Showing Posts For sorudo.9054:

Suggestion about skimpy armour imbalance.

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


well, the leather armor is actually the most closed down armor line there is, i can only remember 2 armors in the entire line that looks revealing. (not skimpy mind you)
so since you brought up Hilde, let me bring up Ivy
she does have sexy armor on, however, some costumes she has are actually not skimpy, just sexy.

do know the difference between skimpy and sexy, a skimpy armor can be really dull and sexy armor can be completely closed up.
IMO they have plenty of skimpy armors but not even one sexy armor, i think that’s what we need.

Insane Prices - Offical Statement?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: sorudo.9054


for now i am forced to buy gems with euro’s and Anet screws over europeans every single day, they favor USD over EURO and even make an excuse that apparently some weak minded ppl believe.

Then you should tell Europe to get rid of your VAT, and then convert all your currencies to the US Dollar.

or have the euro prices corrected without the lame “but we rounded it up for you” excuse, i really don’t care about a price that looks weird, i rather pay a weird price then a unfair price.
euro INCLUDING VAT is €9,45 and no, it’s not ok to just round it up to €10,-.

Xbox One & PS4 ports of GW2.

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


ppl are forgetting that they will actually lose out money when they release a game for a console, both MS and SONY asks a certain amount of % for every copy sold and it take a hell of a time to adjust the controls to the controller.
also, like mentioned already, both SONY and MS are against server sharing.
they would be forced to play in a really small group because they can’t connect with any other version, i know it’s annoying but that’s how it’s done and it never changed.

besides, who wants to grimp them selves to a controller when KBM is faster, easier to use and all around better in every aspect.

Suggestion about skimpy armour imbalance.

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


The whole idea of skimpy + armor is silly. These armors are supposed to protect you from fatal injuries… why leave sexy bits exposed to blades and pointy sticks? It makes no sense, and it’s just sexist and stupid.

does it make sense that you can shoot fireballs out of your hand, walk trough lava and get out ok and even fall from leg breaking height and walk away as if nothing happened?

Insane Prices - Offical Statement?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: sorudo.9054


So Sorudo you are referring to the Gem Exchange. How can it be manipulated by players, even rich ones? Rates have to go up around 39% for someone who converted gold to gems to convert back to gold to make a profit. It rarely goes up that quickly in the short term (as in a month or less). It’s much more lucrative to flip in TP with your capital than invest in gems long term.

i don’t have time to play every single day nor do i have the patience to farm…nor do i see farming a part of the game.
however, with rich ppl buying gems like it’s nothing to exchange it to gold and farm hippies exchanging gold to gems like they have nothing else to do it makes it really hard to take the current exchange system serious.
heck, if anything they should’ve made it 1G=100 gem max, it’s maybe not friendly for farm hippies but casuals with an actual life can get at least some chance on getting gems without paying for a small amount of gems in real money.

for now i am forced to buy gems with euro’s and Anet screws over europeans every single day, they favor USD over EURO and even make an excuse that apparently some weak minded ppl believe.

Suicide Button when Downed

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


at least a suicide bomb button, if i have to die i want to die in style.

Give all classes the same base HP value.

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


actually making HP one level and change some through stats is more simplified then making it different per profession, it works in GW1 and i really don’t see why it would not work in GW2.
sure things need to be rebuild and rebalanced, but the end result is a more stable and easy to learn build system.

Making the most of your home instance

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


I remember Anet mentioning a home for players.. i was like.. how cool would it be to actually own/buy a house in “major cities”

But ofcourse was left with a blank uninteresting non – house instance that serves no purpose at all.. kinda like how Hom was remodelled into nothing.. (you could at least have Gwen’s garden break trough the left walls behind the npc’s or something..^^)
Now its just a depressing place to be where npc’s wait for eternity without any purpose. heck even the Xunai chest doesn’t do anything..

It all just sits there, withering away.. like peoples expectations.

The more i play this game looking for old refferences to guildwars the less this game deserves that name.

Atleast in my first HoM i could display achievements, gear and mini’s (not much) but more then in this game.

i know right, it’s like they shot the original GW trough the head and went their own way.
it would’ve bin better if we had more things to see, references that makes us think of the good old times and makes us talk about where it was and how the area looked.
now it’s like they shot a nuke trough it and build it from scratch, no reference to be found and the only things that are there are even incorrect. (like old lions arch, some things don’t belong there while others are on the wrong position.)

anyway, what i would like is the ability to change the style of our own home town, add more stuff and even change it so that you can build it up.
see it like the GH’s of GW1 but more advanced, you buy a vendor and it’s permanently added to your home town.
they could even give you the choice on buying it trough gold or karma, just to give everyone the ability to buy with the currency they have the most of.

staff melee option and chains as new weapons

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


a whip would be better then a chain, it’s accepted more and is pretty much already in the game.
the staff is a nice idea in it self but i suggest adding a martial artist as profession first before making a staff in a weapon, gives the game a better reason to use it that way.

Gem price different for different countires?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: sorudo.9054


they have a lame excuse to make money, something about rounding up from 45 cents to a full euro and such.
you know, the fraud things.

Insane Prices - Offical Statement?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: sorudo.9054


the problem is simply how the exchange is done, rich ppl can manipulate the market like mad while casuals and less fortunate can only afford the cheap junk.
Anet should’ve kept a lid on the exchange system, now it’s gone to hell.

Anet actually keep a lid on the black lion weapon.

The problem is many items are “event” only, which can eventually run out of supply.

Another problem is items are “too hard to get”. For example legendary gear or a fused gear which cause 7 keys is too hard to get.

Even if hallowean shield or fused weapon is caped at a price. It just mean supply will run out and there will be none in the trading post.

where did i say weapons?

where did i say i’m talking about weapon. I talked about everything. weapon is just one of the everything.

80% of the post talk about how capping price is ….. Since there wont’ even be any supply on the trading post if you capped the price.

First you talk about weapons and gear and now you deny it while it’s right there in the quote, i just lost you…..
i was talking about the exchange gold-gem-gold, no gear here.

Necro: Flesh golem, inanimate objects

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


the flesh horror is the only minion i use for combat, if it could swim i would already be happy.
if the flesh horror can attack it’s good, however, if it can not attack then it should also be invulnerable.
i have no use for a minion that can go under water but can’t attack, it can ether do it’s normal objective or be save from harm.

Unlimited gathering tools should be soulbound

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


remove the whole “soul bound” status entirely from the game and we will never have such threads, it’s a horrible system and it always has bin.

More items in the Gem Store

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: sorudo.9054


if gem store sux so much why is than 1g = 14gems :p

yeah because you can really really buy something with 14 gems -_-
a fair one would be 1G=100GEM but then again, allot of farmers and greedy richy rich holes love to biaaach about how expensive it should be instead of how it REALLY should be.

Account Wide Magic Find - what % are you at?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: sorudo.9054


i am just around 36%, shows how much the game bores me…..

Insane Prices - Offical Statement?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: sorudo.9054


the problem is simply how the exchange is done, rich ppl can manipulate the market like mad while casuals and less fortunate can only afford the cheap junk.
Anet should’ve kept a lid on the exchange system, now it’s gone to hell.

Anet actually keep a lid on the black lion weapon.

The problem is many items are “event” only, which can eventually run out of supply.

Another problem is items are “too hard to get”. For example legendary gear or a fused gear which cause 7 keys is too hard to get.

Even if hallowean shield or fused weapon is caped at a price. It just mean supply will run out and there will be none in the trading post.

where did i say weapons?

GW2, no one has defined roles so... (skins)

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


GW1 disables costumes in PvP, no need to bash it without thinking about what each individual wants.

I want to earn rewards, not buy them

in Living World

Posted by: sorudo.9054


Farming IS playing the game. You may not like it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not playing the game. It’s just not how YOU like to play the game.

actually farming stuff is game breaking, if you need to farm your way through then the dev team did something wrong.
i would agree with you if we were talking about legendaries but this is a festival thing, you should not be forced to farm the heck out of your time just because there are others who are so addicted to the game that they think the game has to run around them.

IMO a mini should simply be 2k normal candy corn, the rest is self explanatory.
it’s suppose to be a game, not a side job.

Lets pretend Scarlet never happened....

in Living World

Posted by: sorudo.9054


all i want is that hair style, you can shoot her full of holes if you so like to.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sorudo.9054


Daily Orr Killer/Events

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


only if all the mist stuff is removed from the normal daily, i don’t mind walking in orr but i can’t stand PvP.
there is already a PvP daily, don’t make PvE players go through the mist for such a lame reason.
i know that there are alternatives but the mist already takes 3 spots on the daily list and i really don’t want to hunt down champions, do dungeons, farctails or other crap every day that takes to much time.

Insane Prices - Offical Statement?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: sorudo.9054


the problem is simply how the exchange is done, rich ppl can manipulate the market like mad while casuals and less fortunate can only afford the cheap junk.
Anet should’ve kept a lid on the exchange system, now it’s gone to hell.

add some blood effects in this game

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


heh, digital blood is bad but seeing ppl blow to pieces on the internet is no problem at all, shows how lame the ESRB rating really is.
same with boobies, you can cut someone’s head of, rip them in tiny bits and eat them afterwards but show a nipple and the whole world explodes. -_-

GW2, no one has defined roles so... (skins)

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


if they really wanted to make classes unique they should’ve kept the profession specific armors, now it’s more a definition of heavy, leather and light rather then the class.
because of this the amount of armors to choose from is quite small, if only we had at least the amount of armors as we had in GW1 per profession type, the choice woul’ve bin 3X in size.

And then we’d have people complaining that their elementalist can’t wear mesmer armor, or that their guardian can’t wear warrior armor. Their goal with armor classes isn’t to make each class more unique against every other character class (as it was in GW1,) but to make it more unique against each weight class while giving you more options within your weight. GW2 already has more options available to each individual profession than GW1 does, and your options are split into three restrictive categories instead of six (or ten, after Factions and Nightfall.)

For comparison, I’m just going to look at GW1’s options for the six core professions. The actual math is a little more…complicated. (Warriors’ Silver Eagle set gives them an unusual number, Deldrimor armor isn’t a complete set, etc. Including expansion classes makes the comparison even more complicated, both in terms of pure numbers and in wrecking the basic terms of the comparison, given the extra years and player purchase price.)

Did GW1 have more distinct skins overall? Yes, but at the cost of fewer options for an individual character once you’ve created them. I might have 34×6 options if I make a new core-profession GW1 character, but that drops back down to 34 once I’ve selected a class. If I haven’t bought Factions/Nightfall/EotN, that drops down to…14 options for my level 80 character, say, a Necro. GW2 launched with 30 suits for a Necro to wear after choosing race (5 options for the race you didn’t choose,) and order (2 for orders you didn’t choose.) Without even counting Heritage Armor or Profane armor.

Guild Wars 2 trades higher numbers of overall skins for a higher number of options to you after you’ve created your character. I’m still restricted by weight class, which keeps soldiers from wearing dresses and casters from wearing full plate, but at least I’m never being told, “You can’t wear that because you’re one type of caster and it’s meant for another type of caster.” This keeps weight classes unique while not locking people into one particular set of class-based armor. You might have fewer sets that make you shout “THAT is a NECROMANCER!” but you’re also not locked into “all necros are spikemonsters,” “all female elementalists freeze to death in the snow,” etc.

if it was like GW1 you would have 3X more leather and cloth armors and 2X more heavy armors, don’t forget that every single armor type should be counted as much as the same armor class.
also, cool down man, no need for a tl’tr post……

Dual arena's

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


i am against duels in PvE but this i don’t mind at all, it’s not in PvE anyway and the duels can be organized properly.

GW2, no one has defined roles so... (skins)

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


it would remove the armor skin problem, cloth is full of skirts while heavy is way to packed like a steel box.
if they really wanted to make classes unique they should’ve kept the profession specific armors, now it’s more a definition of heavy, leather and light rather then the class.
because of this the amount of armors to choose from is quite small, if only we had at least the amount of armors as we had in GW1 per profession type, the choice woul’ve bin 3X in size.

so +1 from me, i would love to have more options.

Title for completing jumping puzzles

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


“the jumpster”


Mad King's Outfit in Gem Store

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: sorudo.9054


at one point they have to add some of the features already in GW1, like town clothing you can show in battle or a festifal hat NPC for all the hats and a costume keeper to retrieve all your costumes for all your characters.
it’s not that hard Anet, you have the code, add the kitten things.

[merged] Mini Mr. Sparkles

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: sorudo.9054


I am not a mini collector but I am just wondering why do people even collect these minipets, getting a legendary is a bigger achievement than minipets? So why not go for legendary over minipets

a mini pet simply takes time and effort, a legendary is IMO a waste of time for a skin that’s gonna annoy the heck out of me.

How To Fix Necro MH Dagger

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


one flaw there buddy, i use blood yet i can take more then my share.
either you spec wrong or i made my build uniquely good, blood is good you just need to use the right spec.

anyway, the reason why i got in to this thread is that farming isn’t a reason to buff a skill, if it’s UP because it can’t compete against an equal skill then yes.
you can’t just ask Anet to buff a skill because you have trouble farming, choose a different build if that’s the case but don’t ask for such things with such a childish reason.

life siphon should be buffed but not in AOE, we already have a death shroud skill exactly like it.
it should simply absorb a bit more or it should take 2 enemies with a slow-down effect, the current one is quite weak and barely worth the healing at all.

Title for completing jumping puzzles

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


but now comes a more precise question, what is the title gonna state?

WvW Only Servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


if they remove WvWvW from world achievement then you don’t see PvE players there, there is no need to make a new server for a problem that can be solved internally.

bring APB style pvp into GW2 pve

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


is that clear enough?

typical answer from a personal perspective. not convincing. no arguments, no debate. just an ignorable answer

excuse me?
all you want is PvP in a place for PvE, get it through you head that a place for PvE should NEVER EVERY be used for your PvP crap.
your whole suggestion is something ppl sould ignore, there is absolutely no reason why PvP should be in PvE and allot of reason why PvP should not be in PvE.
or are the many O’s confusing you?

You people are ridiculous lmao.


My god, you must’ve burst a vein playing in another MMO that has dueling.

then go and play your boring PvP crap, leave PvE alone.

bring APB style pvp into GW2 pve

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


is that clear enough?

typical answer from a personal perspective. not convincing. no arguments, no debate. just an ignorable answer

excuse me?
all you want is PvP in a place for PvE, get it through you head that a place for PvE should NEVER EVERY be used for your PvP crap.
your whole suggestion is something ppl sould ignore, there is absolutely no reason why PvP should be in PvE and allot of reason why PvP should not be in PvE.
or are the many O’s confusing you?


in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


and what use is that when i still have 5K glory i can’t use?


in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


what i want to suggest is the ability to change glory in to influence for the guild, this is because not everyone has any use for glory or at least not anymore.
being able to add it to the guild funds makes it easier for players to upgrade a guild, may it be for just some banners or an improvement like storage size.

it makes it possible to make your guild truly for PvP or to give it a more global use, not everyone enjoys PvP yet they still have glory because of that book.

Offer a Subscription Option

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


Anet has a strict policy against a monthly fee, it’s a horrible system regardless how you look at it and with the OP version it makes the game a bit to much P2W for my taste.

bring APB style pvp into GW2 pve

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


is that clear enough?

1 sec CD between dodges

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


dodging is already broken and limited, adding a 1 second CD makes things even worse.
maybe 1 dodge is enough in PvP but in PvE you sometimes need to dodge 2 times, like when you are in a path of a catapult fire and the ring is to big to simply run out of.

Halloween Armor?????????

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: sorudo.9054


so ppl are waiting for a costume you will never use unless you simply want to show it off and will never have any use for unless Anet finally makes costumes useful in battles?
believe me, as it stands now it’s not worth it, i have the costume my self and it’s now collecting dust.

Why no love for Jump Puzzles?

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


would also be fun to have actual jumping PUZZLES, the clock tower is less a puzzle and more a race to the top with the bigger races like charr and norn having the biggest advantage.
a jumping puzzle should be about figuring out the puzzle and getting through it, not to kill so many enemies and rush through it because there is something there trying to kill you.
i want something like this:
not something like this:

Dear Pyre Dye Sellers

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: sorudo.9054


“I want to tell you how much I want to pay for the thing I want”. Welcome to the real world kid. Things don’t work that way.

however, this is a game, a really horribly managed game, prices like that would never happen in the real world because the real world would just give the finger and never buy something as expensive as that.

Prices on the TP are not controlled by Anet, they are solely the responsibility of the players selling and buying the items there. Flame and Frost dyes, for example, are a limited time item, and once used they cannot be sold. So over time the number available for sale will go down (unless they are brought back for a limited time as they recently were), and the price will go up.

If players weren’t buying the items at this price, they would not be selling for this price. Anet is not doing anything wrong, in fact the TP, while simplified, has a lot in common with real world markets.

You can spend $5,000 on a car, or $50,000 (or more). Either one will get you to work and back, why would anyone pay so much?

in the real world there is material worth, in games that doesn’t exist.
you can’t simply make a material out of thin air IRL, in games that happens all the time.

This is a character creation

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


this just came in and i have to say, this is what i expect for GW2:

Necromancer Greatsword. Want?

in Necromancer

Posted by: sorudo.9054


No GS, no Hammer, no mace.

Scythe and Crossbow for my necro please!

Sctythe: melee, cleave, gap closer, chill, combo finishers, high lf gen.
Crossbow: cripple, bleeds, weakness, gap generator, summon jagged horrors.

no to crossbow, that will simply ruin everything about what a bow stands for, it doesn’t even fit the necro one bit.

Which race for Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: sorudo.9054


humans are better actually, charr is good as a warrior or ranger but look horrible as a necro.
that, and humans have the better part of the armor choices, it actually looks decent.

Dear Pyre Dye Sellers

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: sorudo.9054


“I want to tell you how much I want to pay for the thing I want”. Welcome to the real world kid. Things don’t work that way.

however, this is a game, a really horribly managed game, prices like that would never happen in the real world because the real world would just give the finger and never buy something as expensive as that.

[Merged] Think "Mounts" outside the box!

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


ok, that’s it, let’s make a compromise that is both lore-friendly and removes the whole “i don’t want a mount” crap.

every class is unique on it’s own way, the problem is that the professions are just that, nothing more then the skills and weapons you can use.
now what if your profession also determines the way you can go to places really fast, this would give the profession a bigger role then just a bunch of skills.

the necro could travel with a dark shadow cloud, sliding over the ground while the thief could do a really fast sprint.
just play with it, see what fits.
i see why some ppl don’t want mounts in it, it’s not because of the speed buff but the big beast you ride on that cheapens the game to much.
however, if we have a way to use a faster way to move without buying a mount but instead is a profession specific travel mechanism, so no big beast but a nice and nifty effect with a speed buff to add.

Annoyed and concerned: Themed Item Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


heh, if all the skins i already purchased are retrievable account wide then i can finally have it on more then one character without paying yet another €10,-

This is true, but they are constantly releasing NEW skins that you won’t have until you pay another $10, and this is where they will continue to make their money. Sure you might have all the old ones, but that fancy shiny new one will be taunting you from just out of reach.

true, but for now i just want a solution for the current ones.

Reusing skins

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: sorudo.9054


Skins give a free use the first time. After that, you can continue to apply the skin to different items as many times as you want, but each time it will require a transmutation stone (level 0-79 items) or a transmutation crystal (level 80 items).

Hope that helps!

if they were kept account bound i would have peace with that, with all the soul bound crap this is kinda the whole reason why skins are NOT reusable.

Transmute the skin to a “white” item, it becomes account bound. Place in the bank, pick up with whatever toon will be using the skin. Transmute to item with stats you want.

i know that trick, it’s more a placeholder rather then an actual solution, something the devs need to fix.

Annoyed and concerned: Themed Item Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


heh, if all the skins i already purchased are retrievable account wide then i can finally have it on more then one character without paying yet another €10,-