay defeat so that players have a chance to rally, it’s not supposed to lead to a guaranteed stomp and game mechanics do not have not be changed because something annoys you.

Duelers in WvW and attitudes

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


How do you see if it’s a PU mesmer.

It’s the butterfly symbol next to your name-tag that gives it away, invokes similar reactions as the crossed dagger and key.

Duelers in WvW and attitudes

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


Don’t jump into a 1v1. Dumb you even ask.

You have convinced me, why bother with all the finer details, I’ll keep it simple and always jump in and help my allies against the enemy, no questions asked.

The Parrot-Share WvW Build

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Venom Share with thieves’ guild floats around the forum somewhere, I believe messiah named it “panicond”. Adding the parrot looks like a nice idea.

Can find it with google on guild wars 2 venom panic

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


I run for cardio…plus I’m a Ranger.

Then you also have to run the dog once in while

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


Well, I never said he was stupid. His question still is though, even according to your reasoning that follows the line of thinking that it is not smart to persist in a fight that can not be won.

The context of this thread absolves the question of all stupidity. The OP brought up issues of fun and honor, all of which have nothing to do with (and often run counter to) practicality. Because of this, the value of practicality is something that has to be introduced again.

No, it doesn’t, it is part of the game and how it is played, and therefore the context within which the OP is posted. People make their in-game decision independently from the frame set by the OP. Decisions being based on practicality is a given within the game, not something that has to be introduced.

Regardless, that question is stupid because it already answered itself. It basically reads “why do people run away when the fight is not in their favor?” when it’s obvious people run away because the fight is not going in their favor, and they anticipate the fight will not end in their favor.

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


So…see class with high mobility trying to 1v1…

Realize he’s going to run if you get the upper hand…

Realize it’s not a fight you can win because either he stomps you or he runs away…

Run away preemptively…applying the same logic you’ve used here

His question still is though, even according to your reasoning that follows the line of thinking that it is not smart to persist in a fight that can not be won.

(edited by Moderator)

Conditions - Perplexity or Krait?

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Bleed duration, +45%, it’s the best set for bleed duration (Mad King and Affliction are the alternatives) and you can get confusion from the new trickery grandmaster, Bewildering Ambush

Is sword useless in wvw?

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


You can exchange sets pretty fast, with S/D in first, replacing the SB on second for a pistol will switch you from S/D + Sb to S/D + P/D, and vv. Or swap Sword and Pistol and keep the Sb.

Hall of monuments points

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


The front looks very nice, but looking on the back, it’s … those two ‘flaps’ … /cry

Hall of monuments points

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


For example most mini pets start at 1,000g (aka 1 platinum or simply 1k) …

Say what??
I trashed some whites a couple of years ago :s

[Thief] initiative needs a rework.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: frans.8092


Nurf warrior.


No valid argument. This thread is about thieves not warriors. Please leave this thread with your troll arguments.

This thread is a troll. You main a warrior. Unless you are literally using your face to play you should have zero problems with a thief.

I do not main warrior, I actually main mesmer, but I play all other classes as well.

Sure you do,

Everyone can say they play profession X but the people who really do play it can usually tell from what they say that somebody actually doesn’t play profession X.

Why arn't people angrier?

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


Pure subscription based MMO’s are a dead end, the recent ones have all gone f2p.

Character Naming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


I saw one character named after a very famous person, just one letter different. I reported it and was told it wasn’t against TOS.

They are probably more concerned about names from other franchises that are protected, like for instance names from Star Wars characters.

Is sword useless in wvw?

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


If you want something different, you can try power P/D, it’s quite fun to play and most people will think you play condi so they’ll condi cleanse etc :P .

You also see P/D used as second set on S/D. While perhaps more effective on a condition build, P/D does quite well with Power.

Sick of condi builds when roaming

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


Maybe they should remove roaming. If you try to run alone game would teleport you in zerg. This would fix problems.

Lol, I can just picture this.

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


I can respect this, but it doesn’t make much since to me see as how if you do run am going to chase you and if you happen to get away the call to watch the other camps will go out and you are going to be met in camp by me and friends making it harder to take another camp… hell I wont even call out when I see a solo person. if I win my job is done map is safe… if I lose well I figure you deserve the next camp and I will mostly let people have them unless they do something silly like /laugh or blueprint drop.

Well, do chase me instead of capping and please, do call your friends, the more to join in the game the merrier. They could see on the map that someone is capping, so basically if I am allowed to solo cap it means there’s not enough people on the map, or they’re all busy zerging somwhere ….

I guess my point is THIS IS A GAME. YOU DONT REALLY DIE… not even your armor cost to repair. I you are being active in a PvP area and are only PvEing it seems silly..

The points thing is the actual game you’re playing in Wvw. Fighting players is fun, fighting in groups is even more fun, running around looking for duels is not so much, so I group up and we make them come to us while collecting points. You will not see me capping solo a lot, it’s usually something I do when a server is empty and I am just roaming to find other players.

…. I am just trying to understand why in a PvP area you would avoid PvP. esh with how some people respond you would think I ask about gun control or something.

If you are trying to understand you are doing it wrong. You ask the question, but when people answers it, you argue against them, rather then going into depth.

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


Maybe it was pointed out, but if you’re capping camps for points there is only a small window where it is efficient, that is when your freshly capped camp has a supervisor with the righteous buff extending to the next ppt time.

So, say I just capped a camp and you show up, if I timed my capping right the buff on the supervisor will prevent you from capping in time. If however i still have to cap the camp, your presence in your camp (where you are assisted) killing you and capping it cost so much time that in the time wasted fighting you I could cap three or four unguarded camps. Especially since my setup for capping is poor suited for fighting players.

And I might not be in the mood for 1v1, or maybe I am just passing time capping camps until some allies show up and we can go for bigger fish.

Other players could have other reasons off course, but it should be obvious from their action that, whatever their reasons, they don’t want to fight 1v1.

(WvW) Warriors and thieves are crazy op

in Profession Balance

Posted by: frans.8092


This thread again! Yay!

I know. You’d think Anet would’ve gotten the message by now.

I think they favor allowing most topics in forum posts, without ‘censoring’ anything except personal attacks, hate, trolling, and similar. Regular QQ shouldn’t be banned, no matter how annoying.

Anet please put warning up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


It says unique on the ring.

And what does that mean? It is never explained what it is supposed to mean withing the context of the game.

Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else

Many things are not explained in-game. The term soulbound, account bound are not explained in-game neither but I don’t recall anyone complaining those items cannot be sold.

The term ‘soulbound’ explains better what it means within the game then ‘unique’. You also get a warning before soulbinding an item, you get no warning when binding an acended trinket. It would certainly help if a message popped up telling me that I am about to ‘purchase a unique item that I already have’. You even get a warning when buying a salvage kit with karma, why not a warning with something that costs so much more?

If it were actually unique it would be impossible to buy more than one. and only one person would have it.

By the same logic, if it were actually soulbound/account-bound than you can’t have it because someone else had already bound it. But no, because it is soulbound/account-bound/unique to you.

Yeah, unique to you so one character (or account) (who also happens to be the only/unique Commander and Trehearnes right hand in the story) buying another one would be ‘impossible’.

(WvW) Warriors and thieves are crazy op

in Profession Balance

Posted by: frans.8092


Warbanner is easy to see and easy to interrupt with a 2 second cast time, SR is 0.25s cast time so it will almost never be interrupted.

SR displays a big floating house in a red circle and it usually take more then 2 seconds to rezz a downed player.

Anet please put warning up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


It says unique on the ring.

And what does that mean? It is never explained what it is supposed to mean withing the context of the game.

Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else

(edited by frans.8092)

Stealth Performance Fix?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


Seriously, this game is heavily low-end optimised. …

Lol, it’s very poorly optimized and uses too much CPU, even low-end GPU do not get used well.

Character Naming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


It’s an RPG.

No, its and MMORPG.
That’s a huge difference and only share’s the RPG in the name.

What would a MMORPG be without the RPG?

What use is an empty MMO?


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


The tactics you seem to think are bad are there to maintain organization,

Sorry, if it’s going on as described by her, they are bad, very bad.

Critical conditions....a suggestion

in Profession Balance

Posted by: frans.8092


Another side to this issue is that the limitation on the current Condition Damage situation is likely due to the limited resources of available computing per zone. The current method used to represent Condition Damage requires non-trivial computing resources to keep up with and those resources are needed for EVERY condition stack that exists on every player and AI enemy in the entire zone. Thus, they have to limit each condition stack so as not to consume the limited computing resources available.

Bookkeeping the condition stacks on the source is no more resource intensive then bookkeeping on the target. The first does not limit the number of stacks on a target, but limits the amount of stack by source, the second (probably the current) limits stack on the target, not on the source. Bookkeeping on the source would be preferable as it does not limit the conditions at for bosses absurdly low levels, while keeping it in check for small scale pvp. What i imagine might be a resource-problem with bookkeeping on the source is removing conditions.

(edited by frans.8092)

Camp Soloing

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


I definitely wouldn’t create a build to purposely capture camps and hinder your performance in roaming.

Well, for both condi and power it’s usually a matter of changing just a couple of utilities, and a weapon, so you can switch back to roaming setup while the cap-bar fills up.

Critical conditions....a suggestion

in Profession Balance

Posted by: frans.8092


Crit per stack per tick, or for the whole bundle together, per tick, or per application. And what do you do with on-crit procs, just about any % chance per tick becomes almost a certainty with this, at least with per-tick crits – and many auto-attacks get additional crit-chance because they apply a condition.

Not possible to remove critical conditions? That is very, very strong, it could change The Zerg, even if it was just 1 second, you’d just have to love poison fields with 90% crit chance, or glue bombs, caltrops … oh man, that would end zerg-stacking.

Most used armor stats?

in Ranger

Posted by: frans.8092


Celestial is the best allrounder.

Jack of all trades, master of none.

Op, what is your favorite build, or the build you value the most? Whatever armor goes with that.

Duelers in WvW and attitudes

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


You come up over a ridgeline near Stone Mist Castle and see an ally getting beat down by an enemy, what do you do:

a.) Ignore it, it’s none of your business.

b.) Attack the enemy player, it’s WvW

c.) Don’t attack, and say, “Are dueling or PvPing?”

I answered “b” but supposedly the correct answer is “c” to the “ally” who called me a childish name and acted like I was the worst person ever in the world. (BTW I don’t usually read chat while in combat, so I didn’t the lame insults until after the fight.)

Please tell me that we aren’t catering to personal duelers in open WvW.

Nothing against dueling, but if you do it out in the open in WvW, do not expect people to give a flying fruit about it, I certainly will not be “asking” if it’s alright to fight the enemy.

Of course, maybe I hold the minority opinion on the matter.

The correct answer is (b).

On some occasions it might be obvious, like when a couple green and red tags mingle with each other while observing a green and a red tag fighting, but that is rare. Or if the green tagged dude is obviously winning and the fight nearly over, just doesn’t seem right to take a piece of the cake (otoh, more loot bags buys better gear).

Sick of condi builds when roaming

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


… The issue is the innate imbalance between the two different damage types and how they can be brought in line with each other so that condition builds can hit harder than a feather in PvE and large zergs and not hit like a freaking steam locomotive in small scale WvW fights.

Switch to per-source bookkeeping, rather then per-target. Then you can limit the number of stacks per source to reduce 1v1 effectiveness, and at the same time make them more effective in group application. Does put a large computational cost on condition removal

Stealth and Finishers

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


This is coming from the perspective of the stomper vs the stompee and visa versa. It’s already implemented into the game that channeled skills can hit someone so why not a finisher as well?

It appears to be intentional.

It’s not like the ones who are downed are completely out of options on their own like knockdowns teleports etc.

Some downed skills show that the way stealth currently interrupts stomping works is intended.

… it doesn’t seem fair that you can stomp from stealth but not stomp someone in it given the above mentioned situation.

There are many skills you can not use against someone in stealth and not all channeling skills continues.

Stealth and Finishers

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


Please dont use this post to troll and flame, please be constructive.

He is, you aren’t. Your version of ‘being constructive’ is synonymous to ‘agreeing with you’. Which isn’t a constructive attitude on a forum.

Skins of the personal story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


You do have the right (again, barring Character Creation skins). Just pick them up elsewhere. (Outside of Personal Story.)

I am certain the Commander armor pieces are not available from cultural merchants, or anywhere else (except pvp maybe).


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


Normally you’re supposed to kill bosses, what’s so different here that they shouldn’t?

Btw, I frequently turn off /map chat in towns (and sometime only leave on /guild and related) when there’s too much /map-chat. And for combat you should be using /local or any of the team chat channels, not /map

[Thief] initiative needs a rework.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: frans.8092


…All the responses to this thread are thieves upset about the issues of their classes being braught up.

Strong argument, really.


Stealth and Finishers

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


Mhh, got buried in your post, but anyway.

Note that if stealth did not interrupt a stomp it would make the thief #3 downed skill, Smoke Bomb, utterly useless. Stealth interrupting a stomp might be a very intentional effect. Someone else already noted the tactical use of stealth in preventing a stomp, the purpose of the downed state is afterall to have the chance to prevent defeated state. You might as well, or better, argue against the downed state.

[Thief] initiative needs a rework.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: frans.8092


Seeing how you play mostly thief and very little of the other classes your opinion is very biased and unwelcome.

Seeing how you don’t play thief and know even less about it, your opinions about it are without any value.

[Thief] initiative needs a rework.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: frans.8092


I am sorry but you seem to be forgetting the vast amount of teleports and stealth, if you use the evade heal you recover enough initiative.

Uhm, nope. Withdraw does not regenrate initiative.

In addition while in stealth you can trait to regain initiative.

Nope, there is a trait that gives 2 initiative when entering stealth, it does not regenerate initiative while in stealth.

You need to read up, wiki is linked on the top of the page.

Stealth and Finishers

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


The Ninja Nurse strikes again!

AoE the place, you’re hitting at least two healthpools and they won’t be moving or dodging, cuz, ya know, you’re kicking kitten .

Nerfing SR would only free up the utility slot, inevitably making thieves even more annoying.

Complementary WvW gear

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


…If the 67% crit chance cap is real, …

Critical Chance cap? Where did you get that?
Talk page on Deathly Perception suggests there is no cap.

Anyway, you’d want toughness over, or with, vitality when you stay in combat for extended periods of time, like in zerg battles or skirmishes. Think of your vitality as a large upfront heal, applied whenever you are out of combat, making it a very effective use of attribute points when you go in and out of combat rapidly, but when you stay in combat for a longer time, with many other sources of healing, that single heal gradually looses influence.

(edited by frans.8092)

Death Blossom: Useless?

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Lols, Am I the only one that runs Condi p/d /d/d build?

Maybe. Why would you run d/d with p/d? Not having the Shortbow available feels like fighting with one hand tied behind my back. I suppose you could bring d/d for the DB bleeds and a carrion/hybrid can put the power to use in for a surprise backstab or heartseeker, but with condition or hybrid gear Sneak Attacks hits harder then Backstab. That just illustrates just the problem with DB, it is a fully condition dependent attack on an otherwise power based set.

(edited by frans.8092)

Pinipal & Arctodus slayer achievement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


Pinipal seems to count towards the Griffon slayer title: Talk:Slayer – Pinipal counts towards Griffon Slayer

Unfair achievement system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


If you consider getting rewards based on your merits an “injustice”, then I think I located your problem….it’s in your mind.

Well, truth be said, achievement points are a measure of time spend playing more then of ‘merits’. Depending on what one considers as being of merit, some actions that are beneficial to the game community carry no direct rewards.

New massive gold sink?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


This system of being re-directed to a different WP when it’s contested has always been there since August 2012.

It has become more annoying since megaservers, since a waypoint may be contested in the megaserver you are put in.

Unfair achievement system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


The new players and those players who haven’t played since September, 2012, haven’t got too much chance, even if the player plays too much.

Chance for what? There is nothing to be gained from hoarding achievement points, you get to > 2000 by playing the story and chests come every 500 points. There is new Living Story content to participate in regularly, each with their own, new achievements and honorary titles. What is missing for you?

My spill on why thief is not fair

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


for faksake because of these guys the thief class look like a beat up class,STOP THE QQ AND STOP THE NERF we have no more things to sacrifice for your QQing.

Honestly im sick of ppl like u, thiefs are OP. Get 10 thiefs and roam wvw who can stop you? even 30 people wont beat it. No more invis is what I say

And the people of this forum are sick of YOU and your terrible attitude. You’re just whining about another class being able to stealth because that means you can’t see them to kill them in three hits.

What you’re failing to see is that without stealth, all we have is high mobility and a sword. I don’t know about the rest of you guys, but I didn’t buy guild wars 2 because the Fencer class looked cool.

Here’s a little help, OP: find some videos of THIEVES fighting other thieves. You’ll notice something.. When they go invisible, we know where they’re going. Because we know the mindset and we can predict their intentions. I know this is a little more obscure of a combat maneuver than a simple skill rotation, but just try to use your brain and ponder on that.

Say that to my face and not online and see what happens, getting your friends to message me because you’ve got muscles and your some tough guy. I dont care about whether or not you go to the gym 5x a week, come at me anytime mate

You would not see him, this thief, you’d hear him speak, like the wind softly whispering in your ear, but you would not see him, because you’ve got your eyes shut tight.

[Suggestion]Siege Griefing

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


I really wish that WvW (and maybe some parts of PvP/PvE) had dedicated GMs that could watch for this sort of behaviour and issue perma-bans on the spot.

That might work. I could stop picking up supplies and sell all the blueprints. Too bad about the traits though.