[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Why don’t you go to unranked arena?
I mean, hotjoin is purely for practice purposes, test builds, and for newbies to learn. If you want a real match, go unranked (and play a few games so your MMR stabilizes). Don’t complain about not having arena-quality matches in hotjoin.
Thanks for advice i will give Arena a try. Yes i am reasonably new to pvp and “Hot joins” is all i have experienced in PvP. Just hope Arena provides more enjoyment.
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
The new Auto balance system not counting as a win is destroying hot joins. Now as soon as anyone is “Auotbalanced” to a losing team 75% of people leave the match! It’s a dog act but i do understand it due to they are no longer receiving the will in the stats and rank points.
Basically this is creating extremely 1 sided matches and a lot of kittened of players. Please Anet fix your kittening game or you will create a even more isolated game mode.
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Hi All,
I am hosting a competition on my YouTube Channel were i am crafting a Legendary Weapon and giving it away to one on my lucky Subscribers for free no catch. If you are interested please check it out
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
I would happily Tip 10+ gold to generous Mesmer that would like to port me to the diving platform
i think i fallen off the final spinning sprocket 2 dozen times
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Please can we have a Obsidian Node for the home instance that we can mine daily
Also Home instance Bank, TP and Crafting stations would be nice too.
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
On my Main Account i have,
15 x Toons
13 × 80′s
7 x Map completions
I have 11 Legendary weapons
made 1 more for a friend
and sold 1
currently making Number 12 for me.
about to start map completion 8 so i can make 2 more Legendary weapons
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Skritt!!! I’m Hit!!!!!
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Hi All [QOP] is still looking for Friendly Awesome players to join us.
NA Megaserver
Contact me in game or one of my fellow quaggans if you are interested.
Frozen Fire.9437
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Hi Breidr,
Firstly congratulations on reaching 80! like you i really enjoyed the Personal story so much that i have leveled 22 80’s all from different races, classes and orders each of them had a different story was lots of fun.
A lot of people will tell you the game opens up at 80 and i tend to agree. So many goals to Aim for i’m not going to name them all :p. Also if you enjoyed the Arah story Dungeon you should take a look at the other dungeons in the game both Story and explore lots of fun and gold to be made.
Please feel free to add me as a friend in game and i would be happy to bring you along on some dungeon runs with my guildies. Also happy to help you through the living story quests and Achievements if you still need it.
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
I’m having the same issue! client went black now i can’t log back in?
I’m also located in the “Pacific Area”
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Hi Celedal,
Welcome Back to GW2 I hope you are enjoying it more the 2nd time round. My guild is always looking for social members. We are a small PvX Social Guild please see the link below for more info.
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
As a previous resident of SBI all i can say this is Karma for disrespecting chasing out most of their WvW guilds over the past 12 months.
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Dam i missed it this week maybe next time :p
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Thank you OP i miss my drips of karma from Dungeons as well.
All i seem to do lately ( the last 12 months) is farm karma for obi shards how about the dungeon vendors sell obi shards like FotM 1 shard = 50 tokens?
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
It is always nice to receive some kind of recognition for a difficult Achievement and i Agree with you 100% I have almost crafted and collected all the Legendary weapons in the game ( 4 more to go) and for this there is not even an achievement let alone a sexy title
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Hi Goatjugsoup i’ If you are still looking for a guild [QOP] would be happy to have you as part of our small guild.
Please check out the link below for more info
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Your friend payed for his game he can play it anyway he likes kitten all the haters. Most of the players that kitten about uplevels are spam 1 zerglings with little to no skill.
For the first few weeks after the GW2 launch there was only uplevels in wvw and tbh they were the best days of gw2 wvw now it’s just blob wars
If i was you i would make a fresh level 1 ranger (Bear Bow) and proceed to troll the zerg with your friend running in to blob fights last minute rallying the opposing zerg giving them something truly worth crying about.
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
I foresee lots and lots of open field Arrow Carts and Karma training.
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Thanks for all the help guys truly appreciated we have done a few runs now with a [Noob] Mentor and having lots of fun!
Again thanks [Noob] xD
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Hi, I’m not NA so I can’t help you, but there’s the noob guild:
I highly recommend those people, they are the perfect teachers for anyone willing to learn.
Hi oxtred thanks but i have tried to contact [Noob] in the past with no luck this was my 2nd option as we would love to add a few Arah paths to our repertoire
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Gratz on hitting 80!
I understand the need to make quick gold but as someone that has farmed all parts of the game my suggestion is mix it up and don’t burn yourself out on 1 task. Run a few dungeons then jump on the world boss train then the Orr temple run or the dozens of other farms there are out there. you may not get the best gold per hour but you will have fun.
Good luck hope you reach your goal!
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Hi my small guild is looking for an experienced mentor to teach us Arah speed clears and tactics.
We are NA based guild and normally run NA late night and Oceanic times. We have a private TS3 server all Friendly veteran players (just not very experienced in Arah ) .
Please send me in game mail if you are interested in lending a hand your help would be truly appreciated.
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Hi mylifeinwords,
Add me as friend in game i would be more than happy to help you through any dungeon level 80 not required just whisper me when you see me online
P.S I’m in NA.
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
(edited by slamb.4781)
Just a thought probably would not work but.
Get rid of servers and create alliances to the Gods / dragons (or an alternative) that lasts for a 3 week time period with each alliance representing all 3 colours in a rotation over the 3 week period.
Ever 3 weeks the WvW players will pick there new alliance with no changing throughout the 3 week period and PvE players do not need to pick an alliance reducing unneeded server stacking. This would also give Guilds a larger variety of GvG opponents that would normally be on a different tier or on the same server.
Keep EotM as a separate game mode but i’m not sure how :/
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Personally all i would change about Legendary weapons would be make them Account bound on craft.
After making 10 legendary’s and currently working on 11 and 12 ( Number 12 will be a in guild prize) Honestly all it takes is a few hours a day of dedication.
For the past year i had been apart of a hard core wvw guild and the hardest thing for me was the open world / PVE map completion as it took so much time and alienated me from my guild but i sucked it up and did it because i had a goal. And now i’m doing it again for the 6th time.
I understand that people are off put by completing the WvW maps but honestly it is only 4 little maps compered to 25 pve maps and don’t stress if you get killed it’s only a game.
On a side note i have in game friends that only play sPvP who would love a legendary just imagine how daunting the whole process is for sPvPers. And be grateful that sPvP is not a requirement to craft a legendary.
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
(edited by slamb.4781)
Yes please add a new heavy class with a big freaking two handed axe Aww Yiss.
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Bump Bump Still looking for Awesome people to join us
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
I resolved this by doing a complete fresh install took a long time but it worked.
Ty for all the feedback xD!!
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
As per the title my launcher is stuck on 1 file remaining i have restarted and rebooted with the same result anyone have a fix?
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
A large number of posters in this forum are members of respected and talented Guilds (imo). But how many people regularly solo Pug? And if so how bad is it out there really?
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
[QOP] Quaggan Op has just started recruiting join us as a founding member. We are small NA cross server PvX guild looking for new members who want to log on and enjoy the game with like minded players.
We are a Social guild with focus on Dungeons, Fractals and world bosses with runs daily suitable for players of all skill levels. With TS and 24/7 buffs, in guild raffles and completions even an upcoming Legendary Weapon give away and all are welcome to join.
[QOP] has no rep rules our only rule is that you respect your fellow guild members and have a relaxed sense of humour.
Our most active times are NA night/ Oceanic and SEA time.
For an invite or more info please contact me or one of the following QOP representative’s via in game mail or whisper.
Frozen Fire.9437
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
I’m sorry but this post made my day xD
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
As far as i’m aware you can only get tomes of knowledge from Black Lion Chests and as part of the PvP reward tracks now (8 per track). http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Krytan_Region_Track.
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
This is is going to be the start of a whole now level of QQ and i can’t wait to read all the juicy forum posts.
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Just over 1k
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
lol the QQ is strong in the thread. Anet is not forcing anyone to do anything the back piece is cosmetic at best with the lol Nomad stats in the end it is a choice to make it or not. So if you want it bad enough just suck it up and do it.
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Why get upset over 1 set of Armor only available for pvp players QQ get over it.
I don’t pvp often but if i want it i will do the reward track it’s that simple.
There needs to be more of this to reward players that have Achieved something in a particular area of the game. In my opinion the armor is just like the fractal capacitor or the LS vine a cosmetic rewards for focusing and doing well in a particular part of the game.Well, I think the complaint might be that Glorious Hero armor is only available in special tournaments like the International All-Stars Tournament, where only the winning team will get the armor (hence the “1%”).
I’m fine with the fact that the regular Glorious armor will be available on the PvP track though, I prefer my armor to not have too many particle effects.
True and i’m with you 100% regarding the PvP track but i feel that the guys and girls that do well in the “special tournaments” deserve a unique reward not just Gems or gold etc.
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Why get upset over 1 set of Armor only available for pvp players QQ get over it.
I don’t pvp often but if i want it i will do the reward track it’s that simple.
There needs to be more of this to reward players that have Achieved something in a particular area of the game. In my opinion the armor is just like the fractal capacitor or the LS vine a cosmetic rewards for focusing and doing well in a particular part of the game.
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
I know how you feel the sane kitten every day but the what gets me is the so called monthly’s that are completed in 1 or 2 days through regular game-play please make them harder or make daily/weekly/monthly.
or add a twist to the daily/ monthly for example daily Fractal survivor -complete x level fractal without dying.
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Test them both out in PVP and see what play style you prefer.
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Just play the game, explore the areas, find points of interests, vistas, waypoints, do heart quests and gather crafting materials … you’ll be at max level before you know it. Leveling comes natural in this game, just by playing
I agree with this 100% Sure you can level fast in EotM or power craft but you will miss a lot amazing experiences that the world has to offer also do the personal story as well it’s good exp and fun!!
BTW welcome to GW2
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Hi is Noob recruiting? I’m very interested in joining
Specify EU or NA. Also as a student, mentor, mindless lamb…quaggan?
Good call i kitten ed a bit on that one xD
I have Accounts in NA and EU but i main NA for PvE and i’m looking to join as a student to start but the quaggan option sounds tempting
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Hi is Noob recruiting? I’m very interested in joining
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
I don’t plan on making any of the weapons and i have a few of these things now i wish i could give them away to people that want to make the weapons :/
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
“It’s a FAAAAAKE!”
You are right she is a fake!!
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
WvW ranks are totally meaningless, he who karma trains the most has the highest rank.
I once met a guy over 1000 rank and he still ran a 5 signet warrior in WvW.
Basically it’d be pointless screen clutter for me.
This. ^
If they would give an option to not show rank on my screen I’d be ok with it.
Oh, and if you’re wondering, I’m a Plaid Legend.
Oh Blod we all know you love to K-Train <3
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Hi you can find her in Mount Maelstorm in the south west corner. I ran in to her during an event there the other day i think Queen Jennah was with her?
I will get a screen shot when i log in tonight after work :p
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
Hi Ogwom,
The reason you cant see legendary stats on preview is because legendary weapons have the ability for you to change the stats whenever you like via a drop down menu ( when you are not in combat)
But i do agree with you it would be nice to ave a little history / lore on the weapons
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
who gives a kitten please stay away.
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader