We can just assume they actually intended us to spend 100g on Rare tier armor, rather than making it a skin we can apply like HoM armor.
Problem is that the way it is now a lot of people won’t spend any gold or buy any gems once they get there character a certain look. At best if you really like a skin you might buy another exotic piece to put the skin on and have to store the other in your bank causing you to need to eventually buy more bank space. If they sold wardrobe tabs and still made use of transmute stones/crystals I think people would be far more willing to change looks more often which would generate more sales for them.
I made a similar post about this a few weeks ago but it never seemed to gain any steam so I’m glad to see someone shares my views. I like the skins and don’t even mind the idea of a cosmetic endgame or transmute stones. The issue lies with how hard it currently is to keep a skin that many times you had to do a lot of work or have been VERY lucky to get. I would really like to see a dev acknowledge this because I feel it is mutually beneficial to the community and anet to revamp the current system. Right now your only options are to lose the skin, buy a new exotic to put a skin on, or use transmute stones to shift the skin onto a new item to store it. In the long run I think it demotivates people from trying for specialty skins and negates further play once you get a look you like because you are punished for trying to use new skins. I would love to see more holiday/rare skins converted to be like zenith weapons are currently handled or even sell wardrobe space. I know personally I would gladly buy that and transmute stones to change looks as long as I wasn’t losing my current skins forever.
I don’t think today’s nerfs were that bad unless you really used to base jump a lot…I do however agree with the OP that anet really seems like they just don’t get it. DS, even if it shouldn’t have been, was our lone means of having a moment of invunerability/block that we are lacking. I’m fine with DS getting this fix but we need some defense!!!
-Look we never asked for more dps to solve the issues with this class, but that’s what you gave us. Then everyone cried we weren’t a free kill so you took some of it away. But what you nerfed wasn’t the thing that was causing the issue. Terror has always been there and is not some ungodly 15k+ damage ability (which are apparently perfectly fine for certain other classes)
-Even before the last patch the community was begging for more sustain. Buff siphons, let some healing get through DS, or give us an escape. But instead we got more offense that was apparently too much in your eyes. Necro should be feared…the class you cant run from and hangs in on fights which is why we don’t need an escape. Thats what we were told. But that is NOT how it is. Everyone other class has escapes that leave us standing around with our thumb in our kitten any time they choose to run or reset a fight. What about a necro if we fall into a 2v1 or 3v1? We die because we get CC’d due to having no decent access to vigor or stability, and zero means of putting ground between us and a bad situation. There are simply some fights that tactically it is better to run away from and we can’t do that. Especially as a condition player we are stuck not having the ability to burn down a target fast to even the odds, not having the siphon to sustain in a uneven fight, and not having the tools to evade damage or escape when in the thick of things. And somehow you call that an attrition class….
I’m not saying we are awful or anything but how are you missing the point here when we are making it so clearly? I’m fine with most all of your changes but you need to hear the necro player base and act accordingly. Just make DS #2 a port again already and end this nonsense.
I get the logic behind the DS change, and would almost consider it a fix of the way it should have been all along. What I don’t like it the nerf to terror. What about all of us who aren’t running the fotm glass cannon build? And still no sustain. Are they even listening to the community…apparently all they can hear is the QQ about how necro’s weren’t a free kill for a whole 15 minutes and we can’t have that.
Same here. I have 9 full character slots and 6 level 80’s that I need to keep looking good. Its hard to manage all of the gear in my bank slots and I’m always worried with all the transmuting and swapping things around that I am going to lose something like my jade shield or fused greatsword that I sank a ton of time to get.
I think the way you can withdraw multiple zenith skins should be the new standard for all holiday/specialty skins. Personally I have been fortunate enough to get quite a few skins from the events over the last 6 months but it is a HUGE pain to try to make use of them. For example: I farmed the shield skin from SAB for my Guardian but then got the Jade weapon shield too. So I was stuck either having to A).lose my SAB skin B.) buy stones and transmute it onto a white and hold onto it in my bank and then use another stone if i ever want to use it again or C.) Get another exotic shield with my stats to use the skin on and have 2 of the same thing just for ascetic purposes. Now I get that to an extent anet wants this because it creates more sales of transmute stones and bank slots but this whole game is based on ascetics. If you make it too hard or too costly to make use of items from the events people will just get a look they like and not change it, get bored because there’s no point to play anymore , and eventually stop playing. I just think that the method currently used with the zenith weapons would be far more community friendly and would make people want to do the monthly events and get the specialty skins even more. Many would propably even be far more willing to buy the god awful range boxes if they knew the skins they may get could be saves far easier and used on alts ect.
Out of about 100 baskets I’ve gotten 2 fortunes amounting to 7 scraps. Also bought a stack of 25 and got 78 scraps. I have yet to see one drop in two days of solid play.
1. There is really only 1 viable build for everyone no matter what game type or profession. DPS!!! There is zero reason to do anything but burst in this game.
2. WvW is utter garbage atm. Its only “fun” when you are running with the bigger zerg because that is the only time you are progressing at all or can actually do anything. Apparently they don’t seem to care at all though because in a year nothing has been done to stop the mass clump of zerg from ping ponging around the map spamming 1.
3. No incentive to play consistently after 80. The living story brings folks back for a few days every couple of weeks but thats it. Nothing worth doing stays permanently. New dungeons to get new weapon skins and armor would help this but apparently armors are too expensive to create to we just get town clothes and back pieces to but for real money instead. Hate to tell you anet but I’ve been an mmo player for over 10 years and none of my epic memories of great moments I’ve had in an mmo start with “I entered my credit card number and pressed buy”
Gotta give them credit though. For a sequel to Maplestory this game does have pretty graphics.
I REALLY want to see a dev answer how in the kitten is terror OP when it was not changed at all in the patch. We got access to one more fear. In sotg Chap even said they are fixing the signet bug which was adding 20%+ to terror builds. And they want to nerf the damage too? Isn’t that kind of overkill for an ability that was seemingly perfectly fine for the last 10 months? Now maybe terror+duumfire is borderline OP, so why not just swap terror to a grandmaster trait? If they nerf the damage they are essentially killing a currently viable build which is the exact opposite of what they have been preaching about wanting more builds.
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I just got my alt warrior to 80 and want to run some dungeons, wvw, and general pve with folks but I loath the idea of being simply max dps zerker. I used some karma jugs and picked out pieces of the temple sets to make a full exotic set of power/precision heavy, yet more well rounded gear so I can do decent dps but still have some survivability and utility. I really like the idea of making use of our big selection of weapons and being able to change roles by switching around weapons and some traits. My question is from a pve (and lesser extent wvw) standpoint is this viable? Are warriors post 6/25 still pigeon holed into gs/zerker or you are not wanted in any group?
I really hope its not for today only. I’ve been off work for a week and have completed everything dragon bash related including getting a couple jade weapon tickets, farming a set of dragon wings, getting my helms at the fireworks, and all possible achievements so far. However, there had to be one day I had to go in to work during my 2 week vacation and its today… Won’t be home till 11pm and I don’t see the patch being live before I gotta go in.
Whatever they have planned I really hope its changes things a lot. Scaling siphons or a big change to DS mechanics. Your right though I am referring to the current abilities which let us get locked down and don’t give us the means to be effective. Still like pendragon eludes to, they don’t want to give us more boons and more hp really has little effect on anything, so how they can make us that much more sustainable is beyond me. Either way I play condi/attrition so any change is beneficial to me.
That is why they said they are going to be buffing how to manage staying in the fight. We aren’t going to get more escapes, it isn’t what they want for us.
I get that they are looking at better CC, and maybe siphons or DS utility to stay in the fight and help us lock down opponents more, which is good. What concerns me is that they are outright saying we aren’t getting any escapes. There are a lot of times staying in the fight does not help us is what I’m getting at. 1V1 or 1v2 its fine. But when you get jumped by a pack of any more than thakittens over. That a fight I don’t want to stay in. Sure if things are fixed I may be able to outlast 1 or 2 opponents but when its 3+ I want to run away. I see it all the time in wvw when the tide turns on a fight or your with a small group that gets caught by a larger group. The thieves stealth or infiltrators arrow away, eles mist outta there, guardians teleport, mesmers portal or stealth and engineers elixer away. The poor necros and warriors just try to run like crazy and die behind everyone else. I’m really not trying to cry doom and gloom here or anything but its a concern I have with there current theory. In my opinion a smart player knows there’s a time to fight and a time to go regroup and without that option we lose a certain level of strategy. Or what about those who want to use a build that a bit more damage and not so attrition based? Are they just out of luck because its either play attrition or play another class? Unless they plan on making us able to stay in a fight where we are vastly outnumbered, which is ok with me too =)
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I get that anet wants us to be the class that staying in the fight. Attrition, DS, , CC, siphons, and lack of mobility or a hard disengage all lend themselves to this . I don’t really think we are good enough at attrition, siphons, or CC to do what they envision yet but I still get the concept they are shooting for. My issue lies with the inevitable times when you are outmanned. If all these things worked right I’m fine with the idea being stuck in a fight trying to outlast my opponent 1v1 or maybe even 1v2. But what about in wvw when its 3-4 plus v1 when you hit a group of roamers? Most every other class has a means to get away but based on the theory of the necro HAVING to stay in the fight by design what chance do we have when the odds are simply too great? Necro needs a big escape mobility utility or trait for these situation.
That i got my Jade weapon ticket on the 3rd coffer that dropped about 5 minutes after the patch went live. I’m usually very unlucky. Never have gotten 1 exotic drop with over 1000 hours played, or any weapon tickets from any of the holiday events.
I saw a post on my facebook yesterday about a developers livestream on twitch at 12 and it mentioned talk about upcoming warrior and necro concepts but all I can find is a video about a jumping puzzle and a 9 second video of nothing. Did the stream not happen or wasn’t recorded? Just curious if any more was said about the changes we might be getting.
I did manage to get into an overflow while it was up once but was outside the area and died 3x with a group of 4-5 others trying to get to the actual fight because of a ton of mobs outside driftglass spamming attacks for 5-10k a hit. Gotta love all the limited content that is broken half of its existence.
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It took him less than a day to fix this, at least locally anyway. This is a bug that has been reported since the game released. I don’t want to sound like I’m ungrateful, I like that it has finally been looked at and possibly fixed for good, but seriously, why wasn’t this looked into much, much sooner?
Agree completely with your sentiment. Lately I just feel like I’m always at a loss for figuring out how they prioritize fixes and content in this game. If it was me personally I would be throwing everything I could at balance until every class was in a good place before I did anything else.
What it simply comes down to is how long are people at the bottom of the meta going to wait before they quit or reroll? Wack-a-mole sucks sure, when you are doing it all the time and the meta is shifting every month. But for some classes sitting at the bottom of the meta for 9 months straight sucks a lot more. Especially now that there are good tourneys and streams trying to break out balance is going to make or break weather this game gains traction as something to watch or falls off the grid. I personally would be embarrassed as a dev attending these evens and seeing that barely half of the classes included in the game are represented due to severe balance issues.
I think you are referring to the March SOTG where Xeph from Team Paradigm started calling them out on necro’s and got shut down. I remember that one specifically because you could just see that it disgusted him and he didn’t say much after that. Kinda representative of how things go here.
Can’t view the post when logged in. Its bland other that the title. If I log out I can view it just fine. I guess the change even broke the post. That or it was deemed too be inciting in nature and had to be slowed down.
I imagine we will have to wait 2-4 weeks. That way we will all be so grateful when it gets fixed that we will all forget for a few more weeks that we gained nothing at all and keep pumping money into the living pakitteno box.
Thanks guys, we’ll fix it.
Sorry nothing personal, you seem like a good guy and your actually my favorite dev because you seem like you care about the game. But… we really don’t believe any of the red posts anymore. Too many of them have not been fulfilled.
Soon we will all just log in and our necros will be deleted with all of our gear and gold. Then they will tell us that’s working as intended too…
Hopefully in a couple weeks we can get a tooltip fix patch and they can use that to actually fix bugs.
This is absolutely outrageous. If this had been a thief issue it would have been hotfixed in less than a week. Are they trying to lose players on purpose?
I think more of less they are just outright lying to certain classes about doing anything to improve them in the hopes they stick around month to month and maybe buy something out of the gem store. When sales drop enough they may fix a thing or two to get some people back and sell a bit more before they quit again and go play neverwinter or another real game. Its all about the $$$ and thats painfully obvious.
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Didn’t really expect any buffs this patch but the fact this wasn’t fixed even after the fiasco of proving anet dead wrong and being told it would be addressed is just ridiculous.
1. Balance-this comes from having multiple good builds per class
2. Working matchmaking
3. Points for defending
You don’t have to buy crates if you don’t want to , please stop complaining all day on forums.
I think the point most people are getting annoyed about is that for the most part to get much of anything from these mini content patches you do have to buy the boxes. They are sinking time into things like making these weapon skins instead of increasing the very lackluster assortment of armor/weapon models in the existing game then tossing them up for a limited time to create a rush and making the drop rate of both the chests and tickets so bad you have to pump in more and more money. Anyone saying you can reasonably farm a ticket is either really lucky or just dead wrong. Personally I don’t care for the skins this time so its no big loss. Still I would rather see more skins available in the main game before they push more limited time RNG crap.
If you could change just one thing about necromancer what would it be? Be as general or specific as you want but try to limit it to a single theme. I figure by asking this maybe a dev will stumble upon this and take notice of what we as a community feel are the most urgent issues for the class. I know its probably wishful thinking but no change comes from being complacent.
For me the one thing I would change first is a revamp of the cooldown on our utilities, especially signets and spectral skills, to make our core class mechanics usable more often in a fight.
I still feel that a good start to vastly improving the necromancer begins with a drastic reduction in cooldowns and cast times as well as a major overhaul of projectile speeds. From a condition build perspective I can see the synergy that anet was aiming for with the class but they killed it by making our skills have way to much downtime. I really think they intended for our personal damage to be a bit lower than everyone else but in exchange we got a lot of skills that would allow us to take on incoming damage and transfer it back to out target. I’m fine with that to an extent but with the ridiculous cooldown on things like signets and our spectral skills in its current state its too kitten to work effectively. This is not to mention skills like scepter#4, corrupt boon, or focus #4 and #5 which all either cast to slow, have a ungodly slow projectile speed, or become obstructed by a blade of grass often going on long cd with no effect and leaving us loaded with conditions against a fully buffed up target with our main class mechanics gone by the wayside.
Kaileb 80 Necromancer- His song would be Garth Brooks “I got Friends in Low Places”.
Its not so much that I like the song, just feel its representative of the necro community right now.
Sclerite Karka Shell disappears whenever a necromancer uses DS. You then have to hide/unhide every time to get it back. Not sure if any form shifts for other professions have similar issues.
RNG Boxes = Random Ponchiko Nonsense
Korean style of separating fools from their money.In fact Dontain has something to say
Agree with him completely.
A suggestion I’ve raised many times before is a token system as seen in many other MMO’s (STO, Allods, Neverwinter)
In addition to a chance of getting the desired drops, you also get tokens which can be traded in for the same items (or another unusual and desirable skin) – so even if you don’t get lucky, eventually you’ll get enough tokens to obtain the desired item; or at the very least some seriously cool consolation prizes.
This actually worked IMO, because in Allods and STO I did buy chests now and then, because I knew that even if I was unlucky, I wouldn’t need to buy more than X number of chests to receive the item anyway. GW2 provides no such cap, potentially you could buy close to infinite chests and NEVER get the item if you had insanely bad luck.
Thats almost like the suggestion i made.I feel you should be able to turn in 20 crates for a ticket.That way anet could still make money from people who want it right away and those that dont want to spend money could farm them.
A token type system is a good idea I think. Like I was saying earlier for the most part if people start feeling like they have no chance to get something they will eventually stop trying. The issue I see with how it is now is that it seems like if you farm chests you have almost no shot, and if you are willing to spend money you have at best a small chance to get a skin. So essentially you are encouraging people not to play your content but to instead just buy things and cross there fingers? As it stands now its faster to farm the gold and buy the chests if your like me and don’t want to spend real money on a lottery. Thats about the only way I have found to actually feel like I am playing the content and making any progress. If I wanted a game where I just buy things well that game has already been invented…its called ebay and you get real stuff from that.
I was going to make a similar post myself. Maybe the people I’m encountering are the exception to the rule, but the vast majority seem to be saying they have given up on getting a skin/ticket. Even watching the map chat in the cove the drop rate of chest’s and contents of dropped or bought chest’s has become a running joke. Anet has to learn rare is fine but if you make something too rare it seems unattainable and people will just stop trying. Right now the only reason the cove is populated is that it’s great for farming gold. Most of the people are not there for the chest’s like they think.
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Is this the patch that was supposed to be mostly bug fixes or is that a separate patch later this month? I didn’t see much for pressing bugs addressed.
I saw this pop up on my reader yesterday as well. Actually kind of annoyed me that they are talking expansion when the current game still needs A LOT of work before I would even consider it to be a triple A type game.
Man now I wish I would have kept recording. I would have about 400+hours of video of my pets not attacking so we could get that fixed lol. Anyway thanks JP for posting and getting on this fix.
I’ve been suspended so many times I lost count. Not once have I even come close to actually doing something offensive. 7 out of 10 times I criticized anet in a very polite way… but some folks can’t deal with it. But then again its actually rare even for moderator clowns to show up here… Try making a critique in event sub-forum.
I remember I posted screenshot of karka event at last stage and the “server will shut down in…5…4…3” Got suspended for 2 weeks in about… 2 minutes. Post didn’t include text lol.
I’m in the same boat. I will admit I’ve made some pointed comments after feeling completely abandoned by anet but I have never posted anything offensive and have had multiple posts deleted, edited, and infracted. Its getting to the point that it seems like the only thing that is accepted is blind praise and anything pointing out legitimate flaws in a constructive manner is punished. I’ve been trying to think of other avenues to be heard as a community but I am far from a viral savvy person. They should realize most of us are posting because we love the game and want to see it succeed and not dwindle due to bugs, broken mechanics, and poor balance.
LOL at Anet. Guarantee you if a thief or memser experienced this, they would be all over it, babying their two favorite classes. I lost trust in Jon Peters back when he told the necro community to learn to death shroud.
its pretty clear that guardian is one of their favourite classes…
kitten all the testing and proving would be completely unnecessary with a less kitten UI.
I think money is the only real class they care about anymore
Just seems odd we don’t have these yet. Would make things like recruitment, WvW conversation, and just the sense of community a lot better if you ask me.
Im guessing you just got killed by a thief in PVP. “i’ll show that guy!” :Logs into forum: “I hates thieves, they make me want to hit things”
No actually I was DEFENDING thieves due to the upcoming stealth trap/field and trying to offer a solution acceptable to both sides. But I should have known better than to try to be reasonable and logical with an open dialog with “that” community
I hates thieves, they make me want to hit things. But still I don’t like whats being done to them. Everything is being addressed but the real issues which are the burst they can do is a bit too much and too easy to occur as frequently as they can do it, and that there stealth doesn’t have what I would consider a hard counter. From there perspective too they die way too easy if they miss there burst attack or get hung our without stealth. I’m not going to sit here and say I know the answer to the damage issue because I think 8-10k backstabs are a lot considering they can CnD+backstab then stealth and backstab+HS your last 1-2k hp if you have any. To me it seems like too much damage for the risk, and offers the person taking the damage only a few seconds to try to do anything to counter. As to the stealth issue though why not just make stealth a regular boon that can be stripped or converted. Or make certain conditions like poison keep thieves from being able to stealth. That way thieves get to keep there stealth, we don’t have to adjust other classes or entire game mechanics around stealth, and poison which is a condition nobody uses by choice would be more relevant. Maybe even changing stealth in this way would help with the damage as people who knew what to do could use it to keep from being hit by huge burst out of re-stealth, but thieves could still keep most of there mobility and big burst damage. i don’t really think they need to be nerfed into the ground or we need traps to specifically counter there primary class mechanic…to me that kinda don’t seeem fair to them. We need a common ground that I think is very possible to achieve.
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Ya I almost always do tournaments as well. I just use hot join to test builds or get my daily done. Hot join was bad before even just for these purposes. Now it seems better to just do dailies in pve and skip the build testing all together.
Im rank 28 which I know isn’t that high but I’ve doesn’t some time in spvp and tpvp. I don’t think I’ve ever seen entire teams not even attempting to play the actual game until now.
Spvp since the patch is way more of a zerg fest than it ever has been before… Why? What changed? 9/10 match’s now are all just glory grinding. I’ve even seen entire temple of storm and spirit watch matches where the entire other team just camps outside the opposing teams base and don’t even try to cap a point.
Unless you were dancing on there body or talking trash then talking to you like that is really uncalled for. Problem is the aforementioned behavior is seen very often in this game, and simply because of the playstyle its more common to see it from thieves. I’ll openly admit I hate thieves. I think the class is cheap and overpowered in all pvp and a liability in every way in pve. Still the players are playing within the perimeters set by anet so why be mad at people for using what they are given. Anyone would…