Showing Posts For vicious.5683:

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


The point being you don’t have to buy the majority of that stuff if you don’t want, you can gather and craft. So it is exactly either a time sink or a gold sink.

You can sell what you gather, though (this is good way to make money), so ultimately time and gold are equivalent if you have to farm buyable/sellable items. I wouldn’t mine substituting time for gold, but that’s not what’s happening here. Rather, you’re substituting time and gold for the same amount of gold. It might even be cheaper to buy it off the Trading Post.

That is a logical fallacy. It doesn’t matter how much you can sell materials for if you need to use that material to make your precursor. All that matters is are you buying the material or are you farming the material. If you’re buying the material you’re choosing to use your gold. If your farming it you’re choosing to spend your time. And that is the choice of time versus gold.

You don’t get to get your legendary for free. You have to spend time or money or both. The good thing about it is for a large chunk of it you get to decide what you’re going to spend.

lol at this guy.

People should learn some economics.

Collections and its complete nonsense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


got one, I wasn’t even looking for it lol. Just a random drop while doing events.

Axe skill 1

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


yet the power of axe is as bad as the animation.

why not discuss both?

Axe#1 : very low damage, very slow vuln application.
Axe#2: low damage for a single target, channel skill.
Axe#3: low damage, this SHOULD be blast finisher.

Necro/reaper needs more access to fear

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


Stealth and Alacrity works for pvp/pve/wvw those are great mechanics, lot of utility.

Fear only works for pvp, very limited access to it, very long cd’s and short duration.

Necromancer podcast Live on twitch tommorow

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


God, that will be fun!

Besides, it’s a great initiative community talking about pros/cons, and sharing knowledge about the necro profession.

How many of you guys main Reaper and why ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


I main Reaper cause I’m a masochist. I love nerf bats and being excluded from dungeons/fractals and, in two weeks, raids.
I also love when dev’s deceive me with great additions to the class, making me buying the expansion and then nerf our nice tools few days after release.

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


We had a place at Raids as the tank with the old BB, but now we have nothing

Are you certain? If I recall, raids aren’t out yet so even saying we had a place in raids with old BB is unsubstantiated.

great sustain without giving up much damage, just what a tank needs.

Actually it is really simple. Next time try to figure it out by yourself before posting.

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


We had a place at Raids as the tank with the old BB, but now we have nothing

Please Gods Anything But SAB.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


On the list of things to spend developer time on SAB is at the bottom of the list.

Well that can’t be true because that would mean something rated lower than dungeons.

Dungeons are not even in the list.

New Player Necro/Reaper help is needed

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


want an advice? Re roll a guardian, revenant or engi.

Reapers are gonna be nerfed into necromancer tier over the time.

Do you regret pre-purchasing HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: vicious.5683


Yep, they started nerfing Reaper as they did with Necromancer.

GW2 the best PC MMO of the last 4 years.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


Archage was much better game. Is a shame Trion killed with so much p2w cash grab

Tbh even if they did not, I doubt it would have been a huge success. Too much gold spammers, botters, hackers, and general griefing / toxic community. And then there’s poor design decisions such as including Hasla weapons at the western launch. So I agree that the payment model kinda ruined it, but a lot more than the payment model would need to change for it to be as great as it should have been.

WOW had all of the above and yet was very successful. But I agree on the hasla weps, and a lot of other poor decisions taken by the publisher. Well, bad for people, they only care about the money, not the players.

Letter from a Ranger: On the rise of the DH

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


I mean, I get what you mean but Norns totally don’t worship the human gods :/

Have you ever heard about religion conversion?

GW2 the best PC MMO of the last 4 years.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


Archage was much better game. Is a shame Trion killed with so much p2w cash grab

Blighters Boon Is bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


This trait was nerfed because WvW.

kitten WvW.

I need a CAPE not wings

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


Capes for everyone except charrs.

Who’s with me?

"Elite" specialization fraud

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


Well, Reaper IS stronger but just because Necromancers sucks.

You don’t like/prefer base Necromancer-it most certainly doesn’t “suck” (or show informed evidence that it’s “bad.”)

that’s because you don’t play necro. People don’t tell you to reroll/switch to an ele to run dungeons/fractals and soon raids.

The #1 Thing ArenaNet should improve NOW?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


make necros viable for pve content.

Nightfury, for free

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


I guess you don’t know what opportunity cost means…

Shadow fiend vs Bone minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


Some wrong ideas around.

Bone minions >>> Shadow Fiend

Exploding minions gives you great burst when you need it, in very shot CD. You can keep them alive for bonus toughness and condition removal. You are gonna need a lot of it in the new maps, since mobs like to cripple for very long duration.

In addition you gain 2 blast finishers. You cant use GS4 and explode a minion for blind, which is the same utility of shadow fiend. You can get might out of near firefields, etc.

[Suggestion] Death Shroud + Reaper Shroud

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


This would let you have access to another extra set of 5 more skills. Kinda OP. Each with individual cooldowns, eh.

4 sets… so, like ele.

If people still thinks it’s OP, maybe making cool downs the same for each skill (i.e. cd for DS2/3/4/5 = cd for RS2/3/4/5) and share cd’s between both shrouds.

Reaper's Place In Raids?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


Our place will be at the entrance, being kicked out of any PUGs just for being the worst class in this game, just like has been happening with necros and dungeons/fractals

Shadow fiend vs Bone minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


Never use Shadow Fiend, is just bad. Poor utility and damage.

Bone minions are much better for reasons explained above.

"Elite" specialization fraud

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


Well, Reaper IS stronger but just because Necromancers sucks.

Greatsword Situation.

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


Add a affect to Grasping Darknes

*an effect

Blighter's Boon vs. Reaper's Onslaught?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


both are mediocre traits for GM tier.

First Reaper nerf of the expansion!

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


I never lost the faith in Anet ruining the class again.

They put too much effort nerfing necros and nothing in buffing them, specially sub par traits and weapons.

Coolest Reaper backpack ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


the aetherblade one, dyed green.

When will condition damage be addressed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


Burning is killing raid diversity too. Specially engineers.
Pls nerf burning damage.

Necro viable in Fractals/Dungeons/Raids?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


A profession being viable depends on your skill. Still, necro/reaper are subpar for PVE content currently.

The Reaper and Dagger dilemma

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


I’m not saying you should only use Greatsword ever in very situation, but the other weapons should not eclipse Greatsword. Do you want a speed increase? Switch to Warhorn. Do you need to remove a boon? Switch to Focus. Do you need an Immobalize and some hp back? Switch to Dagger. Those are few examples, but Greatsword should be the main weapon for Reaper, not Dagger.

But other weapon does not eclipse the Greatsword.
What are the strenght of the greatsword? A pull (count as a hard CC) (grasping darkness), an aoe blind (nightfall), a fast way to put a lot of vulnerability in a split second (Death spiral), big numbers on a foe that is under 50% HP (Gravedigger) and an AA that apply chill.

What are the strenght of the dagger? hard hitting AA, fast LF generation, a clumsy heal (Life siphon) and a once in a lifetime root (dark pact).

The greatsword do not need to be the weapon that does the most DPS for the whole fight. Doing the most DPS does not mean “being the main weapon of…”.

Both weapons needs buffs. Dagger should get sustain buffs and GS some serious dps buffs, all this just to be on par with other professions.

How to nerf Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


Reaper doesn’t needs nerfs. Au contraire we need dps buffs to have a spot in raids.

If Trahearne ends up becoming a Mordrem...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


I hope this happen. I really, really want to kill him.


in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


This debuff could be broken in some parts of the game and incredibly useless in others. Is not going to happen.

BWE 3 Reaper Specialization Feedback Thread

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


they should design encounters around 100% chill up time to ensure necros a place in raids. You need only ONE necro to do the job, one spot of the 10 man group. I don’t see that unbalanced at all.

Otherwise remove the stack limit on chill, double the amount of break bar points and double or triple the damage chill does to that bar.

There is a lot of thing Anet can change to ensure a place for necros in raids (we deserve that after 3 years of being excluded from dungeons) but in the end, I think necros won’t be desired at all and nothing will change. We will still see “Raid group lfm any profession EXCEPT NECROS”.

CPC - this has to change

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


Necromancers are the only profession with self inflicted conditions, a trait for more self inflected conditions and multiple weapons, utilities and traits to transfer those conditions, so yeah, it is a profession mechanic. It’s designed to work that way.

Unique Well of Darkness Idea

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


If this skill see some changes it should be useful for pve too.

CPC - this has to change

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


you can transfer those conditions to enemy, you know that?

Or I could not waste valuable resources just to make sure I don’t neuter myself to use my own skill.

its a profession mechanic and you should learn to use it. It’s just fine.

CPC - this has to change

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


Just remove the stupid self conditions.

you can transfer those conditions to enemy, you know that?

Halloween Event - Yay!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


Please introduce a reduced price pack with the 3 infinite gathering tools in this event <3

What reaper NEEDS (post BWE3)

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


If Anet is not going to give Reaper some desired party support abilities, then this profession should be the best at DPS. Otherwise we will never have a spot in Raids.

Mastery points and the ^ or v icon

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: vicious.5683


I thought those points were not implemented yet.

Now I think they MUST put those icons to make it clear for everyone.

Favorite warhorn skins?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


warhorns are not classy whatsoever

Will Reaper have a place in PVE ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: vicious.5683


I’m a returning player and I play necro. At this moment, necros are completely out of all PVE challenging content, in specific dungeons and fractals.
I want to have fun with my character but I feel forced to re roll if what to be accepted by other players and stop being looked like a burden. My question is, are necros/reapers actually on par with other classes in HOT? What changes will make this possible?

I’m still not sure to buy the expansion because I don’t want to feel useless again. This is the reason I left this game for two years and now I hope Anet do their balance job not just for PVP, but in PVE as well.

No place for Reapers in raids/dungeons?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


except we don’t have low damage. That’s a myth which has been busted multiple times. Our burst is low, yes this is true but our sustained damage is extremely good.

U are completly wrong and/or ignorant. Your personal opinion does not matter while facts are showing something completly diffrent.

“Burst” is Frostbow, but even without that, a staffele deals out nearly twice times as much dps as a necromancer.

With only 2 skills. Fire 1 and 2 24/7 365 days a year. Thats not burst.

If u rly want extremly long fights, the condition engineer will be maxdps.
And thiefs, warriors or guardians all of them have the same, or more “sustain” dps then necromancers.

At the moment, necromancers are the second worst dps class in this game. Only mesmers are doing less (cause phantasmas die in pve). But mesmers have so much utility, they will find their place in raids like in dungeons or fractals.

A utility change needs a class rework. We wont get this. And i can understand why.

What we need is a huge dps buff for pve, with all weapons and shrouds. We need much more multipliers in our traits. At least 1 per line.
Adding a few of them (only for pve) should not be much work. And we need it.

Axe needs some work, scepter needs some work and dagger off hand needs a life force skill. We also should have access to at least 2 projectile blocks and Curses needs some major work and we need more access to stability.

Other than that we’re pretty much golden. I’d like some changes to focus and warhorn but I’m not going to push that over what we actually need.

Also, you’re completely delusional if you believe that a staff ele’s DPS is higher than a berserker necromancer. Completely delusional. Edit: Almost forgot. Yes I’ll admit that a staff ele using the ice bow exploit does more damage than a necromancer. But that does more damage than every single profession in the game and a bad argument regarldess. Without ice bow it does. But give a necromancer a ice bow and they’ll do more damage than a ele. XD

What exploit are you talking about? If they don’t fix it, it’s because it’s intended.

“If Ele doesn’t use their skills they have lower dps than necros” This argument sounds as stupid a nemesis videos..

No place for Reapers in raids/dungeons?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


I have a naive question:
Why a lot of players aren’t ok with blind and slow 100% efficient and are ok with aegis and superspeed being 100% efficient?
Please don’t troll me it is a real question, and I’m aware it would require some necessary limitations to make it viable. If you just want to answer but not on this thread for “reasons” don’t hesitate to PM. The difference of attitude toward buff and debuff has always been weird in this game and is the reason why we have the GWEM meta imo.

Before you start to kill me I’ll explain why I have to ask.

  • Blind / Aegis*
    Blind make the target miss the next attack. Aegis make the target block the next attack. You can stack blind, and it’s not that hard to provide tons of Aegis.
    From where I stand, the final effect is exactly the same, the next attack will be as hurtful as a fart…
    In the current stat Aegis is 100% efficient and blind 10% efficient, therefore a Guard is more usefull than a Necro because he “can’t” miss. And everyone seems fine with that.
    I agree it is way easier to stack blind, and I’m not saying you should be able to apply 25 stack of blind to a boss. But why is it normal to totally destroy bling in PvE? Why not use it with something like “only 1 stack of blind can be apply to the boss every XXs” or “1 blind / spell only affect the boss” so the effect isn’t worthless.
  • Slow / superspeed *
    Same issue here (well not exactly but close^^)
    Ofc condi such as slow (even chill imo) can be very strong against a boss, it is obvious. and yet I don’t understand why players are ok with the idea “kitten this part of the game act like it doesn’t exist”. It would be nice to actualy use them on a fight, just add a rule like “if XXs of slow affect the boss it cannot be slow for XXs” or something like that.
    And in another hand it is ok for players to be superfast and therefore able to kite the boss so he doesn’t touch you, or it is not ok to slow its CD but it is ok to shorten yours. What kind of logic is that?

Sorry for “egide” (my game isn’t in english and my native language just seems more attractive sometime ^^)
Post edited.

because they are happy with less classes in the game.

No place for Reapers in raids/dungeons?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


You play ele, warrior or guardian, right?
Why debuffs trivialize the game but staking buffs doesn’t?

For you, blind is not ok, but aegis is completely fine… God can’t believe this guy.

I’ve played a Necromancer for thousands of hours and it’s my main. Did you just read this one post of mine and decide that because it disagrees with you I must main <INSERT CLASS HERE> that does things differently?

P.S. Buffs don’t trivialize encounters because they’re already balanced around their uptimes and application sources against the rare boon strip. Conditions are designed to be more ubiquitous than boons, and that’s why condition clears are everywhere on every class’s skills. Aegis is vastly inferior to blind on bosses because blind can be so easily applied. Weakness is incredibly easy to maintain compared to protection, especially if someone uses a poison field and anyone uses projectiles (or the encounter forces you to split up from allies). The only exception is Slow vs. Quickness, but even in that case it’s easy to tell why Slow is vastly superior to Quickness when you factor in defensive cooldowns and endurance regeneration. Note that none of this is considering the (now-nerfed) Heat Sync which was overperforming.

if, as you say, conditions are so easily applied, then they MUST balance the encounters around a high debuffs uptime, as they do with boons.
why? because this way you will need all classes for Raids and not just eles, guards, warrs.

Maybe you have a group willing to carry your kitten as necro, but I don’t and all I see is party members recruiting messages like this “LF ELE META ZERK”. It’s stupid that only the classes with high boon application have a place in the game. I can’t understand why you dont get that simple fact.

No place for Reapers in raids/dungeons?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


This single poor design decision could seriously prevent me from enjoying the game. Thats how serious it is to me.

I really… Don’t agree with you, honestly.

Blind not working on vets that have a break bar sounds great to me. Why does it sound great to me? Because in my opinion, blind trivializes trash encounters, and having some trash that’s immune to it is awesome in my opinion. The same applying to Weakness, Slow, and Chill all seems fine to me as well because they trivialize a certain aspect of an encounter to the point where the encounter is no longer fun for me. Dredge are annoying in that they’re immune to blind, but it also adds to their difficulty and forces you to adapt your approach to beating them, creating complexity in encounters by diversifying the roles you’re forced to fill.

I wouldn’t mind a significantly weakened version of a condition being in place when used on foes with breakbars, but surely you recognize that in order to make that balanced the effect would need to be so insignificant that it may as well not do anything at all. Bosses are calibrated around a specific movement mechanism so that they are constantly threatening players, being able to range and kite a melee boss enemy indefinitely through chill is impossibly bad design and trivializes the encounter; a boss needs to hit a player with some frequency to legitimize actual defensive support (something I know Anet wants to do). Furthermore, the cooldown reduction would need to be completely removed; there simply cannot be allowance for mechanics such as entirely bypassing a boss’s phase (like Legendary Grawl Shaman) simply because it takes too long for the skill to reload.

I appreciate that this means a lot to you and that you claim you’re not going to enjoy HoT at all if it goes through, but I seriously think you’re overreacting. Please note that my opinion disagreeing with yours doesn’t mean my reports won’t recognize your opinion fairly, I just don’t personally think it’s a big deal at all.

You play ele, warrior or guardian, right?
Why debuffs trivialize the game but staking buffs doesn’t?

For you, blind is not ok, but aegis is completely fine… God can’t believe this guy.

Let's talk about attrition

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


Necros and attrition does not go in the same sentence, save this one “necros are not an attrition class.”

lockdown and chasing

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


New spectral grasp: send a fast projectile to the enemy, creating a dark bond. In next 2 seconds press the skill again to pull the target to you, otherwise you are teleported to the target. Chill your enemy if the bond wasn’t broke. The bond is broken if the target moves more than 1200 units away from you.