Sorry, I understand the sentiment, but no. There are plenty of long and brutal JPs, but checkpoints has never been a thing, and shouldn’t be.
The JP in the silverwastes has checkpoints. I love it there. If this new puzzle is as long as that one then there should be checkpoints here too.
My thoughts on everything PvEwise.. I love it. I realize you’re going to tone down some of the condis…I just hope you don’t kill what we’ve got. I never liked condi builds because I felt so weak before. Now I might actually play something other than zerk.
I think it’s pretty awesome and hope more one time only items come back.
Thank you Bobby!!
You will need to put in a support ticket, they’ve refunded folks before when they’ve changed the looks or animation of gem store items so you’ll just have to talk with them.
I still want a plushie karka hatchling backpack. <3
I too would like the wallet hover back. I don’t care if the pop-up hover list gets big, It’s nice to see everything at a glance.
There is no set time, so it could happen anytime between now and 5pm EST. You’ll get a notice in-game that there will be a patch in 10 minutes and the game will give you an hour to restart your client (unless you’re in wvw). Then you restart, game patches (depends on your download speed) and back in game. It’s pretty seamless.
I logged in to look at it and it’s interesting. I don’t like how it resizes the window and it’s unintuitive to know to click on my gold to open the wallet.
I wish I could make the text size smaller (give me a cog wheel with options please).
I like the categories but it’d be nice to have “tabs” rather than a drop down.
Overall though I like it and I’ll get used to it. I don’t generally open the wallet except to check and see how many dungeon tokens I have to see which dungeon I want to start with.
It’s much improved over the old and will make it easier to expand for new currencies in the future. Hopefully, after we use it a bit we can make suggestions on how to make it even better.
Having a 1/2 second cast was fine, but adding a 1/2 second before it triggers is awful for wvw encounters, where that extra half second whilst moving (running away?) will mean I either have to stop moving (and die) or not get the benefit (and die). Won’t matter id duels and pve because in a duel you can blast through it and in pve you’re usually not moving anyway.
My question that I’ve asked elsewhere…why do ranger traps now get a 1/2 second arming timer but thief (& future guard) traps don’t get the same treatment?
Is there a current expected list of changes? I see people mentioning changes to traits and all that… I’ve been away awhile.
- Specialisations
- New Trait and Unlock System (changed so that everything can be unlocked by level 80)
- New Lion’s Arch
- Ascended Stat Change capability
- Skill Points are getting converted to
DjinngotsSpirit Shards.- Level rewards have changed (For example, weapon swap will be unlocked 5 levels earlier and all weapon skills and underwater weapons unlock at level 8 according to released notes).
- Condicap increase to 1500.
- Wallet changes to UI, with Geodes and Bandit Crests being added.
Also pure speculation, but we might also get:
Personal Story Restoration
HoM reactivated (wishful thinking)
You are gonna hate me but to answer your question in true GW2 style – “when it’s ready”. :P
with a patch this size with as many things that are being changed, this is the most accurate answer. I’m sure they’ll be chasing down a bug or two down to the last minute (and we’ll have several small patches thereafter to fix server crashes and other bugs they missed).
I’m not expecting the patch to hit until around 4-5pm EST at the earliest.
That big ! at that bottom that says “Sent by another player” should be a clue. Also the link above:
I’m fine with the black wings, tentacles, spinal blades, etc…..they don’t talk or have an annoying speech bubble unlike some other backpiece in the game. :P
Well the forums lost my post…but in short. This is a good thing. You can unlock the other colors and more folks will have access to ascended stat combos they wouldn’t otherwise have. (Sentinel, Keeper, Giver, etc.)
And folks can finally use the crap stat drop ascended boxes they get and change it to a stat combo they like.
Finally, remember Any upgrade in the item you change gets lost unless you remove it that’s a big thing there and will mean most folks are not going to just go willy nilly changing stats whenever they like.
I love my Immobulus and am really proud to have it. It’s harder to get than a legendary at times and just as pricey. It’s just too bad I don’t play mesmer more often.
On the flip side…just as much as I love having Immobulus being very rare and it being a real treat to actually see someone else with it. If they make giant eyes more common so more folks can make one, it won’t hurt my feelings any.
Thank you for addressing this! My husband & I thank you.
Yes. Thank you Anet. I appreciate what you’ve done to address everything of late. From giving vets a character slot to ascended gear stat changing to Hero points, I like where this is all going.
The wiki does show the possibilities for each of the things you can get…but I agree the mouse-over in-game should be clearer on what you get. The mouse-over in game should be clearer on LOTS of things, this is just one of those many things.
The recipes learned with a scroll should be account wide. The discoverable recipes however should remain character based.
As someone who’s not a great fan of crafting a feel a little ticked off being excluded from a whole tier of weapons and armour unless I grind my least favourite activity for it, please allow ascended to be aquired through other forms of gameplay, doesnt have to be any easier just possible.
You can get ascended boxes from champ bags, lost bandit chests in the silverwastes, fractals, Tequatal, Triple trouble, sPvP reward chests, WvW rank up chests.
I’m sure there are others too.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: khani.4786
To clarify: $50 is the price of the expansion. We included the core game as a free bonus to make it easier for new players to get into it.
So we early adopters are getting hosed. Lemme put it to you another way, Anet staffters: Someone who starts playing the game now gets all the content for $50. I paid roughly $50 to start with, and now I’m paying another $50 for the expansion. In what universe should I be happy to pay twice as much cause I’ve been playing longer?
So were you complaining when the base game went on sale for ten dollars because you paid five times as much? Look, you have a point here, but don’t try and overstate it.
When it was $10, I wasn’t expected to pay for it again.
Now, I’m being asked to pay for it as part of a bundle, and not even kittening get it.
You are not paying for it again. They decided to give it away for free as part of a bundle that doesn’t apply to you if you wish to link it to your existing account. That is something to complain about, but don’t misrepresent it.
Actually, we are paying for it again. Because Hot+Core is not a bundle. If it were a bundle you would have gotten two serial codes: one for core + one for Hot. I’ve gotten bundled games before, you get a serial code for every single part of the package.
Since you can’t even buy stand-alone core anymore.
HoT is the new core game. To say that HoT includes core is misleading at best.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: khani.4786
That’s a little bit of an over simplification, there are 3 separate issues.
1. The basic version does not come with a character slot which many felt it should.
2. The vanilla game bonus is completely lost to players who already own the game.
3. The price for one or more of the versions is felt to be excessive.Accounting for all three to properly “fix” the problem as best as possible the following changes would be needed.
Basic version:
-Character slot added (P1)
-Gift for owners of the game already, Either the vanilla key or 800 gems would be considered the acceptable alternative (P2)Deluxe:
-Second character slot added (to maintain the relative value to the basic version) (P1)
-Gift for owners of the game already, Either the vanilla key or 800 gems would be considered the acceptable alternative (P2)
-Price reduction or addition of value (P3)Ultimate:
-Second character slot added (to maintain the relative value to the basic version) (P1)
-Gift for owners of the game already, Either the vanilla key or 800 gems would be considered the acceptable alternative (P2)
-Price reduction (I don’t actually mind the price on this one since the only benefit is the gems) (P3)There’s also the fact that those who very recently got the game purchased it thinking it was needed for the expansion. They are offering a refund but you must delete your account I believe.
I think if they had that bonus for those that already owned the game there would be a whole lot less refunds/people needing to close the account they just got. the suggestions above sound about right to me.
I’m not a lawyer, but I have worked in retail and I do know that advertising posters and such in retail are not required to show the full Terms & Conditions on an advertising/marketing poster, only during when purchase is being made.
This is not about them not giving you the full picture.
What they describe is different from what you buy. This is false advertising. There’s a misleading statement like “A game serial code for account creation or upgrade for the Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns expansion and the award winning Guild Wars 2 core game.”
This could either means 2 separate codes, or 1 code for both.
This exactly and that’s why I opened a ticket only to be told yeah we didn’t mention the free core game was for only new players. A game code for item A AND item B. is ambiguous, poorly worded and can be taken either as A game code for each of the two items or a single game code that is both. (attached is the last GM reply I got. I purposefully did not include the GM’s name)
If new serial numbers being generated include the core game, then I don’t see how this is a bundle. It’s clearly not. A bundle would include more than one item. Anet is not selling the core game alone currently so I’m going to assume that the expansion version of Guild Wars 2 is now the core game. And if GW2: HoT is now the core game going forward then everyone is being made to repurchase the game in order to access the expansion (and that’s why there is no option to buy just the upgrade).
I missed the $10 sales because I couldn’t afford erroneous purchases at the time and was waiting for another sale for the core game. With their current wording lacking the exclusion or stipulations on getting the core game included I expected to get my bonus copy of the core game included too.
The invoice only shows Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns (Ultimate) and gives me one serial number. If the core was included as a bonus addition to the expansion I should have gotten two serial numbers to register. No where on the invoice or registration page does it say core only for new players.
I don’t fault companies like Comcast giving bonuses to new customers because they say up front in plain English that it is a new customer offer. I just want them to clarify their language and maybe give some consideration to folks re-buying the game.
Yes this IS a way we can unlock the other colors of the weapons.
This is a way for you to unlock the other colors that are associated with the each stat, yes.
I thought my wording was pretty spot on. The question was if the new item would retain the Tequatl skin’s name if they made the change to zerker
I love this city.
…when will it be destroyed?
Is that a request?
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: khani.4786
Here’s a question I haven’t seen asked.
We know you can’t buy HoT without the core game.
Will we ever be able to buy JUST the core game again?
(I want a $10 base game for a second account. I don’t need or want the expansions on my alt account)
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: khani.4786
There is no core, only HoT.
There is no core. Only Zuul!
<3 thank you for catching that reference.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: khani.4786
I understand the promotional discount to new players as a temporary thing and I understand the steep price (assuming that price buys two more years of continuous investment by Arenanet).
that is false, i have a mail from support that states explicitly that the the expansion will never be sold separately from the core game
Then this new version of GW2 is now the core game. GW2: HoT is not an expansion in the traditional sense, it is GW2.5 and they’re essentially making it so that veteran players have to re-buy the game to get the new content. It’s a paid update to the game (which if it could be bought separate would be an expansion pack). Core + HoT as they’re selling is not a bundle because you don’t get two separate items. There is no core, only HoT.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: khani.4786
They should have just made base game be worth 10$ and be done with it. It would have avoided 90% of the rage.
And when other types of companies do promotions for new customers they tell you up front that it is a new player only deal.
Anet didn’t do that. No where on the purchase page or FAQ does it state that the “free” core game included was for new players only.
This isn’t a bundle, if it was a bundle we’d get separate codes for the base game + expansion. Despite their site saying you get a code for Hot AND core. They really mean you get a single code that includes both HoT and core. That’s not a bundle. That’s deceptive language.
They need to watch their words much better…and need to find some way to repair the damage they’ve done.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: khani.4786
I prepurchased for myself & my husband. I’m not concerned about the price.
However, I had been waiting for another $10 base game sale in order to get a second account for myself and my husband.
As the website is currently worded there is NO WHERE that it says the free core game is only for new players. If it’s a bundle, then I want the full bundle so I can get a cheap copy of the base game to play around with on a second account.
I opened a ticket and told them that their wording reads like I should be getting the base game too.
the website says (emphasis mine): A game serial code for account creation or upgrade for the Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns expansion and the award-winning Guild Wars 2 core game.
If you meant it for new players only then it would have been worded: A single game serial code that includes both Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns and the core game that can be used to create or upgrade an account.
There are no restrictions or limitations placed on being able to get the AND part of that statement. None. Not on my invoice, not on the website (except now in this thread after I bought the xpac), not in the FAQ.
It’s an amazing deal for a new player and I don’t fault them for giving the base game to new players. But their shady wording and the fact that I was wanting a second account anyways has me upset. I can’t even buy a copy of the base game for $10 right now even if I wanted to.
The reply from the GM said “Although this is not listed in the website, please keep in mind that the offer is for only one Serial Code that includes both games.”
NOT Listed in the website…they acknowledge that it is not listed on the website, that their wording is shady & deceptive.
That right there? That’s why I’m upset.
I still bought the expansion and I’m going to have lots of fun in it, but Anet has lost a whole lot of respect from me (and lots of future purchases).
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: khani.4786
A comment from Reddit that I haven’t seen here…
This is how this move comes across to the veteran playerbase. I will use an Xbox as an example.
Microsoft: Hey, we got a great deal for you all! We have a new addon to our current product called the Kinect!
User: Awesome, how much does it cost?
M: Just $200.00! And it comes with a free xbox!
U: Oh, that’s a bit pricey. What if I already have an xbox though? Can I just buy the Kinect by itself?
M: No, sorry. We only sell it with an xbox included, as the xbox is required to fully enjoy the awesomeness that is Kinect.
U: Oh, well, I guess I could at least just give the ‘free’ xbox to a friend who hasn’t experienced xbox yet.
M: Yeah, about that. We forgot to mention, if you already have an xbox you don’t get another one. You only get the Kinect.
U: For the full $200?!
M: Yes.
shady stuff…
I pre-purchased because I want the expansion…but I also want the “free” core game that they said was included. note no where on the purchase page or FAQ does it state that the core game that’s included is for new players only.
“but [influence] will stick around for a while so that guilds can sink the influence they currently have into the new system”
wonder what all we’ll be able to do with influence after we get the new system.
also will small personal guilds (with 1-2 people) be able to claim a guild hall? (I want one to play around with and decorate myself)
I thinking it’ll be similar to dailies in that guilds will get their weekly guild missions and they can activate them and when activated they’ll get which particular flavor mission they get.
So Weekly guild missions assigned:
When the guild goes to do the mission they get a randomly assigned one of that type.
I just hope that we still get the same amount of commendations/gold per week even though we can’t do all four every week.
I don’t see anywhere mention of influence going away…where did you see that?
So, what do we get from leveling? Nothing?
You’ll be leveling masteries after 80. Instead of getting a skill point which is basically used for gold or crafting (and you’ll get that currency in other ways now), you’ll be progression your character through masteries.
No, read what Gaile said, and what I said. She said HoT will introduce masteries. After Tuesday, you won’t get skill points from leveling. What do we get for leveling between Tuesday, and the release of HoT?
Guardians got nerfed.
The devs proving once again that they hate Guardians. We are now officially the most broken profession in this game.
lol. have you not heard of ranger? we have just been shot in the head. ugh (It’s just as well love my ranger regardless of the crappy changes they’ve made).
rangers were buffed in too many ways to list here.
I can no longer instantly heal and clear conditions with healing spring.
My traps have to be placed at my feet and I cannot place them right where I want them. I’m less concerned about the arming timer for the old traps…but my heal? when I hit heal I want to heal not wait 1/2 a second and hope I’m not dead by the time my healing spring is ready for me.
So now I have to use a different heal skill because when I hit heal I better get a heal right then not some time later and hope I’m in the same spot when I hit that heal.
Because I have to change my heal I’m losing condition cleanse. Why isn’t there a survival skill for condi clear? Seems like that should be a basic survival skill…
I don’t use spirits because they were a pain to use and I don’t plan on using spirits still.
I loved traps for the extra AoE damage fields but I can’t put them where I want anymore.How is this better?
And again are Rangers the only ones getting stuck with an arming timer on traps? Shouldn’t all traps in the game work the same?
Actually, I took one look at the ranger changes, and logged out. With a headache. Which is completely related.
I’m seriously considering ditching playing my Ranger, and I’ve played her since…. forever. Might try a revenant.
This is just horrible.
I’m going to make my ranger work, but I’m going to miss the AoE fields that my former traps provided. And I’ll have to trait for condi cleanse rather than choosing other traits now…is Troll Ungent becoming a wilderness survival skill?
What sense does it make that we can’t ground target anymore?
What sense does it make that thief and Dragon Hunter traps DON’T have an arming timer (they didn’t mention that anywhere)?
What sense does it make to have a heal that doesn’t heal you when you activate the skill?
The way I’ve formerly played ranger is changing and I’ll adapt, but I still don’t like some of the changes.
Guardians got nerfed.
The devs proving once again that they hate Guardians. We are now officially the most broken profession in this game.
lol. have you not heard of ranger? we have just been shot in the head. ugh (It’s just as well love my ranger regardless of the crappy changes they’ve made).
rangers were buffed in too many ways to list here.
I can no longer instantly heal and clear conditions with healing spring.
My traps have to be placed at my feet and I cannot place them right where I want them. I’m less concerned about the arming timer for the old traps…but my heal? when I hit heal I want to heal not wait 1/2 a second and hope I’m not dead by the time my healing spring is ready for me.
So now I have to use a different heal skill because when I hit heal I better get a heal right then not some time later and hope I’m in the same spot when I hit that heal.
Because I have to change my heal I’m losing condition cleanse. Why isn’t there a survival skill for condi clear? Seems like that should be a basic survival skill…
I don’t use spirits because they were a pain to use and I don’t plan on using spirits still.
I loved traps for the extra AoE damage fields but I can’t put them where I want anymore.
How is this better?
And again are Rangers the only ones getting stuck with an arming timer on traps? Shouldn’t all traps in the game work the same?
Are ranger traps the only traps getting an arming timer? Will that arming also apply to thief (and upcoming Dragon Hunter) traps?
I hate this change, and I thought they said throwable traps was becoming baseline…guess not.
Guess I’ll never use traps again. .5 second arming time (healing spring won’t instant heal you) and no ground targeting. Worthless for me. Time to find another way to play.
I’d wondered what was up with this spot. I did the new “shortcut” in the OP’s second picture to get through here. As I’ve said in other threads I have a mesmer at the end and will happily port anyone there that needs the puzzle.
I have a mesmer at the end of Goemm’s lab right now. I wondered what was up with not being able to jump across proper like at that spot. I wound up dropping down from above with fall damage trait in order to get past there. If you need to the end of the puzzle hit me up in game and I’ll happily port you there.
I like Snowden because I don’t have to look for events. My husband and I have a two event chain we go to and it pops every 10 minutes and takes less than 2 min to complete both.
This is just silly. What’s the point of combat then if you don’t have to think and prioritize Oh I want to kill this first. Seems like a step back if they did that. It wouldn’t work here and shouldn’t happen.
Yeah sometimes auto-target doesn’t get what you think it does…use Tab or move your mouse & click on a target.
So skill points are different from skills shards? So it is better I start using the skill points to unlock the skills I haven’t unlock?
a bit off topic about the wallet, but no I wouldn’t unless you’re just wanting to use a skill right now. Skills & Traits are going to be reset with the new system and you’ll unlock them differentlyish. You’ll get hero points based on your character’s level and how many of the skill challenges your character has done. You’ll use those hero points to unlock progression on skill/trait tracks (which gives you your skills & traits). Skill points earned from scrolls and leveling beyond 80 are being converted to skill shards. Everyone is going to be starting fresh with the unlocks when we get that update.
" But then I’d have to ask: How long does it take to get a WvW rank? "
Only a few seconds at a Laurel vendor. But then again WvW ranks are account wide. Doing skill challenges are per-character, so that part doesn’t make sense in the scheme of unlocking traits/skills as part of a character’s personal progression.
This isn’t a progress reset, not exactly. You don’t have to repeat the exact same things to get back to the exact same place, you have to do some different things to get to a new place. Future leveling and gaining of traits and skills will be so much nicer than they’ve been under the NPE/world event trait unlock system that it boggles me people would rather keep the current system rather than invest a little sliver of time in stepping onto the new path.
Ok so lets play this by your games.
Lets add 65 addional SPvP ranks, and an additional 65 WvW ranks along with the 65 Hero challenges to the requirements for unlocking all the skills and traits.
how would you like that?
Well since sPvP doesn’t matter in the trait/skill unlock in the first place I’ll ignore that. (everything is unlocked there without you doing anything)
but if I had to go out and get 65WvW ranks (which are account unlock based not character based so you’d have to do that once period, not per character). So basically all that makes sense for your scenario is doing skill challenges…Then I go and do 65 more skill challenges on each character…and I’d just do it because the new system going forward is going to be better. I would rather do a few skill challenges than map the entirety of Lornar’s Pass for a single adept trait.
If you’re going to play on an alt in any sort of PvE environment you’re going to be running thru maps to get to where ever you’re going. Why not do skill points on the way? Unless you’re using teleport to friend stones to get to the silverwastes (for example) you’re going to be running thru several maps to get there. No one is telling you that you must do 100% map completion.
Besides, if you want elite specializations I’m betting you’ll have to have all the core unlocked in the first place before you can start on elites and you’ll need more points to get them as well.
Baubles, SAB Continue Coins, Black Lion Tickets/scraps yes.
the other stuff OP mentions are all crafting materials, there should be a spot in collection materials for them (and foxfire clusters too).
I will find ways to clog up my bank on my own, I don’t need help XD.
I’ve seen it discussed before and wish that cloth scraps had more other sources. We do get some as drops from mobs (discarded garment, etc.) but some things like silk scraps should come from grubs/wurms in addition to say jute coming off of herb nodes or something like that.
I like having varied sources for things and it made me sad that the supply carts in Gendarran no longer had supplies in them. I thought that was a neat touch and I would farm those carts to get some extra bits of wool, carrots, and the other stuff the centaurs had in their supply carts. But alas, the centaur supply carts have no more supplies in them.