I use a combination of berserker/assassin armor and trinkets. There are several runes and sigils that will work, I’m not particularly dogmatic about it. The cost has much to do with what I decide to use. I must say, though, that I only do open world pve, so I have no opinion about what to use in fractals and raids.
“Lich Slap” is too slapstick for me. Slapstick humor just doesn’t seem to fit the necromancer theme.
So this is, Zerker Gear, Runes of Scholar, Sigils of Accuracy and Sigil of Strenght on GS.
I have been playing with Axe/Axe, but its lack of mobility, inst spammy Mighty as GS.
Also GS dont punish u for going on Defense traitline.
And dont care about “support”, u real support is surviving long enough doing decent damage.
The “little bit more of mobility” that GS has doesn’t make up for the loss of DPS that it also has. The Axe/Axe damage is so much higher than GS, that no amount of mobility that GS may have makes it worth the cost.
Why fight it? Just go dagger/dagger! Everyone knows it’s the most fun you can have on ele!
I have been using dagger/warhorn. Yes, it is more fun than staff.
Yeah, you would think. However, in this game, it is impossible for anyone to stay at range for more than 3 or 4 seconds (at least if they are solo). All you can do is accept that fact and adjust your tactics accordingly.
How about “Tales from the Crypt”?
You can’t avoid all hits, not from range attackers. However, just yesterday, I beat the champion giant in the Straits of Devastation, almost entirely by myself, using Scepter + Torch/Staff condi, despite all the hits from the slugs’ poison spits. So, yes, the condi mesmer can win practically every fight, even if it is rather slow.
I think of mace as a defensive weapon, because of the healing symbol, paired with the focus. I am currently using GS as my primary offensive weapon. Also use armor for power.
I have been using Dagger/Warhorn. It works pretty well and it is pretty fun to use.
In OW pve, if you want to go as a power warrior, double axe is the way to go. It has far more damage than the GS, and with the GS, you will lose and die a greater percentage of your fights. The only thing that GS gives you is some greater mobility and a gap closer. Not worth it, in my opinion.
In some cultures, white is the color of death, probably because corpses are pale.
My problem with HoT is the platforming. There are many MP’s that are hidden behind platforming (gliding/jumping) that I am unable to get. I didn’t grow up with platform games, I am no good at it, and have no interest in getting good at it. A lot of people say they have far more MP’s than they need, but I can’t get enough to get all the masteries, because of the platforming.
There is one rather notorious MP that is hidden behind a lengthy set of gliding platforms. I watched a video of someone else doing it quite a few times. I tried to follow what that guy did, as exactly as possible. I always failed. Somehow or other, I simply couldn’t get the timing exactly right. THAT is platforming. I don’t care what anybody says, that is a pure definition of platforming.
Platforming is almost entirely my problem with HoT. I hate Tangled Depths most of all. It is very confusing. I have never gotten to the lowest level because I can’t find any access to it. There are no clues, whatsoever, where the heck the access point(s) are.
This game is supposed to be an MMO, not Mario Brothers. Having a few jumping puzzles for those who like them, that is entirely optional, I am fine with. But hiding important things, like MP’s and HP’s behind any of them, I am entirely opposed to.
Answer is in the wiki: at https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Where%27s_Balthazar%22#Objectives
I was confused at first, also. However there is a trick to it that makes it easy. Look at the magic beams above you and where they are coming from.
What is “Flower of Life”? I’ve never heard of it and it isn’t in the wiki.
I have to agree with the OP. The axe easily has the most damage, and the GS does suck. However, I only do pve, I can’t speak for the other 2 play modes.
Ok, I can understand that. I guess that since I only play open world pve, mostly solo, that I am simply not seeing the GS advantages.
I don’t understand how you people can say that the GS has higher damage than the A/A. If you look at the damage of the the five skills of the GS vs A/A, you will see that the A/A damage is higher than GS, except Hundred Blades. Hundred Blades is the only skill that GS has that is decent. The others all suck compared to the axes.
I have been using A/A for a while, now. But the other day, I went and tried the GS, again. Like every other time in the past that I tried it, I died far more often than I would with axes. Fights that I could win with A/A, I couldn’t win with GS. And that is without changing my armor.
For me at least, GS is simply a loser. It just doesn’t work for me.
Fay, I was under the impression that it always required an interaction button. I didn’t play the beta. In any case, that doesn’t bother me at all. It is the 10 sec duration of the exit portal and, as oriori said, the excessive cooldown.
I remember that video. Unfortunately, it isn’t doable, not with the portal exit only good for 10 seconds. It has been greatly nerfed since that video was made.
That is such a shame! Such a cool spell that isn’t good for anything in combat.
Is this utililty of any use whatsoever in open world pve, outside of being a taxi for others?
Marauder armor may very well be better than knight armor, but since I can’t get any, the question is moot. I have no interest in doing ascended crafting so I can’t make them. I have another character, a mesmer that I would like to get viper armor for but that will never happen. So I just use what is available to me. I really wish that people could sell them, but it isn’t so…c’est la vie.
And there came the insults…. “knights armor is for noobs.” The fact that that argument has to be resorted to indicates how weak the argument is. On the other hand, the fact that that person said that, pretty much admitted that knights armor works just fine. If “noobs” can do it, then vets can do even better.
I am not a fan of glass cannon builds, never have been. I kinda like to avoid death as much as possible. And I still kill mobs pretty fast. If the OP doesn’t like glass cannons, also, then knights is just fine. Those who insult that choice are simply being hyper competitive (trying to be nice here).
Warriors with berserker armor will kill faster, but also will die more often. That is why I stick with knights armor. I still kill pretty fast and I rarely die. I do use berserker trinkets, though.
I think it close to useless in pve, just as well. It horribly restricts the mobility of the mesmer, and as fragile as the mesmer is, that just isn’t good at all.
No, I don’t use the wells at all, and never will unless they are drastically changed.
Not to mention that there is no such thing as a no risk – high rewards build. Condi mesmers die, trap thieves die, berserker’s, dragonhunters and revenants all die, just like everybody else. Cry me a river!
You say that the flamethrower is a mid-range weapon. That is only true for a fraction of a second. That is all it takes for the enemy to close in and start whaling on you.
Well, perhaps I should add that I am in pve, only. I base my “pretty darn well” on the fact that I kill fast and stay pretty healthy through the fights because I am using the healing signet. I hit a lot, cause lots of damage, the enemy dies fast, and all those hits keep my health up.
I am sure it is quite different in pvp/wvw, but I couldn’t care less about them.
Actually, though GS is alright,I think it is rather boring to play. I like Axe/Axe better. It seems to work pretty darn well.
I don’t like any of the HOTlands. I guess VB is okay-ish. I do have to run every character at least part of it to get the needed HP’s, so I can stomach it. But AB I don’t like. I strongly dislike TD. I can’t figure out how to get from point A to point B there. And as for DS, I absolutely hate it. I never intend to go into there ever again. I don’t plan on going into TD ever again, either, except perhaps when I am feeling particularly masochistic.
I may run the storyline (a big ‘maybe’) through the end of VB, but I will abandon it after that and go straight to the Bloodstone Fens.
Actually, there are masteries that are pretty necessary. Many of the Itzel ones, most, if not all of the gliding ones, and others in the other lines. I am currently stuck at getting advanced gliding. Without that, there is a mastery point in the Bloodstone Fens that I can’t reach. I am one MP short for getting it. That is an example. I am in a catch 22 position. I need Advanced Gliding to get this MP, but I can’t get the MP without Advanced Gliding. Aarghh!
And many of those mastery points are hidden behind very difficult jumping/gliding puzzles, which I can’t do. I hate jumping puzzles and I am not very good at them, and no desire to spend my time trying to get better at something I hate.
Ok, I just did. Unfortunately, it only works for ascended stuff, not on exotic equipment. Which means its no good for me. Too bad!
How do you change the equipment stats in the mystic forge? I looked it up in the GW2 wiki and I saw nothing about changing equipment stats, only tier levels.
Before I saw any of your answers, I fiddled. I decided to try something that I had never intended to do before: use Ventari. Right now, I am using Ventari and Jalis. I have staff as my primary weapon and hammer as my second. I am using the Invocation, Retribution and Salvation trait lines.
It seems to be working pretty good. I hardly ever die, and it seems to kill the enemies reasonably fast. I am sure it isn’t as fast as the sword. However, for now at least, I am rather happy with it. I pretty much only use the hammer when I need to be at range. I am nearly always using the staff and almost always on the centaur stance.
I am still trying to get to the herald, though and progressing through the story line. I do intend to replace salvation with herald when I can. But it is going to be awhile.
By the way, I am talking about open world pve.
I have a revenant that I jumped up to Lvl 80, however I don’t have the herald line yet. I am working on trying to get HP’s for it.
I am dying far too often. What is a good build for a revenant that doesn’t have herald, yet?
Actually, chrono sucks in solo open world, unless you plan to lose all mobility and just tank the damage. Chrono is nearly worthless except for party support, which is something that I have no interest in.
Oh, I agree about the beauty of the areas (except Bloodstone Fen). They are very pretty. I just don’t like to play them.
It is the vertical maps that I hate. and it is why I don’t like the HOT lands nor the newest Blood Fens or whatever it is called.
I don’t like the HOT lands and I don’t like this newest Blood Fens. It is because they are vertical maps. I am not now, and never have been, a fan of jumping puzzles, platform games, etc. Obviously, they are popular with a lot of people, but not me. The way that all this is going is telling me that GW2 simply isn’t the game for me, anymore. I play less and less.
Fortunately for me, I am having a lot of fun with ESO right now. When I am gaming these days, I am almost always doing ESO. GW2 is rather rapidly losing interest with me. I haven’t spent a dime on this game ever since HOT came out, and I don’t ever intend to spend anymore money unless things radically change, i.e. be like it used to be.
I am not saying that the game needs to change to what I want. Anet can do whatever they want. I am saying that they are losing me, not that they probably care.
I have never saved any airship oil, since I have no interest in ascended gear. I delete every one that I get since it can’t be sold.
As I just posted in another thread, I am not feeling any difference before and after the update. I am still very difficult to kill and can still kill my enemies in a reasonable amount of time. But I have only played for about an hour.
I have been playing an MM necromancer. Granted that I have only played about an hour or so, after the update, it has felt pretty the same before and after. I am still very difficult to kill, and I can still kill the enemies in a reasonable amount of time. Perhaps, I may change my mind after playing a lot more, but so far I just don’t see much difference.
I would think, though, that the greatsword isn’t a good weapon if you play berserker. Berserker is a condition build.
HAHAHA! you need to look over the berserker trait line again my friend. Berserker definitely had condition damage build into it. but it also has direct damage comparable to strength. Also, have you just not seen Arc Divider?
Well, it won’t hurt me to give it a try to see for myself. So far, I have been using Sword/Torch. Although I can’t help wondering what the point is to being berserker but not have the torch. Perhaps use Sword/Torch as a secondary weapon set?
To get that AOE damage, you have to stay in one spot, drawing your enemy into the damage field. So your mobility is shot.
I would think, though, that the greatsword isn’t a good weapon if you play berserker. Berserker is a condition build.
If you play mostly solo, though, chronomancer is completely worthless.