Showing Posts For vicious.5683:

Your 5 Favorite Things About your Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


the thing I like the most its that Necromancer doesn’t have an OP build. I mean, no build is way better than the others so there is a lot of room for creativity.

But of Corpse: July 25th - Live at Five PST

in Community Creations

Posted by: vicious.5683


I had a great time, tnx guys

Chill Build Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


do you even play necromancer?

The state of Necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: vicious.5683


Death Shorud #2 was ground targeted!?! Bring that back imo. Would love to have some real mobility.

I’ve been playing Guild Wars 2 since beta, always mained a Necromancer and that change was for better. That skill was ridicously OP back in those days, period.

Anyway, I think if they make the claw travel a bit faster we will notice a nice improve on mobility in general

How? How on earth was it OP? It functioned no different than the elementalist, mesmer, and thief versions, and in the case of thieves, they have multiple teleports like that and one of them has no cool down. If its not OP on elementalists, mesmers, and thieves, how on earth is it OP on a necro?

Just read this whole and i think theres something theyre forgeting about our history:

1.) Its been sad necro could win a 1v4. But back then most people did not have a clue how to play. weak builds and bad play/skill rotations could make those 1v4 into a todays effective 1v2

2.) DS#2 -mobility
before: a true placable teleport, on a low CD *dont know the exact numbers
now: gimmicky gap closer, effective 300 range close , 15s (12s trait), 3/4 cast

While before it was certainly too much mobility, The teleport could be well balanced:
higher CD , not insta-cast to prevent stunbreak, maybe a placable trait like wells…

3.) All other ridiculous OP stuff (100% stability, full cleanses, fast LF gain, slow LF loss…)
Were not asking for unfair changes, but some small/medium improvements would be realy welcome =)

all in all:
-quick full nerf before release
-slow (each 3 months) buffs to fix the mess

Idea's for Interesting Necromancer Traits:

in Suggestions

Posted by: vicious.5683


this is maybe the WORST trait of all classes in the entire game!!! (including future expansions, I mean, I doubt they could design a worse trait)

5sec might when you are low hp, its ridiculous, and its a 25 point trait.

just look at this thief counterpart trait.

The necromancer counterpart to the thief trait Exposed Weakness is Target the Weak and the comparison of the two is a conversation in and of itself.

I don’t know of any other traits that trigger continuously when hit under a certain health threshhold: all others seem to have cooldowns, so I can’t come up with good comparisons. And really, I like the idea of Siphoned Power, it just needs a longer duration on the might stacks, in my opinion.

you can’t actually take advantage of it.
no one hits you, no trigger —--> useless
few hits on you, few triggers —--> almost useless (I could get 5stacks max on tests) and if you are low hp you get focused and die or try to heal o survive, anything except attack.
lot of hits on you, you’re dead —--> useless.

You can take any of the GM minor traits on thief or any class and it will be better.

The state of Necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: vicious.5683


you can’t perma chill with that, stick to reality please.

Pet Control Window

in Suggestions

Posted by: vicious.5683


Meh…the problem I have with not having control over minions is that you may not want them to attack and would rather they just keep moving along with you instead of engaging something because it got hit. Having this type of control over pets would be very nice for the Necro on a whole.

If you wanna hit without minions, dont bring minions on the first place.
if they die, wait for the CD and bring them back. Minions are meant to die for you anyway.

Chill Build Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


with a good chill build you can totally take down offensive builds, this guy can’t cause the build is bad.
and you wont take down any bunker, they cleanse conditions too easy. Sorry for this _hit of reality

(edited by vicious.5683)

Chill Build Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


where is the condition duration for your chill to be effective?
no rune of ice, svanir, sanctuary no sigil of chill or ice or Hydromancy
You cannot perma chill someone with that build either.
look at the cooldown on the 6th rune. for how many secs of burning?

the only good thing is the sigil of energy on both weapon sets cause the lack of vigor we have, but that’s all

If you could change just one thing

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


Devs Balance Team

The state of Necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: vicious.5683


Lets say they are even? :-)

yeah, I suppose we could say that =P

the sad part is they already buffed Reanimator’s jagged horror.

The state of Necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: vicious.5683


@ “Target the Weak” trait : this issue is irrelevant ( IMO ofc ) for me a Reanimator trait is dumbest minortrait in whole game. Jagged Horrors are just useless. And i dont have to take always Target the Weak but i have to invest my points in Reanimator each time i take Staff.

Target the Weak it’s OK, Siphoned Power is… well underpower, and you have to take each time you take axe or dagger.

I’d dare to say siphoned power is worse than reanimator, cause it’s a 25 point trait

Pet Control Window

in Suggestions

Posted by: vicious.5683


(UI) where you could see the HP bars of your minions

^this too

Pet Control Window

in Suggestions

Posted by: vicious.5683


Necros have never had that kind of control, not even in GW, why would they now?

Cause their AI is kittening moronic

The state of Necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: vicious.5683


Necro: 25 point power trait.
Thief: 25 point power trait.

Can Devs even see this imbalance???

Oh yeah, the imbalance is ridiculous.

one of these: 1. you’re kittened 2. you’re a thief 3. you’re a newbie 4 you’re a condition necro and don’t know a kitten about power trait tree.
if you go 25 points on curses, you are a condition necro. As you dont know, let me teach you: condition damage doesn’t scale with this trait, just direct damage, wich is awfull on scepter o staff.
there is no way you can compare 1% more damage during 5 secs vs 10% more damage almost permanent.
Besides you are comparing two different trait lines.

I can’t believe all the people trying keep this game imbalanced.

Was this post:
1) Constructive – Nope, not in any way.
2) Intelligent – Nope. Calling this particular poster a Noob is poor form.

The one minor GM trait getting this much attention is silly. I believe Oblivion is just saying that other things carry far more importance as it pertains to Necro viability, and he is spot on.

maybe it’s not importan to you. this post it’s about the state of necromancer. If necromancer have useless traits it important to put it on the table.
How about “reanimator”? everyone knows its abysmal, and if you post about it… that make you ignorant? that make you a whiner? Calling ignorant and whiner other people, posting their opinions, it’s quite noobish. I don’t know this person, maybe is just ignorant, he has to choose the better option.

The state of Necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: vicious.5683


Necro: 25 point power trait.
Thief: 25 point power trait.

Can Devs even see this imbalance???

Oh yeah, the imbalance is ridiculous.

one of these: 1. you’re kittened 2. you’re a thief 3. you’re a newbie 4 you’re a condition necro and don’t know a kitten about power trait tree.
if you go 25 points on curses, you are a condition necro. As you dont know, let me teach you: condition damage doesn’t scale with this trait, just direct damage, wich is awfull on scepter o staff.
there is no way you can compare 1% more damage during 5 secs vs 10% more damage almost permanent.
Besides you are comparing two different trait lines.

I can’t believe all the people trying keep this game imbalanced.

The Greataxe: The future of necromancy?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


why great axe? I can’t see it as a dark arts weapon.

Some Examples for ArenaNet

in PvP

Posted by: vicious.5683


I’d like a trait that allows and compel Necro to wear heavy armor and GS. This being a real vampire weapon with awesome life steal, not like that petty mh dagger siphon.

The state of Necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: vicious.5683


Necro: 25 point power trait.
Thief: 25 point power trait.

Can Devs even see this imbalance???

Idea's for Interesting Necromancer Traits:

in Suggestions

Posted by: vicious.5683


this is maybe the WORST trait of all classes in the entire game!!! (including future expansions, I mean, I doubt they could design a worse trait)

5sec might when you are low hp, its ridiculous, and its a 25 point trait.

just look at this thief counterpart trait.

Why necromancers don't quite cut it (by Zzod)

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


5). You have no business roaming or moving away from the main fight where your peeler and guardian are. You are the slowest class in the game and even with Spectral walk you will only get caught by the Thief/Ele/Ranger roamer and then you are dead.

well, this is a serious problem. if we are an attrition class, we should be great in any 1v1.
I think we need more raw damage in our weapons or more burst regeneration.

The state of Necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: vicious.5683


This month will be focused on bug fixes, with balance coming in later patches!

Well of Corruption skill: Updated damage skill fact to indicate the correct number of attacks.
Well of Suffering skill:
Updated damage skill fact to indicate the correct number of attacks.
Updated the number of attacks to be consistent when affected by Focused Rituals.
Spinal Shivers skill: Updated damage facts to indicate damage dealt based on boons removed.
Signet of Spite skill: Updated the skill facts to indicate the passive effect of this skill. Increased the passive power boost by 100%.
Corrupt Boon skill: No longer causes odd interactions with Aegis. Now unblockable.
Epidemic skill: Now unblockable.
Flesh Wurm minion: Increased health by 25%.
Flesh Golem minion: Increased health by 25% and toughness by 10%.
Lich Form skill: The Grim Specter skill now strips boons from enemies and conditions from allies when it reaches its target point instead of only when the missile hits a target.

we already had bug fixing last month, and it was awful (80% just text fixing)
other classes got balance (nerfs and buffs), thief got new skill, ranger better stats on pets, etc.

it’s obvious you dont put too much effort on necro as you put on other classes. If we get “bug fixes” when others get balance, we should get balance (buff in this case) when other classes get bug fixing.

I’m asking for too much, maybe?

The state of Necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: vicious.5683


I had the exact same thought. I don’t think there needs to be a “huge freaking redesign”, but the new DS5 skill could introduce a mechanic that allows exactly that:
LF generation, relative to the amount of opponents you have to deal with.….

stop the spam on your thread. Its a bad idea anyway

Axe 1 should be a whip animation.

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


axe #1 should get poison or bleed in addition to vulnerability, or better damage

SOTG Interview: DS To Get a Unique Condition

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


I see a lot of good suggestions (and some that make me cringe). What do you think are the chances of DS5 skill being brought in on the 5/28 update?


The state of Necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: vicious.5683


This month will be focused on bug fixes, with balance coming in later patches!

OMG I’m soooo excited!!!
We have to wait another couple of months to see any changes!!

Necros need some love next patch, whatever to send us a message. That message being: “we are working in the right direction to bring necros on par with other classes”

The state of Necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: vicious.5683


So while we do want to help the Necro to see more play in competitive builds (both in variety of roles and variety of builds), we are being very careful not to give them too much.

This month will be focused on bug fixes, with balance coming in later patches!

You overnerfed the necro and we have to wait almost a year for a balance. You are afraid of giving necros too much and we got stuck with several awful traits and mechanics… it seems unfair to me.

we need the same atenttion rangers and engis got when they begged for a helping hand.

please listen all the suggestions on the necro forum and take note on all bugs we have had since launch.

(edited by vicious.5683)

The state of Necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: vicious.5683


How is possible that none Dev not yet answered in this topic?

As a matter of fact, devs are working hard on several skill facts updates.
Let them do their job and be patient

Make pets scale off of the ranger's stats

in PvP

Posted by: vicious.5683


ranger’s pet should account for half the character dps
a bunker ranger should deal the same damage any other bunker “insert class”…I don’t recall guardian bunkers bursting for 5-6k with drake/bird.
pet’s damage has to be toned down, A LOT (same goes for rock dogs, or elementalists’ summons, thieves’ guild and so on…everything should scale according to character’s stats, not be a fixed value)

nobody complains about necro minions =(

Make Minions Attack on First Hit

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


The pets need to attack on key press not when an attack hits.

dagger necros would really appreciate this.

edit: let me add something

Axe aa: crap damage almost melee range.
Staff aa: crap damage if actually hit your target
Scepter aa: good aa but you usually dont bring minions on a condi build.
Dagger aa: good damage no range. so you cant pulls minions.

Minions should attack your target on ANY of your 5 weapon skills. This mean you can put down all your marks, without a target, and your minions wont go anywhere. Use Staff #2 to pull all the mobs you want. At the same time you can send your minions to the first line of combat, as common sense dictates.

All this from a PVP POV. PVE its not that hard to complain on minions AI

(edited by vicious.5683)

Make Minions Attack on First Hit

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


No. I like being able to actually pull things when I have minions out. But please do get rid of the stupid glitches in their aggro that happen (for whatever reason).

Yes, it would solve in part that crap called minion AI.
Two auto attack delay its not enough to pull things anyway

The state of Necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: vicious.5683


For sake of argument my guild ran a tPvP group last night of 5 necros with all separate builds and facerolled. The problem really resides in people not understanding how to play necro or trait it well… I tPvP on a necro and I assure you it’s not as underpowered as everyone thinks. The thing is most people who try to play necro need to stick with it it’s a high learning curve

so… l2p, master DS and you’ll be fine?

The New Condition - Suggestions & Discussion

in PvP

Posted by: vicious.5683


New Condition: Cursed

“Does X damage per second, per each unique condition on the target. When this condition ends by removal, reapply this condition. Stacks in intensity”

Necro PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


That is incredibly close to the bunker build I use, but it’s missing a couple of aspects that make it truly strong as a bunker.

so annoying. you should hear to yourself and stop talking

May 14th 2013 update

in PvP

Posted by: vicious.5683


Half a month after the last PvP patch.

as a necro, I’ve been waiting for a decent PvP patch since ever…

Necros are pretty good…

yeah, they’re pretty good, but when you have a game with 6 of 8 classes with al least one AWESOME build each… pretty good its pretty meh

May 14th - Necro Patch notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


no expectations, they still manage to disappoint me

May 14th 2013 update

in PvP

Posted by: vicious.5683


Half a month after the last PvP patch.

as a necro, I’ve been waiting for a decent PvP patch since ever…

Necros should be angry about minion AI

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


as they die a lot, minion skills should have shorter CD’s and casting times

Balanced Classes Finally

in PvP

Posted by: vicious.5683


I’d really like to see this posted in necromancer’s forum

Necros should be angry about minion AI

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


Ah there you go then, you solved your own problem!

it’s not a problem, just a complaint =P

but this “just press 1” should work for dagger too.

Necros should be angry about minion AI

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


Try pressing one.

try it with a dagger, minions won’t move a bit

I would put a bug report in then, that’s not correct functionality. Staff and scepter/dagger work just fine.

it’s working as intended. You have to hit the target with auto atack so as a dagger user, you have to engage in melee combat before your minions start to think about to help.

Necros should be angry about minion AI

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


Try pressing one.

try it with a dagger, minions won’t move a bit

Flesh Golem heals ooc ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


flesh golem it’s an elite skill, it’s ok it regains HP ooc
other minions are meant to die. And everyone knows they are not getting ooc regen.

Flesh Golem Underwater

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


It makes sense to me if the developers have not yet created swimming animations for him or have not yet perfected the Flesh Golem’s AI for 3D combat.

they have not yet perfected the Flesh Golem’s AI for ground combat either, but even so, we have it.

they dont want necromancers to have flesh golem under water, as simple as that.

SOTG Interview: DS To Get a Unique Condition

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


Give me a skill that replaces all the new necromancer skills and minions with the gw1 ones. I would like to play a necromancer that feels like a necromancer.. getting stronger when somebody dies.

but you gain life force, what else you need?

Greater Marks Question

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


I’m finding that only Chillblains displays the increased size and the tooltip information correctly. The other marks appear unchanged in size and the tooltip shows an unchanged radius.

Cause they need more tooltips-bugs for next-month patch notes

DS5: Dark Beam + New Condition: Cursed

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


DS5: Dark Beam

range: 1200
cost: 10% life force
damage: ~500
Cooldown: 30 sec
description: cast a beam made of dark energy. Hit up to three targets in line. Each target hit get Blind (5 sec) and Cursed (10 sec).

  • Why a beam skill? Cause I want the beam technology on necros. I want they put some hours of work on our class al least one time.
  • Why LF cost? Cause I want to use my lf for something offensive.


New Condition: Cursed

“Does X damage per second, per each unique condition on the target. When this condition ends by removal, reapply this condition. Stacks in intensity”

  • X = bleed damage, so each unique condition acts as one stack of bleed on the target.
  • Why intensity? to adress lack of damage of Condition necros on large bosses.
    This must be a long duration (10 secs), long CD (20+ secs) with few sources (up to 3), so each players can’t apply more than two stacks of Cursed at a time.
  • Why damage based on number of conditions? to give CC necros some DPS. You cant apply a lot of conditions and do a lot of damage at the same time. Beside, this condition is usefull just to those classes with good condition diversity (necros, mesms).
  • Why the name? Cause you can’t get rid of it easily.

why a new post on this topic?

(edited by vicious.5683)

Are you serious?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


….That’s an awful lot of nerfing in one patch, even if some of them were relatively mild. And you’re mad that ANet ignores our preferred profession? I’m absolutely ecstatic! Yes! Please keep ignoring Necro! I don’t want to have to relearn how to play it every 2 months!

keep ignoring necro, keep ignoring a lot of well known bugs, keep ignoring underpower builds like vampiric, keep ignoring minion AI, etc, right?

SOTG Interview: DS To Get a Unique Condition

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


devs should ask thieves and mesmers for this new condition, those classes will have better access, stack and duration on it

Are you serious?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


just take a look at patch notes. they don’t put too much effort on our profession as they do on others