Showing Posts For frans.8092:

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


Beautifully executed! My thief outfit is also arranged around the Tormented weapon set. These weapons are so unique and beautiful.

  • Helm: Twilight Arbor/Nightmare
  • Shoulders: Arah/Orrian
  • Chest: Strider
  • Gloves: Caudecus Manor/Council
  • Leggings: Vigil
  • Boots: Zodiac


  • Nightshade
  • Abyss
  • Fluff
  • Pastel Rose
  • Heliotrope
  • Pitch


  • Tormented Dagger
  • Tormented Shortbow

I’m on the fence for the Tormented Sword.

Nice, reminds me of GW1 assassin outfits. Probably not a coincidence. Good job.

Sick of condi builds when roaming

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


… and then the next meta comes along …

sure, you can still make your own build and play how you like, but you’re never going to be optimal.

Or … you could be the one to introduce the next meta build ….

[BUILD] P/D Power - Help?

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


I think you can tag P/D on anything other weaponset – build as long as it has some stealth support, it’s always really useful as fall-back set, you see it often as secondary to S/D and similar high risk roaming builds

Valkyre & Cavalier are not so useful for this build, but you probably already knew that. Maybe craft or buy some secondary exotic gear pieces, well matched exotics are better then mismatched ascended pieces.

Should targeting drop when in stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


The question was should abilities like Ranger’s rapid fire and Mesmer phantasms/adds persist to target and damage after a thief enters stealth?

Channeled skills, yes, there’s a handful that last long and their caster is can not take other actions while channeling. AI, no, AI should not be able to keep targeting skills and actions on cloaked and stealthed pc’s and npc’s. After all their owner is not occupied with channeling them as the ranger would be with Rapid Fire.

Bugged chat system

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: frans.8092


It seems I am not allowed to signal my world that the enemy is at the gate more then two or three times because the message suppression kicks in. Now They’ve taken Dawn because I can’t tell anyone they’re taking it.

[Suggestion]Siege Griefing

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


he upgrades are what really tick me off, you get 300 supply someone orders doors and bam second worker, 2 minutes later a blob starts knocking on the door, Hate that!

I’ve ordered upgrades on camps to deny blobs the supply they’d need for the tower or keep down the road. Maybe someone thought similar with your tower.

WvW Criticism

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


Spying is a breach of the ToS.

Interesting interpretation, how did you arrive at that conclusion?

Guild Wars 2 Rules of Conduct:

Rules of Conduct

1. While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, reporting players maliciously, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated.

Spies do not respect the rights of other players, or let them enjoy the game.
They are there to spy, and hence cheat, giving the enemy server an unfair advantage; thereby ruining the game for players on both sides!

I see, bit I don’t think it stretches that wide, spying does not limit other players in their ability to play and enjoy the game. If you interpret ‘enjoy’ as ‘having fun’, it does not have that meaning in that context where it means ‘being able to play’ and without being subjected to fraud, harassment, threats and the other things mentioned. Spying is not in that list. Just as spamming skills in town is not, even though that might interfere with some players’ enjoyment, or dancing, or flashing 50 skill tomes at the banker. Spying is not neccesarily cheating, it is part of general warfare, just as scouting and hiding in keeps is part of Wvw. It also does not give an ‘unfair’ advantage as anyone can do it, just as using teamspeak is not considered an unfair advantage.

Perhaps spying could be seen similar to looking at the cards of other players in a game like poker where seeing each other’s cards would be detrimental to the game. But then, in other games, like chess. you have all information available, so that is not necessarily bad, or ‘cheating’ . Many here seem not convinced the information obtained by spying is detrimental to the game. If you feel it is, make a case to show why.

Of a more practical nature is the argument that spying is impossible to prove, unlike, for instance, a fly or teleport hack.

WvW Criticism

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


Honor in war is long dead… Like 250+ years dead.

Honor is overrated

Spying is a breach of the ToS.

Interesting interpretation, how did you arrive at that conclusion?

whisping black list

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


Yeah, you’ve got a point. Strange quirck in it’s design.

Haunted Melody P/D power, roaming video.

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092



Where’s your video, hero? Critique is ok but before giving that level of trash talk you ought to show some of your own.

Sick of condi builds when roaming

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


me playing a bursty solo roaming sw/f + gs guardian (who in their right mind would do that? melee with 13k hp without buffs ftw) is fun but also really frustrating. other glass cannons have absolutely no chance because i just block/blind all their damage and burst them back, but the moment i see a good mesmer or necro, i need to run because i know i’ll very likely lose. and a condi build is not an option for guards, so i’m shoehorned into either zerging or being a power-based roamer.

You could perhaps trade some of your awesome burst power for condition counter.
Have you at any time considered that your kind of invincible power burst guardian might be a part of the reason of why roaming has shifted towards condition bunkers? Do you think the players you stomped so easily should have kept playing power based burst builds so they could keep on breaking their teeth on your blind&block guardian? Do you think it is reasonable to expect them to not adapt their builds so that you could have kept playing yours with the same success rate?

Balance patch done anything yet?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: frans.8092


Power builds have Strength runes and…?

Runes of Strength work best if you already get some 6-10 (or more) might stacks going without them, otherwise Rage is probably better (fury easily adds 15% to damage, might about 1,5% per stack on a power build).

Strength is more reliable and there are many party wide might applying skills.

You need many stacks of might to get the same effect as fury and you’d need to maintain them, which could make fury more reliable. You need 6-10 stacks before the additional effect of the strength runes surpass fury runes and not every build will have those, or they’ll require adjustments to a build in order to generate those 6-8 stacks.

Not all power builds will automatically prefer Runes of Strength.

What race do you want playable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092



I’m not expecting dwarfs anytime soon (if ever) but it is well within ANets ability and general fantasy reason to have the dwarfs return as a playable race. Nothing is ever permanent in a fantasy world. Things may be unlikely and not what certain players/readers/viewers/etc want but that doesn’t disqualify them. In fact I would say it makes them a bigger surprise and adds more gripping lore.

No offence but what you guys are talking about is often considered bad story writing. When something is stated as being permanent in any genre of story writing and then the writer falls back on that its basically the same as a lie. It also as I stated normally comes about as a Deus ex Machina, God of the Machine. In other words it takes an act of god to revert something. When a story uses such a mechanic the story always seems to fall flat and ends in an anticlimactic way.

Permanence in a fantasy makes for a better story. And yes permanence is permanent in fantasy story’s. The ones that go against that have always felt anticlimactic and dull.

What are you talking about?

Surprising the audience, come backs, plot twist, etc. make stories exciting.

I suppose every retcon could be considered a plot twist. But cheap tricks don’t fool me into buying a cheap trick as an exciting story element. Bringing dwarves back doesn’t fall into the category exciting plot twist, but into the bad story writing category. Sorry, maybe I am to demanding, but that is just what it would be to me.

Sick of condi builds when roaming

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


Only class I really feel bad for in WvW is Ranger… those dudes get no love at all.

Maybe that would actually be the solution bring every classes dmg output/sustain down on ranger level …

But not the turning, please, I beg of you, do not make us keyboard-turn.

(edited by frans.8092)

soldiers vs cavalier

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Depends on your total setup, without lots of precision ferocity is a poor stat, with a high enough crit chance, a cavalier piece for defense is ok. Soldiers has the best attack stat (power) as main and two solid defensive stats for survival so when looking for bits of survival on an power based set, Soldiers would have my preference. But I wouldn’t run to the merchant in a hurry to exchange the odd Cavalier piece for a Soldiers(provided I had a high crit chance already).

Please nerf Heartseaker.

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Another punishment would be also increasing initiative if the opponent has more than 75% HP. It would really punish random HS spam and make these beginner thieves how to play the game.

Besides the kill finisher Heart Seeker is also a utility skill providing a gap closer and a leap finisher and neither of these uses should be punished, at least not based on a spam=bad argument.

The Outnumbered buff is demoralizing

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


…Information is power.

Huh, what?! OP buff! Nerf!

Would be nice to have it do something that actually could help. Maybe just reduce weapon cooldown, or give +10% IMS, or +50 Vit or something. Or to really help with PPT, longer duration on the Supervisor buff and/or other buffs to aliied NPC’s

(edited by frans.8092)

Thief PvE Meta question

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Shortbow is nice for most open world AoE needs, the blastfinisher is also good for events. Sometimes you may want the extra defense from the blind on Sword/Pistol #5.

My spill on why thief is not fair

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


This applies to wvw and in spvp for capping points specifically if the enemy player is killed by the thief. If a player can be killed by a stealth spamming thief, it wont matter that stealth can’t cap. The thief will just kill the player and take the point after that player is downed.

In wvw they may face guards re-spawning while they are capping and that will slow down the capping and you can just run back from spawn. In Wvw you should probably make survival and buying time for backup to arrive a priority anyway, rather then trying to get fair 1v1 fights.

What race do you want playable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


The more I think about it, the more I’d like Centaur the most.

How do you imagine that happening with the current situation in Kryta? The Charr at least were aware of the need to cooperate to have a fighting chance.

Players said similar things about Charr, Norn, and Asura from GW1.

They are still not playable races in GW1.

My personal favorite would be the centaurs. No other game has had them, and they could have some awesome animations.

Absolutely, I’d buy a slot for a Centaur PC, but the current situation does not leave room for the Centaurs as a playable race, as it would involve them being allied with the other playable races against the dragons.
An alliance with the Centaur would turn the human personal story upside down, but it could be some dramatic Living Story.

(edited by frans.8092)

How about a skritt finisher

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


“Skritt!! I’m hit”

Balance patch done anything yet?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: frans.8092


Power builds have Strength runes and…?

Runes of Strength work best if you already get some 6-10 (or more) might stacks going without them, otherwise Rage is probably better (fury easily adds 15% to damage, might about 1,5% per stack on a power build).

What race do you want playable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


No, not Tengu, can you imagine a zerg of Talon Silverwing look-alike chicken warriors racing around in Wvw?

Oh … Wait … that would actually be hilarious.

Why some weapons soul & others account bound?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: frans.8092


not a mystery, just a screw up which cannot be fixed anymore. Making legendaries account-bound on create now would create a lot of complaints right now.

Ascended is the exception here, crafted equipment is usually unbound. No reason to make crafted exotics unbound and crafted legendaries account bound.

I hate how when you unlock a skin from an exotic it binds it. I only wanted the skin…not the item

Sell it then and buy back a green or blue version from the TP

Thiefs are broken

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Guys just look at his post history.

^^ this.

Celestial asc. armor vs Thief. Good or not?

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


In my opinion if you are going for straight damage, Celestial is not a good option. I could see it being used on a hybrid condition/power thief for Wvw, mixed with Celestial/Dire/Rabid/Knights trinkets, but nowhere else.

Sick of condi builds when roaming

in WvW

Posted by: frans.8092


Dire gear… burst them to death? when they have 3k toughness and over 25k hp? …

3k toughness? Uhuh, sure….

Thiefs are broken

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Honetly i think this game has had enough of this class

It has since the start.

You think the ferocity nerf had a kind of reversed effect on teefs, increasing max damage rather then decreasing it?

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


It’s just a matter of time. Like in GW1, some things get fixed, new things gets added

Yeah. I didn’t like GW1 for the first 4 years, so I still have hope for GW2 yet.

4 years … 7 hero parties? You’re waiting for the ability to add 4 heroes to your party?

Sigils for condi thief

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Works for me.

I’ve used main-hand Pistol with Doom in slot 1 and Dagger with Agony offhand in slot 2

Death Blossom: Useless?

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


So glad I play with people/guilds who actually…you know…roleplay….(in an MMORPG…go figure….) and allow players the freedom to roll whatever builds they find most enjoyable or more suitable to the theme of their character for whatever content we play.

You can play what you want, but that was, I think, not the intended discussion topic. The play-as-you-want argument makes short work of every discussion about effectiveness of skills and – while valid in-game – is rather boring for the forum

Meta-builds exist because most peopleare afraid to fail their group.

(edited by frans.8092)

Does seeing Engineer Kits make a difference?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: frans.8092


You could always implement it so that it is hidden to the player, but visible to everyone else.

That kind of defeats the purpose, part of what people like in making their character look good is in showing it off.

If I set character models and quality to lowest you’ll all look the same to me anyway (I get the better frame rates), showing off is for your eyes only.

I dont see why Engineers need to telegraph their kit with the backpiece art.

Same reason you can see what weapons someone uses.

I don’t see why it would bother you if other people get to see what kit you have on your back if your view remains aesthetically pleasing.

You still hold a weapon, flamethrower, elixirgun, wrench. And if its a problem that medkit, grenadekit and bombkit come without holding a weapon then they should add a visual for those kits instead of using that to deny choice to the people who play engineer.

There is no visual except for the thing on your back, if they’d add something recognizable in your hands that’d make a difference.

I dont see why it would bother you if engineers no longer telegraph their weapons more then most other professions.

I don’t see why it would bother you when other players can see you’re using a (specific) kit.

Does seeing Engineer Kits make a difference?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: frans.8092


You could always implement it so that it is hidden to the player, but visible to everyone else.

That kind of defeats the purpose, part of what people like in making their character look good is in showing it off.

If I set character models and quality to lowest you’ll all look the same to me anyway (I get the better frame rates), showing off is for your eyes only.

I dont see why Engineers need to telegraph their kit with the backpiece art.

Same reason you can see what weapons someone uses.

I don’t see why it would bother you if other people get to see what kit you have on your back if your view remains aesthetically pleasing.

Condition Thief: Your Thoughts/Advice?

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Thank you.

Talk about fairness or risk/reward is pointless, you play to win, and so do they.

Dire P/D isn’t that strong, it’s damage potential is basically tied to it’s ability to keep 5-10 bleed stacks on the target, while having very good sustain against both damage and condition. The bleeds are covered by an array of other conditions, poison, vulnerability, torment.

5-10 bleed stacks represents 800-1600 HP/Sec (and don’t give me no fairy tales about 200 hp bleed ticks please, you’d need >3k condition damage), it will not burst you down in 10 seconds, but eventually it will kill if you have no means to remove it, or (dramatically) reduce condition duration, or at least bleed duration. Judging from the general condition-QQ I’d assume people would be running the -40% duration food, which should cover about half of the threat.

P/D durability relies on getting C&D to hit, denying them their stealth will kill them, or drive them off. Use blinds, blocks, knock-back, against C&D, or chill/cripple and kiting to throw them off their timing, whatever you have in your kitten nal to deny them stealth from C&D, if they use C&D on the wildlife, you can use the same wildlife, any trees and other obstacles to block (part of) their Sneak Attack.

Btw, Celestial + Rabid is fine, Sneak Attack scales quite well on Power based damage, C&D can hit quite hard – and you’ll be able to break Diamond Skin with ease. You’d also have enough crit chance to run on-crit sigils for even more effects (or Might, boosts power and condition damage)

(edited by frans.8092)

One nerf that would make you quit?

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


For me to totally quit thieves all weaponsets and traitlines for powerbuilds would have to get nerfed, so I’m fully out of options.

They are getting there, slowly. Now condi P/D is top tier in QQ, the set that once was a gimmick, something you’d occasionally run for comic relief, but is now seeing more play, and naturally the QQ shifts. Next up is P/P.

Condition Thief: Your Thoughts/Advice?

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


You come here with a rant that starts with an insult and expect positive feedback?
And no, just editing the post does not cut it. Be nice if you want to be treated nice.

Does seeing Engineer Kits make a difference?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: frans.8092


You could always implement it so that it is hidden to the player, but visible to everyone else.

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


Hey, lets give it another shot, …

You really think people hang out on the forum after quitting?

Rune of Strength vs Rune of Rage

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


How much of a damage difference do you think the two are?

Depend on how much Might you generate.

Roughly speaking you get about +1.5% per stack of might (with power main gear) and the duration increase should net you +50% might stack (15 when you’d get 10) – plus 1 or 2 from #4.

To match the gain from fury (about 10-15%), and about a 1/3 ~ 1/2 of your fury is due to the runes, so, say 7% for the rune, minus the 2% difference on #6 you’d need the Runes of Strength to add about 4 stacks, so I’d say that if you generate 6-8 stacks of might without the runes they’re about even.

With more fury uptime you do have increased on-crit trigger chances on sigils and traits. When you loose (both) boons, from a rip or when taking a break in SR, then Fury will be back up faster then Might, as it needs only one stack for full effect.

(edited by frans.8092)

Your favorite weaponset

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


It’s gotta be the shortbow.

It’s on virtually every build, so it has to be, right?

I kinda like pistols doing bang-bang, so that’s P/P or P/D. And Sword plus Dagger for style.

revealed training

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Your mistaken, backstab doesnt require you to be in stealth when you hit, it requires you to be in stealth to start the attack. Very different. Start backstab while in stealth, use steal/mug. backstab still lands. People have been doing this since beta same as with cnd….

Nasty. Or neat, depending on point of view. That would also work with Tactical Strike then, another way to use steal as interrupt.

revealed training

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


It’s not necessarily the same as C&D, backstab depends on being in stealth when you (land the) hit, C&D doesn’t. I’d expect that precasting #1 (backstab) into Mug should result in Mug revealing you and #1 just hitting as a Double Strike. But if it lands as backstab when precasting, that’d be neat, and even neater with Revealed Training, +200 power should be 8-10% extra damage.

I would really like some "sexy" gear skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frans.8092


My thief is pretty sexy.

What kind of leggings is that?

Viper’s Medium-Armor Skin

revealed training

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


precast backstab on mug? You mean precast Cloag & Dagger? Or are you using the Stealth on Steal trait?

It doesn’t apply to backstab unless you quickly precast it with mug, so you are revealed before backstab lands.

But if Mug reveals you you will not get a backstab

Or is this some ‘bug’/‘glitch’/‘exploit’?

(edited by frans.8092)

thief dealing with lich

in Profession Balance

Posted by: frans.8092


Also, the last time I used Lich Form in WvW, I watched the projectiles.

In general projectiles will hit if you don’t change direction and/or movement speed after they are ‘fired’.

I know. I’m telling you they didn’t hit when the enemy didn’t change direction and/or movement speed. I’m telling you that they flew right behind, at the location the player was when the projectile fired.

I really need to go out and officially test this, then maybe post a vid for confirmation. I think I’ll try to do that this evening.

When they are moving in a direction that is both away (or towards) you and sideways relative to you (like bi-chording trying to avoid missiles) the angular (rotational) speed will change as the distance changes. If the targeting uses the angular (rotational) speed to calculate the required correction this could result in missing the target for very slow missile speeds, even if the target doesn’t change their heading or speed.

revealed training

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


“Gain extra power when striking an enemy from stealth”

You can only strike once from stealth, when that hit connects and deals damage, you loose stealth. Logically the extra power only applies to that hit.

If it applies +200 power while under Revealed it would be a reasonable trait, with the worst description in the game.

theif still op

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


I don’t think the class itself is overpowered, anyone that has played it will tell you making a mistake can get you killed easy. But stealth needs to have a counter like everything else in this game or have a cool down before you can stealth again.

Utilities granting stealth have cooldowns, weapon skills granting stealth use initiative off which there is a very limited supply and there is a hard cooldown on stealth called revealed. You may want to get the facts on the mechanics for this profession before suggesting changes.

thief dealing with lich

in Profession Balance

Posted by: frans.8092


Also, the last time I used Lich Form in WvW, I watched the projectiles.

In general projectiles will hit if you don’t change direction and/or movement speed after they are ‘fired’.

i buy my stealth at walmart

in Profession Balance

Posted by: frans.8092


Can I have a pet on my Thief?

I want a bunny rabbit.

I will name him George.

The rabbits went down a hole near Drakkar Lake and haven’t been seen since the time when the Great Destroyer was destroyed.

9510 backstab

in Profession Balance

Posted by: frans.8092


The op is complaining that his toughness isn’t enough the op thinks 2.6k armor is enough.

It’s the amount of armor you can expect from going full Soldier’s, Knight’s will get you more armor, but with the reduced Vitality you’ll be more vulnerable to burst. The difference between Soldier’s and Knight’s in damage reduction is about …. 12%

I am not defending the OP, but claiming that 2600 armor is not enough, or that it “isn’t a lot”, is absurd.

We don’t know what gear he was wearing and 2.6k obviously isn’t enough for the op.

We know he had 2,6k armor and we know several reactions suggested 2,6k armor is insufficient (in general), which is a … remarkable suggestion when you consider that full Soldiers will get you about 2.6k armor.

… I bet whatever his number is would mean it would tickle 2.9k armor

i wouldn’t be surprised if that number would ‘tickle’ 3.9k armor.

(edited by frans.8092)