I would really like to know if anything is going to be done with the hoards of Ascended Rings and other unnecessary Ascended Jewelry that are stockpiling on our characters?
Make it salvagable, MF-able or something 3rd we don’t care just don’t let us have to delete our efforts done in FoTM.
I had to make a storage character just for ascended rings XD.
that could actually work and would make more sense then the scythe staff since both a scythe and greatsword are meant for melee
Yup, I’m glad someone noticed how great it would be
Oh, look. Double fractals again. Obviously working as intended.
Yeah . . . never crazy or happy to see that one.
Fractals are fun, in general hehe
However, Colin did state Personal Story and Living Season 1 will be repeatable.
What? When and where did he say this? I stopped playing the game (stupidly) right before this started and I’m regretting it deeply.
I would love if this came to be.
Colin mention it last year but cited there will be issues making Living Season 1 repeatable such as, The Battle for Lions Arch.
(Sorry for double post, this is unrelated to above)
There’s still a story issue that hasn’t been addressed yet: Personal Story and Dungeon Story Mode relations.
Currently, you’ll get a “introduction” by the Herald at level 25. At level 30, you get a letter about Ascalonian Catacombs story. However, at level 40 you have the Destiny’s Edge meeting in which Eir talks about going to Ascalon Catacombs indirectly. And at level 50, you get a letter from your iconic talking about events at AC, TA (level 40 dungeon), and CM (level 50 dungeon).
IMO, the “easiest solution” if the changes to levels of the Personal Story remains unchanged (something I personally don’t mind, though I’m unsure about the “locked until level” part) would be to raise the dungeon levels. Make AC story level 45, TA level 50, and CM level 55 – leave the rest as is, and raise explorable to an appropriate story level+5.
My “preferred solution” would having all explorables at level 80 (makes cross-dungeon balancing easier), have AC story at 50 and each subsequent story dungeon 5 levels higher (TA=55; CM=60; SE=65; rest as is)
Whatever the solution, just figured I’d bring this up on the topic of Personal Story fixes.
I’ll add this to the list of things to investigate. It might just be an issue of changing when we’re triggering the sending of those mails (or how they’re worded).
Could you clarify, for absolute certainly: will the story steps that were re-ordered be returned to their original order (in addition to the restoration of the Greatest Fear arc)? And will the story instance entrances be returned to their original locations, rather than the current airship ‘airdrop’ thing that currently occurs at Fort Trinity?
Yes, the story steps will be restored to their original order. We’re looking into removing the airdrop step as part of the fixes as well.
In other news, do you know when we can expect this update to go live? Will people be grandfathered into the fix again, or will all players get it regardless of their story step?
My fiance recently started playing and I’d like to know at exactly which point I should advise him to put his PS on hold, and how long for.
He’s excited about the game, so please let it be soon!
My advice to people who are interested in playing the restored Personal Story (which will include the Greatest Fear steps, original chapter 8 ordering, and various minor text and VO updates) is to not complete A Light in the Darkness (in chapter 6). That way you’ll be able to play the restored content in its entirety when it goes live.
We’re currently discussing release dates and will share that information when we’re able. Thanks again for all your great suggestions and patience.
Thank you for the updates, I’ll be able to play Personal Story again when this update is released
(edited by reapex.8546)
I’m having the same problem as one of the other posters above. I completed the Seeds of Truth part with my 5th character, but she hasn’t received the mail “About the Symbol” from Marjory so I am unable to start Arcana Obscura or progress any further. The map markers direct me to the priory but I can’t enter the instance because there’s no symbol there. All 4 of my other characters have completed the latest living story chapter. This character however, can’t finish until I get that mail.
Try deleting all your living story mails. Also, make sure you met with that lady in the SW.
Guess no one else likes the idea of a Greatsword Scythe? hehe
Time to swap out holo wings, yay!
That looks awesome
You know, it wasn’t too long ago that people were complaining that this game was too easy. Now you’re complaining that it’s too hard.
Nobody complains in this thread that the game is too hard. It is too irritating. Difficulty doesn’t even enter the picture here. It’s just something that lessens the fun i still have in this game.
Actually several people complain that Living Story is too hard lol. That’s why it was nerfed several times. People also complained AC was too hard, so it was nerfed as well. People complain about everything hehe.
People still want the melee scythe a Dervish has for GW1. So why not, make a Great Sword that has a scythe skin Anet? That way you won’t have to reinvent the wheel hehe.
And who is to say that the powerful infusions simply don’t have special modifiers such as: “Increase damage done by x% (works only in Fractals)”?
Exactly, they could be just +5 infusions all over again. We’ll have to wait and see.
Thank you for your answer, I missed that part. Wanted to delete the post but seems like we can’t anymore lol.
Interesting thoughts here. I always think of it as a gentle reminder of my need to use care in what I do. Especially that #%@$ jumping puzzle amongst the trees… at which I died multiple times.
You know, “Play more wisely.” I don’t love the runs to the repair NPC, but I don’t resent them.
It’s good to see other players’ thoughts on the matter.
Anyone else find it slightly disturbing that devs don’t know that falling deaths don’t damage armor?
The only time I ever need to repair my armor is in SW… stupid terragriffs and their nonsensical AOE, damage invulnerability, and stacking dmg kill me at least 3 times a play session.
I find it highly disturbing you would post such a message. Anet employees don’t comment that often and when they do we should welcome them. Instead of nitpicking their chosen words. Maybe Gaile did get hit by a creature on her way down? Who really cares, I’m thankful to see any response at all on the forums from an Anet employee. So thank you Gaile for posting your message.
“To train a specific Mastery track, you must first unlock it by spending Mastery points. Mastery points are awarded for completing various pieces of game content. Things like completing a chapter in your personal story, completing certain achievements, reaching hard-to-find locations, overcoming challenging encounters, excelling at adventures found within the Heart of Maguuma, or earning 100% completion for a map will award Mastery points. "
My question is for the players who have done map completion, personal story, and more will we get free mastery points when the expansion is released?
If we don’t get free mastery points, it sounds like it maybe better not to do personal story or map completion until Heart of Thorns is released.
(edited by reapex.8546)
Having the daily login reward be collapsible would be a welcome changed too
shadow — You are right, there haven’t been a lot of updates on this topic since the OP. I just wasn’t sure if you’d see the “We’re aware of these things” part. If so, my apologies. And yes, for the most part, changes to NPE are still on the “to do” list. But there’s no lack of understanding by the devs. For instance, our narrative director, Leah, posted about changes that need to be made in relation to the Personal Story.
Farm Flats and Havoc — Have you posted in the Traits thread? You’re welcome to add your thoughts there, as well, if you care to do so.
Zera — thank you and understood. The mods merged your post into the main thread to keep things tidy, concise, and easily reviewed. Thanks for sharing.
naisonod — If you did that on a phone, I’m impressed! And to your point, I can promise you that we do play our own game, so changes made are made with game experience, not on a whim or without a full view. I take on board you don’t care for the changes, but I did want to clarify that things aren’t switched by people who live in a vacuum.
Thank you Gaile for the update
well the update happen and the forgotten seal wasn’t change, so I guess it is salvage material
HoT Expansion has been announced, hopefully feature pack 3 (if there will be one) will resolve the personal story’s Greatest Fear Plotline issue. We have no idea if personal story is required to do the story of Heart of Thorns, I hope it isn’t required since we’re still missing a chapter in Personal Story. If it is required, I’ll have to finish Personal Story and know I will not be able to experience the Greatest Fear chapter because Personal Story isn’t repeatable. However, Colin did state Personal Story and Living Season 1 will be repeatable. I hope that happens before Heart of Thorns is released.
That still doesn’t change the fact that it is final battle of PS, and it is unfinished, and buggy as hell. There are things like point of interest impossible to reach on the map, did u ever tried to jump of from your ship ? Try to jump after zhaitan dies to point where his body fell down. You will be surprised how bad it is. And I can’t agree there are not a lot of ways to fight him. It just need a little creativity and good will to make it much much more better. But I understand your concern about holes in PS story earlier. Without fixing them there is no even point of trying to do something about zhaitan. Which really makes me start to wonder. How the hell they could broke it even more… and do nothing about it at all.
The poi isn’t buggy, it is like a poi for future content in Arah or something they decided not to implement. Also, when you jump off of the ship…I do not see what the big deal is. You’re not suppose to jump off the ship lol.
MatthewMidna, my Echo of Turai Ossa is not daze he has 100% health and refuse to move after capturing his palace. I was able to get the bug to reproduce by doing the following:
1) When the shrine is capture, the UI says talk to Marjory
2) If you talk to her almost immediately after the UI objective is updated…Turai Ossa will not move again.This has bugged for me 3 times now, but once I waited to talk to Marjory to start the next set of events, it strangely didn’t bug out
Yeah, same, I had to wait for Turai to stop moving and the bug didn’t happen.
Imo, I wished only might damage was nerfed and not this sigil.
It is possible, the my greatest fear arc has been missing since the second feature patch.
MatthewMidna, my Echo of Turai Ossa is not daze he has 100% health and refuse to move after capturing his palace. I was able to get the bug to reproduce by doing the following:
1) When the shrine is capture, the UI says talk to Marjory
2) If you talk to her almost immediately after the UI objective is updated…Turai Ossa will not move again.
After watching the Heart Of Thorns Trailer and reading alot of hoping its an expansion (
correct me if im wrong) and coming up with ideas for classes and what not for the next chapter of GW2. I think raising the level cap would be a great idea.I don’t what level Anet would raise it to but doing that would give playing heart of thorns more of a reason to play think about this:
A’lot of people are at 80 now and cant seem to enjoy endgame (though i am quite a bit)
raising the level cap with new content and new skills (we definitely need new skills)
would give a reason to play heart of thorns.If your lvl 80 and Heart of Thorns comes out with new content, quests, dungeons,living story etc what would make you keep playing the new content?
if the level cap is raised you wouldn’t be done with your chars and hopefully they will make tyria’s map bigger with more content so there will be more to do after 80. adding on with new armor, classes,
i dont know just a random thought wanted to know what other’s might think of it. just an idea
No thank you, GW1 didn’t go pass level 20. No need for GW2 to go pass level 80, alot of the NPCS and skills will need to be rebalance. Then we’ll have Anet saying, they need to balance skills and make sure the game is in a stable state before releasing new content (all over again hehe).
There was no information about it so far. I’d wager that it’ll be fixed at the next feature patch.
Hopefully it’ll be fixed before Heart of Thorns is released, especially if it is in fact an expansion. I’m sure there will be a lot of new players who’ll want to catch up story wise.
I hope the patch is out way before HoT, I wouldn’t want this issue to be forgotten about when they add new content to the game ><. I would rather complete personal story on my alts before HoT.
At least for this trinket it seems to be. If Anet meant it to be not forgotten (and in most cases, sold to vendor for a couple of silver) they would have not made it vendorable.
That’s a fair point….
better yet, something like Mawdrey, or maybe Mawdrey herself, that eats ascended rings and spits out random stuff. That’d at least make getting a ring worth the amusement value
That or anything else sounds like a good idea, also I had no idea people could have a maximum of 64 characters per one account o.O.
The answer is get more alts :p
I have 3 bank tabs full of ascended gear from fractals. There isn’t enough alts allowed to use all of that gear.
Nomen est omen.
I don’t think it is o.O
Yeah. I kept one as a souvenir, but I just sold all the others.
I really would like to use mine XD
Thank you for the link!
There isn’t an upgrade slot for the Forgotten Seal Exotic Accessory item from Living Story. So the best thing to do is salvage it?
You may have to direct members to use your guild bank, instead of sending out a mass number of mails.
I don’t think you can report someone for AFKing on a map…There is an AFK timer for that reason.
The long and short of it is you just have to deal with it. People shouldn’t have to worry that going AFK might get them reported/banned. That’s just silly.
Rangers, there pets auto attack when they’re afk and the player gets credit. You can whisper and message these players to move and they won’t. However, when breach is over they will run over to the champions, kill them, and act like nothing happen. So it is afk botting, using the pet to farm loot while others defend and do events. It isn’t as simple to report someone for afking, it is to report someone for pet botting.
Do you really think they would care about those afkers? Things like this are going on since release. And they havent found an appropiate solution to this.
They found several appropriate solutions that is why you don’t see the 30+ bots in cursed shore anymore, as you did in 2012.
Not today, not today is used by several characters in various shows xD
that would be messed up, if its one those one time only runes\sigils like sigil of generosity;
Why can’t we sell these minor sigils (snowfall\mischief) to merchants?
Also, it is around a holiday so responses maybe slower than normal.
This is horrible news for someone whose payday is on Monday. But I hope the rest of you get what tou want for a good price.
It lasts from black friday to “insert name here” monday !
Not sure what monday is called since I dont live in the US and the first I heard of black friday is when GW did it last year
It is called, “Cyber Monday”
I have been going back and playing through the earlier parts of the living story with some alts and I noticed that there is definitely a punishment mechanism for solo play. When I play these instances solo all of the enemies ignore the NPC’s and just attack me, certain skills are delayed by a half second or so especially healing skills, quality of loot scales down dramatically, and overall NPC’s aggro EVERYTHING on the map and run them to me and then forget how to fight or just stand back fighting trash when I am trying to advance through an area quickly. This doesn’t happen when I am in a group (except for NPC’s fighting every single trash mob), only in the story instances that I try to solo.
What really just pushed me over the edge is that I was trying to complete the recon demolitionist achievement and when there were only 3 corpses left (all 3 mined btw) Canach became an epic hero and singlehandedly killed every single mob that I tried to pull into the waiting mine. Not only did he kill EVERYTHING in the last part of the instance by himself, he didn’t lose a drop of health while all the other NPC’s were melted by the Mordrem. He tanked all the mobile mobs at the top of the hill and of course, I didn’t get the achievement.
I don’t mind having to work harder when playing solo I kind of expect that and I do understand that this is an MMO and group play is encouraged, but when there are mechanics in the game that prevent me from using skills, advancing through a story, or earning achievements because I am playing solo it’s a bit frustrating and the Devs should be called out on it. Just my 2 cents.
The living story instances are totally soloable, the bosses and the enemies downscale a lot. Ele, engineer, thief, ranger, and guardian I have solo the living story on.
(edited by reapex.8546)
Tequatl’s foot will hit the zerg if players are too close and will knock them back.
I don’t regret it but I didn’t spend 3,000g. I made mine
Its still happening one year from this post.
(edited by Moderator)
Let me see if I can get an update on this.
Thank you for responding to us Gaile
Please, don’t nerf this fun boss XD; The boss is even easier with people, if you need help.
I think more people would be interested if they could pick when and what to play.
I agree, instead of having the activity rotation only. Would be great if we had the rotation and/or the option to play whenever we wanted, like in the past, for guild events.
If they have not played in a while, between living story and feature packs there has been a good amount of content added.
I’ve tried. Doesn’t have nearly the same punch as a properly marketed expansion. I hate to point to WoW but they were adding content constantly as well but what draws everyone back time and again? Expansions.
Maybe find a guild and make new friends?
only going to bump this once before it goes off to the forum graveyard