Tower of Nightmares launched two weeks prior to Blood and Madness, it was not a NEW release when Blood and Madness started, it was just available to play still during Blood and Madness, keep dreaming I suppose but you will be disappointed when Episode 8 DOESN’T happen while Wintersday is here.
They announced that Wintersday is going to be on Dec 16th this year, it was announced before Halloween. They have NEVER overlapped events so don’t expect it. Oh, and the only reason they haven’t officially re announced that Wintersday will be happening instead of the next Living World chapter is because they know it will kitten players off, after having given us TWO cliffhangers of which we’re no closer to resolving after this current episode. As far as I’m concerned, this episode was FILLER, thanks for that ANet right before ANOTHER break from the Living World….. Stop using cheap storytelling techniques like cliffhangers to keep people “hooked” and instead just tell a good story and tell a good portion of it every two weeks. I feel like we’re reverting back to the storytelling days of Season 1…..
I am correct in assuming this? With Wintersday, we shouldn’t expect any new Living World content until January? And with an unnecessary cliffhanger… Thanks
As the title suggests, I am looking for a guild, and would like to be in one that considers me more than their 301st member and pats themselves on the back for having such a large guild. No, I want to be included in things as well.
The last two guilds I have been in, I try to be active, been on their ts/vent and talk regularly in convos, but when it comes to getting dungeons or activities together, am I ever included? No, cause i’m just one of the members, not part of the “inner circle” that all helps each other out. Some common member like me? Naw, I don’t need any help.
People always compliment this game on it’s community, but I have yet to see this community everyone talks about. All I have ever seen is tiny cliques of players who help each other out and I can’t ever seem to get into any of them to save my life.
So please, help prove me wrong! I am looking for a guild that is decent in size 50+ members, must have a ts/vent (i find that it’s very important to communicate via voice in a game like this) and please please PLEASE be an inclusive guild, filled with people who would be willing to help a player, high ranked or low ranked in the guild.
I just want people to play with, friends to have, and not feel so alone in the game at all times :-(
You know, I really do feel for Gaile, she is, after all, just the messenger here and we have been riddling her full of our bullets. It was not Gaile’s decision to make this change and she is just communicating to us what the other devs tell her. Could she have said a couple things better? Maybe. But working in customer service myself, when a manager tells me to say a specific thing to an angry customer and I do, the customer might not like how I was told to say it or perceive it wrong. It can get tricky, but I believe that Gaile, and maybe even Anet isn’t to blame for this debacle glares at NCSoft
On a side note, I remember the good ol’ days in Guild Wars 1 when I would be playing and someone in my guild would yell out that Gaile’s in so and so a city and we’d flock to hear what she had to say. Now we’re just flinging poo at her, sorry Gaile :-(
I have a suggestion, release an expansion and I will shower you in money
See, that wasn’t so hard Anet, now if you could just give us a forum post like that regarding PvE.
I just hope that ANet is ready for the backlash they are going to receive for such a lackluster holiday.
Also, there is almost always at least a teaser trailer one week prior to the release of any new content, whether it is Living World or a holiday. The lack of a teaser trailer is disturbing to me. I think this is going to be one of the WORST Halloween’s this franchise will ever see.
Hey! We have so much to do in game now, that anet decided it would be better to hold halloween a bit.
Thanks a lot! =3
Maybe if you’re a new player, but to us vets, we have….. collections…. oh JOY! What awesome new content sigh
Seriously, with no mention of possible future expansions, if we have to confront each and every dragon through the Living World, how long do you think it will take for us to kill all of the Elder Dragons?
We’re already past the second year mark and we’re not that close to killing Mordy. I mean, 4 Living World content patches gave us the tiny zone of Dry Top…. Will it take 3 years per dragon? Cause if that’s the case that will string this games life out to oh, 15 years at that pace. Heck, WoW is on it’s 10th year now and they’re losing a lot of subscribers. Do you think this game will still be alive by the time we get to slay each dragon?
Which is every single map, the only times I have been able to see my mini’s is when I am in a dungeon with friends….. They need to do something about this or what is the point of minis if they don’t EVER show up? They are worthless is what they are.
I gotta ask, this patch was supposed to make it so no matter what map you went to your mini stayed out. I remember playing GW1 and people always had minis, and it was cool and meaningful to have one. I was excited about this patch cause wow, it will finally be how it should’ve been since launch. But what is the freaking point of having a mini when EVERY map I go to, the mini gets culled…. And I have my thing set to max. Still culled. So basically these minis are still as useless as they always have been. Is there going to be a fix on this Anet?
Why is the game lagging so much recently?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: webtoehobbit.4201
My game has “lost connection to the login server” 4 times this morning, this hasn’t happened all week, what has happene ANet? What is going on? This is rediculous, the sudden lag and disconnections, this is not on my end, I have changed nothing.
Besides, I don’t think anyone at ANet is as passionate about the lore as you are Konig, we all know how ANet views their lore. Malleable.
Konig, even with your explanation, I still don’t see how it’s impossible for the Shadow of the Dragon to be a memory of what a Sylvari experienced outside of the dream. It is a collection of memories and possible futures and whatnot.
I am with Rukh on this one, to say at this point, that the Shadow of the Dragon is still a representation of Zhaitan, well, I don’t see how that’s possible. The Shadow of the Dragon in this patch IS THE EXACT SAME ONE as in the dream, no differences look wise. To say that the looks are similar to Tequatl is pointless, cause the Pale Tree herself said that this one came directly from Mordremoth and if this one looks the same as the one in the dream, how can you deny it.
Look, I respect you as a lore hound and I respect all your knowledge on this stuff but I think you need to start letting this crusade of yours go maybe :-\ Sorry :-( I still love ya!
So, and not sure if this has been mentioned or asked. But the Shadow of the Dragon enemy we fought was the exact same one as we fought while in the Dream if you played Sylvari. Since the Dream is a collected consciousness of all the Sylvari then wouldn’t it make sense that a Sylvari would’ve had to have encountered the Shadow of the Dragon for it to appear in the Dream? Could Caithe have encountered it? Is this her secret? Or am I reading too much into this?
Just tried to do this for the achievement, only to find out that yes, the quest no longer is blocked from starting, it starts all right, however, no Mordrem spawn for the event. Mighty hard to get the achiev + finish the event without any monsters spawning for it…. This is rediculous that this event is bugged almost 2 weeks after launch.
Hogwash. My very reliable sources tell me that this is a real, undoctored rendering of the final encounter with Mordremoth.
Those graphics tho! Mind blown
Is it just me, or does the architecture of Arah slightly resemble the natural architecture of the Ley Line hub in Dry Top? Or maybe this has been discussed before? I always thought the architecture in Arah was interesting, with all the circles everywhere, anyone think this has any significance? Or do you think this is just coincidence?
On the eve of GW2’s second birthday and we still get patches like this…. I don’t understand.
I sure hope someone’s staying late to fix these problems. Honestly, in the state it’s in now, might as well have waited till tomorrow to release it. What we got today was a tease. Unbelievable
This is rediculous, sure after this fix the first boss for the main story chain spawns, and spawns and then spawns but the second boss? The one where you collect samples? Nope, one step forward two steps backwards ANet.
The last two updates launched much earlier than this…. Le sigh
Nuff said……
I’m just confused as to why I can’t even log in, I mean sounds like people are getting dc’d but I got dc’d and can’t even log back in….
Just connected via the internet, to my Minecraft realms server, every other game I have that uses the internet can connect just fine, so this is specifically an issue with GW2
I got logged out about 10 minutes ago, and haven’t been able to log back in. I get a message saying that I can’t connect to the log in server and that it may be a router or firewall issue? Cept I changed nothing with my firewall and I am posting this via my router, internet works fine. Also, when it tries to connect to GW2 and gives me that message about not being able to connect to the log in server, my internet seems to disconnect from the internet and then reconnects to my internet a few seconds later. But if I don’t try to log into GW2 internet works fine. Something is up.
Mad Queen Malafide, does lore really matter much anymore? I used to be really into the lore but since they named Mordremoth way out of context, and no explanation for it, why worry so much about lore and theories? ANet is going to do whatever they want to do with the story regardless of what we may or may not claim is fact and must be true, because they don’t seem to care either which way.
Human candidate, but the main part of the vote was the fractal we would get, and over and over people reiterated the point that, “We already know the lore of the Gods, we don’t want to hear that lore again.” Maybe people view Human lore as old lore since they were the ONLY race in GW1, I for one don’t miss Human lore at all, people want Asura, Norn and Sylvari Lore cause lets face it, they’re new to the playing field, Charr and Humans have been around since Pre Searing. I think the reason why we’re getting SO much Sylvari lore, is cause they are so new to the playing field of Tyria and the world needs more Sylvari lore. Once we’re done with Mordremoth, the lore will turn to another race, I am sure of it.
Humanity gets looked over even in their greatest nation (Orr) where they could have had the biggest lore impact
Well, the playerbase obviously doesn’t want Humanity lore, I mean look at the Kiel/Evon debacle, players chose Asura lore over Human lore. The playerbase has spoken and ANet has run with it. Thanks a lot Kiel supporters….. grumble grumble
People are claiming that this is an impossibility, but somehow Wildstar is currently doing just what is being asked, but without instances!
So, in Wildstar, the zones change based on the progress of your story, is it so hard for the fort at Concordia to appear non destroyed by vines until we have reached this part in the personal story? And for it to be on a character by character basis? No, I don’t think this would be too hard, likewise for Lions Arch, cept there would have to be a non destroyed Lions Arch instance or something, and then upon completeting (when it is release) the Living World Season 1 stuffs, then you log into the destroyed and current LA.
These things, I don’t think, are impossible to implement, but maybe since ANet didn’t have these things in mind pre launch they’d be harder to implement now? Sad thing is though Wildstar is doing a much better job at this currently lol
I will continue this discussion in the Lore portion of the boards, cause the name of an attack doesn’t mean we know the name of the beast, unless they scream the name of the attack out as it happens, just like when I attack people with my axes, they all have different names but people don’t know what my attack names are in game, they just see me swinging an axe. The Inquest probably know about the name of the Dragon but last I checked we never sat down and discussed such things with them…. But like I said, I will continue to discuss this on the Lore boards because all I’m going to get here is, “This game is the best, nothing is wrong with it.”
This is unacceptable from a lore perspective, this is worse than anything Scarlet ever did. I hope they hotfix this and have us get the name via a book or note in Scarlets room, that would be bearable, but this? Just unacceptable.
Thanks Jaken too, yes, when doing the first story instance of Season 2 I had this thought, did I miss an instance? I mean this name could’ve been revealed through us reading more into Ogdens book in Scarlets room, which might’ve had a name drop in there, or something, maybe reading a research note of Scarlet, since it’s assumed she had a more intimate knowledge of the dragons existence.
Thanks phaneo, I am talking from an in game perspective, but apparently people are ok with this blatant break of the 4th wall, where basically, it’s ok to take what players know outside of the game and then bring it into the in game world and make that knowledge fact, when our characters shouldn’t technically know it yet…..
The point I’m making is that MY character said the name first, when MY character, while out of game knew the name, in game had no way of knowing, other NPC’s might’ve been researching the name of this dragon, but then one of those all knowing NPC’s should’ve revealed the name, gosh.
How the heck does my character know that the name of the elder dragon is Mordremoth?? I literally just told Marjory what his name is….. How did my character discover this? How does ANYONE in Tyria know his name? Did it just come to me? UGHHHHHHH!!!!! COME ON ANET! DO THIS A LITTLE BETTER! LETS DISCOVER HIS NAME IN SOME ANCIENT TOME OR SOMETHING!
So here’s my gripe on guilds, too many of them aren’t helpful when they advertise they are helpful. They’re only helpful if your buddy buddy with the officers and guild leader, then they’ll include you in EVERYTHING and they’ll do things when you want them to. If you aren’t in that “inner circle” then they don’t care about me other than I’m one of the members that got them over 100 members so they can then advertise that they have a giant guild when they recruit people….
Here’s my other gripe, representation. I want a guild that requires 100% rep (cause it’s a stupid system that kills loyalty among guilds) and with that requirement I WANT THE LEADERSHIP OF THE GUILD TO ABIDE BY IT TOO! There have been a few guilds I’ve been in where I’ve been put on a “watch list” cause they don’t know who I am, despite trying to get involved but I’m just a nobody to them cause I’m not one of their “inner circle” members. Yet me being put on a “watch list” and being on the verge of getting kicked from the guild, of which I’ve rep’d 100% of the time, I see the leaders of the guild not repping and basically setting a double standard, of which I have no patience for.
So here’s what I’m looking for, a guild, not huge, not small, somewhere inbetween, where there’s an inclusiveness to it all, where I can ask for help or ask for people to run a dungeon with me and my message doesn’t just get tossed aside in guild chat like I never said it….. I am looking for a guild that REQUIRES 100% representation and that EVERYONE in the guild must abide by that. (I don’t care how close you are with a guildie and decide to let that one person not rep 100% cause you’re friends with him, that’s not acceptable)
Any guilds out there like this? Or is my theory correct, that ANet has killed the guild with Guild Wars 2 by implementing the representation system….. Please prove me wrong, I have been playing since launch and haven’t been able to find a guild to call home. Any other MMO I have no issues with this, but in this game, due mainly to the representation system, my guild experience has been ruined.
So my first thought when the zepherite mentioned a sylvari trying to kill the Master of Peace and then there were lots of knife wounds…. The first person that came to mind for me was Caithe, she wields daggers and in the book Edge of Destiny is pretty kitten and efficient at it too, then it turned out to be the other sylvari, but good catch OP, he doesn’t seem to wield daggers, so who knows.
I mean really, I understand that the world is inhabited by Elder Dragons, and stuff happens in a chaotic world, but lets recap shall we. First we had Kessex decimated by the Tower of Nightmares, then Lions Arch by Scarlet, and now the Zephyr Sanctum, presumably by a minion or minions of Mordremoth….
Why couldn’t Season 2 launch with us discovering a new zone already destroyed or corrupted by Mordremoth, why must you destroy the most beautiful zones?
(edited by Moderator)
I know this might be a little outdated since the Tower of Nightmares was a while ago, and maybe this has already been brought up (search tool on this site is lacking, but we all know that) but I was exploring Kessex on my Necro and was in Black Haven and overheard a conversation between an Asura of the Consortium named Subassessor Prongg. Attached are the screens of his convo both with the Lionguard there and a Quaggan survivor of the Tower of Nightmares and then what he says when you talk to him.
Now I know the Consortium is always looking to profit on anything, so maybe this is just nothing or maybe it’s a hint at some future project of the Consortium?
Once again everyone making suggestions, much appreciated, but as stated above, I have already tried every single one of those solutions (I’ve been doing a ton of research on this issue and what the fixes might be) and none of them work….
And yes I have submitted a ticket, when this first started, but no response from a dev, so thought I’d bring it on here. I want a response from a dev letting me know that they are looking into this. Please ANet, respond!
Have you all tried clearing your cache? Made sure your virus scans and/or malware detection programs aren’t interfering with the awesomium process? Checked the Tech Support and BLTC sub-forums for other hints/workarounds?
I wouldn’t be here still if ANY of those fixes worked, but alas they have not. I have tried every fix and work around and the response I usually get from players at that point is, “Well not sure then, good luck.”
No…. luck will not help me here, but some response from a dev acknowledging that this is indeed a bug and that there is going to be a fix for it might help me and the others having the same issue.
I want to spend real money in your gem store ANet, why don’t you fix this issue so you can get some of it?
I am using Windows XP as well, maybe this is the issue? Although it shouldn’t be an issue…
I could not access the trading post for two straight days now. Please fix this, Anet.
Been exactly two days here for me too…
Good they were absolutely useless anyways.