Showing Posts For tomlin.8204:

Is gold to gems rate fair in gw2?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: tomlin.8204


I think it’s good if you’re buying gems with gold, but it’s awful if you’re selling gems for gold. I expect a lot more gold for a £30 charge than what is currently on offer.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Who is at fault?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


I just want people’s opinions on the following funny situations that I witnessed.
I do not sell dungeons, I dont even have a Warrior.

Everyone knows about people selling Arah P2 in LFG Tool.
(No names will be mentioned in this thread)

So this Warrior ran the whole thing and posted “Selling Arah P2 5g at boss”.
Then comes another player into the Warrior’s team, and quickly runs and solos the boss. Both the Warrior and the other player(who didnt pay the Warrior at all) get the end reward. The Warrior could not do anything about it, as nobody else joined the team and you need 2 people to kick. If the Warrior decided to leave the team, then both of them would not get the reward, and the Warrior wasted his/her time running through Arah until the boss.

So this Warrior ran the whole thing and posted “Selling Arah P2 5g at boss”.
Then comes 2 other players into the Warrrior’s team, and one of them states that they will get the run for FREE, or nobody else will. So the Warrior gets both of them kicked out of the team quickly(with help of another party member who wanted to buy the path). They both join the Warrior’s party again using the LFG Tool, and quickly kick the Warrior out of the party and the instance.

So this Warrior ran the whole thing and posted “Selling Arah P2 5g at boss”.
Then comes another Warrior who is the first to join the team. When the other buyers join the team, the 2nd Warrior claims to be the instance owner and to pay him/her. The other party members are confused on who to mail 5g to.

In Situation1, the Warrior did not get gold from any buyers.
In Situation2, the Warrior is blackmailed into doing it for free.
In Situation3, the Warrior gets his/her run hijacked by another Warrior.

So is it wrong(or even considered an exploit) to just go into those “Selling Arah” parties and just get everything for free?


Situation 1 is funny. One guy is trying to make a few bucks, and so is the other. They’re both quite similar.

Situation 2 I’m not sure I follow. They all got kicked out? I guess they just sabotaged it for everyone? Quite lame.

Situation 3, why not just kick the silly Warrior that tried to get the money? That was deceitful of him. Probably the worst of these cases.

I liked the first scenario best, some kind of poetic justice there.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Do you play alone or a group of people?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


“I got too many friends, too many people, that I’ll never meet, that I’ll never be there for”

-Brian Molko.

My real life friends quit for one reason or another, and I find this game so big and impersonal that it’s really difficult to make friends. Repping different guilds and the fact that the game is too alt friendly (I never know who the Hell anyone is in guild chat because each person has about 8 different names)

Perhaps I should stop blaming the game and just admit that I can’t stand 99% of the people I meet. I have taken a shine to a couple in my guild but I have very little in common with them.

I usually play alone while making the odd wisecrack in guild chat.

Being a Misanthrope is quite difficult sometimes.


I’ll meta you in a minute, sunshine.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Do you play alone or a group of people?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


“I got too many friends, too many people, that I’ll never meet, that I’ll never be there for”

-Brian Molko.

My real life friends quit for one reason or another, and I find this game so big and impersonal that it’s really difficult to make friends. Repping different guilds and the fact that the game is too alt friendly (I never know who the Hell anyone is in guild chat because each person has about 8 different names)

Perhaps I should stop blaming the game and just admit that I can’t stand 99% of the people I meet. I have taken a shine to a couple in my guild but I have very little in common with them.

I usually play alone while making the odd wisecrack in guild chat.

Being a Misanthrope is quite difficult sometimes.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Any current successful SPVP Players?

in Elementalist

Posted by: tomlin.8204


Yeah I could do with some encouragement too. I find Ele the easiest to play in PvE but go through highs and lows of playing it in PvP. I want to see someone doing good aginst other classes with it, but in fair fights, not against noobs.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Whats your favorite class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


Ele>Warrior>Thief/Necro/Mesmer tied for third

The other two are meh, but Guards are useful in parties. Totally boring to play, but good skills.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Who cares about mini's ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


Ok cool where do I get my free hidden 20 slot bag?

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Who cares about mini's ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


Nah I don’t really care about them. I wanted to but the 3 main reasons I don’t are:

1. They are TOO mini. Really, they are so small that all detail or significance is lost unless you zoom right in on them

2. They don’t do anything. They could at least give us buffs or do some kind of noob damage/stuns to foes

3. They disappear when you deposit collectables. I really begrudge the thought of having to buy another 20 slot bag just to prevent this from happening. It’s shoddy programming. There should be an option on each individual item whether or not it gets deposited in collections. Or all minis should have to be manually deposited.

As for rewards for LS, give us things we need to craft Precursors, for goodness sake.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Giant Gifts contain...

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: tomlin.8204


What’s so funny about getting the essence of luck?

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

How ele is meant to be played

in Elementalist

Posted by: tomlin.8204


Frost Bows, Fireswords, Meteor Shower. (SO much damage, on anything)

Scepter/Dagger Fire fields stacking might then whacking with Lightning Hammer/firesword etc

Removing conditions from party members who are struggling a bit

Healing Jonez from the other side of the room while you kite the champ spider

Mist form res someone when they’re in a red circle, because everyone else is too afraid to

Our earth elite can tank pretty much anything while we drop massive nukes and heal it

The idea of our class is to be awesome, and we are.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Im still not leaving arcana and water.

in Elementalist

Posted by: tomlin.8204


The only change I’ve made to my Ele’s traits are:

moved 10 points out of Arcane and put them into Fire

So I basically gave up Evasive Arcana for extra Conjure charges. I feel a bit squishy now, so might just go back to my old traits.

My conclusion: these changes suck, and that whole spiel of theirs about getting people out of Arcane, was rubbish.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

ruined one of your only good events for me.

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: tomlin.8204


Are the complete items dropping from the boxes, or just the recipes?

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Opening 1000x [Giant Wintersday Gift] *NEW*

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: tomlin.8204



He got a recipe for both of the new back pieces, some snowflakes, some toy skins, and no sigil of generosity. I suspect that the sigil and runes from last year are gone.

So he didn’t actually get the backpieces? Just the recipes?

This thread confuses me.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

TY for Fiery GS buff <3

in Elementalist

Posted by: tomlin.8204


Yeah it’s great (vague pun intended!)

Also love the conjures not going on full cooldown if interrupted. I was moaning about this with a guildie just yesterday.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Gold Spammers Private Messaging

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


block and report… they can sit there with AARM and their incessant begging-for-members guild.

Have faith in anet on this one. every few months they put the foot down on bots and scammers and then we don’t see them again for ages.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


Orr Karma top
AC pants
SE boots


“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

How many Chars will you gear w/ ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


No idea yet what it will cost, and don’t care enough to research it, but I’ll do my usual thing of paying most attention to the Ele (because it’s the best profession) then if I can be bothered, the Warrior (because it’s the only other fun profession)

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

I am the happiest man Alive !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


mini’s lol


“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Giant Eyes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


Good to see others feel the same. Congrats to those who have made the Immobulus already, it really is a sexy scepter! The wiki doesn’t say anything about Basilisks dropping them but thanks, I’ll check that out. Mount Maelstrom, yes?

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

(edited by tomlin.8204)

Giant Eyes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


Why are they so rare?

I want to craft the Immobulus scepter but it requires 250 Giant Eyes, which only come from Heavy Moldy Bags. I pretty much lived in Orr from release up until the nerf, accumulating thousands of HMB’s, but in over a year of playing GW2 I’ve only seen at most 7 Giant Eyes.

They are over 1g each on the TP, and today just to see how much a straight up buy would be, I typed in to buy 250 of them, it was over 500g. Isn’t that a bit steep for an item of Exotic quality? 250 Giant Eyes, 250 Crystaline Dust. Now that we have Ascended (which can be made for much, much cheaper) shouldn’t some of the harder to get Exotics become slightly… easier to get?

Increase the Giant Eye drop rates please!

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Trolled By RNG - Your Experience?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


And so do you. Pretending that you expect or deserve specific results from a process clearly indicated to be random is pointless.

Oh it’s not pretending, I genuinely believe that people who throw hundreds of gold into the forge should get a precursor. Or people that have farmed since the game was released. “Random” to me suggests that there’s an equal chance of all the items in the table dropping. But it’s far from an equal chance, in fact it’s absurdley unbalanced, and I think it should be changed.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.


in Elementalist

Posted by: tomlin.8204


Yeah, I prefer to do 5x the damage I do with all my ele skills by pressing 2. Also I enjoy surviving mobs that do 16k damage. I’m having so much fun with my warrior. Too bad I’ve wasted so many hours on that useless thing.

Another one bites the dust.

Sell out!

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Frustrated with people in game and LFG tool

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


Why would you just stand there and auto-attack? Don’t you think it’s more fun to swap weapons/attunements, stack might, use your more powerful skills etc? I suppose classes other than Elementalist really are that boring.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Frustrated with people in game and LFG tool

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


I hated pugging until I started making my own groups.

Want to avoid the dirtbags? Don’t join “experienced/level 80 only” groups, and make your own, stating everyone is welcome. OK so for Arah you’ll probably want 80’s only, but do under 80’s join those anyway? Maybe they do. So state 80’s only/any experience welcome. So far, using these words has only brought me nice, patient groups.

I’m not sure that there is a cooldown on joining groups, it’s just extremely buggy. It’s been like this since release… worst party sytem ever.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Fix your HORRID party system.

in Suggestions

Posted by: tomlin.8204


It’s the worst party system I’ve ever seen in a game.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Please give us new Legendary Weapon Skin In GemStore

in Suggestions

Posted by: tomlin.8204


That armour is tacky anyway.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Gemstore Armor skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


Yes please!

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

PSA: Show Rarity

in Fractured

Posted by: tomlin.8204


meh… would rather a ‘sort’ function for both the bag and the bank, that groups items together, compacts and stacks duplicates.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Can't see my own text

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tomlin.8204


Often I type something into a chat and I don’t see it. Happened last night during a dungeon. I know I am still online because I managed to finish the dungeon and get the rewards, but the chat was bugged.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

What’re THE 5 things you love most about GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


the colours
that deep bass noise when tequatl appears
massive guilds don’t monopolise the content
holding down the right mouse button and pressing left and right as fast as i can, making the character do a funny mentalist dance (best with norn)

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.


in Elementalist

Posted by: tomlin.8204


Love the thread. You know I’ve always said it’s a curse to be an Ele. Once I’d played D/D, S/D, and of course Staff, all the other professions were ruined for me. I just don’t find any of them very fun or interesting now. “It’s no Ele, but it’s OK” is a phrase I seem to repeat.

Anet can nerf us into the ground all they like, I don’t care, Ele will still be the greatest profession.

I’m an Ele and I’m proud of it.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Your luckiest moment in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


I remember one time a few months back, I had been grinding for about 8 hours straight, when I got an Exotic drop. Sold it for about 70s on the TP.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Constantly in "dramatic music" mode

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tomlin.8204


No matter where I go in the game, I’m stuck in the dramatic combat music. Not expecting any sort of response to this but just putting it out there.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Does anyone else keep having heals cancel?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


The number of technical issues this game is having recently is getting out of control.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

guild window problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tomlin.8204


Same problem here.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Ele weapon changing tab when OCC

in Suggestions

Posted by: tomlin.8204


itt: people who have been trashed by ele’s in pvp wanting the worst for them without understanding anything at all (a warrior, lol)

There is NO possible reason why this suggestion shouldn’t be implemented. There just isn’t one. I wouldn’t even mind if we didn’t get to free up 2 bag slots, and the weapons still stayed in our bags but when we switched it would equip them/unequip the other. It’s not about 2 measly bag slots out of 160+, it’s about a tedious lack of care/forsight for the profession.

I’d even petition for an in combat switch, at least in PvE… just give it a 10 minute cooldown or something, I don’t care how long but it’s annoying when you fight a boss for the first time and you don’t know what its attacks are like, then you realise you’ve picked the wrong weapon for it and have to either slug it out like an idiot or try and find a safe spot somewhere you can get out of the tedious, tedious, teeeedious “cannot switch weapons while in combat” foolery.

I’m sure all classes can relate to that when trying to waypoint, and you’re not even IN combat… that’s what it’s like for Ele’s, all the time, only we have to look through a tediously (wow so many things are tedious in this game, lol) messy bag which has no proper sort function to find our weapons (but that’s another thread entirely!)

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Guardians and Legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


A good portion of people listen to Britney Spears and Skrillex too but that says very little about the actual quality of their music.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Guardians and Legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


The future of this game will be 100 million Guardians all using the same ugly Legendary weapon. zzz

Three points I’d like to make… First, the likelihood of 100 million Guardians is pretty slim. Second, Beauty or Ugliness is purely a matter of opinion. And thirdly, this post helps OP not at all.

Three points I’d like to make:

1. It’s a bit dense to take that number literally
2. You think an online sword is beautiful lol
3. Neither did this one

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Guardians and Legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


The future of this game will be 100 million Guardians all using the same ugly Legendary weapon. zzz

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

No numbers on Churning earth [FIX]

in Elementalist

Posted by: tomlin.8204


Yeah I rarely see it, and it’s a shame.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Killing yourself running down stairs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


Same here. It’s OK though it’s only temporary content – what’s the point in fixing it? You can jump down it and avoid any damage, plus it’s more fun this way.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Tidying up the bank

in Suggestions

Posted by: tomlin.8204


Thanks, I wish more people would take note so maybe something could be done about it!

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Guilds are useless ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


I love my guild and -most- of the people in it, it’s cool to chat to and play with familiar names as in the big open world it often feels like a big city – full of people but so lonely.

Despite loving my guild and what we make of it, I do often wonder what the point of guilds are besides the relationships we form in them. I’ve seen many guilds die and yes it’s human nature to take the easy path (join a bigger, more renowned guild for easier stuff) but I really don’t think it would be so tough on newer guilds if we weren’t allowed to rep others and hop around as and when we choose. People point the finger at the guild leader not being good enough to keep his or her members, but from what I’ve seen it’s not the case, it’s just the greed avalanche. The zerg moves to the already populated guilds and no one else has much of a chance. Well, they do, but it’s made a lot harder by multi-rep.

We need something to fight for, without the maxed-out guilds being able to get a complete monopoly on it.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Tidying up the bank

in Suggestions

Posted by: tomlin.8204


I was wondering if there are plans to implement a simple way to sort/tidy our banks. Currently, everything is a mess and I can’t find anything I’m looking for. Typing into the search box is not only a chore, but it also doesn’t always work. Seems to be dependent on capital letters too, which is odd.

It would be handy if there was a compress button for the bank, and if compress would also stack duplicates. A ‘sort’ function would be great, where it groups types of items next to each other, eg all fashions, armours, order of rarity etc.

I think this would make life in GW2 a lot easier and less confusing.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

If you could have only one character?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


Human Ele.

15 charr

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

This was a let down this year...

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: tomlin.8204


Yeah. I was wondering if I just didn’t enjoy this year’s Halloween because I had already seen most of it last year. I thought maybe it would be as cool to the newer players as it was to me then. But then I remember, the dungeon where you fight the MK – players falling off the sides of the map, jumping down to get that chest etc… it was fun in a party or solo, reasonably challenging (ok it was quite easy but it made you work a bit). This new “instance” thing, well, what was it again? mr emo pops out and talks some smack, I press a few buttons and he’s off again. I would LOVE more temp dungeons like last Halloween and Wintersday. They were brillient and everybody I played with thought they were really great.

What really killed interest in it for me was having all this toxic alliance stuff clash with it. It’s like um, hello? is it Halloween or is something else going on? Would be good if you relaxed the “new content every 2 weeks” thing sometimes, especially if one is still going on. You know, I don’t even know what’s going on with Halloween anymore… is there more to come or is it all out there now. It feels messy.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Hiding chest armour

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


As much as a cool idea it is, it just leads to the problem Rift has where every female character and loler is running around naked thinking they’re original and funny.

To be fair, it’s not that rampant and there are just as many male toons as female toons doing it. At least on my Rift server anyway. Regardless, if I may ask, why is that a problem?

Nothing ruins my day more than people trying (and failing) to be funny.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

I can't move anymore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


It’s a bug, can usually be fixed by /dance, but of course that’s not really optimal when a Champion is eating you.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

100 % map completion with staff possible ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: tomlin.8204


Really I’m just an intermediate Ele but I have 100% map and did the majority of it with staff (the rest of it I used d/d or s/d but not because it wasn’t possible with staff, I just enjoy using those weapons too)

I think my build is 0 10 10 20 30, using a mixture of Knight’s and Zerker gear, Scholar Runes, Sigil of Energy and/or Battle. Frost Bow is great for the #4 aoe, combined with Meteor Shower it drops stuff really fast.

Earth Elemental Elite is awesome, just throw a couple of heals on it and it will tank anything no problem.

Mist form lasts long enough to open chests.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Am I a scumbag now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: tomlin.8204


Elitism in GW2 dungeons is so silly. I can understand it more in competetive PvP because you’re being outskilled by an actual person, but getting an angsty ego in PvE is just bizarre.

Anyway. From these actions, I don’t think you’re a scumbag. You quite possibly are one, but not from these actions alone. Depends what it was you whispered him I guess. “Kitten” could be anything from cringe-worthy gaming slang to racial abuse.

I also think it’s lame of you to post his name here, as if you’re somehow naming and shaming him, when you look just as bad, if not worse.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.