Showing Posts For vicious.5683:

Capes as Backpacks or more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


I’ve been wanting capes for a long time now. I think I’ve said ‘’I wish Anet made Guild Capes’’ on a weekly basis for over a year!

same for me, except it’s been 4 years

Greatsword improvements part 2

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


I just want my necro zerker be viable for raids, with an ele level of DPS. Or superior ,since necros doesn’t really buff the squad.

I use mine, you should use yours.

No thanks, I don’t want to ruin my raiding squad DPS, because Anet can’t balance correctly.

Why i pve so inportant? Its much less interesting than fighting actual players with real skill.

because It’s fun for me?

Greatsword improvements part 2

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


I just want my necro zerker be viable for raids, with an ele level of DPS. Or superior ,since necros doesn’t really buff the squad.

I use mine, you should use yours.

No thanks, I don’t want to ruin my raiding squad DPS, because Anet can’t balance correctly.

Greatsword improvements part 2

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


I just want my necro zerker be viable for raids, with an ele level of DPS. Or superior ,since necros doesn’t really buff the squad.

Wishlist for next year's halloween

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


My Wishlist for Halloween 2017

Bring back the Mad Memoires Event Chain, so that people can earn that Skin rightfully like all others, who were able to complete it 2012, while many thousands of other players simply couldn’t …


that skin should remain unique to players who completed the event at that year’s Halloween festival. It’s a proof that you were there at that time.

About the Labyrinthine Horror

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


The community has been calling him Steve for more than 2 years now.


but why?

Anet pls nerf The Mad King says

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


Guys, he is trolling. Don’t take him seriously.
I suppose this thread is just a sarcastic comment on this year’s Halloween.

You never know these days. A while back someone was seriously confused on the concept of dodging, and it took 3 forum pages to explain it

you can tell for sure he is being sarcastic, you are the one not good at getting sarcasm.

Possible Epidemic nerf incoming

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


Yay I was wrong! Epi lives!

there was no reason to nerf it anyway

Prepare for baseline healing nerfs

in Ranger

Posted by: vicious.5683


My gut tells me that they are nerfing healing even with investment, maybe condi clear on the druidic clarity trait. Six instead of thirteen. Reducing the damage of smokescale and bristleback considerably and nothing else as far as buffs for core ranger. This would be inline for what the community has been screaming for. That’s what I’m expecting to read on Tuesday. I’d be VERY surprised if they actually did anything to re work core ranger or pets.

The community largely thinks that rangers should be a worthless class and anet largely goes along with the community. Expecting any love at this point is only frustrating.

This. After the patch they will then ask for feedback and ignore whatever we have to say till some mouthbreather month later makes a new topic how OP druid is.

The funniest part is in fractal t4 (which I assume almost everyone will do 3 of them on a daily base), necro dominate way harder than Druid (3~4 necro makes even t4 a joke), and they get untouched lol..

3 nec with 120+ ticks of bleed and permanent aoe weakness and epidemic is fine but not Druid healing without healing gear lolz.. (I’d say zerk Druid is more of an emergency heal than dedicated healer)

necros gear for condi if they wanna do condi damage. Is this logic too complicated for you? No wonder why you don’t understand that if druids want to heal they have to equip healing power as primary attribute.

Possible Epidemic nerf incoming

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


it would be stupid they nerf epidemic, necros have a spot in raids exclusively because of that skill.
Nerfing epidemic means they have to buff dps of other skills, but that would broke balance in pvp.
Or maybe they nerf epidemic, no buff and kick necro out of raids for ever like and we end with necro hate all over again just like dungeons and fractals used to be.

Balance Changes Upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


A thief will get downed in 1 hit, so will a mesmer. and yes, it’s true that they have a few escapes there…

a few escapes…


Ok, I’m officially done reading your bs. Learn the game, THEN and only then, go to forums a try to discuss with people who actually play this game.

Balance Changes Upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


the difference with PvP and WvW is your playing other people, they aren’t scripted you don’t already know they are going to unleash hell at 20% chances are they will be mashing 1 and it won’t require thought but occasionally a unicorn appears and they press #2.

Which doesn’t mean much if everyone’s using the same strategy.
People in wvw will react and counter react in the same way making it boring as well.
70% of the time people simply spam swiftness skills to run from one point to another.
20% of the time they spam 1 and other aoe skills and 10% of the time they actually might do something right by throwing down a wall, portal and other things that would benefit a side in the fight of the blobs – that is, if they have a good enough pc to not get negative FPS as soon a the 2 sides clashes. In that case they will probably just spam things and hope for the best.

So you don’t even play necromancer and you talk like you know everything about the class, now you do the same thing with wvw.
Please stop. Your comments are not useful for the discussion.

Balance Changes Upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


Someone jokingly mentioned earlier that anet would also nerf epidemic too just to screw necros, well you know what? Epidemic deserves to nerfed in raids, that skill is completely ridiculous. It doesn’t just make bosses’ adds trivial, it makes them a negative for the boss, unless the fight is set up in such a way that necros are completely horrible (a la KC). With epidemic nerfed, it would be reasonable to buff other aspects of necromancer to make them more generally useful, which would both improve viability of necromancer and make raids better as a whole.

You say necro’s only reason to be in raids is Epidemic and you wanna nerf it? LOL
If you buff other aspects of necro’s builds then you will generate unbalance in pvp. And believe me, no one wants necro to be OP in pvp.
Epidemic is just right and needed to make the entire profession viable in raids.

Yeah that’s why I’m saying epidemic is awful for necromancers, because they rely completely on that skill to be good in raids. That skill is so good on its own that other necromancer skills and traits cannot get significant buffs, and so if you encounter a situation where epidemic doesn’t help, the entire class becomes bad. It would be much better if epidemic was a worse skill and other necromancer skills and traits were better to compensate.

condition necros are just fine right now. Power builds in the other hand needs several buffs to stop being lame.

Balance Changes Upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


Someone jokingly mentioned earlier that anet would also nerf epidemic too just to screw necros, well you know what? Epidemic deserves to nerfed in raids, that skill is completely ridiculous. It doesn’t just make bosses’ adds trivial, it makes them a negative for the boss, unless the fight is set up in such a way that necros are completely horrible (a la KC). With epidemic nerfed, it would be reasonable to buff other aspects of necromancer to make them more generally useful, which would both improve viability of necromancer and make raids better as a whole.

You say necro’s only reason to be in raids is Epidemic and you wanna nerf it? LOL
If you buff other aspects of necro’s builds then you will generate unbalance in pvp. And believe me, no one wants necro to be OP in pvp.
Epidemic is just right and needed to make the entire profession viable in raids.

Epidemic is FAR from right. There’s a reason why there are “5 necro meta” lfgs for high level fractals out there. Epidemic is OP as hell.
2x higher HP with an additional HP bar, with a ranged weapon that can easily make a 30k beeding aoe ongoing dps (without having to constatnly attack), is far away from just “okay”.

ahhahahaha good joke dude.

Necromancer, even with Epidemic, is subpar dps wise compared to various other classes.
Without Epidemic necromancers are again trash tier. Slow stacking bleeds, no mobility, no invulns, no evasion, the “second hp bar” degenerates itself, and you have to build it, lame power builds.
Necromancers are just fine for fractals and almost out of meta in raids.

Balance Changes Upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


Someone jokingly mentioned earlier that anet would also nerf epidemic too just to screw necros, well you know what? Epidemic deserves to nerfed in raids, that skill is completely ridiculous. It doesn’t just make bosses’ adds trivial, it makes them a negative for the boss, unless the fight is set up in such a way that necros are completely horrible (a la KC). With epidemic nerfed, it would be reasonable to buff other aspects of necromancer to make them more generally useful, which would both improve viability of necromancer and make raids better as a whole.

You say necro’s only reason to be in raids is Epidemic and you wanna nerf it? LOL
If you buff other aspects of necro’s builds then you will generate unbalance in pvp. And believe me, no one wants necro to be OP in pvp.
Epidemic is just right and needed to make the entire profession viable in raids.

Possible Epidemic nerf incoming

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


Fine with a nerf to epi if they finally buff necros where necros need them.

well that’s not gonna happen.

Legendary WVW Backpack

in WvW

Posted by: vicious.5683


I like the idea, but don’t think they give us capes. Anet simply don’t like the idea of capes en GW2

Feeding Hungry Cats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


Ha! I saw that cat, and it even ’Meow’ed at me, and I never even thought about the ‘cat’ collection.

Silly me!

If the Devs keep adding cats to locations, will we (who feed them) all eventually become ‘crazy cat ladies’? =P

Already there, personally.

If they want to go gender neutral they could use “Cat Wrangler” instead.

I prefer “Cat Herder.”

Cat hoarder*

New to Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


run, my friend, run before you get emotionally attached to your character.

Season 1 ever going to be revived?

in Living World

Posted by: vicious.5683


Maybe they could add some of the scavenger hunts back for those who missed them the first time, like for example the Mad Memories hunts from the first Halloween haven’t been available ever since.

That scavenger hunt in particular shouldn’t return ever. That back piece skin is a token that you were there at the time.

Conditions doing too much damage?

in WvW

Posted by: vicious.5683


If you nerf condition damage in general, you should also increase toughness of raid and fractal bosses and reduce their vitality. No one wants a pure zerker pve meta again.

Necromancer October Balance Patch Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


I honestly just expect some nerfs to epidemic coupled with minor compensation buffs (like 1/4 sec longer bleeds on scepter aa), a bunch of incredible situational bug fixes and some tooltip changes.

(edited by vicious.5683)

How long till HoT goes on sale for like $15?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: vicious.5683


3 or 4 years from now.

is anyone other seen nerf coming for necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


balance team doesn’t have a clue about necro. Maybe we get some buffs next time.

Next elite spec.

in Revenant

Posted by: vicious.5683


anything with greatsword so I can use my twilight. lol.

Design The Two "Missing" Elites!

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


Signet of Reliable Blast Finisher.
Passive: no passive.
Active: Cast a blast finisher.
Cool down: 8 sec

Well of Reliable Mobility.
Cast a well in the target area 600 range. Teleport you to target area after cast.
Cool down: 15 sec
Cast time: 1/2 sec

(edited by vicious.5683)

Weapons Tester Mastery Point

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicious.5683


You actually only have to avoid taking damage at the end when all the things are active for the last 20%. Which is super easy to avoid all on your own.

You can get hit all you want before that. No need to do all these complicated rotations and stuff people are talking about.

oohh so that’s why I got it without even trying to do it, and being hit multiple times in early phases.

Bloodstone Fen is a great map.

in Living World

Posted by: vicious.5683


I love gliding (biggest reason why I bought HOT) and naturally I love this map.

We will have to roll back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


nooooo, my tangled depths hero points T_T

why doesn't necro have an invul or immun

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


I think necros need more passive ways to generate life force. Like a trait that gave you lf when you are cc’ed or something.

Axe is still bad

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


Change Axe#1 Rending Claws from applying 2 vuln to apply 1 vuln and give 1 might to user.
Oh, and make Axe#3 a blast finisher.

Hairstyle Suggestions we Do want!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


more bangs for human female pls.

No one got DPS nerfed, only buffed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicious.5683


I hope for more nerfs to ele and thief, so other classes are viable for dps roles in Raids.

TY so much for salvage kit update!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: vicious.5683


Next, they need to come up with a solution to the junk items and minor runes/sigils that clutter your inventory. I would accept them never dropping for level 80 chars (except for junk items that are worth more than 5 silvers).

actually there is a solution, buy more bag slots with gems. You can buy shared slots too (again, with gems).

26 July Necro Patch notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


Every time I come back to this game, mediocre team balance remembers me why I left.

Why I miss the bunker meta

in PvP

Posted by: vicious.5683


rotations are boring, I prefer smart usage of skills. Not just a mechanical combination you input over and over again.

Pay to win. [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: vicious.5683


People dont understand base GW2 went free just as a demo of the whole game.

You still need to buy it like everyone else did before the f2p thing.

RIP Axe Power Necromancer.

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


I’m done with giving ideas on Axe to Anet. They never listen.

Allow extra Gem Store tools sold on TP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


I cant follow the logic in thread, if there is any.

Staff....does it seem weak?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


it’s bad design.

Marks used to be on all weapons, then some genius put them all together in the staff. In addition to a weak and pointless auto attack is what make the staff a mediocre weapon.

Is Axe any good now?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


When something is fine it doesn’t need to be changed. And that’s clearly not the situation of Axe.

Every weapon in the game has rough edges that could stand to be beveled off. You can’t set the bar at perfection, because we’re never going to get there.

I agree with that, but necro’s Axe seems completely made of rough edges.

And I’m not looking for perfection, I just want axe on the same level GS is.

Is Axe any good now?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


The axe is fine now. It can’t compete with either the Dagger or the Greatsword for damage, but if you need range it’s got you covered. Plus the 3 is pretty good.

It’s not fine and you are wrong, seriously.

It is fine and you are wrong, seriously. See how easy that is?

“Fine” doesn’t mean “perfect.” The Axe is usable. I wouldn’t be opposed to a few buffs, but it does its job as a backup weapon for power builds when they need some range.

It would be true if axe had some kind of cleave, but it’s single target.

Axe needs some dps increase on #1 and #2. Maybe #2 giving 1 sec fury per hit. Not just simple % damage increased. Something to punish enemies for not dodge this channeled skill and rewarding us for landing those hits.

#1’s DPS should not be raised, as it’s good enough as it stands. A bit of cleave wouldn’t go amiss, though. That’d actually really help round out the weapon.

For #2, as much as I would like the Blighter’s Boon procs, boosting just the damage would probably be fine too. #2 really should have its damage boosted as it doesn’t really increase our DPS right now. If ANet really wanted to add something to it other than straight damage, I’d like to see each hit increase the duration of existing Vulnerability on the target by .5 seconds.

And again, axe #3 must be a blast finisher.

3 is already a really bloated skill. The Blast finisher would make sense for the animation but the skill is already pretty good.

again, its not fine.

When something is fine it doesn’t need to be changed. And that’s clearly not the situation of Axe.

Necro/reaper balance--if i were in charge

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


Too much to ask for insta casts on necro, I think Axe#3 is almost ok, just needs a blast finisher.

Is Axe any good now?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


The axe is fine now. It can’t compete with either the Dagger or the Greatsword for damage, but if you need range it’s got you covered. Plus the 3 is pretty good.

It’s not fine and you are wrong, seriously.

It would be true if axe had some kind of cleave, but it’s single target.

Axe needs some dps increase on #1 and #2. Maybe #2 giving 1 sec fury per hit. Not just simple % damage increased. Something to punish enemies for not dodge this channeled skill and rewarding us for landing those hits.

And again, axe #3 must be a blast finisher.

HoT and LWS2 Should be Bundled.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: vicious.5683


Give LS2 to players who bought the premium edition of HOT at least

Why Rune of the Reaper is trash

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


IMO profession runes are meant to be useless. Don’t bother.

Why does everyone think necros are bad?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


I love them, I got all the minions with death and blood magic and enemies never even touch me. Maybe in pvp they suck cuz players are smart enough to ignore the minions but I think its really awesome playing with them

Necros deal subpar damage (in ideal situations). You are glad that enemies kill your pets instead of you, but other professions can survive as well, with good positioning and timing of their skills. In a perfect scenario, being tanky at the expense of less damage is not a good idea.

Just try to use an elementalist and you will see the very noticeable difference in damage. If you can position yourself as to constantly deal damage without dodging all the time and interrupting your own casts, you will deal significantly more damage than with the necro.

Really ?… You seem pretty sure of that… which means it shouldn’t be too difficult for you to back that up with some non-icebow footage now would it ?

If you really want a contest… tell you what…
Bloomhunger, Captain Ashym, Old Tom and last Champion Grawl Shaman…

You can even use the icebow at the other fights, except for the Bloomhunger, because he is fat…
So… you do the damage, you add it up, you divide by the time of the fight and you post for everyone here to see, and i will do the same.

What do you say my friend ?

there is plenty of evidence supporting what this guy said. Can you prove it what you are saying?

Suggestion: Flesh Golem's Charge Ability

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


And lose multi hit/interrupt? No way.

The only change it needs is Golem Charge should be insta cast. To actually interrupt abilities when we see them being casted.

Specializations Discussion: Curses

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


A good write-up, though my general feeling with Curses isn’t as dour as yours seems to be.

First, I don’t have a problem with limiting Curses to condi specs. Power-users can conceptually (if not in reality) make very good use of any of the other lines, so keeping one line specific to Condi Necros is ok to me. In that light, the Minor traits are actually all quite good. They feed into each other and really help boost the value of the Necro’s Crit and Condition damage.

That said, there’s an additional dynamic at play here which your analysis (by design) doesn’t really touch on: Curses for Necromancers vs. Curses for Reapers. It’s generally been my experience that Condi Necros are not as effective as Power Necros; it just takes Condi Necros way too long to rank up their damage to any significant degree and while Epidemic-bombing groups is fun, it’s really hard to stack serious levels of Conditions on a single target, which is how most of the more difficult fights in the game tend to go. AoE is already quite plentiful in this game so specializing it at the expense of single-target doesn’t really make sense.

For Reapers, however, Curses is a game-changer. The two actually have really good synergy with each other. Their synergy is so good in so many different ways that IMO there’s actually some good debates to be had about which traits to take.

As I said, though, that may be a bit beyond the scope of what you’re trying to do here. So let’s look at the Major Traits in question:


Plague Sending: Honestly, I don’t see the point in this. Condition Necros will almost certainly be running S/D+Staff, giving us two on-demand Condi transfers with reasonable cooldowns on top of CC. It’s not a bad trait, don’t get me wrong, but it seems overkill in most circumstances, certainly in most PvE circumstances.

Chilling Darkness: Definitely weak for Necros, probably still a little weak for Reapers. The ICD should stay the same, but the Chill duration could stand to go up; 3 seconds sounds good to me, especially if we get a bit more Condi duration in the game. Dropping the ICD would make this a little too build-dependent, making it somewhat OP for some builds while functionally the same as it is now for most others.

Terrifying Descent: Functional. Situational. Not much to say, but I don’t have a problem with it as-is.


Master of Corruption: Long story short, I agree with the idea of applying the additional conditions to the skills’ targets (CC and Plague could apply their conditions in a small AoE around you when you use them). That’d be pretty neat, actually.

Path of Corruption: Barely usable for the base Necro because of how unbelievably slow the #2 projectile is and how you otherwise have no incentive to get in melee range of your foe. The effect is nice, I guess, but I really hate taking this just because of how terrible #2 feels to use.

Terror: For the base Necro, this is nice in theory but in practice it’s just not as much damage as we need. Fear duration is way, way down from before the Traitline changes and it’s just too darn hard to get more than a few ticks off on someone. Additionally, displacement effects can hurt your group’s efficiency more often than not which makes it really dangerous to tie so much of our damage potential up into something you just plain can’t fire at will. Plus, stunbreakers.

Here’s my suggestion that helps fix at least part of this: Fear no longer deals damage. Instead, Terror causes Fear applications to also apply a new condition called Dread with a duration equal to the Fear’s duration +X seconds (tuned as appropriate). Dread only deals Damage and isn’t removed upon Stunbreaking. This would allow us to give Terror more damage without risking excessive spikes and also decouples its damage from omnipresent stunbreakers. It doesn’t solve the Displacement problem, though.


Lingering Curse: I think it’s fine… sorta. I don’t mind that Engis have a similar trait at the Adept level because Engis handle Condi application a little differently from us (they’re philosophically more interested in spike damage vs our ramp-up, current tuning aside). I do think the bonus to condition duration should apply to all our conditions while wielding a Scepter, though, even while in DS/RS.

Parasitic Contagion: I like this conceptually; Condi builds tend to have fewer hits per second so we can’t take advantage of Blood as well as Power builds. As such, a good sustain option would be really nice for tankier Condi builds, or in fights that are more about survival than burn (should those ever really exist). 10% is lackluster, though, and you’re entirely right to call it a win-more effect. What if the healing doubled when we were below 50% health? Would that be enough to justify its use? In any case, this should clearly heal us through Shroud, even if only at half efficiency.

Weakening Shroud: I’m personally not a very big fan of Shroud-flashing builds. I get that other people are but that playstyle has just never appealed to me. As such, I’ve barely used this. I get the appeal (a burst of AoE Weakness right when you need it) but we already have a decent number of Weakness applications, plus the Shroud mechanic itself is intended to give us good burst mitigation. This seems overkill to me.

Incidentally, thanks for putting together these write-ups. This kind of analysis and discussion is what I enjoy about game forums.

Anet, pls read this post when you finally decide to rework this trait line.

We Chose Lost Precipice to Glide

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: vicious.5683


Bring the updraft back!