Showing Posts For frans.8092:

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: frans.8092



He has a point, only one of the female human body types appears to have enough strength to engage in the adventures your characters are expected to get involved in.

The Sylvary are … different, it’s ok for them to be thin. Or thick.

Humans: A dying race?

in Human

Posted by: frans.8092


As for the Charr wreaking havoc across Ascalon, Kryta and Orr… I’m willing to lay most of the blame at the feet of the Shamans being goaded by the Titans (and behind them, Abaddon). …

The Charr were involved, freely and willingly. The germans you speak off have accepted their responsibility, if you compare with them there is no reason to not expect them to take responsibility for their actions.

Do you feel bad for the Ghosts of Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: frans.8092


But the thing is, the Charr society evolved when they broke free from the Flame Legion’s rule.

Definitely, Charr culture and society appears to be maturing fast.

On topic about the ghosts. I feel sorry for both sides ghosts and Charr. In a sense, they’re both still fighting the war that caused Ascalon to burn. Reliving the past.

Combined with the change of the Charr this could be a good in-character motivation to help the Charr in Old Ascalon and fight the ghosts.

Some threads have no edit/quote/report options

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: frans.8092


Making a dummy post seems to help sometimes, once you have the buttons back you can delete it.

Suggestion, new subforum for discussion on game balance

in Suggestions

Posted by: frans.8092


You’re seeing flooding profession forums is better? Now profession subforums are flooded with balance posts to the point where no normal, play oriented threads become extinct. The thief forum front now has like 6 threads that discuss something not related to balance.

Then limit posting in profession forums to accounts with an active character in that profession.

just wanna ask is backstab really all everyone uses ?

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


“… when u guys …”

The devil is in the details. When you say ‘you guys’ to reference thief players you imply you are not one of them. You don’t play a thief

So maybe, thieves aren't supposed to be 'bursty'.

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


I didn’t realize you could go anywhere and complete everything by just being mobile and evading and stealthing your way passed every end boss.

Thieves need to speak up - stop the uncalled for nerfs!

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Agreed, this forum is taken hostage by the people demanding nerfs. There are not 6 threads in this subforum’s first page that are on topic and discus matters surrounding day to day playing a thief character.

Backstab, time to nerf.

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


…The rear damage is around 2k dmg on the tooltip but maybe reduce this damage …

It’s 806 actually, when hitting from the back, 403 otherwise. Getting high requires the build is totally aimed to maximize damage.

S/D stealth+daze with heavy caltrops is an amazing bunker setup, provided you know how to use your stealth and drop out quickly.

You know a lot about playing a class you implied you never played?

…this is a fix that can be done now to help retain players now, than an eventual months-long nailing of the culling issue…

The problem with that approach is that while you may compensate for the culling bug in PvP, mobs in PvE are not affected by this issue and by addressing the culling issue by reducing skill effectiveness the Thief profession is weakened for PvE.

@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


… so lots of players do not wanna invest their playtime learning to play well an ele or a necro, ….

… get owned in PvP and then complain on forums, sums it up pretty nice.

The complaints have to stop

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


…(nerf autoattack dmg=1k dmg no crit whaaat i have a GS and dont do that much dmg, 700 max, and nerf stealth time) and no more 90% thieves in every match.

Your GS chain:
296, 296 and 443

Thief Dagger chain
188 (x2), 286 and 286

Add in more a lot more damage from the GS compared to a dagger and your numbers don’t add up.

Suggestion, new subforum for discussion on game balance

in Suggestions

Posted by: frans.8092


Currently the Thief forum is drowning in threads from people complaining about thieves and WvW balance. I’d like to suggest a subforum for game / class balance discussion so that profession forums can focus more on playing the game with that specific class, with threads on how to distribute trait points, which skills and/weapon sets to use in some tight situations, tips, hints, discussions of tactics. Generally what you would expect from a class/profession specific subforum.

Backstab, time to nerf.

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


What does the rendering issue have to do with backstab damage when backstab is conducted from stealth?

It is part of why the thief profession is perceived as too strong by some. If you can’t see the player who just hit you like a truck the I can imagine it’s a bit overwhelming too fight them

(edited by frans.8092)

Backstab, time to nerf.

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


When, one day I hear ‘No thiefs’ for a dungeon, that day I will log off from ANet, forever.

You are nerfing profession skills before and in stead of fixing the client rendering issue. The rendering bug does not exist for AI, nerfing profession skills to compensate for this bug will reduce PvE performance of the profession and thus the ability to group with other players.

At this point I have little faith that you will succeed in balancing all professions for both PvP and PvP in GW2, where you failed this in GW1.

[Video] Thief PvP - Yippie Kye Yay 6

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


“Look, you can keep giving these players the benefit of the doubt, but just what kind of evidence do I need to present, and how copious and undeniably genuine does it need to be??”

Set up a test where both you and your opponent(s) capture video. Sync the video’s en compare.

Great show, really enjoyed watching it.

How do you stop perma stealth Thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


They should nerf the ability of trolls to post on this forum

Fun aside, I think there was a stealth change to the revealed debuf that should make it impossible to restealth when the current stealth expires.
There do seem to be rendering issue though, they need to be addressed, not the steath or initiative mechanic.

(edited by frans.8092)

Stealth Cooldown Needed > min 2-5 seconds after last Stealth

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


I see, quoting him:

“Why do we have to wait a full cooldown when a skill was cast out of range ? "

When I misjudge the distance, or there’s a bump in the terrain, and I miss a Scorpion Wire I think something like ‘You kitten you, next time pay more attention’.

I realize now I reacted completely wrong, in stead of trying to correct myself and adapt, I should complain on the forums. Noted.

Sometimes I Feel That AI Are Smarter Than Players...

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Worse, they complain all thieves can do both at the same time.

Charr should have been the main enemy. Undead are boring and repetitive.

in Lore

Posted by: frans.8092


… In fact, all conflict in the entirety of GW1 came from humans and their gods.

I see, humans and their gods is why the Charr were at war with the Forgotten, before humans founded their kingdoms in Orr, Kryta and Ascalon.

If humans hadnt misused the magic the gods granted them, the gods wouldnt have had to limit them through the bloodstones, and if the gods hadn’t had to limit the magic of the mortals, abbadon wouldn’t have rebelled and then fallen, after witch sending the titans to lead the charr against the human civilizations, drive shiro mad, and attempting to end the world in Nightfall. In fact, humans are the source, indirectly or directly, of all conflict on Tyria, everything was fine until they came into being.

Interesting that you’d have to go as far as blaming humans for Abaddon’s rebellion and fall. However, in light of what happened after he ‘gave magic to the races of Tyria’ it seems more then likely that Abaddon had his own agenda when granting the use of magic to all races of Tyria. Regardless of divine plotting, members of all races, were responsible for their abuse of Magic, but at least one of them had the wisdom to ask the gods to remove that power from the world.

… In addition humans had the biggest, most powerful kingdoms in existance, how is it that a broken race of “savages” utterly crushed them?

The Charr had unexpected outside help in creating the Tyrian equivalent of our nuclear weaponry. Without it they would not likely been able to breach the Ascalonian defenses, they would not have threatened Orr, which would not have been destroyed, and the Mursaat would not have gained a foothold in Kryta- and Tyria in general.

Even in EotN, charr weren’t depicted as inherently evil, cause frankly that wouldn’t make for a convincing plot, there need to be greys within sides of a good story.

Indeed, the more details we know about The Villain the better the story becomes, easy evil is just flat and boring. As villain, or at least it’s instrument, the Charr did far better in Prophecies then the risen in GW2.

Btw, I really liked the change to the Charr in EotN.

… but why is it viewed as acceptable for the charr to bear a grudge for 1200 years and yet humans shift entirely in their viewpoint in the space of 250 when…most of their current issues can be pinned on the charr?

Because the Charr are less able to detach from their emotional history and their ‘savage beast’, while the humans are expected to overcome their emotional history and grudges and adapt in order to overcome the current challenge.

Secondly, who has a ‘right’ to lands is entirely a think of opinion. Since the human ‘right’ to Ascalon came originally through conquest, then the charr’s method of taking it back would seem perfectly in sinc.

For all we know those lands weren’t inhabited before the Ascalons claimed it. We don’t find any traces of ancient Charr civilization south of the Wall. We do know that humans lived there for more then thousand years.

Thirdly, Jennah established the peace treaty out of neccesity. She was very supportive of Ebonhawke, which I might add isnt actually part of her kingdom, in their war against the charr.

Kryta owes it’s Queen to the Ebon Vanguard. It owes it’s current existence to the Ebon Vanguard. The Charr’s (pre-)occupation with Ebonhawke is the reason the they never turned their eye on Kryta, supporting Ebonhawke is smart.

.. Her choice to establish the peace treaty is practical rather than some pasifist and ‘lets love everyone’ drive.

The Dragons.

While the Charr are caught between the hammer and anvil (Jormag and Ascalon & Ebonhawke) establishing the treaty required a great effort and initiative effort from the Krytans. It is fortuante the Charr seemed to have changed, and grown, as a culture since they cast off their ‘false gods’.

(edited by frans.8092)

Thiefs can gain 45% additional damage?

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


“If you don’t mash your skills then you’ll have initiative to spare”

No, if, halfway in a fight, you have more then 50-60% of initiative you are not using your thief’s abilities right. Ergo, not a very useful trait.

The Undocumented Nerf

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


“ANet doesn’t have to provide us with any patch notes OR on-going live updates to the game.”

They don’t have to get up in the morning either, but not doing either one of those will get them far. Keeping the game updated or not will be reflected by selling your next product, or not.

Given the amount of people crying for thief nerfs not listing these nerfs is rather inappropriate.

Add Reply ...

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: frans.8092


Sometimes the Add Reply page keeps popping up when trying to view a thread. Happened after viewing an image, and recently after actually adding a reply (resulting in double-posting because it appeared to have failed to post.

Some threads have no edit/quote/report options

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: frans.8092


I think it occurs pretty reliable, usually when I’d like to quote a post.

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


…Me and a team mate just got a thief to low hp, he popped dagger storm together with his passive signet of malice and his hp got so fast to full I couldn’t believe it :/

He popped Dagger Storm?

It has a 7.5 second channeling time. Seven and a half seconds and neither you nor your friends managed to interrupt it, or maybe even, who knows, kill him?

Dagger Storm: Grossly Overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


…Me and a team mate just got a thief to low hp, he popped dagger storm together with his passive signet of malice and his hp got so fast to full I couldn’t believe it :/

He popped Dagger Storm?

It has a 7.5 second channeling time. Seven and a half seconds and neither you nor your friends managed to interrupt it, or maybe even, who knows, kill him?

T3 Human Cultural Armor - Success!

in Human

Posted by: frans.8092


" gosh, they must spend a LOT of time cold…"
Kryta has a very pleasant climate

Do you feel bad for the Ghosts of Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: frans.8092


(Quote links disappeared, again)

‘’That’s not true at all. The Charr fight the humans in Ebonhold because they’re the last vestige of human occupancy in Ascalon. If they really just wanted war, there are plenty of other races out there to fight. But they’re not, just humans and just in Ascalon. ’’

The Charr fought the Forgotten Ones in the crystal desert, long before the humans set foot in Ascalon. They invaded Kryta, where they had no business and they pressed on to Orr after The Searing. And they plundered the homesteads of Norn living near. They made few friends anywhere.

“Also, they don’t fight each other like you think. The Flame Legion brought some corrupt gods to the Charr and were leading them astray. The other legions fought back & drove out the gods.”
No, whenever the Charr unite they fight other nations, when they’re not united they fight each other. There were no corrupt gods, these were Titans, captured by the Flame Legion and posed as Gods for the Charr, as a balance against the human gods, uniting the Charr once more.
And the ones to dethrone these false gods was an Ebon Vanguard heroin and an assorted group of nearly all races (humans, asura, norn, charr and dwarves) that did so.

" They are bread for battle because that has been their life for generations."
So, in the end, they do not know, or did not know, anything other then battle.

Do you feel bad for the Ghosts of Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: frans.8092


Tragic Villain? Who? Adelbern?

Adelbern was a powerhungry dictator who would refuse to do what would be best for the people of Ascalon which was to move away from a burned, inhospitable and hostile land, to Kryta. This mad king would not leave Ascalon because in Kryta he would no longer be the ruler of any land and he would rather sacrifice the people of Ascalon, that had remained loyal to him despite everything, then take of his crown. As ghosts he could rule them forever.

On a side note, the Charr didn’t seek to reclaim lands they lived in, they just sought war. It’s what they are, it’s all they know. They can not live without fighting, if they don’t fight each other, they wage war against any race that happens to live next to them. Before humans lived in Ascalon, the only reason they Charr were passing through Ascalon was because the were at war against the Forgotten Ones.

I Don't Get It

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Another clueless Thief circlejerk thread.

Did you see the traits? Stuff like Infusion of Shadow, Quick Recovery, Opportunist? It’s possible to Stealth every 3 seconds and never run out of Initiative using CnD and only some of these traits….

Yeah, thieves have stolen trait points from other classes, that’s why they have 250 trait points to spent while other classes only have 70.

Seriously, you can trait for survivability, stealth, mobility, condition or straight damage, but not all of them at the same time.

Thief Armor Set

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


I don’t know what you want at level 80, but a safe guideline is to only use looted armor while you are still gaining new levels. New stuff dropped so fast I could barely keep up transmuting it to Legacy looks.

Karma is just an alternative form of income. The price of a single set of exotic karma gear will like dwarf anything you (can) do with it before that time.

Lead Attacks - total or active initiative?

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


According to a comment on the talk page of Lead Attacks on the wiki it is per active available point.

Signet of Shadows

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Signet of Shadows doesn’t work in combat, it’s only use is to travel faster.

A question for Heartseeker thieves.

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


672 against a foe already low on health, against a full health foe it’s barely more then some auto-attack-1 skills

Leap and strike your foe. The less health your target has, the more damage you cause.
100%-50%: 336
50%-25%: 504
25%-0%: 672
Combo Finisher: Leap
Range: 450

You have to trait to get damage and when you do you can not also trait for mobility or survivability, there is no thief traited that hits 5k HS ánd can repeatedly dodge away from retaliation.

Humans: A dying race?

in Human

Posted by: frans.8092


No sequel will be without a playable human race.

Lets put decline into perspective.

250 years ago the Charr were strong enough to almost conquer Tyria. They threatened to take Kryta and might well have succeeded if the Krytans hadn’t found unexpected – and treacherous – allies in the Mursaat. With the Searing the Charr all but destroyed Ascalon, and ran over it’s burning remains to threaten Tyria’s greatest civilization of that time to the point were they put up a defense that destroyed both Orr as well as the Char armies threatening it. The Charr were left weakened enough to be driven out of Ascalon and back behind the remains of the Great Wall they had destroyed earlier, by the remaining Ascalons, who’s Ebon Vanguard, combined with the Flameseeker heroes, was able to threaten the Charr right at their own doorstep in the Northlands.

While the remnants of the Ascalons and the Charr were locked into an eternal war, Kryta survived a civil war and struggled back to it’s feet and grew.

Don't you dare touch Backstab

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


My opinion is that BS does too much damage for an easily applied skill. …


Attack your foe from the shadows, striking for double damage if you hit from behind.
Front damage: 403
Back damage: 806
Range: 130

Hundred Blades:
Repeatedly strike multiple foes. The last strike does extra damage.
Damage (8x): 1,624
Final strike damage: 406
Range: 130

That’s twice the damage of Backstab. Backstab requires being stealthed and maneuvring to get behind the target.

Don't you dare touch Backstab

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


… a Thief can linger on the outskirts of any battle and when the opportunity presents itself they can teleport in and 1-shot any squishy.

They can’t one-shot anyone (other then rabbits), but other then that, isn’t striking – and killing – swiftly and unseen an unsuspecting victim exactly what an assassin (thief) is supposed to do? Should their burst-capability be nerfed so they can never kill swiftly and no longer be able to be assassins and instead … do what?

Please tell us, what is your vision of the Thief profession?

Fixing the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: frans.8092


… I suggest a “Flag” system like GW1 where I can plant my pet on a flag, lay my traps .. Pull.. and then watch the magic happen….

I am sympathetic towards the ranger profession, but, if you’ve played a ranger in GW1 you could have seen in advance that it wouldn’t be any more viable in GW2.

But the way, you couldn’t plant your pet anywhere in GW1, at least not before the release of GW2, and I don’t think they changed that recently

Don't you dare touch Backstab

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


I find it inappropriate that thieves accused of dealing too much damage always point to warriors. Those classes are indefinitely different, although Pistol Whip might feel a lot like 100b.

Aye, that’s true, Warrior has more armor and better self-heals. Quite different.

Wet Thief, needs help?

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Depends on the foes, when melee, use 3 on the speargun when they get close and keep swimming in circles around them (swim sideways while targetting them) – that will kill them, eventually. If they have ranged attacks or stuns, don’t.

Spear is pretty good in close combat, and underwater is one place where you frequently have little room to maneuver because of the attention you might draw.