Showing Posts For frans.8092:

Roaming/Dueling Vid #2

in Ranger

Posted by: frans.8092


from 6:44 to 6:45 is 7 minutes? Stretched it a little, but yeah, long fight.

I suck please help

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Run with a zerg a couple of days so you can get used to the environment, the maps become more familiar and you get a feel for when it is time to get out of the heat. Use P/D and Shortbow, either with a Dire / condition build or, more useful for the zerg, a Soldier’s / power build.

Stealth constantly fails

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Mhh, this was never really a problem until this morning, after I picked Ricochet, which I normally don’t.

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


A scepter? How could that fit in? What kind of thief-skills could go with it? AoE stealth? Shadowsteps? Debuff or (more) boon stealing?

For Developers, Suggestion Collection: LR

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Make it blind yourself for 1/2 seconds so you miss whatever attack happened to be ongoing.

Chinese patch

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Haven’t you learned yet? They don’t care, when nobody plays thief anymore they’ll be all the happier about it,

Stealth constantly fails

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


In PvP Revealed lasts 4 seconds, while it’s 3 in Wvw/Pve, maybe your timing is still tuned to the 3 seconds.

RIP Terry Pratchett

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


He is to Fantasy what Douglas Adams is to SciFi.

Then he’s just one of many? If you want to express that he was very important to the fantasy genre, this is not a particularly good comparision.

This is a MMO with a FANTASY theme, he should get an effin plaque in game.
Or at least his commemorative threads left in peace and open.

So, he’s next to Tolkien and Leiber.

Chinese patch

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


I guess a lot of people are forgetting you will be able to use Pistol 4 to instantly clear 1 stack of stability. I can forsee pistol 4 being a counter to many of these pulsing Stability skills as it can set up stronger CC.

At 4 init? They’re intended to come in triplets, some of them pulsing it every 3 seconds, you’re not going to get through that with Headshot.

Chinese patch

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


I really don’t understand this change, thiefs get kicked in the balls again – without any compensation.

They are following the formula every mmo uses. When you introduce a new class you make it OP so people are more likely to spend money on buying it.Revenant will be a stability machine, they have a skill on a 5 second cooldown that pulses stability and a trait that gives stability on dodge roll.

Well, not for me with or without new OP classes, with their distasteful preference of these horrid launch-jumpers like in Tangle Root, the quality of GW2 area design has plummeted to below tolerable, and no class will change that.

Thief is NOT a Rogue

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


D&D Rogue has crossbow proficiency from level 1. There’s your Rogue archetype

Star Wars Rogue Squadron has Star fighters.

Oh wow, great idea, now I so want an eagle or some other flying beast for my thief

Thief is NOT a Rogue

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


D&D Rogue has crossbow proficiency from level 1. There’s your Rogue archetype

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092



(Message Body length must at least be 15)

Would a Sinister P/D Condition Build work?

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


You can mix different types and with Sinister you can better mix and match your preference.

With the added precision I’d maybe look at on-critical effects, like sigils of Blight, Strength


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


Never mind, the interface changed, it’s no longer a pop-up, I had gotten so used to that.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


I logged in after almost a year, and when I wanted to change traits, after a refund I suddenly can not pick any traits.

What changed?

Would a Sinister P/D Condition Build work?

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


I never thought they’d introduce this combination. You’d hit harder then anything, but very squishy. Pistol Sneak Attack has good scaling with power (power P/D is playable), this could be very deadly.

PvP D/P thief - Invigorating Precision

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


1) 325 lifesteal is 325 heal + 325 damage
2) 325 /15 * 100 = 2167 … critical hit damage to match and that is per second??

8% lifesteal for this trait would be better I think.

Shadow Protector vs Shadow's Rejuvenation

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


The problem with Shadow Protector is that is it not applied (or does not stack) when you already are under the effect of Regeneration when entering stealth. And Regeneration is quite common. It can still be useful when you enter stealth occasionally or very brief, like on a S/D.

Want To Try GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


Prophecies + Eye of the North is the minimum setup, Prophecies is simply The Guildwars game, Eye of the North is the expansion that concludes it’s story and connects it all with Guildwars 2.
Nightfall is a good one, plus it has lots of heroes, Factions is last on the list, it did have some fun casual Pvp formats, not sure how these are populated these days.

A note on heroes, they are customizable, but henchmen come fully equipped, with a skillbar they know how to use (as far as AI goes) and decent gear. It will take some time before you will be able to equip your own heros equally well. You’ll probably want to stay away from melee-AI as they are quite bad at positioning, something you should probably do yourself with a Dervish.

Most of regular PvE is doable with Heroes and Henchman, even before the 7 hero update. Some missions can be ‘difficult’ because you lack a second player, and elite area’s can pose a real challenge. Be careful completing campaigns too early as that may start new stories and change the ‘wildlife’ in some area’s.

So engi's get revealed aswell now

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


You guys might as well get ready to complain more, because I guarantee you that by the end of all these changes Engineers and Rangers are not going to be the only ones with a “reveal” ability. Counter-play for stealth spam is being implemented. You Thieves are just going to have to learn to adapt and overcome.

God, I am such a fool wasting a precious slot on SR – all I use it for is rezzing downed players anyway and it’s obviously not appreciated.

There are no stealthless WvW thieves, not even Zerg thieves, at least I don’t see no video’s from them. Almost every thief carries at least two of the trinity, HiS, Shadow Step and Shadow Refuge – they all give stealth. Almost every thief in WvW has at least one weaponset that gives stealth, either with off hand dagger in D/D, S/D and P/D or with D/P.

If everyone gets a 6 second stacking Reveal then thieves will essentially go stealthless and without major changes to the class, stealthless thieves are not viable in Wvw.

So, Mr. Learn-to-adapt, show us a video of how your stealthless thief handles some decent Wvw players.

The return of Yishis

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


still maybe in 1v1 its good as you have the time to handle the fight (as you can see 3 min fights 1v1) for me its boring if the fight is over 1 min and against thief who is perma stealth d/p . but this is me

For burst and risk there’s nothing quite like a signet build. P/D will never get close to that much burst. P/D is exactly about taking the time to handle the fight.

The return of Yishis

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


p/d with celestial – why ?

Because P/D gets to make use of 6 out of 8 of celestial’s stats, Power, Condition Damage, Precision, Ferocity, Toughness and Vitality. For a full set that is about 3000 attribute points being put to work, versus about 2600 for a set of regular 3-stat gear.

but again does a thief can allow himself to be with average attribute points

like mediocre power/condition which is basically no burst at all

Precision and Ferocity contribute to damage too, P/D makes use of all offensive stats, Power, Condition Damage, Precision and Ferocity. It’s also better known for it’s potential to wear down an opponent, rather then burst, and with it’s attrition style of combat it makes also good use of Toughness and Vitality (and even Healing Power).

Desolation wvw unfriendly to low levels

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


Yes, the rally mechanic does force those players to be rude.

No, it doesn’t, being rude is a choice.

The return of Yishis

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


p/d with celestial – why ?

Because P/D gets to make use of 6 out of 8 of celestial’s stats, Power, Condition Damage, Precision, Ferocity, Toughness and Vitality. For a full set that is about 3000 attribute points being put to work, versus about 2600 for a set of regular 3-stat gear.

Rage runes?

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Depends, Rage increases fury uptime, if you already have a high fury uptime their effect is limited and probably not so useful. Strength runes get stronger the more might you generate, at about 8-10 stacks without the runes, their effect starts to surpass Rage runes – as a rough estimate.

Main a Thief or an Ele?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: frans.8092


What good is not dying when you loose the camp anyway? Go for elementalist schmots, the only place where thief has a part is in Wvw roaming, everywhere else the elementalist has a stronger part to play.

Jump + Dodge

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


“All that in reaction to an attempt at making a light heartedly intended comment like”

Except it’s a cyclical effect, with—surprise surprise— you at the beginning. Basically I hear you saying this and it really contradicts itself…
You: “Your bad translation offends me”

… Does it offend you …

That one actually came before it …

As for the rest of the topics you conveniently ignored:
-Where is your list of evidentiar procedure rules, since clearly I am expected to know them if I want to avoid your cries of “that information offends me,” ?

I think I’ve stated often enough what I interested in, it’s those 2 questions, remember?

1) Is dodge jumping one action or two, and why?
2) How does this action, or actions, provide an in combat advantage over other players.

-Where is the palpable list of reasons why I am such an un-credible source? You said that I wasn’t credible for many reasons.

I don’t have to, remember. And we can’t discuss some issues.

-Where is the proof that you’re the judge on reasonable. You make claims that you want this to be a reasonable discussion yet you’re not saying by what standard and simply seem to be defining reasonable as “whatever sounds good to me.”

I don’t have to be the objective judge of what is reasonable, just what you think is reasonable with respect to these two questions.

-Why did you conveniently ignore the question about the terrain designer? What position of power is he in to create/construct/or even clarify ToS rules for that matter?

It is the only dev comment on key-binding dodge-jump that I found. If you have a better one, share it.

As for the point of discussion, it’s not what you are trying to force it to be. It’s not whether dodge-jump is 1 action or 2 or 3. The OP asked about whether or not lag was influencing his inability to perform it correctly 100% of the time.

Yeah, he did, then you replied with the ToS thing.

You want to turn this into a metaphysical discussion on whether its 1 action or 2. That doesn’t matter since you’d just be trying to force a niched view on it into the devs generalized statement that 1 key = 1 action.

That would be a key point, wouldn’kitten if dodge-jumping can be considered as being one action, 1 key can be bound to it.

Just because you get others to believe it’s considered 1 action doesn’t make it so.

It’s all views and opinions. Until a dev specifically gives an official view on the action(s).

Here, I’ll humor you, though:

Thank you, I’ll take some time to properly read it tomorrow.

Let’s use heart seeker and infiltrator’s signet. Obviously 2 different skills which can be used by themselves. You can also obviously use them together a fraction of a second later, or 2 seconds apart to create a synergistic technique that really has no label like dodge-jump. Regardless I see them in the same vein.

you activate one skill and then at some point before the first skill is over you activate the second skill to create a brand new effect not intended by either skill individually but rather through the combination of it.

Now if someone were to key bind a HS and timestamp macro the inf signet to go off 1 second after HS was activated, or .5seconds or .1 second it doesn’t matter. I think we would all agree that constitutes multi-keybinding which most of us would agree directly violates the ToS.

As such we can apply the same logic with 2 other unique skills, dodge and jump. However, the more confusing aspect to this is that the time-frame is MUCH smaller, between .00001 and .15 (probably). That shouldn’t confuse the issue though because it’s the exact same concept.

Again, it’s a metaphysical discussion meaning it’s not fact that HS INF SIG combined is not considered 2 actions or 1 action. I can’t tell you how you interpret it personally. But based on my knowledge and what the devs have said, it violates the ToS.

Jump + Dodge

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


“All right, so it was a post. While you get a clarification from a mod when a thread you posted in is removed, you don’t get a clarification when a post is removed. You don’t know why the post was removed, it might even have been the original poster who deleted it. You do not know.
How would you know why it disappeared?”

Nope, never claimed I knew why it was deleted and I never said who deleted it.

You said it was likely infracted, that does imply you thought you knew why it was

“Anyone can decide for themselves who they trust or find credible.”

Obvious comment is obvious. That’s the entire point. So you saying that I am not credible for you in this vacuum is unnecessary, it goes without saying otherwise we would have to put forth evidence.

Then why are you making such a fuss about it?

“No, common psychology, we all try to interpret new facts with our existing understanding.”

I think it’s hilarious that you are essentially putting yourself into the role ‘god of knowledge’ in this conversation saying that you know what is considered gibberish, true, false, what I am capable of understanding, what I am incapable of understanding, etc.

Do you not think people tend to interpret new information in their existing world-views?
Do you believe the machine translated text was in proper English?

Perhaps you don’t realize that I actually fully understood his post …

How would you know if you can’t really read and understand the original? The original gives some examples explaining and refining these rules of thumb and their application.

Jump + Dodge

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Where on Earth did I say you could only look for information in any particular place?

With “We are talking about the specifics of this thread” and “so you ASSUMED I meant outside of this thread too” in this post:

We are talking about the specifics of this thread. Unless you’re putting words in my mouth or lying. Please quote the other people in this thread?

No? Oh yeah so you ASSUMED I meant outside of this thread too. Or you shoved those words in my mouth. Lack of specificity? You should have asked for clarification. As such you’re 100% wrong.

I never said you weren’t the only one to think/post it at any point in time.

You did actually when you said, and I quote,

except you’re the only one who is suggesting it’s not a violation of the ToS.

Oh, except one person who literally said it was not a violation of tos and his post was deleted (and he was likely infracted for it).

That is you referencing another post, with ‘except’ linking it to ’you’re the only one’ implying there really is no one except me saying this.

Nor did I ever say that you should only limit your search to this thread.

Yes, you did, right here:

“No, I am not the only one and I am giving reasons as to why I think it is not, while you are giving reasons as to why you think it is and we don’t agree. That is not uncommon for a discussion.”

Yes you are. We are talking about the specifics of this thread. Unless you’re putting words in my mouth or lying. Please quote the other people in this thread?

You’ve completely missed the point of every single there.

I -NEVER- said you couldn’t go outside of this thread for information. I even quoted devs outsides of this thread.

I was saying within the specifics of this thread in because of your ridiculous accusation that you said I meant “you are the only person to think that.”

Well, given your reaction you seemed rather upset that I did look outside the thread. Why on earth would it be natural to assume you were saying “except you’re the only one who is suggesting it’s not a violation of the ToS.” in reference to the, 6 or so, people in this thread?

However if we’re having a discussion at a table about the world obviously being round …

My view of the world does not change depending on whom I sit at the table with so by default inclusion/exclusion would extend to everyone and I would obviously not assume that “you are the only one” would mean “you are the only one”. So, if you were telling me that I am the only one who believes the world is round I’d likely come up with Aristotle as someone who held the same idea as me.

If you intended to say, “you are the only one at this table” you could say so, or something like “you are the only one here”

That being said, all of your quotations where you try to demonstrate I said you can’t look for information outside of this thread is completely out of context and by no means demonstrates that.

They demonstrate how you completely failed to express yourself properly and how you fail to see when you are not getting across what you are trying to say.

Throwing more smoke around at me will not make the miscommunication any less your fault.

[Thief] Nerf Power of Inertia

in Profession Balance

Posted by: frans.8092


Nope no change needed war, ele, engi even guard can quite easily have constant 20+ stacks of might. Thief might stacking abilities are inferior compared to many other classes.

What do those classes have to invest to get and maintain those stacks?

And what does Thief have to invest to get those OP 8-10 might stacks? 10-12 traitpoints, 3 traits and the most expensive runeset available?

What about the process used to obtain them? Is it as easy as 2 points in a traitline

Except that for 2 points in acrobatics that you do not get 8-10 might stacks, you get 1 16.5 second stack of might every 10 seconds, or about 1.65 stack of might on average. Wow, that sure is incredibly overpowereddoes require getting nerfed.

Blanket, blind comparisons with no thought given to them hold little value.

Calculating the result of 12 trait points, 3 traits and a runeset and then attributing the result to two trait points certain does not hold any value at all.

[Thief] Nerf Power of Inertia

in Profession Balance

Posted by: frans.8092


You think an average of 3-4 might stacks is op? Have you not seen “insert any other class in the game”. I’m just surprised you aren’t talking about might on signet use trait…


If you can only stack 3 or 4 might stacks on average in the period of about 30 seconds when you take into account boon stealing and TotC, you’re just really bad. I can stack more might on my 2 0 0 6 6 without PoI.

You opened about Power of Inertia being OP, so we look at the might granted by Power of Inertia, we’re not interested in other sources. You are adding all sources of might together and then you say look how OP PoI is. That doesn’t make sense.

Max endurance regen is 10% per second, so with Feline Grace 1 dodge per 3,5 second. With 3 Acro the PoI might lasts about 17,3 seconds, and you could keep about 4-5 might stack going on PoI. With 6 Acro your PoI might stack last 20 seconds, 1 stack every 3,5 seconds accumulates into 5-6 stacks of might.

For this you did have to invest heavily into two trait lines to get the Vigor uptime, boon duration and the traits.

PS: You can get more might by swapping weapons with Sigil of Battle then with PoI.

(edited by frans.8092)

Thief been nerfed?

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


I thought they nerfed Rangers first and then Thieves afterwards.

No, Rangers get a small buff then a big nerf. It’s a tradition from GW1

Jump + Dodge

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


I dont have difficulty pressing two keys to accomplish this, but sometimes the movement seems to fail several times in a row, and it returns nothing to do. Could be the LAG?

PS: I tested it several times followed, and it seemed LAG because I leave them one beside the other keys.

I don’t know, both jump-then-dodge as well as dodge-then-jump seem to work so I am assuming it wants to see them both within the timeframe it uses between successive checks or polls of the input. Lag would then not be an issue.

Jump + Dodge

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


“Oh, now I am so sad, I really thought you cared, after-all you thought I seemed offended, so I explained. My mistake.”

Outside of the sarcasm, for someone who was just moments earlier was making such a huge fuss about irrelevant tangents, you mock me for pointing out how irrelevant your pet-peeve’s are?

All that in reaction to an attempt at making a light heartedly intended comment like

Does it offend you that I posted the first relevant, direct information from the german lead?

No, relevant information does not offend me, but I can understand German just fine and presenting me this horrible translation is what offends me.

Jump + Dodge

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


I really really don’t understand WTF IS THIS TOPIC EVEN ABOUT?! You are soon gonna go into page 2 over…nothing.

It’s become a kind of forum based demonstration of spaghetti code – and why it’s bad.

It’s really about two simple, yet still unanswered questions.

Jump + Dodge

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


“Why all the irrelevant side-tracking? I’ve been trying to get the discussion back on track by returning the two core issues in just about every post, but you keep dodging it and instead post irrelevant musings.”

Irrelevant side-tracking? Is this a joke? I post a german quote SPECIFICALLY on the issue, hours later another person finds the english version saying the same thing that was analyzed earlier and you spend a significant portion of your response harping on how a german to english translation OFFENDS you even though it has NOTHING to do with the discussion at hand since the translation and interpretation made enough sense to get a solid analysis of it and continue the discussion?

I originally spend one sentence on the poor translation, it was blown up by you afterwards. And the whole german quote is already sidetracking because we already know these things and the issue comes down to two things,

1) is it a single action or not
2) does the action (or actions) give an advantage

Which I have posted in that same post where I question the use of the poorly translated quote, and to which I have been trying to get back to in almost every post.

“Then why did you read that into my critique of the poorly translated text?”

What are you talking about? I realize you’re not good with english so I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that something got lost in translation here. Your question literally makes no sense in any form of context I try and put it in.

I think the ‘that’ in ‘why did you read that’ was about your “Where does that violate any ToS” in:

What’s wrong with quoting an english translation of what the german lead said? I even quoted the direct link to his post. Where does that violate any ToS …

Jump + Dodge

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


“Actually without the thread and the context it is hard to judge what was said and why it might have been removed. And, no, I really don’t trust your ability to reliable and objectively handle the context of these issues.
You have, btw, not given me any reason to trust you and many reasons not to. Without the thread we don’t know what was in it or why it was removed.”

What on Earth are you talking about? What thread? No one said anything about a thread. Why are you shoving words in my mouth?

All right, so it was a post. While you get a clarification from a mod when a thread you posted in is removed, you don’t get a clarification when a post is removed. You don’t know why the post was removed, it might even have been the original poster who deleted it. You do not know.

Someone came here and made a post saying something to the affect of: “Fine, I’ll be the one to say it. It’s ok to key bind jump-dodge to 1 key /thread.”

How would you know why it disappeared?

What proof do you have to show that you’re credible either?

Anyone can decide for themselves who they trust or find credible.

“That you managed to make sense of it is basically a form of adapting the facts to ones fiction, you simply made it fit to whatever you believed.
Why did you not refer to this english text that you claim matched it so well? Why did you dig up this screwed up translation from a German text if you have an English text available?”

You’re presenting one farfetched reason as to how I magically came to understand the text.

No, common psychology, we all try to interpret new facts with our existing understanding.

You know, an alternate and more convincing explanation would be that the german to english translator actually made a lot of sense and from that I was able to fully understand the meaning.

Not possible as the English translation is incorrect English, gibberish even.

Why are you manipulating the discussion where did I ever say or even suggest that I had the english version of this when I made that post? Where did I say I was ever referring to the original translation at the time of that post?
Never. You’re making this up out of thin air.

You said I was able to understand and apply his translation EXACTLY as the english version explains to us right here:

Grammatically incorrect? Sure. Nonsensical? 100% wrong. If it was nonsensical it wouldn’t have made sense. You’re absolutely wrong about that since I was able to understand and apply his translation EXACTLY as the english version explains to us.

After I had posted the german translation another user came across the literal english version that was posted by an english dev and shared it with the thread.

I don’t really see such a link. The only link I do see is to Gaile Gray’s post saying it’s not ok to keybind multiple skills to one key. But that one doesn’t explain the faulty translation.

Surprisingly enough my first analysis of the german to english translation was spot on and I understood it completely and went so far as to present a proper mini analysis of its relevance to the discussion at hand.

Right …

Speaking of relevance, you still haven’t explained why you believe it is (a) two actions and not one and (b) what advantages this action (or actions) gives over other players.

Jump + Dodge

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Where on Earth did I say you could only look for information in any particular place?

With “We are talking about the specifics of this thread” and “so you ASSUMED I meant outside of this thread too” in this post:

We are talking about the specifics of this thread. Unless you’re putting words in my mouth or lying. Please quote the other people in this thread?

No? Oh yeah so you ASSUMED I meant outside of this thread too. Or you shoved those words in my mouth. Lack of specificity? You should have asked for clarification. As such you’re 100% wrong.

I never said you weren’t the only one to think/post it at any point in time.

You did actually when you said, and I quote,

except you’re the only one who is suggesting it’s not a violation of the ToS.

Oh, except one person who literally said it was not a violation of tos and his post was deleted (and he was likely infracted for it).

That is you referencing another post, with ‘except’ linking it to ’you’re the only one’ implying there really is no one except me saying this.

Nor did I ever say that you should only limit your search to this thread.

Yes, you did, right here:

“No, I am not the only one and I am giving reasons as to why I think it is not, while you are giving reasons as to why you think it is and we don’t agree. That is not uncommon for a discussion.”

Yes you are. We are talking about the specifics of this thread. Unless you’re putting words in my mouth or lying. Please quote the other people in this thread?

The original and stuff you want back?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


… do you think it will be shut down soon?

It’s still being sold, by retailers I think, and I am certain it is available on Steam, so I don’t expect them to shut down the servers soon.

On steam…….. (Runs off to her steam account).

Edit: (has added the trilogy pack to her wish list for easy access later).

:) Enjoy

But you’ll need Eye of the North as well if you want access to the Hall of Monuments and it’s rewards in GW2.

Jump + Dodge

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Completely irrelevant. The dev doesn’t even know if it’s POSSIBLE to time-macro (when it obviously is which shows his lack of knowledge on the subject)
Furthermore you quote a terrain designer? Please show me EXACTLY where he suggests at all that you can either multi keybind or that you can safely keybind jumpdodge to one key.

I never said that, I said he didn’t seem concerned in the slightest about the legality of binding it to a single key.

Absolutely ignorance if you don’t know of the in-combat advantages.

You seem to be having a hard time summing up the issues I am so ignorant about. It really can not be hard to list them.

I’ll get to your next post when I get home. Looks like you were also 100% wrong of me not having anythnig to reply.

Are you home yet? I am waiting for you to get back on topic, you know, these two key questions, (a) 1 or 2 actions and (b) combat advantages over other players.

Also these are just samples, I’ll post full responses more in-depth when I get back.

Samples of what? I hope interesting points about these two questions, (a) 1 or 2 actions and (b) combat advantages over other players.

Jump + Dodge

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


“No, I am not the only one and I am giving reasons as to why I think it is not, while you are giving reasons as to why you think it is and we don’t agree. That is not uncommon for a discussion.”

Yes you are. We are talking about the specifics of this thread. Unless you’re putting words in my mouth or lying. Please quote the other people in this thread?

A bit odd to confine the search to this thread, but a sly move. Anyway, you don’t determine where I can look for information, reference, quotes, opinions etc …..

“Really? And you can show us that post? No, you can’t, so what value does your comment have.”
Show this post? What kind of ridiculous question is that? Do you really think I am screenshotting every single post just in case a mod deletes it and someone else goes “SHOW ME PROOF THIS POST EXISTED”

That’s absurd. If you don’t believe me …

Actually without the thread and the context it is hard to judge what was said and why it might have been removed. And, no, I really don’t trust your ability to reliable and objectively handle the context of these issues.

You have, btw, not given me any reason to trust you and many reasons not to. Without the thread we don’t know what was in it or why it was removed.

Bad translation? I completely 100% understood the meaning of the translated text and speak 0 German.

That you managed to make sense of it is basically a form of adapting the facts to ones fiction, you simply made it fit to whatever you believed.

Why did you not refer to this english text that you claim matched it so well? Why did you dig up this screwed up translation from a German text if you have an English text available?

My point of discussion that I’ve chosen to involve myself in is the legitimacy of dodge-jump to be keybound to 1 key. As such that’s the focus of my discussion.

Why all the irrelevant side-tracking? I’ve been trying to get the discussion back on track by returning the two core issues in just about every post, but you keep dodging it and instead post irrelevant musings.

Suggesting my world revolves around ToS is equally ridiculous, except unlike you I recognize you’re being facetious.

Then why did you read that into my critique of the poorly translated text?

“No, relevant information does not offend me, but I can understand German just fine and presenting me this horrible translation is what offends me. "

Who cares?

Oh, now I am so sad, I really thought you cared, after-all you thought I seemed offended, so I explained. My mistake.

What if I told you that it offends me that you’re don’t find computer generated translations legitimate? No one cares.

Only if they are so bad that they aren’t English anymore. Excuse me for needing understandable and correct English with these kinds of issues. Why would that offend you?

“My rules? It’s not about rules but about interpretation and you present an unconvincing interpretation of the rules. Your case rests upon the assumption that the jump-dodge is two actions.”

What are you talking about? You took that quote COMPLETELY out of context and turned it into some screwed up piece of information to voice your random comments.

I was SPECIFICALLY talking about quoting the German lead. What right do you have to impose your sense of offense on me? I don’t care if you’re offended. It’s PERFECTLY good information. Was I about to spend hours looking for some english response on a very niche and specific issue? Absolutely not. Could I have? Sure. But why would I care to—and more relevently: why would I HAVE to? Because you want me to? Who cares what you WANT in a discussion? I posted FACTS by a LEAD DEV.

Wow man, you do same pretty upset about me critiquing a seriously poor translation.

So again I ask you, why do I have to follow your made up rules of evidentiary procedure?

What are you talking about? Evidentiaty procedure? I’d like an open minded discussion with reasonable arguments, specifically why do you think it should be considered as two actions and not one and why do you think there’s any advantage to using dodge-jump in combat over simply using dodge.

You see, there they are again the core questions, (a) 1 or 2 actions and (b) combat advantages over other players.

The original and stuff you want back?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


… do you think it will be shut down soon?

It’s still being sold, by retailers I think, and I am certain it is available on Steam, so I don’t expect them to shut down the servers soon.

(Bad) Luck Accounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


… although they were going to have a CDI discussion on it they have never stated the type of rng. If it uses a “fixed” seed then it is highly possible to see results like you detail above.

And this is why they should not have a CDI on the RNG; all kinds of people will comment without really knowing much about them. So, unless Donald Knuth plays Guildwars 2 and is willing to participate in that CDI, it is better they spend their time on fixing bugs.

Most programmers should just pick a RNG, make sure it gets a good seed once per program execution and simply pull the pseudo random numbers from it that it generates. All the energy you could spend on attempts to improve the rng of choice is better spend on checking for your bugs in using the darned thing, see anecdote in the post by draxynnic.


Runes for power thief in WvW/PvP

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Mhh, it’s still -20% duration, you never have enough cleansing to remove everything all the time, so you have to choose when to cleanse and this will reduce some damage. It also stacks with the -40% food and with those two you might not need any cleansing at all.

Jump + Dodge

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


so you’re making the argument that it’s perfectly fine for people to do it, but you’re not actually going to say it?

Like I said, and argued for, I believe binding dodge-jump to a single key or button is not against the User Agreement. The main reason is that, in my opinion, the dodge-jump is a single action.

And yeah, apparently you don’t even know the benefits of dodge-jumping. Since—according to you—it has NO advantage what-so-ever why are you even bothering posting about this at all?

I didn’t say that, I said it gave no advantage over other players in combat. It has an obvious advantage in jumping puzzles where it (supposedly) allows you to make a full length jump even while in combat-mode. But since jumping puzzles typically do not involve other players as opponents, that is not an issue with the rules / UA.

Why do people care if they reliably can do it?

I think because if you happen to press jump before dodge you might end up only jumping when you needed the dodge.

I could take the time to shred everything you’ve just posted, but …

… you couldn’t, if you had any real arguments you would have posted them by now.

Bottom line is that you’re telling people it’s ok to violate ToS and I’d rather not have that misinformation spread.

I am disputing your reading of the ToS, and in my view . I hate it when people start to spread FUD so they can tell other people what they should do, or not do.

The only reason I bothered to post was to prevent the spread of this misinformation by the willfully ignorant when this issue and similar issues have been addressed.

Off course you do.

Toughness, Healing, and Vitality armor inc!

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


That oughta be fun, those full TVH tanks. A full Berserker could probably face-tank their wet-noodle attacks better then they can tank the Berserker.

[VIDEO] Thief (condi) builds compilation

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


… And it’s called cheese for some reasons …

Yeah, reason is scrubs don’t l2p.

A year ago p/d was a weak weaponset, it’s the thief’s best option (without getting buffed) but now the rest is nerfed and it is suddenly OP. It’s exactly as was predicted back then, whatever weaponset is currently seen as the strongest set a thief has is automatically ‘cheese’ and ‘op’ and will get nerfed.

Allow us to download gw2.dat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


If your system is that unstable, make a backup of the .dat and .exe, once per week or so.

I for one prefer the current incremental updates and don’t want to download a 20Gb file split in two big files in some archaic, proprietary compression scheme.

Thanks for the ninja armour

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: frans.8092


It isn’t for us, it is for China. So was the Ancestral outfit and so will Belinda’s No-dachi when it is released in the gemstore.

Everything is geared for China now. We are just lucky to have access to it as well.

Well, ‘we’ have dozens of sets already, I can imagine they’d want to focus on the other half of their users for a bit.