Showing Posts For vicious.5683:

Why bring a necro to a fractal or raid?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


simply put, you don’t.
Every other class can do whatever necromancers do and do it better.

Scourge analysis

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


I agree that we need a spec that gives us blocks, evades, invulns, charges, leaps and teleports.

Don’t forget a portal, aoe quickness and allied might generation.

I like that idea, maybe necromancers could get a place in raids now.

Scourge analysis

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


- A poison spec!

I deeply hope you are wrong

Way to screw over core necro a-net

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


this has been the worst elite skill in history of elite skills, maybe ever.

Return the glory of Minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


minions are so f****** ugly I don’t even want to use them.

Will torch actually be a MH?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


From leaks:

“Using their F3-skill will transform the life essence in the soul jar into a Beacon of Despair, which looks like a 2-handed torch.”

Maybe we won’t even need to craft a torch.

My favorite class.

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


But necromancers lack damage AND support, how is that amazing for raids?

After being gone nearly a year.. lol

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: vicious.5683


yup, classic Anet doesn’t care about balance. Welcome back!

Player Housing in the Next Expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: vicious.5683


A big problem with housing is what happens when a player with a house leaves the game.
I played Lotro which had housing, and there were complete communities full of empty houses with not a player in sight, simply because the players had left the game.
Unlike characters which can be kept forever if they dont play, because non logged in characters dont appear in the game , the houses of non logged in players do and they stay there forever.
To make housing viable from the perspective of the dev time required, houses MUST cost the player gold on a continuing basis, and most players will hate this.

people don’t hate this housing model in Arch Age, why they would hate it here?

SPOILERS & Speculation Zinn Stance 3rd Elite

in Revenant

Posted by: vicious.5683


you know what would be cooler for revenants?

Great kittening Swords!!!

Bleeds are out of control

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


man if it wasnt op you wouldnt see like every necro running it, I fail to see how one person stacking like 25+ bleeds alone isnt op

then learn to see, and stop crying like a little baby.

Suggestion: Dark Field Leap Finisher Change

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


if we can’t have dodges, invuls, and other defenses, at least Anet should give us more blindness and area blindness.

Balance Changes That Would Improve Raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicious.5683


so, when are they buffing necro into helpfulness?

next class weapon you want and why

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


Gs for Revs. nuff said.

A Plea for a Raid Story Mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicious.5683


they can’t even balance this game mode and you are asking for a new one.

Rifle Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


Undead Hunter should use longbow and traps

more like a crossbow

Why no more damage modifiers, Anet?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


remove cap on vulnerability and add more vuln stacks on several necro’s skills.

Will I have issues finding groups as Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


yes, you’ll have problems, lot of groups not accepting necros anymore.

not the first time in GW2 history this same kitten happens. And Anet doesn’t care, so don’t expect things are gonna change soon.

good luck with your ELEMENTALIST!!!

The way chill re-applies, is it intended?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


Not a waste but balanced.

Deathly Chill in its current state (3 bleeds for 5 to 10 seconds) should also have an ICD of at least 2 seconds.


Because Necro has so many skills and utilities that apply chills which allow them to stack up a large number of stacks. It’s even more of an issue for those skills and utilities which pulse. PvE also has an issue with an ice environmental weapon which has an auto attack that allows you to get and maintain about 40 stacks of bleed.

Adding an internal cooldown would bring the trait back into balance while still allow chills to add bleed stacks.

I don’t think it’s unbalanced, maybe underpowered. Necros are still behind any other profession in the dps department.

Underpowered? You just haven’t seen it in action yet.

no one cares if you are talking in open world pve. all classes are OP in open world pve.

I’m talking about raids.

The way chill re-applies, is it intended?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


Not a waste but balanced.

Deathly Chill in its current state (3 bleeds for 5 to 10 seconds) should also have an ICD of at least 2 seconds.


Because Necro has so many skills and utilities that apply chills which allow them to stack up a large number of stacks. It’s even more of an issue for those skills and utilities which pulse. PvE also has an issue with an ice environmental weapon which has an auto attack that allows you to get and maintain about 40 stacks of bleed.

Adding an internal cooldown would bring the trait back into balance while still allow chills to add bleed stacks.

I don’t think it’s unbalanced, maybe underpowered. Necros are still behind any other profession in the dps department.

Everything you can do they can do better

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683



necros have something they will never get, the glorious second hp bar!!!!


Trade 2nd life bar for ability to fill roles?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


This topic is really funny. Necromancer without DS bar made him unplayable in 90% game content. Necromancer dont need DPS boost, he have best dps in many raids wings right now.
Only one thing needs a necromancer, boost Vampiric Presence for better group support.

the kitten are you talking about, necromancers are being kicked out of raid for low dps kitten .

You play maybe other game. I clear every single weekend all raid wings like necromancer without problem.

Solutions for you is start raiding with normal people.

Maybe YOU play other game. There is evidence all over the place that necromancer’s dps is below average and can be replaced with condi engi and ranger easily

Trade 2nd life bar for ability to fill roles?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


This topic is really funny. Necromancer without DS bar made him unplayable in 90% game content. Necromancer dont need DPS boost, he have best dps in many raids wings right now.
Only one thing needs a necromancer, boost Vampiric Presence for better group support.

the kitten are you talking about, necromancers are being kicked out of raid for low dps kitten .

GW2 needs finally a REAL class balance!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


Here is the solution: Give the whole group a big boon ONLY if you have all 9 classes in the squad and balance the bosses to that buff. This boon also applies to groups consisting of fewer than 10 people even if they don’t have all 9 professions.
This way no matter how crap Anet balance team is, it would be ALWAYS better to have class diversity in the squad than stacking multiple eles or whatever.

Sylvari or Human Necromancer?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


I only play humans, cause I literally hate all other races.

Go with human, they look awesome in robes.

Balance Changes That Would Improve Raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicious.5683


About point 2 on necros.
Yeah is harder to achieve that damage, hence that damage should be higher, since you need more skill to inflict it.

Thank you Anet, chillmancer viable again

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


so this is how people ask for nerfs now?

"Presumably", "assumably" not "Assumedly"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


what about “allegedly”? you can see it everyday in newspapers.

When will necro be viable for raids?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


It’s not about speed of the clear, it’s about other classes do it better.

Look at this benchmark done by Brazil, one of the most renowned pro players of gw2.

And look at his conclusion
" If you are playing raids, you want to play a different class because this DPS is kittening kitten? "

Oh and btw, doesn’t expect this situation changes until next big paid expansion of the game. We had this exact scenario for dungeons some years ago and it never changed.

qT's updated site, raidbuilds and benchmarks

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicious.5683


Sad how necromancers are kitten tier again. It’s the dungeons story all over again.

Sustain creep has left Reapers behind

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


we have the almighty F1 Shroud!!! What else do you need?

whats holding hybrid necro back?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


abysmal balance team.

New qT benchmark.

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


Anet MUST give necros either party support or superior damage to other classes.

Or at least let freezing effects affects raid bosses, so we are needed for that debuff.

Fix Necro's Epidemic pls

in WvW

Posted by: vicious.5683


yeah and make necros useful in raids while you are at it.

200+ping Gold medal minigames.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: vicious.5683


Just change things to gain a Mastery Point for achieve Bronze/Silver instead of Silver/Gold.

Reduce CDs on our elites

in Mesmer

Posted by: vicious.5683


and you are asking for more?

If you are concerned about new spec, just wait for it to be a real thing.

Let me direct you to what I said in my original post, as its clear you didn’t even bother to read it.

Throughout this post I will talk about the elite CDs as if you are not running chronomancer since not everyone owns HoT, and when we get the next expac we will likely have a just as good or better option for our elite spec (one which won’t have CS).

Besides that, you completely ignore the issue itself. If you had bothered reading, you would realize that my proposed CD changes leave them above the CD for CS already (with the exception of MI in an ideal situation), so this wouldn’t affect their synergy with CS. Mimic also only works on utility skills, not elites. On top of that, you completely dismissed any and all people who don’t own HoT for whatever reason.

The cooldowns on these skills are way too high for the low impact they have when you use them. Instead of buffing the skills, I am just proposing that the CDs are lowered to be much more reasonable so that these skills are actually elite-like. As opposed to now, where 2 of the 3 core mesmer elites are actually worse than our utility/weapon skills.

for PVE if you don’t own HOT you don’t need the spec anyways.
for PVP there are builds perfectly fine without the need of chronomancer trait line. beside if you don’t own HOT you are not taking the game seriously and you don’t deserve full content.
CDs are fine anyway.

Reduce CDs on our elites

in Mesmer

Posted by: vicious.5683


and you are asking for more?

If you are concerned about new spec, just wait for it to be a real thing.

Scythe Greatsword Skin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


If you want to use a scythe roll a necro, go reaper and f1→111111 till you run out of life force.

Legendary Greatsword

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


We already have 3 “serious” or epic legendary great sword skins.
Next one will be a “joke” or “fun” skin.
I’d like to see maybe a great sword resembling an electric guitar. Something à la Gene Simmon’s axe bass. That would be really cool. Imagine those sounds and musical notes effects.

Buff Reaper's Touch

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


I disagree, it doesn’t need any buff, it need a total rework!!!

Bought season 2 and I really regret this

in Living World

Posted by: vicious.5683


Bought season 2 and I really regret this.

I got glitched missions which needed to repeat, little to no explanation on the mission-puzzles with some requiring out-of-the-game searching.

And the final mission… oh boy… There’s a dragon that keeps smashing and chewing me, random exploding spores, flames that keep getting extinguished with no apparent reason that resets all effort and I keep running around in a small area, with little time to react, and dying from stupid AoE everywhere. Challenge shouldn’t be overkill like this. This doesn’t provide player satisfaction, just grief and frustration.

Nice trolling.

try getting the achievements. ooooh the fun!!!! Hope you don’t wanna equip a horror viper necro

Update on the Economy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


Mystic coins are only needed for skins. Stop pretending those are essential to players.

Leather scarce, on the other hand, is an actual problem.

Does Posting Here Actually Make a Difference?

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


“Message Body length must at least be 15.” but I just need 2…

things to change for pve before 2017

in Mesmer

Posted by: vicious.5683


1 .time warp : either change it to apply longer quickness but less times or change that 6 stacks limitation back to 9. It really upsets me even it’s still useful that it’s a direct evidence dev forgot about mes while doing major balance to … mes once again. also reduce its cd in pve would be good too considering next expansion.

You don’t need it anymore to have perma quickness. No reason to buff it. In fact now you can use your other elites.

2. all interrupt traits :make them useful in pve content ,like triggering those traits when mes damage break bar except power block not that it wil be op but in case anet screws something else . only thing with this change might be really powerful is mistrust which is not a bad thing .

Not all traits and skills are useful for every single game mode. It happens in all other classes.

3. SoI: change the might stack from it from 1 to 3 or 5 or 10 .10 stacks of might maybe too powerful . but 5 stacks of might will certainly help build diversity.

SoI is OP as it is now. You don’t get build diversity by buffing already strong parts of a build, au contraire you encourage more people pick the same currently fine builds.

4.Confusion damage : we could really really double confusion damage per skill use in pve .

agree, not that anything will change.

5. Well of Precognition : 3s aoe block instead of aegis , it could be fine in pvp too .(but given anet history it wont happen soon).

That would be incredible op in pvp and useless in pve.

6.Well of Calamity : tooltip from wiki :“it deals massive damage to foes in the area.” buff its damage in pve since its main function was/is burst damage . though if anet has any plan to rework mes traits + skills and add actual damage mod for mes , this one can be fine .

It’s damage is ok compared to necromancer’s wells. And remember you have mimic and f5 to activate it more than once. Besides It’s CD is too short (shorter with alacrity) to make it hit harder.

Kinda same reaction for the rest.

1. thing about TW : players should not be punished for using their elite skill alone .it is not about min max .

2.last time i checked none of other classes have this many traits which could not function in most pve boss fights at all . it is not about usefulness . it’s about making those traits function . it was same story about necro chill when break bar was introduced . anet did make chill related traits for necro function for boss fight even tho chill doesnt affect bosses at all .

3. its quite simple : team comp and condi ps . people will pick SOI no matter what else it does as long as it gives out aoe quickness . your logic is so flawed .

4. it will certain help condi mes a lot .maybe sill not meta for most bosses but feeling more rewarding for a good confusion burst from scepter is a good thing .

5. with so many unblockable stuff flying around , it will be strong yes but far away from op in pvp .also it will have use in pve if its 3s aoe block .unless you think guard f3 is trash in pve .

6. you don’t justify a weak skill by combining two long kitten cd + alacrity. and this is about pve while necro doesnt really need help for aoe damage but mes does ,so i don’t see your logic here .

so far , your argument is “if it’s not meta why bother , if it’s already meta why bother”

that attitude will lead us to well no where but stable meta forever .

God, you are so biased and illogical I don’t even know where to start, literally.

things to change for pve before 2017

in Mesmer

Posted by: vicious.5683


1 .time warp : either change it to apply longer quickness but less times or change that 6 stacks limitation back to 9. It really upsets me even it’s still useful that it’s a direct evidence dev forgot about mes while doing major balance to … mes once again. also reduce its cd in pve would be good too considering next expansion.

You don’t need it anymore to have perma quickness. No reason to buff it. In fact now you can use your other elites.

2. all interrupt traits :make them useful in pve content ,like triggering those traits when mes damage break bar except power block not that it wil be op but in case anet screws something else . only thing with this change might be really powerful is mistrust which is not a bad thing .

Not all traits and skills are useful for every single game mode. It happens in all other classes.

3. SoI: change the might stack from it from 1 to 3 or 5 or 10 .10 stacks of might maybe too powerful . but 5 stacks of might will certainly help build diversity.

SoI is OP as it is now. You don’t get build diversity by buffing already strong parts of a build, au contraire you encourage more people pick the same currently fine builds.

4.Confusion damage : we could really really double confusion damage per skill use in pve .

agree, not that anything will change.

5. Well of Precognition : 3s aoe block instead of aegis , it could be fine in pvp too .(but given anet history it wont happen soon).

That would be incredible op in pvp and useless in pve.

6.Well of Calamity : tooltip from wiki :“it deals massive damage to foes in the area.” buff its damage in pve since its main function was/is burst damage . though if anet has any plan to rework mes traits + skills and add actual damage mod for mes , this one can be fine .

It’s damage is ok compared to necromancer’s wells. And remember you have mimic and f5 to activate it more than once. Besides It’s CD is too short (shorter with alacrity) to make it hit harder.

Kinda same reaction for the rest.

Bring back Mad Memoires + Toymaker’s Bag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


Neither the Toymaker’s Bag nor Mad Memoires (complete or otherwise) are in the unlock.

Should every skin be available to everyone? I’m not convinced. It’s a reasonable request, to be sure. All the same, I like the idea that a tiny number of skins depend on having been around at the right time & place — like being a “founding member” of a club, it offers a certain amount of warm fuzzies. (I was sad when GW1 gave up that idea, since I enjoyed being able to tell who was a long-time player from the Halloween or Wintersday caps they wore, even though it meant I wasn’t able to acquire them.)

I think this practice is only okay, so long as the number of such skins is very small and opportunities to acquire new “limited edition” skins are available to newbies. To date, the first requirement is met (I think there are less than half a dozen of these), but ANet hasn’t made any similar ones available recently.

I agree that there should be a few skins that are of this nature (ie only available once), but the number should be small. They should be reserved for pretty large events, such as being a beta tester, having an account from day 1, playing through LWS1 when it was available, beta testing HoT. Stuff like that.

I don’t know if I can consider Mad Memories to be one of those skins because it was an event skin that you received through an annual event (even though it was only released once). If each Halloween came with its own unique skin then I would be perfectly fine with Mad Memories not being available again. I think part of the reason that people want it back is because it was implied that it would come back every year due to being tied to an annual event, and yet it hasn’t with no explanation from ANet.

That wasn’t an anual event, was a year specific quest or mission you had to complete at that time to get the skin. It must remain exclusive to people who were there at the time. It was fun, it was hard and special.
Please don’t bring that skin ever again. It’s one of the few time specific skins we have in all GW2.

I wouldn’t mind them not being reintroduced, as long as they give those of us who had the achievement the unlock. I’m sad that they didn’t retroactively unlock the skin when wardrobe was introduced and I had gotten rid of it.
I know many who had it but didn’t keep them till the wardrobe came out.

you just need to send a ticket to support team.

Bring back Mad Memoires + Toymaker’s Bag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


Neither the Toymaker’s Bag nor Mad Memoires (complete or otherwise) are in the unlock.

Should every skin be available to everyone? I’m not convinced. It’s a reasonable request, to be sure. All the same, I like the idea that a tiny number of skins depend on having been around at the right time & place — like being a “founding member” of a club, it offers a certain amount of warm fuzzies. (I was sad when GW1 gave up that idea, since I enjoyed being able to tell who was a long-time player from the Halloween or Wintersday caps they wore, even though it meant I wasn’t able to acquire them.)

I think this practice is only okay, so long as the number of such skins is very small and opportunities to acquire new “limited edition” skins are available to newbies. To date, the first requirement is met (I think there are less than half a dozen of these), but ANet hasn’t made any similar ones available recently.

I agree that there should be a few skins that are of this nature (ie only available once), but the number should be small. They should be reserved for pretty large events, such as being a beta tester, having an account from day 1, playing through LWS1 when it was available, beta testing HoT. Stuff like that.

I don’t know if I can consider Mad Memories to be one of those skins because it was an event skin that you received through an annual event (even though it was only released once). If each Halloween came with its own unique skin then I would be perfectly fine with Mad Memories not being available again. I think part of the reason that people want it back is because it was implied that it would come back every year due to being tied to an annual event, and yet it hasn’t with no explanation from ANet.

That wasn’t an anual event, was a year specific quest or mission you had to complete at that time to get the skin. It must remain exclusive to people who were there at the time. It was fun, it was hard and special.
Please don’t bring that skin ever again. It’s one of the few time specific skins we have in all GW2.

New Trailer [discussion]

in Living World

Posted by: vicious.5683


3. This will be our first map with all 3 parts of mobility, land, water, and air/gliding!

did you forget Tangled Depths?

I am colorblind. Extra identifier for rarity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


Electro i think you are missing the point.

I’m color blind too. While you can know with a quick look if you have looted an exotic or a rare, I have to stop playing and browse every item with the mouse to make sure.

I’m not color blind and I do that too for every item I’m not familiar with. It takes 5 secs or so.

Necromancers have a high skill floor!

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


I’ve always known Necros have a high skill ceiling, I mean that’s probably cuz all I play in MMOs is Necros (or Sorcerer, whichever class they offer that’s closest). My IG name is my nickname irl simply because family and friends know I’m the Necromancer lol

Skill ceiling aside, Necros also isn’t too difficult to pick up. It takes some adjusting, learning that you’re meant to tough it out for the entire fight rather than kill your opponent in one hit, but it’s not too complicated to grab some lifesteal, beef up your offenses and go to town. That being said, it takes skill to actually sit down and perfect/master the Necromancer class (just like every other class) because you have 2 health bars to manage, you gotta know your Utilities, Traits, Combos, and Lifeforce management. Most amateur Necros will use Shroud as an emergency clutch or as their primary burst ‘weapon’ when in reality Shroud is meant to be woven in with your weapon rotations. Sitting in Shroud and trying to just land autos for Might/Vulnerability stacks is the perfect way to deplete your LF and essentially kill yourself. Whenever you swap into Shroud (speaking Reaper here) you want to pop (and shatter) your 3, pop your 5, dash in with your 1 (Frozen Aura) and spin to win with your 4 (Freezing Bolts). After that EXIT SHROUD and return to your rotations, don’t sit there with your autos using it as a shield until it’s bone dry.

Just my take on the matter though, everyone plays their own way and as such my opinion remains as nothing more than my opinion. I’m no pro, I’m still an amateur as well, I’m just agreeing with the OP.

sooo complicated, much skill ceiling, woooow