I just don’t wanna be screwed out of a meta because I can’t play 24/7 and keep up with the zerg…..
Sooooo, I really hope the death of the Heart of the Tower is timed to last two weeks, knowing how people zerg things to death this process better take a while, I don’t wanna have the Heart be destroyed a few days in and then the content is lost to us?
Could a dev please give us more details on this?
Last couple Living World updates hit at 9AM PST, why this one is late idk, but hope it hits at least at noon, i work at 3:30 and was hoping to get some time in to play it before work…. But knowing my luck they will release it at 3:00PM PST……
So, I have been considering purchasing the toxic gloves and shoulders for my sylvari character, since he wears leafy armor and I thought it might look awesome on him, however, when I click to preview the item, it ONLY shows the shoulders and gloves and not the rest of my armor (my sylvari wears light armor), yet on my norn, it shows the gloves and shoulders WITH his armor (norn wears heavy armor).
Now, in the description it says can be used with any weight type, so why can’t I preview it with light armor without my entire armor set disappearing??? Is this a bug? Can it be fixed? I might actually spend some REAL money on you ANet, but not if I can’t properly preview this armor, so please fix this for a potential sale. I am sure I am not alone in this train of thought.
So, I don’t really have anything constructive to add to this conversation, as I think there are many people in here already doing an amazing job of expressing everything I feel, but I did just want to interject and just give ANet a pat on the back for giving us this opportunity.
Not only that, but I imagine it’s a lot for them to take in (I myself am having a hard time reading all of these posts) with everyone giving their thoughts and opinions, so bravo ANet, I think this is definitely a step in the right direction, I look forward to what you have to bring us in the coming years
I can tell you what is in the tower….two blues and a green.
sigh I care more about the story and lore of this game than loot….
I have had my fair share of complaints with this game in the past, specifically about the Living World, but this thread really proves to me that people will complain about ANYTHING!
I personally love this update, for the first time in a long time I am actually drawn in by the story of this Living World update. I REALLY WANNA KNOW WHAT’S IN THE TOWER! I was worried about them killing the lore of the Krait with this patch but they haven’t, in the story instance we saw an Oratuss, we have a reasonable enough reason as to why the Krait are allying themselves with another faction, it’s actually all really well done from what I have played. Not to mention the buildup for all of this, with the trees all being cut down, the veil, etc, very nice job ANet, very well done.
Lastly, from looking at the picture from the next Living World update, maybe just maybe our theories of Scarlet being a minion of Mordremoth will end up coming to light
Lavos, demonic porcupine hell bent on destroying the world…..
Still a more compelling antagonist than Scarlet…..
I like reading these theories. Because it’s much more interesting than what actually happens in game.
And then you realize that these theories are the most exciting part of Guild Wars 2 and these theories have never and will never come to pass….. :’(
I am kinda done with this game, I’ll log on once ever two weeks, take a couple days to get all the achievements for whatever the Living World is and then don’t play for another couple weeks.
When something substansial like an expansion rolls our way, I prolly won’t be spending much time in this game at all. Pity, this game had such potential.
Maybe “Nightmare Magic” is just another term for Dragon Corruption via Mordremoth….
You know, the only time in Guild Wars 2 where the Krait have ever allied with other races is while under the influence of Zhaitan, as Risen Krait. Maybe under the influence of an Elder Dragon like Mordremoth, they would ally themselves with the Nightmare Court since it’s been theorized that they too are minions or at least allies of the Elder Dragon.
Well, the only power I could see them finding worthy of worship, would be an Elder Dragon…. The Nightmare Court themselves aren’t particularly worthy of worship, at least not in the eyes of the Krait I wouldn’t think.
Hmmmm, maybe. I am also wondering though, with all the Sylvari things as of late in the Living World, could this all maybe be a lead up to the reveal of Mordremoth? Earlier in the Living World story I thought it was all leading up to the reveal of the Deep Sea Dragon (I refuse to call it “bubbles” lol) But now, with Scarlet as the main enemy, her vision in the Eternal Alchemy, which to me seemed to kind of tie in with what might be an Elder Dragon, and now with the Krait and Nightmare Court? I don’t know, maybe the Court are indeed minions of some sort of Mordremoth (but not in the full sense as Sylvari are immune to Dragon corruption) and they promised the Krait the power of the Dragon Mordremoth?
Now, we haven’t officially seen any corrupted minions of Mordremoth that we know of, but the Krait in this trailer, well, that green glow, kinda has me thinking that maybe they are corrupted by an elder dragon? Just a thought
So, upon hearing about the Tower of Nightmares patch, and reading some of the threads about it in the Living World discussion about Scarlet and/or the Nightmare Court being possibly involved with the Krait, I immediately dismissed the possibility due to existing lore about the Krait, being Xenophobic and all, and pretty much fanatical about their religion, and then someone responded to one of my posts with a site basically confirming that indeed the Krait and Nightmare Court are in cahoots in this next patch….
I guess I am just wondering what everyone’s thoughts on this are, since the Krait working with any other race seems to kind of go against all lore currently existing about the Krait…..
Thoughts? Concerns?
Oh, also, just because something glows green, does not make it Nightmare Court, in fact, do they even glow green? I don’t recall that being a distinguishing feature of the Court…
We already know the Nightmare court is involved cause of the pre-veiws from Guildwars2Hub were they get to preview the stuff look at link ty http://www.guildwars2hub.com/features/editorials/tower-nightmares
Well that’s disappointing….. The Krait should not be working with anyone, and since it STILL hasn’t been explained how Scarlet got the Molten Alliance together in the first place, the story for the Krait and Nightmare Court will probably be as complex as, “they’re working together” and never get any good explanation for their alliance….
Please prove me wrong ANet, don’t destroy YOUR OWN lore!
So lately I have been getting myself down about the Living World updates and how they just seem meh as of late. I mean seriously, the last few Living World updates didn’t really seem to offer much in the content area. Today though, I had a random thought. Maybe these recent patches have been less “meaty” because they have taken some people off of the Living World teams to work on something bigger?
I mean, if that is the case, that would explain why these last few Living World updates have seemed to be rather light….
I don’t know, I could be completely wrong too lol
I am actually kind of excited about this patch and believe that there is more to the patch than ANet is letting us know, just knowing what a Krait Obelisk is, makes it exciting to think of what could happen in this patch. Not to mention that this will be a Scarlet/Sylvari free patch makes me even happier
Oh, also, just because something glows green, does not make it Nightmare Court, in fact, do they even glow green? I don’t recall that being a distinguishing feature of the Court…
Ok, people, please stop with the Scarlet and Faolain theories, I am willing to go on a limb and say that they are 100% wrong. It would go against pretty much all lore behind the Krait to have them team up with anyone, they are Xenophobic and really only care about their religion, which involves Krait Obelisks, which is obviously what is being built in Kessex. I’ll link the wiki page on the Krait so you can all read it yourselves, but what is more likely happening is they have built the obelisk to bring back, or “summon” if you will, one of the Krait prophets, which, as stated in the wiki page, will then bring with them massive armies to wipe out all life.
Also, according to the wiki, Obelisks mark the site of “ascension” of ancient Krait prophets. Knowing that the location of this Obelisk is right above where the Krait Bloodwitch event happened, I don’t think it’s outside the realm of reality to speculate that what’s really going on is maybe the Bloodwitch herself is trying to “ascend” somehow to bring back one of their ancient prophets.
Anyway, here’s the link for the wiki article http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Krait
Please please please read up on the Krait and lets stop this speculation about Scarlet and Faolain, because it would go against all existing lore for them to team up with anyone.
You lost me at expansion. I ain’t paying $60 for additions to this game when they’re giving them out for free.
I have never understood these type of comments, “Well I’m not paying for expansion” or “I can’t afford that” Really?! Look at other game series, like Call of Duty, or Madden, heck, even Mass Effect. The first couple series I mentioned come out with new games almost yearly it seems, at least Madden does, and people don’t whine and say, “Oh I can’t afford that” they keep making games and people keep buying them. And as far as Mass Effect goes, it’s like saying, well I played the first Mass Effect and then I will never play the rest of the series cause I can’t afford it…. People WILL buy expansions for GW2 specially if it includes a new region, a new elder dragon, so keep whining but you are not the majority of the player base.
Living World dailies should only be there to supplement if you can’t do all of the actual Living World’s achievements, or don’t want to. But there should ALWAYS be enough achievements in the current Living World to finish the meta, the dailies should only be there to finish up things if one of the achievements is a little too tough for you to do. Twilight Assault was a particularly terrible Living World as it’s time gated achievements relied ONLY on dailies…. I am afraid since the last couple of Living World events have relied heavily on these daily achievements just to get the meta that this is the start of a trend…
I bet like 60%+ of the player base would sign it ……
well at least those who read the forums……..
Which cuts it down to 2% of the playerbase (give or take 50%). I dont think any online petition is going to sway them in this regard (I also think they would like to do one but dont get the funding greenlit).
You think they wouldn’t have the funding to do an expansion? First off, look at Guild Wars 1, an expansion every 6 months to a year, and their in game store was not as expansive as the one in Guild Wars 2. They are making bank off of the gem store, enough to be able to do new content every two weeks. They have the funding to do an expansion, and ANet has even said recently that they haven’t fully decided yet as to how to proceed with content updates, whether they stick with the Living World or whether they do a full fledged expansion, so it’s not a lack of funding, rather, a lack of direction. More than a year after release, I would hope that the company has a clear direction on where they want to take this game…
I am officially burned out, all I do is log in, do my dailies, and log out. When new living world content comes out, I log in, complete EVERYTHING in like two days, for achievements, since that is really what the living world boils down to, achievements. I do not care anymore for the content of the living world events, as thus far, there have been NONE with any sort of compelling stories. All I have to look forward to is a new disjointed story arc, one of the many, that will never be touched on again, and if they do decide to touch on it, it will maybe be a couple lines of dialogue, which is the equivalent of reading a page every few months of a book…..
I mean seriously, ESO is looking tantalizing at this point….
While I’m on this topic, does anyone know if a petition expressing a want for an expansion for Guild Wars 2 exists? Cause I would sign one in a heartbeat!
Man, this game could use an expansion right about now, am I right?
So, I have to wonder, we have had all sorts of living world updates, and they all seem so disjointed, the stories never seeming to really come together, or connect, or finish up at all. But why is this? Now, I can understand leaving one or two storylines open, but it seems like EVERY single Living World updates just introduces a brand new arc that never gets connected or explained or finished, we have so many story arcs going on it’s not even funny.
Here’s my theory, maybe ANet is hesitant to finish existing Living World story arcs because any new players wouldn’t be able to really know what’s going on? Since there is absolutely no way of going back and replaying parts of a story (as you would easily be able to do with an expansions) new players would feel “lost”. We have all heard talk of a system that they hope to implement into the game that at least will recap what has happened Living World wise, and maybe we won’t see any conclusions to any of these story arcs until that system is implemented…..
Thoughts? Comments?
- First off, let me say, I am currently on Crystal Desert, but nothing is holding me here, I am ready, willing and able to transfer servers, granted I find a guild that suits my needs, thus why the topic does not specify a server.
So, this guild thing, it’s getting rather exhausting finding a guild, running into the same ol’ crap and then having to keep hopping from one guild to the next. I’m currently guildless and thought maybe I’d try the boards, maybe more guilds would see this and I could possibly find what I’m really looking for.
First off, let me explain what I mean bout the “same ol’ crap”, by that, I mean there being a core group of players in the guild, mainly guild leaders/officers, who do everything, but only with each other, they never bother to invite anyone else, and really, why have anyone else in your guild if you’re gonna be selfish bout what you do and when you do it, and then only do it with that one small core group. Continuing with that train of thought, I have been in both big and small guilds since this game launched, and one other thing that just absolutely irks me is the fact that most guilds want me to do things on their schedule, which is fine, but whenever I ask to do something I’m lucky if anyone responds…..
So, having explained that, I think you may now understand where I am coming from when I say that I am looking for a guild where I will actually matter, where I can get a group for a dungeon with guild people when I want to do it, as I am willing to do it on other people’s schedules too. A guild that is active and preferably mainly focused on PvE.
I am a HUGE lore hound and love anything and everything related to lore in this game, so finding a guild that not only does dungeon runs but is ok with me not skipping every dang cutscene cause I actually want to hear the story, at least once, that would be amazing.
Anyway, not that I have my hopes set high or anything like that, just thought I’d post on here see if maybe I actually get a response from a guild that can meet my expectations, if not, I can get by with the LFG tool.
(edited by webtoehobbit.4201)
The fact that you just compared your time with this game to a marriage, is incredibly sad…. Just sayin.
I don’t know about all ‘yall, but to me, where the heck has Destiny’s Edge been? They were such an integral part to the story of the game and then since living world hit, they have just, idk, taken vacation?
And in all honesty, it hasn’t really bothered me up until now, with the new Tequatl Rising content update. A new evolved stronger dragon champion, and all they send is Rox??? Destiny’s Edge should be there fighting along side all of us, imo.
….. I mean did ANet just forget about them? Are they trying to sweep them under the rug? Why is Destiny’s Edge absent from basically every single huge event that has happened since the felling of Zhaitan. If we don’t get a vacation from these world changing events, then why do they?
Sooooo, at first I thought the voice was just some random narrator chick, then the voice got all weird at the end, maybe it’s a Largos voice? Idk, and maybe it’s not significant at all but just, indeed, some random narrator voice haha. Anyway, just a random thought.
Bugged Associate of Baubles Achievement
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: webtoehobbit.4201
Yes, when I ran it with my friend as stated earlier, we both killed the boss, got the baubles out of the chest and he got the achievement when the timer ran out, I, however, did not. I also killed the boss and waited till the timer ran out the second time too. I am not making this stuff up, this is seriously bugged for some of us, please fix asap.
Bugged Associate of Baubles Achievement
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: webtoehobbit.4201
But both times, I have not used a continue….
Bugged Associate of Baubles Achievement
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: webtoehobbit.4201
So, last night a friend and I ran through World 2 Zone 1 and collected ALL the baubles, at the end, he got the achievement for Associate of Baubles but I did not… I collected every single one that he did. I thought maybe I missed one, so I went through it again today and collected every single one of them, once again, did not get the achievement.
This is extremely frustrating, I want to complete these achievements, but what’s the point if they’re bugged? It takes time to go through these worlds collecting all this stuff, only for it to not count? Please fix this ASAP!
Revamp Zhaitan as they are doing Tequatl, make it have more rewards and people would experience it more often, for goodness sake, we’re talking about an Elder Dragon!! Elder Dragons should be the one dropping unique ascended weapon skins and such, not just a general.
So, revamping Tequatl sounds okay but seriously, what about revamping Zhaitan?? That one needs much more work.
Just a suggestion ANet…
I was thinking today, ANet has said that these living world updates (by the way, I love how they dropped the term “story” from “living story” since they all seem to be void of any story…) are basically supposed to replace what an expansion would give. That’s great, but how are they supposed to add in new races?
As far as they’ve told us, their entire team is broken into four separate teams, each only getting a four month period to add a months worth of content to the game. They have said that they would add new races to the game, but the more I thought about it today, how could they? I mean, is four months enough to create the capital city of that race? To create that race’s own personal story? Animations and all of that? Doesn’t seem possible to do all of that within four months, but maybe I am wrong.
I am really starting to fear that we won’t really be getting any worthwhile content like new races or dragons until this game starts losing players and in turn losing money from sales from the gem store, at which point ANet will be all, “Oh, hey guys look! We have an expansion! Please come back to the game!” Cause currently, what incentive do they have to create any meaningful content when people are eating up the crap they are serving currently?
What happens to MF on Celestial?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: webtoehobbit.4201
Moreso, my question is, those laurels I spent on the +20% magic find, what happens there???? Do I get a refund of laurels? Does that 20% get applied to my account wide magic find? Or am I just gonna get screwed? I really hope a dev responds to this cause I really wanna know.
So was randomly searching through Guild Wars 2 art and this picture came up in the search, upon clicking the link to the site, it’s a site featuring some of Daniel Dociu’s concept art, some of which ended up being loading screens for zones that are now in the game. One of them featured in the gallery is a city built on top of giant gears and well, maybe this is the world of the steam creatures? I don’t know for sure but sure is fun to think about the possibilities
Here’s a link to the site: http://unrealitymag.com/index.php/2010/11/23/a-gallery-of-awesome-guild-wars-2-art-from-daniel-dociu/
One of my guild members mentioned this area and showed it to us. What do you guys think it could be??
Just wanted to give a big thanks to ANet for that Living Story instance of the Opening Ceremony. Hands down it was the first story instance that has me really and truly excited for what is to come with this story. I am really not seeing much talk about it at all, which surprises me, I mean with the aetherblades possibly using steam creature portal tech and the fact that they can somehow control the Watchknights? Seeing Braham and Rox for the first time since Flame and Frost, oh, and was that Scarlet?? Cause if that was, then Scarlet is a Sylvari so HA! I never believed in any of those “Kiel is Scarlet” theories anyway lol.
But anyways, thanks ANet, keep up the good work I look forward to what you have in store for us next
I am not sure if this has been brought up at all before, probably, but the search engine on the boards seems broken. Anyway, so I was wondering if anyone else thought that maybe the Gods have some sort of connection to the Elder Dragons, here’s my thinking….
So, we know there are six dragons, and there are six Gods, and the Gods appeared after the Elder Dragons originally were “put to sleep”. Also, each drsgon seems to take after the Gods in a way. The most obvious correlation is Zhaitan and Grenth, both basically have the undead in common. Then you have Primordus and Balthazaar with the fire thing. And then the jungle dragon and Melandru have the nature thing in common. Maybe the Gods have more of a connection to the Dragons than we think? Maybe when the dragons all go to sleep again once we defeat them all, the Gods will return? Maybe it’s a cycle?
Just one correction to your post, http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Bloodstone there are still two Bloodstones not accounted for. Not saying the one in the throne room is one haha but there are two MIA, if you will.
So, not sure if this has been brought up at all, but I did a search on the forums and couldn’t find any discussion about this at all. So here goes…
I was exploring Divinity’s Reach this evening on my fourth alt, which would make this my fourth time exploring DR, and I JUST NOW noticed that the big ol’ stone sitting up behind the throne in the throne room, and at that moment tonight, it somehow screamed bloodstone to me. After this thought I looked up on wiki to get a refresher as to what the one in Maguuma from GW1 looked like, and this one definitely doesn’t match the markings on that one but I know there are several scattered throughout the world, so who knows?
I have yet to play through the human story so maybe the stone’s origin is explained via that story arc, but if not, I would lean towards it being a possible bloodstone….. maybe, and here’s my thought process for it….
Even though I have not yet played the human story, I do know that the White Mantle is still around and about. And we all know that they used the bloodstone back in GW1. And lately, with the story of Marjory Delaqua on this site, about the shady stuff that’s happening in the upper echelons of Divinity’s Reach, why couldn’t it be a bloodstone? Maybe the White Mantle have more power there than we realize?
Once again, I have yet to play the human story yet, so this entire thread may be making me sound stupid, as all of this may be explained through that arc, but it was just a thought and I wanted to share it.
Esplen, do you have a source for that information? Or is that just a guess?
So, I am seeing things about this finale event on June 18th with the effigies and the story instances, but I am not seeing a time frame of when this will be available. Is it just on the day of June 18th? Or will this be available for a few days?
Clarification on this would be greatly appreciated because I cannot find anything other than just the 18th. This would be unfortunate news as I will not be available that specific day…
Does anyone even do this event?
Any server that this is currently uncontested on??
Thanks for the reply Scrambles, gave me kind of an idea of what to do
I am glad to have someone in the same spot, I mean not glad that your ele is a hot mess but glad that I am not alone. I have an 80 warrior, which is easy peasy, and then I rolled an engineer which I got to 80 and while it was different I was able to find a good build for it, but ele…. Idk, I was excited about playing it but I am having so much trouble finding what to focus on, or what I should do.