Showing Posts For frans.8092:

Chest armor display item

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


I don’t kow if Sylvari have it too, but my thief ran around with padded or studded or something like that.


What is this epidemic?

in Human

Posted by: frans.8092


If there’s enough of them. Their intelligence increases with the number of Scritt together in a city, or hive or whatever it’s called.

Centaur Story

in Human

Posted by: frans.8092


The White Mantle hired bandits, to enforce their ‘rule’, called them peacekeepers.. That was basically the Krytan Civil war, which ended some 250 years ago.

downed whiled stealthed

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Are boons removed when you’re downed?

The thief and its gameplay - Your feedback [Merged]

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


1. Everyone else non-Thief was dead … so only a thief can survive a thief? Apply Darwin’s theory to its end result.

Practice. Evolution gave us brains with which we can learn and adapt faster then evolution itself could. Darwin is not involved in practice and improving your skills.
The best, or luckiest, two players survived. There isn’t much more to it.

2. Sneak Attack + Unload fits in the 5-6 seconds between stealth and grants the most number of hits in that amount of time.

But there is no Repeat because you’d be stuck with dual pistols for another 9 second, during which you can not use C&D

3. You use Cloak and Dagger in the stealth rotation in which the weapon swap cool-down is not a factor.

It means the rotation is on a 20 second cool-down, 10 to switch back to DD after the unload, then you have another 10 seconds before the unload.

4. You don’t get how this build works … This is not a burst “your dead” build … its a “I can out survive up to 5 of you and kill you all because you can’t do a kitten thing about my sustainable damage output” build.

There’s plenty of players who do know how to handle a P/D thief. It means the 5 of you have something to learn still. You’d rather learn and improve?

5. You also greatly under estimate blind …

No I don’t, I’ve used /P for a while in PvE, I though it was strong. And boring. I use it now and then (traits can be switched in between combat) against AI, you have to love how they bunch up, unlike human players. AI would waste precious attacks blinded, while humans would be smarter and auto-attack once to get rid of the blind.

Uh, yeah … saying you can’t swap weapons in combat is a “WTF” moment.

Except that he understands that you can not swap between weaponsets as frequently as your rotation suggests. To be honest, I think you haven’t watched your video too well.

downed whiled stealthed

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Didn’t you see the ‘FINISH HIM’?

Current thief build. Need opinions.

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Mug, is on a 40 sec cooldown and with a 40% crit I am not convinced it is worth it for a general purpose build.
Shadow Arts provides condition removal, longer stealth, health regen and a number of other survival related treats (and traits). While not immediately useful for the single purpose Mug build, Shadow Arts is a good trait-line for just about every other purpose. Mug on the other hand only gives a 4k hit once a minute (you can’t expect the situation to be suitable the moment it comes of cooldown).

The thief and its gameplay - Your feedback [Merged]

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Damage wise nothing beats thiefs right now. I’m a “bunker” Guardian and a Thief can open me up like a can opener dropping 4-6k crits back to back in a short span while being invisible to me half the time.

I was looking around (if we do have to tre-roll…) and picked this up in a currently active topic on torches:

I use scepter and torch and get 16-20k total crit damage with torch (#5) but I guess most guardians want to be close to useless on ranged fights with staff, in relation to your question, no, torch is not bad.

Please stop the hypocrisy, saying that 6k crits on backstab or mug are overpowered.

The thief and its gameplay - Your feedback [Merged]

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


The Thief PP/PD build needs to be majorly toned down. They never spend more than 50% of the time out of stealth and every time they enter stealth they remove conditions and heal.

That seems…unlikely, considering that P/P doesn’t have organic stealth.

Ok … so I made a quick movie to prove exactly how wrong you are …

Wish all arguments were as easy to win.

They would be if you noticed that it’s not P/P. Which was his point.

Tulsin there is a P/D thrown in there but again no PP which again spits on his counter argument.

On his point of stealth uptimes, that’s inherit to /D thieves who strike you in melee range, and you’d have to show the the stealth itself available to them is too much, not just give a % of it’s upkeep, lol worthy.

Except I very specifically said “The Thief PP/PD build”. He was the one that said “P/P” … never me.

PP doesn’t have stealth on the weaponset skills. Switching has a cooldown. I suppose you could run P/D + P/P but P/P only adds blind, Unload does little damage, has no bleed and costs a lot of initiative, which is subsequently not available for Cloak and Dagger.
At the end you say both players battled for 5 minutes and the match ended a draw. How is that bad or unbalanced in favour of the thief? Because he didn’t go down? It’s only balanced if the thief looses?

The “Sneak Attack -> Unload -> Stealth and Repeat” does not exist, switching to P/P for unloads means there’ll be no Cloak and Dagger for a while

Do you even play the game?

Wait, you’re saying that to ensoriki?

Leveling Thief Build/Weapon Combos

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Off hand pistol has effectively perma-blind which allows you take on any number of melee foes (even vets) solo. Also works against (most?) spell-casters, as long as they’re in your area-of-effect. Mixed melee and ranged (rifle/bow) can pose problems though.

Current thief build. Need opinions.

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


I feel Crit chance should be upped. This should be possible, I am pretty sure I’ve seen 40% at some time on my char without really trying.

How would you feel if stealth was removed?

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


I loved the Assassin from GW1, much, MUCH more than the thief in GW2. .

Hated them, started one, never got it past level 17. I’d quit GW2 for good if they turned Thief into some sort of Assassin.

Empty thread

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: frans.8092


Removing the first – and only – post from a thread does not remove the thread, though that would be the logical, or at least the expected, behaviour.

Perma Hide and Backstab Build

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


3) objects are removed from the collection of objects to be rendered.

Have you noticed how you can run into the trading post in LA and it’s empty/ At first, player characters appear after a few seconds.
PC’s are complex objects to render, composed of hundreds, or maybe thousands, of small surfaces to create the illusion of rounded biological forms, a lot of work to draw. They also have a lot of variety – the creation screen and the armor allows for each character to be unique – relatively few shared resources means they all have to be loaded, basic data over the internet and expanded with graphical details over the PCI bus to the graphics hardware. All this the moment they come into view – and since they’re packed (before the traders or in a zerg) a lot of data has to be processed in a short time.
To prevent stuttering (or even freezing) you can delay rendering a few seconds and load the data in the the background.

This, I think, is what is referred to as culling. The mechanism used to delay rendering of pc’s may be the cause of un-stealthed character becoming visible only after a delay. It may be less trivial to fix while still preventing stuttering or freezing with large groups.

Editor broken, all edits reverted

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: frans.8092



I was composing a reply when the wait-cursor appeared and the original quote was restored and my edits disappeared.

Vitality Vs Toughness

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


… each tick of the condition now deals 0.8% of your health. A direct hit for 10 HP will remove 8% of your health. ….Make sense now?

No reason to be condescending when you’re missing the necessary clues. Relative damage sounds nice on paper, but healing is absolute and not relative to your maximum health. 1000 HP damage requires 1000 HP healing to recover from, no matter how large your maximum health pool is.

A 20% reduction in direct damage means you’ll be taking less damage. It’s as if your effective health pool was enlarged by 25% (you can take 125 hits where you could take 100) and all your heals are 25% more effective, when expressed in hits.

An example, a 5000 HP heal, which could last 10 hits of 500 damage will last 12 hits (with some to spare) when damage is reduced with 20% to 400. For condition damage, nothing changes with either Vitality or Toughness,, the 5000 HP heal lasts through 50 ticks of 100 hp bleed, no matter how much vitality/toughness you add.

For fights where you get around to healing, Toughness helps and Vitality doesn’t really help at all. When you don’t heal much in combat, a larger initial health pool will help. A larger health pool will absorb your heals more easily without part of them being capped and lost. That’s why I said it depends; if your health-balloon is full most of the time, raise vitality (and/or lower toughness), if you find it is far from full most of the time, raise toughness (and/or lower vitality).

Vitality Vs Toughness

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


I’m inclined to say toughness but it depends. Toughness reduces direct damage, and while it doesn’t reduce condition damage, vitality doesn’t help against it either (not sure where that myth comes from). Vitality helps to reduce the losses on ‘over-healing’ (healing more then you need to restore full health) and the fast replenishment of health when out-of-combat favors the bigger health pool.

The thief and its gameplay - Your feedback [Merged]

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


3. Thieves should only be able to re-enter stealth if their initiative is full or nearly full. Right now, they can come out of stealth with both guns blazing for 3 seconds, and then just restealth while they regain their initiative and get ready to do it all over again. Their opponent has little time to actually fight back as the burst damage potential of the thief leaves most players on the defensive to begin with. It’s difficult to do a lot of damage when you spend the 3 second revealed debuff dodge rolling and using stun breakers to escape instant death. This change would force thieves to make tactical decisions about how they’re going to handle a fight. They can break stealth and burn their initiative in an attempt to kill their target outright, or they can be more tentative with mostly and maybe a low init attack or two before restealthing to assess the fight.

Both guns blazing? P/P doesn’t have much stealth and the initiative cost of Unload is pretty high, with mediocre damage. I can’t believe you’re complaining about Unload? And P/P has stealth only from utility skills, which already have a cooldown, and you want to effectively disable them? For a P/P gunslinger?

If you’re talking about P/D Sneak Attack, there’s plenty of time to roll away from Sneak Attack, (the first couple of hits don’t hit that hard anyway) and it definitely does not extend over the duration of the Revealed debuff (two more auto-attacks fit in) and the thief will have to be in melee range of someone to use CnD. The cooldown for the stun utility is close to eternity and the one from pistol whip is on a S/P which has stealth only from utility skills

Stealth utility skills already have their cool-downs, perhaps their cooldowns should be removed then and replaced by the initiative system as well?

Initiative is the thief system to moderate weapon-skill use, Cloak and Dagger costs 6 initiative, which is exactly the amount that is regenerated in 10 seconds, effectively putting CnD on a 10 second cool-down (in prolonged fights like you see with P/D thieves). While you can use utilities or trait to regain initiative faster, that means you can’t trait something else (like crits and mug) and will do less damage.

The thief and its gameplay - Your feedback [Merged]

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


And I wanna know who’s auto healing to full when they stealth so I can copy that build.

It doesn´t heal you to full health very quickly but the Shadow Arts trait Shadow’s Rejuvenation heals for approx. 300 HP every second while in stealth. CnD, prolong stealth with Hide in Shadows and a Thief comes out of stealth with (almost) full health. I can imagine this is annoying when you´re fighting them, but the thief has to invest quite heavily (30) trait points in Shadow Arts and will not be able to burst-kill like a crit specced mugger can.

I think its funny that the Greatsword...

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Poor thiefs dont understand game mechanics.

Have you even played the game? Movement increase only works on forward running, which is pretty much not so useful in combat.

Prema 25% run speed boost + dropping out of combat at will = best mobility

More prove that you haven’t played the game much, Signet of Shadows takes up a utility slot – and going into stealth (assuming that’s what you’re talking about) does not drop you out of combat.

Thiefs have the best in combat mobility and are far from slow out of combat… other classes must use multiple weapons or utilities to get a prema +33% speed boost…. a Thief can outdue that with signet and short bow.

The only use for SoS is in getting from A to B on a 25% speed increase – which is not 33%. It has little effect in combat. Thieves can dodge like everybody else and ‘gap closers’ are quite common on melee classes/weapons. But thieves have to use what mobility they have to survive, so maybe it looks like they’re more mobile

Oh, I’d consider Shortbow + SoS to fall into the category “multiple weapons or utilities”, but hey, it’s about thieves so …

(edited by frans.8092)


in Suggestions

Posted by: frans.8092


The workaround doesn’t work. It remains soulbound to the lvl 2 character.

It becomes account-bound – and it stays account-bound even when you wear it.

Cursed Shore : Stuck on seafloor

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: frans.8092


One can get trapped under a tent(?), probably not as intended.


Thieves overpowered breakdown

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


To also clear something else up my gear is mostly rare pvp toughness/vitality/power stacking gear, the rest is lesser pvp gear.

Not sure what you mean by that ‘PvP gear’ because, afaik, there is no PvP gear in WvW, it’s all what you can loot, craft or buy in PvE, and anything less then level 80 exotic is insufficient.

Blind should be fairly effective against thieves – and just about anything else – and eles do have their share of methods to apply it.

Sexy/stylish Armour advice?

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Order of Whispers is both stylish and a bit sexy

Bad players get Good players Nerfed in MMORPGs

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Gw is a pvp game.

No, it isn’t. They’ve put too much work in the PvE side too make it a PvP game. Lot’s of art-work, new quest systems with the Hearts and Dynamic Events show they’ve definitely tried to make it a PvE game. PvP doesn’t need much art-work, PvP doesn’t sell. On top of that, the variety in PvP formats is lacking somewhat.

PvP balance should be the number 1 priority.

Wrong again.
PvE balance determines how playable a class is in groups, too weak and the class becomes unplayable.
PvP characters can be created casually, in a couple of minutes, and are easily abandoned.
PvE / RP characters generally have a lot more time invested and are a much greater loss if they ’don’t work out’.

1+1+1 = PvE balance should be top-priority.

PvE has never been hurt by PvP balance, just the kittens of the qq’ers qq’ing.

Couldn’t be further from the truth, Paragon and Ranger were weak in grouped PvE content, just as Elementalists (their buf was a bit late…).

If youre here for PvE youre playing the wrong game!!

Wrong again, see above.

If its online its PvP, nuff said.

Wrong, see above. plus playing in groups is important to many people. Being part of a group is the motion that drives F2P cash-shop sales. PvP doesn’t sell.

Whats wrong whit you

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


25% speed usefull for what exacly?

Moving around a bunch, which is a thing that thieves do constantly.

It only affects forward movement (in combat), which limits it’s usefulness somewhat

Stealthing away keeps you in combat forever

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Oversight, I assume, or buggy implementation of disengage-routine. Stealth is more about defensive and offensive mechanics then an ‘out-of-jail’ card.

Best Swordsman in Tyrian History

in Lore

Posted by: frans.8092


Dhuum had his moments.

As for humans, Stefan, undeniably. I’ve considered Alesia, briefly, but Stefan’s the better swordfighter.

Southsun Cove: Where did it come from?

in Lore

Posted by: frans.8092


At first arrival it reminded me immediately of the eastern shores of south Kryta, Tears of the Fallen, Stingray Strand. The island is located suspiciously close to where the Sacntum Cay mission Island used to be in GW 1.

Shipwrecks were all over the Crystal Desert, they don’t neccesarily mean something rose from the sea. The structures on the east look like sculptures the sea makes from cliffs. Maybe the shipwrecks are the remains of the flood that washed away Lion’s Arch.

Do you feel bad for the Ghosts of Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: frans.8092


…The entire post that you quoted was pretty un ambiguous. Stating and restating the message several diffrent ways. So, If you tries to misconstrue my message into something that was clearly not said, I’ll correct you. ..

When one sets a standard one does something that others adopt. One can not set a standard when others were already doing it.
Unless, you meant “principle” where you said “standard”. Then it would make more sense, to me.

Anyway, the Ascalons at the time of the Searing (1070AE) didn’t take anything from the Charr at 1070AE, even though humans did take Ascalon 1000 years earlier from the Charr (100BE). The Charr in 1070AE however, took many innocent Ascalon lives while these humans, in 1070AE, had not inflicted any harm to the Charr.

Able to Finish Player while Stealthed

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


It seems a bit over the top for a Thief to be able to Finish off someone in WvW/PvP while stealthed, so no one can do anything about it. I’ve done my fair share of doing this in PvP as a Thief. Both on giving it and receiving this tactic. But as of lately I feel like it just isn’t right.

You’ve been doing your fair share of PvP as a thief and you still believe they can’t be hurt while in stealth? There’s something odd about your post.

Unfortunatly it is true

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Say what? They decided to target the effect of stealth because they are incapable of fixing rendering problems they created? Can’t be, c’mon, if they’ve really became that incompetent they certainly wouldn’t deserve even a single penny anymore, but it’s just too absurd to be true.

(edited by frans.8092)

Nerf Bat Incoming.

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


… the self proclaimed champions of E-sports who will tell you “they have no problem with thieves”. These are probably all also thieves in disguise though.

Ah, and everyone complaining is just a troll posing as a noob?

I have a little bit of hope that ANet has their own objective ways to determine actual balance, rather then just counting the trolls and believing they´re genuine . I´ve paid the same as everyone, so I should be able to play as everyone and if ever I see “No thief” for an explorable, and this forum is an indication it is headed that way, it will be the last money ANet´s seen from me.

Do you feel bad for the Ghosts of Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: frans.8092


The settlement is quite big, compared to nearby villages – and it might be one of several. I’d also imagine quite a few Ascalons had already gone to Kryta before Rurik left with his people.


Don’t use ambiguous constructs if you want others to unambiguously understand what you mean.

(edited by frans.8092)

[MOVIE] Power Necro vs Thief (balance discussion)

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Ranged damage mixed with stealth has always been an issue in MMOs.

Cloak and Dagger is a melee skill, thief has to be within melee range to use it to go to stealth. Fixing the rendering issue will also mean they’re visible longer, their CnD becomes easier to avoid/dodge and at the same time the thief is forced to stay closer to melee range.

Do you feel bad for the Ghosts of Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: frans.8092


I read that. You missed my point. Your argueing against a point that was never made. Anything I can say about this post has already been said in my previous posts.

Somewhat your own fault. when you say someone sets a standard, you imply it’s the example for others to follow.

Speak for yourself; there was no indication that there was any improvement at any point, beyond the victory of killing the Titans,

After the Searing the Charr ran over Ascalon and marched on to Orr (and Kryta) while during Prophecies the post-searing Old Ascalons show that the Charr are once more pushed back behind the Wall. And a decade after the Searing Ascalon forces (repeatedly) destroy Charr strongholds in their own territory in the North.

… You look at everything. Everything. Yeah on the surface Adelbern seems like a supreme a@@hole. But given his options, he did what he thought was best for his people. And it turned out he made the right choice after all that. Just because a game sequel comes around and decides to bend the history to suit their purposes, doesn’t invalidate that. …

Ascalon was burned down and the lands still haven’t recovered 250 years later. Emigration to Kryta is an option and for the people of Ascalon it would have meant a better life. Even without the Foefire Ascalon was hardly habitable. How can Adelbern’s choice be the right one?

… At the end of the Rin mission, Rurik certainly didn’t think it Ascalon was salvageable, although Adelbern did.

His reason for not wanting to bring his people to Kryta is that he will not see any Ascalons living under Kryta’s rule. Or something similar.

What leg armor is this?

in Human

Posted by: frans.8092


Yes, T3 has those coins over it, you can’t see the uncovered part due to the way she stands.

Viewing threads with Dev posts

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: frans.8092


Well, combined, i thought that’s how it worked on Guru, but maybe it was another game-forum. Anyway, a feature that links dev-posts made in a thread.

Opera (new version) - doesn't load forum page

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: frans.8092


Like I said, most recent update, installed the moment I was noticed it was available.
It’s working now, something got fixed apparently. I cleared cookies before posting, although I think that can be no more then a workaround and not a solution, but thanks anyway.

Viewing threads with Dev posts

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: frans.8092


Or like they had (have) on Guru, where you could jump from dev-post to dev-post

Opera (new version) - doesn't load forum page

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: frans.8092


Will do. Thanks for your time.

Opera (new version) - doesn't load forum page

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: frans.8092


The forum will not load, or at least it will only show a blank page. It does connect apparantly and loads enough to blank the page, but it keeps loading without showing anything.


in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: frans.8092


There have been more than 2 million sales of GW2, and that email address is one of the few publicized ones. Based on my experience, they’re getting everything from technical support requests to dissertations …

All of this is not relevant, if you give people an email-address then you are expected to reply to any decently worded, relevant mail they send you. Period.

While two million copies sold implies they might get a lot of mail, it also implies they had a lot of money flowing in with which they can pay people to read, sort and reply to these emails.

Do you feel bad for the Ghosts of Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: frans.8092


Finally, there’s no reason to paint Adelbern as a mad king. He was proud yes, but human nonetheless, and felt real regret with his relations with his son.

Rurik was too kind when he called him foolish. After the Searing there was nothing left in Ascalon, at least not for the people of Ascalon, who would have been better of in Kryta, or beyond. Adelbern however, could only be King in Ascalon, in Kryta he would not be King. It is not surprising that, proud, stubborn and foolish (to put it kindly) he condemned the remaining Ascalons to an eternity of suffering and war, rather then accepting the loss of his crown.

Do you feel bad for the Ghosts of Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: frans.8092


edit: Anakita’s link was very informative though.

Driven back in the first war against the humans, the Charr were forced to surrender the lands that would become Ascalon

So, we do know that the humans set a standard and we do know what that standard was. it’s the same standard the charr had set against others.

You might want to read the entire document and not forget about

“No longer clamoring over the same territories, the unified Charr spread throughout the northern reaches of their homeland, and down into the lands east of the Shiverpeak Mountains. The Charr subjugated or destroyed any and all who dared defy them within their territories; they were masters of all they surveyed”

Where war and conquest were concerned, the Charr really didn’t need humans to set any standards for them, they were perfectly able to set them themselves, long before humans came north of the crystal desert. But had the humans lived north of the desert in the time of Charr expansion I have no doubt the Charr would have attacked and “subjugated or destroyed” them.

Has it occurred to you that the unchecked expansion of this “primitive people, filled with rage and a primal drive to dominate and control” was the reason why the Six, aided by the humans, moved against them?

Watch this and share your opinion please.

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


I’ll re-roll to this should Thief become unplayable, if just to troll WvW with it.

Honestly i'm deathly afraid.

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


I can’t wait for the nerfs

I can’t wait for you to get nerfed.

Bronze? REALLY? I killed 2 vets here!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: frans.8092


I’ve gotten gold for a single unload and bronze for soloing events.
Maybe it’s the ratio between damage (+healing?) and the time spend on an event that determines the reward.

Let me explain it to you: The backstab

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


OK i worded that wrong i am just so sick and tired of thieves trying to defend backstab.

No, I think you worded it precisely as you wanted to put it.

… Given that the Heartseekers do not hit anything, it is possible to maintain the stealth for a nice amount of time

Emphasize do not hit anything
You reason that thiefs is OP because they might waste their initiative on Black Powder and multiple Heartseekers without hitting anything and while being grounded to the melee range smoke aoe?

Follow link and enjoy

Thief jumping around for 5 minutes, not doing anything before getting killed. Notice how a dozen players just learned how to defeat this ‘trick’ and the next thief trying this with them will get downed in less then 10 seconds.

Perhaps they can change the rules surrounding capture. Stealth is essential to the thief and can not be removed without requiring a complete change of the class.

Human Ancestry as Personal Story

in Human

Posted by: frans.8092


There are no interracial relations with offspring in Tyria.

It seems likely that, at this point, many Krytan family-trees have Elonians, Ascalons and Canthans as members.