Thieves are more fragile than the mesmer, that is true, however the thief has better stealth and hits for far more damage than the mesmer could ever hope for. Thus they are balanced.
And by the way, mesmer damage is pretty low in comparison to the other classes, at least in pve.
Contrary to the hyperbole, the thief still out stealths the mesmer, by a lot. That was proven a few weeks ago when someone did a side by side comparison of a mesmer and a thief maintaining stealth. The mesmer stealth lasted a while, but the thief never left stealth in the whole period.
Both characters were just standing there and going through every stealth skill they had. The mesmer eventually ran into the cooldown limitations. The thief never did.
The axe and staff sounds for the necromancer. They are absolutely terrible!
I am completely opposed to modern clothing. They aren’t appropriate for the Tyria world. Talk about breaking immersion!
For some people, everthing is a “slap in the face.” Sigh!! Such drama queens!
- "Cause lets get some facts straight not everyone has SMS. " – seriously, whoever with access to a gaming pc does not have access to a cellphone?
- “Realistically such a thing is not even in logical sense a good idea of forcing onto future players.” What do “realistically” and “in logical sense” signify here? Did you try to put some fancy terms into your post to give it more weight?
I have a cell phone but I had text messaging turned off. I never use text messaging and I refuse to pay for other people sending me text messages, especially the telemarketers. So SMS isn’t an option for me.
I have 100% loss to it.
This site is taking a long time, also, so there is something wrong with the GW2 site in general. The rest of the internet hasn’t slowed for me.
I was in, but was lagging horribly. I then lost connection. Something is wrong.
Will Raids Take Up Too Much Of Devs' Time?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: redcomyn.4651
On the other hand, if we get a panda race, I am going to be all “I told you so!”
Will Raids Take Up Too Much Of Devs' Time?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: redcomyn.4651
I never played GW1, so I don’t know what they were liked. Actually, I didn’t know that they had raids. Well, hopefully you are right and I am just being overly pessimistic. It’s just that my pessimism so often turns out to be prescient.
Will Raids Take Up Too Much Of Devs' Time?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: redcomyn.4651
So the first step to WoW-ification has occurred. I wonder how long it will take for the next “oh so reasonable” step, and exactly what that step will be.
Lately, I have been playing a condi mesmer. It doesn’t kill as fast as a power mesmer, but it does get the job done, and it does it fairly fast. But no kind of mesmer will be as fast as the other classes because it keeps getting nerfed in PVE. Unfortunately, mesmers just have to adjust their expectations on the speed of the fights.
I don’t hate Trahearne. There was nothing to hate. By the same token, there wasn’t anything there to like, either. He is just “blah.” I don’t really care what happens to him, good or bad.
I really liked Tybalt, but he certainly didn’t deserve to be a pact leader, either. He had neither the skills nor temperament for it. He was a good buddy and great for sharing an apple with.
I don’t care for Trahearne, but it is because of his character. That is, he has none. He has the charisma of a cold fish. He is basically just a quickly written cartoon figure to fill a role. No flesh (pun only semi intended) was added to the role. He could have been replaced by a golem and nothing would be lost.
You guys are really exaggerating the GS damage. I use sword mainhand and either sword or mace offhand. My opponents just melt against me. As long as I am not dogpiled, I can outlast practically anything out there (obviously not all champions). My opponents die pretty darn fast.
If there are fewer complaints, it is because pve players have given up about the one-sided balancing for pvp players. I no longer expect things to get better in pve, and probably worse.
You can do whatever you want, your dps will be much more less with gs. In team you have 100% fury uptime.
You can go with anything but you will lose 20-50% dpsI am solo only, so I won’t get that 100% fury.
You can easily get near perma fury with clarion bond and a red moa with the traited f2.
It’s probably not worth the effort in most overworld situations to be honest as almost everything outside of silverwastes will die with a single path of scars and a couple sword hits anyway.
Using a moa detracts from any fury uptime he gets. Moa dps is horrendous, only better than bear dps.
He’s better off using clarion bond and warhorn and just put warhorn in the offhand slot of his secondary weaponset and the main sword hand on the primary weaponset so whenever he switches weapons he always has sword/warhorn and can just spam weaponswap on cooldown to get the fury and swiftness from the skirmishing minor.
Otherwise he can have sword/warhorn and axe in the 2ndary offhand and still switch on cooldown and time his call of the wild appropriately.
Using any pet besides jaguar/drake is an absolute drop in dps. bears and moas do less damage on their autoattacks than a condi spec’s single burning tick. It’s that bad.
Would you disable the autoattack of the sword?
You can do whatever you want, your dps will be much more less with gs. In team you have 100% fury uptime.
You can go with anything but you will lose 20-50% dps
I am solo only, so I won’t get that 100% fury.
I just checked my warrior. Sword/Mace is my primary weapon and Longbow my secondary. I use a mix of rabid and rampager armor and my precision is 43%. My traits are Arms 2-3-3, Defense 2-3-2, and Discipline 2-3-2.
I only use the longbow if I need to range for whatever reason. Otherwise I am on Sword/Mace. This has worked very well for me. I can stack lots of bleeds on my opponents and they go down pretty quickly. I often feel practically invulnerable in my fights.
Not everybody is interested in a warrior like this, but it is effective and suits me just fine.
Want to make clear this is for pve. I have no idea how this would do in pvp, and couldn’t care less.
(edited by redcomyn.4651)
I think you are wrong. I use mainhand sword, and I kick butt. I can kill things pretty darn fast, and I am difficult to kill. Of course I don’t use berserkers. I use armor for conditional damage (off the top of my head I don’t remember which). I’m thinking some rabid and some rampager. I do have good precision, also, but not stellar. Enough to get my bleeds.
No, that is not what we said. I don’t know anyone that has said that it never works. What we have said, repeated ad nauseum, is that it often doesn’t work.
Dont bother, he doesnt play necro and is trolling, he does not acknowledge they are bugged even when its explicitly stated on Arena nets own wiki.
Yeah, I think you are right. He is saying that he is right and everybody else is wrong. Can’t argue with someone like that.
Greatsword is less DPS than 1h sword. It’s not up for debate.
What’s of concern here is whether you can pull 1h sword off, or if you start dying with it you’d be better off with Greatsword. There are some fights, like Archdiviner/Molten Duo/Mossman/some of Arah where you want the reliability of Greatsword if you’re not familiar with the fight.
Either way you’re there for Spotter and Spirits. If you want an even more forgiving spec, look at condi ranger from DnT.
I agree with this. Myself, for example, I can’t get the 1h sword to work for me. I have tried withe auto attack on and off. Either way, I frequently die or nearly die. The GS just works so much better for me.
Yes, the 1h sword does do more damage. I just can’t handle it well enough to do it efficiently. I usually have to run from the fight, heal up, then go back, while my pet keeps the enemy engaged.
@WSG: I am not claiming what you think I am claiming.
First, the burden that ANet will do something in light of feedback rests upon you. Others of us have spent hours gathering feedback and experience and ANet has done nothing about it. We have made our case, and it hasn’t been acted upon or even acknowledged, beyond a “keep up the good work” remark we once got.
We’ve done the work. You’re just talking.
And your talking is the issue here. You’re blaming people’s expectations from WoW, you’re blaming ridiculous stretches like “select nearest target”. You’re blaming play style — which is of course blaming the person who doesn’t play as you do. You’re blaming people who have done hard work for not repeating it again, or linking to it in a way that you expect, or whatever.
There are two sets of extremists here: those that just say “minions are unusable!” and you who says, “minions work fine and it’s up to you to prove it for the fifth or sixth or hundredth time or I won’t believe you.” Been there. Done that. Said the silly thing you’re saying, then actually dug into the matter.
You and others are saying (or at least implying) they are unusable under ALL circumstances which is complete and utter BS. Not only that, but there is the general extrapolation that if there is an issue with minion AI then there would notionally be fallout for other forms of subordinates as well since I suspect they all share a large portion of the base behaviours.
If there is a major game breaking issue as some seem to make out, then there are at least some of us that have not witnessed it despite having put in collectively at least 1000’s (if not 10000’s) of hours with our characters. If that is not “doing the work” then I don’t know what is.
I am pretty certain that if I were to dig deep into one area or another of this game I could find an argument to say that some Feature X is broken, that it is game breaking and should be fixed and then proceed to B&M about it till the cows come home (without giving any solid details) and also find that the very same feature is not seen as broken nor game breaking by another section of the community.
At this point in time, there have been little or no specific details about how the AI is supposed to be broken so if anyone is “just talking” it is those that are complaining that it is broken. At the very least provide links to the threads that offer details to support your premise rather than simply dismissing the personal experiences of players who have not put an insignificant amount of time into playing the game and have been playing it since before release.
Whether A-Net are likely to act on such evidence is moot at this point in the discussion, since it has been mostly just hot air so far.
No, that is not what we said. I don’t know anyone that has said that it never works. What we have said, repeated ad nauseum, is that it often doesn’t work.
And I already told you that I have already tried the special attack skill. It doesn’t work! Also, there is no such thing as passive mode for necromancer minions, and there are no commands that can be passed on except the special attack (read the first sentence about that, here).
I don’t understand how you keep missing this. You keep repeating yourself, and I and others keep telling you they don’t work.
I have discussed the non-responsive aspect with a friend of mine who has played more MM recently than I have and they have pointed out that there is more to getting minions to attack than simply using an alpha-damage skill (although that is a factor). What they indicated was that the player may have to use a given creature’s own special ability to get it to attack targets under at least some circumstances.
In the example they gave me, with a Flesh Golem and a bunch of other minions if you use the Flesh Golem’s special ability on a given target the rest of the minion mob will follow it and attack that target. Apparently they will continue to do so even if you attack other targets. In this context, a minion/summoned creature’s special ability in general can be considered the same as a Ranger Pet’s special ability.
In addition, apparently there is a minimum player alpha-skill-damage level before a minion/summon/pet would consider a given enemy a target they are meant to attack. As they put it, one of the biggest barriers to minion effectiveness is probably their movement speed rather than anything else (such as the ability to control them which is actually working as it currently stands).
I tried that, also. You have offered no new strategies whatsoever. These have all been talked about before and they don’t work. Period! I have tried every single thing that you have suggested. I tried doing all of them in the same fight. They don’t help. When I tell the flesh golem to charge, it will do its charge then sometimes it will continue to fight, but it often will stop and gather dust with its back to the enemy.
Regardless, even if one of these tactics guaranteed them fighting, the fact is that they should be unnecessary. How could you possibly consider that everything is okay if you have to go through undocumented hoops to get the minions to attack. Bottom line, if you attack someone, or if you are attacked by someone, the minions should immediately attack that someone, without having to do some kind of secret handshake to get them going.
I think you give them too much credit on their awareness around class design. They just don’t want to split pve/pvp skill balancing.
Their reasoning for not splitting skills in GW1 was that it would confuse players. GW1 had hundreds of skills with unique effects. It got to a point where they couldn’t avoid that anymore, and split the skills anyway. Everyone was happy. When GW2 was developed we asked them if GW2 will have split skills as well. Their answer was, and I’m paraphrasing, “we’ve learned from our past mistakes”. (I can’t provide a link to verify, it’s from my memory alone. As it was a very important issue to me, I believe that may memory does not fail me) A dodgy answer but we mostly took it as a yes. They didn’t split.
TLDR; They probably don’t split because they don’t want to confuse players. Balancing separately may have more quantity of skills to balance, but it’s much much easier to balance overall.
Then Anet must consider the players of their game to be really stupid. Really stupid!!
As long as they don’t split pve from pvp, there is going to tension between the pve’ers and pvp’ers. It appears that what one wants the other is diametrically opposed to. With the constant balancing for pvp, the pve’ers are going to get more angry and discouraged at the unfairness of these one-sided decisions. It may eventually get to the point that the pve’ers will start to go looking elsewhere.
To me, the Chronomancer is the one I am least interested in. However I will still try it out. Who knows, I might like it.
Yes, but what they asked for was not implemented, instead we have another mediocre “fix”.
That is typical with Anet. And the mesmer pvp’ers know this, yet they never learn to keep their mouths shut. Mesmer pve’ers will always be substandard (compared to other classes) as long as the mesmer pvp’ers keep whining and Anet refuses to separate pve from pvp.
None of us can control the behavior of others, so c’est la vie.
It seems strange to me that you keep seeing these gold sellers. In the 3 years I have played this game, I don’t ever recall, even once, seeing gold selling on chat.
On the other hand, I don’t pay much attention to chat.
If you are solo, you won’t be able to completely stay out of melee. Not unless you can kill the enemy really, really fast. Even using the staff, you are unlikely to avoid melee range, especially against multiple opponents.
I always sell once I get a full stack of 250. I don’t have the room to store all the junk and I am not interested in crafting since I have no particular desire for legendary stuff. But I do keep collecting resources because it is decent money.
I never use texting. I refuse to pay for incoming text, especially when it is spam texting, which was the large majority. So I had my phone company turn texting off. Is there another way to authenticate without texting? If not, I won’t use the double authenticator system.
Does everybody realize that the necromancer isn’t really viable in PvE or SPvp and the only thing keeping it viable in WvW is no internal cool down on life force from deaths (which is broken)?
This is utter nonsense. There are lots of people who play necromancer in pve and are doing just fine, including me.
The “direct alpha/hit-based damage skill” that you talk about still usually doesn’t work. I have heard that before so I started to start all my fights with an auto attack. It didn’t improve the situation.
There is more to it than just start the fight with an alpha damage skill, you need to be continually attacking the target in question (that means user interaction not just hit 1 and leave it to work). There is a similar issue with Pets, and can be complications with the Ranger when using skills such as barrage which hit more than one target (the last target to take alpha damage is typically treated as the primary target).
Subordinate target control tend to work best with single hit target skills. That is not to say they do not work with multi-hit/multi-target-alpha skills nor that they will never attack other targets on their own volition (c/f target one member of a mob and they may start attacking the rest of the mob if agro’d to do so). Control of sub-ordinates is not always an easy thing but I reinforce the point that the situation is far from broken, it just has limitations.
I said that I started with an auto-attack, I didn’t say that I stopped at that. I’m not going to attack just once, then sit back on my tush waiting for the minions to do everything.
Yes, it sometimes works, just not most of the time.
The “direct alpha/hit-based damage skill” that you talk about still usually doesn’t work. I have heard that before so I started to start all my fights with an auto attack. It didn’t improve the situation.
I play a Necro MM, in PvE. The majority of the time, the flesh golem will not fight. It just stands there. Occasionally, the bone minions won’t fight and just stand around.
Yes, I generally win the fights, anyway, but it still isn’t right. For real hard fights, I can’t afford to have the flesh golem just stand there and pick his nose (or beak or whatever the heck it is). Yes, he does fight sometimes, but most of the time he won’t. This is not acceptable.
Then your on your personal story.
If you click to continue this story on living world season 2, you will then get a continue this story on my story instead
I don’t get that option on 2 (maybe more) of my characters for the personal story. A couple others did. Actually 3 of my characters could do it. I just did it last night with my warrior. So it isn’t a case of my not knowing what to do. The option simply doesn’t exist for those 2 characters.
At least 2 of my characters are completely locked out of the personal story. All of my older characters had gone completely through the personal story except for the killing of Zhaitan. I skipped that last one because I have no interest in grouping for a dungeon.
After the change to make it solo, I was able to take 2 of my characters back to the Victory or Death and complete it and kill Zhaitan. But 2 other characters of mine have no access to any part of the personal story. I have absolutely no idea why. What it means is that I will never be able to kill Zhaitan with those characters.
After a little more thought, I have to change what I said. I have never joined a group for hearts so I will have to be honest and say that I don’t know what happens in a heart group. So take what I said with a grain of salt.
It was never there. You don’t join groups for hearts, and never did.
I tried with 2 different characters, my mesmer and my engineer, and could never get all the fires lit. But now I know why. I had no idea that I could kill the black shadows since they seemed invulnerable every time I struck them. I would light one fire, go to light another, and the first one would be extinguished. I figured there had to be some secret, somewhere, but I had no idea what it was.
I think I will try again, now.
I have mostly played with the staff. Recently, I changed to D/D, primarily just for something different. Using staff all the time was getting kind of stale. But it seems to work just fine, so I think either would do. Just choose what looks like fun.
Get the princess item form the new lion’s arch achievement, it’s a Dragonite Ore eater.
Why? If the Dragonite Ore Eater just destroys the dragonite, why not just throw it away and forget about the Eater?
I recently changed my build to a very similar build (but not exactly) to the above crazy kai build. It does appear to be pretty strong and very active (open world pve).
Before I did it, I was about to give up on my mesmer, it seemed to be so weak. Of course, when anet nerfs the mesmer more, I may have to give it up, anyway.
PVE is meaningless and its about time people got it straight, its a grind to ascended gear and skins. The faster you do it the better.
In Spvp and WvW i have to agree damage is a tad high, having a fairly high armor 2600 armor and 17k hp, thiefs can burst you down in one implementation of stone with no chance to react.
I like pve. I think it is pvp and WvW that is meaningless. I also have no interest in getting ascended armor.
The recent nerfs has hit pretty hard in pve. I was using the scepter/sword and staff, yesterday. Torment does very little damage, confusion does very little damage. Conditions, for the mesmer is a lot worse than before the patch. Very discouraging.
I then went to the greatsword. Damage is, again, worse than before the patch. I tried to take on the troll champion in Sparkfly Fen. The greatsword made no impression on the troll. When I used the scepter/sword and staff, it did better, but only slightly. The troll also kept healing itself back to full health. So my weapons were useless against it, although I had no problems staying alive at all. I finally just left.