Showing Posts For holska.4127:

Weapon/Kit Swapping - Giving engineerkittenility slot back!

in Engineer

Posted by: holska.4127


hahaha so they even included special characters like dashes and leetspeak like 1 being L into the kitten filter, I’m impressed but this one might be a bit far sought.

Move arborstone away from desolation and augury rock.

in WvW

Posted by: holska.4127


Phara Miu

i have almost no lag so i dunno what people are talking about playing overseas, also i have a 100Mbit connection maybe thats why i dont seem to have such lag ?

That is very rarely related to the bandwidth spec of your connection.
Bad latency is most often caused by the routing to the game servers, and is not only dependant on your ISP’s preferred route but also to the responsiveness of every hub along that route your packages pass through both ways. My current ISP for example has different hubs along its route to the US than my previous one even though I’m physically still located in the same place.
Some games I was able to play without problems on US servers without large increase in latency have now become too laggy for me to play and games I previously had too much lag now have a reasonably low latency. The max. bandwidth of my connection stayed the same.

As for the rest of your post; I just see you as a deserter coward :P

Commander Tag Character Only?

in WvW

Posted by: holska.4127


Staying on topic would make this thread more of a rage post by the OP due to the way (s)he worded it which is more of a demand rather than bringing the problem to the attention. And then all responses would just be +1’s and -1’s.
Now there’s actually some discussion which leads to more posts which leads to bigger chance of attention from the devs being drawn to the thread.

Change the Matching system

in WvW

Posted by: holska.4127


It’s done by ranking. The top 3 servers are always going to fight one another. If they randomized it at all, then the top 3 servers would just be roflstomping every other server without recourse.

This. Just take a look at the current ranking sticky post in this subforum. There’s an increasing point gap between number 3, 4 and 5 already (both US and EU), imagine what happens if #1 is match against #3 and #5.

WvW Map with No Objectives

in WvW

Posted by: holska.4127


It wouldn’t really take much effort on their part. I feel like it addresses and fixed many of the problems that people are complaining about.

Adding a new game mode with separate queue’s, basically create a new map (yes I know it could be roughly copy and pasted and some stuff removed). That could take more effort than you think depending on how their engine and other tech is built, most developers reserve that kind of stuff for a major content patch or even an xpack for a reason.

Commander Tag Character Only?

in WvW

Posted by: holska.4127


Does anyone really think because you have a blue icon above your head people will listen to you?

In my experience, most will. You see, you seem to believe, wrongly, that people like to make their own decisions or won’t listen to someone with what looks like an authority tag.

Well, I hate to break it to you, but the majority of people actually like being sheeps and being lead, and they do so more willingly when they see the blue shield on the map because most of them have absolutely no clue otherwise.

They follow the zerg yes but all I’ve seen so far if folks step up in mapchat to call next targets and try to develop an overall strategy, it only triggers more discussion because others disagree.
Also there’s hardly ever a commander around on my server (I’m on FS, the #2 ranked EU server so no it doesn’t require a commander either to do well).

Commander Tag Character Only?

in WvW

Posted by: holska.4127


The way commanders function currently they’re imo pretty useless anyways. Organised groups are better run by guilds, for which a different guild grouping functionality would be more appropriate in adition to voice / guildchat / multiple smaller groups. For all the rest you can just as well use /m chat.
You’ll never get the whole map to work together on a meta strategy anyways and all that the commander icon does is create a big zerg.
I also agree with Korrigan that the (very few on live, some more during BWE’s) commanders I’ve met really aren’t worth their title and if anything would rather trigger me to rebel against them than to cooperate.

(edited by holska.4127)

Commander Tag Character Only?

in WvW

Posted by: holska.4127


Hi Rebound:

every time someone writes a word that is contained in our swearword filter system, the word is changed automatically to kitten.

Kittens are so yesteryear, quaggan’s have taken over their role

The problem with WvWvW, Graph inside

in WvW

Posted by: holska.4127


I’m on FS and don’t have a problem with nightcapping, we just need to figure a way to get some night shifts in as well and I don’t really see how Anet could fix that other than by introducing horribly OP outnumbered buffs (or rather debuffs on the server that has a huge population advantage). We’ve proven to be a strong server so we might be able to make some alliances with players from other time zones that don’t mind empty PvE zones during their playtime (personally I even preferred that for some time years ago in a game that had horrific spawn camping).

(edited by holska.4127)

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: holska.4127


Im done with WvWvW untill this gets fixed, Vizunah Square [FR] is the only server in europe who has that much activity going on during night time weekdays. How come? i still think thats its canadians in FR. so much activity during night and the only server? i suggest u getting switched over the america.

You mean so that the US server have the same problem as we do currently? Rather easy to suggest something like that, your problem is solved regardless if the exact same problem then affects others so all’s perfect then right? ….
If they had activity during night time ONLY then yes that would be a good suggestion but I can’t say I don’t see any VS players during EU prime time…

Amazed at how much this little tip helped (for noobs)

in Elementalist

Posted by: holska.4127


I prefer Alt+1-4 for attunement swaps since my thumb is somwhere near alt / spacebar all the time anyways.
Dodge I got on C because it’s close to my thumb as well.
For utility / elite I use Ctrl+1-5 because the left side of my hand below my pinky is practically resting on it anyways so I don’t need to use a finger for it, can just use the pressure of bottom left side of hand (not sure what’s correct english term).
As 2nd keybind for 3 most used utility skills I have A, S and D because in some situations that’s more comfy. (I don’t keyboard turn or backpaddle so I only need Q, W, E + mouse for movement).
Heal I got on ~ because there’s no weapon swap on ele.

(edited by holska.4127)

Eng I like others do not

in Engineer

Posted by: holska.4127


We really need a damage parser. Every profession has thread upon thread or posters claiming their class needs a damage buff because they are under powered. I am indeed curious to see actual parsed numbers.

Even though I would also be interested in the numbers I’d prefer them to be released by as an avg from across the whole playerbase instead of having a parser with the downside of folks only focusing on that number game instead of playing smart and leading to cookie cutter builds just based on the logs of a few guys that have respect in the community.

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: holska.4127


As long as they don’t shrink it! Just love how my healing turret is bigger than myself
But I agree it would be a nice adition to have my turrets asura style.

engineer downed state abilites need a rework

in Engineer

Posted by: holska.4127


I find them to be much stronger than on my ele. Grapple line and booby trap are quite strong when timed right and has saved me from being finished off and rallied me in pvp a hell of a lot more often than for example the ele’s grasping earth (hard to time it right to prevent enemy from reaching you) and vapor form (they just run straight after you unless you can use terrain and / or nearbye allies to your advantage).

Eng I like others do not

in Engineer

Posted by: holska.4127


I find the engineer incredibly fun to play, it has a lot of versatility and I agree the problem is with the players. It seems to me a lot of folks have dps meters / parcers and the accompanying 1 spec to rule them all aka cookie cutter builds and remnants of classic roles in other games imprinted in their brains and therefor only go for the highest raw damage output of the grenade kit.
Sad really, but hey to each their own and those might be better off rolling a different class.
I’m not saying that it doesn’t need work but I feel viable already (and have proven to be in both pvp and pve) without going the grenade kit spec way (I do have it slotted in WvW to switch to longer range when needed but not spec’d grenadier).

Lets see your engineers!

in Engineer

Posted by: holska.4127


My walking bullseye in pvp


Defeated players as spies

in WvW

Posted by: holska.4127


work you way around it? is like Spies in RL.. they leak information.. nothing wrong with that.. lol..

u know u can do that too.. dont you?? ._.

next thread is gnna be.. “QQ my enemy is using siege weapons, please remove them”


Wow, so much depth and knowledge here, thanks for the great contributions! But I am pretty sure a dead spy in RL, as you say, would be fairly useless in information gathering. Which is not to say is the same case for a dead spy in GW2….

Since you can actively retreat to a waypoint yourself, this implies you’re not dead but merely incapacitated. Something not too unsimmilar to being tied down but still being able to overhear and in some cases see enemy strategies.

This is what happens when surprise, FREE TRANSFERS

in WvW

Posted by: holska.4127


Second or third day is when server pops don’t have settled yet and usually the influx of new players is still ongoing. And not everybody plays the game at launch or headstart.
The sales for the game have even been on hold until last week and only now the game is starting to become available again through retailers here in my area and many shops are still waiting on the new batch from the supplier.
So a large influx could still be coming.
The whining would’ve been worse due to those having missed the opportunity to join friends and on the 4th day suddenly having to pay for a transfer when the population hasn’t settled yet. The launch period is still ongoing…
Those few rotten apples server hopping are no majority, sure it’s annoying but all things have their positives and negatives and it’s about which outweighs the other. Also WvW is not the whole game, just a part of it. It may be your focus but there’s a hell of a lot more reasons why someone would choose to transfer than just the one that’s on your mind.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: holska.4127


“17h40 in France,”

Most dont even care anymore in FS, we know we already have no chance at winning when you cap everything at night. Its a waste of time.

Well, that’s funny because FS did cap everything at night twice this weekend, and VS is winning at the moment. Your argument is invalid.

you have no clue of whats going on clearly, are u even in any of the servers?

how can u night cap night cappers during a weekend when everyone is free from work and school?

And have obligations starting early during the day like family visits, taking the wife shopping and all other stuffs you have to arrange on a saturday / during the week-end because you have no time for it during the week?

just makes no sense i can stay up night times during weekdays and cant during weekends? i’ve played with people all over the world in all different games. the activity in a game rises ALOT during weekends.

During weekends yes, but not THAT big of a difference in the night capping timeframe between 3-8 AM. And those that are on that late because they don’t have obligations often are drunk so useless anyways :P

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: holska.4127


“17h40 in France,”

Most dont even care anymore in FS, we know we already have no chance at winning when you cap everything at night. Its a waste of time.

Well, that’s funny because FS did cap everything at night twice this weekend, and VS is winning at the moment. Your argument is invalid.

you have no clue of whats going on clearly, are u even in any of the servers?

how can u night cap night cappers during a weekend when everyone is free from work and school?

And have obligations starting early during the day like family visits, taking the wife shopping and all other stuffs you have to arrange on a saturday / during the week-end because you have no time for it during the week?

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: holska.4127


So if I travel a lot for work (which I’m sure plenty folks are) I would need to keep on paying server transfers each time I’m closer to US timezone for extended period of time? I mean I could convince co-workers and new friends I make abroad to come play with me and zerg during night time, so I’m a danger to the balance of the game right?

More seriously, WvW is designed to NOT be balanced as stated by Want balanced PvP go do tournaments…
If VS can pull of night shifts what’s preventing us (yes I’m on FS) from doing that? We’re so many countries on one server, I’m sure there’s folks living abroad and there’s still some traces of colonial times, why not start recruiting them for our cause and even out the playfield that way instead of having change the whole game (for the worse imo, I hate the restrictions suggested so far) or judging other people for the time of day they’re awake?

This will always be present in any game, back in the day I used to play various games on US servers so during my play time all rare spawns and crafting nodes were up.

Dolyak Parcel Service [DPS] on Far Shiverpeaks (PvX)

in Guilds

Posted by: holska.4127


I’ve joined and represented

Welcome Hope to catch you in game soon.

The original post has been updated because we now have an active Mumble voicechat server and the guild website will be opened to the public very soon™

Dolyak Parcel Service [DPS] on Far Shiverpeaks (PvX)

in Guilds

Posted by: holska.4127


We’re only just starting out as a fresh new guild and currently therefor only have 3 members, but we’ve started posting recruitment messages on all major fansites and general mmo gaming sites and an occasional shoutout in mapchat in game since yesterday so should see an increase very soon.
Therefor it’s hard to say at this stage at which time the guild usually is online. Personally I’ve been playing all day the past 2 weeks but tomorrow my holiday is over and I have to return to my fulltime day job so I won’t be online at the time you posted except for the weekends, but an officer is also online during the daytime more often because he studies.

Ill be online tomorrow day so, would you be able to talk to the officer and send me an invite and ill come see if its for me

Sorry I saw your reply only today (forum time takes away from game time, got carried away again until very late last night ).
I’ll send you an invite when I get back home from work and ask our officer to welcome you when you hit that represent button

Dolyak Parcel Service [DPS] on Far Shiverpeaks (PvX)

in Guilds

Posted by: holska.4127


Nice name, btw.

Sorry, just posted to say that. ;P


Dolyak Parcel Service [DPS] on Far Shiverpeaks (PvX)

in Guilds

Posted by: holska.4127


We’re only just starting out as a fresh new guild and currently therefor only have 3 members, but we’ve started posting recruitment messages on all major fansites and general mmo gaming sites and an occasional shoutout in mapchat in game since yesterday so should see an increase very soon.
Therefor it’s hard to say at this stage at which time the guild usually is online. Personally I’ve been playing all day the past 2 weeks but tomorrow my holiday is over and I have to return to my fulltime day job so I won’t be online at the time you posted except for the weekends, but an officer is also online during the daytime more often because he studies.

LF UK based guild (Far Shiverpeaks ) PvX and friendly

in Guilds

Posted by: holska.4127


A good friend from another game and myself started a guild during headstart (so we have some guild influence already) but only are starting recruitment today.
We intend to become a mature social guild enjoying all aspects of the game (everything PvE, WvW, sPvP incl tournaments) as a small community of friends.
The guild forums are still in the making and we currently have a TS3 test server up but are undecided yet if we’ll use mubmle, ventrilo or TS3.
Our recruitment topic I just posted is right here:

Dolyak Parcel Service [DPS] on Far Shiverpeaks (PvX)

in Guilds

Posted by: holska.4127


Dolyak Parcel Service [DPS] (Far Shiverpeaks (EU), PvX) is looking for active(ly) founding members.

Always wanted to help founding a guild and be there from the start to help build an active friendly community instead of joining an established veteran guild of close friends where it sometimes feels hard to get fully accepted and appreciated as a newcomer?

Or are you just looking for a fresh newly founded friendly guild that wants to enjoy every aspect of the game together as a small mature community of friends?

Then [DPS] might be the right place for you!

We’re striving to become a mature social guild to enjoy every aspect of the game (pvx) together and try to be inclusive of everybody regardless of background, playstyle or preferences. Therefor we don’t want to grow so big that anybody would become a number instead of a person.

With the game only just having been released we’re currently enjoying every aspect of the PVE journey to Orr without rushing, getting familar with and gaining knowledge about everything the game has to offer; and most importantly having a blast with it.
On the PvP side of things we do some WvW action and the odd sPvP match to mix things up, but sPvP tournaments is something we certainly want to start doing as soon the guild really takes off and we’re all confident enough with our preferred characters for PvP.

The only requirement we currently have is that you act maturely and remain courteous towards other players, not just within the guild but also in public chanels because you’re representing the guild.

We’re using a Mumble voicechat server and our guild forums at Enjin are under contruction, soon to be opened to the public.
Current guild perks we have active in-game are the guild emblem, ability to queue 2 perks for building simultaneously, a 50 slot guild bank and several guild banner consumables (exp., karma and gathering boosts).

I’ll update and bump the post when the guild forums are up.

For now if interested or if you want more information, please PM me on these forums or in-game on my characters Diarmuiid or Holskk (no typo’s in the double letters of either name).

(edited by holska.4127)

Gold sellers already a problem?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: holska.4127


There’s no option to add to blocklist or report directly from the mail I think but an option would be to add them to your friendlist, rightclick them there and choose “block” and “report”.
Luckily I didn’t receive any of those mails yet but I saw in total 3x since launch some goldseller in /m chat, 2 of them were banned really fast as I only saw the message 1x but yesterday in Heart of the Mist (Far Shiverpeaks server) there was one spamming for at least an hour even though many reported him. Guess the GMs were busy at the time

No Move To Target = PVP and WvW SUCKS for Melee

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: holska.4127


I’ve been owned quite a few times by “melee” classes that are mainly spec’d for melee (thief, guardian, warrior but yeah the better players also ue their ranged weapons situationally) who manage to keep closing my gaps when I try to kite, use cc when my breaker on cd and then have me dead within a few eye blinks.
I don’t consider myself a great pvp’er but I do pride myself with my ability to flee because I’ve been playing light armor classes in most games and mostly full healer spec’d as well. I guess my point is that I experienced those “melee” classes have a lot of options to close gaps / cc and still own “ranged” classes. More than in some other games I played where I had damage reflecting bubbles, multiple selfheals and gap creators but the melee classes typically only had 1 gap closer and some light cc that I could break anyway.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: holska.4127


Mounts are not needed at all in this game, there’s already much shorter travel times to anywhere than in other games. Sure they could add them for fluff but then I would prefer them to not have any speedboost at all because the game is desgined that the content comes to you while exploring the world, travelling on a fast mount makes you miss out on the largest part of the content of the game because there’s hardly any chance an event will start right at the time you ride by and NPCs running to you asking for help can’t keep up to tell it to you

Help for those looking for more End Game

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: holska.4127


I love PvP, but I also need to see any progress, not only fun. What PvP gives me? Nothing, coz you already have all = bored. What WvW gives me? Nothing, coz gear for badges and karma sux = bored.

It gives rank and achievements which is real progression as opposed to the fake progression offered in other games with their gear progression where you only notice any progress if you’re matched against players with less time than you and therefor didn’t acquire said gear yet. I understand that for some this gives a feeling of progression but most players after some years having done that same stuff with each new patch finally start to realize that their feeling was wrong and there’s no actual progression other than rank.

Help for those looking for more End Game

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: holska.4127


Although I don’t like those topics either I don’t think there’s a need to generalize and apply stupid labels that have no real meaning because everyone uses them differently, to other players.

How are Dungeons meant to be played?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: holska.4127


Ok fanbois, you are totally missing everything. 100% whooooosh over your head.

No need to apply stupid prejudiced labels to other players just because they have a different opinion or interpret other player’s posts differently than you. There’s not even a commonly accepted definition of that term you’re using there.

The fact is, dungeons are terrible.

That’s no fact but your personal opinion. I like them much better than in any other game I played so they as a matter of fact can’t be terrible.

Another fact. People are not going to spend 2-3 hours in a place that gives you trash. There is no reward at all for going in there, so don’t bother wasting your time.

Again an opinion and a generalization (people as in everybody) in one.
For me there is a reward because I like doing them and I like the armor sets and achievements. Other games don’t really offer better rewards for them (items you get are obsolete with next set and you don’t become relatively more powerful because the next content is adjusted to negate it) so I’m all good with it.

I am willing to guess that 90% of the people here who are actually defending this PvE garbage have never actually set foot in there.

Labelling and generalizing other player and making up numbers that don’t say anything nor contribute to your point but makes it even more moot.

(edited by holska.4127)

What keeps you playing?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: holska.4127


The same things as in other games really except for large group instanced content (raids) and then a lot more added to it because thanks to the downscaling there’s no obsolete lower level content:
Dungeons, pvp, Achievements, getting Legendaries (it is a form of gear progression, in those other games you don’t become more powerful either because you only get a small increase of the same stats and the same applies to all mobs, raid bosses and players so relatively you remain equally powerful in those games and are only doing it to be able to tackle the next content and like in GW2 the cosmetics of the new set), rolling Alts for different story and experience, clearing Content you didn’t do yet, max. all crafting professions etc. until new content is released.

What is the Funnest Profession/Race combo?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: holska.4127


Asura Engi. Even my turrets are bigger than me In pvp it’s even more fun because I’m like a walking bullseye as a relatively big asura with a redhead afro coupe

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: holska.4127


This game is all about exploration. I’ve played full time (18 hours per day) since headstart and only have a lvl 42 ele and a lvl 32 engi. So I’m not in a rush to get to max lvl but rather enjoy to the fullest what I’m doing along the way. But even when I reach it, it’s enough for me to keep doing what I enjoy and pvp as a sideshow until new content is released.
I also don’t buy the argument of no sense of progression when comparing to other games. In those other games you also don’t progress nor become more powerful because every new gear set only adds a few more of the same main stats for you class and there’s no real viable ways to spec differently. Mostly each class can take on 2 or 3 roles so there’s also 2 or 3 gearsets focusing on those and it usually is paired with the one spec to rule them all aka cookiecutter build.
To prevent becoming more powerful relatively in those games the mobs have an equal increase in stats or added skills. If you don’t see such type of progression as fake and don’t realise you’re actually just running after the carrot on the stick but don’t really improve your character relative to mobs, raid bosses or other players, that’s quite sad really. So it’s for me not even a feeling of progression.
As for end game content in those games, you mean that 1 new raidcluster you clear within a few weeks and a handful of the same repeatable quests you’re doing ad nauseum until the next patch hits? That’s far less content for max. level than in GW2 because for a change lower level content isn’t made obsolete.