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Best farming method for gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


Since I returned to GW2, I’ve been running through areas I used to when I was gathering for crafting Ascended gear. Gathering and selling adds up pretty nicely. I’ve also gone around doing some World Bosses and Temple events. I always liked the open world aspect of GW2. Too often other MMOs focus too much on dungeons and instanced content but GW2 always has had a large focus on open world content.

Best farming method for gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


I stopped playing for almost a year but am back and probably will stay indefinitely. What’s good to farm now days for gold and anything else? My characters had ascended gear etc so there was little to farm for before and still isn’t but farming was always fun and I should stock up anyways just in case.

DPS is broken and we are tired of it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


These types of threads are a common thing in MMOs and essentially amount to nothing. In GW2, we do not have actual Tanks or Healers but instead we have skills and the ability to avoid damage, cleanse conditions etc. If someone is taking burning damage then they need to cleanse it or someone else in the group should cleanse it. It really is simple and in no way complex.

These types of threads talk about gloom and doom, the end of a MMO, the game is dying, people are going to quit yet it never happens. If a few people quits, Anet could care less because there’s always new players replacing those that quit and each new player has to buy the game so that’s money Anet makes.

I’m all for helping people in game with anything they need help with, including learning certain mechanics but if anyone wants to quit because they failed to properly learn how to play the game then so be it. Anet put a lot of work into the combat in this game and it is quite good. The combat in this game is not basic like most MMOs where you have your Tank keeping damage from coming your way and your Healer holding your hand keeping you from dying when you mess up.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


I’m going to respond to some things but no need to quote everyone. For those that do not feel the expansion will be worth $50, you can do what I might consider doing and just wait until the expansion is put on sale later on since Anet will put it on sale a few times each year after it’s been released for at least 6 month or longer, maybe even sooner than that if the expansion doesn’t sell as well as they hope it will initially.

I don’t mind spending money on a game but personally I can’t see $50 for an expansion ever. I know this will including any and all future updates for the expansion over the upcoming years but at first I just can’t see an expansion being worth $50. This past year, I have been playing a variety of games rather than wasting away countless hours on one single game so if it’s several months before the price goes down then I’m fine with that.

The whole routine of wanting to have it all asap, immediately, first etc is just such a chore more so than fun. I pre-ordered the original game so I was on it before release and on the day of release but there’s really no reason to be in a rush to have anything on this game. I always felt this game was designed more so for story telling and open world adventures since it’s always been easy to get gear.

The gear grind in other MMOs is what sucks up most of our time but that’s never been an issue for me with GW2. When the expansion releases, I’ll see what people say about it but most likely I’ll wait for the price to come down because no expansion is worth almost the cost of the entire base game itself.

should i "come back" to the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


Jumping puzzles largely were for achievements and treasure chests but not required. Jumping puzzles are intended to be fun and by many they are fun especially to completionists and explorers. On the upcoming expansion it seems like some areas will require things like gliding to get there but I would assume the game will remain mostly as it has been and such things will be mostly optional.

Please help me find my niche.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


Large guilds do guild missions, dungeons, open world things, jump puzzles, leveling etc. A good guild would welcome someone that wants to learn everything and in turn help everyone else that wants to learn something to learn more. It’s a cycle that is too often shunned on other MMOs. The more knowledgeable players we have, the more fun everyone can have.

Something I’ve learned in past years on other MMOs is that if you help someone that others may not help, that person can eventually become a knowledgeable and skilled player that can contribute far more to the game and this person would be more likely to help others that need it. It’s a circle that can provide endless benefits to almost everyone so it should never be ignored.

On GW2 it starts with a guild and from there you can roam the open world and help anyone that needs help.

Returning Player looking for info..

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


Since GW2 isn’t a gear treadmill you won’t see a lot changed regarding gear except for Ascended gear is slightly better than Exotic gear but very easy to obtain from FOTM or crafting. Materials for crafting ascended gear can be obtained in the open world so that’s easy as well, I can’t remember offhand ingredients but I am just returning from a 6 month break from the game.

Engineer has lots of gadgets, few weapons to choose from but utility skills offer you extra unique weapons. A lot of Engi’s power is from AOE but not restricted to AOE but yea there’s many opinions but I would say that’s a big part. Engi has good AOE and other useful skills.

GW2 is not a gear treadmill, it’s largely story driven and content based. There’s plenty to do in the open world and in dungeons and instances so you really can just enjoy the game. Try different classes, you can easy get your weapon skills and just buy the cheapest junk weapons while you’re level 2 or 3 and try them to decide what you like and if you are uncertain you can always create another character and repeat until you find what you think you’d want to stick with long term.

lets talk healing power and roles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


Many MMOs have healers, tanks and such but everyone that has played other MMOs will know that dps classes and dps builds are by far the most popular. I’ve seen in more than one MMO in past years where there would be a terrible shortage of healers and tanks. It can cause people to sometimes wait upward of an hour to run a dungeon or a raid because of having to wait in a queue for healers and tanks or spend time trying to find them for the party.

On Guild Wars 2 it truly doesn’t matter what classes everyone in the party uses, that really is a matter of preference. That seems to be what Anet wanted GW2 to be like so that everyone can run content without having to invest time looking for specific classes to be able to run the content they want to run.,

There isn’t a perfect compromise but there could be some ideas, however it’s extremely unlikely Anet would ever do it because it would improve a reasonable taxing overhaul to things in the game. Content could be modified to force the need for actual support roles but how many players would quit because they bought GW2 because it doesn’t force us to need support roles?

If Anet modified classes to be more support then how many people would stop using that class or just quit the game? Each MMO is supposed to be as unique as it can be and I think it’s great that GW2 has no support roles. Some content is just so easy that it really doesn’t matter but some content can force people to work together and overall do more to complete the content which in turn should be more fun and entertaining for most.

I’ve been there done that with the running my main as a healer on DC Universe Online, my main alt was a tank. Originally I decided to go healer after having raided with too many fail healers so I wanted to try it out in hopes of improving the chances of raids not failing and I got very good as a healer. When I got to be one of the best healers on the game it became boring when a 2nd healer was present. The raids were designed to need 2 healers but I was able to solo heal and did so to make the raids more entertaining.

That game was supposed to run 2 tanks in raids also but it was easy for tanks to solo tank. I just used DCUO as an example but there’s no need in me going on about that or any other MMO further since this is GW2 forums. My point of this is the healer class, probably more so than tank, is reasonable unpopular in MMOs. I know this doesn’t hold true for all MMOs but overall it does more times than not.

Let’s all be completely honest here. Let’s say Anet did modify whatever they had to to proper implement a more proper and useful healer role. This would require a massive overhaul in skills and adding more functions and it would really just be as taxing as creating an entire expansion just for that or they could add a new class devoted to healing which would probably not be very popular if it couldn’t dps.

While people enjoy having a healer heal them, nobody enjoys spending time looking for a healer for their party. The theme of healer roles works and it doesn’t work. Anet chose to be unique and not have full support roles. Now everyone can have the freedom to play how they want to play. There are not that many people that would enjoy running a healer as their main character.

Anyone that wants a healer is either in the minority or just wants a healer to babysit them in dungeons. This may not be what some want to read and some may disagree with it or deny it which is their choice. GW2 will very likely never have a heavy support class. Guardian is probably as close to that as GW2 will ever get. Everyone needs to work together and enjoy the content the game has to offer without the need to spend an hour finding a healer.

Every class can be a dps and provide reasonable support though. Each class has some useful skills that can benefit the entire party. I know it’s a matter of opinion but it really is best how it is.

I know this was a long post lol but hopefully some people will read it. Here is another reason it’s good there are no healers and tanks in GW2, I never have to spend time waiting on a specific class to run any dungeon I want to run. All the time saved by not having to wait gives me more time to do other things like get caught up a bit on some TV shows.

Confused. (That's nothing new)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


Bi-weekly updates used to be largely related to the Living Story content but since Anet started getting the expansion ready it would seem they’re focusing more on the expansion than routine game updates for now.

Where did all the players go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


It’s sad to see all that great stuff from Season 1 being unavaible for new players and not replayable for the rest; really bad planning.

It has always seemed like poor planning making Season 1 of Living Story temporarily change the game only to later remove it making it impossible for players that were not present for it to ever enjoy it. If this were a single player game then it would be different but everyone knows that players come and go on MMOs. Everyone knows that new players try out MMOs that are new to them. Regardless of how many years a MMO is around it will still have new players and those new players miss out on some content.

Casual players and the community.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


It really depends on what questions the new player is asking. If someone is new to a dungeon then they should watch a youtube video if they want to have an idea of what to expect because the video will do more than something typing it ever could. If it’s something that can be explained easily in game then it’s good to be helpful. The only problem I’ve had was way back when I used to pug dungeons somewhat regularly there would every now and then be someone that obviously didn’t know what to do and chose to not say anything instead of at least saying it’s their first time and asking if there is anything they need to know.

Responding with negatively to a question is not ideal but we humans are free to say what we want even if it’s screwed up so if someone says something screwed up it’s simple enough to ignore it and move on. If I’m running dungeons then I’m probably not in any rush but sometimes in the open world if I’m doing my own thing like gathering or achievements on alts or anything similar then often times I don’t even pay attention to anything past Guild chat.

As I said it really depends on if someone is busy or even paying attention. It also depends on if someone even tries to find any information on their own. I’ve seen some annoying people before that would just constantly ask questions on chat but I just ignore people like that. If someone has a few questions that’s fine but if someone is asking a lot of questions then they probably should be researching a bit outside of the game because even the nice people probably won’t stop playing to answer 20 questions.

I haven’t experienced negative people myself but I know there are some in every MMO. Guild Wars 2 community is probably better than most MMOs because there is no gear treadmill and it’s so easy to get everything without spending a lot of time. On Many MMOs people are in a rush because it could take them months to get whatever it is they’re after where as on this game it’s a lot more of a relaxed environment. The players that want more of a hardcore experience usually have static groups to run things with so it is what it is.

Event incentives

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


There really is no point in caring what certain people are doing. There will always be those that prefer the farming trains, that’s been a part of GW2 for a long time. I never did pug dungeons and instances much because I usually do those with people in my Guild or people I know. Making gold is far too easy to have to follow the zerg in a train mindlessly farming for hours though, that’s just not needed at all.

I’ve never had a hard time making more gold than I can spend and I very rarely bother with the farming trains. I’ve been off GW2 for a few months but am returning but I used to do all of the content. I would do temple events, different open world events, dungeons, fractals, pvp, wvw etc. The need for gold is not that high in this game unless you want select things that are expensive.

Having the gear with the right stats is cheap and not time consuming so feeling the need to make a ton of gold is a preference, it’s never a requirement. I always liked that on GW2 I felt like I could play how I wanted to and do what I wanted to. GW2 never was like the typical MMO where end game is defined by how many hours you can grind for gear or how much money you can dump into a cash shop.

GW2 always felt like a do what you want to do when you want to do it type of MMO to me. It is what you make of it and if you ever find yourself not having people for something you want to do then you need to make new friends in the game and maybe find yourself a Guild with helpful, friendly and fun people that will enjoy doing a variety of things in the game.

As soon as someone lets a game make them feel like they “need” to be doing this or that then it’s time for a break or time to take a step back and look at things because this isn’t a Korean MMO, there’s no need or requirement to endlessly farm on GW2. It’s all a choice and a preference but never an actual requirement. Opinions will vary on that but it’s still how Anet wanted GW2 to be.

Some people prefer the grind and the appeal of working towards new and better gear but on GW2 it’s easy to get the right gear stats so it really is what you make of it.

playing GW2 just cuz it's not subscription?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


Paying a monthly subscription can be compared to the difference in renting a home or buying a home, in a way or getting a car payment compared to buying a car in cash. I am fine with buying games as I had pre-ordered GW2 but I only pay for what I want and only exactly what I want. A monthly sub is a general payment and that just never would work for me ever.

If Anet adds things to the gem store that I want, it’s simple enough to buy whatever it was that I wanted. If I want to take a few months off like I recently did, that’s fine too. I’ll probably start getting on GW2 again soon but if it had a monthly sub then most likely I would have never returned after the first time I took a few month break from the game.

The pay to play monthly subscription model is not dead but it certainly is not nearly as common as it once was. A lot of people now days play multiple games and often may not feel a single game is worth a set monthly investment. If a developer wants people to flock to a MMO with a monthly sub and happily pay it then perhaps a developer should create and release an actual original and unique MMO with well let’s say with things done vastly differently than what is considered normal.

Far too often MMOs are released and they’re different yes but overall they’re the same thing over and over. Mages, Wizards, Warriors, Tanks, Healers, Swords, Daggers, Bows and Arrows, Fireballs etc etc. I know there are a few MMOs that explore what can be and some are sci-fi but I would personally like to see a MMO really make use of the sci-fi potential.

I don’t know who is familiar with it but Mass Effect 1, minus the 3rd person shooting, could be a partial template to look at. Obtaining a space ship but no need for battles in space with ships but instead using it as a means to travel to other planets in the game. Instead of running on foot from one map to the next we could have different planets to explore and quest on, run raids on etc.

If a developer ever wanted to attempt this they could also do such a simple thing as to honestly and genuinely ask people’s opinions and poll certain things. Then the developer could take the most requested ideas to use for future content updates to create new content that the majority of players would want rather than creating what the developers would want.

We all know that most MMOs have weak and even often pathetic story lines that many simply skip. GW2 wasn’t bad on stories but if I want a game with a really good story then I would find a single player game that suited that. I play a MMO for the combat, exploration and social aspect of running content with people and just enjoying it.

I know some of this post is off topic but also relevant. GW2 I think is a fun game, I think the player community is more social and friendly than many other MMOs I’ve played but GW2 overall is still the old and over used dungeons and dragons generally themed game. I used sci-fi in my idea because it’s pretty much the opposite yet equal to the fantasy setting.

Both offer developers near unlimited freedom to be creative in ideals and design. Any MMO designed more on modern times would be too restricted and the dragons and such things have been over used for well over a decade in MMO after MMO. I know there is the SWTOR but although that is free to play, there’s some money grab restrictions that require a monthly sub to unlock.

I know Anet got my money long ago when I bought GW2 and from gem store but I think my overall point is that developers should stop thinking they know best and ask the players what they want and design content based on player response. It just seems too simple to not be done because if a developer makes content how the majority of players wants it to be then the majority of players surely would be completely happy with the game and more willing to spend money on the game and play the game longer.

An expansion forthcoming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


An expansion would be nice but from what I’ve seen so far and what I’ve seen people from Anet say.. My guess would be Anet will plan to open up more of the game world through living story similar to how Dry Top was done but I think many can agree on one thing, if Anet wants to keep the majority of players happy they might want to consider adding a bit more.

Dry Top wasn’t bad but that’s just going to be part of an already existing area, simply more of it opened up. From what I’ve seen, I think many people would like to see new continents opened up. This could work through living story if Anet simply just does it. Anet also needs to realize that the market for MMOs gets more competitive every year and Anet really is going to have to step it up if they want to have GW2 as a top MMO over the next few years and not lose a ton of players to other MMOs releasing over the next couple of years.

Heartwarming Video lol

in Community Creations

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


The problem is that the people that actually develop the games are not the ones making the overall larger decisions on what is and isn’t going to be done within a game. People at the top, as it is with most, if not all, companies will have their set of rules and guidelines. They will have their overall idea on what all they want and on a MMO priorities can change since MMOs are live games that typically receive several content updates a year for several years.

The developers that many run their mouth about are not truly the ones at fault as they are doing a job within the guidelines and restrictions they have to work with. If they don’t follow this then often said people will be replaced with other people equally as talented that will do what is asked of them.

I think the real problem is that too often MMOs end up being a bottomless pit for people to toss their hard earned money into rather than a truly unique and changing but improving gaming experience month after month. Even if some things, especially textures, need to be rehashed then so be it. If that adds more areas to explore and more events and quests to enjoy then that would keep players imo.

If a company wants to make more money from a MMO then they should simply get smarter with the gem stores, cash shops etc. They should add non-pay2win items that will be desirable enough that people will happily spend money on it. Lots of games rehash things but if done right it can look and feel different, it can even look new. It kittentainly be enjoyable.

Living story is fine but so much more can be done without any real extra effort. I never was a developer but close enough. I used to create detailed maps, character models and other things in games over the years in the past. If it wasn’t that time consuming for me to do then surely these big companies could tell their dev teams and allow them to push out more content.

Companies could also benefit from players simply wanting a better game and providing test servers for potential future content and allow some of the players to test and provide feedback. I know some games have done this but it’s just one way to reduce cost while pushing out more content without devs having to sit and test and nitpick through every single thing added.

Recount would be great

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


This could be useful if it only shows your own stats privately so that you can tweak your builds and improve in whatever areas you felt you needed to. This, however would be bad if everyone could see what everyone in the party does because then we would have more people being kicked for not playing as good. If someone wants a good party and/or has limited time then it would be best to do guild runs or simply pug and be social and meet new like-minded and similarly skilled players to add to your friends list to party up with later. Anyone that pugs should expect some of the runs to not go well.

This "Season 2"...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


This type of thing is a no win for everyone involved, including Anet but is pretty routine for the majority of MMOs. If they release an expansion there will be people that go through it really fast and then complain about not having anything to do. Some might prefer the LS updates every 2 weeks so they feel like they’re getting something more frequently.

Anet probably is keeping a reasonable amount of things to themselves that they are working on and my guess would be they don’t want to say too much on projects being worked on in case something doesn’t work out on their end with it and maybe they would have to make some changes.

I think they need to realize that more and more each year there are more games to choose from and if they don’t keep things fresh and add new things for everyone to do then some people might go to another game. Maybe people that go to another game would come back later or maybe not. Sometimes it feels like Anet is tweaking and improving an already finished game but MMOs are supposed to be designed to have new content rather than be a final version upon release.

I think the game needs new areas with actual events more like the lower and mid level maps that have lots of events all over the maps. Some of these events get ignored or over looked but they’re still there and some are done by enough people but areas like Southsun Cove are sometimes more like wasted space but with plenty of potential. The new area Dry Top is okay but could be a lot better and definitely with more to do.

Even Cursed Shore and Malchor’s Leap have plenty of events to do and other things to do. For those of us who were on this game at or before its release have already played very likely well over 1000 hours and just can’t get the same enjoyment out of doing things in maps we’ve gone through countless times.

I like that Anet tries to bring new content every 2 weeks but although I don’t care about an expansion I would like to see new maps. There is a lot of blurred space on the world map to be used. This game is over 2 years old now and they’ve barely touched the world map with adding in new areas. I do enjoy the stories in GW2 but would also love to see more new areas to go to and enjoy as those are what adds to the game the most especially long term.

We do the story through once on 1 character and if we do it on alts then it’s likely just skipping through the story to get to whatever we’re going to. The bulk of any MMO is fighting and exploring so new areas would add the most by far to this game I think.

Everything released will not satisfy everyone but at least new areas to go to and do a lot of different things would provide more to do for most. I would like new maps with maybe renown quests and such or if anything something to do other than get X amount of this or that to buy this skin or bag of junk from a merchant.

I will say though LS Season 2 just started and although Dry Top isn’t what I was hoping for, it is a much better start than LS Season 1 so I’ll just wait and see what all they do.

Drop Rate Too Low

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


Anet doesn’t want us to have the shinies. There’s nothing really that can be done about that except to find other ways to make gold.

Superior Sigil of Bloodlust/stacking sigil

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


I wish Anet would make up their mind and stop screwing with things like this. If a stacking sigil is intended to reset upon entering water and changing to underwater weapons then really anet should just remove stacking sigils and replace them with something different.

Stacks disappear underwater

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


I would love to know if this is a bug or is intended because I would rather not buy more sigils for weapons that currently didn’t need them and then find out it was a bug and have wasted that gold. With ascended weapons being account bound I have many I place in bank to share between alts but many of them don’t use stacking sigils. I just use a stacking sigil on certain weapons, ones used more but i’m also not wanting to spend potentially 100ish gold on more sigils unless i have to so i’m hoping this is just a bug.

Dungeons, do they need to be fixed?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


Dungeons are what you make of them. If you are unhappy with how some pugs in LFG play then start your own group or join a Guild with like minded players. I rarely pug anything because I don’t like to skip mobs or stack. I prefer to enjoy the content my way but there are people that wants to get through the content fast and that is their choice. The options for everyone are there, use it.

Loot = Why We Play (Stop the Nerf)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


My problem with loot is that with how the current game economy is, these blues and greens that drop often are nearly worthless in value literally. Okay so a rare drops, it’s still almost worthless in value 15s up to 50s on average in that range. An exotic drops, usually that might be 80s up to 20g but often no more than 2g on average from my experiences.

I have almost 200% MF and it seems I get an exotic maybe once a month, twice if I’m really lucky and exotics almost are low value now with the game’s economy and all of the extremely expensive items on the TP. If we go to cost of items needed to craft expensive items then the materials needed are expensive.

I make my gold because I know of some places and ways to get gold more reliably rather than kill this champ and this world boss and hope I get lucky. If i really need some gold I’d just do some gathering in select spots on several alts really quickly but that’s not why I bought GW2. I bought it to kill kitten and have fun doing it but also get some rewards for time spent.

I am ultimately on this game for fun but there needs to be some reward. We all need to make gold in order to fund whatever we want. I’m all for buying gems to buy gem store items but I’ll never buy gems to convert to gold because that removes a large part of the reason to play a MMO which is to get loot.

I remember on this older MMO, Vindictus. I’m not comparing, just using an example. There were certain item drops needed from daily raid bosses that were very rare drops and needed to craft certain gear while most items in the recipes were easily obtained there often were between 1 and up to 3 items that were rare and often too expensive to buy so when someone got that drop it felt good. It felt like actually gaining something.

The reason I mention that game is because on GW2 we can farm to attempt to get mats needed but then DR eventually will kick in and that’s a big middle finger imo from Anet to the players. If Anet doesn’t want anyone to farm excessively then perhaps they should improve the rewards.

My long standing opinion in a MMO has been that a happy player will spend more real life money on the MMO than an unhappy player. I have fun with GW2 and with people i run with and often in open world and even some dungeon pugs. Here’s something to think about though…. – How many people get annoyed by not being able to get good drops and just says screw the game and quits? -

If someone quits they certainly are not giving any money to Anet. Not everyone can spend lots of real life money on gems to convert them to gold. Not everyone can free up time to farm all the time while dealing with DR making the farming less productive. I know standard level 80 exotic gear is beyond easy to get but there’s more to get in this game that just that and if people are forced to endure things they don’t want to then they might find another game.

That goes back to my opinion of a happy player will spend more money on the game than an unhappy player. People are going to farm or find other ways to make gold. It’s like a kid fighting against a parent trying to do something they shouldn’t but in this case we’re paying players that bought this game and should be able to do what we want in the game.

Sometimes when I don’t want to do gathering runs or briefly farm something to get bad loot or watch world bosses give trash with little value, sometimes i just log out for the day. I have fun with this game because I can make gold when I need to but it’s not like it should be. So much to do on this game yet so few things actually give players reward enough to keep them interested. How many people decide not to deal with the loot nerfs, champ nerfs, everything nerfs?

Anet is hurting themselves in the long run imo. People paid for this game and many of us buy gems and support Anet. Anet should start doing things we want and make more people happy and maybe more people would buy more gems more willingly because then more people would be much happier with this game and far more satisfied. It just seems to simple that it’s mind boggling how Anet fails to act on this.

Updates are separating the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


The problem with champions are a similar problem with the low level world bosses, they’re simple, basic and extremely easy especially with a horde of players. Most champs and world bosses do nothing special and are essentially punching bags with loot drops. I think there is something Anet could do but I just don’t think they will unfortunately.

I think Anet should add in some sort of Arena, be it instanced or open world similar to the Queen’s gauntlet thing. It could be an event that requires 5 people in a party to activate and the event would start with 1 champ and as champs are killed it could start spawning 2 and more champs at a time, similar to the tier increasing during the battle.

This could continue until all 5 people are dead because once more and more champs spawned everyone would die eventually, it’d only be a matter of time. The trick to this would be the rewards could be tiered so if a group could perform well then they could essentially get even better rewards than from a boss like Tequatl. People might cry and complain that it’s too hard, not good for the casual etc but really Anet needs to cater to people that are on regularly also and not just to the overall broadest player base.

The way this could work also would be it requires a ticket from whatever events Anet would think should be done to obtain said ticket and the ticket would be only obtainable once per day thus restricting loot gain from this to once per day to prevent farming, spamming and excess rage.

By limiting this to once per day it could be set up like the queen’s gauntlet where everyone else can watch whoever is in the arena fighting which could be fun sometimes to see how well others do. So there’s your sense of community while providing people with fun, loot, rewards for time spent and a challenge.

Sure people could fight in it more than once per day but only get the loot once per day so if anyone fought more than once per day it would likely be to help others or just for fun. Champ trains and such will always be farmed endlessly but this type of arena idea could appeal to the most people. I think it’d also be fun to get to fight til death literally and not have an actual end otherwise.

Queensdale's Death

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


There is Frostgorge Sound and Cursed Shore, both of which have plenty of champs that can be farmed in a train, over and over and with better rewards than the one that was in QD. I never quite got why people wasted time on the QD train anyways. There are more than enough events that go on, on all the low level maps and above that can easily be farmed.

I say this because the only reason I can see anyone investing time into the QD train would have been to level up because the rewards otherwise are not on par with the level 80 spots with champs to farm. So I say there are plenty of events and chain events that can be farmed for reasonable loot, karma and more exp than would be obtained from champ farming.

Cheers for anti-zerg philosophy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


I think what is wrong with the Crown Pavilion is the bosses remind me of that one from Halloween, the high candycorn whatever its name was. It had an insane amount of hp which took a zerg a long time to kill. The reward versus time spent should never be so unbalanced ever. It doesn’t matter if a person is For or Against zergs, anyone that spend the time should be the appropriate rewards.

I had fun yesterday in the pavilion and will again today but i think it’s safe to say that people are not going to stay interested in content that doesn’t provide much of a reward and definitely not a reward suitable for the time spent. Rewards should reflect the time spent. Look at the low level world bosses. They are defeated really fast and give really bad rewards typically.

As you get to higher level world bosses the rewards typically get better. Jormag doesn’t always give good rewards but is a boss that’s fun and all the mobs added in simply add to it imo. Karka Queen is one that needs to be reworked because it’s as easy as a low level boss but with higher difficulty rewards.

Anet needs to find a mixture in the middle for new content. Add new LS content? That’s been part of the game but add new LS content that isn’t going to reward people? I’m not so sure many people will have positive things to say about it for very long especially when we have to donate gold to a robot to get the boss blitz to even begin.

I’m all for just having fun as I don’t need the gold nor gear anymore, been past needing that for a while and have been thoroughly enjoying the game but I still want rewards. Rewards are a must regardless of anyone’s opinion. I can explain why and it’s very simple. What if we got it to where we could get the gold reward everytime on boss blitz? What if many of us just run through the queen’s gauntlets?

How many people would keep doing it if the rewards suck? At first you might do it for the fun and it might very well be a lot of fun but there will come a point where everyone wants some sort of proper reward for the time and effort spent.

I think sometimes Anet is just anti-common sense on their end. People don’t ask for insane rewards or nonstop exotics to drop. People just ask for their time spent to have some sort of worth while reward in the form of loot. Gw2 is largely an open world mmo so zergs are going to be a part of that and Anet is not against zergs or else Anet would have to be against their own creation which would be stupid.

It amounts to the fact that Anet has been nerfing since the game was released. Everything anyone farms that is very rewarding, Anet seems to target for a nerf.

The millionth positivity thread!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


Some of the things about GW2 that are nice might be over looked by those that are always in a rush, running from champ to champ, waiting for the next world boss, grinding those dungeons etc. There are so many places in this game to go that don’t involve obtaining gear.

There are some really fun areas with jumping puzzles. There’s plenty of amusing NPC dialog where you normally wouldn’t notice if you didn’t walk off the path and slow down enough to listen. GW2 offers a variety of routes to obtain gear where as many other MMOs are more about raids and instanced content to obtain end game gear also much of it is restricted to daily or weekly. GW2 offers more freedom to progress as a pace someone wants to.

Every game has its share of negative aspects but GW2 has far more positives than negatives if people would slow down long enough to see it and it’s not just jumping puzzles as I mentioned. There’s a lot to do in this game.

Arenanet want $$? Make an expansion :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


I believe Anet will make an expansion but it could be a year or more out still, if they do it at all. Since Anet wants to work on the LS, they need to make more of the LS content permanent. I don’t say permanent just so that people can replay it over and over but also for people that may have missed some of the LS. Not everyone has the time to get on a MMO daily or even weekly so they shouldn’t have to miss out on content due to having things in the real world take up their time.

I can make time whenever usually but I would like to see Anet improve the LS since they want to use that. There’s no point in wanting an expansion month after month in different threads when Anet has clearly said they would not make an expansion yet.

I think the current model is probably best. Buy the game, play the game. Cash shop is optional but nothing really pay to win but surely creates profit for Anet. Completely free to play is a bad idea because it allows far too many annoying people in the game, especially young kids.

My only complaint about the cash shop is that I wish Anet would add better looking skins. If you’re short on money then there’s a chance you’ve got free time so you can farm gold and buy gems. Also for anyone that rushes through a LS update in an a few hours is probably in the minority.

I remember people doing LS stuff well into when the next bi-weekly LS update would be added so either all those people in the game are just doing it just to do it or they enjoy it and are not rushing through it. This is nothing new on MMOs though. A dev releases new content and there are always some people that will rush through it and then complain about being bored, not enough to do, not enough content, update was too small.

While this happens there are still many people enjoying the content.

GW2 and Other MMOs - Differences in Content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


My main issue with GW2 is there’s so many areas on the map blurred out that could and might eventually have content added to. If Anet wants to use LS then I would hope they use it to create and open up new areas and not just screw with existing areas. I think all new areas made with LS should also be like Southsun Cove was originally. It raised everyone to level 80 for the Ancient Karka event like how FOTM puts people below level 80 to level 80.

Then after the LS there is done, the zone could be level 80 only without raising player’s levels anymore just like how it was done with Southsun Cove. That way we would get new content and any new players or low level characters could experience the LS as it happened. This would prevent the LS from clustering junk in existing maps. Sure eventually Anet would need to use LS on existing maps but it would be nice if they just expanded the game and gave us new zones.

Anet seems to prefer LS which is fine with me. I just want them to give us new zones through LS rather than modify already existing zones.

warning for acendend sell

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


An easy solution is to craft or buy an invisible slot bag that hides items in it from being able to be sold or you could of course try paying attention when selling items to a merchant.

If you won't give us mounts...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


I did like having mounts in Tera but I would not like for Anet to waste time adding mounts in to an already completed and released game. If Anet added mounts then they would likely need to reconsider many aspects of the game. Can a mount do a jumping puzzle which could make it far too easy for some and far too difficult for others. If Anet added mounts would the speed buffs serve a purpose aside from those that want to make jumping puzzles easier?

I would rather Anet add things that actually add to the game and not just for more convenient ways to move faster. The game is around 2 years old now so surely everyone should be used to not having a mount by now.

Goldfarm after Featurepatch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


There are plenty of good places to farm t6 mats, rares, exotics still. I will agree though that the temple events are far worse now because nearly everytime I go to malchor or cs the temples are not contest thus no temple events. I know they can be done several times a day but I’m not going to sit and wait potentially 2 hours to be able to do an event.

I generally don’t farm that often and I don’t have the time to be on the game all the time but I still find the time to make on average around 100-150g per week casually so if you learn good spots to go to then it can be beneficial and also just play the game. Dwelling on farming or earning X amount of gold is not really the way to go in a game.

What is the Fascination with housing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


Anet will likely do what benefits Anet and also what Anet feels would interest the players the most overall. The common thing would be new content, new maps but my guess is Anet is going to resume more LS. I would be more accepting of LS if Anet left most of it in game as permanent additions. Far as player housing goes, I just don’t think Anet will add that because it might be popular at first but I just can’t see something like that keeping people interested in the game very long especially compared to new content.

This isn’t the sims nor is it real life so perhaps people should remember that it’s only a game. We buy it, we buy gems, we enjoy it, we mingle with other people and most of us have fun in the game. As to how you have your fun is up to you but my bet is on Anet doing what will profit them the most overall rather than what people on the forums would like to see in the game.

How to fix Tequatl and 3 headed wurm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


The rewards for these world bosses are not special like some may think. They’re in the game more so for a challenge for people that simply want the challenge and having a reason to organize a boss fight. Any world boss “can” drop a precursor. Teq and 3 Wurm also give more chests, more rewards and a chance at an ascended chest to open but much of it is no better than what can be obtained from champ farming.

If someone wants to try to get an ascended drop, FOTM is perfect for that and it’s only a 5 person set of dungeons so that’s easy to get a proper group for. Crafting ascended gear is very easy and not even that time consuming aside from a few time gated items to craft which slows it down slightly.

For anyone that does not get to kill these 2 world bosses, you’re not missing out on something special. I’ve gotten some ascended weapon chests from Teq before, one being spire of the sunless. I’m using this as an example because it’s simply rabid stats which can be crafted and the color is almost identical to that which is crafted so the only difference there is the name of the item.

I think Anet needs dungeons to go along with FOTM but simply design them so people can’t do their boring stacking on this wall, on that boss and spam skills and auto attack. I’d like to see new dungeons designed to require actual effort. I like FOTM but the randomness is annoying at times when it gives a map or two far too many times day after day.

The other day, 2 days in a row the dredge map was one of them and the swamp also. I’d like to be able to select which maps to do on each fotm run just so it can be different since I don’t usually run it daily anymore, not for a long time.

Far as the world bosses go such as Teq and Wurms, they’re just fine. There’s no insanely special rewards, better rewards yes but nothing to care about much so those bosses are fine for the challenge. The bosses that need some work done I would think are Maw, Jungle Wurm, FE, Shatterer, Karka Queen. Sure those have pre-events but once the boss fight starts it’s a short fight and largely people auto attacking.

The world bosses should never have been easy but they are. They should be challenging content because they’re insanely huge bosses. They shouldn’t be virtual punching bags so to speak for people to auto attack and collect loot from. I hope Anet works on all of the world bosses to make them at least as difficult as Teq.

Jormag is about the only original boss that was good and has remained good. There’s plenty going on with Jormag but it’s easy enough for any random zerg of people to complete. The other bosses really need to be improved and made more difficult and of course improve rewards.

This daily routine I see of people rushing from world boss to champ type world boss to this boss to that world boss just to collect their junk loot in hopes for something good, well this needs to be changed. It’s completely pointless right now. Teq is a very easy and simple world boss to kill if people pays attention, learns the fight and actually tries. If people use the WP when dead, if those on turrets do their part and everyone pays attention while defending then the fight can be smooth and easy and won every single time unless there are not enough people for it.

Game feels unrewarding

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


While many can say getting a legendary is a luxury, it is a time consuming and pointless chore for something so lacking. The legendaries essentially are just skins because with ascended weapons you can get the same stats with far less time, gold and effort involved. RNG and bad drops is a commonplace in MMOs so that’s no surprise GW2 is that way. When GW2 was new it was far more rewarding until Anet continued nerfing rewards.

The amount of time needed to be spent to obtain a lot of gold is just insane. On other MMOs there are high value items and lots of them to go after from bosses and other areas. On GW2, far too often, people just follow the zerg, champ after champ, world boss after world boss, hoping for that one good drop, hoping for that precursor.

There are just not that many high priced or high value items to go after so making a lot of gold is a slow road for most people. Get an exotic drop, to to sell on TP, oh it only sells for 1 or 2g. Well that’s somewhat useless given that there are many ways to make more gold and faster but farming of any kind gets simply boring if it has to be repeated over and over to add up to be worth something.

Free Wardrobe for lvl 1-79

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


I don’t think Anet will change this because they want to make money from it but a fair solution would be that if you use a transmutation charge on a skin, that skin should be free to transmute from then on out. It could be a one time charge for each skin so Anet would still sell the charges, just not as many. If you had a look you wanted from level 5 and it involved 5 pieces since you can’t use shoulders yet then you would spend 5 charges and be able to transmute those for free every time changing gear but Anet likely will never change it.

Ability to Move/Swap Weapon Abilities?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


Actually yea, it’s easy to remember every skill on every weapon on every class including the engineer kits and weapons. Maybe I just have a good memory but if you use them enough you’ll probably remember them all. I preferred to focus as much as possible on a character while leveling it. I think that helped remember the skills and I also thoroughly tried every weapon combination while leveling to decide on what to use at level 80.

By time I would get a character to level 80 I would know everything about it. Sure it could be better, like on a MMO called Tera you could fully customize the skill bars per character and it saved it separately per character including the fully customizable UI. I would have said Anet would never consider addressing this but they did address a few things with the feature update a while back so maybe they would one day.

I personally just remember all of it and am fine with it but the option to further customize should be there for people to use if they want. I think i know what the OP is truly referring to now though but it’s still just a matter of remembering and using a character enough to remember.

On Guardian with GS, skill 3 is a leap attack but on Warrior with main hand sword skill 2 is a leap attack, on Ranger with main hand sword skill 2 is a retreat into a leap attack.

On Ranger with dagger in offhand skill 5 throws the dagger while on Thief with offhand dagger skill 4 throws the dagger.

I don’t think Anet put much, if any time into deciding what skill is for what number but it is what it is. There has been talk about this and the UI for a long time, from time to time but I haven’t seen where Anet has ever even acknowledged this before. I am fine with the skills myself but I would like the UI to be customizable, movable etc which likely would include being able to move skills around for each weapon combination per character.

I don’t say to just remember it and do this or that to remember it better just to say it. Anet may never care to do anything about this so it’s best to just remember the skills on the different classes and weapons. I don’t always have a lot of time to get in the game but when I can i usually try to do something on each character even if it’s simple gathering and kill some mobs while doing so.

That’s a good way to keep the variation of skills fresh in mind more long term. The skills are part of the UI and I think it’s a horribly flashy UI when it could be far less flashy and far more useful. Most MMOs I’ve played aside from GW2 when it comes to the skills, they usually have basic looking squares where the skills go but on GW2 they have pictures, animations etc and on Guardian the aura looking thing over the skill bar.

Ability to Move/Swap Weapon Abilities?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


The problem here is that in many other MMOs I’ve played you get 1 or 2 weapons and then simply many variations of the same weapon so the skills are more universal and can easily be moved around on a skill bar. I don’t really see the problem with the current bindings though.

I use 1,2,3,4,5 for my weapons then Q to heal, Tab for a utility skill, E for elite and mouse button 4,5 on my mouse for the first 2 utility skills. F to interact, T to call target, U to take target etc etc. It’s all quite simple really, just change some bindings and get used to them.

If your brain cannot remember key bindings then I really don’t know what else to say right now.

An End to the Queensdale Train

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


Troll is in a cave where most new players won’t even go unless randomly exploring.
Bandit is near a Vista people would get but the train doesn’t affect that.
Oak is mostly in its own spot and the train again doesn’t affect new players.
Boar is out of the way on a hill and doesn’t affect new players.
Wasp doesn’t spawn as often but again simply does not affect new players.

The Champions in Queensdale are mostly in their own areas and does not affect the progress, enjoyment or learning curve of any new players. Every MMO has annoying people on chat, that’s nothing new and definitely not unique to GW2. In fact, GW2 has one of the most pleasant communities out of all the MMOs I’ve played over the years.

People will complain about something no matter what. Anet wanted GW2 to be rich in open world content, sure Anet doesn’t always go about things right but it’s their game. GW2 is also designed to be heavy on Zergs so why not introduce a new player to Zergs early on.

Unless you really play slow, it really doesn’t involve much time at all to 100% Queensdale and move on to the next zone. People have the right to play the way they want to. I personally think Champ farming is an utter waste of time and highly inefficient but some people prefer lazy farming in hopes of getting a get rich drop here and there.

Maw and Tadiha Conv. Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


Anet could simply add in some AOE attacks that instantly incap select people similar to how Jade Maw in FOTM does except more than 1 or 5 people at a time.

Dragonbash is only a month away !!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


I think this would be a perfect opportunity for Anet to do something new and make some sort of seasonal summer event in Southsun Cove since that place has not seen much attention since its release overall.

customizable ui

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


I liked the UI on Tera since it could be moved around, customized etc. Everything could be split up, separated and placed where ever, on the bottom, top, left or right side of the screen. The skill bar on GW2 looks too flashy, too bulky, simply too much clutter on the screen that isn’t needed and doesn’t add to the game at all.

I’d like to be able to move the skill bar, hp etc to the top of the screen and shrink it. I don’t need to see icons and animations in the skill bar, just the cool downs so if Anet did this it’d make it much better imo. I could also actually go for just hiding the skill bar completely as most skills are fairly low cool downs anyways.

I know we can hide the UI but my main problem with that is I want the mini-map, events, quests and such to remain on the screen on the right side but hiding the UI hides 100% of everything even the chat. Anet really should, if anything, just add the ability to change the side of the UI, move the skill bar etc which is actually quite simple.

raid in gw2 and reward for them could be ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


I would like to see some raids but not the typical kind seen in other MMOs I’ve played. I think it’d be fun if we had raids set up like a slighter larger version of dungeons but instead of a typical 8 person raid I’ve seen in other MMOs I’ve played I’d like it to be two 5 person groups as the game already does that but the 2 parties would start at 2 different locations, maybe chosen randomly from a few potential starting locations and the 2 parties would meet up after clearing some mobs, champs etc and then eventually end up fighting a larger scale enemies.

They could be similar to world bosses but not quite so big because tbh the world bosses lost their massive appeal after seeing them a time or two so doing that more would be pointless and the massive bosses so far do not add any difficulty that a smaller boss would. The rewards from these could be the same quality as from world bosses.

I doubt Anet would do this but I would like to see something actually fun as an alternative to world bosses. We all know world bosses are pretty tame and most people just stand there auto attacking until it dies and collect loot then move on to the next one. Then we have easy world bosses like Tequatl that fails when it’s far too easy to ever fail yet it still does lol,

This would also provide an alternative for those that want some challenge and the better loot reward. Just like in FOTM, the higher scale level you go, the better loot you can get which can reward those that put forth more effort and those that want to be lazy auto attacking can stay at the basic world bosses.

Gw2 most grindy game ever..?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


We have FOTM for a good chance at obtaining Ascended gear, we can craft Ascended gear which many components comes from lower level materials that are intended to be gathered while roaming the game world, perhaps gather while waiting for a world boss to start or whatever else. All of the materials are obtainable over time without grinding for them. Anyone that grinds for something simply wants said item faster than Anet intended the itended.

If anyone grinds on GW2, it’s their choice but by far is no requirement. This “grind” happens in all MMOs because there are always people that wants the “supposed” end game or current best gear as fast as possible and grinds to get it. My advice is to not care what other people thinks or has. If the next person wanted to No-Life it for a while and grind for a legendary then let them lol.

Anet spread out what is needed for Legendary and Ascended most likely to encourage people to actually play the game and not stay in one spot. Yesterday just while roaming the game world, running a few dungeons, doing a few world bosses and random champs, among loot I got were 7 powerful bloods. Sure for Legendary you need 250 of this that etc but I got those without even farming for them so just play the game and get what you get when you get it. Ascended and Legendary provides a small stat increase from Exotic so it’s not a need, just a luxury with little benefit past the visual.

Gw2 most grindy game ever..?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


There is plenty of do on GW2 without grinding plus Legendaries are over rated and a luxury “choice” and in no way needed because Ascended weapons are just as good and easier to get. I’ve played some MMOs that are grind fests, GW2 is anything but a grind fest unless someone individually makes it be one for themselves. Just enjoy the game and get what you get at whatever pace you have fun at and if that’s not working for you then maybe it’s time to take a break from GW2. I’ve taken a break from the game a couple times before and it helped make the game more fun again for me personally.

Another Swimsuit Request!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


that all depends on where you live, where i live in the summer time it’s extremely common for women to wear bikinis, especially short shorts with a bikini top in stores etc but i am near the ocean but still, it’s common and no big deal so anet should add it just for more options plus if anet added bikinis and swim suits and other swim wear to the gem store i bet they’d sell lots of gems.

Do champs have a 50 tag limit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


If anyone visually knows by damage being dealt that they did enough damage yet did not get loot then it’s most likely server lag or client lag or both causing the game to not credit someone on the server for the amount of damage shown on the client side. The best way to avoid this is just to party up, it is a MMO after all so why play if you’re not going to play with people?

Following a mindless champ train zerg is not actually playing with people, that’s just mindlessly following a farming routine that other people are also doing. Maybe Anet notices and might address this, maybe they won’t because Anet does want people to group up and grouping up would solve this problem for anyone that is getting this problem.

Also if people party up in a party of 5 people then they have a better chance at getting better drops by doing more total damage via the party so it just makes sense to start a party or join a party for champ farming.

can you guys change back the camera?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


The useoldfov thing came from ArenaNet themselves i don’t remember when, over a year ago but for charr/norn if you zoom all the way in then zoom out twice it shows them better and zoom out once for humans. The height of the character also affects this. At some point ArenaNet changed the fov to provide a larger fov, probably for zergs, wvw and such. The newer fov is actually better for norn/charr but the useoldfov is better for human, asura and sylvari imo.

Anet did it how they wanted so there’s not much we can do. If anyone wanted to deal with the annoyance you could make a second gw2 shortcut, one to use the current fov and one to use the old fov but then you’d have to exit the game to change it. it’s a shame anet didn’t just add more increments into the zooming which would have solved the problem for everyone and for anet would have been everybit as easy as changing the zoom originally.

I use the oldfov and for human, asura, sylvari i keep the zoom 1 zoom out and for norn/charr i zoom out twice total. it does make the bodies of the charr/norn look slightly smaller but at least it shows their bodies/armor etc.

Server lag/ Skill delay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


I personally have not had any lag or skill lag with the megaserver but if you think yourself and others are having this issue then you’d probably get more done by contacting support on this site than posting on the forums.

can you guys change back the camera?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


It may or may not help in your situation but if you add this to your GW2.exe shortcut it will revert the camera to the original one before anet made changes to it which I prefer still. -useOldFov

on mine it looks like: “C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -useOldFov
for the shortcut, may or may not help you get your character zoomed more to your liking.

More and Better Dungeons And/Or Instances

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: southbeatz.2780


I assume most have ran a few times at least in Fractals of the Mist and I was wondering what people might think about Anet actually giving some worth while updates and improvements. In FOTM, you sometimes have to actually do more than just attack to get through them and after completing 3 areas you get the 4th for the boss.

I would like to see dungeons and instances similar to story instances where 5 player group up but can run some content and fight bosses similar to the world bosses for loot that is as good as from the world bosses. I’d like this as a way to optionally avoid the mindless and time wasting massive zergs of 100-150 going from zone to zone to kill world bosses as fast as possible with no effort or skill involved.

We get a world boss like Tequatl and although it should be a very easy world boss, we have people going AFK, we have people laying dead and not using the WP which takes away from damage being dealt to the boss. We then have people reviving those that are down and not dead but too often accidentally reviving those that are dead which takes longer and takes from the person reviving being able to deal damage or contribute to the fight otherwise.

Adding some new and improved dungeons and instances where we can group up with a much smaller group of people to fight bosses like these world bosses but with actual mechanics like seen in FOTM. I would prefer this not to be a part of FOTM because FOTM is more focused on ascended gear. I would like this just for an alternative so we could avoid those giant mindless zergs more. I don’t want to go to Shatterer and auto attack or spam different skills and a few minutes later collect my loot and move on. That’s almost boring.

Living Story usually includes some sort of instance but it’s temporary content and often completely pointless and mostly time wasted in the end. Maybe Anet could modify LS to give the new content but afterwards leave new dungeons and instances. Maybe they could stop with the content that lasts 2-4 weeks usually and modify it more to make it worth doing.

What if a boss like the Shaman MAW or whatever he was called, there’s one similar in FOTM, what if one like that was placed into a dungeon or some sort of instance where 5 people group up to fight it and can get the same type of reward from it but in the process being able to avoid the massive zergs putting on a light show of particle effects making the fight feel pointless.

I was just wondering what everyone thinks about this. I don’t read through the forums that much so I wanted to just create a thread.