Someone said it was good. I tried it last week and we were outnumbered every night I logged in (3-4 times). So, it was a massive failure for me.
I could assume if I was on the other side it would probably be amazing though
Guys this is some great advice. Thanks so much.
I have a little bit of pain because I spent $$ on a full set of runes of divinity :p.
Will have to re-work my armor set a bit for Lyssa as has been mentioned multiple times already.
Thanks again guys/gals
OK, need some help on my new spec
People ragged on d/p. So I switched to a d/d spec.
People ragging on d/d. So I switched to s/p.
I change my spec to s/p, 10/30/0/0/30. Apparently this is “hardcore” and will make me better.
But for the life of me, with so much conditions and crap flying around in this game… especially when you get into a fight 1 vs 2/3, how on earth is a thief with this spec supposed to survive? Is there a video or something out there, proof of some sort that this can be as successful as 30 in shadow arts vs. multiple players? Or even this spec vs a competent 30 in shadow arts spec?
For my initial playing tonight, all I really got out of this was faster killing of players that weren’t expecting pistol whip. I just find myself out of endurance relatively quickly, less stealth, no condition removal and thus no way to recover except shelter and run away.
Any advice or commentary (not l2p :p ) that could help me? Having trouble wrapping my head around this one
And FYI I play guardian/necro as my main. Thief is just fun!
Excellent point OP. But, there already is little to no server identity. You are correct at the harm this causes, but we have already passed the qualitative critical point, so the quantitative harm is minimal. We have diminishing returns on the damage done by decisions like this today.
Back in the ‘good old days’ (I’ll withhold the name of the one true RvR gem…), people picked a server and that was it. You never once communicated with the enemy. This allowed the imagination to build up your enemy and build a strong… VERY strong sense of server identity. And TBH this was half the fun. Really, for those that played the original RvR games think about it. All you knew the enemy by was their guild tag and play style. You could communicate with a selection of them in the forums (but it was 100% unmoderated trash talking).
This proves what this game has been outside of PvE (which is pretty strong—- MINUS the stupid RNG paradigm) is nothing more then a big giant Red team Blue team Halo match.
The old MMO days are long gone. The only hope currently is… well you can do the Google search!
(edited by ionix.9054)
Dagger/dagger aura share builds are great if you are running power. A necro with boons is very strong.
Scepter/dagger doesn’t have much support utility, but it is good for bursting opponents. It is more of a selfish type of play.
The main thing you want to do is compliment the weaknesses of the necro, mesmer or warrior. The necro is lack of boons, the mesmer is lack of swiftness and condition clears and the warrior is just face roll lol.
As you said, d/d aurashare is probably one of the top small group specs for ele (0/10/10/30/20 is what I would do to maximise my auras and boon output).
Other than that, staff always works if you’re trying to cover friendly weaknesses, because everyone can use that kind of support (especially if you add extra blasts via Evasive Arcana and Arcane Wave), and since you seem to be running with two potentially heavy control types staff damage will be much more effective.
Thanks for the responses. I guess my role is best served as playing more towards support then what I actually thought would be beneficial. I’ll give this a shot.
And to respond to your staff / Evasive Arcana suggestion, I am familiar with a 0/10/20/10/30 staff support spec (popular within the blob hammer train stuff I was told).
Hello all. My brother, friend and I typically run a trio and have decided to work a new set up. I am looking for advice on the elementalist (I’m new to this class).
The trio will consist of
1. Necro/Warrior/Elementalist
2. Mesmer/Warrior/Elementalist
Since there’s 3 of us and are in Gold atm… we can assume that any fight will turn into 3 vs X.
I have tested weapon sets and it seems to me that sceptor/dagger or dagger/dagger is the way to go for a small group. Specifically I was looking at this build:
Lacking experience with the elementalist, I am not sure if what I listed above is on the right track or just stupid.
My questions are how would this spec fair in terms of:
- Survivability
- Damage output
I figure that I would want Knights or Cavaliers because HP is low.
Any help and thoughts on this matter are appreciated.
With the release of the new Season, the amount of people in the OS JP trolling one another has increased. IT has gone from ganking people, to spawn camping. I am making this to remind people about the OS JP etiquette. I believe some level of respect should be shown in the JP. Let’s try and keep some class, and have fun. Fighting is saved for EBG, BL, EtoM, and the GvG arena.
- If others don’t attack you, don’t attack them
- If you see another being trolled, help them (even if they are from another server)
- Offer Mes ports if you canLet’s respect one another, for honor is important.
What a joke. Attitudes like this is part of the reason this game will never have the longevity and respect that true RvR games like DAOC get. Terrible community.
OK I’m confused. Is d/d not cool any more?
Main question + 1 minor question
Main Question:
I was grouped with a guardian in a dungeon the other night and he was using mace.
Just curious if anyone has a link to a solid mace build that works well in PvE?
Sylven had a tPvP mace meditation build that I have used. But don’t know how something similar would transfer to PvE
Any other recommended PvE build? Is there a flavor of the month? I’m just starting to do dungeons.
As you state:
WvW makes the Least money out of the big 3, (pve, spvp, wvw) or at the very least, Pve, no gemstore items for WvW have appeard and many (costumes, toys) do not work in wvw at all, anet being a business places with priority and resources into that which makes them the money.
I believe this to be the answer.
That would only be an answer if the gem store was full of WvW targeted items that no one was buying. The fact that the gem store is empty of those types of things makes it just another symptom of neglect, not a cause for neglect.
I am not sure it is even true either. A lot of the folks I game with buy every finisher, skins, etc and because WvW makes so much less gold than you do playing PvE they are often using RL money with the gem store, not gold.
In contrast to your play experience, a lot of the folks I game with do not purchase anything out of the gem store. As a matter of fact I have purchased a xfer out of t8 (but I don’t think they gain from this as this is a symptom of a larger problem). No way would I spend real money on a digital weapon skin lol.
We tend to hold the view that wvwvw is niche and the majority of players logging into GW2 could care less about what this small minority of forum goers complains about on a daily basis. They care more about acquiring gear, collecting minis and /dancing at the mystic forge.
I think ANET has weighed where people spend most their time and they realize that in order to keep the majority happy and spending money they have to dedicate resources to non-WvWvW content.
Of course I have no statistics to back anything I just said up. Just my experience and my opinion given the people that I play with. You offered this as one of your opinions. I am stating that I agree with you!
EDIT: And now that I read some more of your post I agree with your following 2 points and think the problems are all those bundled together
(edited by ionix.9054)
As you state:
WvW makes the Least money out of the big 3, (pve, spvp, wvw) or at the very least, Pve, no gemstore items for WvW have appeard and many (costumes, toys) do not work in wvw at all, anet being a business places with priority and resources into that which makes them the money.
I believe this to be the answer.
With the extreme difficulty of making ascend weapons and armor will they clear stats for the upcoming changes to stats? For example if they nerf crit damage will they let you change ascend to a condi build
Don’t count on it. This is how they keep you playing (or so they think)
The amount of time it takes to farm what is necessary to craft just one piece of armor is a bit difficult especially for a casual player who only wants to wvw. I really don’t think I have it in me to do it all over again. I am still working on ascend armor a piece at a time.
Why materials can’t be traded/sold and fellow players can’t craft and trade with you is beyond me. As I posted in another thread, there’s too much control, rule exception, standardization and game play partitioning in every single aspect of this game.
(edited by ionix.9054)
1. Classes are well designed and small skirmishes are fun
2. Three realm combat
1. 3x identical maps for each server
2. Reward system is terrible. Further, rewards only come from being with a massive zerg
3) Daily limit on Laurels, prevention of trading after equipping weapons, restrictions on trading after certain actions when crafting, limits on dungeon tokens, too many currencies, modifying skills for one area of the game but having differing balancing in another part of the game… Too much control, rule exception, standardization and game play partitioning in every single aspect of this game. At times I feel that I have the freedom of a console first person shooter. This game is a stone’s throw away from being a console game with a multiplayer mode.
————- Bonus —-——-
4. Failure to enhance WvWvW with any meaningful and that does not inherently require some type of PvE
5. Lack of money & crafting materials (sick of backpack filling up with junk armor and dragonite ore being hard to get as a 2-3 man roam group)
6. Lack of unique weapons and gear (or access to gear that pve has)
(edited by ionix.9054)
I would say Harbringer post unless you like to play a “support” role in WvWvW
In that case cleric trinkets for WvWvW. I find a hammer/staff cleric trinket support guardian way more effective with higher DPS teammates
And I wouldn’t buy the 40 Laurel trinkets. Do guild missions with a guild and get the commendations. You can get 6 each week if your guild does them all. 12 commendations buys an earring
ANET doesn’t care. You all will keep playing your thieves each patch. Until there is a dip in thief logins the nerfs will keep coming to appease the rest of the population.
They are introducing a new map next update.
This is how they iron our issues out.
I agree with everything you say.
If your getting mad at a bunch of nerds emoting you after they zerg you down then take some time away from the game. The emoters don’t care and won’t remember they emoted you 10 seconds after they do it. Emotes are thrown around so much in every game that any true emotion in them is lost anyway. They would send a message or invite if they had something to say.
No this doesn’t deter me from solo roaming… People sitting at keyboards typing /laugh. Its stupid
I thought koss on koss was PTV?
Regardless, a couple back pieces have predefined stats. My question is does there exist a value difference in the stats of one of the predefined pieces vs a back piece where you choose the stats?
Is there a stat difference between Koss on Koss and Yakkington:Soldier?
WvW is a mini game inside a pve game.
GW2 is a pve game. If GW2 had open world pvp the game would be a lot better, forcing arenanet to balance more and more the pvp content and clases because the game would be pvp oriented. This is one of the most unbalanced game i ever played, and i play online games since 1998. This is because is a pve game with some pvp modes.
100% correct.
What’s the problem? :P Everyone had to dl the new build, so it’s not like those nasty evil enemy servers could ninja all your stuff?
Problem is that this company has a history of doing this already. This time last year they repeatedly released new builds at prime time. Rule of thumb: YOU DON’T RELEASE BUILDS AT PRIME TIME. Out of the other MMOs that I have played no one else does this.
Why is it a big deal? Well when you get off work and only have a couple hours to play & with slow internet, the last thing you want to be doing is spending 20-25 minutes downloading crap.
(edited by ionix.9054)
Honest question. How is the change to SoS a buff? I cannot seem to move from one point of the map to the other in perma swiftness now. What am I missing here
Haven’t received anything either. No key key no chest ^
What annoys me the most is that most of these new skills are created with the zerg in mind. Or am I getting paraniod here.
I’ve been saying this for the last year, ANET wants you to zerg. All the MMO companies do… it is working as intended. Every game that comes out has zergs, a small niche of people cry & complain about it, game company does nothing. Rinse and repeat… game after game, the last 13 years.
Now hear me out for a second. If us WvWers had more things that we could buy in the gem store, would aNet pour more attention and developer support into WvW? Because I don’t mind buying gems if they are for nice things, but at present there is very little in the gem store that WvWers want or need.
Of course they have to be cosmetic or other items that don’t affect gameplay, but what are some things that we’d like to see aNet put in the gem store? Again, operating under the assumption that more gem purchases —> more development of WvW.
Companies have limited resources. ANET knows that WvWvW is niche, and that they are better off keeping the PvErs happy. No significant resources (or thought) will be allocated in to WvWvW.
Why venture into WvWvW zone if we can stand around the Mystic Forge in town clothes???
(edited by ionix.9054)
Whenever I try to do the “small group” things like roaming, escorting yaks, and defending camps, I ended up getting trolled by thieves and/or warriors.
Zergs? Blob vs blob. Great fun >.>
Want to have more fun? Forget about escorting yaks, defending camps etc.
Roll a thief and just kill people. It’s the most fun you can have in this game.
Don’t waste your time doing any of that PvE stuff because it is boring. You in WvWvW to fight other people… roam and ruin their day man. And if your focusing on just fighting others it will make you a much better player.
(edited by ionix.9054)
OK thanks everyone
Is there any point taking critical damage past 100%?
What is the replacement for prototype fractal capacitors?
It would be nice if you kill someone with a legendary, you get a higher chance of a precursor drop. But all of their gear would be silly.
Like this… no penalty to anyone. Just more of a chance to acquire. /sigh
Excellent idea, but this is old school. Large studios will never go this route because it is niche. Most players just want to chase carrots on a stick and are completely happy doing this until the next new game comes out. Simply a regurgitation of the single player console models, and is the only model that sells.
I’m pretty sure I remember them saying we would receive 100g each as reward right? Maybe it was 800gems. Or maybe it was a set of ascended armor. A free precursor for each of us? maybe +1000 achievement points? Thanks for rewarding us for all our hard work Anet! Looking forward to seeing what amazing prizes you have in store for us!
Surely it couldn’t just be a poopy finisher and another chest with some dragonite ore and a green item in it. That would just be silliness!
You must’ve contributed so much to the success of your server, zergling #612624.
No one needs to read any posts after this. Close and sticky please
I actually play a Guardian and a thief as my mains (yes, both!)
I found Guardian extremely easy to level, solo. Throw in at least one other person and can work all PvE without breaking a sweat. I’ve never had any problems getting groups in dungeons. Further… guardians can go a more DPS spec (check the old Paragon build) which I use for PvE very effectively.
Pain in the butt to level solo. I was having no fun, and by level 30 I blew my gold to craft and power level my way to 80. I found that when I PvE, I want to run in the thick and go bananas. I never take my thief to PvE, and my groups never mind. If you feel the same way, know that thief doesn’t hold a candlestick to a guardian in this department.
Everyone wants a guardian. You can go heal/boon support, bunker (tough + heal power), triple meditiation solo build, or take that same Paragon build out. Lots of builds with a much more diverse spectrum of play options. However, you will not by any means solo with the success that you can on a thief.
Solo kings in WvWvW. You hit like a truck, you can travel around the map quickly, and you can leave a fight if the fight is not going your way. 5-man coming? No, problem house’ up and get out.
My recommendation:
If you will be playing in WvWvW solo at any time (and hate zergs), go thief.
Else go guardian.
(edited by ionix.9054)
I rolled a necro because people call out the other classes I play as, cheap, easy, forgiving, OP etc. Please tell me what class in this game isn’t OP? My options are running out
I’ve been browsing the threads on the first few pages and didn’t see a thread that I felt addressed my specific question. Can anyone recommend a spec for a WvWvW duo? I play primarily with my brother, a mesmer. Our typical roaming circuit finds fights versus other small groups of 1-4 players. Our assisting is pretty solid too (if that moves away from an aoe build to single target build that’s fine too). Open to anything people think works great.
As I level, I am playing with the vulnerability + blind wells, signet of power, staff and axe + warhorn. But as we know, PvE power doesn’t necessarily translate into WvWvW flexibility and power. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!
It’s simple. You right click on commander name, and choose: Report.
Options to report:
etc…o.o… My server have 80% noob commanders and the others 10% who know something, some of them now wants to troll, form a zerg, go to the towers doors and throw trebuchets and say on chat map: “Hu3 hu3 I’m a troll.” >_>
Just create this option, you report him for trolling, the game get you report with a screenshot + chat history and send to arenanet. Arenanet study the case look for others reports about the same commanders and punish him. Taking off his commander option and make his account unable to be a commander 1 month for the first time. 5 months for the second time and forever for the third time.
It’s simple and effective.
You got trolled! Carebear.
No, because not everyone will get the chance to enter. Worst case scenario, sub 80’s can be permanently locked out. Everyone paid for this game and should be able to get out to WvWvW if they want to.
(edited by ionix.9054)
I roam to find fights with/gank other players. It is not fun to me to attack supply camps and take empty keeps as quickly as possible before the enemy arrives.
point being – anet is offering so much – it’s making everyone dizzy trying to keep up
This. I don’t know what game the paradigm of an endless flow of random fluff and junk manifested itself but it has ruined true RvR MMORPGs, which this game certainly is not. I know someone who told me he was going to spend his Laurels on a pet. A PET. I didn’t even know this was an option. He told me this and I was (am) baffled.
- Server pride doesn’t come from live events, where the vast majority of players spend time. Chasing a little automated script around
-There is no community within a server itself. No one cares about anyone else because everyone can get everything BY THEMSELVES; solo. Part of a community in MMORPGs comes from being forced to work with others. THIS is how you make friends. ANET’s let everyone do everything roots itself down to class design and all the way to their events. I leveled entirely solo, not once was someone else required. No longer am I forced to work with others. In fact, I don’t know if I’ve spoken to other people except my RL friends… because I have ZERO need to! Even crafting is a joke. In other games you either wasted all your time crafting or you ran a business and TALKED to other people, or you were forced to have others craft missing parts for you.
- Elitism doesn’t exist in this game. It sucks. There is no defining standout guild that the server recognizes. No banter about who is the best. Just random guilds. I play WvWvW a couple hours a night. If you asked me to name 5 guilds on my server I wouldn’t be able to.
- Server rotations. I can’t name a single guild that is unique to another server. They rotate out and I can’t remember by the time they come back around.
No server pride. ~
One of the biggest downsides to this game is zero server pride. The days of true server pride were the pre-2005 era. It’s unfortunate. In my opinion part of this is the fact they rotate “matchups.” Another is server transfers and a lack of server forums.
(edited by ionix.9054)
When will people realize that ANET wants zergs? This large scale combat is the vision of these development studios. We witness this release after release. There is nothing anyone can say that will change anything; I’ve seen this same cycle for over a decade in “RvR/World v World/<insert catchy name here>.”
This is the way the game was designed, and unless I missed some miraculous post by a dev during my absence I would bet this zerg problem hasn’t popped up as a topic in meetings in months.
Take the game for what it is, the core mechanics (flow) won’t change and try to make your own fun away from the annoying zerg blob
I wvwvw duo with my mesmer brother or 5 man wvwvw with guild and am looking for a new playstyle. I have always played very offensively (see below the * ). But I do not think that this is the way this class should be played to be effective (unless your chasing people down with hammer/gs + teleport…, or a surprise ring + group bomb attack). From my personal experiences, any 5 man enemy group that is worth anything will literally eat a guardian up when he/she is specced any of the specs I have below (including AH).
What I think I want, but know nothing about is either a cleric or magi set up. I know the weapons I would like to use are sceptor + shield and GS, with the ability to swap to staff without changing armor set. I am looking for a build that has good synergy with my weapons and excellent synergy with cleric or magi. My vision is a guardian that is very difficult to kill (can kite around 3 people beating on me), offers a ton of utility to a duo or 5 man, but can do more damage then no damage (so I’m not entirely worthless in a 1 on 1 situation). This would be out of my realm, so any suggestions are enthusiastically welcome! Thanks to anyone that helps
What I’ve tried:
From Nov 12’ – march 13’ I ran 0/0/30/30/10, hammer/gs full knights jewelery and armor (soldier runes then dolyak runes). I felt this was far from great. 3 people focusing on me and I’m down.
After I switched to . I find sword to be a very bad weapon choice. Besides for the teleport everyone can kite out of Zealot’s Defense so easily it’s a joke.
Then I switched to to paragon build and 60 gold later I cannot tell a difference between this and my original full Knights set up (I hit a bit harder, but I dont feel this justifies anything). Still focused down effortlessly.
Most recently I tried switching to a sceptor/shield, gs spec using the paragon armor. This set up is much nicer then sword, however I still feel that I drop quickly in important fights.
Who knows if this was planned or not
I thought this company was over doing this at prime time (think back to December everyone..)
What a joke
I think they don’t have resources for a new map.
I believe this to be true
Oh I see what you did there.
Post edit: 2k toughness draws more aggro then 1.65k toughness from my experience. Try it and I believe you will see the same.
I’m sorry Brutaly did you post your build somewhere that I am missing? I just see your stats