Greetings all,
We’ve moved all the fractals change threads into one thread so the Dev Team can find all your feedback in one place. Please remember to stay on-topic and keep personal attacks against your fellow players and our staff off the thread.
Then can we get an answer?
1) Will 30+ be given compensation? Will 50+ be given extra compensation? What will it be?
2) Please explain what happens to infused backpieces. Was infusing it with 250 ectos a complete waste? If so, will those be given back?
The Community Coordinator won’t have those answers for you. You’ll need to wait for a developer to answer.
The argument I’d make is that people flipping goods are — if they try to control the supply — harming the market by distorting supply and demand. They may fail to control the price, if additional supply becomes available — when that happens, they lose money. But in general, the best that can be said of them is that they maximize the degree to which the TP functions as a gold sink.
One change I’d like to see is the addition of an “Average Listing Age” stat on the TP screen. This would allow the user to tell if the current price is based on short or long term listings and would allow people who are not familiar with a given market to know quickly if that market is currently experiencing a spike (up or down).
Granted, not everyone will know how to use this info, but it would be a useful stat to have available at a glance for non-traders.
Honestly, I think the best way to fix pets is to make it so that they only have a basic attack and nothing else. Then make the F2 ability a special “shout” that provides buffs, combo fields, finishers, etc. (based on the pet) at both the ranger and the pet’s location.
I don t want to be forced to play a PvP minigame in order to get access to the main game…..
Not a single TP player is forcing you to stand around LA instead of farming your own materials.
You have two options:
1. Gather your own resources.
2. Benefit from the division of labor and buy the resources that other players have gathered that are available for a fair price on the TP.
So i responeded to this already but i gues i somehow insulted you so mod deleted it so here we go again.
In any serius PvP game out there it doesnt take over a year for 3 ppl to get to rank 70 when max is rank 80 just so they could get rested.
And how is doing only odd lvls fotm and exploit pls explain that to me?
Well if it wasent an impressive accomplishment what was it then as far as i know most ppl dont even have 48 and like seriusly little amount of ppl got to lvl 80 so if that wasent an impressive accomplishment in this game what is it then give me an example in this game?
Also mod if you have time to delet posts can you call us a dev to give us some explanation here?
Serious PvP games have rating systems that are not based on progression levels, because progression levels are basically a count of days played, not of player skill. It’s not an apples to apples comparison, which is what I was getting at (since the post I replied to referenced resetting PvP and WvW ranks, which is something that should happen on a per season basis because PvP is not about progression, it is about competition).
The exploit is used to get around the lack of Agony Resistance. They designed the fractals to require a certain amount that was unobtainable which should have capped the progress. Instead, players found ways to avoid the AR altogether which allowed them to bypass the AR cap and reach levels that were not intended.
It’s not particularly impressive because:
1. It requires an exploit and
2. The “difficulty” is offset by gear (making it simply a day counter, nothing more) since the only change is an increase in Agony that is mitigated by more AR. Once you reach the AR cap, see point 1.
Did you pay to change crafting skills?
Try paying to switch back to Armor or Weaponsmithing and see if you get back to 400?
I heard about these “guilds”. My understanding is that they have other players in them who are willing to help their members.
Could be a myth though.
i Asume you got legendary(i do) anet intreduces new 1 your old 1 gets deleted.
You got rank 80 in spvp they intrdunce new balance patch/game mode you are reset to 30.
They add new dungeon and reset your DM title so you ahve to do it all over again.
You got the 250k kills in wvw they reset it becose they added new map and changed some beep.You understand where i am coming from?O and you dont get anything as compesation or at least we dont know(and i honestly got no hope for anything)
1. PvP ranks get reset for seasons in almost every serious PvP game out there.
2. Your legendary analogy isn’t correct. It would be more like if you found a way to get a legendary that wasn’t in the game yet (i.e. used exploits), then when they made it available they took it away from you and you had to earn along with everyone else.
I understand where you are coming from, but your current anger is blinding you to the benefits of this change. Your high level didn’t actually do anything for you before, wasn’t supposed to even have been possible, and really wasn’t as impressive of an accomplishment as you believe it to be. Going forward in the new system, your level will bestow appropriate rewards for completing an appropriate challenge. If you are really deserving of the high level you are “losing”, then you’ll have no problem proving it in the new era (and you’ll get better rewards and respect).
This is a good change, and I’m sure you’ll see that once you get going.
The leaderboard is not the main reason for the reset. They have completely redesigned the difficulty and AR system which is what merits the reset.
It’s like this: you worked really hard to become the best horse racing jockey around. Then they invented cars and now everyone drives indy race cars instead of horses around the race track. Your horse racing skills are now “pointless” and thus they don’t matter.
It sucks for you, but you’ve either got to get with the times and enjoy the new content or slowly fade into obscurity as that “cranky old horse guy”.
i hope you realize that comes at other player cost……
Possibly you will find some excuse….but your fun comes at other players fun expenses….
This is an incorrect statement.
When you buy something on the TP, your convenience comes at your own cost and rewards the other player (the person who is selling).
Your fun (a quick buy) rewards their fun (farming, tp flipping, etc.).
The idea is pointless, since we can already do that via the TP, and the TP prevents scamming which would occur in a trade system.
e-Mail from "ArenaNet?" Please read! [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: mtpelion.4562
You cannot stop a ban before it happens, so any email that asks you to do something to stop a ban is ALWAYS a fake.
If your account is getting banned, you’ll know because you won’t be able to log in and there will never be a link to get it back, you have to come here and click on the support tab at the top to start the process.
Can you imagine the level of complaints that would amass if they didn’t force a zerg?
“Oh, woe is me! The hour is late and I thus cannot climb dire tower of nightmares as I lack a furious company of fellows!”
Or something like that.
Which is outrageous of a price hike all the same. Account bound or otherwise.
They made the tools more functional, which means players need less of them. In order to offset the lost revenue, the price must rise.
It isn’t outrageous at all, if you stop to think about it from their perspective instead of your own.
The one thing that I would love to have is an “Average Listing Age” stat show up.
When you are browsing the sell listings, every available price point should show the price asked, the number at that price, and the average age in days for the listings at that price.
Yes I did check that. Also mind you that it was working just one minute before it stopped working. Only thing I did was close the game and reopen it instantly. Nothing else, no opening browser no nothing.
Maybe check your anti-virus program as well?
Try running the game with both your AV and firewall turned off to see if that makes a difference (be sure to turn them back on once you test it!)
Have you considered that maybe you are the bot and are bidding against another player who is equally frustrated by “bots”?
My point is, there are millions of players, and if you want to buy something it is very probable that someone else also wants to buy it. This means that it is entirely possible that your “bot” is another player who is equally frustrated by a “bot” (you) bidding against them.
If you are taking the time to frequently rebid, in all likelihood there are other players who are also taking the time to rebid, all of whom are getting outbid by each other and many of whom are blaming bots.
I have the same issue here. BLTC have been broken for me for weeks, possibly even months. It’s been so long I can’t remember when it started (or stopped I guess).
I have tried to delete local.dat and GW2 cache. I also tried running the launcher with the -repair and this have also not yielded any results.
Then last night I uninstalled the entire game and installed it from scratch. Finally it worked when I logged in today – success ! However after logging out of the game it is BROKEN AGAIN :-( I only had the game closed for a minute or less before logging in again.I did just submit a bug report – is there another way to open a ticket? I only find links to this forum, a FAQ or bug report when cliking at support ingame.
Did you check your firewall? Many people have to make a special rule allowing the awesonium.exe process to access the internet in order for the BLTC to work.
Involuntary pvp. Yay.
You never have to participate in the game economy unless you willingly choose to do so.
I wish they had a rune set that had a % chance to absorb incoming CC.
Kind of like how my ranger’s pet absorbs CCs intended for me sometimes.
Bummer… I cleaned out my stacks to make bank space available about 3 weeks ago.
I haven’t been back to Divinity’s Reach in a while, but last time I was there the Queens’ Pavilion was still standing and had not reverted into a giant hole in the ground.
If I was working on the game and I had made such a drastic change to a map, I’d be certain that once the temporary content was over that there would be a lasting remnant (such as a ruined tower and some lingering corruption, possibly a modification to a Renown Heart or two).
There’s nothing to do in the pavilion now and you can’t get into the “special” area so even if it reverted to a hole, which wouldn’t make any sense, it wouldn’t change how often it’s used.
The fact that it is void of action doesn’t change the fact that it was changed permanently. Let’s not forget that they have stated their intention of bringing back the pavilion on a regular basis.
Edit: if you want to put an end to the TP game, there are much simpler things to argue. Such as removing the buy offer system. That is where the big bucks are generated.
Yes, but my suggestion would be much easier in terms of implementation and easier to get used to after being executed.
You’ve got repressive suggestions, not productive. By your own admission you want to force people who don’t like to play the way you play to not enjoy the game so that only your opinion of a “superior race” play-style will be rewarded (that’s right, I tied in “those guys” in my analogy to show you just how offensive your suggestion is).
Very sound strategy, trying to derail the thread in hopes of decreasing the value of posted anti-TP-manipulation arguments.
Your argument is that people who don’t enjoy playing the way you play should not be allowed to enjoy the game. I had hoped to post a wake up call to you in case you simply didn’t see the error of your position. Since you wish to continue arguing in favor of digital “genocide”, there is no reason for anyone to waste their time debating you as you aren’t interested in learning why you are wrong, but rather wish to rail against an incorrectly perceived “unfairness”.
My strategy at this point is to simply dismiss your “argument” because it is nonsense. Trying to debate nonsense is pointless.
You win. Have a nice day.
I’m not trying to win, I’m trying to point out that to people who believe in free markets, your argument is essentially “the sky is four”. We can’t even begin to discuss because the statement doesn’t compute.
Edit: if you want to put an end to the TP game, there are much simpler things to argue. Such as removing the buy offer system. That is where the big bucks are generated.
Yes, but my suggestion would be much easier in terms of implementation and easier to get used to after being executed.
You’ve got repressive suggestions, not productive. By your own admission you want to force people who don’t like to play the way you play to not enjoy the game so that only your opinion of a “superior race” play-style will be rewarded (that’s right, I tied in “those guys” in my analogy to show you just how offensive your suggestion is).
Very sound strategy, trying to derail the thread in hopes of decreasing the value of posted anti-TP-manipulation arguments.
Your argument is that people who don’t enjoy playing the way you play should not be allowed to enjoy the game. I had hoped to post a wake up call to you in case you simply didn’t see the error of your position. Since you wish to continue arguing in favor of digital “genocide”, there is no reason for anyone to waste their time debating you as you aren’t interested in learning why you are wrong, but rather wish to rail against an incorrectly perceived “unfairness”.
My strategy at this point is to simply dismiss your “argument” because it is nonsense. Trying to debate nonsense is pointless.
That’s like… an opinion… man.
Too bad the 10 percent of players doing the big-time TP gaming is mostly the same 10 percent visiting the forums. This is why we can’t have nice things.
We have nice things. I think you just want them taken away :P
If sitting in LA, browsing trading post graphs on a web is your idea of having fun, then yes, I absolutely want you not to have any nice things.
Back to my suggestion though: by setting the value of K close to 0.5, lets say 0.55, those who are willing to wait still sell higher and buy lower that those who buy or sell now, but those who do both with the same item lose.
Too bad it’s never going to be implemented. Sometimes I really wonder why I get these moods where I believe productive suggestions will achieve anything.
You’ve got repressive suggestions, not productive. By your own admission you want to force people who don’t like to play the way you play to not enjoy the game so that only your opinion of a “superior race” play-style will be rewarded (that’s right, I tied in “those guys” in my analogy to show you just how offensive your suggestion is).
Anything that happens in the Mists doesn’t really happen at all, so it’s actually very logical and consistent from a lore perspective :P
It’s incredibly annoying and should be fixed though.
But gaming the TP is just plain wrong.
That’s like… an opinion… man.
Too bad the 10 percent of players doing the big-time TP gaming is mostly the same 10 percent visiting the forums. This is why we can’t have nice things.
We have nice things. I think you just want them taken away :P
But gaming the TP is just plain wrong.
That’s like… an opinion… man.
the core playerbase of GW2 are causual players
Causual players dont have time to grind 24/7 so they buy items from TP rather then grinding them
Remove TP from GW2 is suicidal ideaOr perhaps the items that casual players now have to buy off TP might be a tiiiny bit more available, not necessitating such a huge grind?
Just a silly idea, i know.If there is no place to trade the items, how on Earth could they be more available? Are you suggesting that a drop rate increase would be needed as well because without that, those items could NOT be more accessible than they are now.
Let’s just boost the drop rate so that every 10th enemy drops a precursor, that way we don’t need a market!
kethy can u sugest something for windows 7 x32 ?
The Trading Post runs on it’s own .exe file, which means that the likely problem is your firewall is blocking internet access.
Look for “awesonium.exe” and add that to your firewall bypass.
If my bank were to do that to me, I would change bank and maybe change back to get free money or not change back.
There is an obvious difference in value between 400 gems and an account-bound kite. One side is obviously being rewarded more than the other side. Regardless of how you can justify this, it is going to hurt the players who have been supporting them all this time
Your bank has done that to you, because all banks do that on a very, very regular basis. It is the most common bank gimmick in the world.
If you feel it is worth it to go through the hassle of changing banks for a free $100, then go for it. Likewise, if you feel that not playing the game for several months is worth a potential 400 gems, by all means, stop playing.
You are not being hurt. That is simply false. You are simply coveting the 400 gems.
Since the gem prices are going up, we have proof that more gold is being destroyed than is being added, ergo, the gem conversion is helping the economy by fighting inflation.
So you are saying? That the leavers are more deserving of the gems than people who have been supporting ArenaNet all this while? We should not go OT.
I’m saying that giving the leavers 400 gems isn’t going to hurt the game economy, even if they do convert those gems to gold because the amount of gold being converted into gems is many, many times higher.
This is no different than your bank offering a free $100 if you start up a new checking account, but you aren’t eligible because you already use the bank (i.e. you can’t be new because you are already there).
It’s a harmless gimmick to get people to come back to the game. If those 400 gems really mean that much to you, you are more than welcome to stop playing and hope they send you some. Alternately, you could easily amass many times that many gems by playing the game…
It isn’t presumptuous at all, we know the amount of change because any time gold is converted to gems or gems are converted to gold, the conversion rate changes appropriately.
Yes it is presumptuous because you do not understand what it means when ArenaNet create lots and lots of gems “out of thin air” to be given out to people who may convert them into gold. Then tell us that injecting these extra gold would not impact the economy at all. You also forgot that economic forces that are still in place that are driving up gem prices at the same time.
Furthermore, it doesn’t seem that ArenaNet values their existing customers and the difference in their rewards are shown in obvious gold amount.
Other than the initial glut of gems at game launch, all gems that are bought with gold are gems that were originally bought with real life money and converted into gold.
This means that gem prices go up whenever people trade gems for gold (i.e. delete gold from the economy in exchange for gems, causing deflation) and gem prices go down only when people trade gold for gems (i.e. add gold to the economy and put gems on the market).
Since the gem prices are going up, we have proof that more gold is being destroyed than is being added, ergo, the gem conversion is helping the economy by fighting inflation.
Gems prices keep going up. We do not know how many emails they actually sent out do we? So it is still presumptuous for anyone to assume that the total amount is too small to have any significant impact to the economy at all.
Furthermore, the fact that these leavers who have stopped supporting ArenaNet are rewarded MORE than the players who have been supporting ArenaNet through their gem store leaves a bad taste in the mouth.
It isn’t presumptuous at all, we know the amount of change because any time gold is converted to gems or gems are converted to gold, the conversion rate changes appropriately.
Since the “price” of gems via gold is going up, we know that gold is still being deleted from the economy faster than it is being added to the economy via the conversions.
As far as the bad taste is concerned, I’m fine with tactics that get people back into the game. I’m rewarded by playing the game, and 400 gems is certainly not a good enough reward for not playing the game for me to care about it.
Unless they convert their free gems into gold and cause all prices to rise by inserting inflation into the economy. Good job!
Considering the exchange rate, that gem to gold conversion would contribute less than a statistically insignificant amount of inflation. Not to mention all of the gold that has been deleted from the game via gold to gems conversions since launch.
A fair point about the cross posting, though I only hit discussions that seemed relevant (I have not posted in the thank yous or the refund threads).
As to the parking – if this is a convience item, then it shouldn’t have to change how I play to make it convienent. That’s just changing what the inconvience is, and that’s neither what I want or what I would pay for. I am not saying account bound is bad. I am asking if I can have my option of soulbound back, and more, I have no intention of account binding my current tools.
I would posit that the way you currently play the game has not changed at all. If you wish to acquire more tools in the future then you will need to either pay more or adapt to the bank trading method, but for the tools you already have nothing is changing the way you use them.
This would mean people would also be playing the game more.
This is probably the most laughably wrong statement ever put on the webbynets.
People would be playing the game less because instead of playing the part of the game they like, they are now required to spend hours grinding even basic resources because they have no easy way to quickly obtain them. Farming is only “playing the game” if it is a part of the game you enjoy.
I’ve only spent money on character slots, bank tabs, and one each of the gathering tools.
I’ve converted gold for everything else.
So… why the increase in price?
Simple math really.
Sell 100 tools at 800 gems each = 80000 gems sold
Sell 80 tools at 1000 gems each = 80000 gems sold
They are anticipating a 20% decline in the rate of purchases as a result of each purchase reducing the need for additional purchases, therefore they have adjusted the price to keep their revenue the same.
I haven’t been back to Divinity’s Reach in a while, but last time I was there the Queens’ Pavilion was still standing and had not reverted into a giant hole in the ground.
If I was working on the game and I had made such a drastic change to a map, I’d be certain that once the temporary content was over that there would be a lasting remnant (such as a ruined tower and some lingering corruption, possibly a modification to a Renown Heart or two).
The question becomes, do you value the convenience enough to buy them or are they not worth 1000 gems to you?
Keep in mind that the added value of the items being account bound is not a positive for you due to your choice of only having one character. If you choose to create more characters then that value would be realized.
Choice is important, but so is information, and even pro-middlemen posters are well aware that there is a significant information gap between those that work the markets as a primary gameplay activity, and those that merely use it to buy and sell stuff they use. The players that benefit from the system are those that make well informed choices, while those they prey on are those that do not. I believe that the system should not reward that disparity, that the average player should not HAVE to spend time and effort researching proper market strategies in order to make the most of the market system. That is not a skill that should be necessary in this game.
Take an average player who just pops open the Trading Post and spends thirty seconds selling and buying stuff and then closes it again, who doesn’t check web sites, follow trends, or have any understanding of economics. If the system can be designed so that this player is likely to make the same moves in the market as a highly-involved trader, if he can be expected to ONLY make a deal when he is fully aware what the relative costs of that deal would be, then I could accept the “player choice” argument here, and accept the role of middlemen.
I don’t believe that’s the market we have right now though. I do not believe that the market would be nearly so profitable for the traders if there weren’t players who are incapable or unwilling to stay on top of trading mechanics. I also do not believe those who claim that the role of the middlemen could not as easily be filled by standard A and C players.
In that respect (information availability), the TP is really no different from any other segment of the game.
If you want to play PvP, you join. If you want to play PvP well, you have to leave the game and find websites/spreadsheets/etc. to min-max your profession, assemble the right comp, etc.
Likewise, if you want to play the TP, you use the in game window. If you want to play the TP well then you are going to need outside resources.
While I’m always down for more information at my fingertips, I recognize that there are many aspects of the game that are far more popular and will thus have far more attention to information in game added well before the TP gets that kind of attention.
As in real life, people only know what they are told, unless they take it upon themselves to know more. In my line of work the current trend is required disclosures. We prepare hundreds of thousands of notices containing information that would help everyday people make better decisions about their financial future and even with this information being forced upon them, they simply throw away the disclosures and continue knowing as little as they did before.
The reality is that if you provide more information in game, the TP traders will benefit with easier access to the information while the average player will not take the time to gain any benefit from it at all and will continue to simply “sell now” and “buy now” because they simply don’t care enough to do any research, even if the results are published on their screen.
e-Mail from "ArenaNet?" Please read! [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: mtpelion.4562
Rule #1 for using the internet:
(That’s in all caps because I am shouting it for emphasis.)
The only valid exception would be verification emails used during account creation that you are expecting to receive because the website you are creating the account on told you it would send you such an email.
All other links should always be treated as fake/phishing.
Player C wanted it now. Putting in a bid at 7g introduces an unknown factor, when will that order will be filled. He’s willing to pay the 2g to both eliminate that unknown and allows them to get the item immediately.
That’s no different between someone buying something from Amazon Vs the Mall. Sure Amazon may save you money but you can get your hands on it now at the Mall for only $X more. It’s the buyers choice whether the difference in price is worth the immediacy of acquisition.
Choice is the most important aspect of a free market, while simultaneously being meaningless to authoritarians. This is what leads to the incompatible economic ideals of the two sides.
The middle man long served as the only way a buyer even had the option to buy something, as the middle man was the one who procured the item from the seller and brought it to market where the buyer shopped.
Modern advances have eliminated most of that benefit (since fast travel and internet access have made most economies “global” to a degree), however a degree of it still remains.
The other benefit that the middle man brings to the table is one of simple convenience. By buying in the margins, he increases the speed at which an item reaches price equilibrium. This allows both the buyer and the seller to engage in a transaction more quickly and at a better price sooner than if no middle man was present.
Would the price eventually equalize? Probably, but by then the seller would have already suffered a lot of lost opportunity and the buyer would have spent a fortune in “extra” costs.
When it comes to these types of one-off transactions, I find it is useful to set a tolerance margin.
Pick a (realistic) value that you are comfortable with. The 250g mark is pretty safe since that’s what it is going for right now.
Next, set your margins.
For this example, I’ll use 20%.
This means that I will sell this item if the price shifts 20% in either direction (i.e. if it drops to 200g, I’m going to dump it or if it rises to 300g I’m going to list it).
I find that while this process obviously leaves room for a lot of missed opportunity, it beats the heck out of spending a lot of time researching a single item.
How about this: If the final damage tick is for less than x% of the humanoid’s health, then they become downed instead of dying. If the final damage tick is equal to or greater than x% then they simply die.
This would allow the downed state often enough to where it adds flavor and strategy, but not make it so frequent that you stop playing the game out of frustration while trying to complete an event with 1-3 people.
I seem to recall an in-game calendar in World of Warcraft.
I’m pretty sure copying that idea is not a violation of any kind of patent/copyright.
Do this today, ArenaNet… seriously.
Personally, I think the stat allocations are “wrong”.
Instead of gear having 3 stats (1 major and 2 minor) they should have made gear have 2 stats (that are equal).
One stat will always be offensive (Condition, Power, Precision) while the other will always be defensive (Healing Power, Vitality, Toughness).
Each piece of gear would be given 2 upgrade slots (one for Runes/Sigils and one for the nuggets/gems/stones/medallions/etc.). Runes would be entirely based around % gains to things that are not offensive or defensive stats above (like Crit Damage) or other special effects while the nuggets/gems/stones/etc. would give a small bonus to one stat (offensive or defensive).
This would keep customization as a factor while narrowing the gap between a full defense and full offense gear set.
Ideally, your main increase to offensive or defensive stats should always be coming from your build, not from your gear.